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SPEC PRO Reviewer resident, venue is in the province where his

Special Proceeding estate/property is located.

- An application to establish the status or a right of - Residence pertains to person’s actual residence
a party or a particular fact or any other remedy or place of abode, provided he resides therein
other than an ordinary suit in a court of justice with continuity and consistency
- Probate court cannot issue writs of execution
Subject Matter of Special Proceeding: - Demurrer to evidence is applicable
1. Settlement of estate of deceased persons
2. Escheat What must be contained in the petition:
3. Guardianship 1. Allege the fact of death
4. Trustees 2. Residence of the deceased at the time of his
5. Adoption death
6. Rescission and revocation of adoption 3. Gross value of the estate
7. Hospitalization of the insane person
8. Habeas corpus Death certificate is the best evidence to establish
9. Change of name residence at the time of death
10. Voluntary dissolution of corporation
11. Judicial approval of voluntary recognition of Testacy takes precedence over intestacy to avoid
minor natural children dissipation of the properties’ value and to transfer the
12. Constitution of family home properties immediately.
13. Declaration of absence and death
14. Cancellation or correction of entries in the civil Extrajudicial Settlement Requirement:
registry 1. No pending debts
2. Heirs are of legal age or minors that are
Enumeration is not exclusive represented
3. Publication in a newspaper of general circulation
Civil Action vs Special Proceeding 4. Extrajudicial settlement must be registered in
Special Proceeding Civil Action registry of deeds
It is a remedy seeks to One by which a party 5. All heirs must agree
establish a status, a right, sues another for the 6. No will
or a particular fact. enforcement or protection 7. Bond based on personal property
of a right or the
prevention or redress of a Ordinary action for partition if co-heirs do not agree
Generally commenced by Commenced by filing of No prescription against a lawful heir when he is deprived
application, petition or a complaint. of his lawful inheritance. His remedy is an Ordinary civil
special form of pleading. action for nullification of EJS.
Does not pray for Prays for affirmative relief
affirmative relief for injury arising from a party’s Summary Settlement of Estate
arising from a party’s wrongful act or omission General Rule: Property left by the deceased should be
wrongful act or omission and states a cause of judicially administered and the competent court should
nor state a cause of action that can be appoint a qualified administrator.
action that can be enforced against a
enforced against a person. Exception:
person. 1. Extrajudicial settlement by agreement
2. Action for partition
Other Special Procceding: 3. Self-adjudication of a sole heir by executing an
1. Corporate rehabilitation is a special proceeding affidavit
and summary in nature. 4. Summary settlement of estates of small value
2. Arbitration (P10,000.00)
3. Liquidation of an insolvent corporation
4. Declaration of heirship Requisites of a valid extrajudicial settlement:
1. Decedent died intestate
Special Proceeding has no definite adverse party. 2. No outstanding debts at the time of the
Rules in civil actions are applicable in special proceeding 3. Heirs are all of age or the minors are
except when it impedes the speedy disposition of special represented
proceeding cases. 4. Made in a public instrument duly filed with the
registry of deeds
Subject of Estate of Deceased Person: 5. Judicial settlement must be published in a
- Can be testate or intestate newspaper of general circulation in the province
- Intestate if there is no will and testate has a will. once a week for three consecutive weeks
Probate of a will is mandatory. 6. In case of personal property, a bond equivalent
- Proceeding in rem in value
- Claims against the deceased should be filed
during the settlement proceedings of their estate Summary proceeding for the settlement of the estate if
- Jurisdiction over probate depends upon the gross value is P10,000.00 without need of an
gross value of the estate: administrator or executor.
 If value does not exceed P400,000.00
(Metro Manila) MTC otherwise, RTC Partition of inheritance may be effected by:
 If value does not exceed P300,000.00 1. Heirs themselves extrajudicially
(Province) MTC otherwise RTC 2. Court in an ordinary action for partition
- Venue is determined by the residence of the 3. By testator himself
deceased at the time of his death. If he is non- 4. A third person designated by the testator
The presence of the requisites of extrajudicial partition or
an action partition does not prevent the heirs from Dormant accounts may be inquired into by the State to
instituting an administration proceeding if they have good determine the status, custody, and ownership of the
reasons for choosing not to file an action for partition. unclaimed balance to determine whether the inactivity
Summary settlement of estate is not mandatory. was brought by the fact of death, absence of, or
abandonment by the depositor. After the proceeding and
Ordinary action for partition therefore is meant to take the property remains without a lawful owner interested to
the place of the special proceeding on the settlement of claim it, the property shall revert to the State.
the estate.
Partition is inappropriate where there are issues as to Part 1: Rules of Court: Guardianship of Incompetent
the expenses chargeable to the estate. Heirs/distributees who are not Minors
of the properties may take possession thereof even
before the settlement of accounts as long as they filed a Guardianship is a trust relation of the most sacred
bond. character, in which one person called “guardian” acts
for another called “ward” whom the law regards as
Summary Settlement of estates of small value incapable of managing his own affairs.
- Hearing shall be held not less than one month - Designed to further the ward’s well-being NOT
nor more than three months from the date of the that of the guardian.
last publication of a notice. - Intended to preserve the wards property, as well
as to render any assistance that the ward may
Escheat: personally require.
Escheat is proper when a person dies WITHOUT a will,
leaving an estate WITHOUT any legal heir or person Basis of guardianship is parens patriae inherent in the
lawfully entitled to the same. supreme power of the State. It is in the interest of
- A proceeding whereby the State, by virtue of humanity and for the prevention of injury to those who
sovereignty, steps in and claims the real or cannot protect themselves.
personal property of a person who dies intestate
leaving no heir. In the absence of lawful owner, Guardian – person in whom the law has entrusted the
a property is claimed by the State to forestall an custody and control of the person or estate or both of an
open “invitation to self-service by the first infant, insane, or other person incapable of managing his
timers”. own affairs.
- Do not apply where the land unconstitutionally - Classifications:
acquired by an alien was subsequently 1. According to Scope of power:
transferred to a Filipino citizen as in the case of a. General – responsible over the
succession. person of the ward or over his property.
b. Limited – over the property only.
Republic of the Philippines is the real party-in- 2. According to Constitution:
interest. The action shall be instituted by the Solicitor a. General
General or the officer acting in his stead, in behalf of the b. Legal – parent of the ward; person
Republic. who, without need of judicial
Escheat is allowed when the decedent died with a will c. Guardian ad litem – any competent
but the will was not allowed and he has no known heirs, person appointed by the court to
and there are no persons entitled to his property. prosecute or defend a minor, insane, or
person declared to be incompetent, IN
Personal Estate shall be assigned to the municipality or AN ACTION IN COURT.
city where he LAST RESIDED in the Philippines.
Regional Trial Court where the INCOMPETENT WHO
Real Estate shall be assigned to the municipality or city IS NOT A MINOR RESIDES shall have jurisdiction over
in which the same is LOCATED. guardianship proceedings.

