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abcde Saturday, February 13, 2021

In state’s eligibility rules, some serious TRUMP ON TRIAL

medical conditions don’t make the cut Defense team

By Deanna Pan

WEYMOUTH — Since the pandemic began,

tears into
Monica Jennings’s world, already small, has got-
ten smaller. Friends no longer visit. Family doesn’t
come. She spends her days confined within the
purple walls of her bedroom — watching anime,
reading fantasy novels, and dabbling in online
“I can’t go anywhere,” Jennings said, sprawled Lawyers call impeachment ‘hypocrisy’
across her bed, her MacBook propped on her lap,
“without going to the hospital.” as Senate prepares to vote Saturday
Jennings, 26, has 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,
a genetic disorder caused by a tiny missing piece By Peter Baker own language, which they
of her 22nd chromosome. Her health challenges and Nicholas Fandos deemed just as incendiary as
are complex: Jennings has an immune deficiency, NEW YORK TIMES Trump’s.
bronchiolitis, and is on the autism spectrum. An Former president Donald In so doing, the former pres-
oxygen concentrator helps her breathe while she Trump’s legal team mounted a ident’s lawyers went after not
sleeps. A feeding pump delivers formula to her combative defense Friday fo- just the House Democrats serv-
belly. She struggles to wear a face mask because, cused more on assailing Demo- ing as managers, or prosecu-
as she said, “my lungs make it harder for me than crats for “hypocrisy” and “ha- tors, in the Senate impeach-
most people.” Monica Jennings has a chromosome disorder and several medical issues. tred” than justifying Trump’s ment trial, but half of the jurors
MORBIDITIES, Page A7 Under the state’s rules, she does not qualify for earlier vaccine access. own months-long effort to over- sitting in front of them in the
turn a democratic election that chamber. A rat-a-tat montage of
c ulminated in last month’s video clips played by the Trump
deadly assault on the Capitol. team showed nearly every
After days of powerful video Democratic senator as well as
‘You have to take advantage of the opportunities to be romantic.’ footage showing a mob of President Biden and Vice Presi-
Trump supporters beating po- dent Kamala Harris using the
JAMES MICHAEL SAMA, relationship coach lice officers, chasing lawmak- w o r d “ f i g h t ” o r t h e p h ra s e
ers, and threatening to kill the “fight like hell” just as Trump
vice president and House did at a rally of supporters on
speaker, Trump’s lawyers de- Jan. 6 just before the siege of
nied that he had incited what the Capitol.
they called a “small group” that “Suddenly, the word ‘fight’ is
turned violent. Instead, they off limits?” said Michael van
tried to turn the tables by call- der Veen, one of the lawyers
ing out Democrats for their TRIAL, Page A2

Mass. unveils new

vaccine sign-up site
Upgrade follows and find what sites near them
have available slots, and when.
complaints The state’s first website requires
residents to visit individual vac-
about ease of use cination providers and under-
take a lengthy — and often fruit-
By Hiawatha Bray less — search, filling out a new
and Travis Andersen form for each one, before find-
GLOBE STAFF ing out whether a slot is avail-
Amid scathing criticism of able.
the state’s online system for
f i n d i n g C O V I D - 1 9 va c c i n e ºFor more vaccine news, visit
shots, Massachusetts officials
Friday unveiled a substantial up-
grade that is intended to make it Still, the new tool falls far
much easier for residents to short of the easy sign-up proce-
quickly find available appoint- dures offered in other states;
ments near them. Massachusetts residents, for ex-
The result is a new website, ample, must still navigate to the, that uses a individual vaccination provid-
simpler, uncluttered interface ers, where they can enroll and
for people to enter their location WEBSITE, Page A6

CDC The Biden administration

announced plans for tens of
thousands of asylum-seek-

guidance ers waiting in Mexico to be

allowed into the United
States while their cases pro-
on schools ceed. A4.

House Speaker Ronald Mari-
ano remade the chamber’s
leadership this week, put-
ting slightly more represen-
By Naomi Martin tatives of color in charge of
GLOBE STAFF committees, among other
and Jeremy C. Fox changes. B1.

Massachusetts educators and Shares in HubSpot rose

families welcomed updated 16 percent after its fourth-
guidelines released Friday from quarter earnings beat Wall
the nation’s top public health Street’s expectations. D1.
Alison Buttiglieri worked on a floral arrangement at Exotic Flowers in Roslindale. Rick Canale, vice president agency that say in-person
of Exotic Flowers, said people are “using flowers to connect with each other again.” schooling can resume safely with
masks, social distancing, and
other coronavirus containment


The Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention’s new guid-
Chilling station
ance for getting students back to
classrooms said that vaccination
of teachers, though important, is Saturday: Cold, snow later.
not a prerequisite for reopening, High: 25-30. Low: 23-28.
and there is strong evidence now Sunday: Snow, sleet.
By Janelle Nanos
Retailers and year, according to a LendingTree sur-
vey. And the National Retail Federa-
that schools can safely reopen,
especially at lower grade levels.
High: 31-36. Low: 27-32.
How do you spice up a pandemic? matchmakers adjust tion expects consumer spending on But the agency’s guidance is
Sunrise: 6:43 Sunset: 5:14
A bizarre question, perhaps. But their sweethearts to dip to $21.8 bil- only that. The CDC cannot force Comics and Weather, C8-9.
for retailers whose revenues tend to to the strangeness of lion this year, down 20 percent from schools to reopen because such Obituaries, D5.
surge every year in mid-February, it’s
been an increasingly pressing issue. this Valentine’s Day last year’s record splurge of $27.4 bil-
decisions are made at the state
and local level, and CDC officials
VOL . 299, NO. 44
Consider the circumstances, which That poses a unique challenge for were careful to say they are not
might make Cupid cringe: We’re the brands and industries that tend to calling for a mandate that all US *
home all day and night. We’re anx- and Zoom dates. traffic in romance, from restaurants schools be reopened. Suggested retail price
ious. We’re wearing sweat pants an in- Suffice it to say that for many, Val- to florists. COVID-19 has already The new federal guidance in- $3.00
ordinate amount of time, and we’re entine’s Day isn’t exactly top of mind. made doing business exponentially cludes many of the same mea-
around our partners 24/7. And for the In fact, nearly 40 percent of Ameri- harder. It’s now forcing many in the sures backed by the CDC prior to
uncoupled, it’s that much harder to cans are planning to skip the day of love-game to contemplate the impos- the beginning of the school year
find love in an era of social distancing hearts and roses to save money this VALENTINE'S DAY, Page A10 SCHOOLS, Page A6
A2 The Nation T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1


Defense team
puts focus on
uTRIAL viction, including Senators Mitt
Continued from Page A1 Romney of Utah, Susan Collins
hurriedly hired in recent days of Maine, and Lisa Murkowski
to defend Trump. “Spare us the of Alaska, peppered the lawyers
hypocrisy and false indigna- with questions about what
tion. It’s a term that’s used over Tr u m p k n e w a n d w h e n h e
and over and over again by pol- knew it during the attack. The
iticians on both sides of the managers have argued that it
aisle.’’ was not just the president’s
To emphasize the point, the words and actions in advance
Trump team played some of the of the attack that betrayed his
same clips four or five times in oath, but his failure to act more
less than three hours as some of assertively to stop his support-
the Democratic senators shook ers after it started.
their heads and at least one of Responding to the senators,
their Republican colleagues the defense lawyers pointed to
laughed appreciatively. Among mildly worded messages and a
those featured in the video was video that Trump posted on
Massachusetts Senator Eliza- Twitter after the building was
beth Warren, whose presiden- stormed calling on his support-
tial campaign slogan was ers not to use violence while
“Dream big, fight hard.” still endorsing their cause and
The lawyers argued that the telling them that he loved
trial was “shameful” and “a de- them. The managers repeated Michael van der Veen, an attorney for Donald Trump, accused Democrats of hypocrisy and “false indignation.”
liberate attempt by the Demo- t h a t Tr u m p n e v e r m a d e a
crat Party to smear, censor, and strong, explicit call on the riot- might reach safety.” about the president’s conduct,
cancel” an opponent and then ers to halt the attack, nor did he The Senate voted to award but argued that he was exercis-
rested their case without using send help. Goodman the medal — the ing his free-speech rights in his
even a quarter of the 16 hours Romney and Senator Bill highest honor Congress can be- fiery address to a rally before
allotted to the former presi- Cassidy, Republican of Louisi- stow — by unanimous consent. supporters broke into the Capi-
dent’s defense. ana, zeroed in on Trump’s fail- Goodman was in the Senate tol. The lawyers leaned heavily
In the process, they tried to ure to exhibit any concern over chamber as Schumer spoke, on Trump’s single use of the
effectively narrow the prosecu- the safety of his own vice presi- and the entire Senate stood and word “peacefully” as he urged
tion’s “incitement of insurrec- dent, Mike Pence, who was tar- turned toward him, giving him backers to march to the Capitol
tion” case as if it centered only geted for death by the former a standing ovation. He put his while minimizing the 20 times
on their client’s use of that one president’s supporters because hand on his heart. he used the word “fight.”
phrase in that one speech in- he refused to try to block final- During the trial, Trump law- Stacey Plaskett, a Democrat-
stead of the relentless cam- ization of the election. Even af- yers Bruce Castor and David ic delegate from the Virgin Is-
paign that Trump waged since ter Pence was evacuated from Schoen were largely supplanted lands and one of the managers,
last summer to discredit an the Senate chamber that day, Friday by van der Veen, who of- objected that many of the faces
election he would eventually Trump attacked him on Twitter, fered the sort of aggressive per- singled out in the videos of
lose and galvanize his support- saying that “Mike Pence didn’t A defense exhibit included a tweet from Trump. formance that Trump prefers Democratic politicians and
ers to help him cling to power. have the courage to do what from his representatives as he street protesters were Black. “It
“They really didn’t address should have been done.” cratic speeches. “I think it is moved from office because his accused the other side of “doc- was not lost on me so many of
the facts of the case at all,” said Van der Veen told the sena- plainly a distraction from Don- term has ended, he could be toring the evidence” with “ma- them were people of color and
Representative Jamie Raskin, tors that “at no point was the ald Trump inviting the mob to barred from ever seeking public nipulated video,” all to promote women, Black women,” she
Democrat of Maryland and the president informed that the Washington,’’ Senator Richard office again. “a preposterous and monstrous said.
lead impeachment manager. vice president was in any dan- Blumenthal, Democrat of Con- At the end of the day, the lie.” The defense lawyers argued
After the Trump team’s ab- ger.” But in fact, Senator Tom- necticut, told reporters during Senate found agreement on one A personal injury lawyer that Democrats were pursuing
breviated defense, the senators my Tuberville, Republican of a break in the trial. matter: the chamber voted to whose Philadelphia law firm Trump out of personal and par-
posed their own questions. Alabama, told reporters this But for Republicans looking give the Congressional Gold solicits slip-and-fall clients on tisan animosity, using the word
The questions, a total of 28 week that he spoke by tele- for reasons to acquit Trump, Medal to Eugene Goodman, a the radio, van der Veen pro- “hatred” 15 times during their
submitted in writing and read phone with Trump during the the de fense was more than Capitol Police officer who led a ceeded to lecture Raskin, who formal presentation, and they
by a clerk, suggested that most attack and told him that Pence enough. “The president’s law- violent mob away from the Sen- taught constitutional law at cast the trial as an effort to sup-
Republicans remained likely to had been rushed out of the yers blew the House managers’ ate doors on Jan. 6. American University for more press a political opponent and
vote to acquit Trump when the chamber to protect him from case out of the water,” said Sen- Senate majority leader than 25 years, about the Consti- his supporters.
Senate reconvenes for final ar- the mob. And officials have said ator Ron Johnson, Republican Chuck Schumer called the vote tution. “It is about canceling 75 mil-
guments at 10 a.m. Saturday, that Trump never called Pence of Wisconsin. at the end of the day’s impeach- The managers’ arguments, lion Trump voters and crimi-
blocking the two-thirds su- to check on his safety and did The managers need 17 Re- ment proceedings, noting van der Veen said, were “less nalizing political viewpoints,”
permajority required by the not speak with him for days. publicans to join all 50 Demo- Goodman’s “foresight in the than I would expec t from a van der Veen said.
Constitution for conviction. Senate Democrats dismissed crats to reach the two-thirds re- midst of chaos, and his willing- first-year law student.”
Some of the few Republi- the defense’s efforts to equate quired for conviction. Although ness to make himself a target of He and his colleagues of- Material from the Associated
cans thought to be open to con- Trump’s actions with Demo- Trump can no longer be re- the mob’s rage so that others fered little new information Press was used in this report.

This time, Trump gets a legal team that does things his way
By Michael S. Schmidt lence,” van der Veen said. “What stemmed from Castor’s widely
and Maggie Haberman he was instructing them to do panned appearance Tuesday,
NEW YORK TIMES was to challenge their oppo- when he delivered a rambling,
Ever since Donald Trump be- nents in primary elections to unfocused opening statement
gan his run for president, he has push for sweeping election re- that enraged his client. Trump
been surrounded by an ever- forms, to hold Big Tech respon- has told advisers and friends he
shifting cast of sible.” did not want to hear from Cas-
ANALYSIS l a w y e r s w i t h Giuliani repeatedly told asso- tor anymore, people familiar
varying abilities ciates that he would be involved with the Trump team’s discus-
to control, channel, and satisfy in the impeachment defense, sions said.
their mercurial and headstrong despite his status as a potential People familiar with the
client. witness, since he addressed the makeup of the legal team said
During the final weeks of the Trump rally crowd on Jan. 6. Eric Herschmann, a lawyer and
2016 campaign, Michael Cohen Trump ultimately told Giuliani ally of the president’s son-in-
arranged for hush money pay- that he would not be involved. law, Jared Kushner, who worked
ments to be made to a former But Trump’s advisers strug- in the West Wing in the final
pornographic film actress. In gled to find a legal team that year of the administration, was
the second year of Trump’s pres- would defend him. a key figure in putting it togeth-
idency, John Dowd, head of the Finally, with help from an al- er.
team defending the president in ly, Senator Lindsey Graham, Re- When Trump asked Her-
the Russia investigation, quit af- publican of South Carolina, schmann who had hired Castor
ter he concluded that Trump Trump’s advisers announced after his disastrous outing Tues-
was refusing to listen to his that he had hired Butch Bowers, day, Herschmann, according to
counsel. a well-known lawyer with expe- two people with knowledge of
By Trump’s third year in of- rience representing South Caro- the exchange, sought to lay the
fice, he had found a new lawyer lina politicians facing crises. blame on Mark Meadows, the
to do his bidding as Rudy Giu- The National Guard has been on patrol all week. The trial is expected to end with a vote today. But just over a week before former White House chief of
liani first undertook a campaign the trial was to begin, Bowers staff. Herschmann did not re-
to undermine Joe Biden and cent predecessors. Although “At the outset of the adminis- Democrats found their per- and the four lawyers connected spond to an e-mail seeking com-
then helped lead the fruitless ef- federal investigators uncovered tration I would have said it formance infuriatingly mislead- to him abruptly left, though an- ment.
fort to overturn the results of the hush money payments and would be remarkable for some- ing, but it potentially provided other lawyer, David Schoen, By the end of the day Friday,
the 2020 election, with stops in significant evidence he may one to run this gauntlet and sur- the vast majority of Republicans who was expected from the be- van der Veen, a personal injury
Ukraine and at Four Seasons To- have obstructed the Russia in- vive,” said Chuck Rosenberg, a in the Senate opposed to con- ginning to be part of the team, lawyer from Philadelphia, had
tal Landscaping along the way. vestigation, he was never former longtime senior Justice victing Trump with talking remained on board. emerged as Trump’s primary de-
On Friday, the latest mem- charged. He was acquitted by Department official. points they can use to justify In another reminder of his fender, handling questions from
bers of Trump’s legal cast took the Senate in his first impeach- After initially stumbling in their votes. ad hoc approach, Trump asked senators, making a series of
center stage in his impeach- ment trial related to the its first round of arguments “Hypocrisy,” one of Trump’s a s s o c i at e s T h u r s d ay n i g h t false and outlandish claims,
ment trial and for the most part Ukraine pressure campaign, Tuesday, the latest team — ei- lawyers, Michael van der Veen, whether it was too late to add or calling the impeachment a ver-
delivered exactly what he al- and he appeared poised Friday ther the seventh or eighth to de- said after they played a several- remove lawyers from the team. sion of “constitutional cancel
ways seems to want from his to see a similar outcome in this fend Trump since he became minutes-long clip of prominent Ju s t a f e w h o u r s b e f o r e culture,” and declaring that Fri-
lawyers: not precise, learned le- impeachment. president, depending on your Democrats and media commen- Trump’s team was to appear in day’s proceedings had been his
gal arguments but public com- Legal experts, white-collar math — followed the playbook tators using language like the well of the Senate, the group “most miserable” experience in
bat, in this case including twist- defense lawyers, and even some Trump has long wanted his law- “fight” in an effort to show that was still hashing out the order Washington.
ed facts, rewritten history, and of Trump’s former lawyers ac- yers to adhere to. Trump’s own words before the of appearance of his two chief Representative Jamie
attacks on opponents. knowledge that his survival has They channeled his grievanc- riot could have had no role in lawyers, Schoen and Bruce L. Raskin, Democrat of Maryland
Despite an often unorthodox largely been a function of the es and aggressively spun what- inciting the violence. Castor Jr. In the end, they decid- and the lead House impeach-
and undisciplined approach fact that he is the president of about arguments that tried to “The reality is, Mr. Trump ed that a third lawyer, van der ment manager, responded, “I
from his legal teams, Trump has the United States, a position cast his own behavior as not so was not in any way, shape, or Veen, would deliver the opening guess we’re sorry, but man, you
survived more legal challenges that has given him great powers bad when compared with the form instructing these people to act. should have been here on Jan.
as president than any of his re- to evade legal consequence. other side. fight or to use physical vio- The uncertainty apparently 6.”
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A4 The Nation T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1


Some GOP
who might
be on fence
By Mary Clare Jalonick

crats need a minimum of 17 Re-
publicans to vote with them to
convict former president Donald
Trump of incitement of insurrec-
tion, and that appears unlikely.
If Trump were convicted, the
Senate could take a second vote
to ban him from running for of-
fice again. A final vote is likely
on Saturday.
Here’s a look at the Republi-
cans whom Democrats are eye-

The frequent Trump critics

Republican Senators Lisa
Murkowski of Alaska, Ben Sasse
of Nebraska, Mitt Romney of
Utah, and Susan Collins of
Maine have been clear that they
believe Trump incited the riots
on Jan. 6. While none of them
are locks to vote for conviction,
they have joined with Democrats Asylum-seekers, many of whom were returned to Mexico under the “Remain in Mexico” policy, waited in line in 2019 to get a meal in Matamoros, Mexico.

