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3-pointers not falling for Rockets Get the latest news online! CDC: Strong evidence in-person
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Trump lawyers wrap up brief defense

Former president’s legal team argues serving as jurors, also telling tween general encourage-
supporters to “fight,” aim- ment to battle for causes
his words at rally are protected speech ing to establish a parallel and Trump’s fight against of-
with Trump’s overheated ficially accepted national
By Eric Tucker, at the U.S. Capitol, hurtling rhetoric. election results. The defeat-
Lisa Mascaro and the Senate toward a final “This is ordinarily politi- ed president was telling his
Mary Clare Jalonick vote in his historic trial. cal rhetoric that is virtually supporters to fight on after
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS The defense team vigor- indistinguishable from the every state had verified its
ously denied on Friday that language that has been used results, after the Electoral
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump had incited the dead- by people across the politi- College had affirmed them
Trump’s impeachment law- ly riot and said his encour- cal spectrum for hundreds and after nearly every elec-
yers accused Democrats of agement of followers to of years,” Trump lawyer Mi- tion lawsuit filed by Trump
waging a campaign of “ha- “fight like hell” at a rally that chael van der Veen said. and his allies had been re-
tred” against the former preceded it was routine po- “Countless politicians have jected in court.
president as they sped litical speech. They played spoken of fighting for our The case is speeding to-
through their defense of his dozens of out-of-context Jabin Botsford / Associated Press principles.” ward a vote and likely ac-
actions and fiery words be- clips showing Democrats, Michael van der Veen, lawyer for former President But the presentation quittal, perhaps as soon as
fore the Jan. 6 insurrection some of them senators now Donald Trump, peeks out from the Senate floor. blurred the difference be- Trump continues on A10

City, state
‘Thank you, Houston. take action
ahead of
I love you.’ icy storm
By Jasper Scherer
and Zach Despart

The Houston region’s preparation

for the coming winter storm continued
Friday with crews treating roads for ice,
schools and public transit announcing
plans to close early next week and local
officials warning residents to prepare to
stay home for days on end.
Gov. Greg Abbott declared a state-
wide emergency Friday as workers
from Houston Public Works, the Texas
Department of Transportation and the
Harris County Toll Road Authority
sprayed overpasses, toll roads and free-
ways with a mixture intended to pre-
vent icing. In some cases, they have
been forced to wait until roads dry or
scattered rain stops.
More than 30 public, private and
charter school districts and colleges, in-
cluding Houston ISD, announced they
would close completely on Monday and
Tuesday. Another 29, including Alief,
Spring and Goose Creek ISDs, said they
Weather continues on A12
» Utilities working to keep power on
during cold spell. Page B1
» Gardeners, beware of freeze. Page D1
Karen Warren / Staff file photo
Longtime Texans defensive end J.J. Watt is leaving Houston after a disappointing 4-12 season last year.
Note to subscribers
With Watt’s departure, star leaves legacy on and off the field Because of the winter
weather forecast for the region,
it is possible that delivery of
By Aaron Wilson jargon marked the end of a 10- » What comes next for both decade become a free agent. your weekend newspapers will
STAFF WRIT E R year career in Houston as no- Watt and the Texans? Page C1 “It was a decision we mutu- be delayed.
table for its acts on the field as ally agreed upon that was For the latest information on
It was just a line on the off. ton. The Texans, a team in best for him and best for the the storm's impact, please go to
NFL’s transaction report a lit- Watt, who will be 32 when transition (or turmoil) with a Texans,” Texans chairman our subscriber website,, where
tle after 3 p.m. under the cate- the next football season kicks new general manager, a new and CEO Cal McNair said. “It
you'll find the latest news and
gory of “terminations of vest- off, wanted a chance to com- coach and a disgruntled quar- is bittersweet, and we’ll move
safety information, as well as
ed veterans” — Watt, J.J., DE. pete for the Super Bowl ring terback, agreed to let the face forward. J.J. will always be a
the electronic version of the
But for a region, the league’s that had eluded him in Hous- of the franchise for the last Watt continues on A11 newspaper.

Retailers feel cold shoulder for Valentine’s Day In-custody deaths

By Amanda Drane
rus-era capacity restric-
tions, this weekend brings a ‘alarming’ in Texas
double whammy with a
A cozy, candlelit Valen- cold, wet snap pushing By Eric Dexheimer detailed examination of in-
tine’s Day dinner can turn people from patios. AUST I N B UR E AU custody deaths performed
up the heat on romance. A “The weather is our big- by the Institute for Predic-
pandemic and a gust of frig- gest enemy,” said Ben Berg, Almost a third of the tive Analytics in Criminal
id air can keep that celebra- who through Berg Hospital- nearly 11,000 people who Justice, a new Texas A&M
tion at home, putting a chill ity owns Turner’s, the An- have died in the custody of University System center
on restaurants’ plans for a nie Cafe and B&B Butchers. Texas police, jails and pris- led by Alex del Carmen, a
long-awaited profitable “If it rains, people don’t go ons since 2005 succumbed criminal justice professor
evening. out. If they even think at least in part to a pre-ex- at Tarleton State Universi-
And so as the global there’s going to be ice and isting medical condition — ty.
health crisis continues to snow, we’re finished.” an “alarming” number Following last year’s po-
hammer retailing and pull The forecast aside, a sur- suggesting police and pris- lice killing of former Hous-
budgets and attention vey from Lending Tree, an ons need to dramatically ton resident George Floyd
spans in other directions, online borrowing platform, improve screenings before in Minneapolis, the Hous-
analysts are predicting a found 40 percent of Amer- someone is handcuffed or ton Chronicle revealed
lukewarm Valentine’s Day icans plan to skip Valen- locked in a cell, says the di- how Texas laws designed
for stores and restaurants. tine’s Day this year, and a Jon Shapley / Staff photographer rector of a new criminal to identify racial profiling
For restaurants already separate study by market David Brown arranges the showroom at his justice think tank. were failing because the
struggling with coronavi- Retail continues on A12 flower shop ahead of Valentine’s Day. The finding is part of a Deaths continues on A11

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Comics ..........D4 Editorials .....A13 Markets .........B3 TV....................D3
Crossword....D3 Horoscope ...D4 Obituaries ....B5 Weather........B8
A2 | Saturday, February 13, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HHHH


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Tax season started Fri- Sustainable harvesting J.J. Watt is just the latest
day. Here’s a guide to model may help save notable athlete to leave
some of the changes Galveston’s oysters. the Houston sports
after a year of tumult. houston scene since 2020.
2020tax galvestonoysters exits


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New building Domestic

planned near
medical center League City sees chance violence tied to
fatal stabbing

to fly high with birding

A new medical office A man was stabbed to
building is in the works death early Friday in
as part of a 13-acre devel- what appears to be a
opment near Tomball domestic violence-relat-
Regional Medical Center. ed case in north Harris
The building, being County, officials said.
developed by Bryant + Deputies found a man
Stacy Group, is 60,000 dead from multiple stab
square feet, three sto- wounds around mid-
ries, and will include a night in a residence in
mix of family physicians, the 1100 block of Progre-
specialists and diagnos- so Drive in the Fallbrook
tic functions. It’s being neighborhood, said Sgt.
designed by Browne Jason Brown of the Har-
McGregor Architects and ris County Sheriff's Of-
built by Arch-Con Con- fice.
struction. The facility A 911 caller initially
will be located at the told authorities that a
southeast corner of Mi- woman had been assault-
chel Road and School ed at the location, Brown
Street. said. While deputies
were en route, the call
DALLAS was upgraded to a stab-
No suspects bing. Several children
were in the residence.
identified yet in The man and woman
fatal shooting were previously in a
Dallas police are in- dating relationship,
vestigating after a man Brown said. The woman
was found fatally shot was detained as a sus-
late Thursday in east Oak pect and taken to a hos-
Cliff. pital to be treated for
Officers were called injuries, Brown said.
about 11:50 p.m. to the Officials have not
1500 block of Iowa Ave- determined whether
nue, where they found charges will be filed.
55-year-old Jason Wil- John Steelman / Contributor AUSTIN
liams suffering from a
The yellow-rumped warbler might be spotted during the Tweet Heart Trail Walk at 10 a.m. today.
gunshot wound. He was DPS officer hurt
taken to a hospital and
pronounced dead. Developing programs to make the area a destination for during pileup
is honored
No one has been ar-
rested and police did not
birdwatchers could help tourism take off, officials say The Texas Public Safe-
release any additional ty Commission along
information about the
League City is hoping that its ef- By John DeLapp world to look at the birds.
with Texas Department
forts to become a birding destina- C O R R E SP O N D EN T “We realized there was some-
incident. of Public Safety Director
tion will help tourism take flight. thing to be said for this; so we built
Steven McCraw present-
WAXAHACHIE Boosting tourism by attracting birds such as brown pelicans — a boardwalk and there’s an educa-
ed one Purple Heart and
birders is no flight of fancy: About which dive-bomb lakes and ponds tion center there now. We started
Ellis County 80 million birdwatchers contrib- for fish — to tiny songbirds. tours and really started to push it.
eight Lifesaving Awards
to members of the Texas
joins suit against ute more than $40 billion to the “We have all these amazing That was a big development for
Highway Patrol at the
‘bullet train’ U.S. economy. birding hot spots,” Polk said. “We us.”
PSC meeting Thursday at
“Birding is a huge industry,” have the Great Texas Coastal Bird-
The proposed high- the DPS Headquarters in
said Stephanie Polk, manager of ing Trail, which runs through the Birding classes planned Austin.
speed passenger rail line the city’s convention and visitors’ entire state (and) we are on the In an effort to get the homefolk
bisecting Ellis County The Purple Heart
bureau. “Birdwatching is a won- Clear Lake Loop.” interested in birding, League City
was once again the target award was presented to
derful market for tourism. It’s also has several programs in the offing.
of opposition from the Sgt. Jerrod Burtnett,
something that people do that’s Guide in the works One event is today, the Tweet
Highway Patrol-Lubbock.
Commissioners’ Court safe and they can keep a social dis- Acknowledging that, Polk is Heart Trail Walk, which will be
on Tuesday as commis- He received a Purple
tance. It’s really an untapped mar- working on a birding guide for the held at 10 a.m. at Dr. Ned and Fay
sioners agreed to weigh Heart for his actions on
ket for this area.” entire Bay Area. Dudney Nature Center, 1220 Egret
in on a lawsuit challeng- Dec. 27, 2019, according
Birders can be hardcore. “I’m kind of working on what Bay Blvd. North.
ing it. to a DPS news release.
“Some birdwatchers start in the locations we have, what makes Participants will stroll the na-
Commissioners ap- Burtnett, then a troop-
early part of the year in the Rio them special, what’s the best time ture center’s paths, have a birding
proved a resolution in er, was investigating a
Grande Valley, then they come up to see (different birds) and what session with a Texas master natu-
support of a friends-of- series of crashes due to
the Texas coast and they go all the people need to know about it,” she ralist and learn how to access bird-
the-court brief in the zero visibility fog in
way to Florida,” Polk said. “They said. “I’m partnering with Galves- ing apps.
case of James Fredrick Lubbock County. He had
follow the migration patterns and ton and Lone Star Coastal Alliance On tap are some birding clas-
Miles v. Texas Central just finished checking on
depending on what you are inter- and a bunch of other organiza- ses.
Railroad and Integrated a bystander along the
ested in, different areas have dif- tions. “There will be a series of eight
Texas Logistics Inc. The side of the road, when a
ferent offerings.” “I’m not the only one that weeks of classes on Monday nights
suit is currently on ap- fast-moving tractor-
thinks birding is an important (beginning March 22) and we will
peal before the Texas trailer lost control and
Much to offer market. There’s a lot of other re- be doing them via Zoom online for
struck another vehicle.
State Supreme Court. When it comes to attracting gional partners that get it and un- free,” League City spokeswoman
County Judge Todd The tractor-trailer
birders, League City has much to derstand it.” Sarah Greer Osborne said. “Then
Little said every county went into the ditch,
tout. It is home to eight municipal Polk has experience when it our plan is to culminate the eight
between Dallas and hitting more vehicles as
parks, a county park, a prairie pre- comes to marketing a city as a weeks in May with the Big Sit.
Harris counties involved well as Burtnett, causing
serve, a nature center and several birding destination. She did that “Cities all over the U.S. do it and
in the rail line routing him serious injury. After
hike-and-bike trails. Clear Creek in Beaumont before moving to you sit and you count birds. It’s
will join in the brief. a series of surgeries, he
runs through town, and the city is League City last year. billed as one of the easiest recre-
Texas Central Railroad continues to improve.
also situated on Clear Lake. Com- “We had a wetlands area that ational activities around.”
proposes a 90-minute Burtnett was presented a
bine all that with the fact the city we developed called Cattail Registration for the online clas-
trip via high-speed rail Purple Heart in recogni-
has a footprint of more than 50 Marsh,” she said of Beaumont. “It ses can be done via the city’s web-
between Dallas and tion of his courageous
square miles with large swaths of was part of the water reclamation site at
Houston with one stop in service and personal
yet-undeveloped land, and there area for the city. It was a huge wet-
the Brazos Valley, while sacrifice.
are numerous places for birders to land that became a major haven DeLapp is a freelance writer. He
replicating the Japanese From staff and wire
have a field day. for birds, and the birdwatchers can be contacted at reports
“bullet train” system. Local birds range from water would come from all over the

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Officers Grieving mother searches

kill man
in armed for justice in son’s killing
By Julian Gill
and Samantha Ketterer

Houston police shot and killed a

man Thursday who authorities
said pointed a gun at two officers at
a Greenspoint-area apartment.
The man, identified as 20-year-
old Edwin Adan Velasquez, was
the second person killed in a police
shooting this year in Houston, ac-
cording to the Houston Police De-
Velasquez was the subject of a
criminal mischief call around 8:30
p.m., police said. His sister told po-
lice that he was destroying the in-
side of her home at the Casa Verde
Apartments at 2 Goodson Drive.
While police were responding,
dispatchers relayed additional in-
formation that the man was armed
with a gun. Officers knocked and
as soon as the door opened, the
man “immediately” pointed a gun
at the officers, HPD Executive As-
sistant Chief Matt Slinkard said.
“There was no delay,” he said.
The officers who shot him were
identified as D. Shurtleff and D.
Coppola, who not injured in this
incident. Both are assigned to the
North Belt Patrol Division. Shur-
tleff was sworn in as an officer in
September 2018 andCoppola was
in January 2016.
Velasquez was shot several
times, Houston police said. It's un- Yi-Chin Lee / Staff photographer
clear whether the man shot his Leticia DelBosque, mother of Delmar Rene Nolasco, listens during the bond hearing for his accused killer Friday at Harris
weapon, Slinkard said. County Criminal Justice Center in Houston. DelBosque has been trying to get justice for her son since 2019.
He died just outside the apart-
ment. The officers did not enter 14 months after teen’s deadly shooting near her head. come home beaten and bruised,
the apartment, Slinkard said. Ever since Nolasco’s murder, jumped by some boys from the
The woman and two children in his home, a suspect finally appears in court DelBosque waited for his killer’s neighborhood who accused him
the home were unharmed, he said. arrest. Seethed in anger. Doubt- of stealing weed from them.
“Any loss of life is tragic when By St. John Barned-Smith Fourteen months since anoth- ed justice would come. Mourned She’d torn out of the house
we have an incident like this,” he STAFF W R ITER er call, 20 minutes later, that No- her boy. looking for them, and when she
said. lasco had been shot, steps from “I’m having a hard time not found them, almost got into a
Officers have not responded to Leticia DelBosque sat quietly her home on Terry Street in Near going after this kid,” she’d said, fight with them herself. She’s un-
any calls for service at the address on the 15th floor of the Harris Northside. voice raw, days earlier, at a meet- apologetic.
in the past six months, according County courthouse Friday, ig- Fourteen months since she ing for parents of murdered chil- In the close-knit pocket of the
to HPD. noring the chatter around her. rushed home and found him dren. “Someone has to pay.” Near Northside neighborhood,
Houston police are investigating She sat head down, hands sprawled facedown outside their He’d filled her with pride. friends soon came calling. Many
seven officer-involved shootings clasped, waiting to see the man house, bleeding from his head, He’d just turned 19. He was a new said Nolasco’s killer had posted
that have occurred this year. Two who is accused of killing Delmar back and legs. dad, to little Alyssa. She thought about the shooting on social me-
of those involved deputies or con- Nolasco, her 19-year-old son. He is another fatality among about how he played with the dia.
stable’s deputies, and the other It has been 14 months since the city’s rising body count, one neighborhood dogs. How he de- DelBosque tried to get Nolas-
five related to HPD. Two of those, Nolasco called her as he was of 275 that year. In 2020, more lighted in playing basketball at co’s friends to identify his shoot-
including Thursday’s shooting, walking home from the park than 400 Houstonians were the park near their house, mar- er. None were willing. She called
were fatal. where he played basketball ev- killed, an onslaught of new cases velling at the view of the down- the detective handling the case,
ery day, telling her he was al- police have struggled to clear. town skyline, snapping pictures. over and over, asking for news. most at the house. Dec. 11 plays over and over in Days before his death, he’d Killing continues on A8

Celebrating the Lunar New Year

Witness describes
deadly I-35 pileup
as ‘never ending’
By Kaley Johnson the TEXPress lanes.
F O RT WO RTH STA R-T E L E G R A M As he recovered from his own
fender bender in the main lanes
FORT WORTH — What started of traffic, Chaney watched a car
as an average day for Ryan Cha- slide on the ice and into the bar-
ney turned into “a genocide of rier inside the TEXPress lanes.
metal” as he found himself pull- Another car was unable to slow
ing people from the wreckage of down and smashed into the first
a mass-casualty crash in Fort car.
Worth on Thursday morning. “The truck behind that vehi-
Chaney, an independent cle tried to sacrifice himself into
trucker from Argyle, about 30 the concrete barrier, but the ice
miles north of Fort Worth, was was so slick that as soon as he hit
driving south on I-35 to work, the brakes, it was over,” Chaney
where he hauls power poles for said. “He pushed them about 30
Sabre Industries. The 6 a.m. feet. And then it was car, truck,
traffic moved at car, truck, car —
Elizabeth Conley / Staff photographer about 60 mph it was never end-
Dragon dancers from Shaolin Temple Cultural Center perform during the Lunar New Year on mostly dry “People called me a ing.”
celebration at Lucky Land on Friday. Lucky Land, owned by Nida Lee, features a variety of roads. Cars slid and
replicas of famous Chinese cultural influences. As he neared
hero, but I’m just crashed into one
the 820 inter- like no. It’s kind of another for
change in his fight or flight.” about three min-
pickup, Chaney utes. During a

Locally based spaceflight company noticed

flecting off the
his Ryan Chaney
pause in the cha-
os, Chaney
jumped over the

unveils its mission control center surface of the road and realized barrier to try and help. He
there could be black ice. He and found some people who needed
other cars around him slowed help getting out of their cars.
By Andrea Leinfelder lander. It’s delivering commercial trol centers for Intuitive Ma- to about 20 mph. Most of the people seemed OK,
STA F F WRIT E R cargo and NASA-provided pay- chines. But as he reached the 35W so Chaney started to walk
loads to the moon this year, and it LeBlanc previously used bridge near downtown Fort through the pileup to see if
The new Intuitive Machines will carry a NASA ice-mining ex- NASA’s mission control as a flight Worth, the road turned into “a more people needed help.
mission control center will re- periment to the moon as soon as controller. He also worked on the solid sheet of ice,” he said. The The crash quickly became
sume a long-held Houston tradi- next year. actual hardware and software driver next to him spun out and worse. A grain hopper truck
tion: Guiding landers to the sur- To build its control center, used to run mission control, and hit a barrier. He slid into the car, smashed into the stopped cars
face of the moon. called Nova Control, Intuitive Ma- he led efforts to modernize and luckily not causing much dam- and exploded, he said.
And while its landers won’t be chines hired an expert from upgrade the agency’s systems. age, and gained enough control “I couldn’t see a foot in front
carrying people, the company’s NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Right before leaving NASA, Le- to pull to the side of the high- of my face,” he said. “All that
missions will still be historic. “I was super excited at the op- Blanc helped renovate and re- way. stuff was in the air, and I figured
Houston-based Intuitive Ma- portunity to create a control cen- store the Apollo Mission Control Chaney got out of his truck that’s where I should focus my
chines will be one of the first com- ter from scratch,” said Troy Le- Center. He got a chance to work and stood next to a concrete attention, where it was worse.”
panies to own and operate a lunar Blanc, the vice president of con- Intuitive continues on A8 barrier that separated him from Pileup continues on A8


Biden to let 25,000 asylum seekers
back in U.S. to unwind Trump rule

Biden aims to close

Guantanamo prison
WASHINGTON — President
Joe Biden will seek to close By Elliot Spagat “This latest action is another step
the prison on the U.S. base at AS SOCIATED PR E S S in our commitment to reform im-
Guantanamo Bay following a migration policies that do not align
review process, resuming a SAN DIEGO — The Biden admin- with our nation’s values.”
project begun under the istration on Friday announced Asylum-seekers will be released
Obama administration, the plans for tens of thousands of peo- with notices to appear in court in
White House said Friday. ple who are seeking asylum and cities close to or in their final desti-
White House press secre- have been forced to wait in Mexico nations, typically with family, ad-
tary Jen Psaki gave no time- under a Trump-era policy to be al- ministration officials said.
line, telling reporters that the lowed into the U.S. while their cas- Homeland Security said the
formal review would require es wind through immigration move “should not be interpreted
the participation of officials courts. as an opening for people to mi-
from the Department of De- The first wave of an estimated grate irregularly to the United
fense, the Justice Department 25,000 asylum-seekers with active States.” Administration officials
and other agencies who have cases in the “Remain in Mexico“ say the vast majority of people
not yet been appointed under program will be allowed into the who cross the border illegally are
the new administration. United States on Feb. 19, authori- quickly expelled under a public
President Barack Obama ties said. They plan to start slowly, health order that Trump put in
ran into intense domestic with two border crossings each John Moore / Getty Images place in March amid the coronavi-
political opposition when he processing up to 300 people a day Asylum seekers wait at a bus station in Brownsville. President rus pandemic. But some asylum-
sought to close the detention and a third crossing taking fewer Joe Biden nixed the “Remain in Mexico” policy for new arrivals seeking families have been re-
center, a notorious symbol of numbers. and now is letting 25,000 with active cases back into the U.S. leased in Texas and California,
the U.S. fight against terror- President Joe Biden’s adminis- working against that messaging.
ism. Biden may have more tration declined to publicly identi- were enrolled in the program offi- tration said was critical to revers- Court hearings for people en-
leeway now that there are fy the three crossings out of fear it cially called Migrant Protection ing a surge of asylum-seekers that rolled in “Remain in Mexico” have
only 40 prisoners left and may encourage a rush of people, Protocols since it was introduced peaked in 2019. But the policy also been suspended since June be-
Guantanamo draws much less but U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Tex- in January 2019. exposed people to violence in cause of the pandemic. Getting
public attention. as Democrat, said officials told him On Biden’s first day in office, the Mexican border cities and made it word to them about when to re-
that they are Brownsville and El Homeland Security Department extremely difficult for them to find port to the border for release may
SWITZERLAND Paso in Texas, and San Diego’s San suspended the policy for new ar- lawyers and communicate with prove a daunting job. Homeland
Human rights panel Ysidro crossing. rivals. Since then, some asylum- courts about their cases. Security said it would soon an-
The move is a major step toward seekers picked up at the border “As President Biden has made nounce a “virtual registration pro-
blasts Myanmar coup dismantling one of former Presi- have been released in the U.S. with clear, the U.S. government is com- cess” online and by phone for peo-
GENEVA — The U.N.’s top dent Donald Trump’s most conse- notices to appear in court. mitted to rebuilding a safe, order- ple to learn where and when they
human rights body passed a quential policies to deter asylum- Biden is quickly making good ly, and humane immigration sys- should report. It urged asylum-
consensus resolution Friday seekers from coming to the U.S. on a campaign promise to end the tem,” Homeland Security Secre- seekers not to report to the border
urging military leaders in About 70,000 asylum-seekers policy, which the Trump adminis- tary Alejandro Mayorkas said. unless instructed.
Myanmar to immediately
release Aung San Suu Kyi and
other civilian government
leaders detained after a mil-
itary coup, while watering
down an initial draft text
High court:
amid pressure led by China
and Russia.
State must
In a special session at the
Human Rights Council, the let pastor
original resolution presented
by Britain and the European
Union was revised to remove
in execution
calls to bolster the ability of a By Adam Liptak
U.N. rights expert to scruti- N EW YO R K T I M E S
nize Myanmar and for re-
straint from the country’s WASHINGTON — The Supreme
military. The council has no Court late Thursday let stand a rul-
power to impose sanctions ing that halted the execution of an
but can train a political spot- Alabama inmate unless the state
light on rights abuses and allowed his pastor to be present in
violations. the death chamber.
“The seizure of power by The inmate, Willie Smith, a
the Myanmar military earlier Christian, sought to have his pas-
this month constitutes a pro- tor, Robert Paul Wiley Jr., provide
found setback for the country him with spiritual guidance and
after a decade of hard-won comfort, his lawyers wrote, “in-
gains in its democratic transi- cluding by holding his hand, pray-
tion,” Deputy High Commis- ing with him in his final moments
sioner for Human Rights Nada Kin Cheung / Associated Press and easing the transition between
al-Nashif said. “The world is Strong start for Year of the Ox the worlds of the living and the
watching.” dead.”
Worshippers burn joss sticks as they pray Friday at the Wong Tai Sin Temple in Hong Kong to Prison officials denied the re-
MEXICO celebrate the Lunar New Year, which marks the Year of the Ox in the Chinese zodiac. quest under a recently revised pol-
Police discover bags icy that bars from the execution
chamber spiritual advisers of all
full of body parts faiths. A federal appeals court then
MEXICO CITY — Prosecu-
tors in the western Mexico
state of Jalisco say that police
Attacks on older Asians stoking ruled that the execution could not
proceed unless Wiley was allowed
to be present.
have found 18 plastic bags full
of hacked-up body parts on
the outskirts of the city of
fears ahead of Lunar New Year The Supreme Court’s order said
only that it would not vacate the in-
junction entered by the appeals
Guadalajara. By Daisy Nguyen court requiring the pastor’s pres-
Police found one human ASS OCIATED PR E SS ence. It gave no reasons.
limb near a highway over- The order did not specify how
pass, which led them to the OAKLAND, Calif. — Police are every justice had voted. But Justice
heap of taped-up bags in a stepping up their patrols and Amy Coney Barrett joined the
gully nearby, the agency said volunteers are increasing their court’s three-member liberal wing
late Thursday. The severed street presence after several vio- — made up of Justices Stephen
limbs are being examined to lent attacks on older Asians Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Ele-
determine how many corpses stoked fear in San Francisco Bay na Kagan — to let the appeals
the parts belonged to. Area Chinatowns and subdued court’s ruling stand.
The state is home to the the celebratory mood leading “Alabama has not carried its
Jalisco New Generation Car- up to Lunar New Year. burden of showing that the exclu-
tel, one of Mexico’s most City officials also have visited sion of all clergy members from
violent and powerful. Chinatowns in San Francisco the execution chamber is neces-
and Oakland this week to ad- sary to ensure prison security,” Ka-
INDIA dress residents’ safety concerns gan wrote for those four justices in
Explosion kills 15 and condemn the violence. a concurring opinion. “So the state
They vowed to combat a prob- cannot now execute Smith with-
at fireworks factory lem that has been simmering Jim Wilson / New York Times out his pastor present, to ease
NEW DELHI — Several since the start of the coronavi- Max Leung gives out information on how to report a hate what Smith calls the ‘transition be-
explosions at a private fire- rus pandemic but sparked new crime in San Francisco’s Chinatown neighborhood. tween the worlds of the living and
works factory in southern outrage after two unprovoked the dead.’ ”
India killed at least 15 workers attacks were caught on video had assaulted a couple on the mosphere. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote
and injured 26 others on within a span of days and spread same block later that day and “There’s a huge amount of that he would have lifted the in-
Friday, police said. widely online. another on Feb. 1. sadness and rage in the commu- junction but gave no reasons.
Those injured in the blasts In one, a young man shoved In just the last two weeks, au- nity,” said Alvina Wong, director In a dissent, Justice Brett Kava-
at the factory in Tamil Nadu Vicha Ratanapakdee to the thorities recorded 18 crimes of the Asian Pacific Environ- naugh, joined by Chief Justice John
state’s Virudhunagar district ground on Jan. 28 as he was tak- against Asian Americans around mental Network. “Folks are on Roberts, wrote that he, too, would
were taken to a nearby hospi- ing his morning walk in San Oakland’s Chinatown, said Nan- edge and tense and don’t know have lifted the injunction.
tal for treatment, police offi- Francisco’s Anza Vista neigh- cy O’Malley, district attorney for when the next thing is going to “Because the state’s policy is
cer Raj Narayanan said. borhood. The 84-year-old Thai Alameda County. happen. They see what’s hap- nondiscriminatory and, in my
Narayanan said 11 people man’s head struck the pave- Community advocates said pening in other cities, and it’s view, serves the state’s compelling
died on the spot and four ment, and he died two days later the attacks have left many older not stopping.” interests in ensuring the safety, se-
later succumbed to burn in a hospital. Prosecutors Asians fearful about going out to The recent attacks represent curity and solemnity of the execu-
injuries in the hospital. Four charged a 19-year-old with mur- shop for Friday’s start of the Lu- the latest spike in verbal and tion room,” he wrote, “I would
workers were allowed to go der and elder abuse. nar New Year, the most impor- physical attacks against Asian have granted the state’s applica-
home after receiving first aid. On Jan. 31, a security camera tant holiday in several East Americans since the coronavi- tion to vacate the injunction.”
The explosions occurred caught a man in a hooded sweat- Asian countries that marks the rus, which emerged in China, It was not clear how Justices
while chemicals were being shirt barreling into a 91-year-old beginning of the Chinese lunar reached the United States. Stop Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch vot-
mixed by the workers to Asian man in Oakland’s China- calendar. Shops and restaurants AAPI Hate, launched by two ad- ed.
make fireworks, the Press town, causing him to fall face- are typically bustling in China- vocacy groups to encourage Smith was sentenced to death in
Trust of India news agency first into the pavement, narrow- towns this time of year, but the Asian Americans to report such 1992 for robbing, kidnapping and
said. ly missing a bike rack. Police ar- pandemic and safety concerns incidents, has documented murdering Sharma Ruth Johnson
From wire reports rested the suspect and said he have dampened the festive at- more than 3,000 attacks to date. after approaching her at an ATM.

‘froze’ over
home data
By Marina Villeneuve

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York Gov.

Andrew Cuomo’s top aide told
Democratic lawmakers that the
administration took months to re-
lease data revealing how many
people living at nursing homes
died of COVID-19 because officials
“froze” over worries the informa-
tion was “going to be used against
Republicans who term the
comment admission of a “cover-
up” are now calling for investiga-
tions into and the resignations of
both Cuomo and the aide, secre-
tary to the governor Melissa De- Taylor Glascock / New York Times
Rosa. And a growing number of Students return to Blair Early Childhood Center on Thursday in Chicago after a deal was reached between the city and its
Democrats are joining calls to re- teachers union. New government guidance for reopening classrooms does not require teachers to be vaccinated first.
scind Cuomo’s emergency execu-

CDC: Schools can reopen safely

tive powers, blasting the adminis-
tration’s defense of its secrecy.
The disclosure of DeRosa’s
comments, made on a Wednes-
day conference call with Demo-
cratic legislative leaders, came as
the Democratic governor — a
third-term Democrat who says
if basic protocols are followed
he’ll run again in 2022 and By Collin Binkley wearing,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, advice for elementary, middle son learning, but we also must
penned a book touting his han- and Mike Stobbe the CDC’s director, said in a call and high schools. ensure that every school has the
dling of the pan- ASS OCIATED PR E SS with reporters. Vaccinating teachers can pro- safety measures in place to keep
demic — and his The guidance was issued as vide “an additional layer of pro- students and educators safe.”
administration The nation’s top public health President Joe Biden faces increas- tection,” Walensky said. CDC officials emphasized that
were already fac- agency said Friday that in-person ing pressure to deliver on his There’s wide agreement that in-person learning has not been
ing backlash over schooling can resume safely with promise to get the majority of K-8 learning in the classroom is more identified as a substantial driver
their handling and masks, social distancing and oth- schools back to in-person teach- effective and that students can of coronavirus spread in U.S.
reporting of out- er strategies, and that vaccina- ing by the end of his first 100 days face isolation and learning set- communities, and that transmis-
breaks in nursing tion of teachers, while impor- in office. He acknowledged that backs at home. But teachers sion among students is now con-
Cuomo homes. tant, is not a prerequisite for re- the goal was ambitious, but add- unions in some areas say schools sidered relatively rare.
Cuomo refused opening. ed, “It is also a goal we can meet if have failed to make buildings safe The CDC also stressed that the
for months to release data on how The Centers for Disease Con- we follow the science.” enough to return. safest way to open schools is by
the pandemic has hit nursing trol and Prevention released its Biden said schools will need The new guidance was em- making sure there is as little dis-
home residents, instead pointing long-awaited road map for get- more money to meet the CDC’s braced by both sides of the de- ease in a community as possible.
to figures more favorable to his ting students back to classrooms standards and called on Con- bate, with each saying it bol- The agency urged local officials
administration. Experts say the in the middle of a pandemic that gress to pass his COVID-19 pack- stered their position. House Mi- to assess whether a bad outbreak
release of more — and accurate — has killed nearly 480,000 people age quickly to get $130 billion in nority Leader Kevin McCarthy is occurring in a community
data can shape policy to help save in the U.S. But the agency’s guid- aid to schools. said it’s further evidence that when making decisions about
people’s lives. ance is just that — it cannot force “We have sacrificed so much in schools are equipped to reopen sending adults and children in to
“These are people’s parents schools to reopen, and CDC offi- the last year,” Biden said in a now. schools.
and grandparents,” Fordham cials were careful to say they are statement. “But science tells us The new information “affirms The guidance included a color-
University political science pro- not calling for a mandate that all that if we support our children, what many of us, including stu- coded chart, from blue to red, on
fessor Christina Greer said. U.S. schools be reopened. educators and communities with dents and parents, have known assessing community spread, in-
“They’re people. We should be Officials said there is strong ev- the resources they need, we can for months: It is critical for cluding rates of new cases per
more specific. Cooking the books idence now that schools can re- get kids back to school safely in schools to open as safely and as 100,000 people and the percent-
on the data isn’t just about nurs- open, especially at lower grade more parts of the country soon- soon as possible,” he said. age of positive tests.
ing homes, it’s about numbers of levels. er.” Becky Pringle, president of the Biden’s national strategy says
people infected and possibly Recommended measures in- The new guidance includes National Education Association, the administration “will also
dead.” clude hand washing, disinfection many of the same measures pre- applauded the guidance but said work with states and local school
In recent weeks, a court order of school facilities, diagnostic viously backed by the CDC, but it schools are failing to meet it. districts to support screening
and state attorney general report testing and contact tracing to find suggests them more forcefully. It Most still have outdated ventila- testing in schools, including
have forced the state to acknowl- new infections and separate in- emphasizes that all of the recom- tion systems, she said, and few working with states to ensure an
edge the nursing home resident fected people from others in a mendations must be implement- have the type of virus testing pro- adequate supply of test kits.”
death toll is nearly 15,000, when school. It’s also more emphatic ed strictly and consistently to grams suggested by the CDC. But the CDC guidance stops
it previously reported 8,500 — a than past guidance on the need keep school safe. It also provides “CDC standards still aren’t be- short of recommending testing,
number that excluded residents to wear masks in school. more detailed suggestions about ing met in too many of our saying “Some schools may also
who died after being taken to hos- “We know that most clusters in what type of schooling should be schools,” Pringle said. “We can elect to use screening testing as a
pitals. the school setting have occurred offered given different levels of and must provide students the strategy to identify cases and pre-
Since last spring, news outlets, when there are breaches in mask virus transmission, with differing opportunity to return to in-per- vent secondary transmission.”
lawmakers and the public have
asked the Cuomo administration
for data about COVID-19 deaths
among nursing home residents.
On Aug. 3, lawmakers asked state
health Commissioner Howard
Vaccines for children still many months away
Zucker for the number of nursing By Apoorva Mandavilli Sinai Hospital in New York.
home residents who died in hos- NEW YO R K TIME S Children will also need to be
pitals. vaccinated in order for the Unit-
By mid-August, then-President As adults at high risk for CO- ed States to approach herd im-
Donald Trump began retweeting VID-19 line up to be immunized munity. Scientists have estimat-
comments criticizing Cuomo for against the coronavirus, many ed that 70 percent to 90 percent
his administration’s response on parents want to know: When will of the population might need to
nursing home deaths. On Aug. 26, my child get a vaccine? be immunized against the coro-
the Department of Justice gave The short answer: Not before navirus to reach herd immunity,
Cuomo’s administration 14 days late summer. especially with more contagious
to provide data on nursing home Pfizer and Moderna have en- variants expected to circulate
deaths. rolled children 12 and older in widely in the country.
“Basically, we froze because clinical trials of their vaccines The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
then we were in a position where and hope to have results by the was authorized in December for
we weren’t sure if what we were summer. Depending on how the anyone 16 and older. The compa-
going to give to the Department of vaccines perform in that age ny has continued its trial with
Justice or what we give to you group, the companies may then younger volunteers, recruiting
guys and what we start saying was test them in younger children. 2,259 adolescents from 12 to 15
going to be used against us, and The Food and Drug Administra- Brandon Thibodeaux / New York Times years of age.
we weren’t sure if there was going tion usually takes a few weeks to A 15-year-old participating in Moderna’s teen COVID-19 Results from that trial should
to be an investigation,” DeRosa review data from a clinical trial vaccine trial receives a shot Feb. 5 in Houston. Pfizer and be available by summer, said
told the Democratic leaders in and authorize a vaccine. Moderna are testing their vaccines on children 12 and older. Keanna Ghazvini, a spokeswom-
comments were first reported by Three other companies — an for Pfizer.
the New York Post. Johnson & Johnson, Novavax and start going down into children at than 1 percent of deaths from CO- Modernabegan testing adoles-
Cuomo administration officials AstraZeneca — also plan to test an early stage,” said Dr. Emily Er- VID-19. Still, about 2 percent of cents ages 12 through 17, and
have also said they needed their vaccines in children, but belding, an infectious diseases children who get COVID-19 re- plans to enroll 3,000 volunteers
months to verify deaths outside are further behind. physician at the National Institut- quire hospital care, and at least in this age group. The company
nursing homes. When researchers test drugs es of Health who oversees testing 227 children in the United States expects results “around midyear
Still, it remains unclear why or vaccines in adults first, they of COVID-19 vaccines in special have died of the disease. 2021,” said Colleen Hussey, a
New York couldn’t provide data typically then move down the populations. “It is a significant disease in spokeswoman for Moderna.
that nearly every other state pub- age brackets, watching for any People younger than 21 ac- children, just not necessarily Based on the results, Moderna
lishes to lawmakers and the Jus- changes in the effective dose and count for about one-quarter of when you compare it to adults,” plans to assess the vaccine later
tice Department at the same time, for unexpected side effects. the population in the United said Dr. Kristin Oliver, a pediatri- this year in children between the
and later correct it if needed. “It would be pretty unusual to States, but they make up less cian and vaccine expert at Mount ages of 6 months and 11 years.