The proper VENUE for escheat proceeding must be the Family Court where the MINOR RESIDES shall have
place where the deceased person LAST RESIDED. jurisdiction over guardianship proceedings.

Claim against a property ALREADY ESCHEATED must VENUE is place of residence. If they reside OUTSIDE
be made within FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF the Philippines, petition may be filed in the RTC of the
THE ESCHEAT JUDGMENT. place where the property may be situated.
- Conditions for claim
1. Claim must be within five years; Settling the controversy over the title over properties
2. Shall have possession or title to the conveyed in the course of the guardianship proceeding
same; is beyond the jurisdiction of the guardianship court.
3. If sold, the municipality or city shall be However, if the title of the property is clearly and
accountable for the proceeds after undisputedly owned by the ward, the guardianship court
deducting the estate; may order its return or delivery.
4. Claim not made within five years shall
be barred forever. The following are the persons who may petition for
appointment of guardian with respect to incompetent
An escheat proceeding CANNOT be converted into an other than minors:
ordinary special proceeding. 1. Any relative
2. Friend
The personality to file a case challenging the capacity of 3. Other person in behalf of incompetent
a person to acquire or to own land based on non- who had no parents or lawful guardian
citizenship is the State through the Solicitor General.
4. Director of Health for insane person who - To render a true and just account of all the
should be hospitalized or isolated leper estate of the ward in his hands, and of all
5. Any person interested in the estate of proceeds or interest derived therefrom, and of
the incompetent. the management and disposition of the same, at
the time designated by these rules and such
The following are the persons who may petition for other times as the court directs and at the
appointment of guardian with respect to minors: expiration of his trust to settle his accounts with
1. Any relative the correct court and deliver and pay over all the
2. Other person in behalf of the minor estate, effects, and moneys remaining in hands,
3. Minor himself if 14 years old or over or due from him on such settlement, to the
4. Secretary of Social Welfare and person lawfully entitled thereto.
Secretary of health if minor is insane - To perform all orders of the court by him to be
who needs to be hospitalized. performed