US to admit 25,000 asylum-seekers

twice to vote against GOP efforts
to dismiss the trial.
Collins said Trump does
“bear responsibility for working
up the crowd and inciting this
mob.” Murkowski called on
Trump to resign after the attack,
telling a local paper three days
Arrivals will be quential policies to deter asy-
lum-seekers from coming to the
migration system,” said Home-
land Security Secretary Ale-
place a humane and moral sys-
tem and process.”
More people are ge tting
stopped crossing the border ille-
later that “I want him out. He able to wait for United States. About 70,000 jandro Mayorkas. “This latest Hearings for people enrolled gally since Biden took office.
has caused enough damage.” asylum-seekers were enrolled in action is another step in our in “Remain in Mexico” have Raul Ortiz, deputy chief of
Romney tweeted on Jan. 6: court hearings “Remain in Mexico,” officially commitment to reform immi- been suspended since June be- the Border Patrol, said Tuesday
“What happened at the U.S. Cap- called “Migrant Protection Pro- gration policies that do not cause of the pandemic. Getting that more than 3,000 people had
itol today was an insurrection, By Elliot Spagat tocols,” since it was introduced align with our nation’s values.” word out on when to report to been stopped crossing the bor-
incited by the President of the ASSOCIATED PRESS in January 2019. Homeland Security said the the border for release in the der illegally in each of the previ-
United States.” During the trial, SAN DIEGO — The Biden On Biden’s first day in office, move “should not be interpret- United States may prove a ous 10 days, compared to a daily
the Democrats showed video of administration on Friday an- the Homeland Security Depart- ed as an opening for people to daunting job. average of 2,426 in January.
Romney narrowly escaping the nounced plans for tens of thou- ment suspended the policy for migrate irregularly to the Unit- Homeland Security said it About 50 to 80 adults and
mob, redirected by a Capitol Po- sands of asylum-seekers waiting new arrivals. Since then, some ed States.” Administration offi- would soon announce a “virtual children have been arriving dai-
lice officer as he unknowingly in Mexico for their next immi- asylum-seekers picked up at the cials have said repeatedly that registration process” available ly since Jan. 27 at Catholic
ran toward the violent crowd. gration court hearings to be al- border have been released in the vast majority of people who online and by phone for people Charities of the Rio Grande Val-
Sasse said Trump had “lied lowed into the United States the United States with notices cross the border illegally are to learn where and when they ley in Texas, which temporarily
to” Americans and the “conse- while their cases proceed. to appear in court. quickly expelled under a public should report. It urged asylum- houses people released by the
quences are now found in five The first of an estimated Biden is quickly making health order in place since the seekers not to report to the bor- Border Patrol, said Sister Nor-
dead Americans and a Capitol 25,000 asylum-seekers in Mexi- good on a campaign promise to pandemic struck in March, but der unless instructed. ma Pimentel, the group’s execu-
building that’s in shambles.” In a co with active cases will be al- end the policy, which the Trump releases of some asylum-seek- Asylum-seekers will be test- tive director. The charity tests
recent video, he said Republican lowed in the United States on administration said was critical ing families in Texas and Cali- ed for COVID-19 before enter- for COVID-19 and sends any-
politics shouldn’t be about the Feb. 19, authorities said. They to reversing a surge of asylum- fornia has worked against that ing the United States. one who tests positive to a hotel
“weird worship of one dude.” plan to start slowly with two seekers that peaked in 2019. messaging. The announcement provides for isolation.
Romney was the sole GOP border crossings each process- But the policy also exposed peo- White House press secretary no relief to people whose cases Jewish Family Service of San
guilty vote in the first impeach- ing up to 300 people a day and a ple to violence in Mexican bor- Jen Psaki said Thursday that were dismissed or denied, Diego housed 191 asylum-seek-
ment trial, leaving the Demo- third crossing taking fewer. Ad- der cities and made it extremely she was concerned that limited though administration officials ers the first 10 days of February
crats far short of conviction. ministration officials declined difficult for them to find law- releases in the United States did not rule out additional mea- after they were released by US
to name them out of fear they yers and communicate with may encourage others to cross sures. Advocates argue that authorities, up from 144 in Jan-
Headed out may encourage a rush of people courts about their cases. illegally because “we don’t want communication problems, in- uary and 54 in December, said
Pennsylvania Senator Pat to those locations. “As President Biden has people to put themselves in cluding lack of working ad- Eitan Peled, the group’s border
Toomey, who is retiring from the The move is a major step to- made clear, the US government danger at a time where it is not dresses in Mexico, caused some services advocate. They are
Senate next year, has also voted ward dismantling one of former is committed to rebuilding a the right time to come, because to miss hearings and lose their quarantined in hotels for 10
twice with Democrats to move president Trump’s most conse- safe, orderly, and humane im- we have not had time to put in cases as a result. days.
forward with the trial. He called
for Trump’s resignation after the
Three other GOP senators
have said they will not run again Guantanamo site closing sought Memorial to remain at site
in two years, potentially freeing
them up to vote against Trump
and anger base voters in the par-
Biden aiming to of George Floyd’s death
ty – Ohio Senator Rob Portman, shut prison that By Amy Forliti will remain at the intersection,
North Carolina Senator Richard and area residents and busi-
opened in 2002

Burr, and Alabama Senator MINNEAPOLIS — A memo- nesses will get a chance in the
Richard Shelby. All three voted rial honoring George Floyd will upcoming weeks to give feed-
to dismiss the trial, but Portman By Ben Fox remain at the Minneapolis in- back on options for a new inter-
says he still has an open mind ASSOCIATED PRESS tersection where he was pinned section design.
about conviction. WASHINGTON — President to the ground by a police officer Frey said the city has heard
Biden will seek to close the in the moments before he died from many in the community,
Cassidy as wild card prison on the US base at Guan- last May, but the streets will re- including Floyd’s fiancee, who
Louisiana Senator Bill Cassi- tanamo Bay following a review, open to two-way traffic at the said she doesn’t want tires to
dy, who is up for reelection in resuming a project begun un- conclusion of the officer’s mur- run over the spot where Floyd
2022, voted two weeks ago for a der the Obama administration, der trial, city leaders said Friday. was pinned to the ground be-
GOP effort to dismiss the trial. the White House said Friday. The United States opened the detention center to hold The intersection of 38 th fore he died.
But he switched his vote this White House press secre- people suspected of ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Street and Chicago Avenue – Floyd, a Black man who was
week, saying Trump’s lawyers tary Jen Psaki said it was the now known as George Floyd handcuffed, died May 25 after
had done a “terrible” job making “intention” of the Biden admin- 2002 to hold people suspected sive review process created un- Square — has been closed since former police officer Derek
the case that the trial was uncon- istration to close the detention of ties to Al Qaeda and the Tali- der Obama as part of the effort late May, as the corner became a Chauvin, who is white, pressed
stitutional. facility, something former pres- ban. It became a source of in- to close the detention center makeshift memorial to Floyd his knee against Floyd’s neck as
ident Barack Obama pledged to ternational criticism over the and transfer the remaining and a space for community he said he couldn’t breathe.
Thune takes heat from Trump do within a year shortly after mistreatment of prisoners and prisoners to US facilities. healing. Mayor Jacob Frey said Floyd’s death sparked protests
South Dakota Senator John he took office in January 2009. the prolonged imprisonment of At its peak in 2003, the de- the current situation at one of in Minneapolis and beyond,
Thune, the number two Senate Psaki gave no timeline, tell- people without charge. tention center at the Navy base the city’s busiest corridors is not leading to a nationwide reckon-
Republican, dismissed Trump’s ing reporters that the formal re- The announcement of the on the southeast tip of Cuba sustainable. ing on race. Chauvin is charged
attempts to challenge the certifi- view would be “robust” and closure plan, first reported by held nearly 680 prisoners. “We will be moving forward with second-degree murder and
cation of President Biden’s elec- would require the participation Reuters, was not unexpected. Amid the international out- in a substantial way to memori- manslaughter and is scheduled
tion victory. of officials from the Depart- Biden had said as a candidate rage, former president George alize George Floyd, to memorial- for trial March 8.
Still, Thune has voted twice ment of Defense, the Justice De- he supported closing the deten- W. Bush called it a “a propagan- ize his life and to make this Three other former officers,
to dismiss the impeachment partment, and other agencies. tion center. Defense Secretary da tool for our enemies and a space an ongoing space for racial charged with aiding and abet-
case. He said Friday that he was “There are many players Lloyd Austin said so as well in distraction for our allies” and justice and healing,” Frey said. ting, are scheduled to face trial
keeping an open mind and indi- from different agencies who written testimony for his Sen- said he supported closing it but He said the barricades that in August.
cated he could be open to a cen- need to be part of this policy ate confirmation. left it to his successor. were once used to protect peo- Fr e y s a i d h e r e c o g n i z e s
sure resolution if Trump is ac- discussion about the steps for- “Guantanamo has provided Under Bush, the United ple and art are now used to hide Chauvin’s trial will be a difficult
quitted. ward,” she said. us the capability to conduct law States began efforts to prose- illicit activity, and that the area time, and the intersection will
Obama ran into intense do- of war detention in order to cute some of the prisoners for cannot be an autonomous zone, be an important gathering
Eyes on McConnell mestic political opposition keep our enemies off the battle- war crimes in special tribunals where police are prevented place. He said the city will in-
Senate Republican leader when he sought to close the de- field, but I believe it is time for known as military commis- from entering. crease services to the intersec-
Mitch McConnell has twice vot- tention center, a notorious the detention facility at Guan- sions, but the government also Police Chief Medaria Arra- tion during the trial and will re-
ed to dismiss the trial, indicating symbol of the US fight against tanamo to close,” Austin said. released 532 prisoners. dondo said neighbors are suf- open it to traffic after the trial
he will ultimately vote to acquit. terrorism. Biden may have “My understanding is that the Obama vowed to close the fering. concludes.
But he has also said that Trump more leeway now that there are Biden-Harris administration detention center, while keeping “I cannot allow that to hap- “It is our responsibility as
“provoked” the mob, which was only 40 prisoners left and does not intend to bring new the larger Navy base, but ran pen ... Our men and women will leaders and as a community to
“fed lies.” Guantanamo draws much less detainees to the facility and into fierce political opposition continue to show up and re- both honor George Floyd and
Soon after the attack, McCon- public attention, though his an- will seek to close it.” over plans to prosecute and im- spond and be the guardians of the hallowed ground where he
nell privately told associates he nouncement did draw some The 40 remaining prisoners p r i s o n m e n i n t h e Un i t e d that community when they call died, and also respectfully re-
was done with Trump and said immediate criticism. at Guantanamo include five States and concerns that re- us for help.” store 38th and Chicago to a vi-
publicly he was undecided on The United States opened who were previously cleared turning others to their home- Under the city’s plan, a me- brant and functioning neigh-
impeachment. the detention center in January for release through an inten- land would pose a security risk. morial to Floyd and public art borhood,” Frey said.
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The Nation A5

Haley speaks out against Trump, says she’s ‘disgusted’

Nikki Haley, the former UN Fox News hosts seek cess was marred by fraud. and One America News chal-
ambassador in the Trump ad- dismissal of lawsuit claims Smartmatic in its 285-page lenge long-held assumptions
ministration, criticized Donald Three Fox News hosts — Ma- complaint filed Feb. 4 in state about the limits of free speech.
Trump in an in- ria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, and court in New York had cited at The filings by the Fox per-
POLITICAL terview pub- Jeanine Pirro — are seeking the least 13 reports on Fox News in sonalities note instances in
NOTEBOOK lished by Politi- dismissal of claims against them which guests or personalities which they questioned Powell
co on Friday, and their employer as part of a falsely stated or implied that the and Giuliani for evidence to
saying that she was “disgusted” $2.7 billion libel lawsuit company had somehow helped back their claims, as well as
by the former president’s con- brought by the voting technolo- steal the election through easily Smartmatic’s own denial of the
duct Jan. 6 and believed he had gy company Smartmatic. tampered technology or in ca- charges. It also argues that
“lost any sort of political viabili- Bartiromo, Dobbs, and Pirro, hoots with Venezuela’s socialist Dobbs’ statements appearing to
ty.” as well as Donald Trump law- government. validate the claims of his guests
Haley, who is widely believed yers Rudolph Giuliani and Sid- The complaint alleged that were constitutionally protected
to be considering a run for pres- ney Powell, were sued this the “disinformation campaign” opinions, not statements of fact.
ident in 2024, also said that she month for the eye-popping continued even after then-Attor- On Dec. 18, all three hosts
does not think the former presi- amount by Smartmatic, which ney General William Barr said aired a segment with an expert
dent will run himself. accused them of conspiring to the Department of Justice could debunking some of the claims
“I don’t think he’s going to be A VALENTINE FOR AMERICA — First lady Jill Biden spread false claims that the find no evidence of widespread that had been made on its net-
in the picture,” she told Politico, had cartoon hearts bearing calls for “unity,” “hope,” and company was involved in an ef- voter fraud. works against Smartmatic and
adding, “I don’t think he can. fort to steal the presidential “Smartmatic is confident in another voting technology com-
“love” installed on the North Lawn of the White House.
He’s fallen so far.” election from Trump. its case and looks forward to pany, Dominion.
Haley’s comments may cost In its motions, lawyers from briefing these issues for the The Fox Business Network
her some support among Kirkland & Ellis, which is also Court,” J. Erik Connolly, attor- dropped Dobbs’ show Feb. 5, a
Trump’s base, a constituency er many predict. the news outlet Axios who was defending Fox, argue Bartiromo, ney for Smartmatic, wrote Fri- day after the lawsuit was filed.
that will be important to any fu- In contrast, Senator Josh assigned to cover the Biden Dobbs, and Pirro were doing day in a statement. The network said the move was
ture Republican nominee and Hawley of Missouri has ignored campaign and its transition. Be- their job in covering the biggest The lawsuit is being closely part of a planned programming
one that she had worked hard to calls to apologize for advancing fore Politico broke the story story of the day: unprecedented watched as the rise of far-right shift and not related to the law-
avoid offending since leaving his Trump’s voter fraud claims. For- Tuesday, People Magazine pub- allegations by the president that voices on social media and pro- suit.
administration in 2018. mer vice president Mike Pence lished a glowing profile of the the integrity of the electoral pro- Trump outlets like Newsmax NEW YORK TIMES
But the Capitol riot last has said nothing publicly since relationship. It was the first
month and Trump’s role in incit- being forced to flee the Senate time either one had publicly ac-
ing it appears to have been Ha- chamber Jan. 6 as pro-Trump ri- knowledged the relationship.
ley’s breaking point. Her tone oters chanted, “Hang Mike On Friday, Vanity Fair pub-
changed markedly between in- Pence.” lished a report citing two un-
terviews with Politico in Decem- NEW YORK TIMES named sources that Ducklo had
ber and January. Initially, she threatened the Politico reporter
refused to acknowledge that the White House suspends aide to try to suppress the story, tell-
former president was doing any- for threatening reporter ing her “I will destroy you.”
thing reckless by refusing to WASHINGTON — White Psaki, White House commu-
concede election defeat. She House deputy press secretary nications director Kate Beding-
said that because he genuinely T.J. Ducklo has been suspended field, and Anita Dunn, director
believed his defeat was rigged, for a week without pay after he of West Wing operations, were
his actions since November reportedly issued a sexist and all reportedly involved in con-
were not irresponsible. profane threat to a journalist versations with Politico editors
She wrongly predicted that seeking to cover his relationship about the incident. Psaki said in
he would “go on his way” once with another reporter. her statement that when Ducklo
his legal options were exhaust- White House press secretary returns, he won’t be assigned to
ed. Jen Psaki said in a statement work with any Politico report-
In the series of interviews, Friday that Ducklo had been ers.
Haley then went on to say “he suspended without pay with the Biden offered his own stan-
let us down.” approval of White House chief dard for the conduct he expects
“He went down a path he of staff Ron Klain. She said from his staff in comments he
shouldn’t have, and we Ducklo “is the first to acknowl- made during a virtual swearing-
shouldn’t have followed him, edge this is not the standard of in with staff the day he was
and we shouldn’t have listened behavior set out” by President sworn in.
to him,” she said. Biden, and that Ducklo had sent “I’m not joking when I say
Haley’s remarks suggest that the reporter in question “a per- this: If you ever work with me
she has made a political bet that sonal note professing his pro- and I hear you treat another col-
many other Republicans who found regret.” league with disrespect, talk
have eyes on the White House Ducklo’s personal life came down to someone, I will fire you
have not: that Trump’s hold over under scrutiny earlier this week on the spot,” he said that day.
the Republican base will loosen when Politico reported on his “No ifs, ands, or buts.”
and he will not be the kingmak- relationship with a reporter for ASSOCIATED PRESS