Coronavirus at a glance
108,154,014 27,487,790 2,543,620 2,380,818 480,724 40,112 Source: WHO, CDC,
Confirmed cases Confirmed cases Confirmed cases Deaths Deaths Deaths Johns Hopkins University

worldwide in U.S. in Texas worldwide in U.S. in Texas

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Texan is getting back ring lost decades ago

By Madalyn Mendoza and I was climbing over mounds tagged the Ridge Historical Soci- She had left an online note in Texas in 1982 and that she had
STA F F WRIT E R of snow, helping each kid get into ety. The group is dedicated to pre- 2006 in response to one of the long given up hope of ever seeing
the car. My hands were cold — I serving the history of Morgan obituaries. In it, the woman her ring again. She and her hus-
SAN ANTONIO — Nearly 50 didn’t have mittens on — and my Park, one of the southernmost dropped important clues, such as band, Robert, are still happily
years and a thousand miles later, ring just flew into the snow.” neighborhoods of Chicago where being married 40 years earlier, married.
a San Antonio woman will reunite Now with the help of Facebook Autenrieth’s was lost and then confirming the 1966 wedding. She “I went, ‘Holy Mary, I can’t be-
with the wedding ring she lost in and two historians, her ring will found. Researcher Carol Flynn signed off on the online condo- lieve it,’” Autenrieth said.
the Chicago snow. be back on her finger for Valen- and Linda Lambert took on the lences as Karen Berk Autenrieth, The ring will be mailed back to
In 1973, Karen Autenrieth lost tine’s Day. case, using the “R.A. to K.B. 4-16- the Tribune reported. San Antonio, where the Auten-
her wedding ring while helping The reunion process began 66” inscription in the ring as a The researchers used Face- rieth family is planning a special
her three small children into the with another unfortunate case of main clue. book to find Autenrieth, who lives occasion to mark its return to
car outside her grandma’s house a ring swept away by the snow. A They started researching prop- in San Antonio. Flynn said she their matriarch’s finger. Auten-
in a Windy City neighborhood, ac- man penned a Facebook post ask- erty records, newspaper archives didn’t know what to expect after rieth said her children made her
cording to the Chicago Tribune. ing for help finding his ring, and ancestry websites for infor- sending a random message to Au- promise not to open the package
She looked around when she real- which was lost this month. The re- mation surrounding the home tenrieth — much could have hap- until Valentine’s Day, when the
ized her ring slipped off, then quest generated comments that where the ring was dug up by the pened in nearly 50 years. But family gathers to celebrate her
went back after the snow melted included one from a friend who gardener. Eventually, they found hours later, the two were on a youngest son’s 49th birthday.
to search again, to no avail. mentioned she found an inscrib- a newspaper clipping written by a phone call crying over the fortu- The Autenrieths will celebrate
“It was very cold, and the snow ed wedding ring while gardening man who once lived at the house. itous finding and coordinating a their 55th wedding anniversary,
plows had plowed the snow up but was unsuccessful in finding Obituaries for the man and his rel- way to return the ring. ring and all, on April 16, she said.
onto the curbs,” she told the the owner. atives led Flynn and Lambert to Autenrieth, who did not return
Tribune. “I had parked my car in The comment caught the atten- Karen, maiden name Karen Berk, a request for comment, told the |
front of my grandmother’s house, tion of another friend, who who they hoped was the “K.B.” Tribune that her family moved to @maddyskye

From page A3

But even though the alleged

shooter’s identity was common
knowledge, days turned to
weeks, weeks to months, and
nothing seemed to be happening.
“It’s been letdown after let-
down after letdown,” she said.
Only in October did things fi-
nally start to change.
A friend of Nolasco’s worked
up the courage to go to the police,
and identified the shooter.
It was a surprise, DelBosque
said. “I didn’t think she’d do it,”
she said.

Suspect arrested
In November police obtained
an arrest warrant, but detectives
couldn’t find the suspect.
She started looking herself,
driving by the house where she
believed he was staying, sending
photographs and videos to detec-
tives working the case.
On Wednesday, she got a call.
Police had arrested Elias Vidal,
18. He’d been charged with mur-
In court on Friday, DelBosque
sat, filled with questions. Would
prosecutors bring Vidal into
court? Would she get to watch?
Would he get bail? How had he Yi-Chin Lee / Staff photographer
managed to retain Dick DeGue- Parents Delmar Nolasco and Leti DelBosque pause Friday at a cross installed on the spot where their son was fatally shot in 2019
rin, one of the city’s most famous outside their home. DelBosque says that day, Dec. 11, plays over and over in her head.
defense attorneys?
Just after 10 a.m., a deputy let had a knife because he’d just got- “$75,000 is still a lot.”
her and eight members of her ten beat up, days before. They drove to Terry Street, to
family into the 262nd District “Four kids beat … my son,” she the house where DelBosque used
Court, where Vidal stood facing said. “Yeah, I went after (them).” to live. They gathered by a waist-
Judge Lori Chambers Gray, as De- Gray listened, impassive, as a high brown cross, adorned with
Guerin asked for a lower bail. Vi- prosecutor described the killing Nolasco’s name.
dal wore an orange jumpsuit, his and subsequent investigation. It’s cemented into the asphalt
hair akimbo. so no one will knock it down, she
She sat, hunched in one of the Bail reduced said.
narrow pews, joined by Nolasco’s A few minutes later, the judge She paused, in the biting cold,
dad, grandparents and older sis- agreed to reduce Vidal’s bail thinking back to the last day she
ter. slightly, to $75,000. She warned saw her son.
She watched, brow furrowed, the teen: no drinking, no drugs, Nolasco had called at 3:13 p.m.,
and listened as DeGuerin told no weapons. If he was able to telling her he was on his way. At
Gray that he was representing Vi- post bail, he’d have to wear an an- 3:39 p.m., minutes after she’d left
dal because the boy’s grand- kle monitor and agree to a curfew work — a rarity, since her days al-
mother had worked for him as his from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. every day. most never ended early — she’d
housekeeper for years. He signed some paperwork, received a panicked call: get
She listened as DeGuerin said Shooting victim Delmar Rene Nolasco’s half-sister, Alexis and then a deputy ushered him home, her son had been shot.
police reports had shown trouble Rogers, hugs mom Leticia DelBosque at court Friday. Nolasco is away. She crouched, and pointed at a
between Vidal and Nolasco: that one of 275 slaying victims of 2019 in Houston. Moments later, DelBosque and divot a bullet had torn in the as-
Nolasco and DelBosque had at- her relatives filed out of the phalt.
tacked Vidal and a friend days be- his hand. and says the altercation with Vi- courtroom. “He died right here,” she said.
fore the murder, and that the day DelBosque disputes the con- dal came after he and his friends “That’s not bad,” said Enrique
Nolasco died, he’d had a knife in text of those claims, however, beat up Nolasco. That he’d only DelBosque, Leti’s brother.

INTUITIVE the lander’s payloads. This, too, is

designed to boost collaboration.
From page A3 At NASA, people associated with
payloads often sit in another
with flight controllers and direc- room or at another NASA facility,
tors who put men on the moon. LeBlanc said.
All of this knowledge was used But for those unable to travel to
to build Nova Control, and he Houston, Intuitive Machines is us-
made some adjustments to ing the cloud to help payload op-
NASA’s approach. erators access data from their
At NASA, flight controllers sit in own offices. A copy of its control
a theater-like setup, with their system is stored in the cloud,
desks in rows that face a large where it can be easily accessed
monitor at the front of the room. from anywhere.
Intuitive Machines designed its “I always hoped that I would be
mission control in a circular con- part of NASA when a crewed mis-
figuration. Its mission controllers sion put astronauts back on the
sit at computers facing the circle’s moon,” LeBlanc said. “But this
outside. In the center of the circle opportunity to work on an un-
is a table, and the controllers can crewed lander came up at a great
swivel their chairs toward the ta- time for me to make a change of
ble for easy collaboration. career and be participating in a
Some of these mission control- historic return to the surface,
lers will not be needed after the even if it’s an uncrewed system.”
Yi-Chin Lee / Staff photographer lander reaches the moon’s sur-
The new mission control center of Intuitive Machines, which is building a lunar lander that will face. So they can leave and create
travel to the moon later this year, is shown Thursday in Houston. open seats for people monitoring

PILEUP wedged between the two vehi-

were part of the roughly mile-long
wreckage, according to authori-
to just pull out my phone and re-
cord like a pansy.”
He said he is “internally con-
fused and sad,” and frustrated by
From page A3 Chaney was trying to help her ties. He urged people to stop shar- the way people were trapped in
out of the trapped car when he Six people have been con- ing photos and videos of the the pileup by the TEXpress lanes.
He saw a woman inside a small saw a FedEx truck heading to- firmed dead, and about 65 were crash, warning that people might The lanes require motorists to
car, crumpled to the point that he ward them. He dove under the injured. recognize a loved one’s car in the pay an electronic toll as a way to
could not tell what kind of car it tractor-trailer and watched help- “People called me a hero, but wreckage before they know what get around congestion that chron-
was. The woman was screaming, lessly as the truck slammed into I’m just like no. It’s kind of fight or happened to them. ically occurs near downtown Fort
so he jumped the rail and tried to the woman. flight,” Chaney said. “Either you “Nobody needs to see that, es- Worth.
get to her. He was in-between a “And she was crushed to leave or you stay and fight it out. pecially people that were there “You’re trapped by two walls,”
tractor-trailer, the rear of a trac- death,” he said. And my instinct was to stay and that witnessed things,” he said. he said. “It was basically turned
tor-trailer and her car, which was In total, about 100 vehicles see what I could do. I didn’t want “Because then they relive it.” into a gigantic slip and slide.”
HH Houston Chronicle | | A9
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Eyes turn to GOP senators Trump’s defense talks

of free speech at trial
as impeachment vote nears By Brian Slodysko
By Mary Clare Jalonick
wind defense, Donald Trump’s
WASHINGTON — Most every impeachment attorneys aired a
Senate juror has said they will long list of grievances Friday, ar-
listen to the evidence in Donald guing that he former president
Trump’s historic second im- bore no responsibility for the
peachment trial, but most deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol
minds were likely made up be- while accusing Democrats of “ha- Senate Television / Associated Press
fore the trial began. Democrats tred” and “hypocrisy.” Michael van der Veen is an
would need a minimum of 17 Re- The defense team, which attorney for former President
publicans to vote with them to wrapped up its arguments in just Donald Trump in his trial.
convict Trump of incitement of over three hours, said Trump
insurrection, and that appears was engaged in “constitutionally es with Democrats, tried to pres-
unlikely. protected speech” when he sure Trump’s attorneys to say
Still, Democrats say they are spoke at a rally that immediately whether the former president
holding out hope that they will Kim Raff / Getty Images for MoveOn preceded the violence on Jan. 6. had lost the election, which
win over enough Republicans to Activists rally outside Sen. Mitch Romney’s office on Friday, They called the impeachment Trump has refused to acknowl-
convict the former president for demanding that he vote to convict Donald Trump. trial a “witch hunt” and accused edge.
his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, Democrats of elevating a destruc- “Are the prosecutors right
in which five people died. If Biden. Romney was the sole GOP ers had raised some “intriguing tive “cancel culture” to the halls when they claim that Trump was
Trump were convicted, the Sen- guilty vote. questions” during their two days of Congress. They also suggested telling a big lie, or in your judg-
ate could take a second vote to Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Too- of arguments. He said that he Democrats were hypocrites for ment, did Trump actually win
ban him from running for office mey, who is retiring from the hoped Trump’s lawyers would impeaching Trump after some the election?” Sanders asked in a
again. A final vote is likely on Sat- Senate in 2022, has also voted answer them thoroughly and had voiced support for racial jus- written inquiry.
urday. twice with Democrats to move that he is “trying to approach it tice marches last summer, some Van der Veen bristled and in-
forward with the trial. Like Mur- objectively.” of which turned violent. quired who had asked. Sanders
Frequent Trump critics kowski, he called for Trump’s “It has become very clear that responded, “I did.” Van der Veen
Republican Sens. Lisa Mur- resignation after the riots, say- Thune takes heat House Democrats hate Donald retorted, “Irrelevant.”
kowski of Alaska, Ben Sasse of ing that would be the best way to South Dakota Sen. John Trump,” said Michael van der “No, it isn’t!” Sanders angrily
Nebraska, Mitt Romney of Utah “get this person in the rearview Thune, the No. 2 Senate Repub- Veen, a Philadelphia personal in- shot back. He scoffed audibly
and Susan Collins of Maine have mirror for us.” Toomey had also lican, dismissed Trump’s at- jury attorney who is part of when van der Veen avoided an-
been clear that they believe aggressively pushed back on tempts to challenge the certifica- Trump’s defense team. “Hatred swering the question.
Trump incited the riots on Jan. 6. Trump’s false assertions that he tion of President Joe Biden’s is at the heart.”
While none of them are locks to had won Pennsylvania and other election victory. He predicted Here are some highlights from Insurrection or not?
vote for conviction, they have states in the election. the effort would “go down like a Friday’s impeachment proceed- The articles of impeachment
joined with Democrats twice to Three other GOP senators shot dog” in the Senate. ings: charge Trump with the “incite-
vote against GOP efforts to dis- have said they will not run again That comment drew a furious ment of an insurrection,” a word
miss the trial. in two years, potentially freeing response from the former presi- First Amendment that Webster’s Dictionary defines
Collins said after the riots that them up to vote against Trump dent, who urged Gov. Kristi Regardless of what occurred as “an act or instance of revolting
Trump does “bear responsibili- and anger base voters in the par- Noem to run against Thune in a after Trump’s Jan. 6 speech, the against civil authority or an es-
ty for working up the crowd and ty — Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, GOP primary, an idea she imme- former president was simply ex- tablished government.”
inciting this mob.” Murkowski North Carolina Sen. Richard diately rejected. ercising his First Amendment Trump’s lawyers say that’s not
called on Trump to resign after Burr and Alabama Sen. Richard Still, Thune has voted twice to right to free speech and can’t be technically correct.
the attack on the Capitol, telling Shelby. All three voted to dismiss dismiss the case. He said Friday found at fault, his attorneys ar- “‘Insurrection’ is a term of
a local paper three days later the trial, but Portman says he that he was keeping an open gued. art,” said attorney Bruce Castor,
that “I want him out. He has still has an open mind about con- mind and indicated he could be “The Senate cannot ignore the and it “involves taking over a
caused enough damage.” viction. open to a censure resolution if First Amendment,” van der Veen country” or “a shadow govern-
Romney tweeted on Jan. 6: Shelby said this week that the Trump is acquitted. said. ment taking the TV stations over
“What happened at the U.S. Cap- impeachment managers had a “I know a couple of my col- Nearly 150 constitutional and having some plan on what
itol today was an insurrection, “strong point” that Trump could leagues who’ve seen a couple of scholars disagree. In a letter you’re going to do when you fi-
incited by the President of the have acted sooner to stop the vi- resolutions, at least, that I think signed last week, they wrote that nally take power.”
United States.” olence, but maintained that the could attract some support,” “the First Amendment does not “Clearly this is not that,” he
Sasse said that Trump had trial is unconstitutional because Thune said. apply in impeachment proceed- added.
“lied to” Americans and the Trump is now out of office. Senate Republican leader ings, so it cannot provide a de- Trump’s speech, in which he
“consequences are now found in Mitch McConnell has twice vot- fense for President Trump.” urged his supporters to “fight like
five dead Americans and a Capi- Wild card ed to dismiss the trial, indicating The First Amendment has hell,” was a call for the “peaceful
tol building that’s in shambles.” Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, he will ultimately vote to acquit. long been invoked as a powerful exercise of every American’s
In a recent video, he said Repub- who is up for re-election in 2022, But he has also said that Trump and compelling defense in court. First Amendment rights to
lican politics shouldn’t be about voted two weeks ago for a GOP “provoked” the mob, which was But impeachment proceedings peacefully assemble and petition
the “weird worship of one effort to dismiss the trial. But he “fed lies.” are an inherently political pro- their government for redress of
dude.” switched his vote this week, say- Soon after the attack, McCon- cess that exists outside the U.S. grievances,” Castor said.
Murkowski, Collins and Sasse ing Trump’s lawyers had done a nell privately told associates he court system. And he suggested that Trump
voted to acquit Trump during “terrible” job making the case was done with Trump and said Tempers flared during a ques- wasn’t literally calling on his sup-
his first impeachment trial, in that the trial was unconstitution- publicly he was undecided on tion-and-answer session as im- porters to “fight,” but rather get
which Democrats charged that al. impeachment. He has told Re- peachment proceedings involved in the political process,
he had abused his power by urg- Cassidy, who has been taking publicans the decision on stretched into the evening. such as supporting primary chal-
ing the president of Ukraine to extensive notes throughout the Trump’s guilt is a vote of con- Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Ver- lengers of elected officials they
investigate then-candidate Joe trial, said Friday that the manag- science. mont independent who caucus- did not like.

TRUMP President Mike Pence, smashing

into the building and engaging in
From page A1 bloody, hand-to-hand combat
with police.
Saturday, with the Senate evenly Though defense lawyers sought
divided between Democrats and to boil down the case to a single
Republicans and a two-thirds ma- Trump speech, Democrats dis-
jority required for conviction. played the many public and explic-
Trump’s lawyers made an abbrevi- it instructions he gave his support-
ated presentation that used less ers well before the White House
than three of their allotted 16 rally that unleashed the deadly
hours. Capitol attack as Congress was cer-
Their quick pivot to the Demo- tifying Democrat Joe Biden’s victo-
crats’ own words deflected from ry. And they used the rioters’ own
the central question of the trial — videos and words from Jan. 6 to try
whether Trump incited the assault to pin responsibility on Trump.
on the Capitol — and instead aimed “We were invited here,” said one
to place impeachment managers Capitol invader. “Trump sent us,”
and Trump adversaries on the de- said another. “He’ll be happy.
fensive. We’re fighting for Trump.”
His lawyers contended he was The prosecutors’ goal was to
merely telling his rally crowd to cast Trump not as a bystander but
support primary challenges rather as the “inciter in chief” who
against his adversaries and to spread election falsehoods, then
press for sweeping election re- encouraged supporters to come
form. challenge the results in Washing-
Fighting words The Democrats also are de-
After a two-day effort by Demo- Senate Television via Associated Press manding that he be barred from
crats to sync up Trump’s words to Senators and staff give a standing ovation to Capitol Police officer Eugene Goodman before holding future federal office.
the violence that followed, includ- voting to award him the Congressional Gold Medal for his actions during the Jan. 6 riot. Trump’s lawyers say that goal
ing through raw and emotive video only underscores the “hatred”
footage, defense lawyers suggest- flashed on the screen. Some Chris Coons. — and more winnable — issue of the Democrats feel for Trump.
ed that Democrats have typically passed notes. Connecticut Sen. Trump’s defenders told sena- trial: whether Trump actually in- Throughout the trial, they showed
engaged in the same overheated Richard Blumenthal threw up his tors that Trump was entitled to dis- cited the riot. The argument is like- clips from Democrats questioning
rhetoric as Trump. hands, apparently amused, when pute the 2020 election results and ly to appeal to Republican senators the legitimacy of his presidency
But in trying to draw that equiv- his face appeared. Minnesota Sen. that his doing so did not amount to who want to be seen as condemn- and suggesting as early as 2017 that
alency, the defenders minimized Amy Klobuchar rolled her eyes. inciting the violence. They sought ing the violence but without con- he should be impeached.
Trump’s monthslong efforts to un- Most Republicans watched intent- to turn the tables on prosecutors victing the president. “Hatred is at the heart of the
dermine the election results and ly. by likening the Democrats’ ques- Anticipating defense efforts to house managers’ fruitless at-
his urging of followers to do the During a break, some joked tioning of the legitimacy of disentangle Trump’s rhetoric from tempts to blame Donald Trump for
same. Democrats say that long about the videos and others said Trump’s 2016 win to his challenge the rioters’ actions, the impeach- the criminal acts of the rioters —
campaign, rooted in a “big lie,” they were a distraction or a “false of his election loss. ment managers spent days trying based on double hearsay state-
laid the groundwork for the mob equivalence” with Trump’s behav- The defense team did not dis- to fuse them together through a re- ments of fringe right-wing groups,
that assembled outside the Capitol ior. pute the horror of the violence, construction of never-been-seen based on no real evidence other
and stormed inside. Five people “Well, we heard the word ‘fight’ painstakingly reconstructed by video footage alongside clips of the than rank speculation,” van der
died. a lot,” said Maine Sen. Angus King, impeachment managers earlier in president’s months of urging his Veen said.
“And so they came, draped in an independent who caucuses the week, but said it had been car- supporters to undo the election re- Trump’s lawyers noted that in
Trump’s flag, and used our flag, with the Democrats. ried out by people who had “hi- sults. the same Jan. 6 speech he encour-
the American flag, to batter and to Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet jacked” what was supposed to be a aged the crowd to behave “peace-
bludgeon,” Rep. Madeleine Dean, said it felt like the lawyers were peaceful event and had planned vi- ‘Trump sent us’ fully,” and they contend that his re-
one of the impeachment manag- “erecting straw men to then take olence before Trump had spoken. On Thursday, they described in marks — and his general distrust of
ers, said Thursday as she choked them down rather than deal with “You can’t incite what was going stark, personal terms the terror the election results — are all pro-
back emotion. the facts.” to happen,” he said. they faced that day — some of it in tected under the First Amend-
On Friday, as defense lawyers “Show me any time that the re- Acknowledging the reality of the very Senate chamber where ment. Democrats strenuously re-
repeated their own videos over sult was that one of our supporters the January day is meant to blunt senators now are sitting as jurors. sist that assertion, saying his
and over, some Democrats chuck- pulled someone out of the crowd, the visceral impact of the House They used security video of rioters words weren’t political speech but
led and whispered among them- and then we said, ‘That’s great, Democrats’ case and pivot to what searching menacingly for House rather amounted to direct incite-
selves as many of their faces good for you,’ ” said Delaware Sen. Trump’s defenders see as the core Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice ment of violence.
HH Houston Chronicle | | A11

WATT “His commitment to the community is unlike any player in NFL history.” said. “He’s just meant so
much to us, it’s hard to put
From page A1 Texans co-founder and senior chair Janice McNair into a sentence or two be-
cause he’s meant a lot to us
Houston Texan.” personally and the team and
Watt’s departure is the lat- the city and the people of
est for a region that in the Houston, and he has a huge
last month has said goodbye legacy and it will carry on
to the Astros’ George Spring- here for many years. This is
er and the Rockets’ James bye for now, but not bye for
Harden. But losing stars is good.”
nothing new for a city that As excellent as Watt was
has had to say goodbye to on the field, he was just as
the likes of Nolan Ryan, Earl valuable off the field. In ad-
Campbell and Hakeem Ola- dition to his foundation’s
juwon over the years. work after Hurricane Har-
“I came here 10 years ago vey, it also has helped pro-
as a kid from Wisconsin who vide more than $6 million to
had never really been to Tex- schools and organizations
as before,” Watt said in an across the nation that have
emotional video released on insufficient funding for ath-
social media. “And now I letic programs and after-
can’t imagine my life with- school activities.
out Texas in it. “His commitment to the
“The way you guys have city is evident from Harvey
treated me besides draft and not just raising money,”
night, I mean you guys Mayor Sylvester Turner said.
booed me on draft night, but “Picking up the phone and
every day after that you calling kids with cancer —
treated me like family and I this is what he does and who
truly feel like you’re my fam- he is. It’s almost without
ily. Since that day, I have words to describe the im-
tried to do everything in my pact, not just as it relates to
power to work and earn the team, but as it relates to
your respect and try to make Brett Coomer / Staff file photos the city.”
you proud on and off the Texans defensive end J.J. Watt greets former Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush before a game Watt built an extremely
field. You guys have given against the Oakland Raiders in 2013. As excellent as Watt was on the field, he was just as valuable off the field. strong bond with the McNair
me everything I need and family, who brought the NFL
more, and I can only hope Since entering the NFL in “I watched a lot of J.J.’s back to Houston.
that you feel like I’ve given 2011, Watt leads the league in game and he still looks like a “Simply put, there has
you everything I have.” tackles for losses, quarter- really good player,” Phillips been no person in the past
Watt is one of three play- back hits and multisack said. “Sometimes, a great decade who has made a
ers to be named the NFL’s games and ranks second player moves on from an- greater impact on the Tex-
Defensive Player of the Year during that span with 101 other team a la Tom Brady ans organization than J.J.
three times, and he was sacks. He’s the fourth-fastest and does pretty well.” Watt,” Texans co-founder
named the league’s Walter player in NFL history to hit Despite enduring a pair of and senior chair Janice S.
Payton Man of the Year after the century mark for sacks, back surgeries for a herniat- McNair said. “To me, what
his foundation raised over doing so in 120 career ed disk in 2016, a gruesome best represents J.J.’s connec-
$41 million for relief efforts games. broken leg in 2017 and a torn tion to Houston is his tradi-
after Hurricane Harvey in The Texans drafted Watt pectoral in 2019, Watt en- tion of playing catch with
2017 and helped build more with the 11th pick — a selec- dured the pain and kept the fans before every home
than 1,100 new homes and tion that was met with some coming back strong. He re- game.
provide more than 239 mil- boos at the team’s draft par- fused to relent when his fu- “The number of people
lion meals. ty that night. ture was clouded by major who wear No. 99 jerseys
“The city of Houston has “J.J. was awfully good, injuries and surgeries to re- with smiles on their faces to-
been unbelievable to me,” and we knew it,” said Wade pair the significant damage tally encapsulated J.J.’s pas-
Watt said. “It’s where I met Phillips, who was the team’s inflicted on his body on the sion for bonding with Tex-
my wife (former Dash soccer defensive coordinator at the field. ans fans at every possible
player Kealia Ohai). It’s time. “Nobody knew him in Texans co-founder Janice McNair embraces Watt “He’s one of the best play- opportunity. His commit-
where I met my lifelong the draft. Everybody wanted after a win over the Los Angeles Chargers in 2019. ers in NFL history,” McNair ment to the community is
friends and my teammates. somebody else. He’s obvi- unlike any player in NFL his-
I’ve had incredible coaches ously a Hall of Fame player, a tory. We are forever grateful
and training camp and great player and arguably to J.J. and his family.”
equipment staff and cafete- the best player in Texans his- Added Cal McNair: “Mom
ria workers and the weight tory, and I think that legacy is the biggest fan of the team
room staff and the front of- will live on for a long time.” of course, the biggest fan of
fice people and people on At 6-foot-5 and 288 J.J. It’s emotional. It’s emo-
the streets and people in res- pounds, Watt played the tional for her.”
taurants and people in gro- game with a rare aggressive- Wherever Watt goes, this
cery stores and showing up ness, strength, leverage, marks the end of his rich ten-
at my house — the connec- mobility and technique. ure in Houston.
tion is special, and I will nev- Whether it was his trade- “I’m excited and looking
er take that for granted be- mark bull-rush, rip move, forward to a new opportuni-
cause I know how rare it is.” swim move, spin move or ty and I’ve been working ex-
Watt’s separation from speed rush, Watt confound- tremely hard, but at the
the Texans, instead of a nas- ed blockers with his superi- same time, it is always tough
ty divorce, was an amicable, ority as an athlete and a tac- to move on,” Watt said. “I
respectful parting of the tician who used his mind as just want you guys to know
ways. McNair said the Tex- much as his body to domi- that I love you, I appreciate
ans and Watt had several nate offenses. you, I appreciate the McNair
conversations about his fu- After watching quarter- family for drafting me and
ture since the end of a frus- back Tom Brady earn his giving me my first opportu-
trating 4-12 season. Because seventh Super Bowl at age nity in the NFL. Thank you,
the Texans granted his re- 43 with Tampa Bay after Houston. I love you.”
quest in February, Watt now winning six titles with New
has a head start on free agen- England, Watt is eager to
cy and can sign with another prove he still has a lot of fuel Watt gets ready to hand out a box of relief supplies to people who were impacted by
NFL team immediately. left in his tank. Hurricane Harvey in 2017. His foundation raised over $41 million for relief efforts.

DEATHS ta that would allow depart-

ments to analyze in depth
ers also ran into the same
problems the Chronicle un-
From page A1 how their officers treated covered in its analysis of ra-
minority and white motor- cial profiling data — that no
state wasn’t even collecting ists. Such information is matter legislators’ good in-
the information necessary crucial for administrators tent in requiring agencies
to know where it was occur- and policymakers striving to compile numbers to
ring. In response, the A&M for more equitable enforce- shed light on a problem,
System created the insti- ment. Studies across the the effort can be thwarted
tute to perform the sort of country have shown that by bad data collection.
data collection and analysis police stop, search, arrest, For example, it conclud-
that Texas couldn’t — or use force on and kill Black ed that 12 percent of custo-
wasn’t — doing itself. people in numbers dispro- dial deaths between 2005
Its first report — a survey portionate to their popula- and 2020 were homicides,
of who died while in the le- tion representation. caused by police or guards,
gal custody of law enforce- On paper, the new law a startling number, del Car-
ment or corrections offi- identified important de- men said. Yet Texas law en-
cers, and how — was re- tails such as why each stop forcement agencies and
leased this week. It’s not was made, whether the lockups had reported the
the first, or even most de- driver was searched and manner of death in only
tailed, dissection of the what if anything was found one-third of all fatalities,
state’s custodial death — all separated out by the rendering any conclusions
numbers. But del Carmen race of the driver. But when incomplete at best.
said he expects it to be the it came time to actually The research group next
first of many the institute gather the information, the hopes to tackle the racial
will tackle, both retrospec- Texas Commission on Law profiling data that inspired
tively as well as in real time Enforcement neglected to Melissa Phillip / Staff file photo its founding. The Sandra
for legislators who could include the race part. Protesters rally outside the Waller County Courthouse in July 2015 to protest the Bland Act mandates that
use the data-crunching to death of Sandra Bland, a Black woman who was found dead in the county jail. police report other granu-
inform new laws and poli- Patchwork of data lar traffic stop information,
cies. While some depart- profiling, del Carmen said. also hinted at individual medical care elsewhere be- as well, such as how many
The Chronicle’s report- ments collected the race For its first project, the in- tragedies, raising disturb- fore being moved to a hos- stops result in arrests for
ing focused on information data on their own, others stitute decided to tackle a ing questions unanswered pital to die. minor Class C violations, a
that police by law were sup- didn’t, leaving a patchwork pile of numbers the state by the report. The youngest question criminal justice
posed to gather during traf- of often useless data points had been collecting for person to die in custody Avoiding scrutiny reformers have already
fic stops but didn’t. among the state’s 2,000 years but had not analyzed was 11 years old, it found. In a report last year, the started digging into.
In 2017, state legislators law enforcement agencies in a meaningful way. Del Carmen said other Texas Commission on Jail The deadline for law en-
responding to the death of — “a crime against public The inaugural project statistics pointed toward Standards said it was aware forcement agencies to re-
Sandra Bland — a Black records requests,” accord- produced a flurry of reveal- the need for even deeper, of several local jails that port last year’s numbers to
woman who was arrested ing to one racial-profiling ing bird’s-eye view infor- more precise study. Just un- had transferred mortally the state arrives in less than
following a traffic stop that expert. Soon after, the mation about the state’s der half of all the custodial injured or ill people out of a month.
escalated into a confronta- commission ordered polic- custodial deaths. African- deaths occurred in a medi- their facilities to a hospital, Del Carmen said he’ll be
tion with a white trooper ing agencies to include the American custodial deaths, cal facility. But, he pointed where they died soon after- waiting.
and was found hanged days racial details starting next for example, occurred at a out, the men (fewer than 6 ward. By doing so, jail ad- “We’re incredibly excit-
later in the Waller County year. rate more than double their percent of all custodial fa- ministrators can avoid the ed,” he said.
jail, a death that was ruled a The Institute for Predic- demographic representa- talities were women) could scrutiny that comes with an
suicide — passed a law re- tive Analytics’ focus, how- tion. have sustained injuries or in-custody death.
quiring police to collect da- ever, extends beyond racial Some of the data points been subjected to negligent The institute’s research-
A12 | | Houston Chronicle HH


WEATHER demic. Houston will close its

vaccination sites on Monday
From page A1 and Tuesday; Harris Coun-
ty’s will shut down from
would shift all work and in- Monday through Wednes-
struction online for those day.
days. Turner said the city’s out-
Metro is suspending all reach team had begun con-
transit services Monday tacting homeless residents
morning through Tuesday, in an effort to direct them to
or whenever it is safe to re- a warming center that will
sume operations, at which open 2 p.m. Sunday at the
point the agency may gradu- George R. Brown Conven-
ally return to normal opera- tion Center.
tions, officials announced. Fort Bend County offi-
Harris County Judge Lina cials were making similar
Hidalgo on Friday warned preparations Friday, with
the coming storm may be road crews sanding bridges
the Houston region’s worst and overpasses on tollways
winter weather event in 30 and county roads in an at-
years and cautioned its ef- tempt to stave off icy condi-
fects — from closed roads to tions.
downed power lines — could Fort Bend County ISD an-
resemble those of a Catego- nounced campuses will be
ry 5 hurricane. closed Tuesday.
“What you’re seeing is Jon Shapley / Staff photographer Alan Spears, Fort Bend
not your typical hard Road crews treat portions of Interstate 69 near Beltway 8 on Friday ahead of an expected winter storm. County’s deputy emergen-
freeze,” Hidalgo said at a Forecasters predict subfreezing temperatures between Sunday and Wednesday, as well as wintry precipitation. cy management coordina-
Transtar briefing. “This is a tor, said the National Weath-
sustained cold spell that has plans beyond Saturday Tips for subfreezing weather and snowplows that are er Service had warned
the potential of causing tre- morning, Jones said. commonplace in northern county officials that harsh
• Take precautions to keep • Keep an extra water
mendous destruction to our The city handles de-icing states; drivers do not switch conditions may persist for
infants and elderly people supply in case pipes freeze.
region.” on bridges and street over- to snow tires in the winter. three or four days. Spears al-
warm; both produce less • Follow fire safety
Forecasters predict sub- passes at various spots in Patches of ice had already so said residents should pre-
body heat. guidelines for space
freezing temperatures be- north, southwest and south- had begun to emerge Friday pare for loss of power dur-
tween Sunday and Wednes- east Houston, such as where • Bring pets inside. Texas heaters: Don’t plug them morning north of Houston. ing the storm.
day, as well as wintry precip- TC Jester passes over Eureka law requires it. into extension cords, and Harris County Sheriff’s Of- In Montgomery County,
itation. Yard and at the intersection • Unhook all garden hoses don’t place them on top of fice deputies investigated a emergency officials and
“This is extreme for our of Memorial and Shepherd. and drain lawn sprinkler furniture or within 3 feet of crash at U.S. 290 and Bin- commissioners were work-
area,” county meteorologist The Harris County Toll Road systems. drapes and bedding. ford Road near Hockley ing on plans Friday and
Jeff Lindner said. “It could Authority is responsible for • Bring potted plants • Wear three layers of where black ice was report- “making sure that they have
be sleet. It could be freezing toll roads, while the state inside and cover the ones clothing when outdoors. ed. Ice also was reported the grit that they need for
rain. It could be snow. It transportation department that must stay outside. • Watch out for ice, both on around 7:30 a.m. near U.S. the roads,” said Meghan Bal-
could be all three.” typically handles highway • Keep homes heated to walkways and on 290 and Texas 99, according lard Arthur, a spokeswoman
Officials are planning to overpasses. prevent pipes from roadways. to Houston TranStar. for the county office of
spray nearly100 bridges and This time, in anticipation freezing. • If you must drive, equip Farther north, the Mag- homeland security and
street overpasses with a of an “extensive icy winter • Open cabinet doors to your car with a flashlight, nolia Police Department re- emergency management.
magnesium chloride anti-ic- weather event,” state work- help keep your pipes warm jumper cables, sand or ported a 13-vehicle crash on People should stay home
ing mixture Saturday morn- ers are pre-treating all major or use special insulating kitty litter, a shovel, flares top of an overpass at FM if they can for the duration
ing, Houston Public Works freeways in the Houston wrap for pipes. and blankets. 1488 and FM 1774, urging of the frigid storm, Ballard
spokeswoman Erin Jones area, including U.S. 290 and people to be aware of icy Arthur said.
said. Workers will wait to ap- interstates 10, 45 and 69, roads and drive carefully. “Only get out when nec-
ply the substance until said Emily Black, a spokes- Friday and instructed the morning when tempera- Mayor Sylvester Turner essary,” she said. “Sunday
roads dry, she said, because woman for TxDOT. The Texas Highway Patrol and tures are expected to dip in- acknowledged a blunt truth: night through Tuesday
the chemicals are ineffective agency is attempting to cov- Department of Public Safety to the teens. Houstonians do not know morning is going to be a
on wet pavement and can er all freeways in the area as to deploy patrols to help If the city roads ice over, how to drive on snow and hard time on the roads. So, if
be washed away by rain. much as possible, Black stranded motorists along workers will de-ice them ice. He said residents should you can stay home and stay
Light showers or drizzle said, though it is prioritizing major travel corridors, with a sand mixture, Jones be prepared to stay put for put, that is what we are rec-
are expected in the Houston outside lanes on wide free- among other emergency said. several days and urged them ommending.”
area Saturday, along with ways such as I-10, in case operations. The storm presents a to bring pets inside and Anna Bauman, Alejandro
potential freezing rain north crews are unable to cover National Weather Service unique challenge, Hidalgo wrap exposed pipes to pre- Serrano and Shelby Webb
of the city, according to Matt the entire roadway. officials said to expect snow, said, since the region has ex- vent them from freezing. contributed to this report.
Lanza of the Space City Their efforts are part of a sleet and freezing rain Sun- tensive experience prepar- Some city workers will
Weather blog. statewide storm response day evening through early ing for hurricanes but rarely stay home Monday and
If rain continues longer ordered by Abbott, who afternoon Monday in the experiences severe winter Tuesday, the mayor said.
than expected, crews would issued a disaster declaration Houston area, with the col- weather. Southeast Texas A further complicating
have to delay their de-icing for all 254 Texas counties on dest front coming Tuesday lacks the stockpiles of salt factor is the COVID-19 pan-

From page A1

research firm Numerator

found only 48 percent of re-
spondents plan to buy gifts
this year, down from 68
percent last year.
Restaurants, too, will
feel the pain, according to
Numerator’s survey, which
found only 17 percent of re-
spondents planned to eat
out this year, down from 45
percent last year. Valen-
tine’s Day is normally one Jon Shapley / Staff photographer
of the biggest events of the Stephen-Louis Ralston, a floral designer, works on
year for restaurants, but an arrangement Thursday at David Brown Flowers.
this weekend they’ll be
forced to contend with 50 cantly. he said, approaching his
percent capacity restric- “Because we lost the pa- saturation point Wednes-
tions in their dining rooms tio, we’re gonna take a sig- day afternoon.
while reeling from weath- nificant hit,” he said. “It Elaine Nevarez, owner
er-related cancellations. looks like we’ll do 30 per- Elaine’s Florist, said her
“With everything the cent down of what we did sales were looking slightly
hospitality industry has last year.” lower than last year’s, at-
been through, to have this Restaurateurs aren’t the tributing that more to the
thrown on top of them is only ones taking a hit. holiday landing on a Sun-
disappointing,” said restau- Rex Solomon, owner of day than to the pandemic.
rant consultant David Litt- Houston Jewelry on West- “In the floral industry,
witz, noting restaurants are heimer, said he had hoped when Valentine’s Day falls
like hotels in that they need more stimulus checks on a Sunday it’s historically
to nearly fill their dining would have gone out by slower than when it falls on
rooms in order to make now. They haven’t, and a weekday,” she said.
money. he’s planning on taking a Sales to corporate ac-
Weather-related cancel- hit of between 20 percent counts have softened, she
lations are already pouring and 30 percent this week- said, as events are canceled
in, said Wafi Dinari, owner end compared with last and people aren’t working
of Ouisie’s Table in River year. together in offices, but indi-
Oaks. By Thursday after- vidual sales have picked up
noon, he had received 37 The good news as people who can’t visit
cancellations for Saturday While restaurants and each other send flowers in-
night but has so far been jewelry stores are more stead.
able to replace them likely to feel the pinch, the “We’ve had a little bit of a
through his wait list. outlook is rosier for those renaissance in the floral
peddling lower-priced gifts business because of the
‘A significant hit’ such as flowers and candy. pandemic,” she said.
Berg said his restaurant Those retailers are also The cold weather will
group has been capitalizing more likely to weather the keep more people home
increasingly on takeout pandemic well, as people this weekend, softening in-
packages, especially as are still buying candy and person sales, said Venky
people are catching on to flowers as a way to cheer Shankar, research director
booze to-go. This way, he each other up in dark, so- for Texas A&M’s Center for
said, he did 20 percent cially distant times. Retailing Studies. And even
more in sales on Thanksgiv- “There’s a lot of, ‘We’re though more people are or-
ing and New Year’s Eve thinking of you, hope your dering delivery during the
than he had last year. Still, day is better,’ ” said David pandemic, Shankar ques-
he said he expects sales to Brown, owner of David tioned whether that would
be down between 10 per- Brown Flowers. “People help or hurt the romance of
cent and 20 percent this are not only thinking of gift-giving.
year, depending on how themselves, they’re think- “Now if you just pick
bad the weather gets this ing of other people more your mobile phone up,” he
weekend. than ever before.” said, “it doesn’t look like
Chris Williams, owner of Brown said he’s as busy you’ve worked hard.”
Lucille’s, said he expected as he would expect to be
his Valentine’s Day busi- this week. In fact, he’ll like-
ness will be down signifi- ly have to turn away orders,


Thumbs up, down

Can a cute kitten overcome a week of racist
place names and outrage over the anthem?
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Which is tomorrow, Feb. 14,
2021. We mention the year because if
you’re headed for a socially dis-
tanced picnic down at Negrohead
Lake in Baytown, you might think it’s
still the 1950s, or heck, even 1991,
which was the year that then-Texas
Sen. Rodney Ellis spearheaded a bill
that would strip the word “negro”
from 19 places around the state. The
measure passed; case solved, right?
Well, only one of the 19 names was
changed and that was in 2018. Appar-
ently renaming is up to the U.S.