Contents of the petition for guardianship over the minor: Court may require new bond, whenever necessary, and
1. Jurisdictional facts may discharge the sureties on the old bond from further
2. Name, age, and residence of the prospective liability, after due after due notice to interested persons,
ward when no injury can result.
3. Ground rendering the appointment necessary or
convenient Before conveyance of properties of the ward, judicial
4. Death of the parents of the minor or the approval is necessary.
termination, deprivation, or suspension of their
parental authority
5. Remarriage of the minors surviving parent Grounds when the guardian may sell or encumber
6. Names, age, and residences of relative within the estate:
the 4th civil degree of minor and of persons 1. When income of the estate under guardianship
having hm custody is insufficient to maintain the ward and his family
7. Probable value, character, and location of the 2. Maintain and educate the ward when minor
property of the minor 3. When it appears beneficial to the ward and the
8. Name, age, and residence, of the person for proceeds thereof put at interest, or invested in
whom letters of guardianship are prayed. some productive security.

Contents of the petition for guardianship over an Notice to next of kin and to all the person interested in
incompetent other than a minor: the estate is necessary before sale or encumbrance.
1. Jurisdictional facts
2. Incompetency of the person rendering the Next of kin means relative whose relationships are such
appointment of a guardian necessary or as to entitle them to shares in the real estate as
convenient distributees.
3. Probable value and character of his estate
4. Names, ages, and residences of the relative of GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF A GUARDIAN:
the incompetent as well as the persons having 1. Have care and custody of the person of the
him under their care wards, the management of his estate or
5. Names of the person for whom letter of management of the estate only
guardianship are prayed. 2. Pay the debts of the ward
3. Settle accounts, collect debts, and appear in
APPOINTING A GUARDIAN: 4. Manage the estate of the ward frugally, and
1. Financial situation apply the proceeds to maintenance of the ward
2. Physical condition 5. Render verified inventory within three months
3. Sound judgment, prudence, and trustworthiness after his appointment and annually
4. Moral character and conduct 6. Must present his account to the court for
5. Present and past history of a prospective settlement and allowance.
6. Probability of his being able to exercise the Guardian is prohibited from making donations of the
powers and duties of guardian for the full period properties entrusted to him.
during which guardianship is necessary.
Grounds for termination of guardianship over a minor:
Grandparents enjoy preference in the appointment of 1. Ward has come of age
guardian. 2. Death of the ward
3. Death of the guardian
A minor above 14 years old is entitled to notice and
such notice is jurisdictional. Grounds for the termination of guardianship over
incompetent other than a minor:
A guardian must file a bond. 1. Competency of the ward has been judicially
- To make and return to the court within three determined
months, a true and complete inventory of all the 2. Guardianship is no longer necessary
estate, real and personal, of his ward which shall 3. Death of the ward
come to his possession or knowledge or to the 4. Death of the guardian
possession or knowledge of any other person for
him. Courts are mandated to take into account all relevant
- To faithfully execute the duties of his trust, to circumstances that would have bearing on the children’s
manage and dispose of the estate according to well-being and development.
these rules for the best interests of the ward,
and to provide for the proper care, custody, and General rule: mother is to be preferred in awarding
education of the ward. custody of children under the age of seven. Applies to
both legitimate and illegitimate children (Tender-age - failed to render an account or make a return for
presumption) thirty days after it is due
- the court may allow the guardian to resign for
Exception: Mother has been declared unsuitable to justifiable reasons
have custody of her children.
a. neglect Ground for termination of guardianship:
b. abandonment - ward has come of age
c. unemployment - ward died
d. immorality
e. habitual drunkenness Adoption:
f. drug addiction Adoption is a juridical act, a proceeding in rem, which
g. maltreatment of the child creates between two persons a relationship similar to
h. insanity that which results from legitimate paternity and filiation.
i. affliction with a communicable disease - Entirely artificial
- Statutory requirement must be strictly carried out
Sexual preference or moral laxity alone does not amount - Fact of adoption is never presumed but must
to neglect or incompetence affirmatively proved by the person claiming its
Adoption statutes should be LIBERALLY CONSTRUED
Grounds for the appointment of a guardian for minors: in a manner that will sustain rather than defeat the
- death, continued absence, or incapacity of his purpose of promoting the welfare of the child.
- suspension, deprivation or termination of Petition for adoption shall be filed with the family court
parental authority of the province or city where the prospective
- marriage of his surviving parent, if the latter is adoptive parents reside.
found unsuitable to exercise parental authority
- when best interests of the minor so require. Adoption of a Filipino child may filed by a foreign national
of Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad with the
The following should be considered: family court having jurisdiction over the place where
- moral character the child resides or may be found. It may be filed
- physical, mental, and psychological conditions directly with the Inter-Country Adoption Board.
- financial status
- relationship of trust with the minor Domestic Inter-country
- availability to exercise the powers and duties of Adoption Adoption
a guardian for the full period of the guardianship Jurisdiction Family Court Family Court
- lack of conflict of interest with the minor where the having
- ability to manage the property of the minor adopter resides jurisdiction over
the place where
Order of preference in appointing guardian for the child resides
minors: or may be
- surviving grandparents and in case of several found. May be
grandparents survive, the court shall select any filed directly
of them taking into account all relevant with the Inter-
considerations Country
- oldest brother or sister of the minor over 21 Adoption Board.
years of age, unless unfit or disqualified Application By filing a Through the
- actual custodian of the minor over 21 years old petition with the agency located
unless unfit or disqualified Family Court in in the foreign
- any other person, who in the sound discretion of the Philippines country.
the court, would serve the best interest of the Trial Custody Shall be made Shall be
minor. in the mandatory in
Philippines the country of
Petition for guardianship shall be verified and within six the adopter
accompanied by a certification against forum shopping. months
Publication Necessary Not required
ANY person may contest the petition. Prayer May be allowed None
to pray for
Hearing may be closed to public, at the discretion of the change of
court, and the records of the case shall not be released name,
without court approval. rectification of
simulated birth
When the market value of the property or the annual certificate, or
income of the child exceeds P50,000.00, the parent declare that
concerned shall furnish a bond in such amount child is a
determined by the court which shall not be less than foundling or
10% of such property or annual income. abandoned.

