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Feature Guide

Cloud-native, headless commerce platform

for the Post-Web Era

commercetools offers a multi-tenant, cloud-native commerce platform, providing the building

blocks for the post-web era. Use it to build innovative shopping experiences across all
touchpoints: web, smartphone, POS, voice, IoT devices, AR/VR, car commerce, and many more.

API-First Approach
When developing our platform, we always aim for providing an API that is highly versatile and
can be extended to be used in a lot of different scenarios. The API enables a best-of-breed
approach, making it easy for 3rd-party applications to be integrated and can be used as the basis
for a microservice architecture.

Cloud Infrastructure
At commercetools, both software development and delivery are exclusively cloud-based. Our
platform is built for high performance and scales automatically to guarantee the highest levels of
availability. It is also run in the most secure data centers around the world, so all data and
processes are completely safe.

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commercetools B2C
Our core commerce platform has functionality for product catalogues, orders, customer profile,
etc. It is developed as a cloud-native, headless commerce platform with a highly versatile API at
its core.

commercetools B2B
This product has business user administration tooling, allowing people to administer their
product catalog, promotions/discounts, customer profiles, and orders.

commercetools Marketplace
We also provide functionality allowing brands and merchants to make their platform available to
3rd parties. It is being made available as source code because each implementation is very
unique. Customers will use this source code as their starting point. All core commerce
functionality is delivered through the core commercetools platform.

commercetools Sunrise QuickStart

This is the quickstart app that many of our customers use as starting points for their
implementations. It is available on desktop ( as well as on iOS
and showcases the most important functionality our platform API provides.

State-of-the art responsive frontend

• Product presentation with high-resolution images
• Cart and checkout functionality
• Payment and shipping
• My account section

Search & Navigation

• Language-aware full-text index
• Comprehensive product searches
• After-search navigation and faceted filter search
• Search and filter scoping for countries, channels and currencies

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Merchant Center

Businesses need to handle their most critical data and processes efficiently while keeping up
with changing market conditions. To help you achieve this, the commercetools Merchant Center
is your perfect companion. Its intuitive user interface lets you manage product data, orders, and
customer data for all retail channels. Additional functions, such as configurable forms and batch
processing, help you to quickly and easily complete your daily tasks.

Dashboard overview

Use the Merchant Center for a fast, clear and comprehensive overview of your sales by currency
across all channels.

• Overview of all sales made during the past day, week and month
• Average order value for your store
• View the top 5 products that bring in the most revenue
• See how many new customers and carts are created

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All Order Data at a Glance

The Merchant Center enables direct access to all orders without the need of an external
application - whether they are created in a webstore, a mobile app, at a POS, or on an IoT device.

• View and sort all orders

• View all customer information
• View all item details
• Create order from scratch
• Image management for product variants
• Detailed overview of the order total, taxes, and discounts applied
• Add deliveries and parcels to orders to track shipping
• Customer service interface: create carts and orders in the backend

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Customer Management

All customer data are available via the Merchant Center.

• Manage all customer information like signups, orders, customer groups

• Customer address book management
• Review all order history for each customer

Store & Channel Management

The Merchant Center is the central hub for modelling the business setup and maintain retail
channels and touchpoints.

• Create new channels (e.g. stores) on-the-fly

• Maintain different locales, currencies and tax settings to support cross-border business
• Define complex shipping logic
• Create any number of different user groups

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Powerful Discount Handling

The Merchant Center allows you to manage discounts for all retail channels – from a single spot.

• Get an overview of all product discounts that are active in your stores
• Create targeted discounts for specific products
• Limit the discount to apply to specific channels, countries, and customer groups
• Create dynamic cart discount rules and multibuy discount logic with our innovative Cart
Discount Rule Builder
• Discount codes: free shipping, customer-specific, rule-based promotions
• Discount code groups

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Product Information Management (PIM)

The integrated Product Information Management (PIM) enables businesses to access all of their
product data - while its versatile interface helps you handle even complex catalogs with just a
few clicks.