Applause to Morath
Board on Geographic Names, which
tried to make the changes but was
overruled by local officials. Research-

for easing off STAAR

er Jennifer Runyon told NPR they
had reached out to the counties back Tony Gutierrez / Associated Press file photo

then and “a lot of them said, ‘No, Attorney General Ken Paxton is the
don’t change those names.’ ” At least subject of a new sea shanty, Grace
Gilker’s ditty, “Paxton’s Privateers.” By The Editorial Board the parents will miss out on whatever
now the Baytown mayor and the value may come from getting the snapshot
Harris County Commissioners Court It happens so rarely that when state of student performance that the tests
Attorney Kim Ogg (yet), but the DA
are on the same page, introducing officials actually hear common sense de- provide.
did inspire a petition.
resolutions to do away with the of- mands from constituents, and act on those For many parents across the state, that’s
Headlined “Remove Kim Ogg as a
fensive name. Here’s to Valentine’s concerns, we’re ready to shout hallelujah. a trade-off they are happy to make. For
Public Health Menace,” the appeal
Day 2022 at Baytown’s new, long So all together now: Hallelujah! others, who want their children to take the
was posted shortly after the New On Thursday, Texas Education Commis- test, they will have the option to send
time in coming, Lake Henry Doyle.
York Times reported on Dr. Hasan sioner Mike Morath announced that stu- students to campus, or to whatever testing
It took almost 30 years to no- Gokal, the Harris County Public dents whose parents have kept them center schools designate.
tice that racist place names Health physician who was charged home as virtual learners during the pan- Morath had already made one conces-
were still a thing in Texas. It took a with stealing COVID vaccine doses. demic needn’t take the STAAR exam after sion, namely that this year the STAAR will
little over a month to figure out the While it looks like Gokal may have all. carry few of its usual high-stakes conse-
Dallas Mavericks had stopped playing violated vaccination protocol, his Last month, the TEA issued guidance quences for those who do poorly. Neither
the national anthem this season. It version of events has him trying his rebuffing demands from parents — and, schools, nor districts, will be graded by
took barely a day for Lt. Gov. Dan for that matter, this editorial board — to the results.
best to make sure that surplus vac-
Patrick to bravely wade into the fray cancel in-person STAAR exams for the That was a wise step, given how much
cines did not go to waste. Gokal was year. Our top concern had been the health pressure the pandemic has already
and declare the “Star Spangled Ban- fired and Ogg is going ahead with of the students and their families. After all, brought to the education system.
ner Protection Act” one of his leg- taking the case to a grand jury, even these were thousands of children whose We’re less supportive of Morath’s refusal
islative priorities (glad nothing else is after a judge blasted her office for parents had specifically kept them at to budge on the requirement that high
going on). Team owner Mark Cuban attempting to prosecute. The petition home, often out of concern that the chil- school students take end-of-course exams.
said his decision was made to reflect had garnered a little more than 500 dren’s exposure to the virus would put at Graduating seniors in the class of 2021 will
“those who feel that the anthem does signatures as of Friday morning risk vulnerable individuals in the house- be required to pass them to graduate. That
not represent them.” If Cuban was (“Paxton’s Privateers” has over hold. Sending them back to campus for a means they’ll have take the exam in per-
expecting a cogent discussion on the test seemed foolhardy at best and danger- son, whether they’re still learning virtually
10,000 views), so while Ogg
matter, including the importance of ous at worse. or not.
shouldn’t sweat it, maybe she should Thursday’s news that Morath had relent- That sounds unnecessarily risky, and
rituals and the unifying role an an- reconsider. ed is cause for cheering. He said parents Morath should reconsider that point, too.
them can play, he was disappointed.
The internet is not all about whose children have been learning at But for now, let’s just call a win a win.
Faster than you can scream “shot home may keep them at home during Responsive leadership deserves to be
trying to get people fired. A
clock!” the NBA declared all teams testing days. The only consequence? That applauded, whenever it appears.
GoFundeMe page started by a Hous-
would play the anthem. The NBA’s
ton teen, who used her college sav-
decision has everything to do with
ings to keep her mother from being
the Founding Fathers — mostly the LETTERS
evicted after she lost her job, had
Benjamins — but Patrick clearly
more than $165,000 in donations
needs a refresher course on Amer-
ican liberty and freedom.
Friday. It’s the kind of news that is
both cheery and dreary, but we’ll
Do the right thing, senators
From downbeat to up, let’s focus on the positive and wish YES
change our tune and sing the Impeachment
Prep East End senior Alondra Car-
praises of a melody born out of Mar- Regarding “Senate agrees to hear case
mona, who has been accepted to against Trump,” (A1, Feb. 10): I would urge
shall Project reporter Keri Blakin- prestigious Barnard College, the the Republican senators to watch any of
ger’s Twitter wish for a sea shanty best. several Western movies with the same
about Texas Attorney General Ken theme. It involves a corrupt land baron
Staying on the light side, a Tex-
Paxton. Her call found its response in who shoots the sheriff in the back. He goes
as lawyer made international
Grace Gilker’s amusing ditty, “Pax- on trial, but the outcome is predetermined
news this week when an errant Zoom
ton’s Privateers,” which features such as his handpicked minions in the jury will
filter left him facing a court hearing
lines as “I investigate and prosecute absolve him of blame. The honest towns-
as a cat. Presidio County attorney people watch in horror as they, all, know
crimes, but to be honest I’m kind of
Rod Ponton was surprised when a he is guilty.
busy with mine,” “I filed a suit to Susan Walsh / Associated Press
cat’s face — which mirrored his own In the second act, though, the towns-
overturn the election, but I still Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, talks with
mouth and eye movements — people rise up, overthrow him and run his
didn’t get that sweet legal protec- reporters Tuesday after the first day
appeared on screen. “I’m here live. lackeys out of town.
tion,” and, of course, its catchy re- of the second impeachment trial.
I’m not a cat,” he said. We never Good, honest government triumphs in
frain: “I just thought these laws did the end.
thought we would hear such a pro- cerely, Sylvia Szucs, Very Concerned Con-
not apply to me, I’d gotten away with The evidence for conviction of Donald
found, existential cri de coeur on stituent.”
everything.” The fact that Paxton — Trump is overwhelming. It’s not too late
Zoom. The hilarious video was cat- The former president needs to be held
who is awaiting trial on fraud charges for the Republican senators to do the right
nip to a pandemic-stricken world accountable for all his actions which cul-
and is being investigated by the FBI — thing. We can be rid of this evil man before
and Ponton is feline fine about his he causes more damage.
minated in the insurrection, a very grave
is still AG may strike a sour note, but assault on the Constitution and a strong
newfound fame. “If I can make ev- Orlando N. Campos, Houston
Gilker’s ode is music to our ears. betrayal of his oath of office. We need to
erybody have a chuckle at my ex-
No one’s written a song pense, I’ll take it,” he told the Chron- convict and disqualify.
Regarding “Senate agrees to hear case
about Harris County District Sylvia Szucs, Houston
icle. That’s one cool kitty. against Trump,” (A1, Feb. 10): The impeach-
ment trial in the Senate is very compelling.
I am hoping Sen. John Cornyn will vote to True patriotism
convict the former president and dis- Regarding “Texans, we must speak up
qualify him from further office, and I ap- now for our voting rights,” (A15, Feb. 10):
pealed to him to do so to support truth The need for term limits for our repre-
and our remarkable democracy. If he does sentatives and senators has become neces-
so, he will be instrumental in reshaping sary. Re-election, political power and party
the Republican Party after Donald Trump. before national interests is very evident
Though I cannot hope that Sen. Ted behavior from our career politicians. What
Cruz would ever vote to convict, I sent the is needed are citizens who will be willing
following message to him: “Dear Sen. to show their patriotism by serving their
Cruz, Please use your authority as senator country, not as a career, but as a sacrifice,
to convict the former president, and to bar taking time from their lives to do their
him from further federal office. And then duty and then letting others take their
resign from the Senate in shame for your place. How can this be accomplished?
part in promoting the insurrection. Sin- Fred Rummell, Houston

F o u n d e d 1 9 0 1 • A H e a r s t N e w s pa p e r

394th Judicial District Court

Presidio County attorney Rod Ponton accidentally used a cat filter during a John C. McKeon, Publisher |
court hearing Tuesday. Jack Sweeney, Chairman |
Steve Riley, Executive Editor |
Maria Reeve, Managing Editor / Content |
Mark Lorando, Managing Editor / Audience |
Lisa Falkenberg, VP / Editor of Opinion |
BIBLE VERSE Michael Lindenberger, Deputy Opinion Editor |
A bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you Send letters to the editor:
Viewpoints c/o Houston Chronicle, P.O. Box 4260, Houston, Texas 77210 or
hate. We welcome and encourage letters and emails from readers. Letters must include name, address and telephone
Proverbs 15:17 numbers for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing.
A14 | | Houston Chronicle HH



9 DOW: 31,458.40, up 27.70 (0.1%) | 9 S&P: 3,934.83, up 18.45 (0.5%) | 9 OIL: $59.47, up $1.23 (2.1%) | 9 NATURAL GAS: $2.91, up 4 cents (1.5%)

Utilities aim to keep power on in bitter cold

PUC officials don’t prices for natural gas hit $100 per needs, then to power plants and
million British thermal units in then to industrial users.
rule out the need for Texas markets. Temperatures Monday night
rolling blackouts Wholesale power prices aver- could dip to near single digits af-
aged $22 per megawatt hour last ter a weekend with highs barely
By Marcy de Luna year, according to the U.S. Energy breaking 40 degrees. Western
STA F F WRIT E R Department. Natural gas spot and northern areas of Texas have
prices were less than $3.50 per already been coated by ice that
State regulators are gearing up million British thermal units at has taken out large swaths of pow-
for potential power outages early the Henry Hub delivery location er generating wind turbines as
next week as a winter storm and in Louisiana early this week. power demand soars.
bitter cold strain electricity and The Texas Railroad Commis- The grid manager, the Electric
natural gas supplies. sion on Friday night issued an Reliability Council of Texas, or
Both wholesale power and nat- emergency order to manage the ERCOT, projects that demand will
ural gas prices are soaring as frig- potential shortages of natural gas peak at around 72,000 megawatt
id weather moves into Texas and as residents crank up the heat to hours during periods Monday
the state’s grid manager projects stay warm and power plants and Tuesday, according to S&P
record power consumption dur- crank up generation to meet elec- Global Platts, well above the pre-
ing the cold snap. Wholesale elec- tricity demand. The commis- vious winter record of 65,915
tricity prices were surging to sion’s order requires that gas is megawatt hours set on Jan. 17, Brett Coomer / Staff photographer
$1,000 per megawatt hour for first delivered to residences, hos- 2018. Nancy Holloway puts on a pair of gloves Friday provided by the
Monday and Tuesday, according pitals, schools, churches and oth- “It is going to be a really tight Star of Hope’s Love In Action van. The van makes trips to
to S&P Global Platts, while spot er locations that meet human Power continues on B5 provide the homeless with essentials during frigid weather.

says ’20
Huntsman Corp.’s
fortunes rose despite
less annual revenue
By Marcy de Luna

Huntsman Corp. said Friday

that its profit and revenue rose in
the fourth quarter as the industry
slowly recovers from the historic
oil crash caused by the coronavi-
rus pandemic.
The Woodlands chemical-mak-
er said it earned $343 million in
the fourth quarter, up 13 percent
from $303 million during the
same period a year earlier. Reve-
nue increased slightly to $1.67 bil-
lion from $1.66 billion in the
fourth quarter of 2019.
Photos courtesy of Hines For the year, profits nearly
Hines and 2ML Real Estate Interests unveiled renderings of Levit Green, a 53-acre life science district near Holcombe and Texas doubled, to $1.03 billion from
288 close to the Texas Medical Center. HOK designed the five-story, 270,000-square-foot Phase I building. $562 million in 2019. Annual reve-
nue declined by 11 percent to

Life sciences development at TMC unveiled $6.02 billion from $6.8 billion in
“Together with our cost re-
By Katherine Feser er, enhanced mechanical sys- alignment and business optimi-
STA F F WRIT E R tems and floors with 55,000 zation plans, we target in excess
square feet or more to enable of $120 million of annualized ben-
Hines and 2ML Real Estate In- teamwork and collaboration efits by mid-2023. Our balance
terests unveiled renderings of among research and office sheet remains very strong,” CEO
the initial building in Levit teams. It will be situated on the Peter Huntsman said in a state-
Green, the 53-acre life sciences first of several lakes planned in ment. “While we are prepared for
district that will begin to take the development. macro uncertainties to continue
shape near the Texas Medical Waterfront amenities will in- in 2021, we see steady improve-
Center this year. clude a 5,800-square foot fitness ments over 2020 in most of our
Architecture firm HOK de- center and outdoor garden, core markets and we remain to-
signed the five-story, 270,000- 7,000-square-foot conference tally committed to creating value
square-foot Phase I building to center, 3,500 square feet of res- Huntsman continues on B4
serve tenants with advanced lab- taurant space and on-site park-
oratory needs. JLL has been se- ing. The ground floor plan will
lected as leasing representative have more than 25,000 square
for the project.
“Houston is quickly emerging
as a top life science cluster city
feet of lab incubator space
geared toward entrepreneurs
and early-stage life science com-
How much
and has been able to do so with-
out the purpose-built product es-
The project is being built near national
debt is
tablished in other locations,” Holcombe and Texas 288 on land
Hines Senior Managing Director that formerly housed the Gro-
John Mooz said in an announce- cers Supply Co., a longtime
ment. “The Phase I project at
Levit Green has been thoughtful-
ly designed from the inside out to
Houston grocery wholesaler
founded by Joe Levit in 1923. 2ML
Real Estate Interests changed its
too much?
include features that are re- name from Grocers Supply Co. I fielded a question from a
quired of a top-tier research envi- after selling its wholesale busi- friend recently that ought to be
ronment.” ness and the name in 2014. on all our minds: “Does balloon-
The building will have 100 per- The building will be situated on the first of several lakes Levit Green’s first building is ing national debt matter?”
cent redundant emergency pow- planned in the development. TMC continues on B5 My quick answer: It doesn’t
matter right now. It might, and
probably will, matter later.

Hofheinz House, The national

debt on the last
day of January

the birthplace of the was either $21.6

trillion or $27.8

Astrodome, is for sale

The larger
amount includes
By R.A. Schuetz the scoreboard of the Astrodome TAYLOR debt owned by the
STA F F W RIT E R (the home contained a putting government,
green, a shooting gallery and a which will be used
The birthplace of the Astro- private terrace overlooking the mostly to pay future Social Secu-
dome is for sale. playing field), the house at 3900 rity obligations.
Hofheinz House, where former Milam is where his imagination I see the smaller “net debt” of
mayor and Astrodome developer put in the hard work. It was there, $21.6 trillion as the relevant
Roy Hofheinz made plans to build where he kept his offices in the number, but you can choose
the world’s first air-conditioned 1950s, that he conjured the Eighth your own adventure.
domed stadium, has been listed Wonder of the World — and with If we call that $21.6 trillion
for $1.8 million, according to the it, a Major League Baseball team. number “Biden’s inheritance,”
Houston Association of Realtors “He sweated all the details, here is what other presidents
website. down to the condiments for the R.A. Schuetz / Staff inherited, what debt they be-
While Hofheinz’s most famous hot dogs to color of the seats,” said Hofheinz House — the storied home where former mayor and queathed, and how much the
home was the fantastical three- James Glassman, founder of the Astrodome developer Roy Hofheinz dreamed up the world’s national debt grew (or shrank)
story apartment he built behind Astrodome continues on B4 original air-conditioned domed stadium — is on the market. Debt continues on B4
B2 | | Houston Chronicle HH


BRIEFS and related software code to all COURTS

comers, rather than competing Father, son want
American against semiconductor compa-
nies. The concern is that if Nvi-
dia owns Arm, it could limit
extradition halted
BOSTON — An American fa-

furloughs rivals’ access to the technology

or raise the cost of access.
ther and son accused of sneak-
ing former Nissan boss Carlos

Nvidia has argued that the Ghosn out of Japan in a box
purchase price alone means it asked the Supreme Court on
has no incentive to mess with Friday to halt their extradition so

in Texas that neutrality, but some rivals

and customers are unconvinced.
they have time to pursue an
Michael and Peter Taylor have
American Airlines could tem- HUMAN RIGHTS fought for months to keep the
porarily lay off 2,760 people in Chocolate companies U.S. government from handing
Dallas-Fort Worth if more gov- them over to Japan, saying they
ernment aid doesn’t come accused in lawsuit can’t legally be extradited and
through for the ailing travel International Rights Advo- will be treated unfairly in the
industry. Scott Olson / Getty Images cates, a human rights group, said Japan. Their lawyers told the
American announced plans to American Airlines said in a letter to a Texas agency that it might it filed a federal class-action court that the men would face
furlough as many as 13,000 temporarily lay off 2,760 workers in Dallas-Fort Worth. lawsuit Friday on behalf of eight harsh treatment in the Japanese
people in late January, many of Malian citizens against chocolate criminal justice system.
whom were already furloughed proval in North America. ulators about Nvidia Corp.’s companies for alleged complici- “The issues raised by peti-
in October. While this is set to be the first acquisition of Arm Ltd. because ty in trafficking and forced labor. tioners merit full and careful
Fort Worth-based American investment vehicle for bitcoin the deal will harm competition The plaintiffs were trafficked consideration, and the stakes are
didn’t disclose how many em- that’s officially labeled an ex- in an area of the industry that is as children and forced to harvest enormous for them. The very
ployees would get the furlough change-traded fund, Europe vital to their businesses. cocoa in Ivory Coast, the biggest least the U.S. courts owe the
notices at each of its locations, boasts several “physically Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Micro- exporter and producer, IRAd- petitioners is a full chance to
but it is required to send notice backed” bitcoin exchange-traded soft Corp. and Qualcomm Inc. vocates said in a statement. The litigate these issues, including
to state employment authorities products that effectively func- are among companies worried case is based on a law that allows exercising their appellate rights,
detailing the layoffs. tion just like an ETF. about the $40 billion deal and victims to sue companies that before they are consigned to the
A letter to the Texas Work- This isn’t the first time Canada are asking antitrust officials to participate in a venture that fate that awaits them at the
force Commission notes 2,760 has beat the U.S. in regulatory intervene, said people familiar benefits from trafficking and hands of the Japanese govern-
temporary layoffs of union work- approval for ETFs. Canadians with the process who asked not forced labor. ment,” their attorneys wrote.
ers. An additional 488 employ- launched the first ETF ever and to be identified because they Nestle SA, Cargill Inc. and The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of
ees would be “permanently released marijuana-related funds weren’t authorized to speak Mars Inc. are among the compa- Appeals in Boston refused Thurs-
discharged,” it said. prior to their southern neigh- publicly. At least one of the com- nies named in the suit. day to put the extradition on
American said the “furloughs bors. Industry participants say panies wants the deal killed. Multinational companies have hold.
are expected to be temporary.” this is a positive sign for compa- The acquisition would give faced dozens of suits accusing The State Department agreed
nies hoping to offer their own Nvidia control over a critical them of playing a role in human in October to hand the pair over
DIGITAL CURRENCY ETFs on a U.S. exchange. supplier that licenses essential rights violations, environmental to Japan, but a federal judge in
wrongdoing and labor abuses.
First approval for chip technology to the likes of
IRA has also filed a case on be-
Boston put the extradition on
BIG TECH Apple Inc., Intel Corp., Samsung hold shortly after their lawyers
bitcoin in N. America half of six former child slaves
Purpose Investments Inc. said
Companies are wary Electronics Co.,
against Nestle and Cargill.
filed an emergency petition. The
Inc. and China’s Huawei Tech- judge rejected the petition last
Canadian securities regulators of Nvidia-Arm deal nologies Co. That case is pending and was month, clearing the way for the
have cleared the launch of the Some of the world’s largest U.K.-based Arm is known as argued in the Supreme Court on extradition, before the lawyers
Purpose Bitcoin ETF, making it technology companies are com- the Switzerland of the industry Dec. 1. appealed to the 1st Circuit.
the first to gain regulatory ap- plaining to U.S. antitrust reg- because it licenses chip designs From wire reports

Airline Importance
execs fight of stimulus
testing for emphasized
domestic by Yellen
in G-7 call
flights By Saleha Mohsin,
By Zeke Miller Yuko Takeo
and David Koenig and William Horobin

WASHINGTON — Leaders of sev- Treasury Secretary Janet Yel-

eral major U.S. airlines met online Associated Press len stressed the need for the
Friday with White House officials Court motions for Maria Bartiromo, from left, Lou Dobbs and Jeanine Pirro argue that they were Group of Seven countries to “go
to press their case against requir- doing their job in covering allegations of voter fraud by former President Donald Trump. big” with fiscal stimulus to sup-
ing coronavirus tests for passen- port economic recovery from the

3 Fox News hosts call for

gers on domestic flights, saying it global pandemic.
would undermine the already frag- In her first call with foreign
ile industry. counterparts and central bank-

dismissal of libel lawsuit

A person familiar with the dis- ers from the G-7, Yellen said that
cussions said that the Biden ad- “the time to go big is now” and
ministration is not currently plan- that the group should focus on
ning to impose a requirement that how to help the economy, the
passengers on domestic flights By Joshua Goodman Trump outlets such as Newsmax able for providing a forum for Treasury Department said in a
first pass a COVID-19 test. The air- ASS OCIATED PR E SS and One America News chal- speakers and what responsibility statement after the virtual meet-
line CEOs talked with White House lenge long-held assumptions they have for dealing with false ing held Friday.
coronavirus response coordinator Three Fox News hosts — Maria about the limits of free speech. factual statements will be central The online gathering of fi-
Jeff Zients, according to the per- Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs and Jea- The filings by the Fox person- to the court’s decision,” he said. nance chiefs from the world’s top
son, who spoke anonymously to nine Pirro — are seeking the dis- alities note instances in which Still, he said, if Fox succeeds in industrial economies addressed
discuss a private meeting. missal of claims against them they questioned Powell and Giu- persuading the court to dismiss a proposed expansion in the In-
The CEOs of American, United, and their employer as part of a liani for evidence to back their the case, the individual guests — ternational Monetary Fund’s
Southwest, Alaska and JetBlue all $2.7 billion libel lawsuit brought claims, as well as Smartmatic’s Giuliani and Powell — could still lending firepower along with dig-
took part in the meeting. The by voting technology company own denial of the charges. It also be liable for potentially false and ital taxation and climate change.
White House declined to com- Smartmatic. argues that Dobbs’ statements damaging statements. The U.S. is leaning toward
ment. The three, along with Rudolph appearing to validate the claims Smartmatic’s participation in backing an increase in the IMF’s
The meeting was arranged after Giuliani and Sidney Powell, law- of his guests were constitutional- the presidential election was re- special drawing rights by as
Transportation Secretary Pete But- yers for former President Donald ly protected opinions, not state- stricted to a single district, Los much as $500 billion, Bloom-
tigieg and officials with the Centers Trump, were sued this month for ments of fact. Angeles County, which votes berg News reported this month.
for Disease Control and Preven- the eye-popping amount by “The First Amendment pro- heavily Democratic. The fund has been lobbying for
tion said that a testing requirement Smartmatic, which accused tects the press when it informs That limited role notwith- more help to support developing
was under consideration. them of conspiring to spread the public about judicial pro- standing, the company and its nations against the COVID-19 cri-
“We had a very positive, con- false claims that the company ceedings regardless of the accu- technology were widely and sis.
structive conversation focused on was involved in an effort to steal racy of the underlying allega- baselessly blamed by Trump The G-7 discussed increasing
our shared commitment to sci- the presidential election from tions,” according to the motion supporters for somehow tilting the IMF’s resources during Fri-
ence-based policies as we work to- Trump. filed on behalf of Dobbs. the race in favor of Joe Biden. day’s call, and the group expects
gether to end the pandemic, re- In its motions, lawyers from On Dec. 18, all three hosts The effects of the negative pub- a decision to be announced this
store air travel and lead our nation Kirkland & Ellis, which is also de- aired a segment with an expert licity were swift and included month on the back of a Group of
toward recovery,” Nick Calio, head fending Fox, argue that Bartiro- debunking some of the claims death threats against an execu- 20 discussion, according to one
of the trade group Airlines for mo, Dobbs and Pirro were doing that had been made on networks tive’s 14-year-old son, the loss of person familiar with the matter.
America, said in a statement. their job in covering the biggest against Smartmatic and another business and an enduring stain The finance ministers’ goal in
Airlines are strongly opposed to story of the day: unprecedented voting technology company, Do- on its reputation, Smartmatic Friday’s talks was to build mo-
requiring coronavirus testing be- allegations by the president that minion. claims. mentum around helping devel-
fore domestic flights, saying it the integrity of the electoral pro- The Fox Business Network The company fears its entire oping nations, the person said,
would further devastate air travel, cess was marred by fraud. dropped Dobbs’ show Feb. 5, a business, once worth billions of speaking on the condition of an-
which has still not returned even to Smartmatic in its 285-page day after the lawsuit was filed. dollars as it expanded to coun- onymity.
half its pre-pandemic level. They complaint filed Feb. 4 in state The network said the move was tries around the world, from Bel- U.K. Chancellor of the Exche-
worry that the additional cost of a court in New York had cited at part of a planned programming gium to the Philippines, could quer Rishi Sunak, who hosted
test would discourage people from least 13 reports on Fox News in shift and not related to the law- now be valued near zero. the virtual meeting, stressed the
flying. which guests or personalities suit. Like many conspiracy theo- importance of the G-7 “shaping
The airlines argue that there falsely stated or implied that the Bartiromo in her motion sug- ries, the alleged campaign support for vulnerable coun-
isn’t enough testing capacity to company had somehow helped gests an alternate motive for against Smartmatic was built on tries,” according to a statement
test every passenger. More than 1 steal the election through easily what she calls Smartmatic’s a grain of truth. The company’s from his office.
million people went through tampered technology or in ca- “headline-seeking” lawsuit: an founder and CEO is Venezuelan, The U.S. has a de facto veto in
checkpoints at U.S. airports on hoots with Venezuela’s socialist attempt by the company to fill its and Smartmatic’s initial success the IMF on the decision, and for-
Thursday, according to figures government. coffers after reporting losses of is partly attributable to major mer Treasury Secretary Steven
from the Transportation Security The complaint alleged that the $17 million on $144 million in rev- contracts from Hugo Chavez’s Mnuchin had previously blocked
Administration. “disinformation campaign” con- enue in 2019. government, an early devotee of the fund’s requests to boost its
They also say that requiring tinued even after then-Attorney “This complaint is not just electronic voting. special drawing rights.
people to take a coronavirus test General William Barr said the meritless; it is a legal shakedown Dobbs, in his motion to join Yellen highlighted in the call
before flights would cause more Justice Department could find no designed to chill speech and the Fox request for dismissal, that there’s a new tone out of
people to drive — merely shifting evidence of widespread voter punish reporting on issues that points out that he first covered Washington. The U.S. “places a
the risk of spreading the virus from fraud. cut to the heart of our democra- Smartmatic a decade earlier, in high priority on deepening our
planes to cars. “Smartmatic is confident in its cy,” her lawyers argue. 2006, when employed by CNN. international engagement and
Airline unions have joined the case and looks forward to brief- Roy Gutterman, a media law At the time, the company was strengthening our alliances,” she
push against testing domestic pas- ing these issues for the court,” professor at Syracuse University, facing scrutiny from U.S. law- said, according to the depart-
sengers. On Friday, the Southwest Erik Connolly, attorney for said Fox in its motion made rea- makers concerned about its pur- ment’s statement.
Airlines pilots’ union said a testing Smartmatic, wrote Friday in a sonable arguments about First chase of an American competi- On fiscal policy, the U.S. is
mandate “would decimate domes- statement. Amendment rights and its duty tor so shortly after it had helped among the most aggressive, with
tic air travel demand, put aviation The lawsuit is being closely to fuel public discourse on im- organize elections in Venezuela the Biden administration pursu-
jobs at risk, and create serious un- watched as the rise of far-right portant political issues. that were marred by allegations ing a $1.9 trillion package in Con-
intended consequences.” voices on social media and pro- “Whether the broadcaster is li- of fraud. gress.
HH Houston Chronicle | | B3

Prices in U.S. dollars per unit for energy commodities for the contract closest to The median price of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg: Cash price in U.S. dollars paid at delivery for Performance of various index-based investment products:
delivery: various commodities:
2021 Forecast 2022 Forecast 2023 Forecast
Name C Date Open High Low Settle Chg Unit Name Last Price Pvs Day Unit $1K $1K $1K
Lt Sw Crude Mar 21 57.94 59.82 57.41 59.47 1.23 barrel Crude oil 51.40 55.25 56.50
Unleaded Gasoline - NY 1.71 1.67 gallon return return return
Natural Gas 2.75 2.73 2.77 Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
Natural gas Mar 21 2.87 2.99 2.83 2.91 0.04 MMBtu North Sea Brent 62.83 60.97 barrel XLE Energy Select Se 1,026 1,385 868
Gas blend Mar 21 1.64 1.70 1.63 1.69 0.04 gal W. Texas-Int. - Cushing 59.47 58.24 barrel XES SPDR Oil & Gas E 980 1,638 811
Heating oil Mar 21 1.74 1.78 1.72 1.77 0.03 gal Nat Gas - Henry Hub 6.01 6.92 MMBtu USO US Oil Fund 1,113 1,394 462
Ethanol Apr 21 - - - 1.73 0.00 gal
$1K $1K $1K
Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
Top and bottom performers among Houston-based and other major energy companies: Performance of a basket of Houston-based and IAU iShares Gold T 982 970 1,160
Last Last other major energy companies over the past 12 57.06 SLV iShares Silver T 1,067 1,122 1,550
Tick Name Price % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg Volume
HDYNQ Hyperdynamics Corp 0.01 54.3 180,712 DOFSQ Diamond Offshore Drilling 0.24 -4.2 512,068 Aug. 2007=100 SOFT/LIVESTOCK/GRAIN
IO ION Geophysical Corp 4.43 43.4 23,219,505 FTK Flotek Industries Inc 2.43 -3.6 722,395 $1K $1K $1K
70 return return return
MCF Contango Oil & Gas Co 4.52 14.1 1,921,195 HLX HelixEnergySolutionsGroup 4.61 -1.5 1,379,801 Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
CDVIQ Cal Dive International 0.01 7.6 3,580,960 GEL Genesis Energy LP 6.85 -1.0 903,475 JO DJ-UBS Coffee 999 1,067 1,087
CNX CNX Resources Corp 13.32 6.5 883,135 OIS Oil States International 6.38 -0.9 615,590 CORN Teucrium Corn 995 1,201 1,157
EPM Evolution Petroleum Corp 3.65 5.8 118,111 LNG Cheniere Energy Inc 67.62 -0.7 598,044 50 CANE Teucrium Sugar 1,052 1,111 941
NBR Nabors Industries Ltd 85.32 4.8 58,015 AE Adams Resources & Energy 27.75 -0.1 3,773 CATL ETFS Live Cattle 1,056 1,034 903
COG Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 18.23 4.7 3,422,311 OII Oceaneering International 9.43 0.1 885,670 COW iPath DJ-UBS Liv 1,087 1,085 911
EGY VAALCO Energy Inc 3.04 4.1 288,346 VLO Valero Energy Corp 64.74 0.3 577,776 30
*Trades on London Stock Exchange
SWN Southwestern Energy Co 4.34 4.1 14,515,494 CKH SEACOR Holdings Inc 42.44 0.4 163,840 F M A M J J A S O N D J F

S&P 500 closes wobbly week at new high

By Ken Sweet, index to a record high for ton will come through on The S&P 500 rose 18.45 ment report on jobless of the U.S. economy. Demo--
Damian J. Troise the second day in a row. The trillions of more aid and en- points to 3,934.83, while the claims reaffirmed that em- crats have decided to use a
and Alex Veiga Nasdaq composite and the couraging company earn- Dow gained 27.70 points, or ployment remains a weak legislative process that doess
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS Dow Jones Industrial Aver- ings reports have helped 0.1 percent to 31,458.40. The spot in the economy, even not require Republican sup--
age also set new highs. stocks grind higher this Nasdaq added 69.70 points, as vaccine distribution port to pass the $1.9 trillion
Technology companies More companies report- month, along with hopes or 0.5 percent, to 14,095.47. ramps up in the hopes of package.
led a late-afternoon rally Fri- ed solid earnings, including that the coronavirus vaccine Traders also bid up eventually ending the pan- “We’re sort of awaiting g
day on Wall Street that manufacturer Mohawk In- rollout will set the stage for shares in smaller compa- demic. The University of catalysts,” said Jeffrey Klein--
capped a week of wobbly dustries and genetic testing stronger economic growth. nies. The Russell 2000 in- Michigan survey of consum- top, chief global investmentt
trading with the major stock company Illumina. Bond “The one thing that con- dex rose 4.04 points, or 0.2 er sentiment came in well strategist at Charles Schwab..
indexes hitting all-time yields rose, giving banks a tinues to be supportive for percent, to 2,289.36. below expectations as well. Most Asian markets were e
highs. boost. Bumble shares con- the market is just the fact Despite a week of mostly Investors do not expect closed to mark the Lunarr
The S&P 500 rose 0.5 per- tinued to climb after the that the risk-reward in the minor gains and losses for the market to move substan- New Year and European n
cent after spending most of company made a big splash U.S. equity market still the broader market, the S&P tially higher in the near term markets closed higher. U.S..
the day wavering between in its stock market debut the seems to be the best game in 500 notched its second until there’s more clarity on stock and bond markets are e
small gains and losses. The day before. town,“ said J.J. Kinahan, straight weekly gain. the future of government closed Monday for Washing--
gain nudged the benchmark Optimism that Washing- with TD Ameritrade. The latest U.S. govern- stimulus and the direction ton’s Birthday.