Grounds for Removal or Resignation of Guardian Intercountry Adoption is a socio-legal process of

- when guardian becomes insane, or otherwise adopting a Filipino child by foreigner or a Filipino citizen
incapable of discharging his trust permanently residing abroad where the petition is filed,
- unsuitable the supervised trial custody is undertaken, and the
- wasted or mismanaged the property of the ward decree of adoption is issued outside the Philippines.
Written consent of the biological parents is indispensable judgment. However, it may be allowed as a post-
for the validity of a decree of adoption. Except when the conviction remedy when the proceedings leading
subject of adoption is deemed as an abandoned child. A to the conviction were attended by any of the
certification from DSWD stating that the child is legally following exceptional circumstance:
available for adoption is needed. a. deprivation of constitutional right
resulting in the restraint of a person.
Legal Effects of an Adoption Decree b. court has no jurisdiction to impose the
1. Sever all legal ties between the biological sentence.
parents and the adoptee, except when the c. imposed penalty was excessive, thus
biological parent is the spouse of the adopter. voiding the sentence as to such excess.
2. Adoptee is deemed as a legitimate child of the
adopter. Two Stages of Writ of Habeas Corpus
3. Give the adopter and the adoptee reciprocal 1. A person restrained of his liberty may be
rights and obligations arising from parent-child released from any kind of detention
relationship 2. Are detained from the control of those who are
a. right of the adopter to name the child entitled to their custody. It requires the
b. right of the adopter and the adoptee determination of whether his detention or
to be legal and compulsory heirs of each confinement is illegal or not or whether by his
other detention, another person is deprived of his legal
custody over him.
Whose consent is necessary to effect adoption:
- Adoptee if ten years old and above Object of writ of habeas corpus is to inquire into the
- Biological parents if known, legal guardian, or legality of detention, and if detention is found to be
proper government entity which has legal illegal, to require the release of the detainee. Writ will
custody of the child NOT issue where the person in whose behalf the writ is
- Legitimate and adopted children ten years or sought, is judged with jurisdiction or by virtue of a
above, of the adopter and adoptee, if any judgement or of a court record.
- Illegitimate children, ten years or above, of the
adopter and the latter’s spouse, if any The law requires ACTUAL or PHYSICAL confinement.
- Spouse of the person adopting or to be adopted However, actual physical restraint is NOT always
required; any restraint which will prejudice freedom of
General Rule: Husband and wife must jointly adopt. action is sufficient.