User interface

• Fast and intuitive interface optimized by UX-experts

• Fast product search and filters
• Adding, editing and deleting product data
• Direct access to products or variants (through product key, variant key or SKU)
• Configurable views for product lists and product details
• Verify, edit, approve, or reject pending changes on products
• Bulk update: Update several product attributes for multiple products all at once

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Products, product types & attributes

• Tens of millions of products

• Large number of attributes
• Customizable product types and attributes
• Flexible data types: localizable text information, lists, predefined
dropdowns, numbers, dates, time, money in any currency and
• Multiple languages / locales
• Similar products (machine learning feature)

Product variants & options

• Any variation from sizes and colors to complex configurations

across many attributes and dependencies
• Not restricted in number or data type


• Any number of categories, category levels, and product-to-

category relations
• Search and filter categories
• Category recommendations (machine learning feature)


• Maintain high-resolution images and views of products

• Image management for product variants

Inventory management

• Multiple inventories, e.g. multiple warehouses, local or backorder

• Price and inventory information for all retail channels
• Inventory tracking modes
• Ability to integrate 3rd party ERP systems

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• Product variant prices per currency, country, distribution channel,

customer group, or time frame
• Tiered pricing
• Unlimited currencies
• Country-specific pricing
• Support for high precision pricing (pricing with more fraction

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Carts & Orders

With commercetools you enable e-commerce functionalities everywhere – no matter if you need
to run a webstore, a mobile application, a point-of-sale or would like to connect post-web
touchpoints such as voice devices, chatbots, AR/VR applications or social media channels. Our
cart and order features cover anything from flexible pricing, multi-currency, and shipping options
as well as multiple discount variations.


• Calculate the current price based either on address, tax settings,

discount rules, shipping costs, user groups in real-time
• Multiple carts per customer


• Synchronize all orders with multiple backend systems

• Manage incoming orders from all channels in one place
• Line item level delivery and inventory channel routing
• Line item level order workflow definition
• Returns management
• Subscriptions
• Guest purchases


• Support for all international tax requirements

• Tax settings based on the product, location (country, state) and
• Connections to external tax calculation services
• Support for digital and physical goods
• Support for net and gross prices
• Multiple rounding modes available to fit ERP requirements
• Item-based taxation

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Payment & Shipping

commercetools supports various international payment methods and also offers custom
integrations. Our platform lets you add new shipping countries and delivery methods on the fly,
supporting international business models and cross-border retail.


• Credit cards, debit cards, direct payments, offline payments,

individual payments
• Connect to 3rd party payment gateways and services
• Refund payments, document chargebacks and cancellations


• Multiple shipping rules and integrations

• Fixed pricing
• Automatic shipping cost calculation
• Tracking codes

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Cloud-Hosting & Service

commercetools is provided as a cloud-hosted, highly-scalable service. We deliver multiple

updates per week (sometimes per day), high-scalable cloud servers in the most modern and
secure data centers around the globe and many more features.

Cloud-native platform development

• Multi-tenant platform
• Continuous Delivery
• Fast response times (<100ms average)

High Availability

• High-available Cloud Infrastructure: redundant hardware, cluster architecture, multiple

app and database servers
• Automatic scaling / Rapid elasticity
• 24x7x365 Monitoring with public status page
• Comprehensive SLAs
• Automatic Backups

Industry-Leading Security

• OAuth2 for authentication

• SSL-Encryption
• Leading industry standards in security and compliance

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Developer Tools & SDKs

commercetools offers the most advanced e-commerce API. Everything that you need to build e-
commerce sites and applications is powered through our REST API. Use any programming
language or framework like Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, iOS and many more to write e-commerce
software for any device and channel.


Regarding our platform development, we follow a strict API-

first policy. This means that APIs are modeled before any code
is written. Once the API is defined, we generate both the
server-side implementation and client stubs.
All functionality in our platform is 100% accessible over APIs.
From core product functionality, to imports/exports, to
configuration, to system integration, we have 100% API
coverage. Absolutely no functionality is available through other
means and there's no access to our underlying datastore or search engine.

You can find our detailed API reference here:

The commercetools platform provides a GraphQL API, which currently supports entities such as
carts, orders, and products.

You can find our detailed reference here:


Demo implementations, SDKs & code samples

• All code is OpenSource on github (

• Docker and Cloud ready; quick deployment via Heroku
• SDKs: JVM, PHP, Node.js, .NET, Swift
• Sunrise QuickStart (
• Event Subscriptions (
• Platform Extensibility via API extensions (
• Command Line Toolkit

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Europe Americas
commercetools GmbH commercetools Inc.
Adams-Lehmann-Str. 44 American Tobacco Campus | Reed Building
80797 Munich 318 Blackwell St. Suite 240
Germany Durham, NC 27701, USA
Phone: +49 (89) 9982996-0 Tel. +1 212-220-3809

Disclaimer: The commercetools platform will be continuously updated

and receives multiple feature releases per month. This document only
Feature Guide
contains an overview of functionalities - commercetools
and does not claim to(v.cover
all of 14
them. All listed features are just explained shortly, for further information
please reach out to us directly or consult the API reference documentation:

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