Top and bottom performers based on one-day percentage change in stock price: Daily close of the Nasdaq Composite index and the S&P 500 over the past six months:
Last 1-month Last 1-month NASDAQ 14,095.47 0.5% S&P 500 3,934.83 0.5%
Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume
ILMN Illumina Inc 504.76 11.9 39.7 931,221 DVA DaVita Inc 104.99 -7.4 -15.2 338,220
MHK Mohawk Industries 169.28 6.0 12.2 297,267 NWL Newell Brands Inc 24.19 -7.1 -0.2 2,535,009 15,000 4,000
TER Teradyne Inc 142.41 5.5 3.9 943,509 DLR Digi Realty Trust 140.06 -3.3 6.5 560,688
MOS Mosaic Co/The 29.27 5.1 2.8 1,073,436 UAA Under Armour Inc 22.37 -2.7 18.5 1,515,960
TWTR Twitter Inc 71.90 4.9 52.8 4,639,932 RL Ralph Lauren Corp 110.70 -2.4 -3.3 214,007
DISCA Discovery Inc 47.80 4.9 35.4 1,556,214 ROST Ross Stores Inc 119.09 -2.3 -1.7 428,240
COG Cabot Oil & Gas 18.23 4.7 -1.9 1,031,764 EXPE Expedia Group Inc 146.51 -2.3 3.9 1,593,820
PYPL PayPal Inc 298.37 4.7 25.6 3,194,362 FMC FMC Corp 107.68 -2.3 -11.9 383,055
DISCK Discovery Inc 40.75 4.5 33.3 1,346,572 LB L Brands Inc 47.22 -2.1 -0.1 604,095
FRT FedRltyInvstTrst 102.33 4.4 20.7 377,703 PHM PulteGroup Inc 48.48 -2.1 13.6 503,372 12,000 3,500


The Bloomberg Houston 150 includes major companies based in Houston and significant employers in the area. 3,300
Last Chg % Chg 52W Div Last Chg % Chg 52W Div
Name Ticker Price Day YTD 52W Low High Yld Name Ticker Price Day YTD 52W Low High Yld
10,000 3,200
AcdmySprts ASO 25.47 0.11 22.9 12.05 26.70 - LyndllBsll LYB 96.14 1.32 4.9 33.71 99.86 4.37
AdmsRes & AE 27.75 -0.03 15.1 15.16 34.45 3.46 Macy's Inc M 14.88 -0.33 32.3 4.38 22.30 - A S O N D J F A S O N D J F
AllgncBncs ABTX 36.56 -0.09 7.1 20.88 38.76 1.31 MainStCap MAIN 34.44 0.15 6.8 14.11 45.10 7.14 AMZN 3277.71 15.58 0.6 1626.03 3552.25 - Marthn Oil MRO 8.97 0.22 34.5 3.02 11.97 1.34
AmerNatGrp ANAT 91.95 0.33 -4.3 63.93 113.92 3.57 MgnlOil & MGY 9.93 0.25 40.7 3.23 10.00 - U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEXES
Apache APA 17.48 0.50 23.2 3.80 29.21 0.57 MRC Global MRC 8.65 -0.54 30.5 3.31 11.68 -
Archrock AROC 9.81 0.26 13.3 2.09 10.36 5.91 NatEnSvcsR NESR 12.30 0.28 23.9 4.04 12.36 - Daily close and change in value for selected stock indexes:
AT&T Inc T 28.80 0.11 0.1 26.08 38.68 7.22 NblMdstPrt NBLX 13.53 0.01 29.8 1.81 22.42 5.54
BHP Group BHP 70.38 0.66 7.7 29.78 74.41 3.13 Nbrs Indst NBR 85.32 3.89 46.5 9.79 119.25 -
Index Last Price Chg. % Chg YTD
Bk of Amer BAC 33.37 0.49 10.1 17.95 35.45 2.16 NewparkRes NR 2.86 -0.04 49.0 0.65 4.61 -
Dow Jones Ind. 31,458.40 27.70 0.1 2.8
BkrHghsCo BKR 22.70 0.17 8.9 9.12 24.04 3.17 NineEnSvc NINE 2.89 0.04 6.2 0.38 6.59 -
Nasdaq Composite 14,095.47 69.70 0.5 9.4
BlckStnMin BSM 9.71 -0.14 45.4 4.04 10.63 7.21 NOV Inc NOV 13.94 0.30 1.5 7.70 24.21 -
S&P 500 3,934.83 18.45 0.5 4.8
BncBlbVzcy BBVA 5.32 0.01 7.7 2.49 5.80 - NOW Inc DNOW 10.33 0.17 43.9 4.03 10.51 -
BBG Houston 150 613.15 3.71 0.6 6.2
BnchmrkElc BHE 27.84 -0.02 3.1 14.06 30.76 2.30 NRG Energy NRG 43.04 0.16 14.6 19.54 43.54 3.02
DJ US Total Stk 41,733.23 197.16 0.5 6.4
Boeing Co BA 210.98 0.32 -1.4 89.00 349.95 - NtrlResPrt NRP 17.79 0.48 29.3 8.50 19.75 10.12
Russell 2000 2,289.36 4.04 0.2 15.9
BP PLC BP 21.91 0.54 6.8 14.74 37.22 5.75 NxTrOlfldS NEX 3.97 0.17 15.4 1.00 5.81 -
BristowGrp VTOL 27.68 -0.32 5.2 10.50 35.91 - OccdntlPtr OXY 25.39 0.41 46.7 8.52 43.60 0.16
Cactus Inc WHD 28.71 -0.08 10.1 8.16 31.30 1.25 Ocnrng Int OII 9.43 0.01 18.6 2.01 13.87 - INTERNATIONAL INDEXES
Index Last Price Chg. % Chg YTD
CadenceBcp CADE 18.93 -0.24 15.3 4.63 21.50 3.17 OilSttsInt OIS 6.38 -0.06 27.1 1.52 11.43 -
FTSE 100 6,589.79 61.07 0.9 2.0
Cardtroncs CATM 38.83 0.01 10.0 15.71 45.66 - OrionGroup ORN 6.16 0.05 24.2 1.53 6.23 -
Hang Seng 30,173.57 134.85 0.4 10.8
Carrg Svcs CSV 36.58 0.01 16.8 13.54 36.81 1.09 OssMdstPrt OMP 16.75 0.20 42.8 2.80 17.24 12.90
Mexico IPC 44,202.52 142.43 0.3 0.3
CbtOil & G COG 18.23 0.82 12.0 13.06 22.67 2.19 ParPacific PARR 14.72 0.18 5.3 5.72 20.43 -
Nikkei 225 29,520.07 -42.86 -0.1 7.6
CenterPtEn CNP 21.38 0.13 -1.2 11.58 27.53 2.99 Penn VA PVAC 12.77 0.33 25.8 0.99 19.20 -
S&P/Toronto SE 18,460.21 67.22 0.4 5.9
ChampionX CHX 16.80 0.12 9.8 2.89 27.69 - Phillips66 PSX 77.23 -0.01 10.4 40.04 92.30 4.66
Chevron CVX 92.55 0.53 9.6 51.60 112.60 5.58 Phllps66Pr PSXP 25.72 0.55 -2.6 19.00 63.42 13.61
ChnrEnPrtn CQP 40.00 0.25 13.5 17.75 41.74 6.56 Plains GP PAGP 8.56 0.20 3.4 2.78 15.61 8.41
CllnPtrCo CPE 23.18 1.84 76.1 3.80 30.90 - PlnsAllAme PAA 8.43 0.18 2.3 3.00 16.53 8.54
CmdnPropTr CPT 106.54 0.54 6.6 62.48 120.73 3.12 PROS Inc PRO 44.82 1.54 -11.7 19.73 53.23 -
CmfrtSysUS FIX 63.37 -0.69 20.3 27.54 66.27 0.69 PrsprtyBnc PB 71.33 0.60 2.8 42.02 75.22 2.75
Value of the U.S. dollar in selected currencies:
CntngOil & MCF 4.52 0.56 97.4 0.84 4.77 - Pttrsn-UTI PTEN 6.25 0.17 18.8 1.61 7.79 1.28
Comcast CMCSA 53.23 0.00 1.6 31.71 53.60 1.88 Pwll Indst POWL 29.15 -0.28 -1.2 15.62 37.80 3.57 Currency Last 1-Mo Ago 6-Mo Ago 1-Yr Ago
ConcPhllps COP 47.16 0.72 17.9 20.84 61.15 3.65 QnxBldngPr NX 24.83 0.48 12.0 7.90 26.59 1.29 Australian Dollar 1.29 1.29 1.40 1.48
Conn's Inc CONN 15.48 0.16 32.4 2.83 16.93 - QuantaSvcs PWR 77.87 0.86 8.1 23.77 79.86 0.31 Brazilian Real 5.38 5.32 5.43 4.35
CrstwdEqyP CEQP 22.31 0.60 17.5 2.65 28.56 11.21 RylDtchShl RDS/A 38.51 1.19 9.6 21.26 52.80 3.46 British Pound 0.72 0.73 0.77 0.77
CrwnCstlIn CCI 164.46 2.46 3.3 114.18 180.00 3.24 SchlmbrgrN SLB 26.77 0.40 22.6 11.87 35.38 1.87 Canadian Dollar 1.27 1.27 1.32 1.33
CVR Energy CVI 19.61 0.46 31.6 9.81 35.66 - ShllMdstPr SHLX 11.56 0.10 14.7 5.70 20.60 15.92 Chilean Peso 722.15 726.67 792.68 790.10
CVS Health CVS 74.21 0.61 8.7 52.04 77.23 2.70 SlctEnSvcs WTTR 5.82 0.15 42.0 2.22 7.48 - Chinese Ren (yuan) 6.46 6.48 6.96 6.98
Devon En DVN 19.98 0.68 26.4 4.60 23.30 2.20 SlrsOlfldI SOI 12.17 0.97 49.5 4.50 14.23 3.45 Colombian Peso 3,504.59 3,478.86 3,758.44 3,389.13
DPntdeNmrs DD 71.47 0.51 0.5 28.33 87.27 1.68 SnnvEnInt NOVA 50.97 -0.72 12.9 6.12 57.70 - Euro 0.83 0.82 0.85 0.92
DR Horton DHI 82.18 -1.27 19.2 25.51 84.41 0.97 Spark En SPKE 11.93 0.08 24.7 5.25 12.40 6.08 Indian Rupee 72.76 73.25 74.83 71.34
Dril-Quip DRQ 33.68 0.35 13.7 22.25 43.82 - SprtofTXBn STXB 19.32 -0.04 15.0 8.96 21.59 1.86 Japanese Yen 104.94 103.76 106.91 110.09
DXPEntrpr DXPE 27.15 0.36 22.1 10.44 35.73 - SthwstrnEn SWN 4.34 0.17 45.6 1.06 4.61 - Mexican Peso 19.94 19.79 22.35 18.62
EntrprsPro EPD 21.79 0.35 11.2 10.27 26.76 8.26 StrlngCnst STRL 21.59 -0.05 16.0 6.72 24.49 - Norwegian Krone 8.46 8.45 8.94 9.23
EOG Res EOG 61.02 1.38 22.4 27.00 77.67 2.46 StwrtInfoS STC 53.76 0.83 11.2 20.26 53.88 2.23 S. African Rand 14.55 15.23 17.47 14.85
Exterran EXTN 5.18 0.09 17.2 3.23 8.93 - Sunoco LP SUN 31.59 -0.21 9.8 10.46 33.00 10.45 S. Korean Won 1,102.97 1,099.98 1,185.17 1,179.48
ExxonMobil XOM 50.52 0.68 22.6 30.11 61.53 6.89 Svc Int/U SCI 54.12 0.00 10.2 33.93 54.67 1.55 Singapore Dollar 1.33 1.32 1.37 1.39
Fltk Indst FTK 2.43 -0.09 15.2 0.66 3.09 - SWArlnsCo LUV 51.34 -0.08 10.1 22.47 58.83 - Taiwan Dollar 28.00 28.02 29.44 30.09
Fluor Corp FLR 17.95 0.42 12.4 2.85 21.50 - Sysco Corp SYY 76.24 0.02 2.7 26.00 79.96 2.36
FrmEnTech FET 18.12 0.07 52.3 3.00 25.00 - Talos En TALO 9.16 0.16 11.2 5.00 19.06 -
Frprt-McMR FCX 31.23 0.24 20.0 4.82 33.97 - Targa Res TRGP 30.74 0.32 16.5 3.66 40.17 1.30 TREASURIES, INTEREST RATES
GenElctrCo GE 11.73 0.27 8.6 5.48 13.26 0.34 Target TGT 191.43 1.02 8.4 90.17 199.96 1.42
Genesis En GEL 6.85 -0.07 10.3 2.58 18.97 8.76 TC Energy TRP 44.53 1.13 9.4 32.37 57.92 5.70 Yields for the most recently issued securities:
Gespc Tech GEOS 9.25 0.31 8.1 4.61 14.53 - TC PipeLns TCP 30.89 0.76 4.9 18.00 42.25 8.42 TREASURIES
Godrch Ptr GDP 10.41 0.24 3.2 2.40 13.30 - Team Inc TISI 10.60 -0.37 -2.8 3.75 14.13 - Last Yld Pvs Yld 1Day Yld Wk Yld Mo Yld 3-Mo Yld Yr
Bill/Note Yld Day Clo Net Chg Ago Ago Ago Ago
Grp 1 Auto GPI 154.44 0.65 17.8 26.26 162.65 0.78 TechnipFMC FTI 10.31 -0.04 9.7 4.49 18.03 1.26
3-month t-bill 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.09 1.58
Hess Corp HES 60.00 2.08 13.7 26.06 64.98 1.67 TETRA Tech TTI 2.62 0.04 204.1 0.22 2.74 -
6 month t-bill 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.10 1.55
Hess Midst HESM 21.78 0.04 11.3 5.70 23.00 8.21 Tidewater TDW 11.85 0.61 37.2 4.09 17.06 -
2-year t note 0.11 0.11 0.00 0.10 0.15 0.18 1.44
Hllbrtn Co HAL 20.17 0.74 6.7 4.25 22.58 0.89 TOTAL SE TOT 42.77 0.63 2.1 22.13 49.97 7.49
5-year t note 0.49 0.46 0.03 0.46 0.50 0.39 1.45
HlxEnSolGr HLX 4.61 -0.07 9.8 0.99 9.11 - Transocean RIG 3.54 0.08 53.2 0.65 4.82 -
10-year t note 1.17 1.17 0.04 1.17 1.13 0.88 1.63
Howrd Hghs HHC 102.08 1.08 29.3 35.10 129.74 - Untd Arlns UAL 43.94 0.50 1.6 17.80 82.60 -
30-year t bond 2.01 1.95 0.06 1.97 1.87 1.64 2.09
HstnWire & HWCC 4.13 0.09 48.0 1.67 4.75 - UntdPrclSv UPS 163.39 1.02 -3.0 82.00 178.01 2.50
Huntsman HUN 28.52 0.26 13.4 12.23 29.41 2.28 US Silica SLCA 9.78 0.57 39.3 0.79 9.94 -
HwlttPckrd HPE 14.38 0.19 21.4 7.43 15.18 3.34 Valero En VLO 64.74 0.19 14.4 31.00 86.79 6.05 PRIME, FED FUNDS
IES Inc IESC 46.85 -0.97 1.8 13.73 51.09 - Verzn Comm VZ 54.20 -0.40 -7.7 48.84 61.95 4.63 Rate 6-month change 1-year change
Bloomberg Prime Rate 3.25 0.00 -31.58
Insperity NSP 80.89 -8.42 -0.7 22.59 95.78 1.98 W&T Offsh WTI 2.88 0.06 32.7 1.07 4.10 -
Fed Funds Target 0.25 0.00 -85.71
IONGeophys IO 4.43 1.34 82.3 1.13 5.35 - Walmart WMT 144.47 0.45 0.2 102.00 153.66 1.49
JcbsEngGrp J 114.90 -0.10 5.5 59.29 116.73 0.73 Wast Cnnct WCN 99.36 1.03 -3.1 70.87 111.04 0.83
JPMrgnChs JPM 141.25 1.98 11.2 76.91 142.75 2.55 Waste Mgmt WM 113.25 0.03 -4.0 85.34 126.79 1.92 COMMODITY PRICES
KBR Inc KBR 31.92 -0.38 3.2 12.00 32.44 1.25 WhtstnREIT WSR 8.85 -0.09 11.0 4.71 13.74 4.86
Closing values for the most active contract of various commodities:
Kindr Mrgn KMI 14.84 0.15 8.6 9.42 22.58 7.08 WlgrnsBtsA WBA 50.38 0.26 26.3 33.36 55.49 3.71
Kirby Corp KEX 60.54 0.44 16.8 32.76 76.19 - WllsFrg & WFC 33.53 0.81 11.1 20.76 48.49 1.19 METALS
Kraton KRA 37.59 1.87 35.3 4.45 37.73 - WngrtnRlty WRI 25.46 0.64 17.5 12.01 30.61 2.83 Name C Date Last Price Pvs Close Day % Chg YTD % Chg Unit
Kroger Co KR 33.95 0.55 6.9 27.06 42.99 2.12 Wstlk Chem WLK 87.08 0.60 6.7 28.99 91.83 1.24 Copper Mar 21 3.79 3.77 0.7 7.9 usd/pd
LGI Homes LGIH 120.82 -2.55 14.1 33.00 132.98 - WstlkChemP WLKP 23.59 -0.30 -1.0 10.31 24.64 7.99 Gold Apr 21 1,823.20 1,826.80 -0.2 -4.1 usd/oz
Luby's Inc LUB 3.25 -0.03 14.4 0.46 3.43 - WstrnMdstP WES 16.52 -0.35 19.5 2.90 17.15 7.53 Palladium Mar 21 2,382.60 2,347.00 1.7 -2.7 usd/oz
Platinum Apr 21 1,259.00 1,247.00 1.0 16.7 usd/oz
BLOOMBERG HOUSTON CHRONICLE 150 MOVERS Silver Mar 21 27.33 27.05 1.3 3.8 usd/oz
Daily Gainers Daily Losers
Last 1-day 1-month Last 1-day 1-month AGRICULTURE
Tick Name Price % Chg %Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg %Chg Volume
IO ION Geophysical Corp 4.43 43.4 42.4 23,219,505 NSP Insperity Inc 80.89 -9.4 -6.7 568,342 Name C Date Last Price Pvs Close Day % Chg YTD % Chg Unit
MCF Contango Oil & Gas Co 4.52 14.1 57.5 1,921,195 MRC MRC Global Inc 8.65 -5.9 10.2 823,588 Live Cattle Apr 21 1.25 1.23 1.6 4.9 usd/pd
SOI Solaris Oilfld Infrstrctr 12.17 8.7 22.3 412,139 FTK Flotek Industries Inc 2.43 -3.6 30.6 722,395 Coffee May 21 1.23 1.23 0.0 -5.5 usd/pd
CPE Callon Petroleum Co 23.18 8.6 46.0 2,995,049 TISI Team Inc 10.60 -3.4 -7.8 62,984 Corn May 21 5.37 5.40 -0.5 11.2 usd/bu
SLCA US Silica Holdings Inc 9.78 6.2 10.5 779,609 M Macy's Inc 14.88 -2.2 14.7 9,982,443 Cotton May 21 0.89 0.88 0.9 12.7 usd/pd
TDW Tidewater Inc 11.85 5.4 0.9 218,817 LGIH LGI Homes Inc 120.82 -2.1 22.9 148,735 Lumber Mar 21 982.10 979.00 0.3 37.0 usd/bd ft
KRA Kraton Corp 37.59 5.2 5.7 383,919 WES WesternMidstreamPartners 16.52 -2.1 -0.5 2,410,215 Orange Juice Mar 21 1.13 1.12 0.7 -10.0 usd/pd
NBR Nabors Industries Ltd 85.32 4.8 27.3 177,552 IESC IES Holdings Inc 46.85 -2.0 -3.9 20,541 Soybean May 21 13.71 13.67 0.3 4.9 usd/bu
COG Cabot Oil & Gas Corp 18.23 4.7 -1.9 3,422,311 HLX HelixEnergySolutionsGroup 4.61 -1.5 -7.8 1,379,801 Wheat May 21 6.41 6.39 0.6 0.5 usd/bu
NEX NexTierOilfieldSolutions 3.97 4.5 -3.6 1,049,659 DHI DR Horton Inc 82.18 -1.5 20.1 1,778,203
B4 | Saturday, February 13, 2021 | | Houston Chronicle HH


DEBT ing us over a barrel right

From page B1 What probably matters
more is the currency our
on their watch. debt is denominated in.
Donald Trump: $14.4 Ours is in dollars. This is
trillion, which grew to incredibly important.
$21.6 trillion, a 51 percent No less a sovereign debt
rise. genius than Trump made
Barack Obama: $6.3 this clear when he de-
trillion, grew to $14.4 tril- clared during his 2016
lion, a 128 percent rise. presidential campaign,
George W. Bush: $3.4 “I’ve borrowed knowing
trillion, grew to $6.3 tril- that you can pay back with
lion, an 86 percent rise. discounts. I’d borrow (as
Bill Clinton: $4.2 tril- president) knowing that if
lion, fell to $3.4 trillion, a the economy crashed, you
19 percent drop. could make a deal.”
George H.W. Bush: A few days later, he
$2.7 trillion, grew to $4.2 added: “First of all, you
trillion, a 56 percent rise. never have to default be-
Ronald Reagan: $934 cause you print the mon-
billion grew to $2.7 tril- ey. I hate to tell you, OK,
lion, a 189 percent rise. so there’s never a default.”
Reagan, the darling of And in his weird, only-
small-government conser- Trump-would-say-this-out-
vatives, was the deficit- loud way, he was right.
exploding equivalent of a The fact that we borrow in
day-trader on Reddit. dollars and owe money in
Clinton, loathed for his dollars means we don’t
outsize appetites, was a have to default on our
thrifty shrinker of govern- debts.
ment debt. . But we might have to
Today’s national debt is inflate away the value of
far bigger than ever. But is New York Times file photo the currency to avoid
it too big? That depends The national debt is exploding, but the U.S. has at least one saving grace — low interest rates. default. This has always
on a few factors. The big- been the fear about heavy
gest are interest rates, tries entering financial miracle happen? that determine debt sus- investors outside the coun- government borrowing —
cooperation, currency death spirals when their Interest rates. tainability are the atti- try. The largest foreign that it runs up inflation in
denomination and confi- debt-to-GDP ratios rose As of Jan. 31, the U.S. tudes of our debtholders holders of U.S. debt are in its own currency to get out
dence. above 70 percent. government paid an aver- and the currency in which Japan and China. They from under a heavy debt
How do we determine That’s obviously worri- age interest rate of 1.7 our debt is denominated. account for 18 percent and burden.
what’s too big? some for the United percent on all its interest- The vast majority of 15 percent, respectively, of The fact that interest
A reasonable starting States. bearing debt, down from government debtholders debt held by foreigners. rates are currently ex-
point is to compare the We also can compare 2.4 percent just a year ago. are neutral. Just pay them Could relations with our tremely low, however,
size of the national debt to the cost of debt interest to About 20 years ago, the their interest and principal foreign or domestic debt indicates that bond mar-
the size of the economy. the size of the economy. government paid an aver- as agreed, and all is well. holders become antago- kets believe broad-based
The debt at the start of Here, we find a much age 6.6 percent on its They are not our friends, nistic? inflation is not a real
2021 was approximately more optimistic story. For measly $3.4 trillion of but they are not our ene- A cold war, or a hot war, threat. That can always
100 percent of this year’s now. debt. mies. They are banks, with a major foreign debt change. And if it does
projected gross domestic The cost of interest on That explains why we’re pension funds, insurance holder would be problem- change, then the conse-
product. It was roughly 74 our national debt is about good for now. If inflation companies, money market atic. Chinese-based in- quences of having sex-
percent at the start of 1.7 percent of the size of picks up in the future, or if funds, mutual funds and stitutions own less than 5 tupled our national debt in
Trump’s presidency, 44 the economy. That com- confidence drops in our sovereign wealth funds. percent of all U.S. debt. the past 20 years become
percent at the start of pares to 2.3 percent at the ability to repay bond in- But sometimes they are We could imagine interest far worse.
Obama’s first term and 32 beginning of Trump’s vestors, the debt could rival nations or quasi- rates rising or the govern-
percent for George W. presidency, 2.7 percent for become unaffordable. If national financial institu- ment having trouble roll- Michael Taylor is author of
Bush. Obama, 3.4 for George W. interest rates revert to tions, such as the Central ing over debt maturities if “The Financial Rules for
Back in the 1990s when Bush, and 4.3 percent for historically normal rates of Bank of China or a con- relations with China be- New College Graduates.”
I sold emerging market both Clinton and George 4 to 6 percent, we’d be in glomerate of Japanese came nasty. Still, it’s a bit michael@michaelthesmart
bonds for a living, we H.W. Bush. a world of hurt. banks. About one-third of far-fetched to worry about
worried about weak coun- So how does this odd The other major factors U.S. debt is owned by foreign debtholders hold- |

HUNTSMAN lower margins and compo-

nent prices in China, but
From page B1 that has yet to be seen,”
Huntsman said. “If the vol-
for our shareholders.” ume is there and the pric-
During an earnings call ing is there, we will take ad-
Friday morning, Huntsman vantage of it.”
said fourth-quarter reve- Huntsman, built from
Houston Gateway Academy seeks competitive sealed proposals from qualified
nue in the company’s poly- the company that in 1974
General Constructors to complete unfinished construction of a 174,938 sq. ft. urethanes segment rose 5 created the clamshell con-
Pre-K – 12 facility that is approx. 40% constructed. Proposals must be delivered
electronically to and received by 2:00 PM CST percent year-over-year to tainer for McDonald’s Big
on March 25, 2021. Proposals will be opened at 3:00 PM CST on March 25, 2021 $1.03 billion from $980 mil- Mac, also produces dyes
via video conference. A pre-bid conference is scheduled for Feb. 24, 2021 at
2:00 PM CST. For inquiries and to sign up for the conference, contact Shaun lion. and water repellents for
Garibaldi at To view the bid package, visit “While we understand textiles, epoxy and acrylics
that volatility still exists used in the construction of
within the component end autos and planes, and coat-
of our business, the major- ings and amines used in in-
HARRIS COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE: Anyone knowing the ity of our polyurethanes dustrial manufacturing and
whereabouts of Lisa
Ann Campbell A/K/A
segment is in our down- electronics.
Chapter 683 defines as “abandoned in storage lots” Lisa Ann Campbell-Rome, stream businesses that con- In January, Huntsman
are auctioned by the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. call Gary Johsnon, Esq,
Information on the time, date, and location of these 504.393.9111 tinue to not only benefit completed the fourth-quar-
auctions, along with number of vehicles being sold, from stable margins but al- Elizabeth Conley / Staff photographer ter $250 million, all-cash
may be obtained by dialing: 713-368-AUTO or
our website HARRISCOUNTYSO.ORG, (Under the so demonstrate the most Huntsman Corp. headquarters in The Woodlands. acquisition of Gabriel Per-
GET INVOLVED TAB for the PUBLIC VEHICLE growth,” Huntsman said. formance Products, a
AUCTION LIST AND a listing of the description of HOUSTON INDEPEND-
abandoned vehicles will also be available, at the ENT SCHOOL DISTRICT The company’s polyure- stronger in the second luster 2020 caused by the North American chemical
which is located at 3204 Ennis, Houston, Texas
NOTICE TO PROPOSERS thanes business produces quarter than in the first, pandemic, Huntsman said. manufacturer of additives
The Houston Independent
77004 Monday thru Friday, from 9:00 A.M.-4:00
School District located in foam products for bedding, Fermium Research analyst “It looks like we are and epoxy curing agents,
the Hattie Mae White Ed-
ucational Support Center insulation, material used in Frank Mitsch said. heading into the second from a private equity firm.
at 4400 West 18th Street vehicles, rubber used in Now halfway through the quarter with some really Huntsman shares closed
Houston, Texas 77092 will
BUS RFP: accept proposals, until shoes and adhesives. first quarter, the sector strong momentum. We Friday up less than 1 per-
INVITATION TO BID the stated date and time The sector is typically could rebound from a lack- think there will be a little bit cent at $28.52
Sealed bids and proposals will be received by IDEA deadlines, in the Board
Public Schools at 2115 W Pike Blvd., Weslaco, TX Services Office, Level C1
78596 on or before 5 PM on February 19th, 2021 for • Project 16-10-53-D –
the following goods: School Buses. Bids received RFP / College and Career
after this time will not be accepted. Response forms Readiness – with a dead-
and specifications for the above may be obtained at line of 10:00 a.m. on
2115 W Pike Blvd., Weslaco, TX 78596 or can be March 24, 2021. The Pre-
viewed at -Proposal Conference for From page B1
finance-budget/. Bids will be opened February 22nd, this project will be via Mi-
2021 at 3 PM. crosoft Teams on Wed-
nesday, February 24,
2021, at 2:00 p.m. history group Houstorian.
The solicitation for bids is
available on the HISD “It’s a bona fide landmark.”
web-site at www.houston When Hofheinz moved To access, go to

Notice To Directory, Purchasing his offices out of the home

Services, Solicitation of and into the Astrodome, his
Bids. The District
reserves the right to re- foundation worked with

ject any or all proposals,
or, to accept the proposal the county to turn it into a
that is most advanta-
geous to the District.
shelter that provided emer-
gency housing and counsel-

ing for 250 to 300 young
adults a year. Later, it be-
came the home of the pub-

The Houston Independent lic-access cable television
School District located in
the Hattie Mae White Ed- company Houston Medi-
ucational Support Center aSource.
at 4400 West 18th Street
Call the Legals Team Houston, Texas 77092 will Now the house, which
accept proposals, until
713-224-6868 the stated date and time lies on the eastern edge of
Ext. 6435 or 4204 deadlines, in the Board Montrose in a historic dis-
Services Office, Level C1
• Project 21-01-05 trict called First Montrose
*$74.00 includes first 36 lines In/After School Commun-
Commons, is owned by
ity Outreach Program–
and 1 Affidavit of Publication with a deadline of 10:00 Lance and Barbara
a.m. on March 9, 2021.
*$1.92 per line over 36 lines The Pre-Proposal Confer- McKnight. Staff file photo
ence for this project will Barbara McKnight, chef County officials Kyle Chapman and Philip Sayers, Judge Roy Hofheinz, National
be virtual at the above
stated address on Febru- and founder of catering League’s Warren Giles and astronaut Alan Shepard at the Astrodome in 1964.
ary 24, 2021 at 10:00
a.m. company Culinaire, ran her
The Houston Planning Commission has received an
The solicitation for bids is
available on the HISD
company out of Hofheinz demic, leading Culinaire to that many cool historic bathrooms and four half-
application to allow the replat of Villas at Almeda web-site at www.houston House starting in 2006, downsize. properties at the end of the baths, according to its list-
Springs Subdivision, a subdivision in Harris County, To access, go to
Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded Directory, Purchasing while the couple lived up- The listing has so far day.” ing. The McKnights’ reno-
in Film Code No. 614239 of the Map Records of Har- Services, Solicitation of
ris County, Texas, for the purpose of Creating 38 res- Bids. The District stairs, according to Mark gathered the attention of Because of the home’s vation of the home includ-
idential lots. The new subdivision name is: ALMEDA reserves the right to re-
Davis of Davis Commercial, several businesses, includ- historic protections, a po- ed the installation of an in-
ject any or all proposals,
Planning Commission will hold a virtual meeting and or, to accept the proposal the listing agent for the ing a video and music pro- tential buyer will need to be dustrial kitchen. “So when
public hearing on thisreplat on Thursday, March 4, that is most advanta-
2021 at 2:30 PM via Microsoft Teams. The video con- geous to the District. property. Culinaire not on- duction company, multiple satisfied with the current anybody buys it, they’ll be
ference will allow for a two-way video/ audio com- ly catered, but also hosted attorneys offices and a fi- building, he explained. set up to entertain pretty
munication with the HoustonPlanning
Commission.For information on how to join the meet- events, including wedding nancial services firm, ac- “Even though the site is big, darn well,” Davis said.
ing or submit comments as a speaker, visit receptions and wine tast- cording to Davis. you can’t buy it to build
ourwebsite: or Call:
832-393-6624. Contact the applicant at713-480- ings, inside the home.But “They run the gamut,” he mid-rises.” rebecca.schuetz
4075 or the City of Houston Planning Department at
(832)393-6600 for anyadditional information the catering industry has said. “It’s a great property Hofheinz House features
been hard hit by the pan- because there just aren’t five bedrooms, five full
HH Houston Chronicle | | B5

POWER from the wind turbines. That is the

conundrum we are facing.” TMC
From page B1 Wind generates about 20 per- From page B1
cent of electricity in Texas. But the
weekend. It is going to be particu- rest of the state’s power system expected to break ground
larly tight on Monday and Tues- isn’t immune to the extended cold in the second quarter and
day,” Public Utility Commission period and precipitation. be ready for tenants in the
Chairman DeAnn Walker said at a The sustained period of colder fourth quarter 2022. The
Friday meeting. “My understand- than normal temperatures will put initial building is one of
ing is, the wind turbines are all fro- pressure on demand as people try nine planned projects that
zen. I encourage everyone to keep to keep their homes warm. could contain up to 4 mil-
all that in mind. We are working al- “With a cold snap, which Texans lion square feet of lab-cen-
ready to try and ensure we have are fairly accustomed to, the tem- tric mixed-use space.
enough power but it’s taken a lot of perature drops below freezing for
coordination.” about a day,” said Andrew Barlow,
ERCOT, which manages the state director of external affairs at the
power grid and the flow of power Public Utilities Commission. “But
to more than 26 million Texas cus- what we are looking at is sustained
tomers, is working with generators temperatures below freezing for a
to “make sure they can supply couple of days.”
power during the coldest periods,” Krishnamoorti is not ruling out
said communications manager the possibility of blackouts with Jason Fochtman / Staff photographer
Leslie Sopko. the incoming storm. A shopper carries insulation tubing and pool noodles for
“We’ve had a significant number “It could very well happen, ab- makeshift pipe preparations Thursday during a rush in Houston.
of wind facilities that had to be tak- solutely, because of the two factor
en out of service due to icing. That effect,” he said. “If it just gets cold, weather conditions, spokeswom- equipment are tested regularly and
is certainly something that we are it might not be so bad. If it gets cold an Alejandra Diaz said. are prepared to function properly
having to work around during this and it is wet, that really causes a “We have completed a readiness during lower temperatures and in-
time,” she said. problem.” assessment for inclement weather creased energy usage,” Diaz said.
The wind turbines that have Downed power lines caused by operations,” Diaz said. “We are al- Houston last saw a storm of this
been coated in ice will need time icing could keep some customers so planning to pause planned out- magnitude in February 2011, when
and warmer temperatures before in the cold and dark for an extend- ages scheduled for Monday and rolling blackouts left residents in
they can function again, says Ra- ed time. Tuesday, unless needed for emer- the cold and dark. The outages left
manan Krishnamoorti, chief ener- “That kind of restoration isn’t a gency purposes.” thousands of area children in dark,
gy officer at the University of Hous- matter of simply flipping a switch. CenterPoint’s crews are ready to cold classrooms as about 30 of the
ton. You have to send out a crew,” Bar- work long hours throughout the 300 HISD schools lost power for as
“When ice forms on a turbine, it low said. storm in an effort to restore power long as a couple of hours. At Hobby
weighs it down and can break it,” CenterPoint Energy, the regulat- when necessary, she said, adding Airport, four partial blackouts tem-
Krishnamoorti said. “There is sig- ed utility that delivers electricity to that the company’s natural gas sys- porarily dimmed some terminals
nificant load on the electricity and Houston-area homes and that pro- tem is ready for the added de- but didn’t interfere with security
gas markets, and we could lose a vides natural gas service, is prepar- mand. or prevent flights from taking off or
big source of electricity generation ing for the storm and monitoring “Our natural gas systems and landing.

Gage, Charles Massoud, Massimo Nations, Christopher

Gerard, Anna Mendoza, Ernest
1987-2021 GAGE, SR.
Christopher Lee Garcia a movie with his parents and Charles Howard Gage, Sr.
Nations, age 33, a resident of sister. He raised and trained was called home by his Father
Houston, Texas, passed away several family dogs - pit bulls on Sunday, February 7, 2021.
unexpectedly on Tuesday, the and rottweilers – his two He was a loving father, grand-
9th of February 2021. Born favorite breeds. He enjoyed father, great grandfather and
in Cuernavaca, Mexico, he watching sunsets, swimming friend. Born, September 20,
moved to Houston as a baby in the pool, going to the 1931, in Houston, Texas.
and then grew up in Austin beach, spending time with Charles loved spending
from the age of 2 to 16. friends, videogames, movies, time among family and his
From there he and his family fast cars, soccer, listening to many friends, and he never
moved back to Mexico. After music, going to clubs, and met a stranger. His greatest and Mary Gage; brother,
a short time in Morelos, they barbecuing on the grill with past time was fishing all over Bill Gage; and, sister, Ruth
moved to Acapulco, which his Dad. At the age of 28, he the Gulf Coast – he was one Dupree.
came to hold a very special left Acapulco and returned of the best. In later years, Charles is survived by
place in his heart. to Houston, where he began most of his time was spent his sister, Mary Ann Lewis.
Chris finished high school a new life on his own. Chris show and video he could visitation with the family
reading the Bible and loving Children: Charles H. Gage,
in Acapulco, having to loved to travel and always find. Chris started his own from ten o’clock in the morn-
his family. Jr., Cindy Gage, Becky Knape
quickly learn the Spanish dreamed of traveling all over business, Chris’s Barbecue, ing until noon on Sunday, the
Charles “The Worm” Gage and husband Allan, Bobbie
language. He made many the world and exploring new and was doing very well. He 14th of February, in the Jasek
worked on the docks at the Gourley and husband Chuck
friends from all walks of life, places. Though he visited was a perfectionist and would Chapel of Geo. H. Lewis &
Port of Houston – dedicating and Lynette Gage and Kevin
young and old. He had a Canada, Jamaica, California, work on new recipes for days Sons, 1010 Bering Drive in
51 years of service to Local Lanterman. Grandchildren:
huge heart, a beautiful smile, Florida, Las Vegas, and or weeks until they were Houston.
1273 and the I.L.A. Retirees Trevor, Carly, Kellie, Chip,
and was kind to everyone. Oaxaca, Mexico, he longed just right. His next step was The funeral service,
Association. He served as Jimmy, Casey, Jeff, Wes and
After holding a few odd jobs, for much more. going to be the purchase of a complete with mariachis,
President and continued as Wade. And 13 great grand-
he partnered with his father In Houston, he fell in food truck. will immediately follow the
President Emeritus to the children.
to start a business. Together love with a beautiful girl Christopher is pre- visitation at noon also in
I.L.A. Retirees Association A visitation will be held
they created the Acapulco from Colombia. They were deceased by his father, Luis the Jasek Chapel of Geo. H.
for 25 years. He was a de- Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Bikini Team, which was hired married and on the 20th of Antonio Garcia, his grand- Lewis & Sons. Guests may
voted leader – both loved and from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. with a
for events, and created and May 2019, their angelic baby mother Lois Booher, his also view the service via an
admired by many colleagues funeral service to follow at 2
published a calendar to show girl was born. Chris was grandmother Rosalia Garcia, internet livestream and the
and their families. Charles p.m. in the chapel of Forest
off the most beautiful places overjoyed and loved being a and his grandfather Cesar link may be found on his
was very involved within his Park East Funeral Home.
in and around Acapulco. father, both to his child and Garcia. He is survived by his online memorial tribute page
community. He served as Interment will follow at For-
Chris loved photography and to his stepchildren. He loved wife, Andrea Mendoza; his at and click-
President of the Brookside est Park East Cemetery.
videography. He was able to to take care of them, play baby daughter, Maya Lynn ing “Join Livestream.” There,
Garcia; his stepsons, Felipe guests may also share memo- Village Lions Club and as
learn a lot and get hands on with them, teach them, and Fire Marshall of the Brook-
experience in their business, to show them new experi- and Santiago; his mother, ries and words of comfort
Cindy Nations; his sister, and condolence electronically side Village Volunteer Fire
even more so, in their next ences. The birth of his child Department.
endeavor, Punta Bruja Films, was overshadowed by the Marisa Lynn Garcia and her for his family.
unborn child, Aitana Lynn; Following the service, all Charles is preceded in
which was a full produc- death of his father in Mexico death by Peggy, his wife for
tion company for movies, 4 days before, but he did the his grandfather, Howard Na- are invited to greet the family
tions; his step-grandfather, during a reception and join in 45 years; parents, Howard
commercials, series, and best he could to cope. Chris
documentaries. Chris loved loved to cook all kinds of Charles Booher, and count- the celebration of Chris’s life
all of the behind-the-scenes food, had dreams of becom- less family and close friends in the adjacent grand foyer.
work, operating the cameras, ing a chef and owning his across Texas and Mexico.
setting up the scenes, work- own restaurant someday, but Chris firmly believed that
ing with the director, and the his absolute favorite thing everything happens for a MASSIMO MASSOUD
constant search for new ideas was barbecue. Having grown reason. Although it’s hard to 2002-2009
for shows. He was very close up barbecuing with his Dad, imagine why this tragedy had
to his family and enjoyed he already knew the basics to happen, we hope and pray June 18, 2002 -
anything from huge family and was always learning that his soul is now in peace. Feb. 13, 2009
gatherings to just watching more by watching every Friends are invited to a
You are forever
ERNEST MENDOZA in our hearts.
1943-2021 We miss you so very much!
We love you!
skyline having worked on Mama, Papa, Brother,
Ernest “Ernie” Mendoza, numerous buildings includ- Nonna, Nono, & Godfather.
OCDS, 77, of Houston, Texas, ing the Astrodome, Minute
went to be with the Lord Maid Park, and the George R. “ANGELS LIVE
on Wednesday, February 3, Brown Convention Center to FOREVER!”
2021. He was surrounded by name a few.
family. He enjoyed traveling and
Ernest was born to Refugio fishing; was an avid reader ANNA BELLE GERARD
and Anastacia Mendoza, and kept up with current 1947-2021
June 29, 1943, in Austin, events. Ernest also enjoyed
Texas. He graduated from St. spending time with his family
Edwards High School in 1961 whether it was playing cards,
and received his Vocational Lotteria or just talking; and
Industrial Teachers Cer- if there was a church bazaar –
tificate in 1982. He married you would see him there!
Anita on February 9, 1963, Ernest was a devout rank of 4th Degree Knight. Lawndale. Reverend Anil
and they lived together in Catholic who practiced his In the latter part of his life he Thomas, S.V.D. will offici-
Houston, Texas. Together faith daily. His first love was was a member of Holy Name ate the ceremonies. Ernest
they raised 4 children. God. If you had the good Catholic Church, where requested donations be made
Ernest was preceded in fortune to meet him, he he had married Anita. He to the Carmelite Sisters at
death by Refugio and Anasta- would always bring up his celebrated his 25th and 50th 9600 Deer Trail Houston,
cia Mendoza (Parents) Fiden- faith, or fundraising efforts wedding anniversaries there. TX 77038, in lieu of flowers.
cio R. Mendoza (Brother), for the Carmelite Sisters. He transferred from Knights The family would also like
Earl “Joe” Mendoza (Brother) He was a professed Secular of Columbus Council #803 to to thank everyone for their “God’s garden must be
and James Dylan Conner Carmelite for 43 years, which Holy Name’s Council #8247. prayers and support during beautiful, He always takes
(great grandson). he cherished. The relation- Ernest was loved by all and this time. the best. Peacefully our
He is survived by his loving ships formed in Carmel, the will be truly missed by family Eternal rest grant unto mother, Anna departed this
wife of nearly 58 years, Anita spiritual guidance he received and friends. them, O Lord, and let per- life on February 4th. We will
Mendoza, beloved daughters and the spiritual advice he A visitation will be held petual light shine upon them. celebrate her life in the Rose
Claudia Conner, Theresa shared with others were Monday, February 15, 2021 May the souls of all the faith- Chapel of Mabrie Memorial
Mendoza, Elizabeth Moudry priceless. His devotion to Our from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm ful departed, through the Mortuary, Saturday, February
(Curtis) and son, John Lady of Mt. Carmel has been with a rosary service at 7:00 mercy of God, rest in peace. 13th at 10 AM. Fellowship
Anthony Mendoza (Yara). shared with many. pm at Forest Park Lawndale Amen. begins at 9 AM. Cherishing
He also leaves to cherish his He was a member of St. Funeral Home. Funeral ser- the many fond memories are
memory 14 grandchildren, Gregory the Great Catholic vice will occur Tuesday, Feb- her son, Jeffrey and daughter,
25 great grandchildren, and Church for many years. He ruary 16, 2021 from 10:00 Shawn. Livestream access
many other family members. had the honor of being elect- am to 11:00 am at Holy
Ernest worked as an Iron- ed as the first Grand Knight Name Catholic Church, 1920 AnnaGerard
worker and was a member of of the first parish Knights of Marion Street, Houston, TX
Ironworkers Local #84, hav- Columbus Council #6826. 77009. A committal service
ing received his 55 year pin He participated in the many will occur Tuesday, Febru-
in December 2020. Ernest functions of the Knights of ary 16, 2021 from 12:00 pm
helped build the Houston Columbus and achieved the to 12:30 pm at Forest Park
B6 | | Houston Chronicle HH