Exception: Burden of proving illegal restraint rests on the

1. If one spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate child petitioner who attaches such restraint.
of the other Preliminary Citation – where a person is detained
2. If one spouse seeks to adopt his own illegitimate under governmental authority and the illegality of his
child provided that the other spouse consented detention is not patent from the petition for the writ, the
3. If spouses are legally separated from each court may issue a citation to the government officer
other. having the person in his custody to show cause why the
writ shall not issue.
Habeas Corpus:
Habeas Corpus is a writ directed to the person Peremptory Writ – issued when the cause of detention
detaining another and commanding him to produce the appears to be patently illegal and the non-compliance
body of the prisoner at a certain time and place, with the therewith is punishable.
day and the cause of his caption and detention, to do,
and receive whatsoever the court or judge awarding the Writ of Habeas Corpus may be used with writ of
writ shall consider in the behalf. certiorari for the purpose of review. However, habeas
- Extends to all cases of: corpus does not lie where the petitioner has the remedy
a. illegal confinement or detention by which a of appeal or certiorari because it will not be permitted to
person is deprived of his liberty perform the functions of a writ of error or appeal for the
b. rightful custody of any person is withheld from purpose of reviewing errors or irregularities in the
the person entitled thereto except as otherwise proceedings of a court having jurisdiction over the
expressly provided by law. person and the subject matter.
- Like a proceeding in rem; constituted for the
purpose of fixing the status of a person May be granted by the following:
1. Supreme Court which is enforceable throughout
- No judgment entered against anybody as there
the Philippines.
is no real plaintiff and defendant.
2. Court Appeals which is enforceable throughout
- NOT in the nature of a writ of error
the Philippines.
- CANNOT take the place of an appeal 3. Regional Trial Court which is enforceable within
- CANNOT be used to investigate and consider the respective judicial region.
questions of error relating to procedure on merits 4. Municipal Trial Court where there is no available
- NOT ordinarily granted where the law provides RTC judge.
for other remedies in the regular course 5. Sandiganbayan only if it is in aid of its appellate
- Summary Remedy jurisdiction.
- DOES NOT act upon the prisoner who seeks
relief but upon the person who holds him in what The court in granting the writ of habeas corpus must
is alleged to be the unlawful authority. consider the following:
- Regarded as a palladium of liberty is a - Whether the petitioner is restrained
prerogative writ which does NOT issue as a - Inquire into the cause of detention
matter of right but in the sound discretion of the - If the cause is unlawful, then the writ should be
court or judge. granted and the petitioner be discharged
- NOT issued when the person is in custody
because of a judicial process or a valid
When the release of the person in whose behalf the Court of Appeals and writ shall be enforceable
application for a writ of habeas corpus was filed is anywhere in the Philippines.
effected, the petition for the issuance of the writ
becomes moot and Requisites for the valid grant of the writ involving
academic. Except where a minor is involved. The court custody of minors:
may NOT dismiss a petition for a writ of habeas corpus 1. Petitioner has the right of custody
on the ground that the minor had already been produced 2. Rightful custody over the minor is being withheld
in court. Rather, it is prosecuted to determine the right of by the respondent
custody over a child. 3. Must serve the best interest of the minor child to
be in the custody of the petitioner rather than
Application shall be by a petition signed and verified with the respondent
either by the party for whose relief it is intended or by
some person on his behalf. Must be filed with the family court of the province or
city where the petitioner resides or where the minor
Must be construed LIBERALLY. may be found.

CANNOT be granted if the accused has only served the Motion to dismiss is not allowed except on the ground
minimum of his sentence as he must serve the maximum of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter or over
term of his sentence. the parties.

NO court may compel a husband to live with his wife. Respondent shall file an answer within 5 days after
service of summons and a copy of petition.
Waiver under Art. 125 of RPC does NOT give the State
the right to detain a person indefinitely. Writ of habeas Pre-trial is mandatory. Within 15 days after the filing
corpus is proper when the detention against the detainee of the answer or the expiration of the period to file
is beyond the prescribed period in the aforementioned answer, the court shall issue an order fixing a date for
article. pre-trial conference; direct the parties to file their
respective pre-trial brief and require the respondent to
Allegations in the return are deemed admitted if not present the minor before the court.
controverted. Failure to file a return amounts to an
admission of the truth of the facts stated in the return Effects of failure to appear on Pre-Trial:
and justifies dismissal of the petition for habeas corpus. 1. If petitioner fails to appear personally, the
petition shall be dismissed unless his counsel or
If he is lawfully imprisoned or restrained on a charge of authorized appears and proves a valid excuse
having committed an offense not so punishable, he may for the non-appearance.
be recommitted to imprisonment or admitted to bail in the 2. If respondent fails to appear petitioner shall be
discretion of the court or judge. allowed to present evidence ex parte.

