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— UNISA MNO2604 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 WORK STUDY ‘STUDENT NUMBER IDENTITY NUMBER fe ee eee ee] ae] Number ot paper Date of examination Examination centre Sel | 1A candiaata who winow autnansaton takes wo the examination venue any book, document or object whlch could asset firs i the ‘exgminavon, and does noi Nand over suc maton to tho igiee belo ths oft cemmoncemaet ot to exararston ail be gut a 'sirgng ne Unversitys examination foguations and val bo wabo to punishment as detrmined by Counc 2 ugh work may be done ony on he examination quaston paper and mus be abo as such 3 Notes may be mado onary par of he body, such a the hands oon any gament ‘4 Tiss pageipaper isthe property ofthe Unveraty and under no excumstances ay the canddae ela or lake tout ofthe examination WARNING NB PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER ON THE BACK PAGE, TEAR OFF ANO HAND TO THE INVIGILATOR UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS, UNISA Ieee MNO2604 OctoberiNovember 2016 WORK STUDY Duration 2 Hours 70 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST DRB SOOKDEO SECOND MR BL MBONYANE MR MJ MOTHA Use of a non-programmable pocket calculator 1s permissible Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This examination paper consists of eighteen (18) pages: ‘Make sure the following information appears on the cover of your answer book © your student number * your identification number + _date of examination and examination venue, “This examination paper consists of two sections ‘Section A consists of question 1 which contams ten multiple-choice questions Please answer this question in the block provided in your answer book ‘Section B consists of three questions, namely questions 2, 3 and 4 Each of these questons 1s worth 30 ‘marks You have to select any two questions and answer them for 60 marks out of 70 Sections A and 8. together thus count 70 marks SECTION A: QUESTION1 ANSWER ALL THIS QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION 10 marks ‘SECTION B: QUESTIONS 2, 3 and 4 SELECT ANY TWO (2) OF THE THREE (3) QUESTIONS sO marks, TO marks RECOMMENDATION: PLEASE CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE ABOVE MARK ALLOCATION AND TOTAL TIME LIMITATION (TWO HOURS) BEFORE DECIDING ON WHICH SECTION TO ANSWER FIRST. TURN OVER] 2 MNo2604 October/November 2016 SECTIONA ‘THIS QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED BY ALL STUDENTS. ANSWER EACH OF THESE QUESTIONS IN THE BLOCK PROVIDED. ANSWER ALL TEN QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 W 12 13 14 ‘Aimost every industry, business and service organisation 1s restructuring itself in order to operate more effectively In the context of this module, this is pnmarly due to 1 2 3 4 Work study 1s important to an organisation because it can assist Continuous retrenchments in organisations ever-mcreasing competiton from all parts of the world attaining set targets and quality improvements high levels of remuneration ofthe labour force ‘Anew an organisation's management to determine the rates of remuneration of ts employees suppliers to ensure that all raw matenals are delivered on time ‘a manager to achieve results that would make his/mer organisation more afectve employees to work more harder in order to meet set targets and due dates ‘Answ Mothod study 1s the first technique of work study and 1s followed by work measurement Method study concentrates on nana ‘measuring the time that i takes to carry out a task using direct and indirect work techniques in order to improve work developing more efficient methods of working Improving the efficiency of an organisation by setting standards for all tasks fate J Work study officers full an important task m_an organisation and should therefore possess certain ‘qualities Which of the following qualities should a work study officer possess? ‘An analytical and constructive mind, which 1s interested in problems and the isolation and solution of these problems, tho ability to express their ideas clearly Inquisitveness, perceptivity, sound judgement and a lot of common sense Fitmness and contiolled enthusiasm, the abilty to carry on regardless of problems, to study detait without losing interest and to be prepared to wait long for results More tact than the average person, a sense of humour, powers of persuasion and social acceptance (TURN OVER) 15 16 17 a MNO2604 October/November 2016 a ab abe abed ‘Answer Process charts fall nto two distinct calegones Charts which are used to record a “process sequence” and charts which are used to “record actions” Which of the following charts indicates a ‘process sequence”? Outline process chart Flow process chart ‘Two-handed process chart Procedure process chart