Four Corners 4

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CAMBRIDGE Prue ose erry WU aN ln Val a a Jack G. Richards - David Bohlke cee of Student’s Book [} Four Corners ¥ Clear and carefully staged lessons support student success. ¥ Amanageable grammar and vocabulary syllabus provides a firm foundation for effective communication. ¥ Interactions lessons present esser everyday situations. Can-do statements mapped ta the Common European Framework of Reference provide benchmarks to measure student progress. Personalized speaking activities make learning fun and relevant. Self-study CD-ROM with video provides valuable opportunities for interactive practice and self-testing ial functional language for use in Fach level of Four Comers contains: ‘Student's Book with Self-study CD-ROM with video ‘= workbook ‘= Online workbook = Teacher's Edition with Assessment Audio CD / CD-zoM + Class Audio CDs + Class Video DvD + Classware presentation sofware 4 Additional online support for teachers and students at ‘waanw.camb Four Corners combines effective communicative methodology, a clear design, and a practical “can-do” approach, giving students the language and confidence they need to communicate accurately and fluently in English. Jack C. Richards and David Bobike Jack €. Richards David Bohike Four Corners takes students from the beginning through che intermediate levels. Need Coheed Soy FourComers1 AL (ues FourCorners2 Az SBN 978-0-521-12771-4 t Scope and sequence Pe (seeing | Chetaon anguage Face? The sowe Students ean. Vesbserscs—staterents Nena seetions A Borst oe we tetnewssiaies Vecianees—aquesione Aedoneethenens 8 eal apee, © ree onda ith aiins Survival stares: Be seem: Dentin ers = acs news stry = ae Cormnicatng Students can Presenaerfet A Language leaining © sive and discuss lenquage-leaming tips ‘continuous Bnei. / togress tree verb ane! offen © Have her text me, © talk about nays of communicating Dioraconmiicnin © sssisetartonmurcnionpterences Food sStugems can... “Present passive Food preparation W Steet od (2 ese way ood prapaed Sinecianer Tuto err B Sounds good ta me. give end ecceptrecommendations Citnonioate © seciastopina ego D crecoite! © fan end describe food tour or ‘students can... ‘Sezone eardtions! 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Ge imtaruptpoitaly / sgeooo en interoption White for chonge talk about presentwishe D Atoms teracios 6 cissusswaye oralay er rd lutwractins: Ustening: Reading: + Information exchange about ens staries Acreing with on opinion ‘Today's ans “Gitzen Journalism” + Keep tang: Interview aboutnens reading hits [Gsagrecingpaiely Nens reports based magazine artcla + Opiions onreaing the ews Tnvewersubmtied Writing: + Information exchange aiutheatine news photes Become a citizen + Koop time: Cusetionpractce Pronunciation: journalist, + Arwws blog Reduced vonel sounds Iweractons: Listening: Reading: * Discussion of improving English o communicate Gpressngintarast Options or English “Toa Much information” suecersilly ‘feriagcmions| lasses Aragarineartile + Keep ating “Fie sorweore who" activity aboutrecent Fevorice mothode of ein: nporisnese ‘communication Acamersatianinwriting + Rell ity about language css options Pronunciation + Personal anccdotes about comaniceting Unveleasedtinal + Keep ting Role play ct boty tanguage ‘comsanentsoands + Class survey about most popier eyo corenuni | Ineractions: Listening: Reading: + List of popuier siveet foods, Girngareconmerdation Healthy eating habits hozalate—FromFocest + Keep tating Deser pion! festival foods | Atcepings The Sanfrancisco toFactory” Fale ley about fncingtime co cet rezonmendation Gourmet Crocolate Aconoany brochure + Deserintion of an original snack ‘eur ‘wating: 1 kesp thing Itarvew ane fun food tacts Pronanciation: Arecpe plan ora food tour Linke sonsenant ond ‘vowel sounds breractons: stoning: eating: ‘+ Intarviews avout reactions to dMforent situations Epessnganexpectatin Cross-cultural differences "Make Someone Happy” * Keap tft: Information xcnenge sbout reaction to Astnowladgeg a> Radio rak showstour Amaganneartele lemmas epectation ‘acis of kindness Writing + Information exchange about customs in ifferant Pronunciation: Anactatkindnass countriae Reductionet have + Information exch2nge abourpasttypoinetca siwations + Kesp talting.Diseassion of right and wrong