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CDC guidance on school reopenings welcomed

uSCHOOLS whom compared the plan to the
Continued from Page A1 “Hunger Games,” forcing dis- Back to class
last fall, but it suggests them tricts to compete for limited re-
more forcefully. It emphasizes sources. What do the CDC guidelines
that all of the recommendations “If they really want to put out say about reopening class-
must be implemented strictly these aspirational plans for us,
With proper mitigation,
and consistently to keep school we need some really clear guid-
such as masking, physical dis-
safe. ance on how we do that,” Cassel-
tancing, and hygiene, elemen-
It also provides more detailed lius said. tary schools can operate in per-
suggestions about what type of In Boston, most students son at any level of community
schooling should be offered giv- have been at home for nearly a virus transmission, the guide-
en different levels of virus trans- year, with only a small number lines state. The document says
mission, with differing advice of high-needs students, includ- that middle and high schools
for elementary, middle, and high ing English learners and those can safely operate in person at
schools. with disabilities, returning to all but the highest level of
T he reopening of public classrooms part time. District of- transmission, which is defined
schools in Massachusetts has ficials said recently that even in two ways: When 10 percent
been contentious. Governor when students return to class- or more of the coronavirus
Charlie Baker called for districts rooms over the next two months, tests in a community come
to bring back as many students many will continue to learn on- back positive over a seven-day
as possible, citing evidence of line so their classmates studying period; or when there are 100
low rates of in-school transmis- from home can participate in the or more virus cases per
sion. Teachers unions have same lessons. EVELYN HOCKSTEIN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST 100,000 people in the com-
countered that better safety Across Massachusetts, Security officer Alfreda Bacon showed kindergartner Yara Rand how to use hand sanitizer at munity over seven days. Middle
measures must first be in place whether a student is home or in the entrance to Ketcham Elementary School in Washington, D.C., early this month. and high schools may open at
any level of community spread
for educators, such as frequent a classroom depends on their
if they conduct weekly testing
coronavirus testing, before re- district. Of the state’s nearly 1 rus-free, then you have very dif- the Massachusetts Teachers As- to families’ spoken languages,
of students and staff members.
turning full time. million public school students, ferent circumstances than what sociation, praised the recom- said Keri Rodrigues, founder of
The guidelines say teacher vac-
Boston Public Schools Super- about 450,000 — fewer than half we have right now,” Beth Kontos, mendations but renewed the Massachusetts Parents United, cination, while important,
intendent Brenda Cassellius said — were in the classroom at least president of the American Fed- push to get teachers vaccinated an education advocacy group. should not be considered a pre-
the recommendations will help part time in the fall, according to eration of Teachers-Massachu- under a plan the union submit- Rodrigues also praised the requisite for reopening.
provide clearer answers for her state education officials. setts, said in an interview Friday. ted to the state Department of CDC’s clarity that schools should
and other big-city school leaders The Department of Elemen- “That’s great, but all those things Public Health. be the first facilities to open and Is there a way to see if my
as they negotiate with teachers tary and Secondary Education cost money, if we’re serious “Teachers and other school the last to close amid the pan- school can safely open?
unions to reopen schools. conducted a survey of school dis- about this.” employees want nothing more demic. Black and brown families Sort of. You can look up your
“Right now, we’re all just do- tricts this week to gather updat- In many well-resourced sub- than to resume or increase in- are less likely to feel comfortable community’s test positivity
ing our own thing,” Cassellius ed numbers and is still waiting urban districts, like Medway, all person learning,” Najimy said in sending their children to school
rate and the number of new
cases per 100,000 people in
told an MIT webinar Friday on several districts to respond, elementary school students are a statement. due to the systems breaking
the last seven days (these
shortly before the guidance was according to Colleen Quinn, a in school five days a week be- The guidelines tackle an area their trust, she said, and white
numbers are often available on
released. spokeswoman for the Executive cause the district hired more ed- that has been a source of frustra- families are starting to feel simi-
state or county websites), then
But she urged the Biden ad- Office of Education. ucators to reduce class sizes, tion for many families in Massa- larly that the decisions around compare the agency’s policy
ministration, if it is serious Teachers unions praised the Kontos said. But cash-strapped chusetts: communication of pos- schools are based more on poli- recommendations for that level
about returning students to federal guidance and its empha- districts struggling to reopen itive COVID tests among people tics than science. of transmission with what your
school in the president’s first 100 sis on safety precautions and schools, like Chelsea, Lawrence, in schools. “We don’t trust a lot of the school is doing.
days, to push states to offer their importance. and Lynn, don’t have that luxury The CDC said school admin- folks that aren’t experts and ar-
teachers vaccines immediately, But they cautioned that low- — and they also have to pay istrators should notify staff, en’t the CDC to be calling the Will these guidelines encour-
which 26 states and Washing- er-income districts — which more to upgrade their old school teachers, and families of any shots,” she said. “That’s why it’s age more districts to bring
ton, D.C., currently do. h av e ty p i c a l l y s e e n h i g h e r buildings’ ventilation systems. COVID cases — while maintain- really important that we have di- students back into class-
In Massachusetts, educators COVID rates — need more fund- Jessica Tang, president of the ing patient privacy — and notifi- rect guidance from these guys.”
Some local teachers unions
were moved back in line behind ing to be able to satisfy the CDC’s Boston Teachers Union, also cations should be accessible to
are demanding teacher vacci-
all senior citizens and are slated recommendation that even high- commended the new guidance, those with disabilities and with Material from the Associated
nation, among other safety pre-
to qualify at the end of Phase 2, risk districts open for in-person saying in a statement, “For the limited English. Press was used in this report.
cautions. But the guidelines
which is scheduled to run from learning, at least for elementary first time since the pandemic be- In many districts across the Felicia Gans of the Globe staff might help districts and unions
February through March. school students, or, if they con- gan nearly a year ago, we have state, families receive alerts that contributed to this report. reach consensus by pointing to
The decision to delay vac- duct COVID testing, for all stu- clear, actionable safety measures describe “a district employee” as Naomi Martin can be reached at established research on how to
cines for educators was criti- dents. to keep both students and teach- having tested positive, not speci- operate schools safely.
cized by the heads of the state’s “If I knew everybody that ers safe.” fying the school or the person’s Jeremy C. Fox can be reached at
largest teachers unions, one of walked into the building was vi- Merrie Najimy, president of role, and often not translated in- NEW YORK TIMES

Mass. Portugal gets more European help

unveils as coronavirus deaths remain high
new way LISBON — France and Lux-
embourg are joining Germany in
available are what remain from
a 6,000-dose batch that arrived
given this month.
French authorities reported

to sign up
sending medical staff to help at for testing in December. Thursday that more than 2.1
hospitals in The government said it million people had received one
WORLD Portugal, would receive two million doses vaccine dose, of whom more
NOTEBOOK where deaths of Sputnik V from Russia over than 535,000 also got their sec-
uWEBSITE from COVID - the next three months. Hungary ond shot.
Continued from Page A1 19 remain the highest in the had said in November that it was ASSOCIATED PRESS
book an appointment, as op- Massachusetts’ new website to book COVID-19 vaccination world by size of population. in talks with the Russian manu-
posed to registering through appointments is at Germany’s Defense Ministry facturer about importing, and Australian state locks down
one, central scheduling tool. said Friday it’s extending by six even manufacturing, the Sput- amid virus outbreak at hotel
“It’s certainly better than it Zane Stiles, a private equity ana- free phone number to book an weeks — into April — the deploy- nik V vaccine. More than six million people
was,” said Senator Eric Lesser, a lyst at Bain Capital. Stiles uses a appointment. ment of military doctors, nurses, Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Victoria, Australia, will enter
Democrat from Longmeadow workaround to get updated During a briefing about the and other personnel to a civilian has cited Serbia, which has a siz- into a snap lockdown for five
who has sponsored legislation to scheduling from private vacci- new Massachusetts site Friday, hospital in Lisbon. able ethnic Hungarian popula- days in response to a coronavi-
upgrade the state’s online regis- nation sites: Volunteers he re- officials would not commit to of- A team of eight German mili- tion, as an example of a country rus outbreak at a quarantine ho-
tration system, “but it would be cruited are contacting them di- fering a centralized sign-up, but tary doctors and 18 nurses and whose vaccination strategy in- tel.
pretty hard for it to go anywhere rectly by phone and inputting said that further improvements hygiene specialists arrived in Lis- cludes the Russian Sputnik and The order came as the Aus-
other than up.” the information. to the site are forthcoming. bon on Feb. 3 for an initial three- Chinese Sinopharm vaccines. tralian Open was being held in
The new site is still a work in And a software developer at By contrast, the legislation week deployment as part of a co- NEW YORK TIMES Melbourne, Victoria’s capital,
progress. It shows, for example, the technology firm athena- filed by Lesser and others would operation program between Eu- but the tennis tournament will
available appointments only at health who is on maternity require the state to establish a ropean Union countries. France limits recovered continue — without spectators
large-scale vaccination sites and leave, Olivia Adams, got nation- central online portal where peo- France is sending a doctor patients to one vaccine dose — the authorities said on Friday.
sites operated by local health de- al attention for building another ple could sign up for a vaccina- and three nurses, while Luxem- PARIS — France’s highest Victorians will be allowed to
partments. rival site, tion by filling out a single appli- bourg is providing two doctors health authority recommended leave home only for essential
State officials said they’re Adams said she met with sev- cation. Lesser said that Gover- and two nurses, the Portuguese Friday that people who have had shopping, work, exercise, and
working to incorporate appoint- eral Massachusetts officials this nor Charlie Baker has the health ministry said in a state- COVID-19 receive only one dose careg iving , and mus t wear
ment data from other sites, such week to discuss her efforts. The authority to build a central por- ment. They should arrive next of a vaccine against the corona- masks whenever they leave
as pharmacies, but note that officials told her the state had tal, but that if he doesn’t follow week. virus. home.
there is no easy way to automati- contracted with a computer ven- through, “we’ll force it by law.” Portugal became the world’s The High Authority of But while sports and enter-
cally update information from dor to make the new website “a The Vaxfinder tool does have worst-hit country in the pan- Health, or HAS, said that since tainment venues will be shut
myriad other locations. while back,” and did not ask for information for users to deter- demic last month after a Christ- recovered individuals had devel- down, professional athletes like
The new state website is but her help. “I had zero input, actu- mine if they’re currently eligible mas easing of rules on move- oped an immunity response akin tennis players will be classified
the latest adjustment by the ally,” Adams said. for the vaccine, and translation ments and gatherings coincided to a vaccine, a single shot is as “essential workers” and al-
Baker administration in manag- After reviewing the new tool, services are available. Vaxfinder with the appearance of a fast- probably sufficient. lowed to continue their matches.
ing the rollout of the vaccination she said, “I think it’s an im- also will be accessible on mobile spreading virus variant first “A single vaccine dose will al- “There are no fans; there’s no
effort in the face of tremendous provement for the state, but I devices, officials said. identified in England. so play the role of reminding” a crowds. These people are essen-
demand and confusion. In order don’t think that it’s any more T h e s t at e t h i s w e e k a l s o ASSOCIATED PRESS previously infected person’s im- tially at their workplace,” Daniel
to reduce the risk of wasting functional than my site current- rolled out a 211 call line for vac- mune system how to fight Andrews, the premier of Victoria,
shots that have a short shelf life ly.” cine reservations, especially for Hungary begins using COVID-19, the independent told reporters on Friday. “It’s not
after being defrosted, the state Massachusetts isn’t the only residents age 75 and older who vaccine developed in Russia body said in an opinion report. like the only people that are at
abruptly this week allowed peo- state where citizen volunteers have difficulty booking an ap- Hungary has begun adminis- If applied, the decision is ex- work are supermarket workers.”
ple younger than 75 to receive a have created easier-to-use vac- pointment online. But the 211 tering the Sputnik V coronavirus pected to speed up the pace of Tennis Australia said in a
vaccination if they accompany cine sites. The VaccinateMA call center is available only be- vaccine, sidestepping the Euro- France’s vaccination drive. All statement that it would notify all
an eligible senior to a vaccina- built by Stiles was inspired by a tween 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. pean Medicines Agency to be- three of the vaccines authorized ticket holders of the changes and
tion appointment. similar private effort in Califor- Monday through Friday. come the first European Union for use in the European Union — continue “to work with the gov-
Also Friday, the Baker ad- nia, VaccinateCA. And multiple Carlene Pavlos, executive di- member state to use the vaccine made by Pfizer, Moderna and ernment to ensure the health
ministration reported that individuals and organizations in rector of the Massachusetts Pub- developed by the Gamaleya Re- AstraZeneca — were developed and safety of everyone.”
COVID-19 inoculations had New York state have assembled lic Health Association, said search Institute, part of Russia’s to be administered in two doses The lockdown, which goes in-
passed the 1 million mark. But alternative vaccine finders. these limitations make it harder Ministry of Health. delivered a few weeks apart. to effect at 11:59 p.m. on Friday,
the virus continues to exact a But in some states, like West for the elderly and people in un- O n Fr i d ay, a n o ff i c i a l a t In trial studies, a two-shot comes after an outbreak at a
heavy toll, as the number of peo- Virginia, none of this is neces- derserved communities to use Honved Hospital in Budapest dosing schedule was shown to Holiday Inn near the Melbourne
ple who have died surpassed sary. There, for example, resi- the call center. confirmed in a telephone inter- be the only way to increase im- Airport that was being used to
15,000, officials reported Friday. dents fill out a form on a state “ T he state did not begin view that it had begun adminis- munity against the virus to near- house returned travelers.
The state launched the website to be put on a waiting working on that 211 call line un- tering the vaccine. full level. By Friday, 13 people linked to
Vaxfinder website after a bar- list for the vaccine. People are til so late in the rollout that Cecilia Muller, Hungary’s France has been under fire the hotel had tested positive
rage of complaints that its origi- notified by e-mail, phone call, or we’re really behind the eight chief medical officer and head of for the slow rollout of its vacci- with the new virus variant that
nal website was confusing and text message when a dose is ball,” Pavlos said. the government’s coronavirus nation program. Prime Minister first emerged in Britain. In the
difficult to use. Independent available at a nearby location. task force, had called on 560 Jean Castex has characterized past 24 hours, five new cases
software developers stepped in Anyone who can’t make the Hiawatha Bray can be reached general practitioners in Buda- the rollout as having “a brisk have been identified, bringing
to build alternative websites at suggested date is put back on at pest on Tuesday to find five peo- pace,” and promised last week the state’s total number of cases
their own expense. One called the waiting list. People without Travis Andersen can be reached ple each to receive the Sputnik V that 4 million shots — both first to 19.
VaccinateMA was created by Internet access can call a toll- at vaccine. The initial 2,800 doses and second doses — would be NEW YORK TIMES
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Nation/Region A7


Nearly 70% of
vaccines delivered
have been given
On Jan. 1, just a quarter of safety.
COVID-19 vaccine doses deliv- NEW YORK TIMES
ered across the United States
had been used. Coverup of nursing home
NATIONAL As of Thursday, deaths alleged in N.Y.
NOTEBOOK that figure had ALBANY, N.Y. — Governor
risen to 68 per- Andrew Cuomo and his top
cent. aides were facing new allega-
A handful of states have ad- tions Friday that they covered up
ministered more than 80 per- the scope of the death toll in
cent of the doses they have re- New York’s nursing homes from
ceived. And even states with the coronavirus, after admis-
slower vaccine uptake are mak- sions that they withheld data in
ing strides. an effort to forestall potential in-
The slow start to vaccinations vestigations into state miscon-
in the United States has been no duct.
secret: Older Americans have The latest revelations came in
waited in long lines for doses, the wake of private remarks by
and vaccine registration web- the governor’s top aide, Melissa
sites have crashed. DeRosa, and a cascading series
But health officials say that of reports and court orders that
while vaccine supply levels still have nearly doubled the state’s
limit how many doses they can official toll of nursing home
administer, states are becoming deaths in the last two weeks.
more efficient at immunizing The disclosures have left Cuo-
people as shipments arrive. mo, a third-term Democrat,
Crystal Evans has a neuromuscular disease and needs a ventilator to breathe, but she doesn’t qualify for early vaccination. “ We are in a much better scrambling to contain the politi-