po a ‘Answer The value of work measurement lies n the fact that it can provide the management of an organisation with improved methods of working a technique for measuring the time taken to perform an operation ‘@ measurement ofall activities in order to determine its strategic goals alist of ail tasks that are to be completed by employees “Answer. The total tme in which a task should be completed at standard performance refers to productivity improvement standard rating standard time performance measurement “Answer (TURN OVER} 18 19 110 4 MNO2604 October/November 2016 Tho total actual time of an oloment 1s gven as 1197 minutes A contingency allowance of 6% Is applicable Calculate the contingency allowance and state which one of the following is the correct answer? o716 oni ove o719 “Anewer" The information provided below refers to Element 1 You are required to calculate the "Actual time" and state which one of the following is the correct answer? Observed time 77 minutes Observed rating = 110 Frequency Rest allowance 4785 4788 4787 4788 ‘Answer Use the information given below to calculate the “Error margin’ and state which one of the following 1s the correct answers? Clock time 45 00 minutes All observed times. 42.96 minutes, Time elapsed before study (TESS) = 102 minutes Time elapsed after study (TEAS) 089 minutes 0.96% 097% 0.98%, 0.99% ‘Answer Section A: 10 questions x 1 mark = 10 marks [TuRN over} 5 ‘MNOZ604 October/November 2016 ‘SECTIONB QUESTIONS 2, 3 AND 4: SELECT AND ANSWER ANY TWO (2) OF THE THREE (3) QUESTIONS BELOW. EACH QUESTION COUNTS 30 MARKS. QUESTION 2 21, Explain your understanding of the technique “method study" and descnbe the objactves of method study a 22, The method study procedure consists of seven steps Explain the sixth step of the method study procedure and state why thes step takes ionger than all the other steps to complete ©) [TURN OvER} 23. ‘MNo2604 October/November 2016 Method study consists of six process chart symbols You are required to draw and name each symbol Thereatter you are required to provide a description of each symbol (6) Tilustration of symbol Name of symbol ‘Desorption of symbol [TURN OveR] 7 ino2604 October/Novernber 2016 24 Method study. Flow process chart Tne following process desenbes the procedure of the compilation of assignments at a University The assignments are compiled by the lecturer and handed to the Scheduling department to expedite The: Procedure of the flow of work being cared out is as follows Required: Description of task’ Compilation of assignments at a University, Chart begins: The lecturer compiles the assignment Chart end Tutonal letter is ready for printing Tho locturor compiles the assignment The assignment is then forwarded to the editing department for editing The assignment 1s edited and then rotumed to the lecturer The lecturer makes the necessary amendments to the assignment ‘The lecturer mserts the assignment into the tutonal letter. The lecturer then sends the {utorsallettor toa colleague for peer review The tutonal letter ss retumed to the lacturer The lecturer completes a final check of the assignment ‘The lecturer then takes the folder to the head of department for signature The tutonel letter 1s signed by the head of department Finally, the lecturer sends the tutonal letter to the Scheduling department Read the information provided and compile a flow process chart (matenal type) of the above procedure for compting assignments. Use tho flow process chart on the next page. (12) ITURN OVER} 8 MNO2604 October/November 2016 FLOW PROCESS CHART TOCATION: summa "RETETY TAROT EVENT/GEBEURTENIS | PRESENT! | PROPOSED/ "| SAVINGS” | Tans” | vooncesie, | espana DATE /DATUM eee | cae aceon | RCE CERCLE APPROPRIATE METHOD AND TYPE! | TONSA OMKRING TOEPASLIKE METODE EN TIPE: | METHOD PRESENT PROPOSED eee ees Stettne REMARKS/OPMERKINGS: eee brat Reena Taare] oer | ag | eescupron or | sneovanaon | true) | “mo | esas D Qobe 7 dope Vv oube Oop Iv a lV QORE 1 ic QUDaIV] ODS IV’ om 1 OUDE F QUDa Vv OUDSIV] gQuDo ops QOD IV) dOopoalv’ Ope Vv OUDBIV [30] [TURN OVER] MNO2604 October/November 2016 QUESTION 3 31 Work measurement 1s the second technique of work study and must be conducted after method study Wnte short notes on your understanding of the term ‘work measurement’ and describe how work measurement serves as an accurate ard for controling work performance 8) 32, Descnbe what 1s meant by the term “tme study" and explain why it 1s considered as one of the most accurate direct work measurement techniques 4) TTURN OVER] 33 a4 10 MNO2604 October/November 2016 In any organisation, we find that the output of workers differ from person to person, even though the same methods are used to produce the same output Explain the method that is used by the work study officer