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The life of a transformer is linked to the Not all mineral
fundamental role of insulating liquids
to dissipate heat and protect the trans-
former’s solid insulation. Historical de-
velopments affecting crude oil source
mean that not all mineral insulating Exploring the history and technology
particular can offer enhanced oxidative behind mineral insulating oils
stability, lower viscosity in colder tem-
peratures, and superior heat transfer, re- 1. Introduction increase exponentially, rapidly raising
sulting in improved reliability and utility Before Elihu Thomson, an electrical temperatures in a transformer's core and
for transformer operators engineer working for Westinghouse in windings. Without adequate cooling, this
the US, patented the use of mineral oil heat prematurely ages the transformer,
KEYWORDS in transformers in 1887, the burgeoning ultimately leading to equipment failure.
transformer industry had a major At the time, the only insulating material
LVRSDUDͦQLFQDSKWKHQLFWUDQV problem to solve [1]. As transformers used was air, but because these first
former oil, mineral insulating oil, operate, energy losses occur, generating transformers generated high amounts
liquid insulation heat. As higher loads are applied, losses of losses, they were quickly limited in

112 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 6, Issue 4 | 2019


fundamental role of insulating oils to dissipate
heat and protect the transformer’s solid insulation

2. Functions of a mineral recommendations and performance re-

quirements. Standards now exist which
insulating oil dictate specific electrical, chemical,
Fulfilling four main functions, insulating and physical properties. Within North
liquids are a critical component of power America, the primary standards are de-
equipment. Originally, the two primary veloped by ASTM International (ASTM
functions of the liquid were to dissipate D3487) and the Institute of Electrical and
heat through convection (heat trans- Electronics Engineers (IEEE C57.106).
fer), and to act as an insulating material Where ASTM creates and publishes
providing dielectric strength. As testing standards on test methods and material
methodologies and our understanding specifications, the IEEE interprets the
of oil in transformers developed, a third standards into guides applicable to in-
function grew in importance – that of a dustry needs. Internationally, the Inter-
diagnostic tool (ex. Dissolved Gas Anal- national Electrotechnical Commission
ysis). Like testing for cholesterol in an (IEC) issues its own guide (IEC 60296),
individual’s blood, measuring and mon- with supporting studies conducted by
itoring specific chemical markers in a The International Council on Large Elec-
transformer’s oil allows for the early de- tric Systems - Conseil International des
tection of warning signs in a transform- Grands Réseaux Électriques, CIGRÉ.
er’s health. Country specific standards also exist. For
example, the Canadian Standard Associ-
Somewhat cumulatively, the fourth and ation (CSA-C50) specifies unique viscos-
most important function of an insulating ity requirements for mineral oils used in
liquid is to protect the solid insulation. cold temperatures (Arctic grade oils).
The life of a transformer is inherently tied
to the life of its solid insulation. By pro- While these standards represent industry
tecting the solid insulation from oxygen, supported guidelines, ultimately, the
water, and heat, insulating oils maintain transformer purchaser has the ability to
and extend the service life of a transform- specify their requirements. Numerous
er. With the majority of the world’s trans- transformer mineral oils are currently
formers advancing in age, and increasing available for purchase, produced from
demands being placed on existing infras- differing crude oil sources with varying
tructure, the performance demands on levels of refinement. Although these
insulating liquids have increased. different products may meet a standard’s
size by the rapid generation of heat that requirements, it does not mean their
air failed to properly dissipate [2]. Any In urban centers worldwide, transformers performance is equal. For example, a
attempts at larger devices would fail. are routinely loaded to increasingly transformer mineral oil which thickens
Once Elihu Thomson identified oil as higher levels, with less reserve space due near and solidifies at -40°C (-40°F)
a readily available solution, the history to rapid population growth. In these technically meets the same ASTM D3487
of oil as an insulating medium began. stressed environments, transformers requirements as the one which remains
Today, several billion liters of mineral can operate at high load and overload flowing until -60°C (-76°F). For a wind
oil are used in electrical equipment conditions. Removing excess heat farm transformer in North Dakota, the
worldwide [3]. and ensuring that the cooling system difference is significant. The standards
performs effectively and efficiently is set a threshold for general requirements;
This paper provides a review of the therefore essential to extending the however, within their wide breadth fall
functions of mineral insulating oils, their transformer’s lifespan, preventing costly products with different tiers of quality
chemical composition, and production failures, and maintaining grid integrity. and performance.
techniques. Emphasis is placed on
describing how differences in crude oil Because of the critical role insulating
source and refining process can impact mineral oils play in today’s electrical in- 3. Types of mineral
the final chemical composition of the dustry, numerous groups have formed insulating oils
oil, and therefore its performance in a to study their electrical, chemical, and Mineral insulating oils used in trans-
transformer. physical properties and provide best use formers today are generally produced