State’s illness rules criticized

place now,” said Claire Hannan, cal fallout, as lawmakers of both
the executive director of the As- parties call for censure, includ-
sociation of Immunization Man- ing stripping the governor of his
agers. emergency powers during the
NEW YORK TIMES pandemic, federal and state in-
vestigations, and resignations of
uMORBIDITIES more extensively, while others New system to monitor DeRosa and other top officials.
Continued from Page A1 What the Mass. guidelines say have not,” said Dr. Kara Ayers, vaccine safety still in works In a conversation first report-
And yet, under Massachu- director of the Center for Digni- More than 34 million Ameri- ed by the New York Post, DeRosa
setts’ rules dictating who is eli-
After people age 75 and older are vaccinated against COVID- ty in Healthcare for People with cans have received COVID vac- told a group of top lawmakers
19, Massachusetts will open appointments to adults 65 and
gible for early access to the Disabilities, in an e-mail, about cines, but the much-touted sys- Wednesday during a call to ad-
older, and people with two or more qualifying medical
COVID-19 vaccine, Jennings the exclusion of other disabili- tem that the government de- dress the nursing home situa-
conditions. But which comorbidities qualify under the state
doesn’t qualify. After seniors 75 ties from the CDC lists. “This signed to monitor any tion that “basically, we froze,” af-
guidelines, and how will residents know when they can get a
and older, next in line for inocu- vaccine? Here are some answers to commonly asked has caused inequities even with- dangerous reactions won’t be ca-
lations are individuals 65 and questions about this phase of the state’s vaccination plan: in the disability community be- pable of analyzing safety data for
older and those with two or cause some people are included weeks or months, according to
more medical conditions that Which medical conditions make someone eligible for ear- and others are entirely left out numerous federal health offi-
put them at increased risk of se-
ly vaccination? of vaccine allocation plans.” cials.
Massachusetts is using a list of a dozen conditions from
rious illness from the coronavi- Colin Killick, executive direc- For now, federal regulators
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to determine
rus. Those dozen conditions, tor of the Malden-based Disabil- are counting on a patchwork of
who will be eligible for early access to the COVID vaccines.
listed by the Centers for Disease There is evidence that these conditions increase a person’s ity Policy Consortium, said the existing programs that they ac-
Control and Prevention, include risk of severe illness from the coronavirus. They include: can- Massachusetts plan seems to knowledge are inadequate be-
cancer, chronic kidney disease, cer; chronic kidney disease; chronic obstructive pulmonary punish people with disabilities cause of small sample sizes,
heart conditions, Down syn- disease (COPD); Down syndrome; heart conditions (such as who have fought for decades for missing critical data or other
drome, and obesity. Smokers al- heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies); the right to live as independent- problems.
so are on the list, as are preg- immunocompromised state from solid organ transplant; obe- ly as possible. State officials pri- Clinical trials have shown Melissa DeRosa, top aide to
nant people. sity; severe obesity; pregnancy; sickle cell disease; smoking; oritized people with disabilities both of the vaccines authorized N.Y. Governor Andrew
In terms of early vaccine eli- and type 2 diabetes mellitus. who live in nursing facilities and in the United States — Pfizer-Bi- Cuomo, has admitted data
gibility, Jennings has all the How do I prove I have one or more of these conditions? group homes in the first phase oNTech’s and Moderna’s — to be was withheld on nursing
wrong diagnoses. Her mother The state is not requiring people to provide medical docu- of the rollout, but those with highly protective against the cor- home coronavirus deaths.
and primary caregiver in Wey- mentation or proof that they have any of the aforementioned identical conditions living in the onavirus and safe. But even the
mouth, Lisa Jennings, is baffled. conditions in order to receive early vaccine priority. Instead, community have been left out. best trials have limited ability to ter being asked over the summer
“It’s confusing, it’s frustrat- eligible recipients will be asked to fill out an online attesta- “People with disabilities are detect adverse reactions that are for information by the Trump
ing, and if you really want to tion form confirming they meet the criteria. In other words, not just at risk in this pandemic rare, that occur only in certain administration’s Department of
vaccinate everybody, why do the state is relying on the honor system. to the extent they live in congre- population groups, or that hap- Justice.
you want to pit people against gate settings,” Killick said. Their pen beyond the trials’ three- At the time, the governor’s of-
When will people with two or more of the qualifying con-
each other?” Lisa Jennings said. ditions be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine? risks are heightened as they of- month period. fice was simultaneously facing
Disability rights advocates Governor Charlie Baker has not set a clear timeline for ten rely on a rotating crew of In interviews, FDA officials requests from the state Legisla-
have been pleading with Massa- when vaccinations will open to people over 65 and those caregivers. They also may strug- acknowledged that a promised ture for similar information.
chusetts officials for weeks to re- with qualifying conditions. gle with compliance with health monitoring system, formally “We were in a position where
vise the state’s vaccine alloca- protocols, like mask-wearing called the Biologics Evaluation we weren’t sure if what we were
I only have one of these conditions. When can I get the
tion plan and expand priority to and social-distancing. People Safety Initiative but more widely going to give to the Department
more people with underlying with intellectual disabilities, in known as BEST, is still in devel- of Justice, or what we give to you
At the end of Phase 2, after essential workers, individuals
conditions. Relying solely on the particular, Killick added, have a opment. They expect it to start guys, and what we start saying,
with just one of the qualifying medical conditions will be eli-
CDC’s list, they say, unfairly dis- gible. history of receiving substandard analyzing vaccine safety data was going to be used against us,
advantages people with rare dis- medical care. soon, but probably not for an- and we weren’t sure if there was
eases like cystic fibrosis, for I have high blood pressure. Am I eligible for priority ac- The state is not requiring other month or two. going to be an investigation,” De-
which data on COVID sufferers cess? people to provide proof that The government is now rely- Rosa told lawmakers, according
is limited. Even the CDC notes
No, not in Massachusetts. The CDC maintains a separate they meet the comorbidity re- ing mostly on a 30-year-old to a partial transcript obtained
list of conditions that “might” increase a person’s risk of se-
its list of comorbidities known quirements for vaccination. In- monitoring system that relies on by The New York Times.
vere illness, but under the state’s guidelines, those comorbid-
to raise the risk of severe COVID stead, vaccine recipients must self-reporting from patients and The news of DeRosa’s re-
ities do not qualify anyone for early access to the vaccines.
complications is “not exhaustive complete a self-attestation form health care providers, known as marks sparked a flurry of angry
Along with hypertension or high blood pressure, those ad-
and only includes conditions ditional conditions listed by the CDC include: moderate-to-se- confirming their eligibility. Kil- the Vaccine Adverse Event Re- denunciations, including from
with sufficient evidence to draw vere asthma; cerebrovascular disease; cystic fibrosis; neuro- lick said he is not advising peo- porting System, or VAERS, and a Cuomo’s fellow Democrats.
conclusions.” logic conditions (such as dementia); liver disease; pulmonary ple with disabilities to “fudge” smartphone app that people “This is a betrayal of the pub-
The CDC also maintains a fibrosis; thalassemia; and type 1 diabetes mellitus. Also on the form if they want earlier ac- who get vaccinated can down- lic trust,” state Senator Andrew
separate list of conditions that that list are overweight people and those with a weakened cess, but he wouldn’t blame load and use to report problems. Gounardes, D-Brooklyn, said on
“might” increase a person’s risk immune system from blood transplant or bone marrow trans- them if they did. So far, few serious problems Twitter. “There needs to be full
of serious illness from the virus plant; immune deficiencies; HIV; use of corticosteroids; or “I want the system to work,” have been reported through accountability for what hap-
— moderate-to-severe asthma, use of other immune-weakening medications. he said, “but would I blame these channels and no deaths pened.”
cystic fibrosis, and immune de- DEANNA PAN someone, ethically, for filling it have conclusively been linked to Condemnation was even
ficiencies are among them — out, if they actually have a con- the vaccines. There have been a louder from Republicans, who
but Massachusetts, unlike some dition that puts them at gravely few severe allergic reactions, but have seized on Cuomo’s perfor-
states, has opted to leave those patients are more likely to suffer workers. But this guidance is increased risk of death and the they are treatable and consid- mance on nursing homes —
out of its eligibility criteria. from asthma than white pa- nonbinding, and states have state standard does not take ered rare. To date, the rate at where more than 10,000 New
“If we want to protect a tients. The condition also is some latitude in deciding who their increased risk into ac- which the potentially fatal reac- Yorkers have died during the
broad group of individuals with more prevalent in low-income, to offer the doses to first. As a count? I can’t say I would.” tion called anaphylaxis has oc- pandemic, but the state long
comorbidities here in Massa- predominantly Black and Lati- result, prioritization of people Crystal Evans, 39, also is in- curred — 4.7 cases in every mil- stalled on releasing full data —
chusetts, and people whose risk no communities, like Chelsea, with disabilities and chronic ill- eligible for earlier vaccine ac- lion doses of the Pfizer-BioN- as evidence of duplicity or even
of severe illness and death we that have been hit hard by the nesses varies across the country. cess, despite her numerous Tech vaccine, and 2.5 cases per criminality.
know to be higher — including virus. In New York, for instance, medical challenges, including a million for Moderna’s — are in “It is time to move past the
people with disabilities and “The most effective way to people with any one of the con- neuromuscular disease that line with the rates of other wide- lies and finally uncover the full
communities of color — relying save lives is to make sure that ditions from both CDC lists will keeps her connected to a venti- ly used vaccines. truth,” said Representative Tom
only on the narrow CDC list is our most vulnerable residents be eligible to receive an inocula- lator, which is hoisted to her Bruising and bleeding caused Reed, a Republican from the
not going to get that done,” said have access to the vaccine,” Hea- tion starting Feb. 15. New York wheelchair in a backpack. Evans by lowered platelet counts have state’s Southern Tier, who called
Kathryn Rucker, an attorney at ley said in a statement to the also supplemented its criteria to l i v e s i n B ra i n t r e e w i t h h e r also been reported, though that for a federal investigation Thurs-
the Center for Public Represen- Globe Thursday about expand- include not only individuals daughter, Sophie, in a home could be coincidental. In total, day night.
tation, a public-interest law firm ing the state’s eligibility criteria with Down syndrome, but all that she has specially modified 9,000 adverse events were re- Early Friday, DeRosa, the top
for people with disabilities. to cover more health conditions. people with intellectual and de- to accommodate her. A revolv- ported, with 979 serious and the nonelected official in the state,
This week, the chief policy “ The Baker Administration velopmental disabilities, who, ing door of therapists, nurses, rest classified as nonserious, ac- sought to clarify the context for
and advocacy officer of the Cys- should prioritize these concerns according to a recent study, are and personal care attendants cording to the most recent CDC her remarks, saying she was try-
tic Fibrosis Foundation, Mary and make the vaccine accessible two to three times more likely to come in and out every week. report available. ing to explain that “we needed to
Dwight, wrote a letter to Health for everyone who is eligible.” die from COVID-19, compared Only her weight, Evans mused, In interviews, public health temporarily set aside the Legis-
and Human Services Secretary In a statement to the Globe, a with other patients. would allow her to be vaccinat- experts, including current and lature’s request to deal with the
Marylou Sudders, urging the spokeswoman for the state’s New Hampshire has begun ed at the end of Phase 2, ahead former officials at the FDA and federal request first.”
state to give people with cystic COVID-19 response said its eli- offering shots to residents who of the rest of the population. the CDC, said that funding “We informed the houses of
fibrosis early access to the vac- gibility list was based on recom- have two or more of the condi- Maybe, Evans quipped, she shortages, turf wars and bureau- this at the time,” she said, refer-
cines. Attorney General Maura mendations by the CDC and the tions enumerated by the CDC. should take up smoking. cratic hurdles had slowed ring to the upper and lower
Healey and US Representative governor’s vaccine advisory But officials also are allowing “But I don’t even know what BEST’s progress. chambers of the Legislature.
Ayanna Pressley also have called group. medical providers to use their end of a cigarette to light,” she But even BEST will suffer She added that the adminis-
on Governor Charlie Baker to The CDC has recommended discretion to vaccinate any pa- said, chuckling quietly. “I don’t from a data problem that hin- tration was “comprehensive and
add asthma to the state’s list of prioritizing people with high- tient they believe is at increased know how to smoke through a ders existing systems. Because transparent in our responses to
qualifying comorbidities as a risk conditions for vaccine ac- risk due to comorbidities, even tracheostomy.” the vaccines are free, there is a the DOJ, and then had to imme-
way to reach a vulnerable popu- cess following health care per- those not listed by the state or dear th of health insurance diately focus our resources on
lation and address racial and sonnel, residents of long-term CDC. Deanna Pan can be reached at claims to show who got which the second wave and vaccine
ethnic inequities plaguing the care facilities, people 75 and “Some disabilities, like Down Follow vaccine and when — informa- rollout.”
rollout. Research shows Black older, and front-line essential syndrome, have been studied her on Twitter @DDpan. tion crucial to tracking vaccine NEW YORK TIMES
A8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1



Do your job, Senate

arly last year, when they were presented Now the House of Representatives has sent the Senate attacking Pence in a tweet just as armed rioters were
with an ironclad impeachment case against another impeachment case against Trump, stemming searching for the vice president in the hallways of the
Donald Trump, Republican senators were from the Jan. 6 insurrection he fomented. The facts are Capitol.
warned that if they failed to convict him for different, the specific charge is different, but the conse- As if to flaunt the impunity he expects from Republi-
his blatant efforts to tamper with the 2020 quences if the Senate fails to convict Trump and disqualify cans, Trump did not even show his ostensible allies
election, it would leave the nation vulnerable to future him from holding future office are no less dire. The Found- enough respect to give them a good-faith excuse to ac-
interference with the integrity of American democracy. ers designed impeachment and disqualification as a tool to quit him. On Friday, Trump’s lawyer made the prepos-
All but one Republican voted to acquit Trump anyway, protect the country and the rule of law. Failing to disquali- terous argument that while the insurrection was outra-
thus leaving him in office. fy Trump when his disrespect for democracy is now abun- geous, the president didn’t incite it. To accept that, sena-
It took only months for the predictions they ignored dantly clear would — once again, and possibly irreparably tors would have to ignore both common sense and their
to come true in devastating fashion. After losing the — endanger the constitutional system the senators took an own past statements. As Senate GOP leader Mitch Mc-
2020 vote, Trump marshaled a long effort to pressure oath to protect. Connell has already acknowledged, the mob was “pro-
states he lost into changing their results, while feeding voked by the president.”
his supporters invented tales of election fraud. That at- The president’s defenders have also resorted to pro-
tempt to subvert the election culminated in a Jan. 6 The nation has never before cedural arguments, saying that since Trump is now out
rally in which the president incited his followers to at- experienced such a humiliating of office, he should not be tried in the Senate. As numer-
tack the US Capitol, where lawmakers and former vice ous constitutional scholars have pointed out, the con-
president Mike Pence were meeting to formalize outrage. Had GOP senators simply tention is absurd. It would turn the Senate’s power to
Trump’s defeat. mustered the courage to do the right disqualify into a nullity, allowing any president or feder-
For their cowardice at that impeachment trial, those al official facing conviction in the future to dodge dis-
senators nearly paid with their lives. Five people died thing last year, they would have saved qualification simply by resigning the moment before the
during the attack, including a Capitol police officer, and the country, and themselves, from a vote. Yet for craven Republicans looking for any excuse
video evidence shows it was mere luck that the rioters to avoid acknowledging Trump’s guilt, it may be
did not reach lawmakers or Pence, who was clearly in shameful and dangerous assault. enough.
the mob’s crosshairs. The insurrectionists had hung a If there were ever a time to grow a spine, it’s now. On
noose outside the building — not in the figurative sense, The case against Trump is overwhelming, and most of the day of the attack, numerous police officers showed
but the real thing, on a gallows. Days later, two more it happened in the open. In detail, the prosecutors from extraordinary courage, risking and, in one case, losing
police officers died by suicide. In more than two centu- the House laid out the trail of events, beginning after his their lives to protect the seat of American democracy.
ries, the nation had never experienced such a humiliat- election defeat and ending with the violence of the insur- Protecting the building was their job. Protecting the
ing and preventable outrage as a mob ransacking the rection. The president very clearly incited the attack on constitutional system that building represents is the job
Capitol. Had GOP senators simply mustered the cour- Congress by spinning months of lies designed to rile up his of US senators. When the trial concludes, they have an
age to do the right thing last year, they would have supporters, capped off with a rally that he promised in ad- opportunity to rectify last year’s mistake — or repeat it,
saved the country, and themselves, from a shameful and vance would be “wild.” Then, on the day of the insurrec- and again betray their oath to defend the Constitution
dangerous assault. tion, he didn’t ask the rioters to stop — he egged them on, against all enemies.


What Biden owes children and families

separated at the border
hen Ludin and her two chil-
dren reached the Texas bor-
der in May 2018, she had
no idea what fate awaited
her. She knew only that her
journey to the United States was a matter of
life and death. In Guatemala, the family’s safe-
ty was under threat from a criminal gang.
But once in the United States, the family
lived the nightmare of being separated, one of
thousands of migrant families arbitrarily
abused under the Trump administration’s poli-
cy of maximum cruelty to immigrants, no mat-
ter their circumstances.
“First, they took my boy away and I
thought, ‘Well, they’re taking him to stay with
the men,’ ” Ludin recalled in an interview in
Spanish. She did not want to give her last
name for fear it would compromise her and
her family’s safety. “But then they said to me
that my daughter was going to stay and I
would go. And I remember my first thought
was, ‘No! What?!’ Next thing I know, my
daughter was crying and hugging me, while I
was telling her, ‘I love you, I will always love
you.’ She was crying hysterically. Then an offi-
cer came and separated us. I begged him to let
me say goodbye to my son and he said to me,
‘No, forget about them forever.’ ”
Both children — out of a total of 5,500 chil-
dren who have been separated by the govern-
ment since the summer of 2017 — ended up in
Michigan, the then-9-year-old daughter with a
foster family, the son, then 17, at a shelter for
minors. After being separated for about five VICTOR J. BLUE/THE NEW YORK TIMES

weeks, they arrived in the Boston area, first to A Border Patrol vehicle drives along the border fence in Sunland Park, N.M., across from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, June 24, 2018.
be reunited with their dad, Elmer. Ludin
joined them a few days later in a moving en- out of Arizona was filed in 2019 seeking dam- pay for professional therapy for them,” Elmer United States. But gaslighting was a classic
counter at Logan airport that was captured by ages.) The suit also asks for a fund to be es- said. Less than a year ago, Ludin’s son had a Trump tactic: Revictimizing the victims be-
several media outlets. tablished for mental health care and services, nightmare in which he relived everything the came the norm among immigration officials
Elmer and Ludin’s family are among the as well as ongoing monitoring of the chil- family went through. It was so intense, Ludin in charge of deploying his administration’s in-
lucky ones who ultimately were reunited, un- dren’s well-being. said, that when he woke, he realized he had defensible policies at the border.
like the families of more than 600 children The government’s awarding of monetary been crying so hard in his sleep that his ears Biden, through an executive order estab-
who have not yet been reunited with their par- damages to foreigners affected by domestic were wet from his tears. The girl suffered in- lishing a task force to reunite families who re-
ents. Elmer and Ludin’s family represent, in a immigration policies lacks historical prece- somnia; when the family remembers the main apart, has acknowledged the grave cul-
pending lawsuit, a basic question for the Biden dent. “This is more barbaric and egregious events of that summer, they all often end up pability of the federal government in its sepa-
administration as it begins to clean up the than a lot of things we’ve seen,” said Joe Ca- crying. ration policy. Cacace sent a letter to the new
many messes left behind by Donald Trump. cace, an attorney with Todd & Weld repre- In order to justify family separations at the administration last week asking to start nego-
What is owed, if anything, to families who le- senting Ludin’s family and other plaintiffs in border, Trump administration officials resort- tiations to settle the class-action case.
gitimately arrived at the border seeking asy- the lawsuit. “We think it’s the type of facts ed to — what else? — blaming and criminaliz- How much money does the United States
lum, threw themselves at the mercy of the that may lead to an upending of precedents,” ing the parents. “The agents would tell us this owe each family? That’s for the experts to fig-
United States, and then were subjected to a bu- said Nathan Warecki, a lawyer with Nixon Pe- was our fault, that we were bad mothers for ure out. But it is a responsibility the Biden ad-
reaucratic form of child abuse? abody also involved in the case. bringing our kids, that we didn’t love them,” ministration has inherited from Trump — to
Ludin and her children are party to an on- Indeed, the government owes a debt to said Ludin. “And I started to believe them. I help make families whole again by awarding
going class-action lawsuit filed in Boston two these families. The traumatic legacy of family would think, ‘Why did I come here to give my monetary damages to each of them.
years ago against the federal government seek- separation lives on, even for families who kids away?’ I’m fleeing from a dangerous
ing monetary damages, estimated in a new fil- have been reunited. Their psychological scars place to protect them, and how is it that I put
ing at around $250,000 per individual class may be hidden, but they still need to be ad- them in a worse situation?” Marcela García can be reached at
member, for the long-term harm inflicted on dressed. Migrants fleeing institutional violence Follow her on
families who were separated. (A similar case “We are poor, we don’t have any means to have a basic legal right to seek asylum in the Twitter @marcela_elisa.
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e A9


From Washington to Beacon Hill to our own

homes, push is on to meet climate challenge
What will it take to stir
public to drive change?
Re “The climate crisis still needs Congress”:
Your Feb. 8 editorial appropriately targets
Congress creating legislation as a critical ele-
ment to boldly address the impacts of cli-
mate change. While some reference is made
to the public at large, it’s crucial that this
body be activated in sufficient numbers that
rise to the critical mass necessary to push
Congress to action.
As Abraham Lincoln said, “With public
sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, noth-
ing can succeed.” This major question re-
mains: How do we energize the pubic at
large both to prod Congress to follow Presi-
dent Joe Biden’s lead and to address climate
change through individual behavior pat-
terns? This involvement needs to go beyond
the voting cycle and reflect the immediacy of
the challenge.