to identify an average worker 4) Work measurement: Time study The following table shows the observation times and ratings of a time study that was conducted at your workplace it concerns two tasks, A and B Management have requested that you calculate the standard ‘ume for Task A and task B separately No contingency allowance is applicable Please use the tables bolow to complete this question Task A TaskB Element Cranes ‘Observed ] Rating Rest ‘Observed | Rating Rest ‘tame, allowance allowance T 255 5 7 85 12 2 287 70 2 3.28 80 1 a 271 80 WT 356 70 1 4 249 90 13 3.18 95 14 5 219 100) 12 aa7 78 1 € 298 6 10 65 12 (TURN OVER} " MNO2604 October/November 2016 Calculate the following: 341 The standard time for Task A m Element | Observed Base Selected | Rest | Aotual number | time Rating time | Frequency | basic time | allowance | ume T 255 Es or 17 2 287 70 7 2 3 27 80 1A 1 a 248 30 A 1s $ 219 100 wi ry é 298 & A or) Total actual me Contingency allowance 0% Standard time: 3.42 The standard ume for Task B 7 Element | Observed Base Selected | Rest | Actual number | time Rating time | Frequency | basic time | allowance | time 7 340 ccs A 2 2 325 0 A t a 356 70 a 13 a 318 cy a 1 z 5 347 7 7 a 6 388 A 2 Total acual re Contingency allowance 0% ‘Standard time (14) [30] [TURN OVER} QUESTION 4 at 12 MNoz604 October/November 2016 A work study officer must sometimes use the statistical formula to determine the scope of a work measurement study Make use of statistical formula to determine whether enough observations have been made The task consists of six (6) cycles The Job was measured and the basic mes of the vanable elements with the greatest degres of variance were 2 3 x 102 156 189 a ‘Show all steps of the calculations 6 [TURN OveR} 42 Method study. 13 This question concems the compilation of a two-handed process chart MNOZ604 October/November 2016 ‘The elements listed below relate to the assembly of two washers, a nut and a bolt To assemble the bol, ‘nut and washers, the bolt wil have to be held in one hand while the washers and nut are assembled with the other This whole process is listed in the table below ‘Activities of the ‘Activites of the LEFT HAND RIGHT HAND Reach for bolt Reach for frst washer Pick up bolt Pick up washer Place in position Place in positon Hold ‘Assemble on bolt Reach for contamer Fieach for second washer Place in container Pick up washer Reach for bolt Place im position ‘Assemble on bolt Reach for nut Pick up nut Piace in position ‘Assemble on bolt Delay Reach for frst washer Required: Use the above information to prepare a present method, two-handed process chart of the assembly process Use the attached two-handed process chart on the next page to answer this quoston (10) [TURN OVER] 14 MNo2604 October/November 2016 TWO-HANDED PROCESS CHART pepserae eh _ ART eelENes AT ease Simetes see <—— = eee Soe BESKRYWING VAN TARK SESORUTION OF Taek LINKERHAND/ timo lode lade dt REGTERHAND/ LEFT HAND rye ape ye ts RIGHT HAND alti | [ale le lg Q ola) SVD ols) IaIVD BIVDOeVp = 2 Olav QVo Oe o] Qi9 =) o/5 iS Ole SVD OID] 3 2 5 OPBVDPPIVD Iolo) 2 Oi 3 — Ole OVD ofS 5 Simmer Ay stones [)oreramos | rmansronr | ocuw _ | TOME STARE SUMMARY: oroencnea [sevemens |) Veneer” |Datinsivas | TOTALSTEPS ‘Left hand/ Unkerhand Rogtrnand ITURN OVER} 43° Work measurement: Time study 18 MNO2604 October/November 2016 ‘The information below concerns the manutactunng of staplers A total of five staplers were manufactured ‘Only one operator was utitsed dunng th’s process and the process consisted of five elements A contingency allowance of 6% 1s applicable As the work study officer, you afe requested to use the information provided in order to calculate the following Element ‘Observation number number ; z z 7 = Rating 60, 70 75. 20, 5, 1 Observed time 2.80 241 2.35 2.25 219 ‘Ratng s 70, 7, 60, 80, 2 ‘Observed time 2.80 355 325 450 2.96 Raung 70 75 cy 0, 60 a ‘Observed time 2.26 250 231 2.49 255 Rating 80, 7 70, a 0, 4 ‘Observed time 395 400 a7 3.68 3at Rating 700 5, 700 90, 35 5. Observed time 101 710 7,03 Ts at 4.3.1 Calculate the selected basic time per element 6) [TURN OVER} 16 MNO2604 October/November 2016 432 The standard time for manufactunng one stapler 9 Element Total Salected Fest “Actual number Basic Frequency | BasicTime | Allowance ‘ume Time (Average) Total actual time: ‘Contingency Allowance (6%) Section ‘Standard Time: (14) [30] any 2 questions x 30 marks = 60 marks ‘TOTAL NUMBER OF MARKS (SECTIONS A & 8) = 70 TTURN Over] 7 MNoz604 October/November 2016 ADDITIONAL PAGES. Should you find thatthe space provided after each question 1s insufficient, please number the question and continue with your answers on the following pages (TURN OVER} 18 MNO2s04 October/November 2016 Urvee 2016

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