w w w . t ra n s fo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 113

HFKQR RJ\P solvent refining. In the 1950s, hydro-
treating technologies were developed
that not all mineral oils are
e equal
equa where hydrogen is added to the base oil
under elevated temperatures and pres-
sures to break open rings, remove impu-
from the distillation and refinement (reflecting volatility and combustibility), rities, and saturate reactive bonds. Later
of crude oils. As refining technologies and thermal conductivity (the rate of advances increased the pressures and
have advanced, so too have the result- heat transfer). These qualities are vital for temperatures used (severe hydrotreat-
ing mineral insulating oils. The physical, removing excess heat in electrical trans- ing) to produce purer base oils. From
chemical, and electrical properties of a formers. They define the liquid’s ability the 1970s - 1990s a number of new base
mineral insulating oil are determined by to move through the transformer and oil refineries were built incorporating a
its composition, which varies with the its cooling system, draw heat away from process known as catalytic dewaxing.
crude oil and refining process employed. sensitive areas (the core and windings), In this process, wax molecules (nor-
Crude oil is a complex mixture of hy- and unload thermal energy into the at- mal-paraffins) are catalytically convert-
drocarbons including normal- paraffins mosphere. Since mitigating thermal risk ed to branched hydrocarbons (isoparaf-
(straight chain hydrocarbons or wax), and protecting the paper insulation is fins) with significantly improved cold
isoparaffins (branched hydrocarbons), the number one function of a transform- temperature, viscosity, and oxidative
cycloparaffins (saturated ring contain- er insulating liquid, any improvements properties. Since no two base oil refiner-
ing hydrocarbons or naphthenics), aro- to these properties confer improvements ies are alike, a transformer mineral oil
matics (unsaturated six-membered ring to the insulating liquid as a whole. produced at one refinery can vary sig-
structures), various unsaturated hydro- nificantly to an oil produced at another
carbons (containing reactive bonds), Within the transformer oil industry, using different feeds, refining technolo-
sulfur- oxygen-, and nitrogen-contain- two main types of crude oil are relevant: gies and operating parameters.
ing compounds, as well as metals (Fig- naphthenic (containing <50 % paraf-
ure 1). Since crude oil reservoirs are finic hydrocarbons) and paraffinic (con- Paraffinic crude oils were originally
found in diverse geographies, one crude taining >50 % paraffinic hydrocarbons) used as transformer mineral oils, how-
oil can differ significantly from another crudes. The general aim of any refining ever, due to their high wax content they
in the relative proportion of each hydro- operation is to remove impurities and exhibited prohibitively poor cold tem-
carbon. improve key performance properties of perature properties. In the 1920s, naph-
the final material. For mineral oils, this thenic oils took their place due to their
The physical properties of the oils in- final product is known as a base oil (a relatively low cost, low wax content,
clude viscosity (the ability of the liquid transformer mineral oil can consist of and availability. Since then, naphthenics
to flow), heat capacity (the amount of up to 100 % base oil). In the early days, have remained the predominant form of
heat needed to raise the liquid’s tempera- refining goals were achieved using acid mineral insulating oil used in transform-
ture by 1°C), relative density, flash point treatment, clay filtration, and by 1930, ers. Petroleum refining, however, has


114 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 6, Issue 4 | 2019


,VRSDUD̪QLFRLOVFDQRIIHUHQKDQFHGR[LGDWLYH results showed the isoparaffinic oil had