The fossil fuel industry

has us playing catch-up
Both the fossil fuel industry (ExxonMobil)
and our government (as detailed by James
Hansen, who directed NASA’s Goddard Insti-
tute of Space Studies) quite accurately pre-
dicted in the 1980s the realities of climate
change. But instead of responding to the tails. But if it would get 10 red-state senators measure that would help our children avoid While we wait
challenge, Exxon engaged in a disinforma- to vote for a strong climate bill, one that in- its worst effects.
tion campaign, while taking actions to pro- cludes a national clean energy standard and GARY RUCINSKI
for silver bullets,
tect its profits and interests. Now, after de- massive investment in renewable infrastruc- Newton we have to slow emissions
cades of government inaction, the Biden ad- ture, then it may open the door to transfor- In Peter Belmont’s response to Meg Haight’s
ministration is launching an all-out effort to mative change. The writer is coleader of the Boston chap- letter about pricing carbon, he offers a good
protect us all from the devastating conse- FREDERICK HEWETT ter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby. point that reducing carbon emissions alone
quences of our gross inaction. Cambridge is not enough. However, he misses the main
Your editorial says that “the American thrust of her letter, which is that carbon pric-
public should be aware that while a climate Practical, cost-effective ing would have a greater immediate impact
president is a good thing, a Congress that Keep highlighting efforts approaches are on reducing carbon emissions than any other
cares enough about protecting American single policy.
communities to finally act would be far bet-
to place fee on carbon the way forward We need many so-called silver bullets to
ter.” That’s true, but it’s a huge understate- Thank you to David Abel (“Fossil fuels tied to Re Peter Belmont’s Feb. 4 letter, “Mere car- reach zero emissions, and we need to remove
ment. We have been duped for more than 9m deaths”) and Gal Tziperman Lotan bon pricing will do little to prevent climate carbon already in the atmosphere. Technolo-
three decades and are in a crisis. We must (“Threat to seafood industry growing”) for catastrophe,” which was in response to Meg gy companies are exploring methods to re-
stop pandering to the fossil fuel industry, reporting, in the Feb. 9 Metro section, on yet Haight’s Jan. 26 letter, “Instead of untried in- move carbon. However, the cost, energy re-
since it only legitimizes their deceit. more ways in which human-caused climate terventions, simply put a price on carbon”: quired, and scalability do not make them
MARJORIE LEE change is undermining our health, wealth, Belmont’s critique of carbon pricing as insuf- practical yet. It would be misguided not to
Wayland and ways of life. ficient to solve the carbon problem projects slow and then stop new emissions.
We’ve known for decades that pumping on to Haight a simplistic position that she JIM COMES
greenhouse gas pollution into the atmo- did not espouse. Further, Belmont cites an Worcester
Bipartisan compromise will sphere would incur future costs, yet our poli- impractical solution by prescribing refreez-
ticians chose to do nothing. The inevitability ing the Arctic with a fleet of submarines.
have to be part of the deal of future costs was more palatable to them What we need is a full-court press on Governor lagging
The legacy of the Biden administration will than discomforting constituents and corpo- practical, cost-effective approaches. We need
hinge on passing ambitious climate legisla- rate donors by requiring them to pursue en- carbon pricing and electric vehicle and other
on climate bill
tion. Unfortunately, that achievement re- ergy conservation measures or transition to incentives. We need low-carbon electricity so Re “Climate change bill sent back” (Metro,
quires compromising with Republicans who clean energy. Now those future costs are that we can electrify our vehicles and our Feb. 8): Governor Baker explains his weaken-
refuse to accept the need to reduce the na- here, and politicians continue to evade the home heating with heat pumps. Because the ing of the Legislature’s climate change bill by
tion’s dependence on fossil fuels. issue, propose half measures, or use the issue Sterling Municipal Light Department, the citing concern for “those who can least af-
The reality of climate change collides with to raise campaign contributions. power utility that serves our town, is about ford” the cost of reducing our carbon foot-
the reality of there being 50 Republicans in But not all politicians have stood back. In 72 percent carbon-free, my car gets the car- print.
the Senate, including many from states the last Congress, representatives from both bon equivalent of 400 miles per gallon. The governor should tell us who he’s talk-
where gas, oil, and coal reign supreme. To parties supported the Energy Innovation and Reducing emissions will require many ing about. The people at the bottom of the
overcome a filibuster, the Democrats will Carbon Dividend Act. This bill would ignite a compromises of our cherished dogmas. wealth and income pyramid don’t have Ja-
need to accept something that will appease clean energy revolution in the free market at High-voltage DC power lines, and their ugly cuzzis or HVAC systems heating and cooling
the fossil fuel lobby. no cost to the government. A recent study of rights of way, can transmit energy over long their homes. Many low-income families live
That something is likely to include carbon a similar bill concluded that it would gener- distances in order to back-fill the slack times in multifamily homes that are far more ener-
capture and sequestration, a technology that ate $1.5 trillion in private investment in of wind and solar with hydro, renewable, gy efficient than the one-family homes of the
will allow drilling and mining to continue clean energy. Revenue raised by a fee on pol- and nuclear from far away. suburbs.
but will ostensibly limit carbon emissions. It luters would be returned to all consumers We need to preserve forests and plant If Baker were genuinely concerned about
is like methadone for the fossil fuel industry equally, guaranteeing that all households new ones. Preserving means, among other those who can least afford higher energy
— it will limit the withdrawal effects as the would be able to afford the energy they need things, cutting firebreaks, or cleared spaces prices, he would propose an offsetting tax
world kicks the oil and gas habit. during the transition to a clean energy econ- in forests, that, again, are ugly but are better break for people at the bottom of the pyra-
Carbon capture does nothing to limit all omy. than conflagrations. Firebreaks were com- mid.
the other kinds of injustice and environmen- Please continue reporting on the growing mon in California 70 years ago. HUGH STRINGER
tal damage the addiction to fossil fuels en- dire effects of climate change. But please also MICHAEL MALLARY Milton
increase your coverage of this common-sense Sterling

abcde Fo u n d e d 1 8 7 2


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UN says Yemeni
Retailers adjust to a pandemic kind of love children at risk
CAIRO — More than 2
uVALENTINE'S DAY million Yemeni children un-
Continued from Page A1 der the age of 5 are expected
sible: How exactly does one to endure acute malnutrition
spark romance — and sales — in 2021, four United Nations
during a global health crisis? agencies said Friday, urging
“Normally romance should stakeholders to end the
be all year round, but the world yearslong conflict that has
we’re living in now makes that brought the Arab world’s
a lot more challenging. No ro- poorest country to the brink
mantic dinners, you don’t even of famine.
have an opportunity to go on The UN report warned
dates, because where do you that nearly one in six of those
go? It’s 10 degrees out,” said kids — 400,000 of the 2.3
James Michael Sama, a Boston- million — are at risk of death
area relationship coach who because of severe acute mal-
h a s s e e n h i s m at c h m a k i n g nutrition this year, a signifi-
business dwindle during the cant increase from last year’s
pandemic. estimates. The report also
With yet another go-to date said a lack of funds was ham-
night disrupted, local restaura- pering humanitarian pro-
teurs are attempting to adapt. grams in Yemen, as donor
But nearly a year into the pan- nations have failed to make
demic, it’s not just hard to mo- good on their commitments.
tivate diners to eat indoors. Compounding the crisis,
People are so exhausted that it’s around 1.2 million pregnant
tough to muster up the enthusi- or breastfeeding women in
asm to be romantic at all. Yemen are also projected to
“Everyone is sick of each be malnourished this year.
other,” lamented Luke Beard- UNICEF estimates that
slee, general manager of Oste- virtually all of Yemen’s 12
ria Nino in Burlington. And so million children require
a trickle of Valentine’s Day din- some sort of assistance.
ners this year is making him ASSOCIATED PRESS
scramble. “We’re totally a desti- Rachel Wentworth (above),
nation where people come for co-owner of Forty Winks,
the ambiance and that kind of
bottle of wine, pasta, ‘Lady and
arranged lingerie at her
Harvard Square shop. Rick
Big drop for
the Tramp’ kind of thing. Valen- Canale of Exotic Flowers is UK economy
tine’s Day is one of the three expecting plenty of
best days of the year for us.” Valentine’s Day business. LONDON — The British
While he’s still seeking res- economy suffered its biggest
ervations, he’s also taking or- decline in more than 300
ders for meal kits that come par tner at all,” said Rache l years in 2020 as the corona-
about 75 percent prepared, he Wentworth, co-owner of Forty virus pandemic closed shops
said. That lets the customers Winks, a lingerie store in Cam- and restaurants, devastated
have the drama of cooking the bridge. Another subset, she the travel industry, and cur-
lobster ravioli and prepping added, are “not in a long-term tailed manufacturing.
cannoli themselves, while also relationship or are not dating” The economy shrank 9.9
acknowledging few have the because of the pandemic. percent last year, more than
energy to pull off an elaborate So she’s adapting the store’s twice the figure for 2009 at
meal at home, he said. “It offers outreach this year to fit the the height of the global fi-
people a kind of olive branch: times we’re in. “We’re trying to nancial crisis, the Office for
‘Hey, we’re still in a relationship be really consistent with our National Statistics said Fri-
and I’m doing something spe- marketing and messaging, say- day. The drop is the largest
cial for you. See what I did?’ ” ing, ‘We know that we’re stuck since 1709, when a cold spell
For businesses that have at home, let’s have fun, either known as the Great Frost
seen a slowdown already this by yourself or with a partner. devastated what was then a
year, a dip in V-day sales will be However you want to indulge ing trend. more pieces that are over-the- Natick storefront last March. largely agricultural economy.
an additional sting. “There are during this season, we’re here “There are so many people top. There’s this element of She still hasn’t reopened, but The data comes as Brit-
people who are like, I can’t han- for you,’ ” she said. who are like, ‘I have to spice ‘we’re home anyway, let’s go all her re venue has more than ain’s economy remains
dle the idea of romance right And Wentworth has also things up, I’m so bored,’ ” she out .’ ” Plunging necklines, doubled due to online card shackled by restrictions de-
now, I don’t want to be near my been noticing an eyebrow-rais- said. “We’ve been selling way bodysuits, and open gussets are sales. “More and more brands signed to combat COVID-19.
big sellers. The more risqué, started making these great A rebound in growth during
she said, the better. quarantine jokes,” she said. the fourth quarter has been

Some say a yearlong, soul- “People ate it up and loved it. It stifled by England’s third
crushing pandemic is all the was the only way they could lockdown, which has closed

more reason to seek out a little communicate and reach out.” schools, restaurants, and
affection. Now, her Valentine’s Day nonessential shops since
“You have to take advantage cards reflect a newfound ear- mid-December. Tough re-

of the opportunities to be ro- nestness. “I’m seeing themes strictions also remain in
mantic. To make the day to re- like, ‘We survived quarantine place in Northern Ireland,
connect and rekindle your rela- together, I’m pretty sure this is Scotland, and Wales.

Lowest Prices Ever! ‘There are people who are like, I can’t
handle the idea of romance right now.’ Bomb materials
RACHEL WENTWORTH, co-owner, Forty Winks found in raid
tionship. We need to use it as forever,’ or ‘I love you more and teen people have been arrested
an excuse to celebrate,” said Sa- more e ver y day,’ ” she said. in Denmark and Germany on
ma, the relationship coach. “I “Which says a lot these days, suspicion of preparing one or
think one of the things that when it’s all day, every day.” several attacks in the two coun-
Leather frustrates us about Valentine’s And Rick Canale, the vice tries, Danish police said Friday,
Recliner Day is that it is so commercial- president of Exotic Flowers in adding that the discovery of an
ized: Here’s the chocolate and Roslindale, said that while he Islamic State flag could indi-

the roses. You know? This year missed the string of spring holi- cate the suspects “have a con-
i t g i v e s t h e o p p o r t u n i ty t o days and events that tend to be nection or sympathy with the
switch the messaging to con- his biggest selling days last year terror organization.”
FOR IMMEDIATE nec ting and reconnec ting . — Easter, Mother’s Day, proms, Flemming Drejer, opera-

Which might sound ironic be- and graduations — he’s expect- tive head of Denmark’s Secu-
DELIVERY cause you’re always together, ing a surprisingly robust Valen- rity and Intelligence Service,
but that doesn’t mean you’re tine’s Day this year. said the first seven individu-
While Supplies Last emotionally connected.” “ We’ l l b e b u s y,” h e s a i d , als who were arrested in Den-
For some businesses, hope- thanks in part to a surge in in- mark had acquired weapons
MEDICAL LIFT CHAIRS ful signs are already very much
terest from customers sending
flowers that he hasn’ t seen
and “we found things that
can be used to make a bomb.”
Kristina Burkey, the owner since the ’70s and ’80s. “Indus- He said police found shot-
of Calliope Paperie, began to trywide there has been seismic guns and a rifle with a scope,
see a surge in stationery sales change in the floral industry. as well as the flag.
soon after she had to close her They’re using flowers to con- ASSOCIATED PRESS
nect with each other again.” A
recent survey conducted by the
BOSTON GLOBE MEDIA Society of American Florists
found that more than 80 per-
US appeals
1 Exchange Place, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02109-2132 cent of respondents reported Assange ruling
an increase in December 2020
The Boston Globe (USPS061-420) holiday sales, compared to WASHINGTON — The
is published Monday–Saturday. 2019, and half said they expect- Biden administration has sig-
Periodicals postage-paid at Boston, MA. ed Valentine’s Day sales this naled that it is continuing its
Postmaster, send address changes to: year to exceed last year’s. predecessor’s attempt to
Mail Subscription Department The trend is also reflected in prosecute Julian Assange,
300 Constitution Dr. the messages that Canale’s cus- the WikiLeaks founder, as
Taunton, MA 02783 tomers are sending to their the Justice Department filed
loved ones, he said, which are a brief this week appealing to
YEARLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES in some ways a window into a British court to overturn a
FOR NEW ENGLAND our collective psyche. ruling that blocked his extra-
Seven days .....................$1,612.00 “You see more thought,” he dition to the United States.
Daily (6 Days).................$1,060.80 said, with people waxing poetic This week, human rights
Sunday only.......................$520.00 about how they couldn’t imag- and civil liberties groups
ine going through the past few asked the acting attorney gen-
For all other mail subscription rates and months with anyone else. “It’s eral, Monty Wilkinson, to
information, call 1-888-MYGLOBE or visit kind of what you want to say, abandon the effort to prose- but you’ve never said it before.” cute Assange, arguing that the
Free newspaper reading service for case the Trump administra-
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ComfortZone PAGE B6

T H E BOS T ON G L OB E SAT U R DAY, F E B RUARY 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / M E T R O

Hospitals decry decision to shut off vaccine supply

By Felice J. Freyer, Deanna Pan, Critics: By focusing on large sites, state risks leaving out vulnerable In a series of tweets, Attorney Gener-
and Kay Lazar al Maura Healey said, “Shifting shots to
GLOBE STAFF supplies. doses, nearly half the state’s total sup- The state intends to focus on “high- mass vax sites and away from hospital
Hospital leaders and physicians ex- “We all need to understand that we ply. throughput locations like mass vaccina- and clinical infrastructure increases ra-
pressed dismay on Friday at the Baker have a limited supply,” said Marylou She said state officials would meet tion sites, retail pharmacy sites, and cial disparities.”
administration’s decision to halt vac- Sudders, secretary of health and human with every hospital next week to ensure community health centers until more “Turning off the supply to our hospi-
cine distribution to hospitals and pri- services. that “their planning and our planning vaccines are made available by the fed- tals isn’t fair to the people dispropor-
mary care offices, saying it could under- “The demand is great and the sup- are in sync.” eral government,” a spokeswoman said. tionately hurt by COVID, stuck at
cut efforts to reach minority communi- ply from the federal government is On Thursday, the state instructed But once the Johnson & Johnson vac- home, without computers or someone
ties and reluctant patients. flat — 108,000 doses a week. We want hospitals to stop scheduling new vac- cine is authorized, possibly later this to navigate websites or a ride to Foxbor-
But the state’s top health official said to ensure that we have the supply to cine appointments, saying they could month, more vaccine will be available ough,” she tweeted, referring to the
that hospitals were scheduling more meet scheduled appointments,” Sud- hold appointments already made for for hospitals. mass vaccination site at Gillette Stadi-
vaccine appointments than the state ders added. She noted that as of Friday, next week and for second doses, but no Critics said steering people to high- um.
could meet with the current level of hospitals had administered 460,000 more. volume sites does a disservice to many. HOSPITALS, Page B4