cacisions * Deusen asautiine ats nerzcuons: Listoniags Reading: + comparison of alferenteives Reporting arbler Hote peablens| “WelcometoMedelin, ——» Kapp taking Travel adventures gare Regponéngieaprotlam — Gtytestvae ‘Colombia The cry ot» Roleplay about fatal stuaton Pronnetaton: Everlasing Spring” © Advice fo: foroign vistors Licking of same Avwsbsite * Keoptalhingnteriew about solitons te teaelrebloms ‘onsarentcounce ‘waiting: * Aplantoratowntestva! | Creating ahowe page Interactions: Listening: Reading: Discussion aboutjb are prsnalty matches Irtarrapting petal Ayreergte an inetruption Typo Asnd Type 8 personales Gdedimagery Pranuneiatin: Stress inthaught groups “Thorapies That Wore!” Anantcle Waiting: Apauttelaxation Koop tehing-Diacusoion of beth order and psreonalty Discussien about personalty Information exchange abou! mating wishes Koop taking Beard game atoutwistes Brainstorm creative ways erie es wae et rr oe ae Seances ee Se oor —— peace. == ager ier @& wwassure somaone and get anni SEE dat Se gemnuiuentrasas eat ae ‘eae See C History's mysteries & ask and speculate about historical events, oer, Gearageiaie: Pere ei eee eet AMA alfic accident @& veport what, people say Reported yes / ira eet Be case ae on © Thos aivaysan exatevacion. IZ reporiwhar people ask D Thoughts, values, andexperiences @ discuss thoughts and values UIE The real world Students can... Cusative gotand hove Wordpartners A Goxing econo © tale sd0utgering tings cone Future continuous ve Setting goals Bleinesee S&S taketime te thinkin av intervion ‘unre with ell Z clase on interviow © Fare goals Z ask and tak about tue goss DMycareer cuss futre careers Finding soltions 5 Present continuo Preventing pelution A Enaronmental concems Ww ranmantal vende peccive Community 8 That's a good pant © support and not supper an opinion Infrtve passive inproverent © Mycommunity © fzeussvoato moro ha commit Linking words 0 Gening volved fiseuss waysto raise awareness, Scope and sequence Gort language Ineractions:| LUstening: ‘Rooting: + Deeussion of ventions Freiieg an iea Unusual solutions to “Tachnalagy Helos + Koap taliing Promoting eraatve produeis Sigeasg 3 slition probes Japer'sElerly” + Vote en nvantive selutors *oat0g anartte ‘+ Discussion of epravamantetoaarlinnevations Pronuneietion: ating: ‘+ Keep aling Discussinn of product empcovements Empratie sees An evontion * Desenpticn afer orsinlinvortion Interactions: Listening: Reading: + Information exchange about pest experiences Expressing wory Wirisom situations “TheStoryotMyLite” + Keep taking icture story Fresssringsomeune Memorable days ‘Abaok excerpt + Rol play atoutaiute stuatons Pronuneiation: iti *+ Deseriotion ofersonal exaeriences that mishehave Reduction of had Abouts memorable day been diferent + Keep talhing Discussion of possible outcomes in Aiforont situations + Deseritian ots memaratie day ‘erations: Listening: Reacing: + iseusson ot possible oxalanations for Expressing probablty ——_Mine-reaing “How the Kangaroo Bot unusual everyday events Execsingimprebablty “The Magpies andthe ItsPouch” + Koop talhing Specsiations abot pictured events Bell" akoreznfaltiala— Amyth * infornaven exchange about probablity Pronunciation: ‘Waiting: + Discussion of possible exlanations forFiscarical Imonationinerbadted —Anrigin myth mysteries * Keep falting Deseriptonsand specuiations about unsolved mysteries * Story teing from diferent cultures Interactions: Listening: Roscings + "Whisperthe semence” gome to report hat aeocleeay Changing the toe Three corwersations "The Proust + Keep taling "Find the &tforonces” activity about otmingto atopic about sports Duestionnsice” eyewitness ets Iniervigrfor to Proust Aninterisw + Discussion about sports ‘vestionnsire ‘Wing: + “Find someone who" activity about ferious peoole Pronunciation Questionnaire results * Koop taking Survey about ganoral topics inked vowel sounds ith + uestiannaire sbout thoughts and values fw addy Interactions: Listening: eating: + Discussion about ways to prepare fr aninterview Taking ino thirk Plansio yetthingsdene “Jobs ofthe ftura™ + Keop taling Maton the places and the actives Closter interview Aiabinterview Anartile + Rol play abouts job inte view Pronunciation: wating + Discussion of future goats Fedetion of wil Alea of 1 Keep rating Survey abou fen the ture * information exchange about creer