Maryland adopts country’s first tax on big tech’s ads

By David McCabe cent tax. Facebook’s and Google’s States, experts said. The state’s
N EW YORK T IME S global revenues far exceed $15 bil- lawmakers are expected to ap-
lion. prove a second bill in the coming
State politicians, struggling Bill Ferguson, a Baltimore days making clear that the tax
with yawning budget gaps from Democrat who is president of the does not apply to media compa-
the pandemic, have made no se- state Senate, was a main driver nies and that the cost cannot be
cret about their interest in getting behind the bill. He said he was in- directly passed along to business-
a bigger piece of the tech indus- spired by an op-ed essay from es that buy ads, although critics
try’s riches. economist Paul Romer proposing say the tax will still lead to higher
Now, Maryland’s lawmakers taxing targeted ads to encourage prices for ads.
are taking a new slice, with the na- the companies to change their European policymakers have
tion’s first tax on the revenue business models. turned to digital taxes in recent
from digital advertisements sold “This idea that one outsider years as part of a larger regulatory
by companies like Facebook, can exploit and use the personal push against the U.S. tech giants.
Google and Amazon. data of another area and pay France has imposed a 3 percent
The state Senate voted Friday nothing for its use, that doesn’t tax on some digital revenue. Aus-
to override the governor’s veto of work in the long run,” Ferguson tria taxes income from digital ad-
the measure, following in the said. vertising at 5 percent. The Euro-
footsteps of the state’s House of Maryland’s Democratic-con- pean efforts were condemned by
Delegates, which gave its approv- trolled Legislature passed the tax the Trump administration, which
al Thursday. The tax will generate with veto-proof majorities in threatened to impose tariffs on
as much as an estimated $250 mil- March. But Hogan, a moderate French goods over the issue.
lion in the first year after enact- Republican, vetoed the measure “I don’t think the issue’s any
ment, with the money going to in May. different in Maryland than it is in
schools. “With our state in the midst of a California, India, France or
The approval signals the arrival global pandemic and economic Spain,” said state Sen. James Ro-
in the United States of a policy pi- crash, and just beginning on our sapepe, a Democrat who is the
oneered by European countries, road to recovery, it would be un- vice chair of the taxation commit-
and it is likely to set off a fierce le- conscionable to raise taxes and tee. “Given that they’re so profit-
gal fight over how far communi- fees now,” Hogan said in a letter able, they ought to be paying tax-
ties can go to tax the tech compa- explaining his reasoning. es.”
nies. Late last year, industry groups Maryland’s tax is likely to face
Other states are pursuing simi- helped to form a lobbying organi- court challenges.
lar efforts. Lawmakers in Con- zation to try to stop the Legisla- Opponents may argue that be-
necticut and Indiana, for exam- ture from overriding Hogan’s ve- cause the largest tech companies
ple, have already introduced bills to. are not based in Maryland, the
to tax the social media giants. Sev- Andrew Mangum / New York Times For months, the organization, law will tax activity that originat-
eral other states, like West Virgin- Bill Ferguson, president of the Maryland Senate, is the primary Marylanders for Tax Fairness, ed outside the state, violating the
ia and New York, fell short of pass- champion of a law that will tax tech giants’ advertising revenue. backed by some of Silicon Valley’s Constitution. They may also ar-
ing new taxes on the tech giants top lobbying groups, has warned gue that the law runs afoul of a
last year, but their proponents stone financial performances as aide to Gov. Larry Hogan who Maryland lawmakers in spots on federal law that says taxes on digi-
may renew their push after Mary- social distancing moved work, now leads a coalition backed by cable news and local radio that a tal goods or services must also ap-
land’s success. play and commerce further on- industry opponents of the tax, proposed tax on digital advertise- ply to equivalent physical prod-
The moves are part of an esca- line. But cities and states saw said at a news conference last ments is a “bad idea” at a “bad ucts.
lating debate about the economic their tax revenues plummet as week that the law’s supporters time.” “It’s tax discrimination,” said
power of the tech giants as the the need for their social services were “using this bill to take a The coalition has highlighted Dave Grimaldi, executive vice
companies have grown, become grew. swing at out-of-state, faceless big the stories of small businesses president for public policy at IAB,
gatekeepers for communication “They’re really getting corporations.” that it says will ultimately pay the an online advertising trade
and culture and started to collect squeezed,” said Ruth Mason, a “But they’re swinging and cost of the new tax when they buy group. “There will be all manner
reams of data from their users. In professor at the University of Vir- missing and hitting their own online ads. of challenges as soon as it is en-
the United States, law enforce- ginia’s law school. “And this is a constituents in the mouth,” he “A new $250 million tax during acted.”
ment agencies brought multiple huge way to target a tax to the said. a pandemic,” said the deep- But the law’s backers said they
antitrust cases against Google winners of the pandemic.” The Maryland tax, which ap- voiced narrator of one ad over a believed they were on solid
and Facebook last year. Members Lobbying groups for Silicon plies to revenue from digital ads video of a bar in Annapolis. “Tell ground to start taxing the giants.
of Congress have proposed laws Valley companies like Google and that are displayed inside the your legislator: Stop the digital ad “We anticipate that, even in
to check their market power, en- Facebook joined other oppo- state, is based on the ad sales a tax.” overriding, it is likely that the in-
courage them to moderate nents of the law — including Mary- company generates. A company While some states apply a sales dustry will file a lawsuit,” Fergu-
speech more carefully and pro- land Republicans, telecom com- that makes at least $100 million a tax to some digital goods and ser- son said.
tect their users’ privacy. panies and local media outlets — year in global revenue but no vices when they are bought by He said lawmakers had asked
Maryland’s tax also reflects the in arguing that the cost of the tax more than $1 billion a year will customers, the Maryland tax is the state attorney general’s office
collision of two economic trends would be passed along to small face a 2.5 percent tax on its ads. the first to be applied solely to the if it felt it could defend the law.
during the pandemic: The largest businesses that buy ads and their Companies that make more than revenue a company got from digi- “And they did,” he said. “They
tech companies have had mile- customers. Doug Mayer, a former $15 billion a year will pay a 10 per- tal advertising in the United signed off.”
HH Houston Chronicle | | B7

U.S. salaries recover even though jobs haven’t

By Christopher in employment, said Mi- tively higher-paying blue
Rugaber chael Feroli, an economist collar jobs in manufactur-
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS at JPMorgan Chase. ing and construction were
The figures document hit worst: Construction lost
WASHINGTON — In a that the vanished earnings 20 percent of its jobs, man-
stark sign of the economic from 8.9 million Ameri- ufacturing 15 percent. Even
inequality that has marked cans who have lost jobs to a decade later, neither sec-
the pandemic recession the pandemic remain less tor had fully recovered
and recovery, Americans than the combined salaries those jobs by the time the
as a whole are now earning of new hires and the pay pandemic hit. Financial
the same amount in wages raises that the 150 million services lost 6 percent of its
and salaries that they did Americans who have kept jobs in the previous reces-
before the virus struck — their jobs have received. sion, compared with 1 per-
even with nearly 9 million The job cuts resulting cent this time.
fewer people working. from the pandemic reces- Some companies have
The turnaround in total sion have fallen heavily on cut wages in this recession,
wages underscores how lower-income workers but on the whole the many
disproportionately Ameri- across the service sector — millions of Americans for-
ca’s job losses have afflict- from restaurants and ho- tunate enough to keep
ed workers in lower-in- tels to retail stores and en- their jobs have generally
come occupations rather tertainment venues. By received pay raises at large-
than in higher-paying in- contrast, tens of millions of ly pre-recession rates.
dustries, where employees higher-income Americans, Some of those income
have actually gained jobs especially those able to gains likely reflect cost-of-
as well as income since ear- work from home, have living raises; the Com-
ly last year. managed to keep or ac- merce Department’s wage
In February 2020, Amer- quire jobs and continue to Nam Y. Huh / Associated Press and salary data isn’t adjust-
icans earned $9.66 trillion receive pay increases. Americans as a whole are now earning the same as before the pandemic, even ed for inflation.
in wages and salaries, at a with nearly 9 million fewer people at work.
seasonally adjusted annual Service industry hit ‘Sticky wages’
rate, according to Com- “We’ve never seen any- economy that has really pressed as well. That’s Yet many cities are still Tedeschi calculates that
merce Department data. thing like that before,” said tanked for the most vulner- where the fears are and struggling, and local transit the typical — or median —
By April, after the virus had Richard Deitz, a senior able,” said Elise Gould, an where the debate is.” agencies, such as New York hourly pay for employed
flattened the U.S. econo- economist at the Federal economist at the liberal City’s subway, have been workers has risen about 3.5
my, that figure had shrunk Reserve Bank of New York, Economic Policy Institute. Part-time workers hammered by the pandem- percent in the past year,
by 10 percent. It then grad- referring to the concentra- “It’s shocking how small a One reason why the job ic. roughly the same pace as
ually recovered before tion of job losses. “It’s a to- dent that has made in the losses have had relatively The wage and salary da- before the pandemic.
reaching $9.67 trillion in tally different kind of aggregate.” little impact on the nation’s ta also helps explain the That’s a sign of what some
December, the latest peri- downturn than we’ve ex- The figures also under- total pay is that so many of steady gains in the stock economists refer to as the
od for which data is avail- perienced in modern score the unusually accel- the affected employees market, which have been “sticky wages” concept:
able. times.” erated nature of this reces- worked part time. The led by high-tech compa- Some employers prefer to
Those dollar figures in- Of the nearly 10 million sion. As a whole, both the average workweek in the nies whose products are lay off workers while leav-
clude only wages and sala- jobs that have been elimi- job losses that struck early industry that includes ho- being heavily purchased ing pay largely unchanged
ries that people earned nated by the pandemic, 40 last spring and the initial tels, restaurants and bars is and used by higher-income for their remaining em-
from jobs. They don’t in- percent have been in res- rebound in hiring that fol- just below 26 hours. That’s Americans, such as Apple ployees.
clude money that tens of taurants, bars, hotels, arts lowed have happened the shortest such figure iPads, Peloton bikes, or Truman Bewley, a re-
millions of Americans have and entertainment. Retail- much faster than they did among 13 major industries Amazon’s online shopping. tired Yale University econ-
received from unemploy- ers have lost nearly in previous recessions and tracked by the govern- This week, the New York omist who wrote a book
ment benefits or the Social 400,000 jobs and many recoveries. After the Great ment. The next shortest is Fed released research that about the concept of sticky
Security and other aid that low-paying health care Recession, for example, it retail, at about 31 hours. underscored how focused wages, said that most com-
goes to many other house- workers, such as nursing took nearly 2½ years for The average for all indus- the job losses have been. panies have a key core of
holds. The figures also home attendants and wages and salaries to re- tries is nearly 35 hours. For people making less workers they rely on
don’t include investment home health care aides, gain their pre-recession The recovery in wages than $30,000 a year, em- through hard times and are
income. have also been laid off. levels. and salaries helps explain ployment has fallen 14 per- reluctant to cut pay for
A separate measure On average, restaurant “This is one of the worst why some states haven’t cent as of December. For them.
tracked by the Labor De- workers make just below recessions we’ve ever had suffered as sharp a drop in those earning more than And there’s another rea-
partment shows the same $13 an hour, according to — compressed into one- tax revenue as many had $85,000, it has actually ris- son, Bewley said, why
result: Total labor income, Labor Department data. tenth of the time that a nor- feared. That is especially en slightly. For those in-be- many companies cut jobs
excluding government Retail cashier pay is about mal recession would take,” true for states that rely on tween, employment has instead of pay. While re-
workers, was 0.6 percent the same. That’s less than said Ernie Tedeschi, policy progressive taxes that fall fallen 4 percent. searching his book, he said
higher in January than it half the economy-wide economist at the invest- more heavily on the rich. By contrast, job losses a factory manager told him
was a year earlier. average of nearly $30 an ment bank Evercore ISI. California, for example, were much more wide- why his company did so:
That is “pretty remark- hour. “Hopefully, the recovery said last month that it has a spread in the Great Reces- “It gets the misery out the
able,“ given the sharp drop “It tells the story of an will continue to be com- $15 billion budget surplus. sion of 2008-2009. Rela- door.”


B8 | | Houston Chronicle HH



42 44 28 36 36 40 51 the north-northeast at 12-25
34 26 14 30 30 24 35 knots today. Seas 1-3 feet.
Visibility less than 3 miles at
Cloudy and breezy Cold; a bit of morning A.M. icy mix; windy and Quite cold with clouds Rain possible; some Cold with clouds and Sunny Tonight: Wind from the north-
rain very cold and sun ice early sun northeast at 10-20 knots. Seas
2 feet or less. Cloudy with a bit
of rain.
OUTLOOK Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Today Sun.
TODAY: Cloudy and breezy. 110s Vancouver Saskatoon Africa
Cairo 71/50/s 72/51/s OUT 20 TO 50 MILES: Wind
High 39 to 44. Winds north 10- 100s Calgary
from the north-northeast at
20 mph. TONIGHT: Chilly with Seattle Regina Winnipeg Cape Town 83/64/s 74/61/r
90s Casablanca 63/50/s 66/50/s 12-25 knots today. Seas 1-3 feet.
occasional rain. Low 31 to 36. Thunder Bay
80s Portland Montreal
Dakar 74/64/s 75/65/s Visibility less than 4 miles at
Winds north 7-14 mph. Johannesburg 79/63/pc 80/63/t times in rain. Tonight: Wind
70s Ottawa Lagos 93/79/pc 93/79/t from the north-northeast at 10-
Minneapolis Toronto Asia/Pacific 20 knots. Seas 1-3 feet. Cloudy
50s Boston Beijing 49/29/c 40/17/c with a shower late.
40s Detroit Ho Chi Minh City 88/71/pc 87/71/pc
AIR QUALITY 30s Salt Lake City
New York Hong Kong 71/62/pc 72/64/s
Today’s forecast for the entire Chicago Islamabad 76/50/c 77/50/s
20s Jakarta 85/75/t 85/75/r
metro area by the TCEQ: San Francisco Washington
10s Denver Karachi 87/58/s 85/59/s GALVESTON TIDES
Kuala Lumpur 89/74/sh 91/73/sh Highs Feet Lows Feet
Manila 86/77/pc 86/76/pc
-0s New Delhi 78/54/pc 80/54/pc 3:44 a.m. 0.9 11:15 a.m. -0.3
Ozone watch -10s Seoul 55/33/s 55/37/c 6:43 p.m. 0.8 11:28 p.m. 0.6
Los Angeles Little Rock Shanghai 62/49/pc 67/50/pc
Good Unhealthy Phoenix Atlanta Singapore 88/78/pc 87/76/sh
Sydney 73/67/sh 75/67/pc
Moderate Very unhealthy Rain Dallas
Unhealthy Hazardous Showers
El Paso Taipei 74/61/r 73/59/sh BAYOUS
Tokyo 58/46/pc 61/54/pc Flood Latest 24-hr.
for sensitive Snow Hermosillo New Orleans
Canada Location stage stage chg.
groups Calgary -5/-19/pc 1/-12/c
Flurries Houston
Chihuahua Edmonton -8/-20/s 0/-10/c Brays Bayou South Main 54 19.44 +2.74
Ice Brazos River Bryan 43 7.85 -0.01
Miami Montreal
25/17/pc Hempstead 50 10.88 -0.04
Yesterday’s readings by the Monterrey Vancouver 34/29/sn 37/34/sn Richmond 48 9.74 +0.15
Houston Health Department: Havana Winnipeg -13/-32/c -11/-22/s Buffalo Bayou Piney Point 50 29.13 +0.90
Countpercubicmeterofair Europe Shepherd Dr. 23 2.73 +1.55
Cancún Amsterdam 27/19/s 35/31/s
Tree pollen Medium 32
Guadalajara Athens 55/47/r 48/38/r
Clear Creek Friendswood 12 -0.17 -0.64
Weed pollen None 0 Anchorage Berlin 29/14/pc 28/10/pc Colorado R. Austin 29 11.76 +0.28
Grass pollen None 0 Mexico City Veracruz Copenhagen 33/26/s 34/24/s Bastrop 25 2.57 +0.01
Mold spores Low 1091 Villahermosa Forecasts and
Dublin 41/39/sn 53/44/r La Grange 32 2.66 -0.01
Honolulu Belmopan Frankfurt 31/16/s 34/22/s Columbus 34 9.61 +0.04
Acapulco graphics provided by Geneva 32/21/pc 38/27/pc
Low Heavy Cold Warm Stationary
AccuWeather, Inc. Istanbul 38/33/s 37/34/sn Wharton 39 8.86 +0.46
front front front
Medium Extremely heavy ©2021 London 33/32/c 41/39/c Bay City 44 2.69 -0.10
Madrid 59/34/pc 60/39/pc Greens Bayou Eastex Fwy. 61 41.32 +2.31
Note: No measurements on weekends; Moscow 11/6/sn 12/-5/sn
charts in Sunday and Monday papers reflect
Guadalupe R. Hunt 12 7.80 -0.03
forecast ratings from the previous Friday. FOR THE RECORD TEXAS NATIONAL cont. Paris
Comfort 26 3.44 +0.03
George Bush Intercontinental Today Sun. Today Sun. Rome 47/29/r 47/31/s Spring Branch 36 2.11 +0.03
Airport through 3 p.m. yest. Abilene 23/15/c 16/3/sn Cleveland 27/16/sn 24/17/c Stockholm 26/19/c 29/4/pc New Braunfels 13 9.62 +0.03
COMFORT INDEX Amarillo 19/2/c 5/-11/sn Columbus 29/17/sf 27/19/c Vienna 30/20/pc 33/18/c Gonzales 31 11.03 -1.30
The comfort index takes into
Temperature Degrees F Austin 38/28/c 38/14/r Denver 11/-5/c 3/-9/sn Warsaw 31/20/sf 30/18/sf Cuero 20 7.57 -0.12
account how the weather will High 38 Beaumont 46/36/c 44/30/r Des Moines 2/-8/sn -5/-16/c Zurich 29/13/s 36/18/s
Low 35 Brownsville 48/40/r 54/33/c Detroit 23/10/sn 24/10/pc Victoria 21 5.45 -0.27
feel based on a combination of Latin America
Bryan/College St. 40/32/c 38/20/r Duluth -8/-23/pc -9/-23/c Dupont 20 9.33 +0.46
factors. A rating of 10 feels very Normal high 66 Bogota 67/49/c 67/49/t
comfortable while a rating of 0
Corpus Christi 45/36/r 50/25/c Fairbanks 6/-11/s 9/-13/pc Buenos Aires 77/69/c 79/68/pc Little River Little River 30 1.56 +0.11
Normal low 46 Dallas/Ft. Worth 30/21/c 25/8/sn Great Falls -9/-28/pc -3/-10/c Cameron 30 1.44 none
feels very uncomfortable. Caracas 81/77/sh 82/76/c
Record high 86 in 2017 El Paso 64/46/s 48/17/r Hartford 29/22/c 32/25/sn Havana 85/69/s 86/66/sh Navasota R. Easterly 19 4.30 +0.09
Today Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Record low 6 in 1899 Galveston 49/41/r 49/33/r Honolulu 83/68/pc 82/69/r Kingston 85/76/pc 86/77/sh
Kingsville 46/34/r 48/28/c Indianapolis 25/9/sf 19/11/s Neches River Evadale 19 8.76 -0.26
0 0 0 0 0 0 Precipitation Inches Lima 78/69/s 77/68/pc
Pine Island B. Sour Lake 25 14.26 +0.78
Laredo 44/35/c 49/24/pc Jackson, MS 41/31/c 41/24/c Rio de Janeiro 81/74/t 85/75/sh
24 hours through 3 p.m. yest. 0.48 Longview 36/28/c 29/20/i Juneau 27/14/s 26/21/s San Juan 84/73/pc 84/73/s Sabine River Bon Wier 30 14.37 -0.94
UV TODAY Month to date 0.74 Lubbock 21/10/c 10/-3/sn Kansas City 8/-2/sn 1/-9/sn San Salvador 83/63/s 85/63/s Deweyville 24 19.13 +0.15
McAllen 47/38/r 52/28/pc Las Vegas 64/47/c 61/40/s
Values indicate the exposure to Normal month to date 1.32 Midland/Odessa 28/15/i 18/2/sn Little Rock 34/20/c 25/14/sn
Santiago 80/57/pc 80/56/s Orange 4 1.01 -0.93
the sun’s Ultraviolet rays. Sao Paulo 79/68/t 81/68/t Burkeville 43 14.35 +2.10
Year to date 3.25 San Angelo 29/19/i 24/5/sn Los Angeles 67/54/c 69/49/pc St. Thomas 83/75/pc 84/75/s
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. Normal year to date 4.70 San Antonio 39/30/sh 39/15/c Memphis 31/20/i 26/16/c San Bernard R. E. Bernard 17 7.08 +0.18
Texarkana 37/29/c 32/20/sn Miami 82/74/pc 84/74/pc Mexico E. San. Jac. R. Cleveland 19 4.68 +0.02
0 1 1 1 0 0 Other readings Acapulco 81/64/s 81/63/s
Victoria 43/33/c 45/25/c Milwaukee 13/-5/sn 6/-4/c W. San. Jac. R. Conroe 116 94.20 +0.03
Waco 35/25/c 31/13/i Minneapolis -1/-17/pc -6/-22/pc Cancun 84/74/t 85/73/t
0-2, Low 8-10, Very high Top wind speed 21 mph Guadalajara 74/39/s 76/39/s San Jacinto R. Sheldon 10 -0.85 -1.53
Nashville 37/27/c 35/26/c
3-5, Moderate 11+, Extreme High barometer 30.18 in. Guanajuato 69/36/s 73/36/s Sims Bayou Telephone Rd. 30 1.14 +0.02
Low barometer 30.06 in. NATIONAL New Orleans
New York City
32/30/sn Mazatlan 75/58/s 76/57/s Trinity River Goodrich 36 4.71 -0.09
6-7, High Today Sun. Merida 84/68/t 87/70/sh
High dewpoint 35° Oklahoma City 21/6/c 9/-4/sn
Mexico City 66/41/s 70/40/s Liberty 26 6.98 -0.43
Low dewpoint 33° Albany, NY 20/15/c 29/15/sn Orlando 82/68/t 81/67/t
Puerto Vallarta 73/60/c 73/58/pc Village Creek Kountze 20 5.19 +0.03
SUN AND MOON Average dewpoint 34°
Albuquerque 56/24/pc 27/9/sn Philadelphia 30/28/sn 37/32/i
Tampico 67/55/sh 66/54/r White Oak B. Heights Blvd. 48 9.75 +1.93
Anchorage 21/16/s 23/17/s Phoenix 72/52/pc 68/45/pc
First Full Last New Veracruz 74/69/c 74/66/t
quarter moon quarter moon High humidity 92% Atlanta 46/43/r 50/45/r Pittsburgh 30/22/sn 31/21/c
Low humidity 85% Baltimore 32/29/sn 39/34/c Portland, OR 35/30/sn 36/33/sh Middle East TEXAS LAKES
Billings -9/-25/pc -6/-11/pc Sacramento 64/42/c 60/49/pc Baghdad 75/49/s 77/50/s
Birmingham 46/37/r 48/39/r St. Louis 15/1/c 7/-1/sn Beirut 67/55/pc 68/55/s Full Latest Release
Boise 36/17/sn 34/28/c Salt Lake City 42/25/sh 34/26/c Dubai 77/63/s 78/60/pc pool level cfs
Feb 19 Feb 27 Mar 5 Mar 13 KEY TO CONDITIONS Boston 27/25/pc 33/29/sn San Diego 63/52/c 64/50/pc Jerusalem 58/43/s 61/46/s Canyon Dam 909 903.47 61
s-sunny r-rain Buffalo 20/15/sn 25/17/c San Francisco 60/48/sh 59/53/c Kabul 65/34/s 66/32/s Conroe 201 201.05 0
Sunset tonight 6:09 p.m. pc-partly cloudy sf-snow flurries Charleston, SC 50/44/r 49/46/sh Santa Fe 52/19/pc 21/1/sn Mecca 89/67/pc 93/71/s
Sunrise Sunday 7:02 a.m. c-cloudy sn-snow Charlotte 41/37/r 46/40/r Seattle 35/30/sn 39/34/sh Riyadh 80/55/c 84/56/s Houston 41.73 42.26 N.A.
Moonrise today 8:29 a.m. sh-showers i-ice Chicago 13/-5/sn 6/-2/pc Tucson 71/49/pc 62/38/pc Tehran 64/44/pc 64/46/s Lake Travis 681 658.94 N.A.
Moonset today 8:08 p.m. t-thunderstorms Cincinnati 30/17/sf 26/17/pc Washington, DC 31/30/sn 39/36/c Tel Aviv 67/50/s 66/54/s Livingston 131 131.19 N.A.

Staff file photo

J.J. Watt's face during a home game against the Seattle Seahawks on Sept. 29, 2013, is an iconic memory that tells the story of his career in Houston.

When the Texans drafted a relatively unknown defensive lineman from Wisconsin in 2011, there
were boos in the crowd. But as Texans fans soon learned, Justin James Watt was something special.
He bled for his team and his city. No. 99 gave the region a decade defined by old-fashioned football
and down-to-earth charity and good works. He was everything right about this franchise and
sports and this town and now he is gone, given a chance to chase his Super Bowl dream elsewhere.

1 Walter Payton Man

of the Year award. 3 Defensive Player of the Year (2012,
2014, 2015), tied for most all-time. 5 All-Pro selections (2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2018). 101 Sacks in 10-year career with
Texans, ranking 31st all-time. 172 Tackles for loss, the third
most in NFL history.
C2 | | Houston Chronicle HH


Karen Warren / Staff photographer

J.J. Watt will be remembered for his ferocious play as one of the league’s best defensive ends and for his charitable good works for the city of Houston.


No. 99 gave his all on and off field, but in the end, he was too good for floundering franchise
All those J.J. Watt jerseys you BRIAN T. SMITH ambulance. A heroic figure hon- thing about the Texans. than a year in the making. The
see everywhere will never look Commentary estly admitting that he had con- Heck, sometimes Watt was the Texans were a horrible 4-12 last
the same. sidered retiring during another only star worth watching when season and Watt, more than
They’ll still be proudly worn long rehab. an elite defense carried an ab- Watson, captured the weekly
and displayed. But future glimps- I also remember all the bone- surd quarterback carousel. frustration.
es of super-famous No. 99 in red crushing sacks, pick-six celebra- Now, No. 99 is gone. Just like “I hope (Texans fans) know
and blue will never feel the same. tions, fumble recoveries that DeAndre Hopkins. Jadeveon how I feel about them and how
And the moment that Watt became sprinting touchdowns Clowney. Andre Johnson. thankful I am,” Watt said Jan. 3
broke his own news Friday and a four-year span from 2012-15 Watt’s instant departure is the after the Texans fell 41-38 to Ten-
morning we all knew the Texans that is cemented as one of the biggest blow to date inside shaky nessee inside NRG in a last-sec-
would never be the same. greatest defensive runs in NFL NRG Stadium. Especially when ond heartbreaker. “I’ve tried to
“I have sat down with the It was time for Watt to leave history. you remember that Watson do everything I possibly can and
McNair family and I have asked the Texans. The charity softball tourna- wants out and the Texans are give everything I possibly have.”
them for my release,” Watt told We knew something like this ments. The cool Rockets and publicly playing chicken with You could tell, Zoom after
Texans fans in a Twitter video was coming, and I’d been setting Oilers gear. Taking batting prac- their 25-year-old franchise QB. Zoom, that the Texans were
posted at 8:49 a.m. “We have up Watt’s departure for a year in tice inside the Astros’ Minute The numbers and honors for wearing on the veteran defender.
mutually agreed to part ways at this column. Maid Park. Watt say it all: 101 sacks, 531 com- After watching three years cut
this time.” But the official announcement My personal favorite: Watt, a bined tackles, 25 forced fumbles, down by major injuries, Watt
Watt asked the McNairs to was still stunning: Houston Tex- receiver, lined up 1-on-1 on the 16 fumble recoveries, 282 quar- knew that his best shot at finally
release him from the Texans. ans and DE J.J. Watt Mutually outside against a Browns defend- terback hits, three-time Defen- reaching the Super Bowl was as a
The Texans responded by Agree To Part Ways. er, then brilliantly diving and sive Player of the Year, five All- member of one of the NFL’s 31
cutting Watt. The battered Texans — catching a corner touchdown Pro selections. other teams.
Two days after longtime presi- shouldn’t they have received at pass during the first quarter in The Pro Football Hall of Fame The red and blue jerseys will
dent Jamey Rootes resigned from least a third-round pick for the Ryan Mallett’s first Texans start at should eventually call his name remain. The memories will fade
the organization. At the same in-demand defender? — also Cleveland in 2014. on the first ballot. but Watt, obviously, will never be
time that Deshaun Watson’s moved one step closer to decon- It was the Watt era. But Watt’s greatest contribu- forgotten. When he retires and
trade request shadows every- struction as an era officially It still felt like he could do tion in this big city will always be returns to NRG, the roar will be
thing inside and around NRG ended on Kirby Drive. anything and maybe, at some attached to 2017. Hurricane Har- heroic.
Stadium. It wasn’t a golden era. Despite point, the Texans would follow vey hammered Houston. Watt But Watt is better off on anoth-
Dang, dang, dang. everything Watt accomplished his inspiring lead. stepped up and turned an im- er team in 2021.
By 3:30 p.m., the two-minute inside and outside the lines, the Watt was drafted by the Tex- promptu internet fundraising In the end, No. 99 was too
video — Watt wearing Wisconsin Texans are still dreaming of ans (tip of the cap to Wade Phil- effort into more than $41 million good for the Texans.
red, looking directly into a cam- reaching their first AFC Champi- lips). The self-made No. 99 was that helped residents rebuild.
era lens — had been viewed 5 onship game. developed by the Texans. And The Walter Payton NFL Man of
million times and had more than I remember Watt being carried for 10 seasons, The Kid From the Year award followed.
236,000 likes. out of the Texans’ stadium in an Pewaukee was often the best Friday’s decision was more


JEROME SOLOMON the franchise. including said foundation.
Commentary He can still play, and the team McNair and Jack Easterby have
can still use him. But this team ripped to shreds all the goodwill
doesn’t deserve him. and good business that Bob
Watt has been more than just a McNair built.
great player — a three-time defen- Yeah, the football product has
sive player of the year — he has been up and down, but the Tex-
been a great citizen. A sterling ans as an organization have al-
representative of Houston, who ways been first-class. Now they
has hardly ever made a misstep. are in kindergarten class … and
The day after the Texans chose failing.
Et tu, J.J.? him in the 2011 NFL draft, I asked Watt might appreciate the
Who, or what, is next? people who knew him what type sentiment that Cal McNair ex-
Toro? of player and person he was. pressed in saying Watt will al-
Will Deep Steel Blue, Battle You expect to hear positives, ways be a Texan, but he isn’t
Red and Liberty White ask to be that is the standard in such situa- interested in being associated
freed from this horribly run tions, but this was different. with the mess that they are right
franchise? They spoke of Watt in ways that now and possibly could be for
I’m surprised that the retract- immediately convinced me that Brett Coomer / Staff photographer the near future.
able roof at NRG Stadium hasn’t he would not only be a star play- For the past 10 seasons, defensive end J.J. Watt was the Texans’ Deshaun Watson has asked
asked to be let out of its contract er, but a championship person. foundation on and off the field. out. J.J. Watt has been let out.
with the Texans. “Straight from central casting, Be careful driving down Kirby
Among the most dedicated of Watt, who turned 21 last month, match for him in Houston. Texan, we are left with owner Cal Drive.
all Texans. J.J. Watt has had sounds almost too good to be “You have to give back to the McNair claiming the franchise The three bulls in the “Spirit of
enough. So much for his being true. He is smart, rugged, big. Big community, because the commu- “will build upon the foundation the Bulls” sculpture outside NRG
able to be one of the NFL greats hands. Big feet. Big heart,” I nity makes us who we are as that J.J. created here and forge Stadium are subject to make a
who plied his trade for just one wrote. players,” Watt said the day after ahead …” run for it any day now.
franchise. He proved to be better than I he became a Texan. Huh?
If it was going to happen, this could have predicted. Now, 10 years later, pending You don’t build on a founda-
should have been the player and Off the field, there has been no NFL paperwork, his last day as a tion by tearing everything down,
HH Houston Chronicle | | C3


to star
By Aaron Wilson

Lining up alongside his team-

mates for a decade, J.J. Watt built
a reputation for his relentless
grit, skill and a sense of humor.
As much as Watt became de-
fined by his toughness and game-
changing moments for the Tex-
ans, his teammates grew quickly
to appreciate how relatable he
was in the locker room and away
from work. That included sharing
plenty of meals together and
As the three-time NFL Defen-
sive Player of the Year and future
Hall of Fame selection leaves the
Texans as his request to be re-
leased was granted, his former
teammates paid tribute to Watt
privately and on social media.
Quarterback Deshaun Watson,
whose trade request has been
Karen Warren / Staff photographer denied by the team, displayed his
After being released by the Texans, defensive end J.J. Watt (99) has many options in front of him as he looks to sign with a new deep respect for Watt, whom he
team in the twilight of his career. The Ravens, with popular defensive coordinator Wink Martindale, are a potential landing spot. rehabbed alongside after tearing
his anterior cruciate ligament as a


“Salute to one of the Greatest
of All Time,” Watson wrote. “I
appreciate you for the work you
put in and more importantly the
person you are. Any team in the
Family ties, coaching relationships could pull in veteran defensive end league will be better the day you
(put) on their jersey! 1OVE my
brother. MORE GLORY.”
Since the Tex- were unable to generate a pass Watt ranks first in franchise
ans have granted rush on the opposite side to take history with 101 sacks after being
J.J. Watt’s request some pressure off Watt. drafted in the first round out of
to be released and Watt can play in a 3-4 or 4-3 Wisconsin in 2011.
he is free to sign scheme. He’s best on the outside “Legend,” Texans long snapper
with any team at as an edge rusher. In passing Jon Weeks wrote.
JOHN any time, he situations, he also can slide inside Only three players have earned
McCLAIN should have a lot to tackle and get an inside push. three NFL Defensive Player of the
On the Texans
of options, in- Teams that are interested know Year crowns: Watt, Aaron Donald
cluding in the AFC they don’t have to worry about and Lawrence Taylor.
South. Watt’s character or work ethic. “Honored to have played with
Watt turns 32 in March and will Both are legendary. one of the greatest,” wrote Tex-
be playing in his 11th season. No matter what happens to the ans outside linebacker Whitney
Releasing him clears $17.5 million Texans next season or any season Mercilus, who ranks second in
in salary cap space for the Tex- after that, they’ll never be the franchise history behind Watt
ans. same without Watt, a three-time with 54 career sacks.
It’s no secret Watt wants to winner of the NFL Defensive Offensive tackle Tytus Howard
play for a Super Bowl contender Brett Coomer / Staff photographer Player of the Year Award, tying is entering his third NFL season.
before he retires. With the Tex- Watt, left, was a three-time winner of the NFL Defensive Player Lawrence Taylor and Aaron Don- The former first-round draft pick
ans, he played on six AFC South- of the Year award, tied for the most in league history. ald for the most in NFL history. from Alabama State has gained a
winning teams that won four wild Cal McNair, the chairman and lot of knowledge plying his trade
card playoff games but never Steelers? Bruce Arians, a players’ coach, in CEO, was asked Friday why they against Watt.
advanced beyond the divisional Coach Mike Tomlin already has Tampa, Fla., might be enticing for didn’t trade Watt for a draft “Thank you J.J. Watt for help-
round. an outstanding defense. He’s not Watt. Perhaps he could buy a choice rather than granting his ing me getting better as a player
Last season wasn’t fun for Watt looking for a starter up front, and yacht to sail around Tampa Bay. outright release? each and every day,” Howard
or any of his teammates or coach- the Steelers have a huge salary Don’t rule out the Bears. Watt’s “We did evaluate all the op- wrote. “Don’t know many guys
es. The Texans plunged from a cap problem. Still, where there’s wife, Kealia, plays for the Chicago tions and thought this was the that work as hard as you do. The
10-6 division winner that won a a will, there can be a way. Red Stars of the National Wom- right decision for J.J. and the proof is in the pudding and that’s
wild card game in 2019 to a 4-12 Watt has never tried to hide his en’s Soccer League. He’s spent a Texans,” he said. “It’s one that why you are a future hall of
disaster that’s become a team in respect for two of his former lot of time in Chicago since she was mutually agreed on, and we famer. Wish you best brodie.”
constant controversy, beginning coaches, Mike Vrabel and Antho- was traded by the Dash. felt doing the right thing by J.J. When Howard was a rookie, he
with Deshaun Watson’s trade ny Weaver. Vrabel is Tennessee’s If Watt wants to play with an- was important. learned a tough, valuable lesson
demand. coach, and the Titans are desper- other great quarterback like “Not every decision is easy, from Watt about the kind of tem-
Under new general manager ate to boost a pass rush that re- Watson, he should consider Kan- and they’re not always easily po required at the NFL level
Nick Caserio and coach David corded only 19 sacks. Watt could sas City. Patrick Mahomes has led understood. We want to do against a player of Watt’s caliber.
Culley, the Texans won’t be a step in and contribute immedi- the Chiefs to the last two Super what’s right by our players and “Funny story about J.J., it was
Super Bowl contender, of course. ately for the defending AFC South Bowls. Andy Reid needs to bolster our fans, and the focus is on my first week and some of the
They’re more likely to compete champions — not to mention his defense, including his pass bringing a championship to Hous- other vets were like Tytus chill
for the first pick in the 2022 draft playing two times a year against rush. ton.” out we don’t have on pads yet,”
than a playoff berth. Watt didn’t the Texans. Perhaps Watt would consider In 2011, his first season as the Howard wrote. “So I chill out and
want to spend the last few years Weaver left the Texans for Buffalo if the Bills are interested. Texans’ defensive coordinator, go to block J.J. all lazy and got
of his career in a rebuilding Baltimore in January. The Ravens They’re a legitimate Super Bowl Wade Phillips wanted to draft bulled all the way into Deshaun.
mode. are a Super Bowl contender that contender that should be nipping outside linebacker Aldon Smith. So I’m looking all dumb and
When analyzing NFL teams has a veteran defensive coordina- at the Chiefs’ heels next season. When the 49ers traded up to get embarrassed and turn around
and where Watt could end up, a tor in Wink Martindale, whose If they’re interested in Watt, I Smith, Phillips lobbied for Watt. and look at some of the other
lot of teams seem like good possi- players love to play for him. wouldn’t rule out his signing with General manager Rick Smith lineman and they were laughing.
bilities. Keep in mind that issues Watt grew up in Wisconsin and Indianapolis, Miami, San Francis- selected him, and Watt became I quickly learned you can’t take
like a team’s scheme, coaches, owns a home there. He was a co or Cleveland. Imagine Watt the most popular player in fran- no plays off on J.J. So we compet-
needs on defense and the salary die-hard Packers fan. Perhaps lining up every week opposite chise history. Watt and Oilers ed every day and he got me bet-
cap should be taken into consid- coach Matt LaFleur would like to Browns’ defensive end Myles running back Earl Campbell are ter.”
eration. add Watt to his defense after Garrett. the most popular players in Hous- Charles Omenihu, a potential
I don’t believe money will rule losing the NFC Championship Decisions, decisions. ton football history. replacement for Watt on the
Watt’s decision. He made more Game in each of the last two Watt will have to make a lot of “I’ll always remember what defensive line, saluted Watt.
than $100 million with the Tex- seasons. them as he crosses teams off his Coach Phillips said when asked if “I can’t thank you enough for
ans, and he’s cashed in on en- When Tom Brady played for list before he decides where he he thought J.J. would be a bust,” the talks we’ve had the time
dorsements, too. Money always is New England, veteran players wants to finish his career. McNair said. “He said, ‘Yeah, a you’ve taken to help me in the
important to any player, but I flocked to the Patriots because What will a new team be get- bust in the Hall of Fame.’ ” little things for my game all of it,”
don’t expect to see Watt sign with they knew they’d play for a Super ting in Watt? Phillips was a football version Omenihu wrote. “Houston appre-
a bad team just because it’s got Bowl contender. Brady just won Watt was the Texans’ best of Nostradamus, because five ciates you bro and all you’ve
enough cap room to offer him a his seventh Super Bowl ring for defensive player last season. He years after Watt retires, he should done for the city. Continue to be
monster contract. Tampa Bay. The Bucs could lose started 16 games and had a ca- be getting a bust in Canton, Ohio, you and a great leader for your
We know Watt would like foot- defensive end Shaq Barrett, who reer-low five sacks because he as a first-ballot selection for the next team, the HOF awaits love
ball to be fun again. Where could said this week he hopes to break had no help on the pass rush. Pro Football Hall of Fame. bro.”
he have more fun than Pitts- the bank on a new contract if he’s After Jadeveon Clowney was
burgh, where his younger broth- not franchised again. traded to Seattle by Bill O’Brien
ers, T.J. and Derek, play for the Playing with Brady and for after the 2018 season, the Texans