Detention prisoner can avail of the habeas corpus The court may issue provisional order awarding custody.
proceeding to post bail to ensure his appearance before
the court if the offense charged is bailable and if he has Order of preference:
been detained and held without bail. However, if the 1. Both parents jointly
offense is non-bailable, he cannot obtain his 2. Either parent unless parent chosen is unfit
provisional liberty on bail by habeas corpus proceeding. 3. Grandparents unless the grandparent chosen is
unfit or disqualified
Appeal in habeas corpus shall be 48 hours from notice 4. Eldest brother or sister over 21 years of age
of the judgment appealed from. unless unfit or disqualified
5. Actual custodian of the minor over 21 years of
NO need to file a motion for execution for habeas corpus age unless unfit or disqualified
decision. 6. Any other person or institution suitable to
provide proper care and guidance for the minor
Best interest of the minor refers to the totality of the
Habeas Corpus may be resorted to in cases where circumstances and the conditions as are most congenial
rightful custody is withheld from a person entitled to the survival, protection, and feelings of security of the
hereto under Article 211 of the Family Code. In the minor encouraging to his physical, psychological, and
absence of a judicial grant of custody to one parent, emotional development. It also means the least
BOTH parents are still entitled to the custody of their detrimental available alternative for safeguarding the
children. growth and development of the minor.

General Rule: Parents should have custody over their Other factors to be considered:
minor children. 1. Any extrajudicial agreement which the parties
have bound themselves to comply with respect
Exception: The State has the right to intervene where to the rights of the minor to maintain the contact
the parents treat them cruelly and abusively, impairing with the non-custodial parent on a regular basis
their growth and well-being, and leaving them emotional except when there is existing threat or danger to
scars that they carry throughout their lives unless they the interest of the minor
are liberated from such parents and properly counseled. 2. Desire and ability of one parent to foster an open
and loving relationship between the minor and
By filing the case for declaration of nullity of marriage, the other parent
the issue of the custody of the child as an incident 3. Health, safety, and welfare of the minor
thereof is automatically submitted. 4. Any history of the child or spousal abuse by the
person seeking custody or has any filial
Petition for writ of habeas corpus involving custody of relationship with the minor
minor may likewise be filed in Supreme Court and
5. Nature and frequency of contact with both Writ of Amparo is a remedy available to any person
parents whose right to life, liberty, and security has been violated
6. Habitual use of alcohol, dangerous drugs, or or is threatened with violation by unlawful act or omission
regulated substance of a public official or employee, or of a private individual
7. Marital misconduct or entity.
8. Most suitable physical, emotional, spiritual, - Intended to address extralegal killings and
psychological and educational environment for enforced disappearances or threats thereof
the holistic development and growth of the minor - Covers violations of constitutional and civil rights
9. Preference of the minor over seven years of age other than the right to unlawful deprivation of
and of sufficient discernment unless the parent liberty.
chosen is unfit. - Independent and summary remedy
- Preventive in that it breaks the expectations of
The court shall grant appropriate visitation rights to the impunity in the commission of these offenses
non-custodial parent unless the court finds said parent - Curative in that it facilitates the subsequent and
unfit or disqualified. summary remedy that provides rapid judicial
relief to protect the people’s right to life, liberty,
The custodial parent shall give the court and the non- and security
custodial parent at least 5-day notice of any plan to - confined only to cases of extralegal killings and
change residence of the minor, or take him out of his enforced disappearances
residence for more than three days provided it does - covers violation of the right to security
not prejudice the visitation rights of the non-custodial
- may still issue in the respondent’s favor
notwithstanding that he has already been
released from detention.
A minor child subject of the petition shall not be brought
- A special proceeding
out of the country without prior order from the court. The
court may issue ex parte a hold departure order
Extralegal killing are killings committed without due
addressed to the Bureau of immigration and
Elements of Enforced disappearances:
The court may issue Protection Order requiring any
1. Arrest, detention, or abduction or any form of
person to:
deprivation of liberty
1. Stay away from the home, school, business, or
2. That it be carried out by or with the
place of employment of the minor, other parent
authorization, support of the State or political
or form any other specific place designated by
the court
3. Followed by the State or political organization’s
2. Cease and desist from harassing, intimidating,
refusal to acknowledge or give information on
or threatening such minor or the other parent
the fate or whereabouts of the person subject of
3. Refrain from acts of commission or omission that
the amparo petition; and
create an unreasonable risk to the health, safety,
4. The intention for such refusal is to remove
or welfare of the minor
subject person from the protection of the law for
4. Permit a parent to visit the minor as stated
a prolonged period of time.
5. Permit designated party to enter the residence
In a petition for writ of amparo, the order of priority on
during specified period of time in order to take
who can file the petition should be strictly followed.
personal belongings not contested in a
When a person is consumed by fear for her life and
6. Comply with such other orders as are necessary
liberty that it completely limits her movement, the writ
for the protection of the minor.
may be issued to secure her. However, the source of
fear must be valid and substantiated by circumstances
If both parents are unfit to have the care and custody of
and not mere paranoia.
the minor, the court may designate either the paternal or
maternal grandparent of the minor, or his oldest brother
The disappearance must be attended by some
or sister, or any reputable person to take charge of such
governmental involvement. This hallmark of State
minor, or commit him to any suitable home for children.
participation differentiates an enforced disappearance
case from an ordinary case of missing person.
Court may order either or both parents to give an amount
necessary for the support, maintenance, and education
In proper circumstances, the State or any of its relevant
of the minor, irrespective of who may be its custodian.
agencies may be impleaded, otherwise, the rule on the
writ of amparo may be rendered ineffective or toothless.
Basis for determining the amount of support:
1. Financial resources of the custodial and non-
Memorandum is a prohibited pleading.
custodial parent and those of the minor
2. Physical and emotional health, special needs,
Petition may be filed by the aggrieved party or by
and aptitude of the minor,
any qualified person or entity in the following order:
3. Standard of living the minor has been
1. Any member of the immediate family
accustomed to
2. Any ascendant, descendant, or collateral relative
4. Non-monetary contributions that the parents
within the 4th civil degree of consanguinity or
would make toward the care and well-being of
affinity in the default of no. 1
the minor.
3. Any concerned citizen, organization, association,
or institution, if there is no known member of the
NO appeal from decision shall be allowed unless the
immediate family or relative
appellant has filed a motion for reconsideration or
new trial within 15 days from the notice of judgment.
Petition may be filed on any day and at any time with
the RTC of the place where the threat, act, or
Writ of Amparo:
omission was committed or any of its elements procedure under the rule shall govern the disposition of
occurred, or with the Sandiganbayan, the Court of the reliefs available under the writ of amparo.
Appeals, the Supreme Court, or any justice of such
courts. May be filed on any day and also at any time When a criminal action and a separate civil action are
considering that such is the protection of the mother of filed subsequent to a petition for a writ of amparo, the
all rights, the right to life. latter shall be consolidated with the criminal actions.