interests Interactions: Lstening: Roading: + Discussionct envronmentsl trends Sunpoting en opinion Bottled water andthe “The Flephart Mer” ‘+ Keep raltng-Board game about he anvirnment Notauopertng an opinian —_eriranment magazine article + Comparison of apinions about issues How people tela soive commun sues Pranuneiaion: Rise-fling a tow ting nee weting: ASletert2 community leader Discussion bout ways to mprove he qulty of fect peoplein the carmmanity Keep talten:Aplantor& community moroverssat project Information exchanas about raising awar ene Scope and sequence vii 2595) 2, Classroom language +) ¢ A ©) Complete the conversations with the correct sentences, Then listen and check your answers. Do you think this is correct? Io itll right if | | Do you want to join our group? Which number are we on? | I'm sorry for being late. ‘Would you mind explaining that to me? mw, x wi i “our group? eave five minutes early 8: That‘ be great. Thanks, B: Sure, [think Tunderstand it. tomorrow! | have a doctor's appointment, B: Of course. a yaaa erdedite «(We jue quenian Be (GOWETHIREGD.LAHTTK you B: That’s OK. Take your seat. two, so we're an number ‘need to use the past tense three now. here, B Pair worl Practice the conversations,, Warm-up { 5g UB) ‘A Lock at the pictures. How are the people getting their news? B How do people you know get the news? How do you get the news? Stories in the news 259 IC5) ———_ ao >, 4 Vocabulary News sections = « A ©) Listen to the names of news sections. In which news sections can you find the pictures? Compare your answers with a partner. a, Business c. Health e. Local g. Technology Science i. Weather b. Entertainment Vd. Lifestyle 1. Sports h. Travel j. World w A “1 think you can find the first picture in the Lifestyle section.” B Pair worle in which news section can you find these news stories? Discuss your ideas. the best new applications for phones —_a meeting among world leaders last night’s soccer scores a new coffeshouse in your town 2 Language in context |) the news A +) Read the headlines and the beginning of each story, Match the headlines to the news sections in Exercise 1 where you can find these stories. Puoros Snow Ancient Marttan Lake gL New photos suggest that Mars had a large lake billions of years ago. ‘Town Recovering from Storm __ The town of Jasper is slowly recovering from last week's storm. OPEN FOR BUSINESS wu Hawail hopes to attract more business travelers. Jason Parker Debuts New CD at Lucid’s |_| Jason was playing his new songs to an excited audience until 2:00 a.m. B What about you? Are you interested in these stories? Rank them from 1 10 4 in the order you would read them. unit 3 Grammar «) Peo Simple present; Hawaii hopes to attract more business travelers. Present continuous: Jasper is recovering from last week's storm. Simple past: Mars had e large lake billions of years ago. Past continuous: Jason was playing songs all night. Present perfect: Café Bella has opened in Pelham. Future with will: The Winter Olympics will begin next Monday. Complete the news stories with the correct forms of the verbs. Then compare with a partner. 1, The Austin Sun Times has closed (close) its doors —for now. The newspaper ____ (print) its last newspaper last Sunday, but it (open) again next month as an internet-only paper. Stat members (learn) about digital publishing now, so they (be) ready next month. Sadly, the Austin Cazette (he) now the city’s only “paper” newspaper. 2. Pink (be) a playful color, and it (make) people smile, But last night Willian Maddox (not / smile) when he (stop) a fight in his store. “Two people (argue) for about five minutes over the last pink Tshirt in my store. | {ask) them to leave and then (close) the store for the day,” said Maddox. 3, fifteen-year-old kate Moore (be) the country’s newest texting champion. Last Tuesday, she (compete) against 20 other contestants and (win) $50,000 for her fast and accurate texting, But even Kate (get) one question wrong. No one (know) the meaning of the abbreviation “PAW.” It mean), “1 can’t talk now. My parents (watch). 2) Speaking News stories A worle Think of a story from the news, or make one up. Complete the chart www. What nas happened since? sas olf) B Group work Share your stories. What will happen in the future? 5 Keep talking! Go to page 123 for more practice. can telinews stories. ! totally agree. ‘| Interactions ‘A. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? “The best place to get news is online.” B ) Listen to the conversation. Why can’t Carl check the news headlines? ‘Then practice the conversation., Catt: Hey, lim. Catching up on the news? Jim: Oh, hi, Carl. Yeah, | like to know what's going on in the world, Cart: | feel exactly the same way. Do you read the paper every day? Jim: Every day. it’s the best way to get the news. Carl: Really? | don’t know about that. | get all my news online. | check the news several times a day, so | always know what's happening. Jim: Online news is OK, but I prefer reading an actual newspaper, So, ‘what are the latest headlines online - right now? Carl: Let’s see... Oh, no! | can’t get online. | guess there’s no wireless signal here. Say, would you mind sharing your paper? No problem! eee C 4) Read the expressions below. Complete each box with a similar expression from the conversation, Then listen and check your answers. eee Disagreeing politely couldn't agree with you more, 1m not sure about th: totally agree. not sure that's really true D Pair worke check (7) the statements you agree with, Then give your opinions and agree or disagree with your partner C1] It’s important to read the news Cl Newsmagazines are more interesting every day. than newspapers. 1 The internet is a better way to get news There's not enough positive news than newspapers. these days. ‘A: J think it’s important to read the news every day, B: | totally agree. It’s important to know what's going on. unit 2 Pronunciation 60 006d vowel sounds A.) Listen and repeat, Notice the reduced vowel sound /a/ in unstressed syllabes. agree totally even happening B *) Listen, Underiine the reduced vowel sounds, Then practice with a partner, signal about magazine travel_~—ssection _television istening Acree oF oC socree A.) Listen to Ted and Carrie discuss today’s news. What news are they talking about? Number the pictures from 1 to 4, Bo) Listen again. Does Carrie agree or disagree with Ted? Circle the answers. 1 agree / disagree 2. agiee / disagree 3. agree / disagree 4. agiee / disagree & Speaking Wisi co you thine? A Check (/) the statements you agree with, and mark an X next to the statements, you disagree with. Then write a supporting sentence for your opinion. Cl News ologgers don't provide real news. CO Intemational news stories don’t affect me. Ci I's important to foltow local news. Ci Getting news 24 hours a day is helpful. Ci Newspapers hurt the environment. B Class activity Walk around the class. Share your opinions with your classmates. Agree or disagree politely. A: In my opinion, news bioggers don’t provide real news. They write opinions, not jacts. 8: Fm not sure that’s true. A lot of bloggers / ean agree and disagree with opinions. @ are really newspaper writers. 7 CAMBRIDGE IVWuUil ‘arnt laval aa Jack C. Richards - David Bohlke Workbook Four Corners Clear and carefully staged lessons support student success. ¥ Amanageable grammar and vocabulary syllabus provides a firm foundation for effective communication / \nteractions lessons present essential functional language for use in everyday situations. Y Can-do statements mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference provide benchmarks to measure student progress. / Personalized speaking activities make learning fun and relevant. ota) ¥ Self-study CD-ROM with video provides valuable opportunities for interactive practice and self-testing Each level of Four Corners contains: ‘© Stlident’s Book with Self-study CD-ROM with video = Workbook Online workbook ‘= Teacher’s Edition with Assessment Audio CD / CD-ROM = Class Audio Cos * Class Video DvD ‘* Classware presentation software * Additional online support for teachers and students at Four Corners combines effective communicative methodology, a clear design, and a practical “can-do” Eon approach, giving students the language Leos i and confidence they need to communicate P 4 accurately and fluently in English. Jack C. Richards David Bohilke AER C Riehiitits 80 Datta: Babies Four Comers takes students from the beginning througt the intermediate levels, See eer Four Corners AL Bat Four Corners?) A2 ISBN 978-0-521-12768—4 Fourcomerss) Bx Jl Ih) Il vy LAD 27685

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