On holiday’s eve, COVID forces Lawmakers urge Baker to

Needham Florist to cancel orders nix companion vaccines
By Steve Annear
Say decision hurts goal of equitable protection
The only way the owners of By John R. Ellement from COVID-19.”
Needham Florist could describe GLOBE STAFF The companion plan also will reduce the
the predicament they found them- The Baker administration’s move relax- opportunity for residents of color to keep
selves in on Friday was, “an abso- ing eligibility rules to let younger people their appropriate places in the vaccine distri-
lute Valentine’s nightmare.” who accompany older residents to mass vac- bution lines, the lawmakers argued.
Just two days before one of the cination sites get shots themselves benefits “The companion plan is most likely to
busiest days in the floral industry, healthy, white, and wealthier benefit communities that are
the Needham Center business an- communities at the expense of white and affluent ,” the y
nounced it was putting operations people of color and those with ‘The . . . plan is wrote. “This only further exac-
on hold, and refunding hundreds major health risks, a group of erbates our state’s health ineq-
of orders that had been placed for state lawmakers contends. most likely to uities and the burden of
loved ones ahead of Valentine’s
Day weekend.
Led by Representative Ta-
mi Gouveia, a Democratic rep-
benefit COVID-19 on our Black and
Brown communities.”
The reason for the sudden shut- resentative from Acton who communities In response, the Baker ad-
down? One of the shop’s seasonal
employees was exposed to COVID-
holds a doctorate in public
health, more than 20 lawmak-
that are white ministration asserted that the
companion plan is “widely
19 and tested positive for the vi- JONATHAN WIGGS/GLOBE STAFF
ers urged Governor Charlie and affluent.’ supported” and that it will
rus. An employee tested positive for COVID-19, causing Needham Baker to immediately halt the provide a safe way for those 75
“Of all weeks for this to happen Florist to put operations on hold. Above, owner Julie Ben-David. companion vaccination plan, A GROUP OF STATE or older to get the lifesaving
(not that anytime is good but this which began this week. LAWMAKERS in a letter vaccine they might not other-
is absolutely catastrophic),” the ed and not report to work. Out of for the health and well being of “We encourage you to put to Governor Baker wise be able to receive.
owners of Needham Florist wrote an abundance of caution, the floral you, our more than valued custom- the companion program on “The policy to allow a 75 or
in a Facebook post on Friday. “This business said, they are putting ers,” the post said. hold until those 65 or older older residents to be accompa-
is absolutely devastating to all of their livelihood aside, quite possi- “Please know that hundreds of and those with chronic conditions as well as nied by a caregiver, who can also schedule
us.” bly at the worst time for a small loving spouses and family mem- essential workers and our teachers are vacci- their vaccine appointment, to a mass vacci-
In the post, the company said business that has already strug- bers have called us to send flowers nated,” the lawmakers wrote Baker. “The nation site is widely supported by senior
that as soon as they found out the gled through the pandemic. to you for this special loving holi- companion system will put thousands of groups and provides critical support and
employee tested positive they in- The move means “taking the day,” the post said. “As though the healthy adults ahead of those who have the comfort for seniors who may be hesitant to
formed all of their staff to get test- largest financial loss for a florist ... FLORIST, Page B4 most significant risk of getting and dying COMPANIONS, Page B4

Amid pledge
of diversity,
Mariano unveils
leadership team
Remade House chamber
includes first female
majority leader
By Matt Stout

House Speaker Ronald Mariano remade the

chamber’s leadership this week, putting slightly
more representatives of color in charge of commit-
tees, naming the House’s first female majority lead-
er, and appointing its first openly LGBTQ lawmak-
er as the chamber’s No. 3 Democrat.
The appointments provided the first test of
Mariano’s pledge to diversify the leadership team
and panels that will help shape the House’s agenda
and shepherd legislation on Beacon Hill.
The 10-member leadership team, including
Mariano, features four women but just one person
of color. Last session, then-Speaker Robert A. De-
Leo’s top lieutenants included three women, and
all nine were white. And of 41 standing committees
this session, 30 will be led by white men — a higher
percentage than last session, when white men led
26 of 38 committees.
Representative Claire Cronin, an Easton Demo-
crat in her fifth term who last led the House’s judi-
ciary committee, will be the first woman to serve as MYANMAR Protesters held pictures of Aung San Suu Kyi, the civilian leader of Myanmar, as they called for her
release during a demonstration outside the State House in Boston Friday. The military of Myanmar

majority leader, the No. 2 position in the House, ac- overthrew the country’s democratic government on Feb. 1.
cording to the speaker’s office. Mariano had been
majority leader for nearly a decade under DeLeo
before succeeding him in December.
Kate Hogan, a Stow Democrat, will be speaker
pro tempore, making her the highest-ranking
openly LGBTQ member in the House’s history, ac-
cording to a Mariano aide. And Frank Moran, a
Two dead, one injured in 5-alarm Worcester fire
Lawrence Democrat who was born in the Domini- By Jeremy C. Fox and cials said. The fire department received a year at a value of $382,000, accord-
can Republic, will be one of four division chairs un- Christine Mui Thick, heavy smoke was visible call at 7:25 p.m. reporting a blaze at ing to property records posted on-
der Mariano. GLOBE CORRESPONDENT when fire crews arrived on scene, 11 Jaques Ave., and units were on line.
Three men of color will lead committees, up Two people were killed in a 5- and a resident was trapped on the scene as of about 8:30 p.m., accord- State Police investigative units
from two last session: Springfield’s Carlos alarm house fire in Worcester Fri- third floor, a fire official said. i n g t o O ff i c e r S e a n Mu r t h a , a were on the scene assisting the
González, who is Latino, and Bud Williams, who is day night, and a third person suf- “Shortly after arrival, we had one Worcester police spokesman. Worcester Fire Department with the
Black, will chair the committee on public safety fered life-threatening injuries after resident jump from the rear porch- Photos and video from the scene investigation into the cause of the
and a new committee on racial equity, civil rights, jumping from the third floor to es- es,” Dyer told reporters at the scene, shared on social media showed fire, Dave Procopio, a State Police
and inclusion, respectively. Tackey Chan, a Quincy cape, officials said. according to WCVB-TV. heavy smoke billowing from the spokesman, said in an e-mail.
Democrat and member of the House Asian caucus, Deputy Fire Chief Martin Dyer The resident was taken to UMass roof of a building as firefighters on Investigators from the office of
will remain atop the consumer protection commit- confirmed the deaths and injuries, Memorial Hospital for treatment of the ground and in a ladder truck the state fire marshal were also on
tee. according to Jennifer Mieth, a “very serious, life threatening inju- trained their hoses on the flames. scene to investigate, Mieth said.
Mariano wrote on Twitter that he was “proud of spokeswoman for the state Depart- ries,” he said. Jaques Avenue is a street three
the historic gains the House had made” with the se- ment of Fire Services. City Manager Edward M. Augus- blocks long located southwest of Kathy McCabe of the Globe staff
lections. The speaker alone holds sway on who The fast-moving fire broke out tus Jr. said Friday was “an extremely Worcester’s central business dis- contributed to this story.
holds the chamber’s lucrative leadership posts, shortly before 7:30 p.m. at a three- trying day for our community,” with trict, maps show. The three-decker Jeremy C. Fox can be reached at
which can net representatives tens of thousands of decker home on Jaques Avenue and another fire earlier in the day that at 11 Jacques Ave. was built in Follow him
HOUSE, Page B5 damaged nearby properties, offi- displaced numerous people. 1890; the property was assessed this on Twitter @jeremycfox.
B2 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1

MIT student is wanted for questioning New England

in brief
Police investigate in Malden. He is described by authorities Cambridge.
According to Matthew Duffy, as a six-foot tall “Asian male Pan is wanted for allegedly
fatal shooting of spokesman for the US Marshals weighing 170 pounds with a me- stealing a 2015 GMC Terrain
6 guns, cash seized in drug busts
in Connecticut, a relative has dium complexion and short SLE worth $15,000 from Station
Yale student told authorities that they were black hair.“ Multiple law en- Buick GMC on Route 2 in Mans- Police confiscated 6 loaded handguns, a cache of illicit drugs, and
driving with Pan in Georgia ear- forcement agencies are search- field last Saturday, according to over $6,000 in two separate drug investigations in Allston and
By John R. Ellement ly Thursday morning. The vehi- ing for Pan, who is considered state and federal officials. Dorchester Thursday, the department said. Vladimir Florus, 30,
GLOBE STAFF cle came to a stop and Pan got armed and dangerous, accord- On Feb. 6, Pan took the SUV was arrested after police executed three search warrants at a
and Charlie McKenna out, put on a black backpack, ing to a statement issued by for a drive at 11 a.m. with a deal- home in the area of 7 Higgins St. in Allston, police said in a state-
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT and walked away. Malden police. er’s plate attached, saying he ment. Shortly before 10:15 a.m., officers entered the house and
MIT graduate student Qinxu- Duffy said Pan was on his New Haven authorities ini- wanted his mechanic to check it discovered three loaded firearms and an undisclosed amount of
an Pan, a person of interest in own for about 8 hours before the tially considered the shooting of out, a salesman told the Globe. fentanyl. They also seized an estimated 47.5 grams of crack co-
the murder of a Yale graduate relative — whom authorities de- Jiang a case of road rage but T h a t s a m e d a y, Pa n w a s caine, several bags of marijuana packaged for sale, and assorted
student, may be in Georgia, clined to identify — shared the have since revised their thinking found driving the SUV with a pills and drug paraphernalia, the statement said. Police also re-
where a relative last saw him information with law enforce- to consider the possibility that Connecticut license plate inside covered $4,324 in cash, the statement said. Florus is facing multi-
wearing a black backpack as he ment. He said the search for Pan the Yale graduate student and a junkyard, where the vehicle be- ple drug and firearms charges. He was due to be arraigned in
walked away from their car, the is ongoing and declined to say Army veteran was targeted by came stuck on railroad tracks. Brighton District Court, police said. In Dorchester, police arrest-
US Marshals Service said Friday. whether the family members his killer. Police, unaware at the time the ed Tevin Regis, 26, after executing three search warrants in the
Pan, 29, allegedly stole an were aware that police have In late January, Jiang posted SUV was stolen, steered Pan to a area of 716 Columbia Road at about 10:50 a.m., police said in
SUV from a car dealership in been searching for Pan since at on social media that Zion Perry, motel. He was not seen again separate statement. Officers recovered three firearms, several
Mansfield around 11 a.m. on least Tuesday. a member of MIT’s undergradu- until his relative reported his rounds of ammunition, and multiple feeding devices. They also
Feb. 6, and authorities are trying “He got out of the car, and ate class from 2020, had accept- presence in Georgia early Thurs- seized $2,660 along with an undisclosed amount of crack cocaine
to determine if he used the SUV grabbed a backpack and started ed his marriage proposal. The day. and other paraphernalia used for preparing and distributing ille-
when 26-year-old Kevin Jiang walking,” Duffy said. Pan was de- couple met while volunteering at Anyone with information gal drugs, the statement said. Regis is also facing multiple drug
was shot to death in New Haven scribed by the relative as “acting the Trinity Baptist Church in about Pan’s whereabouts is and firearm charges. He was due to be arraigned in Dorchester
around 8:30 p.m. that same day. strange” as he walked off. New Haven. Congregants and asked to contract the US Mar- District Court, police said.
Pan has not been charged in Duffy said Pan got out of the ministers at the church were shals at 1-877-Wanted-2 or 1-
connection with Jiang’s murder car somewhere in or around the mourning the loss of Jiang, a 877-926-8332. MELROSE
but is now the subject of nation-
wide manhunt led by the US
towns of Duluth and
Brookhaven, two communities
high-energy and widely respect-
ed second-year graduate student John R. Ellement can be reached 64-year-old man dies in ATV crash
Marshal’s Service, which is also some 20 miles apart and located focusing on environmental stud- at A 64-year-old man died after suffering serious injuries in an all-
offering a $5,000 reward for in- northeast of Atlanta. He may be ies. Follow him on Twitter terrain vehicle crash at the intersection of Upham Street and
formation leading to the capture staying with friends and rela- Authorities have not dis- @JREbosglobe. Charlie Wildwood Road around 11 p.m. Thursday, police said. First re-
of Pan, whose last known ad- tives in those communities, au- cussed whether Pan knew Perry McKenna can be reached at sponders arrived to find the man suffering from serious injuries.
dress was a family-owned home thorities said. while both were on campus in He was taken to Melrose-Wakefield Hospital, where he died of his
injuries, police said in a statement Friday. The man, who was not
immediately identified, was the sole occupant of the vehicle. The
crash is under investigation.
CHUBBY, no; FATTY, yes? R.I. license plate ban overturned REVERE

By Alexa Gagosz taste and decency.” had issued a preliminary in- combinations. Man is charged in shooting
GLOBE STAFF The suit was filed against junction, which concluded that Combinations such as A man was arrested for a shooting that injured a person last
PROVIDENCE — A Rhode Walter Craddock, the state’s the law was likely violating the “CHUBBY” and “DRUNK” were weekend in a residential neighborhood off Route 60, police an-
Island law allowing the Divi- DMV administrator, by the First Amendment. The consent banned from being placed on a nounced Friday. Christian Vasquez, 23, of Revere, was charged
sion of Motor Vehicles to reject American Civil Liberties Union judgment entered Friday served vanity plate, while combina- with multiple firearms and drug violations, including assault
vanity license plates that are of Rhode Island on behalf of as a formal strike down of the tions such as “FATTY” and with intent to murder and trafficking in fentanyl, following his
“offensive” is now being de- Sean Carroll, a Tesla owner who statute. “TIPSY” were allowed. “RED- arrest Wednesday, police said in a statement. He was ordered
clared as unconstitutional by wanted a plate that read “FK- The judgment also allows NECK” was prohibited, but held without bail, pending a dangerousness hearing, at his ar-
US District Court Judge Mary GAS.” Carroll, who calls himself Carroll to keep his “FKGAS” li- “REDNEC” and “REDNEK” raignment Thursday in Chelsea District Court, the statement
McElroy. an environmentally conscious cense plate. were allowed, as was “OLD- said. Vasquez is accused of shooting a person last Saturday after-
Her consent judgment, citizen, claimed the message on In the suit, attorneys from FRT.” “CHRIST” was not al- noon near the intersection of Folsom and Pomona streets. The
which was filed on Friday, was his plate was conveying a philo- the ACLU had argued that the lowed, but “JEWISH” was. victim had a friend drive them to Beth Israel Deaconess Health-
entered in a lawsuit filed last sophical and political message law was vague, and violated the “AIDS,” “GAY,” “LESBIAN,” Care in Chelsea for treatment. Officials at the health center noti-
March challenging the constitu- concerning his views about gas- First Amendment by giving the “YANKEE,” and “SLOB” were fied police of the shooting, the statement said.
tionality of the law, which gives oline-powered cars and the en- DMV uncontrolled discretion to also reportedly prohibited.
the administrator of the DMV vironment. Prior to the suit, he ban speech based on the view- DENNYSVILLE, MAINE
the authority to deny vanity li-
cense plates based on whether
was ordered by the DMV to
turn in his plate, or else have
point of the message.
The DMV maintains a list of
Alexa Gagosz can be reached at Scallop fishing grounds closed
they think it might carry “con- his car registration canceled. more than 1,000 prohibited li- Follow her on Twitter Maine fishing regulators are closing the state’s richest scallop
notations offensive to good In October, Judge McElroy cense plate letter and number @alexagagosz. fishing grounds in the coming days. Cobscook, Whiting, and
Dennys bays will be off-limits for the rest of the fishing season
starting Sunday to help conserve the scallop population, the
Maine Department of Marine Resources said Friday. Cobscook
Bay is home to some of the most productive scallop fishing in the
state. Scallops may still be harvested by drag boats only on Feb.
15 and by divers only on Feb. 20, the marine department said.
The St. Croix River, another key scallop fishing area, will remain
open until further notice, the department said. Maine is also clos-
ing a handful of other scallop fishing areas around the state, the
department said. (AP)


Grants will help fix historic structures

Nearly $205,000 in grants have been awarded to 13 municipali-
ties and nonprofit groups around Vermont to help repair and re-
habilitate important historic buildings, according to state offi-
cials. Randolph is getting a $20,000 matching grant to support
restoration of the Chandler Music Hall’s main auditorium. Grants
have been awarded to the Henry Sheldon Museum in Middle-
bury, the town of Moretown, and the Enosburg Masons for the
restoration, repair, and weatherization of historic windows; and
for structural repairs at the McIndoes Falls Academy in Barnet,
restoration of a two-story porch at the East Calais General Store,
and steeple repairs at the Granville Town Hall. (AP)



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44th day of 2021. There are 321 ºIn 1633, Italian astronomer N. J., f o u n d B r u n o R i c h a r d son authorized Operation Roll- All 4 digits $488 Megaball 14, Megaplier 3
days left in the year. Galileo Galilei arrived in Rome Hauptmann guilty of first-de- i n g T h u n d e r, a n e x t e n d e d First 3 $273
Jackpot: $82,000,000
ºBirthdays: Actor Kim Novak is for trial before the Inquisition, gree murder in the kidnap-slay- bombing campaign against the Last 3 $273 PREVIOUS DRAWINGS
88. Actor George Segal is 87. Ac- accused of defending Coperni- ing of Charles A. Lindbergh Jr., North Vietnamese. FRIDAY NIGHT 2252 Midday Night
tor Bo Svenson is 80. Actor can theory that the Earth re- the 20-month-old son of Charles ºIn 1974, Nobel Prize-winning Payoffs (based on a $1 bet) Thursday 3180 5509
Stockard Channing is 77. Talk volved around the sun instead of and Anne Lindbergh. (Haupt- Russian author Alexander Sol- EXACT ORDER Wednesday 0339 9718
show host Jerry Springer is 77. the other way around. (Galileo mann was later executed.) zhenitsyn was expelled from the All 4 digits $3,246 Tuesday 2990 2775
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D- was found vehemently suspect ºIn 1939, Justice Louis D. Bran- Soviet Union. First or last 3 $454 Monday 2754 5753
Conn., is 75. Singer Peter Gabri- of heresy and ended up being deis retired from the US Su- ºIn 1991, during Operation Any 2 digits $39 Sunday 8291 7750
el is 71. Actor David Naughton sentenced to a form of house ar- preme Court. (He was succeed- Desert Storm, allied warplanes Any 1 digit $4 FRIDAY NUMBERS
is 70. Rock musician Peter Hook rest.) ed by William O. Douglas.) destroyed an underground shel- ANY ORDER AROUND NEW ENGLAND
is 65. Actor Matt Salinger is 61. ºIn 1861, Abraham Lincoln was ºIn 1960, France exploded its ter in Baghdad that had been All 4 digits $811 Maine, N.H., Vermont
Singer Henry Rollins is 60. Ac- officially declared winner of the first atomic bomb in the Sahara identified as a military com- First 3 $151 Day: 3-digit 730 4-digit 0140
tor Kelly Hu is 53. Rock singer 1860 presidential election as Desert. mand center; Iraqi officials said Last 3 $151 Eve: 3-digit 827 4-digit 0145
Matt Berninger (the National) is electors cast their ballots. ºIn 1965, during the Vietnam 500 civilians were killed. Rhode Island 6410
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e B3

Do you have
questions about
the COVID-19

We can help.
The Boston Globe is committed to providing
our community with the latest information on
the COVID-19 vaccine including: who’s eligible,
where to get vaccinated, how to book an
appointment, and more.