a 6.5 -8.5 % heat transfer coefficient
VWDELOLW\ ORZHU YLVFRVLW\ LQ FROGHU WHPSHUD- advantage over the naphthenic oil.
VIHUZ LFKUH The next test used an in-service 1971
LW\IRUWUDQVIR model transformer that had five years
er operators
of operating data using a naphthenic
oil. During those five years, the top oil
temperature was on average 41.3°C
higher than ambient temperatures.
changed dramatically since the 1920s. conductivity than naphthenic oil. In By draining the transformer and
Naphthenic oils are typically manufac- practice, this means the isoparaffinic refilling it with an isoparaffinic oil its
tured using solvent refining followed oil would run cooler than its naph- performance could then be compared
by mild hydrotreating. This can leave thenic counterpart if the same level over time. The results showed that over
residual compounds in the oil includ- of heat was generated in the windings the course of a year, with an isoparaffinic
ing aromatics and reactive sulfur- and and core. In addition, due to its higher oil, the transformer averaged a top
nitrogen-containing compounds. Sul- thermal conductivity, the liquid will oil temperature 34.6°C over ambient.
fur specifically has been a concern for transfer heat from the hot coils to the By running at 6.7°C cooler than the
its corrosive effects on copper windings. outside air much quicker. With im- naphthenic oil, the transformer was
Isoparaffinic oils are highly refined using proved heat transfer, a transformer can calculated to have an additional 8.0 %
newer severe hydrotreating (3000 psi, decrease usage of its cooling pumps load availability.
750°F / 399°C) and catalytic dewaxing and fans.
technologies. They contain almost no The final test of the study was the
contaminants and are free of any de- To test this principle, Cinergy Substa- most compelling as three identical
tectable sulfur. Furthermore, a number tion Services (now owned by Duke transformers were set in parallel and
of recent studies have shown isoparaf- Energy) conducted a study consisting exposed to the same environmental
finic oils also offer desirable heat trans- of three separate tests: a heat run, a ret- conditions. The first transformer used
fer, cold temperature, oxidative stability, ro-fill comparison in the same in-service an isoparaffinic oil, while the two
and density properties. transformer, and a side-by-side compar- remaining units utilized naphthenic
ison with in-service transformers [1]. oils. The test again concluded that by
,VRSDUDIÀQLFRLOVLQ using an isoparaffinic oil with better heat
The heat run test involved two newly transfer capability, a greater load could
manufactured matching transformers be applied to the transformer before
The heat transfer performance of naph- that had a high side winding voltage of hitting the rated temperature limits.
thenic and isoparaffinic mineral oils can 67 kV and a low side winding voltage
be seen in Figure 2 [4]. of 13.09 kV. One transformer was filled Adding to these results, a later study
with an isoparaffinic transformer oil and sought to examine the performance
In laboratory testing, isoparaffins of- the other used a mixture of naphthenic of isoparaffinic oils under accelerated
fer higher heat capacity and thermal oils. With all other variables being equal, aging conditions [5]. In this study, 10 kV

w w w . t ra n s fo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 115

8VLQJ DQ LVRSDUD̪QLF RLO LQ D WUDQVIRUP- factor, acid number, and interfacial ten-
er creates the potential for
or increased
inc ease load sion, which ultimately lead to thermal
degradation and failure of some trans-
before hitting the upper rated
ated temperature
temper formers after only 10 years in service
[6]. By switching to an isoparaffinic oil,
limit for the unit the transformer operators saw virtually
no signs of ageing, with no significant
changes in color, dissipation factor, acid
distribution transformers were filled viscosity, and ultimately, limits its effec- number, or interfacial tension after more
with either an isoparaffinic oil, a tiveness to protect the solid insulation. than 14 years of service.
naphthenic oil, or a combination of Knowing the importance of oxidative
the two. It should be noted that since stability the ASTM standard for insu- For electric transformers operating in
both types of oils are derived from lating mineral oils (ASTM D3487) sets the globe’s colder regions, isoparaffinic
petroleum, they are fully compatible a threshold value using test method oils can offer improved reliability with
and miscible. The transformers were ASTM D2112 (RPVOT), where a sample the lowest cold temperature viscosities
then operated under high load (115°C / of oil is placed in a pressurized vessel un- available in the market [4]. For example,
239°F top oil temperature) or overload der high temperatures and the amount one product offers a typical viscosity
conditions (135°C / 275°F top oil of time required for the oil to breakdown of 1230 cSt at -40°C / -40°F and a pour
temperature) for 4000 hours. is measured in minutes. Figure 3 shows point of -60°C / -76°F. While many of
the range of ASTM D2112 results seen today’s naphthenic oils have significantly
During this study a transformer con- across a selection of oils and highlights improved pour points, their viscosities
taining the isoparaffinic oil ran approx- the oxidative stability of isoparaffinic still trend higher, ranging from 2000 to
imately 5°C cooler than a naphthenic oils. To test whether the superior oxida- > 4000 cSt at -40°C / -40°F. This helps
alternative in overload conditions. One tive stability of isoparaffinic transformer to avoid the thickening of liquids that
(of two) naphthenic oils aged so rapidly oils could improve the aging properties can occur in cold temperatures and
that the transformer’s paper insulation of a conventional transformer oil, mix- prevent the effective circulation of
crumbled upon inspection. This obser- tures of the two products in various pro- the transformer oil. Lower viscosities
vation reinforces the diversity that ex- portions were tested for various electri- improve the liquid’s flow and allow for
ists even between naphthenic oils and cal and chemical properties. safer start-ups in cold environments. For
the importance of proper oil selection. transformers with variable loads in cold
Figure 4 shows that even a 5 % addition climates (ex. wind farms), this improved
Another benefit of isoparaffinic oils is of an isoparaffinic oil can improve power pumpability can significantly improve
their unique response to antioxidants factor and oxidative stability properties. the transformer’s reliability. Cold tem-
leading to exceptional oxidative stabil- perature viscosity is also critical for
ity. As an oil ages it oxidizes producing In a further study, the dangers of a pre- tap-changers in cold climates to ensure
acidic molecules and sludge; this low- maturely aging oil were highlighted by proper functioning of the spring-driven
ers its dielectric strength, increases its a rapid degradation in color, dissipation diverter switch [7].