Upon filing of the petition, the court, justice or judge, Archiving of cases is a procedural measure designed to
shall immediately order the issuance of the writ if, on its temporarily defer the hearing of cases in which no
face, it ought to issue. immediate action is expected, but where no grounds
exist for their outright dismissal. Inactive case is kept
General denial of the allegations shall not be alive but held in abeyance until the situation obtains in
allowed. All defenses shall be raised in the return. which action thereon can be taken.

If respondent fail to file a return, judge shall proceed Change of Name:

to hear the petition ex parte or even without the Subject matter: Change of FULL name
appearance of the respondent.
May be filed by a person desiring to change his name.
Prohibited pleadings:
1. Motion to dismiss Shall be filed in the RTC of the province wherein the
2. Motion for extension of time petitioner resides for three years prior to filing or in
3. Dilatory motion for postponement the city of Manila, to the Juvenile and Domestic Court.
4. Motion for bill of particulars
5. Counterclaim or cross claim Grounds:
6. Third paty complaint 1. Name is ridiculous, tainted with dishonor and
7. Reply extremely difficult to write or pronounce
8. Moption to declare respondent in default 2. Consequence of change of status
9. Intervention 3. Necessity to avoid confusion
10. Memorandum 4. Having continuously used and been known since
11. Motion for reconsideration of interlocutory order childhood by a Filipino name, unaware of her
12. Petition for certiorari, mamdamus, or prohibition alien parentage
against any interlocutory order 5. A sincere desire to adopt a Filipino name to
erase signs of former alienage all in good faith
Hearing on the petition shall be summary. However, and without prejudicing anybody
judge may call for a preliminary conference to simplify
the issues. It is a judicial proceeding

Interim reliefs available to the petitioner: Notice and publication at least once a week for three
1. Temporary protection order consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general
2. Inspection order circulation
3. Production order
4. Witness protection order The Solicitor General or the proper provincial or city
- Intended to assist the court before it arrives as a fiscal shall appear on behalf of the government of the
judicious determination of the amparo petition, republic

Hold departure order may not be issued. Appeal may be filed with the Court of Appeals.