For more information and resources

on the COVID-19 vaccine visit:
B4 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1


R.I. nursing homes are still struggling with COVID-19

Case counts are lower heading into the new year
compared to December’s data,
navirus in these facilities.
In Rhode Island, of the 2,274
“We are approaching the one-
year anniversary of the first
dents is 1.19 for every 100 peo-
tion that would follow federal
and state public health guide-
lower, but ‘crisis Rhode Island’s nursing homes coronavirus-associated deaths, known coronavirus cases in The report also revealed that lines, ensuring quality care for
still have the second-highest res- 1,430 took place in skilled nurs- nursing homes, yet they remain shortages of personal protective residents through adequate
mode’ continues ident cases in New England, and ing facilities, nursing homes, as- appallingly high,” said Connell. equipment has declined from staffing and oversight, and hold-
four times the cases these homes sisted-living facilities, and other “The devastation this pandemic 20.3 percent of nursing homes ing long-term care facilities ac-
By Alexa Gagosz reported in both October and elder care facilities. has brought to nursing home without a one-week supply to 4.3 countable when they fail to pro-
GLOBE STAFF November. Staff shortages are still a residents and their families has percent, the lowest reported vide adequate care to residents.
PROVIDENCE — Almost a From Dec. 21 to Jan. 17, the problem, AARP found, with 40 exposed fundamental reforms since June 2020. “Our leaders must reject poli-
year into the pandemic, nursing rate of new coronavirus cases percent of facilities reporting that must be made in nursing Connell said Thursday that cies that take away the rights of
homes resident and staff remain per 100 residents declined from shortages, down from 41.9 per- homes and to the long-term care lawmakers should focus on en- residents to hold nursing homes
some of the most vulnerable to 15.7 to 10.6 residents and from cent. system.” acting, or making permanent, accountable when they fail to
the coronavirus. 12.5 to 10.6 among staff mem- Kathleen Connell, AARP She added, “We cannot lower the components of AARP’s five- provide adequate care,” Connell
In the latest release of AARP’s bers. state director, said in a state- our guard.” point plan: prioritizing regular said. “Now is not the time to let
Nursing Home COVID-19 Dash- More than 162,000 residents ment Thursday that she urges However, the resident death and ongoing testing and ade- nursing homes off the hook for
board, data show that nursing and staff in nursing homes and Governor Gina M. Raimondo, rate dropped from 2.60 to 1.82 quate PPP for residents and abuse, neglect, and even death.”
homes continue to be in “crisis other long-term care facilities Lieutenant Governor Daniel J. for every 100 people living in a staff, improving transparency
mode” despite incremental im- have died nationwide, and near- McKee, and state leaders to pro- Rhode Island nursing home. The with daily public reporting of Alexa Gagosz can be reached at
provements. ly 1.3 million people are known tect nursing home residents and resident death rate for Massa- cases and deaths in facilities, en- Follow
While the case counts are to have been infected with coro- staff from COVID-19. chusetts’s nursing home resi- suring access to in-person visita- her on Twitter @alexagagosz.

On even of Valentine’s Day,

virus shuts Needham Florist
uFLORIST The loss of orders, she said, “It may just all have to go in
Continued from Page B1 will come at a huge cost. Since the dumpster,” Ben-David said.
p a n d e m i c h a s n’ t b e e n b a d the beginning of the pandemic, “I don’t know what the right
enough, but now you’re going Needham Florist also lost out thing is to do.”
to be without the flowers that on providing floral arrange- Although the situation came
were ordered for you.” ments at many weddings, with bad timing, Ben-David
Reached by phone Friday, proms, recitals, graduations, said the community has been
owner Julie Ben-David, who and birthday celebrations, she incredibly supportive and un-
runs the shop with her hus- said. ders tanding about it , with
band, Avi, said the couple were “I’m just taking a huge fi- many promising to come back
the only two in the store, and nancial hit,” she said. after the company is in the
instead of spending what would Ben-David, who has been in clear. A Needham police officer
have been a day putting togeth- business for 25 years, said she was even helping deliver orders
er arrangements with staff, they doesn’t know what the rules are that were already finished Fri-
were making heartbreaking for donating the flower invento- day.
calls to customers about giving ry, since she has had direct con- On Facebook, where Ben- Julie and Avi Ben-David, owners of Needham Florist, posted a note at their shop. They spent
them refunds. tact with someone who tested David wrote that her “heart is Friday making heartbreaking calls to customers about giving them refunds.
“I need to get in contact with positive for COVID-19. She said in a billion pieces,” people post-
every customer,” said Ben-Da- she plans to get tested for the ed well-wishes and tried to the return of spring,” one per- so hard-working and dedicat- vive because of that,” she said.
vid, who sounded distraught as coronavirus sometime Friday, think of ways they could possi- son suggested. ed!” “But florists depend on the holi-
the phones rang continuously after she finishes reaching out bly support the family-owned- Another person wrote, “Per- Ben-David said it’s been that days ... and now this. It’s kind
in the background. “Even to customers. and-operated business, includ- haps people (that can afford to kind of mentality in town — of hard. It’s a tough hit to take.”
though I’m technically sup- Ideally, she said, she would ing offering to help deliver do so) would feel good about and from customers in sur-
posed to be quarantining, I’m like to donate them to “hospi- some of the flowers if possible. giving the money as a donation rounding towns — that has Steve Annear can be reached at
quarantining in my store right tals, nursing homes, or schools, “Maybe, Needham friends, to a small business that has helped keep them afloat since
now and informing everybody,” but I don’t even know if they’d we can plan a day of celebration been in business in this town last March. Follow him on Twitter
about their orders. be willing to take them.” to make up for this loss. Maybe for all these years and has been “We have been able to sur- @steveannear.

Lawmakers contend
companion vaccines
exacerbate inequities
uCOMPANIONS to stand in lines during bitterly
Continued from Page B1 cold weather for extended peri-
go a mass vaccination site ods of time, and that the compa-
alone,” Kate Reilly, spokesperson ny itself is only about a year old
for COVID-19 Response Com- with no long-term track record
mand Center, said in a state- operating logistically complex
ment. “The Command Center vaccination programs.
implores seniors to only bring a “We encourage your adminis-
companion who they know and tration to immediately dedicate
trust.” the time, resources and vaccine
Reilly cited favorable com- doses to local public health de-
ments from the Massachusetts partments that are ready and
Senior Care Association and able to quickly stand up their
Massachusetts Nurses Associa- clinics,” the lawmakers wrote.
tion as evidence of public sup- “Many of our local departments
port for the plan. are at their wit’s end.”
In their letter, the lawmakers They added that “the state’s
also demanded that Baker shift over reliance on private, for-
vaccine distribution away from profit entities to manage mass
private companies with minimal vaccination sites is hurting our
track records operating large- ability to vaccinate and protect
scale vaccination programs and our seniors throughout the Com-
redirect that supply to local monwealth.”
boards of health who already The lawmakers voiced con-
run annual flu clinics and have cern that some healthy residents
been preparing to do the same have turned to Craigslist to find
with the COVID-19 vaccine. elderly people in need of rides to
The lawmakers asserted that mass vaccination centers, saying
two mass vaccinations sites op- it raises safety issues and expos-
e r a t e d b y C u r a t i v e In c ., i n es the elderly to yet another op-
Springfield and Danvers, were portunity to fall victim to
Patrons entered the Eastfield Mall in Springfield, which is now a mass vaccination site during the COVID-19 pandemic. badly managed, leading seniors COVID-related scams.

State puts focus on mass vaccination, retail pharmacy sites

uHOSPITALS said. “We need more options for “What takes us all day in an un- week that younger companions next would not be coming. led to his vaccination. After
Continued from Page B1 people to get it and more op- derserved community, Gillette who drive a senior to a mass vac- “We have put a lot of effort spending hours on the phone to
Dr. David Rosman, presi- tions that ideally can build can do in 15 minutes. I get that. cination site can get a shot, too, into figuring out how to best secure an appointment at a
dent of the Massachusetts Medi- trust.” But you have to have both or patients have been calling Shar- provide the vaccine to our pa- mass site miles away, he got a
cal Society, said he feared the Dr. Eric Dickson, president you’re not going to have an equi- ma’s office to switch their ap- tients, many who we have phone call and e-mail from his
state had chosen “efficiency at and CEO of UMass Memorial table system.” pointments to a mass vaccina- known for several decades and cardiologist at Beth Israel Dea-
the cost of equity.” Health Care, called for a balance Boston Medical Center, how- tion site. But they’re asking her who trust us,” he said in a text to coness Medical Center. He was
By cutting back shipments to between sites that can vaccinate ever, isn’t subject to the cutoff in to hold open their slots in case the Globe. “I don’t understand offered an appointment at a
hospitals, Rosman said, the large numbers of people quickly vaccine supplies. Instead, doses they can’t find a way to get to a the rationale for limiting vacci- temple 10 minutes from his
state dashed opportunities for and sites that can reach the vul- are being directed to public ac- big site. nation to large, central sites. West Roxbury home.
physicians to bring the shots to nerable. cess sites the hospital has “If the goal is to vaccinate our Many people lack the ability or Within a few days he had re-
communities of color where “It’s clear the health care sys- launched in Mattapan, Hyde entire public and they have a technology to schedule the ap- ceived his shot at a clinic near
trust in vaccines is already wa- tems are much better at getting Park, Dorchester, Roslindale, great system I will bow out pointments and get transporta- home. “It couldn’t have been
vering. into underserved areas and pop- and the South End, said Dr. gracefully,” said Sharma, a cardi- tion to these places.” better,” he said.
“People have a trusting rela- ulations that we work with every Alastair Bell, chief operating of- ologist. “But I live here and see But Sudders, the state health
tionship with their doctor, and day,” he said. ficer. who is not getting [vaccinated]. secretary, said there was no in- Felice J. Freyer can be reached at
when their doctor says, ‘This is For example, UMass Memo- In Webster, just south of I feel a responsibility to the com- tention to permanently limit Follow
safe and as soon as my family is rial runs a mobile unit that de- Worcester, Dr. Sheena Sharma munity to get it to them, and vaccine distribution to a single her on Twitter @felicejfreyer.
eligible I will get it for them,’ livers vaccines to Worcester’s receives about 700 doses a week these mass sites are not getting type of site. “We expect to have Deanna Pan can be reached at
then patients are more willing,” most underserved neighbor- for vaccination clinics and has to the seniors.” more than one channel for peo- Follow
he said. hoods and communities of color. filled them quickly with eligible Dr. Christopher Garofalo, an ple to get vaccine,” she said. her on Twitter @DDpan.
“Are we concerned now that “That’s something that’s very, residents, and hasn’t been told Attleboro family doctor, found Edward Jesser, a 78-year-old Kay Lazar can be reached at
some populations aren’t going very inefficient, but that ineffi- her supply will be reduced. out Friday that the 40 doses he’d retired political consultant, was Follow her
to get access to vaccines? Yes,” he ciency gets you equity,” he said. With the announcement this requested for the week after pleased with the channel that on Twitter @GlobeKayLazar.
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Metro B5

A STATE OF EMERGENCY Quite a catch — on ice — in Stockbridge

Hinsdale man
Brookline rabbi sets up lands 15-pound
brown trout
vaccination clinic for
Holocaust survivors
By Charlie McKenna

A Hinsdale man, who

dubbed himself “an avid out-
By Charlie McKenna child of survivors. doorsman,” snagged a 15-pound
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT “They came over after the brown trout while ice fishing on
Rabbi Danielle Eskow has or- war, they had been through hor- Stockbridge Bowl last Saturday.
ganized a COVID-19 vaccination rible things beyond anyone’s Jamie Pollard said he was out
clinic for Holocaust survivors in imagination and they started a ice fishing with his childhood
Brookline in a concerted effort life from scratch,” she said. Es- best friend when he caught the
to help a vulnerable population kow and her husband named trout, which weighed in at a
that might otherwise struggle to their children after his grand- whopping 15 pounds, 13 ounces
book an appointment. parents. and measured 32 inches in
Eskow, who was vac- Survivors have length. The trout was on the line
cinated in the first booked 14 appoint- for 15 minutes before he was
phase of the state’s roll- ments in the two days able to get a look at it.
out plan, said she hopes they have been avail- “It was a solid 15 minutes be-
the clinic will come as a able, Eskow said. fore we were able to see the fish
relief to survivors, Eskow enlisted the swim by the hole and all of us
many of whom live h e l p of Jan e t S t ei n went dead quiet,” he said. “It
alone or are not techno- Calm, president of the was high anxiety, it felt like a lot “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Jamie Pollard said of the 15-pound, 13-ounce, 32-inch trout
logically savvy, she said. American Association of longer than it was and that’s a he caught last weekend.
“A lot of us are able Jewish Holocaust Survi- long time to be playing a fish but
to sign in online and do Rabbi Danielle vors and Descendants of the first time it went by and Massachusetts Fisheries and scribed them as the “cherry on Pollard said.
it ourselves or we have a Eskow Greater Boston, to reach when we saw its tail its tail mea- Wildlife Information and Edu- top” of the typical crop of trout “It’s certainly invigorated a
f a m i l y m e m b e r, i f out to Holocaust survi- sured at 7 inches.” cation Chief Marion Larson said released into public ponds, lot of people,” he said. “I showed
you’re a little bit older, who vors about the clinic. Stein Calm Po l l a r d s a i d a 5 - p o u n d it’s rare someone pulls a fish of lakes, streams, and rivers. it to some younger fishermen
could do it for you,” she said. said the group uses a range of brown trout would be consid- that size out of the ice. Pollard’s trout is not a state and other people around some
“But a lot of the survivors are liv- strategies to contact survivors, ered a prize and he had never “I’m as gobsmacked about record as a 19-pound, 10-ounce of the bait stores and nowadays
ing alone and a lot of them are including sending out mailings. seen anything quite like the fish the size of the fish as probably a brown trout was caught in 1966 I look at it as possibly something
not technologically savvy. Some It is particularly important to he caught on Saturday. bunch of people are,” she said. in Wachusett Reservoir, Larson that’s encouraging people to get
people [are] homebound and so vaccinate survivors because of “I’ve been around doing this Most of the trout stocked in said. outdoors when it’s such a diffi-
it’s very difficult for them to ac- the years of their lives lost due to for 42 years plus and I’ve never Stockbridge pool are between 2 Po l l a r d s a i d h e i n i t i a l ly cult time.”
cess the information.” the war, Stein Calm said. seen anything like it, so it’s pret- and 7 pounds, Larson said. planned to release the trout but
The clinic, which will be held “They’ve already been robbed ty amazing,” he said. Larger fish, like the one Pollard instead plans to do a “synthetic Charlie McKenna can be
Feb. 25 at Congregation Kehil- out of years of their lives, they The trout weighed in at 17.5 caught, are used primarily to mount” after donating the filets reached at
lath Israel in Brookline, will be were robbed out of their child- pounds on the ice. At 32 inches, breed the typical crop of fish to his brother.
run by Eskow’s sister, Dr. Marisa hoods, they were robbed out of it’s longer than the all-time state and released after three to four T he “monster ” trout has Follow him on Twitter
Tieger, a physician at Massachu- their communities and the record, Pollard said. years in the hatchery. Larson de- driven interest in ice fishing, @charliemckenna9.
setts Eye and Ear, and Dr. Justin schools they went to and what
Holtzman, who has been run- should have been their lives,” she
ning his own clinic at the Uni- said. “ T hey were fortunate
versity of Massachusetts Am- enough, miraculously enough,
herst. Holtzman will be provid- to survive the Holocaust but it
ing the vaccines for Eskow’s doesn’t mean that it’s gone from
clinic. Eskow said she also plans their memories. The least thing
to enlist another doctor. we can do at this point is to do
Holtzman said he immediate- anything we can to help them re-
ly jumped at the idea to help turn to what should be a normal
with the clinic. life.”
“My first reaction was, ‘What Eskow said she feels a duty to
a great way to get the vaccine to help survivors continue to share
people who need it, but are likely their stories.
unable to be able to utilize the “Stories are the only accounts
technology platforms to sched- we have left of this horrible trag-
ule the appointments,’ ” he said. edy that happened, and if we can
“To be able to play a role in help- protect them and preserve them,
ing to eradicate [the pandemic], we can continue to allow them
or at least helping to bring it un- to share their stories for years to
der control, is nothing short of come,” she said. “And that’s pre-
an honor.” serving history as best we can.”
Helping Holocaust survivors Survivors who want to make
is deeply personal for Eskow, appointments can call 857-245-
whose husband is the grand- 6763.