OxidaƟon stability (RPVOT - ASTM D2112)



RPVOT, min





Isoparaĸnic oil SyntheƟc ester Mineral oil A Mineral oil B Mineral oil C


116 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 6, Issue 4 | 2019

% LUMINOL TR 0% 5% 25 % 50 % 75 % 95 % 100 %
% Conv Oil 100 % 95 % 75 % 50 % 25 % 5% 0%
D2440 – Oxidation Stability
0.05 0.04 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
@ 72 hours % sludge

Neut. No, mg KOH/g 0.27 0.24 0.18 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

D2440 - @ 164 hours % sludge 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

Neut. No, mg KOH/G 0.31 0.30 0.26 0.17 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

D924 – Power Factor (%)

0.042 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.010 0.004 0.007
@ 25°C
0.856 0.354 0.321 0.350 0.163 0.110 0.086
D2112 – Rotating Pressure Vessel
187 201 217 225 270 353 412
Oxidation Test (min.)


Finally, the lower density of isoparaffinic 7KHLVRSDUD̪QLFRLOZRXOGEHQRWLFHDEO\FRRO-

oils is advantageous for the overall trans-
former weight (less mass for the same er than its naphthenic counterpart
terpar if the same
volume). This property decreases pad re-
quirements, and recently has been a sig-
level of heat was generated in the windings
nificant benefit for mobile substations.
Since isoparaffinic mineral oils are 7 %
less dense than the average naphthenic colder temperatures, and superior transfer capability using iso-paraffins
oil, they are much lighter to transport. heat transfer, the use of isoparaffinic versus naphthenics in transformers,
For a 45 MVA mobile transformer with oils can offer improved reliability and In Proceedings of the 73rd annual
41640 L (11,000 gallons) of mineral oil, utility for transformer operators, while International Conference of Doble
an isoparaffinic oil can reduce its load also generating significant life-time Clients, 2006
weight by approximately 1970 kg – a cost savings.
significant amount when transportation [5] J. Janis, W. Mackwood, N. Fujimoto,
costs are considered, and the Depart- LUMINOL Oil Ageing Evaluation,
ment of Transportation requirements Bibliography CEATI REPORT No. T053700-3037,
need to be met. [1] M. Hirschler, Electrical Insulating January 2009
Materials: International Issues, United
States, ASTM, 2000 [6] W. McDermid, M. Partyka, and T.
Conclusion Black, Experience with Isoparaffinic
Although mineral insulating oils are [2] M. Homing, et al., Transformer Insulating Oil for Power Transformers,
required to meet certain specifications, Maintenance Guide, S.D. Myers Inc., Proceedings of the IEEE International
no two mineral oils are exactly alike. 2004 Conference on High Voltage Engineer-
The fundamental roles of insulating oils ing and Application (ICHVE), Athens,
in dissipating heat and protecting the [3] A. Gupta, A.S. Bais, Transformer Oil Greece, 2018
transformer’s solid insulation haven’t Market Size by Product, Global Market
changed since 1887, but today’s mineral Insights, 2018. [7] R. Frotscher, Tap-changer know-
insulating oils have evolved alongside how, Transformers Magazine, Volume 3,
advances in refining technology. [4] S. Krawiec, S. Leath, Improved heat Issue 2, pp.18-23, 2016

Differences in chemical (ex. oxida-

tive stability), electrical (ex. dielectric
breakdown), and physical (ex. vis- Author
cosity) properties exist, reflecting the Nikola Lukenda received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in 2012
diversity in crude oil origin and the from McMaster University. He joined Petro-Canada
refining process used by different re- Lubricants Inc. (PCLI) in 2012 as an analytical chemist,
fineries. It is the responsibility of the
and in 2016 joined the Technical Services group. As the
transformer purchaser to understand
that these differences exist and to en- technical expert for PCLI’s isoparaffinic transformer oil
sure the best possible liquid is used for line, Luminol, he is a participating member of ASTM
their transformer. Offering enhanced Committee D27, the Canadian CSA-C50, and the IEEE.
oxidative stability, lower viscosity in

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