Inspection and Production orders are interim relief Proceeding in rem.

available to the respondent.
Person’s name is composed of:
Respondent public official or employee cannot invoke 1. Christian name
the presumption that official duty has been regularly 2. Family surname
performed. Must prove extraordinary diligence as
required by applicable laws, rules, and regulations was Real name refers to the one given to him in the civil
observed in the performance of duty. registry.

The court shall render judgment within ten days from the Surname may only be changed pursuant to Rule 103 of
petition is submitted for decision. the RROC.

The appeal may raise questions of law and fact, an PRIVILEGE, not a matter of right
amparo proceeding essentially involves a determination - Proper and reasonable cause must exist before
of facts considering that its subject is extralegal killings a person may be authorized to change his name
or enforced disappearances.
May be opposed by any interested person, and Republic
When the petitioner failed on the part of the petitioner or of the Philippines through Solicitor General.
witnesses to appear due to threats on their lives, the
court shall not dismiss the petition but archive it. Cancellation or Correction of Entries in the Civil
The rule shall not preclude the filing of separate criminal
civil or administrative actions. However, when a criminal Subject of Correction:
action has been commenced, no separate petition for the 1. Birth
writ shall be filed, but the reliefs under the writ shall be 2. Marriages
available by motion in the criminal case, and the 3. Deaths
4. Legal separations
5. Judgements of annulment of marriages
6. Judgements declaring marriages void ab initio Correction or change of the entry in the birth certificate
7. Legitimations cannot be granted by reasons of sex change.
8. Adoptions However, if the change is caused by congenital
9. Acknowledgments of natural children adrenal hyperplasia, the court may grant such
10. Naturalization correction or change being sought.
11. Election, loss or recovery of citizenship
12. Civil interdiction Recognition of foreign judgment only requires proof of
13. Judicial determination of filiation fact of the judgment; it may be made in a special
14. Voluntary emancipation of minor proceeding for cancellation or correction of entries in the
15. Changes of name civil registry as it seeks to establish a status, a right, or a
particular fact which the state has an interest in
Verified petition must be filed before the RTC where the recording.
civil registry is located.
Any person interested in any act, event, order, or - An Interested person may appeal in special
decree concerning the civil status of persons which has proceeding from an order or judgment rendered
been recorded in the civil register. by the court.
- The Interest of the person must be material and
Corrections may be effected: direct, not merely indirect or contingent.
1. Through an administrative proceeding - When the person has no material and direct
a. Clerical or typographical error of first name interest, he is precluded from appealing and
and change of first name or nickname (RA 9048) order or judgment of the court.
b. Correction of Day and month of birth or sex of - The Right to appeal is a mere statutory privilege,
a person where it is patently clear that there was and should be exercised only in the manner
clerical or typographical error (RA 10172) prescribed by law.
2. Through a judicial proceeding - The statutory nature of the right to appeal
a. Clerical and substantial errors requires the one who avails himself of it to
b. Clerical errors are subject of judicial strictly comply with the statutes or rules that are
proceeding if denied in the administrative considered indispensable interdictions against
proceeding, or the subject of correction is the needless delays and for an orderly discharge of
last name or surname. judicial business.
- In the absence of highly exceptional
• Summary circumstances warranting their relaxation, like
• When the correction sought is mere when the loftier demands of substantial justice
clerical except for first names. and equity require the relaxation, or when there
• Adversary are other special and meritorious circumstances
• Where the rectification affects the civil and issues, such statutes or rules should remain
status, citizenship, or nationality of a inviolable.
party, it is deemed to be substantial.

• The petitioner
• All persons who have claim or interest which
would be affected thereby.
• The civil registrar
• The local civil registrar must be
impleaded as he is an indispensable
party without whom, no final
determination of the case can be had.
• The inescapable consequence of the
failure to implead the civil registrar is
that the RTC will not acquire jurisdiction
over the case or if the proceedings were
conducted, to render the same a nullity.

Jurisdictional Requirement:
• Venue
• Civil registrar and all persons who have claim of
any interest must be made parties
• Notice of hearing must be published in a
newspaper of general circulation at least once a
week for 3 consecutive weeks.

Procedural Requirement:
• Verified petition
• Names of all persons who have claim of any
interest which would be affected
• Issuance of an order fixing the time and place of
• Reasonable notice to the parties named in the
• Publication of the order once a week for three
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general

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