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Faculty of Computing & Information Technology

Department of Computer Science

University Of Sialkot
Course Information Course Title Programming fundamental - LAB
Course Code CS-1131 Course Type Core - LAB
Programs BS CS Preferred Semester
Instructor Zain UL Abedeen TA / Lab Engineer
Course Description
Course Objectives The objective of this course is to enable students to;
No. Course Objectives
1. The course is designed to familiarize students with the basic structured
programming skills.
2. It emphasizes upon problem analysis, algorithm designing, and program
development and testing.
At the end of this course students will be able to;
No. Course Outcomes
1. The student will be able to understand basic designing techniques of
Course Learning programming,
Outcomes (CLO) 2. Hands on experience of different C/C++ constructs
3. Basic syntax of C/C++
Teaching Classroom Lectures, Practical Presentations of Topics, Solve Problems, Exercises
Prerequisites None
Course Software Dev C++/Turbo C, Visual Studio
or Tool
Textbook & Title Edition Authors Publisher Year ISBN
Reference Object Oriented Programming Robert 1988 067222660X
using C++ By Robert Lafore Lafore
Let us C by Yashwant Kantaker
C++ how to program, DEITEL
IT Series C++ 2nd/3rd Robert
Assessment Assessment Weight Assessment Weight
Criteria (100%) Assignment 10 Quiz 20
Lab Project / Presentation 20
Attendance 5 Participation 5
Mid Term Final 40

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Week Topic Lecture Lecture Contents Bloom’s Status
No. No. Taxonomy Achieved
W1. L1. Introduction

Course introduction, Program, programmer,

Programming, programming languages, Programming
Languages ,Compiler, Interpreter

W2. L3. Data Types, Operators

Introduction to C++, Basic data types, variables and

constants, Expression, Type Casting, Type of
operators, Precedence of operator, Keywords

W3. L5. Algorithm and flow chart, First Program

L6. cin and cout stream, escape sequence, The First C

program, Different parts of a program, Control
Instruction in C, Basic structure of C++

W4. L7. Conditional Statement

L8. Assignment Sequence, Program Control, If- Else

Statements, Nested If Else, Switch Statement

W5. L9. Repetition Structure

L10. The loop control structure, while loop, The for loop

W6. L11. Repetition Structure (Cont.)

L12. Nesting of loops, Multiple initialization in the for

loop, break statement, continue statement, do while

W7. L13. Functions

L14. What is function( prototype, calling, function body),

User defined functions, system defined functions,
Why use functions, Parameters, arguments, Passing
values between functions, Scope rule of functions,
Advanced features of functions, Function Declaration
and prototypes, Call by value and call by reference

W8. Mid Term Exam L15. Mid Term Examination

Week L16.
W9. L17. Recursion
Example using recursion, Fibonacci series, Recursion
vs. iteration

W10. L19. Arrays

L20. A simple program using array, Array initialization,

Bounds checking, Passing array elements to a
functions, Passing an entire array to a function

W11. L21. Multidimensional Array

L22. Initializing A 2-Dimensional array, Memory map of 2-

Demensional array, Three Dimensional arrays

W12. L23. String

What are string, More about string, standard library

L24. string functions

W13. L25. Pointers

L26. Pointers overview, Return data from function, Pointer

and array, Pointers and strings , Pointers to pointers

W14. L27. Structures

L28. Declaring a structures, Accessing structures elements,

How structures elements are stored, Array of
structures, Additional features of structures.

W15. L29. File Handling

L30. Reading, Writing, Randomly Accessing Data


W16. Final exam  Final exam

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