Watson’s future with team still up in the air

By Aaron Wilson coach David Culley that he had trade him despite multiple NFL Watson to have contract language ing to league sources. Although of-
STA F F WRIT E R been assured of by chairman and teams contacting them to gauge in that deal that includes an annu- ten linked to the New York Jets,
chief operating officer Cal McNair, their potential interest. al no-trade clause that requires that’s not expected to be where
As defensive end J.J. Watt leaves Watson has officially requested a “They’re totally different situa- him to give written approval for Watson winds up should the Tex-
the Texans in an emotional good- trade. tions,” McNair said when asked any trade. That essentially allows ans change their stance of not
bye Friday, the future of disgrun- As dug in as Watson remains on about Watson and Watt. “Today, him to pick his own destination wanting to trade him.
tled quarterback Deshaun Watson his stance of wanting out, accord- the focus is on J.J. Deshaun is a Tex- and veto any unwanted franchise The Carolina Panthers are re-
remains unresolved. ing to multiple league sources not an, and he’s going to be a Texan.” from trading for him. garded as another potential suitor
Frustrated with the state of the authorized to speak publicly, the Watson signed a $156 million Watson is open to the possibil- for Watson.
franchise and not being given the Texans haven’t wavered on their contract extension in September ity of several teams, including the
input into the hiring process of position and have remained stead- that includes $111 million in guaran- Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos
general manager Nick Caserio and fast that they have no desire to teed money. It was important for and San Francisco 49ers, accord-
C4 | | Houston Chronicle HH


A timeline of some key next week as the Texans
events during the Texans blow a 24-0 lead in losing
career of J.J. Watt. at Kansas City.
2011 Feb. 15 — In the Bahamas,
Watt marries former Hous-
April 28 — With the 11th ton Dash star Kealia Ohai
pick in the NFL draft, the after four years of dating.
Texans take defensive end Ohai is the sister of former
J.J. Watt from Wisconsin Texans teammate Brian
(after starting his college Cushing’s wife Megan.
career at Central Michi-
Sept. 10 — In the first NFL
gan). The pick was met
game after the country’s
with some boos at the
racial reckoning following
Texans’ draft party. Years
the killing of former Hous-
later, Texans general man-
ton resident George Floyd
ager Rick Smith said he
in police custody, Texans
actually had a trade in
and Chiefs players line up
place with the 49ers to
for a show of unity at mid-
move up to No. 7 to take
field to boos from the
LSU cornerback Patrick
limited-capacity crowd in
Peterson. But the Cardinals
Kansas City. That left Watt
took Peterson fifth, with
bewildered. “I mean, the
the Texans standing pat
booing during that moment
and drafting Watt, whom
was unfortunate,” he said.
new defensive coordinator
“I don’t fully understand
Wade Phillips had lobbied
that. There was no flag
involved. There was noth-
Sept. 25 — A starter since ing involved other than two
Day 1, Watt records his first teams coming together to
career sack in his third show unity.”
game, taking down Saints
Sept. 20 — After team-
quarterback Drew Brees in
mate Ross Blacklock is
a 40-33 loss at New Orle-
ejected during a home loss
ans. Watt finishes his first
to the Ravens, Watt calls
regular season with 5½
out the rookie, who’d
sacks, 13 tackles for loss
grown up in the Houston
and two fumble recoveries.
area and watched Watt.
He makes the All-Rookie
“It’s stupid,” Watt said. “It’s
team and finishes tied for
selfish. It was a stupid play.
third in the Defensive Rook-
I’ve spoken to Ross before
ie of the Year voting behind
and so it pisses me off. It’s
winner Von Miller of the
very dumb to hurt your
Broncos and the 49ers’
team in that type of setting
Aldon Smith.
for no reason.”
2012 Oct. 7 — The final weeks of
Jan. 7 — In his break- Bill O’Brien’s tenure as
through moment on the Texans coach included a
national stage during an frustrated O’Brien getting
AFC wild-card game, Watt into a heated argument
returns an interception 29 with Watt and coordinator
yards for a touchdown Anthony Weaver. Watt later
before halftime to spark said he didn’t have any ill
the Texans to a 31-10 rout will toward O’Brien, saying,
of the Bengals in the first “I’m not going to talk about
playoff game in franchise what happened at practice
history. The Texans’ season or what conversations were
ends the following week had or whatever that might
with a loss at Baltimore in be.”
the divisional round. Nov. 4 — As the Texans’
Dec. 30 — Watt follows up season goes down the
his solid rookie season with tubes, Watt acknowledges
a monster sophomore he doesn’t have interest in
campaign, recording 20½, Brett Coomer / Staff photographer
being part of a lengthy
including a pair of three- rebuilding project. “I don’t
After mising most of the past two seasons with injuries, J.J. Watt celebrates one of his three sacks of New
sack games, as the Texans think it’s any secret that I
York Giants quarterback Eli Manning on Sept. 23, 2018. Watt finished the season with 16 sacks.
go 12-4 for the best record don’t have 10 years left in
in franchise history. He also this league,” Watt said. “I
J.J. WATT THROUGH THE YEARS personally believe that I do
sets a NFL record for de-
fensive linemen with 16
passes defensed en route 2011 16 0 0 2 5.5 56 13 19 left in me, but I’m not look-
to earning first team All- 2012 16 0 4 2 20.5 81 39 43 ing to rebuild. I’m looking to
Pro honors. 2013 16 0 4 2 10.5 80 22 46 go after a championship,
and that’s what I want to
2013 2014 16 1 4 5 20.5 78 29 51
do. Whatever is in the best
2015 16 0 3 1 17.5 76 29 50
Feb. 2 — Watt is a runaway interest of the Houston
winner of the NFL’s Defen- 2016 3 0 0 1 1.5 8 1 5 Texans, that’s in the best
sive Player of the Year 2017 5 0 0 0 0 15 3 5 interest of myself. I’m in-
award, taking 49 of the 50 2018 16 0 7 0 16.0 61 18 25 terested in winning a
votes (the other went to 2019 8 0 1 2 4.0 24 4 21 championship in this
the Broncos’ Von Miller). 2020 16 1 2 1 5.0 52 14 17 league. That’s every play-
Dec. 29 — Watt leads the er’s goal.”
Career 128 2 25 16 101 531 172 282
Texans with 10½ sacks but Nov. 8 — Watt records his
the team loses its final 14 All-Pro Pro Bowl Bold: led league 100th career sack in the
games after a 2-0 start, Texans’ victory at Jackson-
leading to the firing of ville, becoming the fifth-
first player to record two Bowl. undergone offseason sur- episode of “The Tonight
coach Gary Kubiak and his fastest NFL player to reach
20-season sacks, finishing Jan. 9 — An embarrassing gery. That ends his streak Show with Jimmy Fallon.”
staff and ushering in the the milestone, doing it in
with 20½. He’s voted first wild-card round loss to the of 83 consecutive starts
Bill O’Brien era. 2018 his 120th career game. The
team All-Pro for the third Chiefs sees Bill O’Brien since entering the NFL. He
Feb 3 — After his fundrais- only ones to get to 100
2014 consecutive year . make one of his most in- later undergoes his second
ing efforts to help victims sacks sooner were Reggie
Sept. 2 — A couple weeks famous moves as Texans back surgery in three
2015 of Hurricane Harvey, Watt White (96 games), Law-
after expressing his frustra- coach, deploying Watt and months.
Jan. 31 — Watt wins his is presented the NFL’s rence Taylor (106), DeMar-
tion over the inability to fellow defensive lineman Aug. 27 — As Hurricane
second NFL Defensive highest off-field honor, the cus Ware (113) and Bruce
finalize a contract exten- Vince Wilfork in the offen- Harvey devastates the
Player of the Year award in Walter Payton Man of the Smith (115).
sion, Watt and the Texans sive backfield in a goal-line Houston area with 51 inch-
three seasons, becoming Year award. Dec. 27 — After a desultory
agree to a six-year, $100 formation derided as the es of rain, Watt posts an
the first unanimous selec- Sept. 23 — After missing Texans loss to a Bengals
million deal that will keep “Wattcat.” On a direct emotional video to social
tion for the award. Watt most of the past two sea- team without its top quar-
him under contract through snap, Watt is stopped for a media asking for fundrais-
also finishes second to sons with injuries, Watt terback, running back and
the 2021 season. Watt tears 1-yard loss as the Texans ing assistance to help
Packers QB Aaron Rodgers records his first three-sack wide receiver, Watt un-
up at the news conference are blasted 30-0 at home. victims of the storm. Watt’s
for the NFL MVP award, game since 2015 in the leashes an epic rant that,
to announce the deal. Feb. 6 — Watt wins his relief fund eventually raises
receiving 13 votes. Texans’ home-opener loss while not calling out any
Sept. 14 — Watt, formerly a third NFL Defensive Player $41.6 million.
Sept. 20 — With a sack to the Giants. He finishes individual teammates,
tight end at Central Michi- of the Year award in four Sept. 10 — Watt makes his
during a loss at Carolina, the season with 16 sacks to seemed to question the
gan, catches his first NFL seasons, joining Giants Hall return to the field in the
Watt records the 60th of earn first team All-Pro team’s work ethic and
touchdown in the Texans’ of Fame linebacker Law- Texans’ opener against the
his career in his 66th game, honors for the fifth time in professionalism. He added
30-14 win at Oakland. rence Taylor as the only Jaguars, drawing the loud-
becoming the second- his career. It’s his fourth in sympathy for the fans
Sept. 28 — Watt records three-time winners of the est cheers in the pregame
fastest to accomplish the 15-sack season, the sec- who’ve endured such a
his first career interception award. introductions.
feat behind Hall of Famer ond-most in NFL history trying season.
and returns it 80 yards for March 31 — It’s revealed Oct. 8 — For the second
Reggie White (47 games). behind Reggie White’s five. 2021
a touchdown during the Watt played with five par- consecutive year, Watt’s
Nov. 1 — Watt dials up one tially or fully torn muscles season ends abruptly. This 2019
Texans’ 23-17 home win Jan. 2 — Watt plays what
of his greatest games in a in his core area at the end time, it’s a tibial plateau
over the Bills. It’s a busy Oct. 27 — Eight games into will be his final game in a
20-6 home win over Ten- of the 2015 season. Watt fracture of his left leg,
day, as he also records nine the season, Watt is injured Texans uniform, a 41-38
nessee with 2½ sacks, 10 had partially torn left and breaking the top of the shin
quarterback hits, five tack- for the third time in four home loss to the Titans. As
QB hits and a forced fum- right abdominals, a partial- bone within the knee joint.
les and a pass defensed. years, suffering a torn he and quarterback Desh-
ble. ly torn right adductor lon-
Nov. 16 — In a dominant Oct. 27 — Taking the field pectoral during a home win aun Watson walk off the
performance, Watt records 2016 gus, a fully torn left adduc- on crutches as he’s weeks over the Raiders. The injury field, NFL Films cameras
a sack, forces and recovers tor longus and a fully torn removed from surgery, is expected to end his record Watt telling him,
Jan. 3 — Watt ends the
a fumble and also catches left adductor pectineus. Watt throws out the cere- season. “I’m sorry; we wasted one
regular season with a dom-
a touchdown pass during inant performance, record- May 25 — In a nod to his monial first pitch before of your years. We should
growing off-the-field pro- Game 3 of the World Series 2020 have 11 wins.”
the Texans’ 23-7 win at ing a season-high three
Cleveland. He repeated the sacks, three tackles for file and social media reach, at Minute Maid Park. Jan. 4 — Watt is cleared to Feb. 12 — Watt posts a
feat two weeks later loss, four QB hits, a forced Watt is named a co-host Dec 4 — Sports Illustrated return for the Texans’ play- video on social media
against the Titans, this fumble and fumble recov- for the CMT Music Awards names Watt and Astros off opener against the Bills informing fans he’s re-
time with two sacks. ery in a 30-6 rout of the alongside Fox’s Erin An- second baseman Jose and his third-quarter sack quested his release from
Dec. 28 — While the Tex- Jaguars. He finishes with an drews. Altuve, the American helps spark a comeback the Texans and the McNair
ans miss the playoffs, Watt NFL-best 17½ sacks and for Sept. 28 — After just three League MVP fresh off help- from a double-digit deficit family will accommodate
finishes with three sacks in the fourth consecutive year games, Watt is lost for the ing his team win the World as the Texans win 22-19 in him, ending his tenure in
the season finale against is voted a first team All-Pro rest of the season with an Series, its Sportspersons of overtime. The season ends Houston after 10 seasons.
Jacksonville to become the selection and to the Pro injury to his back that had the Year for 2017 during an in infamous fashion the Greg Rajan
HHHH Houston Chronicle | | C5


3s not falling despite open looks

Amid four-game skid and injuries, good job of driving, kick-
ing and as they’re closing
Silas wants to see team attack rim out, driving the closeout.
Any time you can force a
By Jonathan Feigen the Rockets had taken an closeout situation is good
STA F F WRIT E R average of 19.4 wide-open for our offense. Attacking
3-pointers per game. They those closeouts instead of
The Rockets could con- made 40.3 percent. shooting, maybe we get an
sider tweaks, adjustments As much as they would even better shot.”
or improvements to their like to turn around an of- That’s the general idea
offense that could turn fense that has ranked last but without the rim-run-
things around. But there is in the NBA over the past ning the Rockets had been
something that could help four games, it will be diffi- getting from Wood (along
even more. cult to get better shots than with his 42.1 percent 3-
When shooting wide- the ones they are missing point shooting,) they want
open 3-pointers, they need or to get more of them. more ball movement. The
more of them to go in. That could be even more goal to turn defense to of-
As elementary as that difficult in the new two fense, a key to their six-
seems, that is not always games against the Knicks game winning streak, re-
the solution teams should and 76ers, two of the other mains and should be possi-
seek. There often are rea- teams ranked in the top ble even with their short-
sons opponents leave five defensively. The handed lineup.
shooters open. Knicks allow 43.5 percent “We want to do our best
That has not, however, shooting and 32.2 percent to get the ball from side-to-
been the case with the 3-point shooting, the best side,” Silas said. “What I
Rockets in their four-game field goal percentage de- was showing the team (Fri-
losing streak with the same fense in the NBA. day) is when we’re playing
shooters shooting the “I don’t worry,” Brown with better pace and get-
same shots as when they said. “We’re getting great ting the ball up the floor
were winning. shots, we’re getting wide- quickly, we don’t necessar-
Actually, there might be open looks. We’re just ily need play calls. We
one difference in the sort missing them. Can’t ask for don’t need kind of actions
of shots the Rockets have anything better than that. to get ball from side-to-
been taking. We got to keep doing what side. If we get it up the
“They’ve probably been we’re doing. We’re going floor quickly, then we can
better,” guard Sterling to start making them. flow into our pace offense
Brown said. “We just We’re not worried about which would be pass
haven’t been knocking that.” ahead, get into our drive-
them down. That’s all we That will be further and-kicks, get the ball mov-
got to do. We’re missing complicated by the injury ing quickly, get to the next
them lately. I’ve been miss- to guard Victor Oladipo, action.”
ing way too many. That’s who has struggled with his “We shot a ton of 3s
going to change. Just got to shot, making just 27.6 per- (Thursday) night. We shot
stick with it.” cent of his 3-pointers in his 50 3s and only made 15 of
The difference, besides past five games but who them. But watching the
that they are now missing can score off the dribble film last night, I was pretty
those shots, is that since and create for others. happy with most of the 3s
the Rockets began their With center Christian we shot. There were a few
slide, they are getting more Wood out throughout the we forced.”
of the shots they want most four-game losing streak, The Rockets made 30
and attempting more of the Rockets have gotten lit- percent of their 3-pointers
those shots than any team tle going to the rim, averag- against the Heat. They
in the NBA. ing 42.5 points in the paint made 30.4 percent when
In the Rockets’ four- per game. They had been open or wide open.
game losing streak, they averaging 47.8. Without A few more easy shots
have attempted a league- the scoring inside, the wouldn’t hurt. But eventu-
high average of 24.5 wide- Rockets have been taking Yi-Chin Lee / Staff photographer ally, they need to make the
open 3-pointers per game. more 3s than any team in Victor Oladipo (7) takes a shot while being defended by Derrick Jones Jr. During easy shots they are already
They have made just 28.6 the league since Wood has their four-game skid, the Rockets have made just 28.6 percent of wide-open 3s. getting.
percent of those shots with been out.
the closest defender six or “If you’re getting open las said. “The fact that even better. The adjust- “Teams are helping
more feet away. 3s, those are pretty good,” we’re creating those 3s for ment would be to attack to against us and forcing us to
Before the losing streak, Rockets coach Stephen Si- our teammates makes it finish. kick to shooters. We did a


Injury issues continue with Oladipo sitting

The Rockets’ injury Rockets vs. Knicks dric Thomas to sign Spal- good enough. I could have
issues with their starting When/where: 7 p.m. today; Madison Square Garden, New York. ding to one of their two been a lot more aggressive
lineup moved back to the two-way contracts, the on the glass and finish out
TV/radio: ATTSW; 740 AM, 790 AM, 1010 AM (Spanish).
backcourt on Friday with individual said. those two, or made one
guard Victor Oladipo out So far: Rockets 11-14; Knicks 12-15. Spalding, 23, has aver- rebound we needed to get
with a sore right foot and Lately: The Rockets have a season-long four-game losing streak after falling to the Heat aged 18 points and 13 re- to give ourselves a chance
ankle. Rockets coach Ste- on Thursday at the Toyota Center. The Knicks had lost consecutive games against the bounds for the Rio Grande to win or tie it up. I didn’t
phen Silas said he was Heat before blowing out the Wizards on Friday. Valley Vipers in the first get it done. It’s something
unsure if Oladipo was two games of the season. we have to take pride in
going on the Rockets’ SCOUTING THE ROCKETS SCOUTING THE KNICKS He had been in training and lock in and go out and
three-game road trip or camp with the Rockets finish the play.”
The Rockets’ loss in Madison The Knicks, coming off a blowout
how long he might be out. before last season for The Rockets rank 27th
Square Garden last season win in Washington on Friday, are
“I guess they are doing eight days after playing 14 in the NBA in defensive
snapped a nine-game winning 2-4 in the second half of back-to-
some tests and whatnot games with the Suns and rebounding percentage,
streak against the Knicks in New backs. … The Knicks’ average of
on his foot,” Silas said. Mavericks in 2018-19. allowing 12.9 second-
York. … The Rockets have ranked 102.7 points per game after Friday’s
Eric Gordon, who has A 6-9 center out of chance points, 17th most
last in the NBA in offensive rating game against the Wizards were the
averaged 22.8 points on Louisville, Spalding has in the league. This espe-
in their four-game losing streak, fewest in the NBA. They take and
46 percent shooting in averaged 14.9 points and cially could be a problem
averaging 100.3 points per 100 make the second-fewest 3-point-
eight games as a starter nine rebounds in 67 G with the Rockets using
possessions, and in scoring, ers and are ranked 24th in offen-
this season, will return to League games with the more small lineups since
averaging 98.8 points per game. NUMBER sive rating. … The Knicks were fifth
the starting lineup, Silas Texas Legends, Greens- the injury to center Chris-
They have made just 41.1 percent TO NOTE in defensive rating going into Fri-
said. The Rockets will boro Swarm and Vipers in tian Wood.
of their shots and 29.8 percent of day’s game. They allow 43.5 per-
change starting lineups for
a seventh consecutive
their 3-pointers in the past four
games. … Guard John Wall has
266 cent shooting and 32.2 percent
3-point shooting, the best field
the past three seasons. Butler had twice put in
mid-range jumpers before
game, having used no
made 59.3 percent of his free Games goal percentage defense in the Rebounding woes Rockets coach Stephen
lineup for more than four Silas switched to a small
games, none for more
throws in his past four games. He played by NBA. … Forward Julius Randle is back at bad time lineup to allow the Rock-
had made 81 percent in his first 12 P.J. Tucker averaging a career-best 22.3 points
than three games since As much trouble as the ets to switch on him after
games played. … Forward Jae- since he per game, making a career-high
James Harden was traded. Rockets have had all sea- screens.
’Sean Tate has scored in double returned to 38.2 percent of his 3-pointers … RJ
Oladipo went out of son on the defensive “We got to get the ball,”
figures in six of the past eight the NBA in Barrett averaged 24 points on 51.4
Thursday’s game after boards, for 47½ minutes Silas said. “In film (Friday)
games after scoring at least 10 2012-13, 24 percent shooting against the Rock-
returning late to the court on Thursday, they rarely I showed the last clip
points just five times in his first 17 more than ets last season. … Knicks centers
for the start of the second allowed the Heat to get a where there was 50 sec-
games. … Guard Eric Gordon has any other Mitchell Robinson and Nerlens
half, playing four minutes second shot. The Heat had onds on the clock, we
made 40.7 percent of his 3-point- player. Tuck- Noel are the only pair of team-
and then going back out. missed 43 shots. They got were down three and we
ers in his past 10 games. … Center er is ques- mates in the top 10 in blocked
He did not attempt a shot the rebound on six of needed a stop. We did a
DeMarcus Cousins is average 13.1 tionable for shots. … Guard Immanuel Quickley
or get a rebound or an them. good job on Butler. Butler
points and 11.9 rebounds in his Saturday’s is fifth in the NBA in scoring among
assist in those four min- In the final half minute, drove to his right. Shot
eight games as a starter. game. rookies, averaging 11.8 points per
utes while struggling with with the Rockets down fake. Jae’Sean Tate went
the injury. Oladipo had three and needing a pos- for the shot fake. John
come away limping after INJURY/STATUS REPORT: session to try to tie the Wall went to help, con-
he tried to stop Heat Rockets: Guard Victor Oladipo (right foot strain), center Christian Wood (sprained right game and complete a tested the shot. Shot goes
guard Max Strus on a fast ankle), guard Dante Exum (right calf strain), guard Kevin Porter Jr. (assigned to G comeback from a 15-point up, and we didn’t get the
break. League) and forward K.J. Martin (assigned to G League) are out. Forward P.J. Tucker deficit, they twice gave up rebound. Then then get
Oladipo has struggled (bruised left thigh) is questionable. Guard John Wall (sprained right ankle) is probable. defensive boards with the second shot, and we
in recent games, averaging Andre Iguodala coming didn’t get that rebound
Knicks: Center Mitchell Robinson (fractured right hand), Ignas Brazdeikis (assigned to
14 points on 34.6 percent from behind Rockets either.
the G League), Jared Harper (transferred to the G League) and Frank Ntilikina (health
shooting, 27.6 percent guard Sterling Brown to “When we’re small, it’s
and safety protocols) are out.
3-point shooting in his back-tap the rebound. very important that we’re
Jonathan Feigen
past five games played. That forced the Rockets to physical, to box out, to
The Rockets have gone 1-4 foul Jimmy Butler to stop have everybody partici-
in those games. He had the clock with Butler icing pate in the rebounding
averaged 22 points in his swelling. the most games in the frontcourt with center the win. game because that was
first six games with the Forward P.J. Tucker NBA since returning to the Christian Wood out, the “We got to crash,” two huge ones we needed.
Rockets. did not practice Friday league in the 2012-13 sea- Rockets will sign center Brown said. “We got to When we’re small it’s
Silas said that Rockets and is questionable to son. Ray Spalding off their G take on that challenge, throughout the game we
center Christian Wood, play Saturday with a League affiliate’s roster to box out, finish the play. have to really concentrate
who has missed the Rock- bruised thigh. He has Center will sign a two-way contract, a Me in particular, the last on being physical and
ets past four games with a never missed a game in person with knowledge of two possessions, they got going to get the ball with
sprained right ankle, is his four seasons with the two-way contract the move said. The Rock- rebounds and tip-outs all five guys.”
still limping and still has Rockets and has played Needing help in the ets will waive guard Bro- because I didn’t box out Jonathan Feigen
C6 | | Houston Chronicle HHHH



Doncic gets 46 in win

DALLAS — Luka Doncic
scored a career-high 46
points, Kristaps Porzingis
added 36 and the Dallas
Mavericks overcame Zion
Williamson’s career-best
36 points in a 143-130 victo-
ry over the New Orleans
Pelicans on Friday night.
Williamson set a New
Orleans franchise record
by making all 10 of his
shots in the first halfand
finished 14 of 15.

SPURS 125, HAWKS 114

DeMar DeRozan scored
23 points and San Antonio
beat Atlanta on the road.
Ronald Martinez / Getty Images
BLAZERS 129, CAVS 110 Mavericks guard Luka Doncic scored a career-high
Gary Trent Jr. had 26 46 points and added 12 assists and eight rebounds.
points and hosting Port-
land handed Cleveland NBA AT A GLANCE
their sixth straight loss.

LAKERS 115, GRIZZLIES 105 WESTERN CONFERENCE Photos by Brett Coomer / Staff photographer
W L Pct GB L10 Str Home Away Conf
Anthony Davis scored Center Nancy Mulkey, left, had 22 points, 10 rebounds and eight blocks in a win
Utah 21 5 .808 _ 9-1 W-6 11-2 10-3 10-3
35 points, Lebron James to help her team improve to 7-0 in Conference USA and 11-1 overall.
L.A. Lakers 21 6 .778 1
⁄2 8-2 W-7 9-4 12-2 14-4
added 28 points and 9

Mulkey, Owls survive

L.A. Clippers 19 8 .704 2 1⁄2 6-4 W-2 8-4 11-4 12-5
rebounds, and Los Angeles
Phoenix 15 9 .625 5 7-3 W-4 8-4 7-5 9-7
defeated visting Memphis.
Portland 15 10 .600 5 1⁄2 6-4 W-3 8-5 7-5 6-6
San Antonio 15 11 .577 6 7-3 W-1 7-8 8-3 11-11

Hilltoppers in return
JAZZ 129, BUCKS 115
Denver 14 11 .560 6 1⁄2 6-4 W-2 7-6 7-5 10-9
Rudy Gobert had 27 Golden State 14 12 .538 7 6-4 W-2 9-5 5-7 9-7
points and 12 rebounds, Dallas 13 14 .481 8 1⁄2 5-5 W-4 6-7 7-7 7-9
and Utah beat Milwaukee Sacramento 12 13 .480 8 1⁄2 7-3 L-2 7-8 5-5 6-9
at home for its sixth
straight victory.
Memphis 10 11 .476 8 1⁄2 5-5 L-1 4-7 6-4 4-6 Langley ‘so proud’ of team’s ‘grit’ in 1st game in 27 days
New Orleans 11 14 .440 9 1⁄2 6-4 L-2 7-5 4-9 6-10
Houston 11 14 .440 9 1⁄2 5-5 L-4 5-6 6-8 8-10 By Ryan Herrera
MAGIC 123, KINGS 112
Oklahoma City 10 15 .400 10 1⁄2 4-6 L-3 3-8 7-7 5-12 STA F F W R I T ER
Nikola Vucevic scored Minnesota 6 20 .231 15 2-8 L-4 4-8 2-12 4-13
42 points and matched his No matter who you are, a
career high of six 3-point- 27-day layoff between
W L Pct GB L10 Str Home Away Conf
ers as visitng Orlando beat games is going to bring
Philadelphia 18 8 .692 _ 7-3 L-1 11-2 7-6 15-4
Sacramento. some rust.
Milwaukee 16 10 .615 2 6-4 L-2 9-2 7-8 12-5
Brooklyn 15 12 .556 3 1⁄2 6-4 W-1 11-5 4-7 10-9 Heading into Friday, Rice
Boston 13 12 .520 4 1⁄2 4-6 L-1 6-4 7-8 10-7 women’s basketball sat at
Nikola Jokic finished an Indiana 13 13 .500 5 4-6 W-1 7-8 6-5 8-7 the top of the Conference
assist shy of a triple-dou- Charlotte 13 14 .481 5 1⁄2 6-4 W-1 8-7 5-7 9-9 USA West division with a 6-0
ble, scoring 22 points and Toronto 12 14 .462 6 5-5 L-1 6-5 6-9 9-7 conference record. Western
grabbing 13 rebounds to New York 12 15 .444 6 1⁄2 4-6 W-1 5-6 7-9 9-9 Kentucky found itself in
help Denver rally for a win Miami 11 14 .440 6 1⁄2 5-5 W-4 7-7 4-7 7-11 fourth in the East, holding a
over host Oklahoma City. Atlanta 11 14 .440 6 1⁄2 3-7 L-2 6-8 5-6 7-7 5-5 record in conference
Chicago 10 15 .400 7 1⁄2 3-7 L-1 4-9 6-6 5-7 play.
Orlando 10 17 .370 8 1⁄2 3-7 W-1 5-8 5-9 7-10 On paper, the Owls (11-1,
Saddiq Bey scored 30 Cleveland 10 17 .370 8 1⁄2 2-8 L-6 7-7 3-10 8-9 7-0 C-USA) shouldn’t have
points, hitting his seventh Detroit 7 19 .269 11 4-6 W-1 5-8 2-11 5-11 had much trouble taking a
3-pointer with 39 seconds Washington 6 17 .261 10 1⁄2 3-7 L-2 2-9 4-8 4-13 very winnable home game.
to play after Boston cut a But the Hilltoppers (6-11, 5-6)
13-point fourth-quarter Results/schedule
gave them fits, not allowing
lead to three, and visting Thursday’s results Saturday’s games Rice to build a double-digit
Detroit beat the Celtics. Boston 120, Toronto 106 Philadelphia at Phoenix, 2 p.m. lead for the first 30 minutes Guard Destiny Jackson (5) grabs one of Rice’s 11 total
Miami 101, Houston 94 Indiana at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m. steals during the second half at Tudor Field House.
Indiana 111, Detroit 95 Houston at New York, 7 p.m.
of the game.
Golden State 111, Orlando 105 Brooklyn at Golden State, 7:30 p.m. Still, the Owls showed
Kawhi Leonard scored Portland 118, Philadelphia 114 Miami at Utah, 8 p.m. why they continued to get deep) and in the paint. from the other team (as
33 points, Lou Williams Friday’s results Sunday’s games The Associated Press poll She had 22 points in the well),” Langley said, “so can
and Marcus Morris came Charlotte 120, Minnesota 114 Boston at Washington, Noon votes during the extended first 20 minutes, including you continue to build on
up big in the fourth quar- New York 109, Washington 91 Minnesota at Toronto, 6 p.m. absence, picking up a 64-55 three different stretches those moments. I thought
ter, and Los Angeles beat San Antonio 125, Atlanta 114 New Orleans at Detroit, 6 p.m.
Dallas 143, New Orleans 130 San Antonio at Charlotte, 6 p.m. win in their return to the with six-straight Hilltopper we did a good job of that in
Chicago on the road. L.A. Clippers 125, Chicago 106 Portland at Dallas, 6:30 p.m. court. points as Western Kentucky the second half.”
Detroit 108, Boston 102 Milwaukee at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m. “Western Kentucky is a took a 35-34 lead at half- From there, the defense
HORNETS 120 Denver 97, Oklahoma City 95 Memphis at Sacramento, 8 p.m.
TIMBERWOLVES 114 Utah 129, Milwaukee 115 Orlando at Phoenix, 8 p.m.
great team. I thought they time. put the clamps on the Hill-
Terry Rozier scored 41 Orlando 123, Sacramento 112 Cleveland at L.A. Clippers, 9 p.m. came out prepared and real- Once Elgedawy went qui- toppers.
points, and rookie LaMelo
Portland 129, Cleveland 110 L.A. Lakers at Denver, 9 p.m. ly played well today,” coach et in the third quarter, After Smith’s assist to
L.A. Lakers 115, Memphis 105
Ball had 20 points and 11 Tina Langley said. “I think it though, Rice began to take Mulkey, Western Kentucky
rebounds to help host took us a little bit to get our advantage. never got the lead under
Charlotte beat Minnesota.
KNICKS 109, WIZARDS 91 points and 18 rebounds as rhythm going and find our Mulkey came out of the three points again. Rice
Julius Randle had 24 New York cruised past way, and I thought we did a gate with four quick points pushed the lead to eight by
host Washington. nice job of making a few ad- to take back the lead. Then, the end of the third, and the
justments and honestly just with Rice up by just one at Owls outscored the Hilltop-
getting comfortable being the 7:20 mark in the third, pers 12-11 in the fourth to
NBA BOX SCORES back out there again.” Jasmine Smith stole the ball close out the win.
Nancy Mulkey, who was near the top of the key, split “It’s been a long time
Knicks 109, Wizards 91 3-point goals: New Orleans 17-37 (Bledsoe 4-4, 0-0 2. Totals 42-92 19-27 115. recently named a semifinal- two defenders and found a since we’ve been on the
New York: Bullock 2-7 0-0 6, Randle 8-15 6-7 24,
M.Robinson 5-6 0-4 10, Barrett 3-13 2-2 8, Payton
Ingram 4-9, Ball 4-10, Redick 3-5, Lewis Jr. 1-2,
Hart 1-5), Dallas 25-45 (Porzingis 8-13, Doncic 5-8,
Utah: Bogdanovic 3-10 2-2 9, O’Neale 0-4 0-0 0,
Gobert 9-12 9-13 27, Ingles 8-11 4-4 27, Mitchell 6-
ist for the Becky Hammon wide-open Mulkey below court, and what a joy to be
6-12 0-0 12, Knox II 0-1 0-0 0, Noel 2-5 0-1 4, Pinson Finney-Smith 4-5, Brunson 2-2, Kleber 2-5, Harda- 20 13-14 26, Favors 5-5 0-0 10, Niang 2-2 0-0 5, Oni Mid-Major Player of the Year the basket for the easy back,” Langley said. “…
0-0 0-0 0, Toppin 4-5 0-0 8, Gibson 2-5 2-2 6, Burks way Jr. 2-6, Burke 1-2, Richardson 1-3). Re- 0-0 0-0 0, Clarkson 10-18 1-1 25. Totals 43-82 29-34
0-3 0-0 0, Quickley 5-15 4-4 16, Rivers 0-0 1-2 1, bounds: New Orleans 38 (Hernangomez 9), Dallas 129. Award, nearly put up a trou- score. These young women have
37 (Doncic 8). Assists: New Orleans 31 (Ball 7),
Rose 7-11 0-0 14. Totals 44-98 15-22 109.
Washington: Bertans 2-6 3-4 9, Hachimura 4-11 2-2 Dallas 30 (Doncic 12).
31 21 30 33 — 115
35 34 27 33 — 129
ble-double with 22 points, That play, which put the been through a lot this sea-
10, Len 4-7 0-0 8, Mathews 4-13 2-2 14, Westbrook Clippers 125, Bulls 106 3-point goals: Milwaukee 12-33 (Lopez 3-9, Craig 10 rebounds and eight Owls up 40-37, was one of son, and I’m just so proud of
10-22 3-6 23, Avdija 3-9 1-2 8, Brown Jr. 3-7 2-2 10,
Wagner 0-0 0-0 0, Lopez 2-6 1-2 5, Neto 2-5 0-0 4,
L.A. Clippers: Batum 2-4 2-2 7, Leonard 14-21 4-5
33, Ibaka 4-9 0-0 9, Beverley 2-4 1-2 6, Jackson 5-11
2-2, Middleton 2-4, G.Antetokounmpo 1-2, Augus-
tin 1-4, DiVincenzo 1-4, Forbes 1-4, Portis 1-4),
blocks. the few that showcased how their resiliency, they’re grit
Smith 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 34-89 14-20 91.
New York 30 23 26 30 — 109
0-0 11, Mann 3-4 1-1 7, Morris Sr. 6-10 2-2 20, Ka- Utah 14-38 (Ingles 7-9, Clarkson 4-11, Bogdanovic Raneem Elgedawy (6-4) good this team can be when and focus and determina-
bengele 0-1 0-0 0, Zubac 5-6 2-3 12, Kennard 1-3 1-5, Mitchell 1-9, O’Neale 0-3). Rebounds: Mil-
Washington 23 19 22 27 — 91 0-0 3, L.Williams 8-13 0-0 17. Totals 50-86 12-15 waukee 33 (G.Antetokounmpo 15), Utah 46 (Gob- looked undeterred by Mul- the offense is firing on all tion to stay the course.”
ert 12). Assists: Milwaukee 19 (G.Antetokounmpo
3-point goals: New York 6-24 (Randle 2-3, Bull-
ock 2-5, Quickley 2-7, Burks 0-2, Gibson 0-2),
Chicago: P.Williams 1-5 1-2 3, Temple 4-8 0-0 10, 6), Utah 22 (Mitchell 8). key’s 6-foot-9 frame cylinders. Both teams will meet
Washington 9-34 (Mathews 4-10, Brown Jr. 2-5, Gafford 0-1 2-2 2, LaVine 11-21 0-0 26, White 7-14
Magic 123, Kings 112 throughout the first half, “I think that big moments again at Tudor Fieldhouse
Bertans 2-6, Avdija 1-5, Hachimura 0-2, Westbrook 0-0 17, Young 6-11 2-2 14, Felicio 0-0 0-0 0, Kornet
0-4). Rebounds: New York 65 (Randle 18), Wash- 3-6 0-0 7, Arcidiacono 0-2 0-0 0, Mokoka 0-0 0-0 0,
Orlando: Clark 2-4 0-0 6, Ennis III 3-5 4-5 10, Vucevic
17-22 2-3 42, Bacon 3-8 4-4 11, Carter-Williams 7-
knocking down shots from come in games, but big mo- at 4 p.m. Saturday to close
Satoransky 5-8 7-7 17, Valentine 3-9 2-2 10. Totals
ington 46 (Westbrook 9). Assists: New York 22
(Rose 6), Washington 20 (Westbrook 10). 40-85 14-15 106.
16 6-8 21, Okeke 1-4 0-0 2, Ross 7-20 0-0 18, Bamba both outside (2-for-4 from ments are going to come out the back-to-back.
2-6 0-0 5, Birch 4-6 0-0 8. Totals 46-91 16-20 123.
L.A. Clippers 30 28 32 35 — 125
Hornets 120, Timberwolves 114 Chicago 25 29 24 28 — 106
Sacramento: Barnes 4-9 3-4 13, Robinson III 1-5 0-0
Minnesota: Edwards 9-21 1-1 21, Okogie 2-4 2-2 6, 3, Holmes 4-8 2-2 10, Haliburton 6-12 0-0 14, Hield
Towns 9-18 2-2 25, Beasley 12-21 0-0 31, Rubio 2-8 3-point goals: L.A. Clippers 13-30 (Morris Sr. 6-8, 7-15 0-0 19, Bjelica 5-8 4-5 15, James 0-0 0-0 0,
1-1 5, Jad.McDaniels 3-7 1-2 9, Reid 3-7 1-2 7, Van- Kennard 1-2, Batum 1-3, Ibaka 1-3, Jackson 1-3,
L.Williams 1-3, Leonard 1-6), Chicago 12-32 (La-
Jeffries 3-7 0-0 6, Whiteside 7-7 2-4 16, Guy 1-5 2-2
4, Joseph 5-7 1-2 12. Totals 43-83 14-19 112.
derbilt 1-1 0-2 2, McLaughlin 3-6 0-0 6, Nowell 1-6
Vine 4-7, White 3-8, Temple 2-3, Valentine 2-6, Orlando 33 31 33 26 — 123

