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Catenaries on the computer: A freshman physics assignment

Charles L. Adler

Citation: The Physics Teacher 37, 254 (1999); doi: 10.1119/1.880255

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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers

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Catenaries on the Computer: A Freshman

Physics Assignment
Charles L. Adler, Department of Physics, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD 20686;

A few years ago, Eli Honig

showed that the shape of a
“balloon arch” (a string with
helium balloons attached at evenly
spaced intervals, anchored at both
ends to a support) is that of an invert-
ed catenary.1 I recently had a chance
to see this for myself, and to observe
that the balloon arch (and the cate-
nary) presents an ideal problem for
anyone who knows a little mechan-
On Valentine’s Day, our student
union was decorated with five or six
of these arches. After seeing this, I
marched my mechanics class over to
the hall, gave them an impromptu
lecture on the catenary, and assigned
them the task of figuring out the
shape of the balloon arch as an extra- Fig. 1. Ballon arch and the associated free-body diagram for the ith balloon. Tension in the two string
segments i and i + 1 must balance lift force on the string.
credit problem.
The problem is simple enough to
be given to any student who has taken These equations say that the lift Combining (3) and (4), we get:
introductory mechanics and has force must be balanced by the vertical (N–2 i)F
access to a computer. No knowledge component of the tension in the tan(␪i) = ᎏ ᎏ (5)
of the hyperbolic cosine (cosh) func- string, and that the horizontal compo-
tion or of differential equations is nent of the tension (labeled TH) is The position of balloon i can be
required. We begin by assuming that constant. Substituting (2) into (1), we found from:
there are N balloons evenly spaced on arrive at:

⌺ cos(␪ )
a massless string of total length L. F L
Each balloon has a lift force F acting tan (␪i+1) = tan(␪i) – ᎏ ᎏ (3) xi = ᎏᎏ j (6)
TH N+1 j=0
on it, pointing straight up (see Fig. 1).
At each attachment point i along the We now determine the boundary con-
ditions: the value of ␪ at the points
⌺ sin(␪ )
string, the lift force F must be bal-
anced by the tension Ti and Ti+1 in where the string is attached to the yi = ᎏᎏ j (7)
N+1 j=0
segments i and i+1. Resolving this ground (labeled by i = 0 and i = N+1).
into x (horizontal) and y (vertical) By symmetry, each attachment point Figure 2 shows the curve generat-
components, we have: must support half the lift force on the ed using 20 meters of string with 10
string. From this, and the fact that TH balloons attached to it, a lift force
T i sin( ␪i) – T i+1sin( ␪i+1 ) = F (1) is constant, we arrive at Eq. (4): F = 1 newton from each balloon, and
a horizontal tension TH = 1 newton.
T i cos( ␪i) = T i+1 cos(␪ i+1) (=T H ) tan(␪0) = –tan(␪N+1) = ᎏ ᎏ (4) All students in freshman physics
2 TH should be able to follow the analysis
(2) given up to this point.

254 THE PHYSICS TEACHER Vol. 37, April 1999 Catenaries on the Computer: A Freshman Physics Assignment
Fig. 2. Balloon arch generated from N = 10, F = 1 newton, L = 20 m and TH Fig. 3. Balloon arches generated using TH = 1 newton, L = 20 m, and f =
= 1 newton. 0.5 newton/meter. Shape of arch approaches a true catenary as N

The curve shown in Fig. 2 can be tance between the string’s attachment a third of the class chose to do the
generated on any programmable cal- points, and h the height of the arch. D problem, most of whom solved it cor-
culator. However, the more inquisi- can be found by integrating the length rectly. Discussion of the catenary
tive students may wonder about the of the curve from x = 0 to x = D, and curve is usually held off until the
shape of the arch when the number of is given by the transcendental sophomore or junior year, when stu-
balloons gets very large—or, equiva- equation: dents have the mathematical sophisti-
lently, the shape taken by a hanging cation needed to handle the differen-
T f D
cable or a bridge suspended only at L = 2 ᎏHᎏ sinh ᎏ ᎏ ᎏᎏ (9) tial equations. Access to computers
f TH 2
its endpoints. If they know the hyper- allows us to introduce our students to
bolic trig functions, they can be while h is given by the expression: topics such as this at a much earlier
shown the solution for the "true" stage.
catenary, and can easily test that the (h + (TH/f))2 – (L/2)2 = (TH/f)2 (10)
limiting shape of the balloon arch is a Acknowledgment
hyperbolic cosine. For a derivation of which can be derived from the rela- I would like to thank Miron
the results given below, I highly rec- tion: cosh2(x) – sinh2(x) = 1.1 Figure Kaufman and Karl Casper for
ommend Mechanics by J. P. Den 3 shows several arches generated reviewing the assignment that formed
Hartog.2 using different numbers of balloons the basis of this paper.
In the limit of N very large, the (N = 1, 5, and 10 balloons), while
arch takes the shape of a catenary keeping L and f fixed, and the cate- References
given by2 nary generated using the same value 1. Eli Honig, Am. J. Phys. 59, 472
for L and f . 3 As can be seen, the (1991).
f D
y = h – ᎏHᎏ cosh ᎏ ᎏ x – ᎏᎏ –1 (8) curves in Fig. 3 approach a true cate- 2. J. P. Den Hartog, Mechanics
f TH 2 (Dover, New York, 1961), pp.
nary as N increases.
I gave this problem to my intro- 63–67.
where f is the lift force per unit length ductory mechanics class as an extra- 3. In this case, L = 20 m and
credit problem for those students who f = 0.5 newton/meter.

of the string f = ᎏᎏ , D the dis- had access to a computer. More than

Catenaries on the Computer: A Freshman Physics Assignment Vol. 37, April 1999 THE PHYSICS TEACHER 255

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