Rice comes up short in

0-2 2. Totals 45-99 8-14 114.
Charlotte: Hayward 5-21 2-2 14, Rozier 13-20 9-9 41, Kornet 1-3, Arcidiacono 0-2, Satoransky 0-2). Re- Sacramento 33 26 28 25 — 112
Zeller 7-8 2-2 17, Ball 8-15 2-2 20, Graham 4-10 0-0 bounds: L.A. Clippers 37 (Batum, Leonard, Morris
3-point goals: Orlando 15-34 (Vucevic 6-8, Ross
8, Biyombo 2-3 0-0 4, Bridges 3-6 4-4 11, Monk 2-7 Sr. 6), Chicago 41 (LaVine 9). Assists: L.A. Clip-
4-10, Clark 2-4, Bamba 1-2, Carter-Williams 1-3,
0-0 5. Totals 44-90 19-19 120. pers 20 (L.Williams 5), Chicago 24 (Satoransky 7).
Bacon 1-5, Okeke 0-2), Sacramento 12-33 (Hield

loss at Western Kentucky

Minnesota 30 29 26 29 — 114 Pistons 108, Celtics 102 5-12, Barnes 2-4, Haliburton 2-6, Joseph 1-2, Rob-
Charlotte 25 35 30 30 — 120 Detroit: Grant 5-16 3-3 15, Griffin 4-11 1-2 12, Stew- inson III 1-2, Bjelica 1-3, Guy 0-2, Jeffries 0-2). Re-
3-point goals: Minnesota 16-41 (Beasley 7-13, art 2-3 1-1 5, Ellington 1-9 3-4 5, Wright 7-9 7-8 22, bounds: Orlando 42 (Vucevic 9), Sacramento 42
Towns 5-8, Jad.McDaniels 2-4, Edwards 2-6, Ok- Bey 10-12 3-3 30, J.Jackson 3-9 7-9 14, Mykhailiuk (Bjelica 9). Assists: Orlando 25 (Carter-Williams
ogie 0-2, Rubio 0-3, Nowell 0-4), Charlotte 13-36 2-7 0-0 5, Smith Jr. 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 34-79 25-30 7), Sacramento 33 (Haliburton 7).
(Rozier 6-10, Hayward 2-6, Ball 2-8, Bridges 1-3, 108.
Trail Blazers 129, Cavaliers 110
Monk 1-3, Graham 0-5). Rebounds: Minnesota 40
(Towns 8), Charlotte 55 (Ball 11). Assists: Minne-
Boston: Ojeleye 3-5 1-2 9, Tatum 9-22 12-13 33,
Theis 4-12 3-4 11, Brown 11-21 4-7 27, Pritchard 1-5
Cleveland: Okoro 0-1 0-0 0, Prince 2-5 0-0 4, Drum- BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Dosunmu, who had 22 of Women
sota 28 (Rubio 9), Charlotte 20 (Hayward 5). 0-0 2, Green 3-3 1-2 7, Thompson 2-5 0-0 4, Wil-
mond 3-9 2-3 8, Garland 7-16 0-0 17, Sexton 8-16
8-9 25, Osman 0-1 0-0 0, Stevens 3-8 4-6 10, Win-
Charles Bassey had 18 his 31 points after halftime, NO. 2 CONNECTICUT 64
liams 0-0 1-2 1, Edwards 0-2 0-0 0, Teague 3-7 0-0
Spurs 125, Hawks 114 8. Totals 36-82 22-30 102.
dler 4-10 2-2 12, Wade 1-1 0-0 3, Allen 7-12 8-15 22, points and 12 rebounds and opened overtime with a GEORGETOWN 40
San Antonio: DeRozan 7-11 9-10 23, Johnson 8-11 Dotson 3-8 2-2 9. Totals 38-87 26-37 110.
2-2 20, Poeltl 7-7 0-114, Murray 7-13 0-0 16, White
Detroit 27 27 28 26 — 108 Portland: Covington 1-3 0-0 3, Jones Jr. 1-2 3-4 5, Taveion Hollingsworth and layup and 3-pointer to send Christyn Williams had 19
Boston 23 29 20 30 — 102
3-5 3-4 11, Bates-Diop 0-2 3-4 3, Gay 2-10 0-0 5,
Lyles 0-0 0-0 0, Vassell 1-5 0-0 3, Walker IV 4-10 2-2 3-point goals: Detroit 15-38 (Bey 7-7, Griffin 3-6,
Kanter 9-11 3-3 21, Lillard 7-16 6-6 20, Trent Jr. 8-12
6-6 26, Anthony 7-13 6-8 23, Giles III 2-5 2-2 6, Elle-
Josh Anderson contributed Illinois to its fifth consec- points and the Huskies
11, Eubanks 1-2 3-4 5, Mills 4-6 1-1 12, Weather- Grant 2-7, Mykhailiuk 1-4, J.Jackson 1-5, Ellington by 1-3 0-0 3, Hood 2-5 0-0 4, Little 1-3 0-0 2, Si- 17 points each as Western utive win. Kofi Cockburn won at Washington for
spoon 1-3 0-0 2. Totals 45-85 23-28 125. 0-7), Boston 8-27 (Tatum 3-7, Teague 2-3, Ojeleye mons 4-10 4-4 16. Totals 43-83 30-33 129.
Atlanta: Collins 3-11 2-2 9, Reddish 2-8 2-5 6, Cape- 2-4, Brown 1-4, Edwards 0-2, Pritchard 0-3, Theis Cleveland 23 29 25 33 — 110 Kentucky built an early added 21 points and 13 their sixth consecutive
0-4). Rebounds: Detroit 44 (Bey 12), Boston 44
la 7-11 0-0 14, Huerter 2-8 0-0 5, Young 8-15 7-8 25,
Gallinari 1-4 0-0 2, Hill 0-4 2-2 2, Fernando 2-3 2-4 (Tatum 11). Assists: Detroit 25 (Wright 7), Boston
Portland 34 39 27 29 — 129 lead and held on to defeat rebounds for the Illini (14-5, victory.
3-point goals: Cleveland 8-23 (Garland 3-6, Win-
6, Knight 2-4 2-2 6, Okongwu 1-1 4-4 6, Goodwin 15 (Tatum 7).
dler 2-7, Sexton 1-2, Dotson 1-4), Portland 13-35 Rice 77-71 in a Conference 10-3). Williams sparked a 16-2
4-8 2-4 13, Mays 7-10 2-2 20, Snell 0-3 0-0 0. Totals Nuggets 97, Thunder 95
39-90 25-33 114. Oklahoma City: Bazley 2-9 2-2 7, Williams 3-8 0-0 7,
(Trent Jr. 4-6, Simons 4-9, Anthony 3-7, Elleby 1-2,
Covington 1-3, Lillard 0-6). Rebounds: Cleveland
USA game on Friday night. Nebraska (4-12, 0-9) lost run that put the Huskies
San Antonio 36 41 33 15 — 125 Horford 6-15 1-2 16, Diallo 6-15 3-4 16, Dort 6-14 41 (Windler 10), Portland 45 (Kanter 13). Assists: Travis Evee had a game- its 26th straight Big Ten (16-1, 13-0 Big East) ahead to
Atlanta 29 19 24 42 — 114 2-3 15, Jackson 7-11 3-3 20, Miller 0-4 0-0 0, Roby Cleveland 20 (Sexton 5), Portland 16 (Lillard 9).
3-point goals: San Antonio 12-31 (Mills 3-5, 3-5 1-2 7, Muscala 3-8 1-1 7. Totals 36-89 13-17 95.
Lakers 115, Grizzlies 105
high 19 points and Quincy game. stay.
Johnson 2-3, Murray 2-3, White 2-3, Vassell 1-3,
Walker IV 1-5, Gay 1-6, Bates-Diop 0-2), Atlanta
Denver: Millsap 6-10 0-0 12, Porter Jr. 7-13 0-0 15,
Jokic 9-16 2-2 22, Barton 4-8 0-0 10, Murray 8-19
Memphis: Anderson 2-7 2-2 6, Brooks 5-13 0-0 12, Olivari netted 18 for the
Valanciunas 9-13 3-4 22, Allen 8-13 1-1 23, Morant UTSA 84
11-32 (Mays 4-5, Goodwin 3-5, Young 2-6, Collins 3-4 22, Green 1-7 0-0 2, Nnaji 0-1 0-0 0, Campazzo
7-18 7-8 22, Tillman 3-5 0-0 8, Dieng 1-1 1-2 3, Owls (12-9, 6-7 C-USA), who NO. 8 UCLA 69, UTAH 58
1-3, Huerter 1-3, Hill 0-2, Knight 0-2, Reddish 0-2, 0-2 0-0 0, Hampton 3-6 0-2 7, Morris 2-5 2-2 7. FLORIDA ATLANTIC 80
Gallinari 0-3). Fouled out: San Antonio 1 (Weath- Totals 40-87 7-10 97.
Jones 3-8 0-0 6, Konchar 1-2 1-2 3. Totals 39-80 fell behind by 10 points Michaela Onyenwere
erspoon), Atlanta None. Rebounds: San Antonio Oklahoma City 28 25 26 16 — 95
15-19 105.
early and never caught the Jhivvan Jackson had 30
L.A. Lakers: Davis 16-27 3-4 35, James 9-15 9-14 28, had 25 points and seven
46 (Poeltl 12), Atlanta 42 (Capela 11). Assists: Denver 16 24 30 27 — 97 Gasol 2-5 0-0 6, Caldwell-Pope 1-2 0-0 3, Schroder
Hilltoppers (14-4, 7-2). points as the Roadrunners
San Antonio 27 (DeRozan 8), Atlanta 22 (Huerter 3-point goals: Oklahoma City 10-32 (Jackson 3-5, 1-4 0-0 2, Kuzma 8-14 2-2 20, McKinnie 1-2 0-0 2, rebounds in the Bruins’
4). Horford 3-8, Diallo 1-2, Bazley 1-3, Dort 1-5, Miller Harrell 4-8 6-10 14, Caruso 1-4 0-0 2, Cook 0-0 0-0 edged the Owls at San
Mavericks 143, Pelicans 130 0-3, Muscala 0-4), Denver 10-40 (Murray 3-11, Bar- 0, Horton-Tucker 0-2 0-0 0, Matthews 0-2 3-3 3. victory at Salt Lake City.
New Orleans: Ingram 11-23 4-4 30, Williamson 14-15 ton 2-3, Jokic 2-7, Hampton 1-4, Porter Jr. 1-6, Mill- Totals 43-85 23-33 115. NO. 6 ILLINOIS 77 Antonio.
8-11 36, Adams 2-4 0-0 4, Ball 4-12 0-0 12, Bledsoe sap 0-2, Green 0-4). Fouled out: Oklahoma City 1 Memphis 31 28 23 23 — 105
NEBRASKA 72 (OT) Jacob Germany scored a
5-7 2-3 16, Hernangomez 4-8 2-3 10, Hart 2-8 1-2 6, (Diallo), Denver None. Rebounds: Oklahoma City NO. 10 ARIZONA 60
Lewis Jr. 2-5 0-0 5, Redick 4-8 0-0 11. Totals 48-90 49 (Williams 11), Denver 41 (Jokic 13). Assists:
L.A. Lakers 16 30 41 28 — 115
Ayo Dosunmu scored the career-high 26 points plus WASHINGTON ST. 51
Oklahoma City 26 (Williams 9), Denver 24 (Jokic 3-point goals: Memphis 12-29 (Allen 6-10, Till-
17-23 130.
Dallas: Finney-Smith 5-6 0-0 14, Kleber 2-6 0-0 6, 9). man 2-3, Brooks 2-4, Morant 1-4, Anderson 0-3, last 10 points in regulation 12 rebounds for UTSA (11-9, Cate Reese had 17 points
Jones 0-3), L.A. Lakers 6-30 (Gasol 2-5, Kuzma
Porzingis 13-21 2-4 36, Doncic 17-30 7-9 46, Rich- Jazz 129, Bucks 115 2-8, Caldwell-Pope 1-2, James 1-4, Matthews 0-2, for Illinois and the first five 7-6 Conference USA). and six rebounds, and the
ardson 3-6 4-4 11, Hardaway Jr. 3-8 0-0 8, Powell
0-0 0-0 0, Cauley-Stein 3-4 0-0 6, Brunson 4-5 3-4
Milwaukee: G.Antetokounmpo 12-20 4-6 29, Mid-
dleton 6-14 4-6 18, Lopez 8-18 4-6 23, DiVincenzo
Schroder 0-2, Caruso 0-3, Davis 0-3). in overtime, allowing the Kenan Blackshear scored Wildcats won at Tucson,
Rebounds: Memphis 33 (Valanciunas 8), L.A.
13, Burke 1-2 0-0 3. Totals 51-88 16-21 143.
New Orleans 34 31 36 29 — 130
2-9 0-0 5, Forbes 2-6 0-0 5, Craig 2-3 0-0 6, Portis Lakers 47 (Kuzma 10). Assists: Memphis 31 (Mo- Fighting Illini to turn back a career-high 20 points for Ariz.
7-13 0-0 15, T.Antetokounmpo 0-0 0-0 0, Adams rant 10), L.A. Lakers 26 (James 8).
Dallas 27 42 39 35 — 143 0-0 0-0 0, Augustin 2-7 7-9 12, Connaughton 1-2 host Nebraska’s upset bid. the Owls (8-8, 3-4). From wire reports
HHHH Houston Chronicle | | C7


Child of Bills, Sabres owners moves on

A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS Czech said. “I was actually get-
ting, like, happy yesterday morn-
MELBOURNE, Australia — It’s a ing that I’m finally going to play
long way from Buffalo, N.Y., to the on a bigger court and there’s go-
second week of a Grand Slam, ing to be a crowd. But unlucky
which may be why Jessica Pegu- now for five days here. Hopefully
la’s journey took a while. then it’s going to be back again.”
The 61st-ranked Pegula Muchova waged her comeback
reached the fourth round at the against a fellow Czech and former
Australian Open by drubbing world No. 1.
Kristina Mladenovic 6-2, 6-1 on “I’m a little sad,” Muchova said.
Saturday. “We are very good friends. But it’s
Even Pegula, 26, seemed sur- a game, so I’m definitely happy I
prised by her best career showing made it through. I think we were
at a major tournament. She beat both a little nervous.”
two-time Australian champion Pegula will next play No. 5-
Victoria Azarenka in the first seeded Elina Svitolina, who beat
round, and has dropped a total of No. 26 Yulia Putintseva, 6-4, 6-0.
four games in the past two Pegula lost the first six points
rounds. but then began to dominate with
“I don’t really expect to be play- her versatile game. She hit 21 win-
ing this good next match,” Pegula ners to just 13 unforced errors and
said. won eight points at the net.
She’s a Buffalo native and the Pegula’s career has been
daughter of Terry and Kim Pegu- slowed by injuries, and her previ-
la, owners of the NFL’s Bills and ous best showing at a Grand Slam
NHL’s Sabres. She trains in Flori- tournament was a run to the third
da, and while there were no spec- round at last year’s U.S. Open.
tators at Melbourne Park to ap- Paul Crock / AFP via Getty Images “People still think I’m young;
plaud her latest win, she felt plen- At age 26, Jessica Pegula is focusing on having fun with tennis. Pegula’s previous best Grand Slam I’m not that young anymore,” she
ty of support from across the Pa- finish was a run to the third round at last year’s U.S. Open. said with a smile. “But because I
cific. was out at pivotal times when I
“Some in Buffalo, some in Flor- sponse to a COVID-19 outbreak at 5-7, 7-6 (2), 6-4. No. 25-seeded Karolina Mucho- was younger, these are all new ex-
ida — everyone is watching back a hotel. Up to 30,000 spectators On the men’s side, unseeded va staged an astounding second- periences.”
home and cheering for me,” she daily — 50% of capacity — had American Mackenzie McDonald set comeback from a 5-0 deficit in Maturity has changed Pegula’s
said, before adding with a laugh, been admitted on previous days. matched his best Grand Slam re- near silence, which only made perspective on her famous par-
“and happy the matches have Another American, No. 22- sult by reaching the round of 16 the turnaround seem more bi- ents’ role in her career.
been quick.” seeded Jennifer Brady, joined Peg- when he beat Lloyd Harris 7-6 (7), zarre as she beat No. 6 Karolina “When I was younger, I wanted
There were no fans in the ula in the round of 16 by beating 6-1, 6-4. In other men’s action, No. Pliskova 7-5, 7-5. to make a name for myself,” she
stands due to the start of a five- qualifier Kaja Juvan 6-1, 6-3. Brady 4 Daniil Medvedev held off a rally Muchova played in an empty said. “Then I realized, as I got old-
day lockdown imposed by the next takes on No. 28 Donna Vekic, by No. 28 Filip Krajinovic to win Rod Laver Arena. er, that I should embrace the fami-
Victoria state government in re- who rallied to beat Kaia Kanepi 6-3, 6-3, 4-6, 3-6, 6-0. “It’s a big difference,” the ly aspect and have fun with it.”


Hamlin eyes 3rd

in row at Daytona
By Jenna Fryer show if he’s a contender
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS for his first Daytona 500
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. Kevin Harvick is looking
— Denny Hamlin, consid- to rebound after falling
ered perhaps the best short of the series title in
NASCAR driver without a last year’s nine-win sea-
Cup Series championship, son. He tweeted “She’s bad
can look past that hole on fast” about his Ford,
his record. He instead though it was Stewart-Haas
points to a pair of Southern Racing teammate Aric Al-
500 trophies, a Bristol mirola who won the first
night race victory, three qualifying race and said his
road course wins, six at Po- car is strong for Sunday.
cono and the big daddy of Austin Dillon won the
them all, the Daytona 500. second duel, setting him
Hamlin has won up for a possible second
NASCAR’s crown jewel, the Daytona 500 victory on
one race that can define a the 20th anniversary of
driver’s career, three dif- Dale Earnhardt’s death.
ferent times and the last Dillon drives Earnhardt’s
two years. On Sunday, he famed No. 3 on grandfa-
will attempt to become the ther Richard Childress’
first to win three consecu- team and understands
tive Daytona 500s, a feat how emotional a victory
that would forever dull the would be in that Chevrolet.
disappointment of his “It would be amazing
championship failures. and huge for the company,
“This is something that RCR and all the 3 fans out Steph Chambers / Getty Images
no one’s ever done be- there,” Dillon said. Jordan Spieth tees off on No. 8 during the second round of the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am at Spyglass Hill
fore,” Hamlin said. “Other Dillon beat Bubba Wal- on Friday in Pebble Beach, Calif. Spieth shot 5-under 67 to lead Daniel Berger by one going into the weekend.
guys have won champion- lace to win his qualifying

Spieth leads by one at Pebble

ships, obviously. I would race in a dramatic finish
want to do something no that showed Wallace might
one else has done.” finally have the equipment
Hamlin is the 8-1 betting he needs to be competi-
favorite but the Daytona tive. Wallace is the only By Doug Ferguson the par-5 first hole after he at No. 10 on Spyglass hit a he said with a smile. “I toed
500 can be a crapshoot, Black racer at NASCAR’s A SSO C I AT ED P R E SS made the turn. tree and was never found, a 3-wood and it came out in
particularly in NASCAR’s top level and gained a na- “A little bit improved off sending him back to the tee. the fairway and I hit a 7-iron
condensed new schedule tional platform last season PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. — last week, which was the He opened with a double that happened to go right of
forced by the pandemic. for his outspokenness on Jordan Spieth took on a goal this week, to just try bogey and eventually got the right pin, below the
Speedweeks at Daytona In- social justice issues. bold tee shot and pulled it and feel like I’m getting bet- those two shots back until a hole. That was a steal there,
ternational Speedway for He landed multiple off perfectly to set up bird- ter each day,” said Spieth, three-putt bogey on the for sure.”
decades spanned nearly sponsors through his activ- ie. He hit a poor 3-wood whose tie for fourth in par-3 third and pars the rest Good breaks have been
two weeks but this year ism and Wallace brought that went off a tree and Phoenix was his best result of the way in. hard to find for Spieth over
was cut to just six days. that funding to Michael Jor- back into the fairway that since May 2019. “I haven’t Five-time champion Phil the last two years. He has
With only three practice dan and Hamlin for the led to another. made a ton of longer putts Mickelson won’t be around seen his share of shots that
sessions and a pair of 150- launch of 23XI Racing. Whether it’s good golf or … which is probably a really for the weekend, but he hit the tree and carom out-
mile qualifying races, Wallace expects Jordan good breaks, it’s making good sign that I’m keeping went out in style. Mickelson of-bounds, or tee shots that
there is no clear indication to demand results. him feel a lot better about the ball in front of me and hit two shots in the ocean bury in the rough instead of
who has cars capable of “He wants winning race his game at the AT&T Peb- striking it really nicely.” on the 18th at Pebble Beach sitting up.
winning the Daytona 500. cars, he wants a winning ble Beach Pro-Am. He shot Spieth was at 12-under and took a quadruple-bo- “I’ll tell you what, it’s cra-
Hendrick Motorsports race driver and he took an a 5-under 67 at Spyglass Hill 132, his first 36-hole lead gey 9 for an 80. zy. You go on runs of cards
swept the front row in opportunity to invest in on Friday for a one-shot since Birkdale. Spieth showed his level out here,” he said. “You get
qualifying with Alex Bow- me and he has seen some- lead over Daniel Berger go- Berger shot a 66 at Peb- of trust on the 17th hole, 325 good ones and then you go
man and William Byron, thing that sparked his in- ing into the weekend. ble Beach by going 2-3-2 yards with a sharp turn to on a bad run of cards. I’m
but Byron crashed in the terest,” Wallace said. “I like where things are along the ocean on a day the left. Instead of laying now hitting it and kind of
qualifying race and will fall “We’re just going to go out at,” Spieth said, referring to filled will sunshine and a back with a fairway metal as thinking it’s going to be a
to the back in a backup car and do what I know how to more than his name atop Pacific breeze. He holed 15- he often does, he took driv- good break again, which is
at the start of the 500. do, not change up any- the leaderboard on the foot birdie putts on the er to the front of the green, really nice.
Bowman had an engine thing, not try too hard be- weekend for the second par-3 fifth and par-3 sev- leaving him a flop shot to 5 “But you don’t rely on
problem that will cost him cause of MJ or because of straight week. enth holes, and in between feet for birdie. Cantlay in that,” he added. “It’s just
the pole if the motor needs Denny or because of the Winless since his British chipped in for eagle from the group behind was too when it happens, it’s obvi-
to be replaced. opportunity.” Open title in 2017 at Royal about 20 feet on the par-5 far right, into a bunker ously really nice.”
Chase Elliott is the reign- Birkdale, Spieth wasn’t sixth. about 40 yards short, and The cut was at 1-under 143
ing series champion but sure if he was taking baby “I didn’t make a bunch of made bogey. after 36 holes on Pebble
hasn’t had enough time to steps or a giant leap. But birdies in the middle of the Spieth surged into the Beach and Spyglass. Only
one week after relying so round and then hung in lead with a gap wedge that two courses are being used
much on his wizardry with there and toward the end got the ridge perfectly on this year because the tour-
NASCAR Cup Series the wedge and putter, this rattled off a couple and got the skinny green at No. 4, nament has no amateurs
Daytona 500 11. (37) Ryan Preece C 27. (41) Cole Custer F was a steady diet of keeping myself in a good position and followed that with a 5- (or spectators) due to CO-
Sunday’s lineup 12. (9) Chase Elliott C 28. (53) Joey Gase F the ball inside the tree- going into Saturday,” Berg- iron to 45 feet, a birdie putt VID-19 restrictions.
At Daytona, Fla. 13. (5) Kyle Larson C 29. (8) Tyler Reddick C
Lap length: 2.5 miles 14. (12) Ryan Blaney F 30. (14) Chase Briscoe F lined fairways of Spyglass, er said. helped by Rickie Fowler go- Fowler, who played
Car number in parentheses 15. (99) Daniel Suarez
16. (7) Corey LaJoie
31. (43) Eric Jones
32. (15) Derrike Cope
reducing stress and making Henrik Norlander had a ing first from the same line. alongside Spieth and de-
1. (48) Alex Bowman C 17. (34) Michael McDowell F 33. (00) Quin Houff C a few putts. 70 at Spyglass and was at 10 He reached the front of fending champion Nick
2. (24) William Byron C 18. (36) David Ragan F 34. (42) Ross Chastain C
3. (10) Aric Almirola F 19. (77) James McMurray C 35. (51) Cody Ware C
There was a 45-foot bird- under, while the group at 9- the green on the par-5 sev- Taylor (at 4-under 140),
4. (3) Austin Dillon
5. (20) Christopher Bell
20. (1) Kurt Busch C 36. (38) Anthony Alfredo F ie putt he holed on the under 135 included Patrick enth with a hybrid for a shot 75 and missed the cut
21. (47) Ricky Stenhouse Jr. C 37. (52) Josh Bilicki F
6. (23) Bubba Wallace T 22. (17) Chris Buescher F 38. (78) BJ McLeod F tough par-3 fifth hole. He al- Cantlay, whose record-ty- two-putt birdie, then fig- for the second straight
7. (6) Ryan Newman F
8. (4) Kevin Harvick F
23. (21) Matt DiBenedetto F 39. (33) Austin Cindric F so missed a few inside 10 ing 62 at Pebble Beach on ured his one miss off the tee week. Fowler has gone just
24. (2) Brad Keselowski F 40. (16) Kaz Grala C
9. (22) Joey Logano F 25. (11) Denny Hamlin T
Key: C-Chevrolet; F-Ford; T-Toy-
feet, and his lone bogey was Thursday was quickly for- would cost him on No. 8. over a year since his last fin-
10. (18) Kyle Busch T 26. (19) Martin Truex Jr. T
ota. a three-putt from 7 feet on gotten. His opening tee shot “I hit the tree off the tee,” ish in the top 10.
C8 | | Houston Chronicle HHHH

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America’s Line
Home team capitalized
Col. basketball
Top Rank program
Indiana at Ohio St.
9 p.m.
11 a.m. Tokyo Olympics chief
resigns over remarks
Favorite Pts O/U Underdog Col. basketball Loyola-Chicago at Drake ESPN2 11 a.m.
SUNS PK 227 1⁄2 76ers
Col. basketball Kansas St. at Oklahoma St. ESPNU 11 a.m.
Pacers 11⁄2 226 1⁄2 HAWKS
Rockets 11⁄2 NL KNICKS Col. basketball Connecticut at Xavier Fox 11 a.m.
Nets 3 NL WARRIORS Col. basketball Wake Forest at Florida St. FSSW 11 a.m.
JAZZ 7 NL Heat
Col. basketball Auburn at Kentucky CBS noon
NHL Col. basketball Vanderbilt at Mississippi St. SEC noon Former Japanese Prime ERA of 3.33 over 159 2⁄3
Favorite Odds O/U Underdog Col. basketball Butler at Georgetown CBSSN 12:30 p.m. Minister Yoshiro Mori innings in five seasons.
6 1⁄2
5 1⁄2
Col. basketball Boston College at Syracuse ACC 1 p.m. resigned as the chief of the • Lefthander Martin
Bruins -$135/+$115 5 1⁄2 ISLANDERS Col. basketball Tennessee at LSU ESPN 1 p.m. Tokyo 2020 Organizing Perez and the Boston Red
Lightning -$145/+$125 5 1⁄2 PANTHERS
MAPLE LEAFS -$120/even 6 Canadiens
Col. basketball Oregon at Arizona ESPN2 1 p.m. Committee after he made Sox finalized a $5 million,
PREDATORS -$175/+$155 5 1⁄2 Red Wings Col. basketball TCU at Texas LHN 1 p.m. sexist comments that one-year contract.
Hurricanes -$120/even 5 1⁄2 STARS Col. basketball Iowa at Michigan St. Fox 1:30 p.m.
BLACKHAWKS -$110/-$110 5 1⁄2 Blue Jackets added more troubles to Perez went 3-5 with a
Col. basketball Kansas at Iowa St. ABC 2 p.m.
6 1⁄2
SHARKS Col. basketball Saint Louis at Fordham CBSSN 2:30 p.m. the virus-delayed Olym- 4.50 ERA in the pandemic-
Col. basketball Georgia at Alabama SEC 2:30 p.m. pics. shortened 2020 season,
Col. basketball Duke at North Carolina St. ESPN 3 p.m. Mori, 83, announced he when he was the only
Men’s basketball
Col. basketball Arkansas at Missouri ESPN2 3 p.m. was stepping down at an starter in the Red Sox
Friday’s results Col. basketball Northwestern at Rutgers Big Ten 4 p.m. emergency meeting of the rotation to make all 12 of
East Col. basketball Villanova at Creighton Fox 4 p.m. group held Friday, after he his scheduled starts.
Col. basketball Rice at Western Kentucky CBSSN 5 p.m.
Buffalo 86, W. Michigan 54 called his remarks “inap-
Canisius 74, Quinnipiac 67 Col. basketball North Carolina at Virginia ESPN 5 p.m. NFL
Iona 85, Manhattan 67
Col. basketball Gonzaga at San Francisco ESPN2 5 p.m. propriate,” and said he
Marshall 107, Middle Tennessee 79
Mass.-Lowell 79, Albany (NY) 71 Col. basketball Mississippi at South Carolina SEC 5 p.m. cannot be a hindrance to Yoshikazu Tsuno / AP
Jaguars coach
Merrimack 72, CCSU 52
Col. basketball UCLA at Washington Pac-12 6:30 p.m. Olympics preparations. Tokyo Olympics chief
Mount St. Mary’s 64, LIU 46
Robert Morris 88, Oakland 82 (2OT) Col. basketball Saint Mary’s at Pepperdine CBSSN 7 p.m. The former premier Yoshiro Mori announced Doyle resigns
St. Francis (Pa.) 80, St. Francis Brooklyn 66
Col. basketball Southern Cal at Washington St. ESPNU 7 p.m. touched off a global back- his resignation Friday. The Jacksonville Jaguars
South Col. basketball Providence at DePaul FS1 7 p.m.
Bellarmine 66, North Alabama 64 lash, a rare rebuke from and embattled strength
Col. basketball Colorado at California ESPNU 9 p.m.
Campbell 64, SC-Upstate 49 the International Olympic Cubs and was a key part of coach Chris Doyle parted
Charleston Southern 69, High Point 68 Col. basketball UNLV at Boise St. FS1 9 p.m.
Clemson 74, Georgia Tech 72
Col. basketball Utah at Stanford Pac-12 9 p.m. Committee and criticism the rotation that led them ways Friday night, a few
Hampton 62, Presbyterian 57
Jacksonville 66, Lipscomb 60 Col. basketball Cal.-Irvine at Cal.-Riverside ESPNU 11 p.m. from crucial sponsors such to their 2016 World Series hours after a respected
Liberty 73, North Florida 61
Longwood 78, Gardner-Webb 71 Col. hockey Wisconsin at Michigan Big Ten 1 p.m. as Toyota after making title, returns after a stint in diversity group blasted the
Louisiana Tech 70, UAB 58 Col. lacrosse Jacksonville at North Carolina ACC 5 p.m. derogatory remarks this Philadelphia, where he team and called the recent
Murray St. 80, SE Missouri 60
North Texas 65, Southern Miss. 49
Col. softball Kansas at LSU SEC 7 p.m. month about women, went 22-23 with a 4.36 hiring “simply unaccept-
Stetson 74, Kennesaw St. 61 Col. volleyball Penn St. at Minnesota (w) Big Ten 7 p.m. including saying they talk ERA after signing a three- able.”
UCF 53, Tulane 49
Fishing Bassmaster Elite Series FS1 7 a.m.
VCU 67, St. Bonaventure 64 too much in meetings. year, $75 million deal. Coach Urban Meyer
W. Kentucky 77, Rice 71 Golf AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Golf noon
Winthrop 55, Radford 47
CBS 2 p.m. Current Olympics Min- • The Minnesota Twins said Doyle resigned and he
Midwest Horse racing America’s Day at the Races FS2 1:30 p.m. ister Seiko Hashimoto, finalized their $6.25 mil- accepted.
Akron 83, Miami (Ohio) 76
Cincinnati 71, Temple 69
MMA UFC 258 undercard ESPN 7 p.m. one of only two women in lion, one-year contract “Chris did not want to
Detroit 89, Cleveland St. 83 Motor sports Xfinity qualifying FS1 10 a.m. the cabinet, is a possible with right-handed reliever be a distraction to what we
Green Bay 86, N. Kentucky 82 (OT)
IUPUI 89, Ill.-Chicago 69
Motor sports Daytona 500 practice FS1 11 a.m. candidate to replace Mori. Alex Colome. are building in Jackson-
Illinois 77, Nebraska 72 (OT) Motor sports Xfinity race FS1 4 p.m. The deal, which was ville,” Meyer said in a
UMKC 62, Nebraska-Omaha 52 Motor sports AMA Supercross NBCSN 6:30 p.m.
W. Illinois 75, Denver 69 BASEBALL agreed to last week, will statement.
Wright St. 92, Milwaukee 81 Pro basketball NBAGL: Austin vs. Erie NBA 10 a.m.
Youngstown St. 84, Fort Wayne 70 Pro basketball Philadelphia at Phoenix NBA 2 p.m. MLB revamps pay Colome a $5 million The Fritz Pollard Alli-
base salary for 2021 and ance, whose mission is to
Arkansas St. 73, UALR 62
Pro basketball
Pro basketball
Rockets at New York
Brooklyn at Golden State
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
spring schedule includes a $5.5 million increase diversity in the
UTEP 75, FIU 59
UTSA 84, FAU 80 Pro hockey Ottawa at Winnipeg NHL 2 p.m. Major League Baseball option for 2022. NFL, ripped Jacksonville’s
West Pro hockey Montreal at Toronto NHL 6 p.m. revamped its spring train- Colome was the primary leadership, specifically
CS Bakersfield 76, UC San Diego 71 Pro hockey Carolina at Dallas FSSW 7 p.m. ing exhibition schedule ninth-inning pitcher for Meyer, and said racist
Portland St. 99, Simpson University 66 Pro hockey Calgary at Vancouver NHL 9 p.m.
Seattle 83, New Mexico St. 72 because of the pandemic, the White Sox the last two allegations at Iowa should
UC Davis 68, Long Beach St. 66 Soccer Liverpool at Leicester City NBCSN 6:30 a.m.
UC Riverside 86, UC Irvine 65 Soccer Burnley at Crystal Palace NBCSN 9 a.m. cutting travel for Florida- seasons, posting an 0.81 have disqualified Doyle as
Utah Valley 87, Dixie St. 72
Soccer Tottenham at Manchester City NBC 11:30 a.m. based teams in an effort to ERA and 12 saves in 21 a coaching candidate.
Women’s basketball Tennis Australian Open ESPN2 4 a.m. minimize coronavirus appearances in 2020. Meyer defended the
Friday’s results
Tennis 6 p.m. risks. • Well-traveled right- hiring of Doyle on Thurs-
Delaware 68, Drexel 60
ESPN2 8 p.m. College baseball teams handed reliever Dylan day, saying he “vetted him
Fordham 51, Saint Joseph’s 36 ESPN2 2 a.m. Sun. were dropped from the Floro was traded by the thoroughly along with our
George Washington 63, Duquesne 45 Track and field New Balance Indoor Grand Prix NBC 3 p.m.
Quinnipiac 67, Fairfield 55 revised schedules. Split- Los Angeles Dodgers to the general manager and own-
UConn 64, Georgetown 40 Radio squad games also were Miami Marlins for lefty er.”
South Col. basketball TCU at Texas 790 AM 1 p.m.
FAU 72, UTSA 59 Col. basketball Villanova at Creighton 610 AM 4 p.m.
eliminated. reliever Alex Vesia and Iowa agreed to pay
High Point 103, Radford 73
Pro basketball Rockets at New York 740 AM, 790 AM 7 p.m. In other news: pitching prospect Kyle Doyle $1.1 million in a resig-
La Salle 55, Davidson 46
Louisiana Tech 75, UAB 51 In Spanish 1010 AM • The Chicago Cubs are Hurt. nation agreement last June
UT Martin 56, Austin Peay 51
UTEP 76, FIU 64
bringing Jake Arrieta Floro, 30, went 3-0 with after more than a dozen
Wright St. 66, N. Kentucky 50 back on a one-year, $6 a 2.59 ERA in 25 games last former players said he
Midwest million deal. year for the World Series bullied and discriminated
California Baptist 82, Rio Grande 61
Dayton 72, Richmond 54
North Shore 75, Humble 48
Summer Creek 72, C.E. King 69
Arrieta, who won the champions. He has also against them. Doyle de-
Drake 83, S. Illinois 54
IUPUI 72, Youngstown St. 65 District 23-6A Chicago 15 6 5 4 16 44 47 2015 National League Cy pitched for the Rays, Cubs nied the allegations.
Dallas 11 5 3 3 13 37 30
Loyola of Chicago 67, Evansville 49 Alvin 50, Taylor 33 Nashville 14 6 8 0 12 34 48
Young Award with the and Reds, and has a career From wire reports
Missouri St. 69, Illinois St. 52 Strake Jesuit 72, Elsik 40
N. Iowa 73, Bradley 72 Detroit 15 3 10 2 8 29 49
Oakland 83, Milwaukee 82 (OT) District 24-6A West GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Saint Louis 66, VCU 50 Clear Falls 71, Clear Creek 69 St. Louis 14 8 4 2 18 47 44
UMKC 69, Nebraska-Omaha 59 Vegas 11 8 2 1 17 37 27
W. Illinois 85, Denver 68 District 24-5A Colorado 11 7 3 1 15 38 24
Marshall 75, Terry 61 Anaheim 15 6 6 3 15 30 39
District 24-4A Arizona 13 6 6 1 13 35 37
North Texas 76, Southern Miss. 55
Minnesota 11 6 5 0 12 30 30
Rice 64, W. Kentucky 55 Sealy 43, Bellville 30
Texas State 66, Texas-Arlington 45 San Jose 12 5 6 1 11 34 46
Brookshire Royal 90, El Campo 55
UALR 70, Arkansas St. 63 Wharton 58, Navasota 37 Los Angeles 13 4 6 3 11 40 44
North GP W L OT Pts GF GA
West District 22-3A Toronto 14 11 2 1 23 52 36
Arizona 60, Washington St. 51 East Chambers 71, Anahuac 58 Montreal 14 8 4 2 18 50 38
CS Bakersfield 62, UC San Diego 38 Edmonton 16 9 7 0 18 55 52
Cal Poly 70, Cal St.-Fullerton 65 (OT) District 23-3A
Winnipeg 13 8 4 1 17 46 36
Colorado 66, Southern Cal 56 Tarkington 39, Anderson-Shiro 34
Calgary 13 7 5 1 15 39 34
Hawaii 72, UC Santa Barbara 62
New Mexico St. 64, Seattle 49 District 28-3A Vancouver 17 6 11 0 12 51 66
UCLA 69, Utah 58 Vanderbilt Industrial 57, Columbus 55 Ottawa 15 2 12 1 5 32 63
Utah Valley 63, Grand Canyon 51 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime
Washington 50, Arizona St. 35 Girls basketball loss.
Bi-district playoff pairings Friday’s results
Class 6A Boston 1, N.Y. Rangers 0
Golf Region II
St. Louis 4, Arizona 1
Saturday’s games
PGA Tour Ottawa at Winnipeg, 2 p.m.
Westfield vs. College Park
AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am 1 p.m. Saturday at Westfield HS Vegas at San Jose, 3 p.m.
Friday’s second round Oak Ridge 52, Aldine Davis 17 Boston at N.Y. Islanders, 6 p.m.
At Pebble Beach, Calif. Klein Oak 37, Bridgeland 34 Montreal at Toronto, 6 p.m.
Jordan Spieth ........................................65-67—132 Spring 44, Conroe 32 Tampa Bay at Florida, 6 p.m.
Daniel Berger.........................................67-66—133 Cypress Springs 53, Klein Collins 39 Carolina at Dallas, 7 p.m.
Henrik Norlander ...................................64-70—134 Langham Creek 64, Klein Cain 38 Columbus at Chicago, 7 p.m.
Patrick Cantlay ......................................62-73—135 Grand Oaks 41, Aldine MacArthur 25 Detroit at Nashville, 7 p.m.
Tom Lewis .............................................66-69—135 Tomball Memorial 48, Cypress Lakes 43 St. Louis at Arizona, 7 p.m.
Paul Casey.............................................68-67—135 Calgary at Vancouver, 9 p.m.
Russell Knox ..........................................66-70—136 Region III Washington at Buffalo, postponed
Brian Stuard...........................................66-71—137 Tompkins 68, Travis 37 New Jersey at Philadelphia, postponed
Maverick McNealy..................................68-69—137 Cinco Ranch 57, George Ranch 38 Minnesota at Los Angeles, postponed
Cameron Percy ......................................67-70—137 Memorial 71, Bellaire 43
Nate Laley .............................................65-72—137
Tom Hoge ..............................................67-70—137
Clear Springs 59, Alief Taylor 28
Atascocita 67, Channelview 32
Akay Bhatia...........................................64-73—137 Shadow Creek 78, Clear Falls 44 Australian Open
Jason Day ..............................................69-69—138 Heights 80, Cypress Ridge 48 at Melbourne, Australia
Will Gordon ...........................................66-73—139 Beaumont West Brook 41, Dobie 39 Friday’s results
Patton Kizzire ........................................69-70—139 Clear Creek 52, Pearland 48
Jason Dufner..........................................68-71—139 Dickinson 47, Dawson 44 Men’s singles
Matt Jones.............................................67-72—139 Jersey Village 60, Westside 36 Third round
John Senden..........................................70-69—139 Summer Creek 81, Pasadena Memorial 37 Grigor Dimitrov (18), Bulgaria, def. Pablo Carreno
Cameron Tringale ..................................67-72—139 Dulles 65, Katy 39 Busta (15), Spain, 6-0, 1-0, ret.
Scott Brown ..........................................69-70—139 Deer Park 51, North Shore 41 Alexander Zverev (6), Germany, def. Adrian Man-
Max Homa.............................................69-70—139 Ridge Point 66, Seven Lakes 60 narino (32), France, 6-3, 6-3, 6-1.
Francesco Molinari.................................69-70—139 Cypress Creek 109, Lamar 38 Dusan Lajovic (23), Serbia, def. Pedro Martinez,
Vincent Whaley......................................68-71—139 Spain, 6-7 (6), 7-5, 6-1, 6-4.
Scott Stallings .......................................69-71—140 Class 5A Aslan Karatsev, Russia, def. Diego Schwartzman
Vaughn Taylor........................................67-73—140 (8), Argentina, 6-3, 6-3, 6-3.
Troy Merritt............................................71-69—140 Region II
Milos Raonic (14), Canada, def. Marton Fucsovics,
Nick Taylor .............................................69-71—140 Huntsville 66, Texarkana Texas 49 Hungary, 7-6 (2), 5-7, 6-2, 6-2.
Jim Furyk ...............................................71-69—140 Felix Auger-Aliassime (20), Canada, def. Denis
Kyle Stanley ..........................................70-70—140
Region III
Shapovalov (11), Canada, 7-5, 7-5, 6-3.
Bronson Burgoon...................................68-72—140 Angleton 64, Sterling 50 Dominic Thiem (3), Austria, def. Nick Kyrgios, Aus-
Mark Hubbard .......................................66-74—140 Foster 109, Northside 22 tralia, 4-6, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-4.
Branden Grace .......................................71-69—140 A&M Consolidated 53, New Caney 39 Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Taylor Fritz (27),
Hank Lebioda ........................................70-70—140 Barbers Hill 59, La Porte 56 United States, 7-6 (1), 6-4, 3-6, 4-6, 6-2.
Sebastian Cappelen ..............................75-65—140 Manvel 77, Nederland 44
Ben Taylor .............................................68-72—140 Kingwood Park 45, Magnolia 28 Women’s singles
Peter Uihlein ..........................................69-72—141 College Station 69, Caney Creek 17
Third round
Kevin Streelman ....................................69-72—141 Fulshear 43, Madison 39
Aryna Sabalenka (7), Belarus, def. Ann Li, United
Tim Wilkinson ........................................67-74—141 Lamar Consolidated 80, Sharpstown 27
States, 6-3, 6-1.
Brendan Steele ......................................69-72—141 Friendswood 71, Crosby 50
Marketa Vondrousova (19), Czech Republic, def.
Pat Perez ...............................................69-72—141 Bryan Rudder 45, Lake Creek 28
Sorana Cirstea, Romania, 6-2, 6-4.
Ryan Moore............................................68-73—141 Beaumont United 75, Baytown Sterling 34
Garbine Muguruza (14), Spain, def. Zarina Diyas,
Matthew NeSmith .................................74-67—141 Kazakhstan, 6-1, 6-1.
Charley Hoffman ...................................69-72—141 Class 4A Serena Williams (10), United States, def. Anasta-
Brian Harman ........................................67-74—141 sia Potapova, Russia, 7-6 (5), 6-2.
Region III
Doug Ghim .............................................69-72—141 Hsieh Su-wei, Taiwan, def. Sara Errani, Italy, 6-4,
Chez Reavie............................................74-67—141 Navasota 68, Yates 40
2-6, 7-5.
Sung Kang .............................................73-68—141 El Campo 55, Washington 37
Naomi Osaka (3), Japan, def. Ons Jabeur (27), Tu-
Michael Thompson ................................67-74—141 Lumberton 60, Huffman Hargrave 38
nisia, 6-3, 6-2.
Cameron Davis.......................................74-67—141 Silsbee 42, Livingston 41
Simona Halep (2), Romania, def. Veronika Kuder-
Sam Burns.............................................72-70—142 Brookshire Royal 83, Worthing 27
metova (32), Russia, 6-1, 6-3.
Andrew Putnam ....................................72-70—142 Kashmere 62, Bellville 49
Iga Swiatek (15), Poland, def. Fiona Ferro, France,
Brian Gay ...............................................70-72—142 Region IV 6-4, 6-3.
Wes Roach .............................................71-71—142
Rob Oppenheim ....................................72-70—142 Brazosport 45, Corpus Christi Miller 33 Saturday’s results
Chris Kirk ...............................................69-73—142 Sweeny 70, Sinton 29
Joel Dahmen ..........................................71-71—142 Rockport-Fulton 64, La Marque 45 Men’s singles
C.T. Pan ................................................70-72—142 Beeville Jones 49, Stafford 35 Third round
Beau Hossler .........................................72-70—142 Mackenzie McDonald, United States, def. Lloyd
Ryan Armour .........................................70-73—143 Class 3A Harris, South Africa, 7-6 (7), 6-1, 6-4.
Will Zalatoris .........................................69-74—143 Region III Casper Ruud (24), Norway, def. Radu Albot, Mol-
Jo Teater................................................69-74—143 dova, 6-1, 5-7, 6-4, 6-4.
Scott Piercy ...........................................69-74—143 Hitchcock 79, Hardin 51 Daniil Medvedev (4), Russia, def. Filip Krajinovic
Jhonattan Vegas....................................72-71—143 East Bernard 54, Trinity 29 (28), Serbia, 6-3, 6-3, 4-6, 3-6, 6-0.
Scott Harrington ....................................72-71—143 Boling 54, Onalaska 33
Zack Sucher ...........................................72-71—143 Women’s singles
Region IV
DeJoseph Bramlett................................73-70—143 Third round
Columbus 32, Jourdanton 29
Elina Svitolina (5), Ukraine, def. Yulia Putintseva
Holes-in-one TAPPS 4-4A (26), Kazakhstan, 6-4, 6-0.
(Name, course, hole, yards, club) Karolina Muchova (25), Czech Republic, def. Karo-
Cody Manvel, Memorial Park, 2, 133, PW Magnolia Legacy Prep 35, Cypress Chr. 24
lina Pliskova (6), Czech Republic, 7-5, 7-5.
Gregg Wintner, The Woodlands CC, 6, 173, 3-hybrid Jessica Pegula, United States, def. Kristina Mlade-
novic, France, 6-2, 6-1.
High schools Hockey Jennifer Brady (22), United States, def. Kaja Ju-
Boys basketball NHL van, Slovenia, 6-1, 6-3.
East GP W L OT Pts GF GA Donna Vekic (28), Croatia, def. Kaia Kanepi, Esto-
Friday’s results nia, 5-7, 7-6 (2), 6-4.
Boston 13 10 1 2 22 40 26
District 13-6A Philadelphia 13 8 3 2 18 46 41
Woodlands College Park 82, Grand Oaks 45 Washington
N.Y. Islanders
12 6
12 5
3 15
3 13
31 Transactions
District 17-6A Pittsburgh 12 6 5 1 13 37 44 FOOTBALL
Cy-Fair 64, Stratford 54 N.Y. Rangers 13 4 6 3 11 31 34
New Jersey 9 4 3 2 10 23 26
District 18-6A CAROLINA PANTHERS: Released DT Woodrow Ham-
Buffalo 10 4 4 2 10 30 32
Westbury 75, Westside 43 ilton. Waived S Natrell Jamerson.
Central GP W L OT Pts GF GA HOUSTON TEXANS: Released DE J.J. Watt.
District 21-6A Tampa Bay 12 9 2 1 19 44 25 NEW ORLEANS SAINTS: Released OL Nick Easton
Kingwood 76, Atascocita 73 (OT) Florida 11 8 1 2 18 37 30 and TEs Jason Vander Laan and Cole Wick.

Houston Chronicle file


By Melissa Aguilar
Be prepared for freezing It’s time to prepare the garden
for temperatures that could
temperatures in the garden dip below the 20s. Use frost

cloth if possible, since it’s
ith our recent designed for the job, but you
spring-like can also use sheets and
weather, blankets.
many Hous-
tonians have
been working in the garden. Chandler, an instructor for Ur-
Now there’s a hard freeze in our ban Harvest. “We often experi-
forecast. ence the maximum low for a
Best thing to do? Be prepared. very short ‘dip’ that occurs just
Warm days followed by a before dawn. If the dips are
really cold spell could damage short, little damage may occur
plants. Since they’ve already because there is no holding time
started their growing season, in the tissues at or below 32
they are more vulnerable to the degrees.”
cold. And with our mild winter, To prepare for a freeze, mulch
some tender plants, such as beds heavily with bark mulch,
impatiens, are still blooming. pine needles or leaves. Then,
But they won’t like what’s com- water well. This will help protect
ing. roots and encourage regrowth,
How bad will it be? “Look at and it may be adequate protec-
the hourly predictions, not just Houston Chronicle Staff tion for shrubs that can with-
the predicted low,” said Angela A storm could leave ice covering plants throughout the Houston area. Freeze continues on D6


Name that tune

By Gary Clark A male Carolina wren charmed?
CORRE SP ONDE NT in brown plumage perch- But we’re putting bird-
es slyly in a flower bed, song in human terms. In
Birdsong fills the air belting out a voluble song bird terms, songs are
around Valentine’s Day as sounding like “teakettle- complex messages critical
male birds sing sonorous teakettle-teakettle.” It’s to survival.
melodies to woo females. loud enough to be heard While the male eastern
Spring is near, and it’s by a female across the bluebird is indeed singing
time to get a mate. Hence, street. to attract a mate, his song
a male eastern bluebird A male northern cardi- is also meant to declare
perches on a nest box nal spruced up in fire- ownership of a breeding
with rich blue plumage engine red perches boldly territory. His song further
pulsating in the sunlight atop a tree and sings an assures a prospective
and croons a lilting melo- exuberant melody sound- female that his staked-out
dy sounding like “tuu-oo- ing like “dear-dear, pretty- nest box overlooks a plen- Photos by Kathy Adams Clark / Contributor A Carolina wren’s song is loud enough
lee.” It’s enough to melt a pretty-pretty.” What fe- tiful food supply for her A male eastern bluebird sings from the to be heard by his female across the
female bluebird’s heart. male would not be Nature continues on D2 top of his nest box. street.
D2 | | Houston Chronicle HH

STAR Senior Editor, @MelissAguilar @PreviewHouston


A year after COVID shutdown,

SXSW announces full virtual lineup
By Mark Olsen by Mary Wharton and drawn
L O S A N G E L E S TIME S from newly discovered footage
of Petty recording his 1994 al-
When the annual South by bum, “Wildflowers.”
Southwest event was canceled Eight films will play in the
by city officials in Austin one festival’s narrative feature com-
week before it was set to begin petition. On the documentary
in March 2020, it was among side, “Introducing, Selma Blair,”
the earlier signs that the CO- directed by Rachel Fleit, is a
VID-19 pandemic was going to portrait of the actor pursuing a
have a major impact on the risky medical procedure after
entertainment industry and her diagnosis of multiple sclero-
many other aspects of American sis. Brendan FitzGerald’s “The
life. While the SXSW Film Festi- Oxy Kingpins” examines the
val scrambled to put on a lim- opioid crisis. “Alien on Stage,”
ited online event in the wake of directed by Danielle Kummer
the cancellation, one year later, and Lucy Harvey, is about a
organizers have announced a group of British bus drivers who
full program for their entirely stage an amateur theatrical
virtual 2021 edition, scheduled adaptation of Ridley Scott’s
to run March 16-20. “Alien.”
With a lineup that includes 75 The festival will feature a
features, down from more than 2020 Spotlight of nine films that
130 last year, SXSW continues to were slated to premiere as part
reflect the moment we’re in and of last year’s event, including
the trend of pared-back, largely Michael Parks Randa and Lau-
virtual festivals. Organizers had ren Smitelli’s “Best Summer
previously announced the event Ever,” Malcolm Ingram’s
would be online, and the festi- “Clerk,” Elle Callahan’s “Witch
val had a shortened submission Associated Press Hunt,” Tamara Saviano and Paul
window. Documentaries about Demi Lovato (“Demi Lovato: Dancing With the Devil”) and Tom Petty Whitfield’s “Without Getting
“It’s just a very engaging (“Tom Petty, Somewhere You Feel Free”) are among the films set to premiere at the South by Killed or Caught” and Justine
experience of trying to move Southwest Film Festival this year. Bateman’s “Violet.”
forward and then having to The Sundance Film Festival
readapt and readapt and re- month later they’re like, ‘OK, ways to enjoy great work.’ And the pop singer’s near-fatal drug just released the numbers for its
adapt,” Janet Pierson, the festi- we’re going to do this now.’ it’s challenging every day.” overdose in 2018. The closing- mostly virtual 2021 event this
val’s director of film, said in an “It’s just everyone trying to The 2021 edition will continue day premiere is “Alone Togeth- week, reporting an increase of
interview this week about the be humble about what they’re the film festival’s strong connec- er,” directed by Bradley Bell and more than 2½ times the number
planning for this year’s event. learning and what they’re trying tion to the SXSW music festival. Pablo Jones-Soler, a portrait of of views from its prepandemic,
“And I noticed it with all our and bringing this sort of beauti- As previously announced, the pop star Charli XCX recording in-person event last year.
industry partners, people we ful spirit of, ‘Let’s try to get to festival will open with the world an album in quarantine. Also More information about this
spoke to, you could just see the parts of this stuff that are so premiere of Michael D. Ratner’s screening as part of the Headlin- year’s SXSW Film Festival and
people changing. Like, ‘We important to us. Let’s find ways “Demi Lovato: Dancing With the ers section is “Tom Petty, Some- the full lineup can be found at
would never do that’ and then a to connect. Let’s try to find Devil,” a documentary look at where You Feel Free,” directed the festival’s website,


‘Ted Lasso’ and ‘The Great North’ perfect the art of nice
By James Poniewozik overseas or in remote idylls or pretend to believe. “Perfect
N EW YO RK TIME S off the Earthly plane entirely — system!” says Moon (Aparna
as if setting a story of empathy Nancherla), the youngest son.
All it took to get me to appre- in familiar everyday America is “The Great North” is created
ciate “Ted Lasso” was an assault just too far-fetched. This Sun- by Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie
on American democracy. day, they’re joined by an ani- Molyneux-Logelin, both writers
Plenty of fans and fellow mated family comedy, Fox’s on “Bob’s Burgers,” along with
critics had recommended the lovable “The Great North,” that Minty Lewis. Like “Bob’s”
comedy, based on an NBC offers a version of Alaska Nice. (whose oddball sweetness and
Sports promo sketch, about a Alaska, in series like “North- goggle-eyed art it shares), this is
good-hearted, optimistic Kansas ern Exposure” and “Men in a comedy about the sort of fami-
football coach ( Jason Sudeikis) Trees,” has often been TV’s ly that gets mislabeled “dys-
who moves to London to man- go-to haven for misfits and functional” but is actually hy-
age a soccer team. When its first dreamers too quirky for pop- perfunctional.
season arrived on Apple TV+ last ulation-dense society. In “The So where some family sitcoms
summer, I found its early epi- Great North” (which previewed draw conflict from the charac-
sodes chuckleworthy but noth- two episodes in January), the ters’ getting on one another’s
ing compelling. It was … sweet, I delightful goofs are the Tobin nerves, here it comes from their
guess? Nice? Eh. I moved on. family, hanging together among closeness.
Cut to January. A mob at- Apple TV+ the moose and curling stones. That closeness is complicated
tacked the U.S. Capitol, the Nick Mohammed, from left, Jason Sudeikis, and Brendan Hunt The family patriarch, Beef, is by the family’s missing member,
MyPillow guy was walking into star in “Ted Lasso.” played by Nick Offerman, who, Beef ’s ex-wife. Her abandon-
the White House with notes as gruff libertarian softy Ron ment hangs over Beef and the
about martial law and the once- and she assumes that Ted is “Nice,” I realize, can be a Swanson, helped define “Parks kids, especially his teenage
rote transfer of power became a fatally unprepared for the gig. backhanded compliment — for a and Recreation” as the ur-Nice daughter, Judy ( Jenny Slate), the
white-knuckle ride. On Jan. 20, I (She’s not wrong; by the end of person or a show. Much critical- sitcom of the 2010s. Ron was focal character in the ensemble.
spent a day writing about the the season, he still doesn’t un- ly acclaimed TV is a reaction simultaneously a satire of ma- She turns to an imaginary best
uneasy TV coverage of the inau- derstand the soccer offsides against the medium’s history of chismo and a redefinition of it; friend and maternal figure,
guration, then a night reviewing rule.) phony inoffensiveness: “The Beef, essentially, is that persona Alanis Morissette (voiced by
the prime-time inauguration But in this den of cynics and Simpsons,” against insipid fami- in cartoon form. Morissette), who appears to her
special, its notes of hope cut prima donnas, the cheerfully ly comedies, “The Sopranos,” Like his brother-in-hirsute- like an arctic sky goddess amid
with minor-key reminders of uncool Ted has a secret weapon: against the ideas that people can ness Ted Lasso, Beef is a mascu- the Northern Lights.
strife and pandemic. his positivity. change and that evil is pun- line archetype detoxified. These Beef also supports Judy, in his
Too wound up to sleep, I His coaching strategy is not to ished. are Gen X children of the “Free woodsmanly way. In the Feb. 21
needed an antidote for all those drill and demand but to teach Nice is having a moment in to Be … You and Me” and “Griz- episode, they both make tenta-
days of cable news doom-watch- his losing players to believe in TV comedy. “Schitt’s Creek,” the zly Adams” era, men who can tive steps toward dating, get
ing. I decided to give “Ted Las- themselves and each other. “You Canadian series about a dispos- build a canoe or give a halftime overcome by nerves and realize
so” another shot. beating yourself up is like sessed wealthy family that finds pep talk but still know that it’s that they’re still dealing with
It was … sweet. It was nice. Woody Allen playing the clari- new purpose in a small town all right to cry. trauma. But there’s nothing
And God, did I need that. net,” he tells a team leader after (and another sitcom I’ve found Beef feels things deeply and wrong with them, Beef assures
The series, if you’re unfamil- a rough game. “I don’t want to more lovable than sidesplitting), expresses them elliptically. He her. “We’re great. We’re just also
iar with it, puts a twist on its hear it.” won a mountain of Emmys last demonstrates love through giant picky and sensitive and a little
trans-Atlantic, fish-and-chips- It’s as if, after years of vicious- fall. Series like “The Good breakfasts and safety tips. His dramatic.”
out-of-water premise. Ted, it ness and chest-thumping in Place” and “Upload” have ex- reserve comes from hard experi- It’s a positively Lassovian
turns out, has been hired under public life, “Ted Lasso” intuited plored what it means to be good ence; his wife ran off with her sentiment, with an Alaskan
false pretenses. The team own- that there was an audience for a by creating fictional afterlives. lover to Pennsylvania, after twist. Forgiving others and your-
er, Rebecca (Hannah Wadding- vision of Americanness that It may be a comment on the which he told his four kids she self, “The Great North” suggests,
ham), wants to sabotage the wasn’t ugly, an example of mas- niceness deficit in the United was mauled by a bear, a story is more than just being nice. It’s
squad to spite her ex-husband, culinity that wasn’t bellicose. States that these shows are set they all know is false and all the key to wilderness survival.

NATURE based partly on the vigor of his

song. Vigorous singing means a
• Songbirds utter complex vocal-
From page D1 healthy male who will provide izations that include harmonious
strong genes for the female’s whistles, trills, yodels and short
chicks. chicks. And if the male’s song is cheeping notes.
Yet northern cardinals and potent, he may also be a potent
• Males are the songsters, but
Carolina wrens form lifelong defender of the nest.
females of some species, like
pairs, so why do males sing Vibrant male plumage also
cardinals, also sing.
mating songs? They’re perhaps signals strong genes to the fe-
• Birdsong begins as air from the
reassuring females that they’ve male. It tells her the male is well
lungs vibrates thin membranes
laid claim to a nesting site and fed and singing on a breeding
inside the syrinx, or voice box, at
inviting her to begin breeding. territory with good feeding
the base of the windpipe.
More importantly, the male’s grounds to nourish her off-
springtime song enlivens the spring. • Muscles in the syrinx tense and
female’s reproductive hor- We don’t speak bird lan- relax the membranes to produce
mones, whether or not the guage, so let us be circumspect melodies and call notes.
birds are lifelong mates. For in ascribing specific behaviors • Birds can sing with closed
birds that don’t form perma- to specific songs. After all, it beaks because their songs are
nent pair-bonds, the male be- could be that birds sometimes shaped inside the syrinx, not
gins every spring with songs to sing purely for joy. inside the oral cavity as with
allure a new, or former, female humans.
mate. Gary Clark is the author of “Book • Nonsinging birds, like male
That’s the case with eastern of Texas Birds,” with woodpeckers, utter a nonmusical
bluebirds. A male will sing his photography by Kathy Adams chatter and attract females by
heart out, while a female may Clark (Texas A&M University Kathy Adams Clark / Contributor rhythmically drumming their
reject him for another male. Press). Email him at Northern cardinals form lifelong pairs. His song reassures the beaks on wooden or metal sur-
A female chooses a male female that he has laid claim to a nesting site. faces.
HH Houston Chronicle | | D3
word slEuTh JumblE daily crossword
Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions — forward,
backward, up, down and diagonally. ©2021 King Features Syndicate Inc.
ACROSS 49 “Henry & June” 18 Tiffs
1 Where to find an diarist 23 Move like a cat
Friday’s unlisted clue: BOBBY -- OR 50 Additional burglar
QUIVER. 6 “The Magic School characters, in 25 __ breve
Saturday’s unlisted clue gamerspeak
Bus” network 26 Jeans parts
9 Retro finish 52 Chi preceder 27 Radio host Shapiro
14 Implement 53 Would consider, 29 Sore
Allison associated with its after “is” 30 Oblong tomato
Bowden own age 56 Seatbelt campaign 32 1952 Winter
Darin 16 Impulse slogan
Olympics host
Fischer conductors 59 Variety show
Goldsboro 17 They may work on 60 Together 33 Really liked
Hull profiles 61 Hostile force something, man
Jindal 19 Jerks that surprise 62 Org. concerned 35 Priests, at times
Jones you with secrets 36 They’re usually
McFerrin 20 Lacto-__ vegetarian 63 Sculptor’s subject toward the front of
Orr an orch.
21 Fade
22 Prince __ Khan DOWN 38 “Brooklyn Nine-
Unser 23 Austin festival, 1 Org. with red, Nine” title: Abbr.
Valentine briefly white and blue 42 Some choir
Vinton 24 Recent delivery trucks members
25 Sushi bar order 2 Pre-sign sign 45 Stravinsky’s “Le __
26 Consort of Shiva 3 Acting incentive du printemps”
28 Diwali garment 4 Not sitting well? 46 Talk show host
31 Strip often twisted 5 Wave generator? who voices the
sudoKu crypToquip 34 Stellar spectacles 6 Hawaiian fare adult Dory in
37 Cause of a faux 7 What might cause “Finding Dory”
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter pas, perhaps you to forget your 48 Eschew the diner,
the numbers 1 to 9. ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal 39 Singer Adkins lines?
O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and maybe
words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. known by her first 8 Some Eastern
Solution is by trial and error. name Europeans 49 Wafer giant
40 Draft portmanteau 9 Couldn’t stand, 51 Foul film
©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
41 Parks of Alabama maybe 53 Nebraska native
43 __ slicker 10 Turnoff 54 Pub order
44 Possessive 11 One who’s 55 Gustav Mahler’s
pronoun typically up composer brother
45 Body with arms, 12 Opener 57 Decoding need
usually 13 It can be fixed 58 Red Seal record
47 Riga resident 15 Univ. helpers label company

certain cake mix boxes: Betty Crocker spaniel.

©2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. ANSWER: Dog-themed logo whose image always appears on


By Adrian Johnson and Jeff Chen ©2021 Tribune Content Agency 2/13/21

acEs on bridgE
By Bobby Wolff

to watch
Today’s hand was played in
the Transnational Teams at
the 2015 World Champion-
ships. Most declarers failed in
six hearts after the lead of the

singleton diamond 10. They
won the lead in hand, drew one
round of trumps, then played
a spade, intending to ruff the
All times Central. Start times can vary based second spade in dummy. How-
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on ever, East produced the ace and
gave West a diamond ruff to set
your on-screen guide.
the slam.
Geir Helgemo did much better.
Guy’s Ranch Kitchen After brushing aside East’s
Food Network, 11 a.m. psychic barrage while finding
out that West had no key-cards,
Guy Fieri ropes his chef pals into a chocolate- Helgemo faced the same dia-
themed outing that features Rocco DiSpirito’s mond lead. He played low from
lobster with white chocolate vanilla bourbon the dummy, retaining the ten-
ace, and won in hand. He then
gravy and Jet Tila’s mole-poblano chicken pulled two rounds of trumps,
wings. The one we’re saving room for: unblocked the club honors, and
Michael Voltaggio’s cocoa blackened steak. entered dummy with the heart the diamond lead was a single-
ace to pitch a spade on the club ton. Also, East was marked with
the spade ace on the bidding.
30 Coins king. A club ruff was followed
by the remaining trumps, put- Thus, Helgemo had a road map
HBO2, 11 a.m. ting East under pressure. to his contract.
East could either reduce to one Even on a less informative
Ahead of February 15’s season finale on auction, other declarers might
spade and two diamonds — and
HBO, binge the first seven episodes of be thrown in to open the dia- have assumed that West would
this Spanish-language fright-fest about a scarcely lead a side-suit single-
monds — or bare his diamond
ton against a slam if he was
badass exorcist (Eduard Fernandez) battling queen, which would fail since
looking at the spade ace. Given
supernatural terrors to find Judas’ blood declarer had a full count.
that inference, the winning line
Why did Helgemo play like this?
money first. He supposed that West’s deci-
of play seems indicated.
sion not to lead the suit his side
Death Saved My Life had bid and raised suggested
Lifetime, 7 p.m.  Original Film ‘Playing Cupid’ lEad wiTh ThE acEs ANSWER: Opposite a game-
On the surface it seems Jade (Meagan GEOFF NEUFELDT, CROWN MEDIA UNITED STATES LLC forcing two diamonds, you can
rebid three hearts to set hearts
Good) has it all — a successful marketing
career, a husband admired and respected NBA Basketball: teacher when the young girl begins a
matchmaking business for a school project.
as trumps, showing a solid or
semi-solid suit (ideally one miss-
in the community and a young daughter
they both dote on. But behind closed doors, Brooklyn at Golden State Stars Laura Vandervoort, Nicholas Gonzalez ing only the ace or king) and
paving the way for cue-bidding.
ABC, 7:30 p.m. Live and Mia Quaranta De La Rosa. You certainly want to play in
her life is far from idyllic. Her husband, Ed
your own long suit and are
(Chike Okonkwo), is a controlling man who
is physically and psychologically abusive.
Kevin Durant visits his former teammates
when the Brooklyn Nets are in San Francisco
Saturday Night Live intending to ask partner for key-
cards if he owns up to a spade
When Jade decides to leave Ed, he tells her, NBC, 10:30 p.m. Live control.
to face Steph Curry and the Golden State
“If I can’t have you, nobody will,” a threat Warriors. Oscar-, Golden Globe- and Emmy-winning
that becomes very real when she discovers actress Regina King (Watchmen), who made
he has hired someone to kill her. Knowing no
one will believe her, Jade realizes the only
Playing Cupid her feature film directorial debut with the
current release One Night in Miami ... , makes ©2021 Dist. By Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS

way to escape Ed is to make him believe the Hallmark Channel, 8 p.m.  Original Film her SNLhosting debut tonight. She is joined by
hitman completed the job and that she is A modern-day Emma finds David Martinez musician Nathaniel Rateliff, making his first looKing bacK birThdays
dead. being secretly set up with his daughter’s appearance as SNL’s musical guest. 1991: during Operation Today’s Birthdays: Actor
Desert Storm, allied Kim Novak is 88. Actor
George Segal is 87. Talk
CATCH A CLASSIC salute to classic big-screen love stories warplanes destroyed an
show host Jerry Springer
continues with its second day, featuring Love underground shelter in
is 77. Singer Freedom
Affair (pictured) (1939), The Shop Around Baghdad that had been Williams is 55. Actor Kelly
TCM Romantic the Corner (1940), From Here to Eternity identified as a military
command center; Iraqi
Hu is 53. Rock singer Matt
Berninger (The National) is
(1953), Gigi (1958), Doctor Zhivago (1965),
Weekend Getaway Magnificent Obsession (1954), Roman officials said 500 civilians 50. Country musician Scott
TCM, all day were killed. Thomas (Parmalee) is 48.
Holiday (1953), Pillow Talk (1959), The Singer Robbie Williams
There may be more romance than your heart Goodbye Girl (1977), The Philadelphia 2000: Charles Schulz’s
is 47. Singer-songwriter
can take as TCM’s Valentine’s Day weekend Story (1940) and Woman of the Year (1942). RKO RADIO PICTURES final “Peanuts” strip ran in Feist is 45. R&B performer
Sunday newspapers, the Natalie Stewart is 42.
day after the cartoonist died Actor Mena Suvari is 42.
in his sleep at his California Michael Joseph Jackson
home at age 77. Jr. is 24.
D4 | | Houston Chronicle HH


royal stars
Your Horoscope for Saturday, February SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHHHH
13 Today draws kindness and empathy
your way. Music and color can be power-
ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHH ful sources of inspiration. You encounter
Old and poignant memories surface creative new ideas from others.
today. A deep rapport with wild crea- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
tures and the spirit of wilderness areas HHHH Today you are more of a home-
prevails. body than ever. Real estate transactions,
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHHHH interior decorating and online family
After weeks of soul-searching, you come gatherings are a focus.
to realizations today concerning your CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHHH
wishes and goals. Romantic attachments A difficult co-worker can be a source of
mother goose and grimm can deepen into true love. concern. There is an accent on com-
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHHH munity service, politics and charitable
Today highlights your sector of fame and endeavors.
fortune. You will yearn for success and AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHH
greater recognition. Exercise careful judgement regarding
CANCER ( June 21-July 22) HHHH a risky financial suggestion made by
Important responsibilities need your another. Explore financial opportunities
attention. Maintain a positive mental and work on your budget.
outlook. Use diplomacy in all that you PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHHH
say or write. Intuitive, empathic and congenial, you
LEO ( July 23-Aug. 22) HHHHH have a special ability to relieve the suf-
Shared monies, an inheritance and other fering and anxieties of others. This you
financial matters are a focus. Investigate do today.
and gather information today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Feb. 13) Mag-
hagar the horriBle
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHHH netic, brave and hardworking, you’re a
Today highlights the future path of close powerhouse of energy. You hit the ball
relationships and teamwork of all kinds. out of the park when young. If single,
Others will communicate their needs emotionally volatile as you are, it’s
and make suggestions. Listen carefully. difficult to stay in a relationship. This
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHH year, efficiency, clarity and propriety
Surroundings affect your health. Avoid allow you to meet The One. If attached,
people and places that make you feel individuality is still always essential.
unwell. SCORPIO can figure you out.
King Features Syndicate


Brewster rockit: space Guy!

Beetle Bailey



sherman’s lagoon


dear aBBy

Dear Abby: Dear Abby:

My mom is mad at me. I A couple of our family members ha-
have been a little bad, but I bitually come late to gatherings, making
always do the dishes, sweep, the grand entrance. They attended a
clear the table and take out wedding shower several years ago. They
the trash. Every day when arrived late, ate the food and socialized
school is finished, I wait for minimally. Just as the gifts were being
Mom to get off work so she opened, the two of them got up, smiled rex MorGan, M.D.
can help me with my home- at everyone and walked out. The rest of
work, but when I do, she gets upset, mad us were shocked.
and frustrated and stops talking to me. Fifteen months later, the two attended
She tells me to do it myself, but I don’t a baby shower for the same relative.
know how to do some. She says I’m Again, they arrived late and barely inter-
smart, but I don’t know if I am. Please acted with anyone. When the meal was
help me because I want my mom happy. served, they ate and, just as the presents
— Stuck Student in North Carolina were about to be opened, they got up
and left. Several attendees commented
Dear Student: on their rudeness. How do you deal
Of course you do. When your mother with relatives who feel this is acceptable
becomes frustrated while trying to assist behavior? We were brought up to believe
with your homework, the reason may that if you attend an event, you stay for phantoM
be she is stressed about something else the event, rather than eat and run. If you
after a hard day at work, or she doesn’t can’t stay, don’t come.
know the solution. Please take that into Older family members are having a
consideration, because I have no doubt hard time accepting their behavior. Are
you are smart and want to please her. we older folk out of step with today’s
When you get stuck, ask your teacher society?
for help if he or she is available. If that — Hates Rudeness in California
isn’t workable, another solution to your
problem may be as simple as your mom Dear Hates Rudeness:
finding someone who can tutor you in The way to deal with this kind of
areas you are weak in. High school and rudeness is to point out to the offenders
college students do this (online for now) that what they are doing is disrespectful.
for extra money. You may also find help And if it happens after the warning, omit hoCus foCus
online with Khan Academy or other non- them from the guest list.
argyle sweater
profit educational organizations.
Andrews McMeel Syndication

hints from heloise

Dear Readers: air swallowing), which can result in poor

Imagine if you had to eat digestion.
on all fours, with no knife What’s the solution? An elevated
or fork. Would you rather supper dish can help. In addition to
your supper dish be flat on shortening the reach for your dog, the
the floor or elevated a few elevated dish can help kill kibble all over
inches? Dollars to donuts, HELOISE the kitchen (not fun to step on), and the
you’d say elevated. scooting of the dish all over will cease
Your dog would say the same. A dog as well.
dish on the floor can present a lot of Ask your veterinarian what she thinks
problems for your dog: neck strain, joint of the elevated supper dish.
tension and arthritis pain, to name a few. — Heloise
And it can lead to aerophagia (excessive
King Features Syndicate
HH Houston Chronicle | | D5

famiLy CiRCus Ziggy Zits


WaLLaCe tHe BRave

PeaRLs BefoRe sWine

BaBy BLues



BReaking Cat neWs


RHymes WitH oRange

HeaRt of tHe City


Hi & Lois



funky WinkeRBean
Red & RoveR

f minus
saLLy foRtH
D6 | | Houston Chronicle HH



Spring forward with new

season of scents
By Greg Morago

Whether you’re looking for a last-minute Valentine’s Day gift or simply looking forward to spring,
these scents can guide you into a new season of possibilities.

Sea change
Tom Ford’s new
Lion king Costa Azzurra
Le Lion de Chanel is captures a
named for founder Mediterranean mood
Gabrielle Chanel’s Leo in woodsy and
astrological sign, roaring watery ways with
with bergamot, lemon, notes of juniper,
patchouli and cypress, green
sandalwood; $200-$350 woods, oak, citrus
at Neiman Marcus and and salty sea air;
Chanel, Galleria. $134-$184 at
Nordstrom and Tom
Chanel Tom Ford Ford, Galleria.

Love is a rose
Miss Dior Rose
N’Roses features
sparkling Grasse
and Damascus
roses with hints of
geranium and
mandarin; $85 and
Marc Jacobs Jo Malone London $107 (a new roller
pearl, $39, just
Daisy chain Paradise found launched) at Dior,
Marc Jacobs’ limited-edition Daisy Marc Jacobs is Jo Malone London’s Yellow Hibiscus Cologne River Oaks District.
a spring burst of pink roses and rose wood spiced from its Blossoms collection is a tribute the state
with green cardamom; $86 and $100 at Macy’s. flower of Hawaii, drenched in tropical floral with
hints of lime and jasmine; $74-$144 at Jo Malone
River Oaks District and Galleria. Dior

Star struck
Bond No. 9 Feminine
Off-Broadway is a wiles
tribute to the love Summer Gucci puts a
of live theater loving new look on
bound up in a Escada Guilty Eau de
“floriental” scent Summer Festival Toilette Pour
that casts the captures Femme with a
limelight on summer in rose-gold
grapefruit and sparkling cherry redesign for its
black currant with blossom, green heady mix of
notes of lily, mandarin, mandarin, lilac,
osmanthus, vetiver, jasmine and peach and
musk and sandalwood; geranium
patchouli; $50-$84 at Ulta. warmed by
$260-$410 at Saks pink peppers,
Fifth Avenue. patchouli and
amber; $83-$110
Bond No. 9 at Dillard’s.


Dream destinations
Creed’s Acqua
Isn’t it romantic? Originale Collection
Hugo Boss includes Green Neroli, a
celebrates romance celebration of
with Boss The Scent Mediterranean summer
Pure Accord for Her, with red mandarin,
an indulgent merger sweet orange, neroli,
of flower and wood carraway, rosemary and
featuring osmanthus lemon; $315 at
flower and sparkling and
bergamot grounded Neiman Marcus in April.
by a base of musk;
$85-$108 at Macy’s.

Hugo Boss Creed

FREEZE fabric will hold the heat, but

don’t let the plastic touch the
Freeze tips for the home
John Moore Services offers homeowners these tips to protect against
roots lack the insulation of the
earth, they can get much colder
From page D1 plants or it will burn the foliage. than in-ground plants.
freeze damage:
Weigh the covers down with If you have a sprinkler system,
Protect your pipes: Wrap outdoor pipes and faucets in rags, foam or
stand freezing temperatures — bricks or stones. Putting a bucket turn it off and drain it, then
other insulating material and secure with duct tape.
including roses, azaleas, abelias, of water under the cover can cover it with a towel or blanket.
Protect your plants and pets: Pets must be brought inside, along
boxwoods, hawthorns, holly, help keep plants warm, accord- After the freeze, don’t remove
with potted plants. Drape a cloth over outside plants to prevent ice
ligustrum, loropetalum, nandi- ing Texas A&M Agrilife Extension the frost or ice. Let plants warm
crystals. Watering your plants before it gets cold can also help.
na, wax myrtle and yaupon. experts. up on their own. Raising the
Temperatures in the low 20s, Remove the covers as temper- Run your heater: Test run your heater for at least five minutes to temperature too quickly could
and possibly into the teens, are atures rise during the day so the ensure it’s in good condition. hurt the plant’s cell tissues. Go
forecast early next week. Azaleas sun can warm the soil. Then Run your faucet: In older homes especially, it is important to main- ahead and remove soggy plant
and camellias are already bud- reapply the covers at night if tain circulation of water in the home by leaving one faucet lightly material from impatiens and
ding, and the blooms could die freezing weather is still in the running. begonias, but leave shrubs and
at these temperatures, so they forecast. Turn off the sprinkler system: Turn off the water valve to the sprin- woody plants alone. Leaving
will need cover. It’s a good idea to cover bed- kler and drain the system to help prevent water expanding and dam- dead limbs and foliage at the
“Frost cloth is best because it ding plants also. If temperatures aging vulnerable parts of the system. tops of plants will help protect
is specifically designed to do this drop into the low 20s, even snap- the lower leaves and branches.
job, but you can also use sheets dragon blooms may show dam- Delay pruning the damaged
and blankets,” Chandler said. age. Alyssum, calendula, cycla- wood until the threat of frost is
Look for protective row cov- men, dianthus, pansies, petu- — may lose their leaves and tops well-watered, but not saturated. over.
ers, or frost cloth, at garden nias, stock and primrose blooms in a hard freeze. These should If your hibiscus or plumeria is And hold off on your Valen-
centers. If you use blankets, you should be able to tolerate short return from the roots in spring if in a container, move it indoors or tine’s Day rose pruning until this
may need supports so you don’t drops into the 20s without cover. adequately mulched. Loquats to the garage. You may want to freeze danger is past.
crush the plants. Some plants — such as duran- and oleander can be damaged by move all your containers into the
A sheet of plastic over the ta, angel’s trumpet and hibiscus the cold, too; keep the roots garage. Because potted plants’

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