March 20 Feb. 12
In Mass:
Mass. COVID-19 cases
Confirmed, by date case was
reported to the state average
2,228 new positivity rate:
(Cumulative total: 525,486)

Patients with
currently in
Mass. COVID-19 deaths hospitals: COLD START — A runner braved the morning cold as the sun rose along the Charles River in Cambridge.
Confirmed, by date death was
reported to the state
87 new 1,223
(Cumulative total: 15,051)
Average age of
1 hospitalized

Speaker unveils House leadership team

The state did not report data 8/23, 11/26, 12/25, or 1/1
SOURCE: Mass. Department of Public Health GLOBE STAFF

Mass. passes 15,000 uHOUSE

Continued from Page B1
dollars in additional pay on top

coronavirus deaths of their base salaries and offer

representatives added influence
on legislation.
By Martin Finucane The DPH also reported 2,228 “The Speaker has made ap-
GLOBE STAFF new confirmed coronavirus cas- pointments that value and re-
The state of Massachusetts es Friday, bringing the state’s to- flect the diversity and expertise
passed a tragic milestone Friday, tal to 525,486. of our House members,” Cronin
as the toll of the coronavirus The DPH said 48,280 people said in a statement.
pandemic rose over 15,000. were estimated to have active Not all agreed. What gains in
The number of confirmed cases of the potentially deadly vi- diversity the leadership slate of-
coronavirus deaths rose by 87, rus, and 1,223 confirmed coro- fered were small in a 159-person
bringing the total to 15,051. navirus patients were in the hos- chamber where 69 percent of
Meanwhile, the state’s coro- pital. seats are held by men and 86
navirus vaccination campaign, The DPH also reported that percent of the members are
which offers hope of ending the 106,107 more tests had been white. From left: Claire Cronin, the new House majority leader; Kate Hogan, the new speaker pro
deadly pandemic, continued, conducted for coronavirus. The Nine members of color will tempore; and House Speaker Ronald Mariano.
with the total number of vacci- total number of tests adminis- serve as vice chairs within com-
nations rising by 46,244 to tered climbed to more than 14.7 mittees, after seven did last ses- in late December. in diversifying his leadership
1,034,018, the Department of million. New antigen tests had sion. They include Jon Santiago, “To not have a single Black ‘The Speaker team.”
Public Health reported. been completed for 3,049 peo- a South End Democrat consider- voice in the room when deci- Senate President Karen E.
The number of new vaccina- ple, bringing that total to ing running for Boston mayor, sions are being made, it’s unac- has made Spilka, starting her second full
tions was higher than on Thurs-
day, when 37,259 were reported.
The DPH reported that the
who will serve as the No. 2 Dem-
ocrat in a newly created commit-
ceptable,” Holmes said of Maria-
no’s 10-person leadership team.
appointments that session atop the chamber, kept
her leadership team unchanged,
The total number of shots ad- seven-day average rate of posi- tee on COVID and emergency “This is structural racism. That value and reflect and every Democrat heads a
ministered amounted to 68.8
percent of the 1,503,925 doses
tive tests, which is calculated
from the total number of tests
But eight women will chair
you have so few Blacks, so few
Latinos not getting into leader-
the diversity and committee.
The 40-member Senate in-
shipped to providers in the state administered, was 2.55 percent. committees, down from 10 last ship does not make sense when expertise of our cludes just two people of color:
so far, the DPH said. The state’s alarming second session. Three women of color you have a majority leader that Sonia Chang-Díaz of Jamaica
The total shots administered surge appears to be on the wane. will serve as vice chairs: Tram has only been in the building House members.’ Plain and freshman senator Ad-
included 776,843 first shots and Cases and other metrics have Nguyen of Andover on labor and eight years.” REP. CLAIRE CRONIN, the am Gomez of Springfield.
257,175 second shots. Those been generally heading down- workforce development, Liz Michael Moran of Brighton new House majority leader Chang-Díaz will lead the com-
who have gotten their second ward. But public officials are Miranda of Roxbury on person- will serve as assistant majority mittees on cannabis policy and
shot of the currently approved concerned about a possible re- nel and administration, and leader under Mariano, and Jo- racial equity, civil rights, and in-
two-dose vaccines are consid- surgence due to new coronavirus Chynah Tyler of Roxbury on ju- seph Wagner of Chicopee and clusion, while Gomez will chair
ered fully vaccinated. variants, and they’re asking peo- diciary. Sarah Peake of Provincetown “ This is the most diverse the committee on children, fami-
Massachusetts is in the midst ple to continue taking precau- Representative Russell E. were named second assistant leadership team I’ve seen since lies, and persons with disabili-
of a high-stakes campaign to tions and to get vaccinated when Holmes, the Legislature’s lon- majority leaders. James O’Day of I’ve been in the House,” Moran ties.
vaccinate more than 4 million it’s their turn. gest-serving Black lawmaker, West Boylston, Ruth Balser of said Thursday. “Would I like
adults. The state’s effort got off was not given a leadership posi- Newton, and Thomas Golden of there to be more people of color? Matt Stout can be reached at
to a slow start but has picked up Martin Finucane can be reached tion after briefly challenging Lowell will serve as division It’s always good to. But [Maria- Follow
recently. at Mariano’s bid to become speaker chairs with Frank Moran. no] has done a tremendous job him on Twitter @mattpstout.
B6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1



Watch sparks fly

An ode to the romance tropes we love to hate (but secretly just love)

By Deanna Schwartz FAKE DATING

GLOBE CORRESPONDENT Two characters pretend to date, for whatever reason. It’s a
et’s face it: This Valentine’s Day will probably not be perfect plan — except for when they fall for each other for real.
very exciting. We can order takeout from a nice res-
taurant, rent a movie, do some self-care . . . but at “Bridgerton”
the end of the day, we’ll be where we’ve been for the It seems like everyone has seen the Netflix smash-hit by now,
past year: at home. but if you haven’t, it’s the perfect time to binge the eight-episode
As our lives remain at a standstill, we can partake in a univer- first season. Daphne Bridgerton and Simon, Duke of Hastings,
sally beloved pastime — watching other people fall in love on TV. can solve all their problems by pretending to be in courtship —
Here are a few streaming picks to get you in the romantic until it suddenly becomes too real. Streaming on Netflix
mood, based on your favorite romance trope.
“The Good Place”
WILL THEY OR WON’T THEY? Chidi and Eleanor are supposed to be soulmates in the after-
The name of the trope says it all. Mostly found in sitcoms with life . . . except for the fact that she’s the wrong Eleanor. The mis-
long runs, this trope makes for satisfying binge. matched duo have to keep up the facade of being soulmates as
the world around them slowly falls apart. Streaming on Netflix
“New Girl”
“New Girl” saw a resurgence in popularity during quarantine From top: Phoebe Dynevor and Regé-Jean Page (left “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”
and we think it was in part thanks to the “Will they or won’t photo) in “Bridgerton”; Chris Messina and Mindy Kaling The 2018 Netflix original movie “To All the Boys I’ve Loved
they?,” slow-burn relationship between Zooey Deschanel’s bub- in “The Mindy Project”; Noah Centineo and Lana Condor Before,” based on the best-selling books by Jenny Han, is a high
bly Jess and Jake Johnson’s grumpy Nick. The show’s two other in “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”; Noah Reid and Dan school-set take on the trope, in which teens enter a fake relation-
couples — Schmidt and Cece and Ally and Winston — are just as Levy in “Schitt’s Creek.” ship in an attempt to make other people jealous. The third in-
delightful to watch fall for each other. Streaming on Netflix stallment in the film series arrived Feb. 12. Streaming on Netflix

“The Mindy Project” HATE TO LOVE

The Mindy Kaling-led “The Mindy Project” embodies this They begin as enemies, but circumstances and, often, simmer-
trope so well that they have an episode titled “Will They or Won’t ing sexual tension, lead this couple from hatred to friendship to,
They.” Throughout the show’s six-season run, Mindy and Danny eventually, love.
go through highs and lows to (spoiler alert) end up together.
Streaming on Hulu “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”
Detectives Jake and Amy begin as rivals, constantly trying to
“Gilmore Girls” one-up each other. When they finally get together, it’s one of the
Viewers of this cult classic may have to wait four seasons be- most satisfying moments in recent sitcom history. The show,
fore seeing Luke and Lorelai realize they’re meant for each other, which jumped from Fox to NBC, is currently going through a
but the wait is worth it. “Gilmore Girls” is arguably the best show necessary revamp inspired by the Black Lives Matter protests of
for a fall or winter binge and we’ve got a little over a month be- 2020. Streaming on Hulu
fore the season ends. Streaming on Netflix
“Schitt’s Creek”
LOVE TRIANGLE When David first meets Patrick, his romantic interest for the
A trope as old as time. Two characters are in love with the next three seasons, his feelings can definitely be described as
same person, leaving that person with the perilous choice be- hate. But Patrick wins David over and they become the best cou-
tween them. Are you team X or team Y? ple of the beloved show. Streaming on Netflix

“One Tree Hill” Within the unique plot of a pregnant virgin, the triangle between “You’ve Got Mail”
The classic teen show has one of the early 2000s’ most iconic Jane, Michael, and Rafael brings heart to the over-the-top show. The Nora Ephron classic stands the test of time — despite
love triangles: Lucas Scott, Peyton Sawyer, and Brooke Davis. Streaming on Netflix having been released before this writer was born. Tom Hanks
Come for Chad Michael Murray in his glory days, stay for the and Meg Ryan play competing Upper West Side bookstore own-
plot and heartfelt writing. Streaming on Hulu “Sex and the City” ers who, unbeknownst to them, are also anonymous online pen
Before the Samantha-less revival comes out, catch up on the pals. Streaming on HBO Max
“Jane the Virgin” iconic show. Carrie Bradshaw spends years being tugged be-
The telenovela satire, which ran for five seasons on the CW, tween mysterious Mr. Big and nice guy Aidan, and often finds Deanna Schwartz can be reached at deannaschwartz12@
pays homage to one of the genre’s main tropes: the love triangle. herself making the wrong choice. Streaming on HBO Max and on Twitter @deannaschwartzz.

Filmmakers Collaborative to ENJOY THE BREAK

host moviemaking workshops

By April Federico dents joining remotely will need access to a smart

GLOBE CORRESPONDENT device, Zoom, and video editing software, such as
or tweens and teens inspired by the iMovie.
moviemaking happening around Laura Azevedo, the executive director of the
town, the opportunity to create for the Filmmakers Collaborative, said the program em-
big screen is about to get real. Mel- phasizes creativity, confidence-building, and col-
rose-based Filmmakers Collaborative laboration.
will host in-person and virtual classes for high All students’ creations can be submitted to the
school and middle school students hoping to get a Boston International Kids Film Festival, which the
taste of movie magic during February break. The Filmmakers Collaborative created in 2013 to cele-
FC Academy winter session of pro-led courses and brate family-friendly films made by professionals
workshops will take place Tuesday, Feb. 16, and students. “I have parents saying, ‘It’s like their
through Friday, Feb. 19. Super Bowl!’” said Azevedo.
Students will learn a range of documentary- The festival allows students to see their films
making skills, including scriptwriting, storyboard- on the big screen, meet pro filmmakers, and even
ing, character development, and camera tech- walk a red carpet. The film festival is scheduled for
niques. Each class allows for students of any expe- November.
rience level to make a short film in their preferred The four-day in-person classes cost $240 and
genre. Instructors include Lame Cool Productions will take place at the Cabot Theater (286 Cabot St.,
founder Raysam Donkoh-Halm, filmmaker Tyler Beverly) and Hunt’s Photo & Video (100 Main St.,
Patterson, and producer-director Jon Dunham, Melrose). Virtual classes will take place 9 a.m. to
who will stream his courses from Italy. 11:30 a.m. and cost $185 for the four-day period.
The in-person programs cap at 10 students per Classes range from ages 8-11 and 12+. To register
class and follow COVID-19 protocols, including for classes, visit
mask wearing, social distancing, and equipment
sanitizing between sessions. All equipment — in- April Federico is a writer in Rhode Island. She can
cluding cameras and editing materials — will be be reached at and Melrose-based Filmmakers Collaborative will host in-person and virtual classes for high
provided for in-person participants, while stu- on Twitter @AprilFMedia. school and middle school students during February break.
Sports C
PGA: Pebble Beach, 1 p.m., Golf, and 3 p.m., NBC
NBA: 76ers-Suns, 3 p.m., NBA
NHL: Bruins-Islanders, 7 p.m., NESN
Tennis: Australian Open, 7 p.m., Tennis, and 9 p.m., ESPN2
Listings, C6

T H E B O S T O N G L O B E SAT U R DAY, F E B RUARY 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 | B O S T O N GL OB E .C O M / SP O RT S

roll along
By Matt Porter

Bruins 1 Igor Shesterkin made

one mistake. Jaroslav
Rangers 0 Halak made zero.
In a duel of sharp netminders with a
spicy, swinging-from-the-heels second
period, Halak and the Bruins emerged
with a 1-0 win over the Rangers at
Madison Square Garden Friday night.
A goal by Nick Ritchie, on a follow-
up chance that had Shesterkin wishing
for a do-over, was all the visitors need-
ed to win their fifth in a row and run
their East Division-best record to 10-
Boston now owns the best points
percentage in the NHL (.846), which
could wind up being the determining
factor for playoff seeding in a season
riddled with COVID -19 postpone-
ments. The Bruins expanded their East
edge to 4 points over Philadelphia.
The Bruins have points in 10 con-
secutive games (9-0-1), and have won
seven of their 13 contests by one goal.
In this one, they were “easy to play
against,” to the eye of coach Bruce
Cassidy, in a sleepy opening 20 min-
utes. They turned down shots (Charlie
Coyle one offender), lost races to loose
pucks, and couldn’t find open lanes
from the point.
Jaylen Brown scored 27 points in Friday night’s Celtics loss, but also took a hard foul on a layup that left him prone on the floor with a bloody nose. “Second period, first shift, we threw

Body blow
one at the net, it started from there,”
Cassidy said. “Then the orneriness be-
gins. I think that’s when we’re at our
The caffeine kicked in, Boston out-
shot New York, 18-6, in the second, and
Ritchie scored the only goal at 9:27. His
fifth of the season, and first at even
strength, came off a David Krejci break-
out feed. The burly winger steamed

Celtics take step Gary Washburn down the right flank, put a low back-
hand on net, and followed by banking

backward in loss
ON BASKETBALL his rebound off Shesterkin from below
the goal line.

to lowly Pistons Memo to Ainge: “Pretty simple play, and he follows it

up,” Cassidy said of Ritchie, who tied

Tatum, Brown Patrice Bergeron with a game-high six

shots, in 17:10. “You know that first

need help
By Adam Himmelsbach BRUINS, Page C6

Pistons 108 After the Celtics’ im-

pressive win over To-
Celtics 102 ronto on Thursday, Well if Danny Ainge wasn’t un- I N SI D E
coach Brad Stevens made it clear that nerved by what he saw Friday against
he was pleased, but he wanted to see a the six-win Detroit Pistons, then maybe
similar effort sustained for a longer pe- the Celtics deserve to be just another
riod before he declared it a true sign of average team.
progress. The Celtics need help, desperately,
Then on Friday night the six-win Pis- evidence by their 108-102 loss in which
tons came to TD Garden and showed the Pistons brought back their Bad Boy
that one step forward would be fol- days for a night and beat up on Jayson
lowed by one step back, as Detroit over- Tatum and Jaylen Brown.
came an early 10-point deficit and Brown walked away with a bloody
grabbed a 108-102 win. nose and floor burns for how many
Rookie Saddiq Bey pummeled the times he had been knocked down. And
Celtics, drilling all seven of his 3-point it reached a point where Brown and
attempts en route to 30 points, none Tatum were the entire Boston offense
bigger than his 3 from the right arc with and that’s happening far too often. Jordan Spieth shot 67 to take a
38.3 seconds left that stretched his Tatum and Brown combined for 60 one-shot lead at Pebble Beach. C7
team’s lead to 101-95, moments after of points and 20 of the team’s 36 field
Daniel Theis missed a potentially game- goals. They got little help. Daniel Theis Play ball
tying attempt. scored 11 points on 12 shots. Rookie Red Sox announce revised, and con-
Jayson Tatum had 33 points, 11 re- Payton Pritchard, making his first NBA densed, spring training schedule. C2
bounds and 7 assists to lead the Celtics, start, followed his 20-point game
but his cool shooting stretch continued JOHN TLUMACKI/GLOBE STAFF
Thursday with 2 points Friday.
Texans will cut Watt
Star defensive end requests to be re-
with a 9 for 22 outing. Jaylen Brown Celtics center Tristan Thompson, who scored just 4 points off the Grant Williams scored 1 point in 25
leased, and team will oblige. C3
CELTICS, Page C4 bench, tries to split the Detroit defense in the fourth quarter. ON BASKETBALL, Page C4

Red Sox’ Cordero: Chad Finn

Huge ups, downs Trading favorites

By Alex Speier

Franchy Cordero’s major

really special body, a really spe-
cial athlete, with a swing that,
when developed to where he
is a risky deal
league career is a blurry myth in wants to be, can make him a The most fulfilling time to velops into a likable hometown
need of the sharpened edges of damaging hitter with gap-to-gap be a sports fan, of course, is a hero, one who might even end
reality. power, the raw power to go out precise one: When the moment up riding triumphantly down
It’s not hard to understand of any yard, in any place,” said comes to celebrate a champion- Boylston on one of those sweet
why Cordero is, in the words of Mets bench coach Dave Jauss, ship. amphibious vehicles a time or
Red Sox assistant general man- who managed Cordero in the In Boston, the duck boat en- two.
ager Eddie Romero, a “tantaliz- Dominican Winter League this gines fire up and a parade com- Andrew Benintendi is no
ing talent.” Chief baseball officer year. mences. In a place like, oh, longer a member of the Red
Chaim Bloom noted his ability Though his speed has de- Tampa, the party happens Sox, traded to the Kansas City
to hit the ball as hard as anyone clined steadily over his four big where the dinghies mingle with Royals Wednesday night for
in the game, a notion borne out league seasons (much like An- the yachts. The mood is sunny outfielder Franchy Cordero, a
by a 489-foot homer he blasted drew Benintendi), his top-end no matter the locale or weather, minor league pitcher (via the
in 2018 and the 92.5 m.p.h. av- speed in 2020 still placed him in and the beverages flow. Mets), and three players to be
erage exit velocity that ranks the 68th percentile of big leagu- Being a fan gets no more sat- named who might make the Sea
ninth in the majors since 2017 ers — a significant trait in pro- isfying than that. But I’d submit Dogs more interesting.
— just behind Fernando Tatis Jr. jecting his future defensive abili- that the second-most satisfying If there are Red Sox fans
and Giancarlo Stanton, and just ties. aspect of caring about a sports happy about this trade, their
ahead of Matt Chapman, Chris- “I don’t project him as a cen- team — especially a baseball voices are lost in the cacophony
tian Yelich, and Shohei Ohtani. ter fielder even though he has Former Royal Franchy Cordero has hit .236, with a .304 OBP, team — is when a prospect’s of frustration. Benintendi was a
“As far as talent goes, he has a CORDERO, Page C2 .433 slugging mark, and 12 homers in 95 big-league games. promise is fulfilled, and he de- FINN, Page C2
C2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1

Baseball unveils new structure for minors

By Michael Silverman lost their affiliation in the reshuffling. tage of digital marketing opportunities ment League” license-holders. gral part of our game while strengthen-
GLOBE STAFF MLB still intends to incorporate Lowell and other resources provided by MLB, When announcing its restructuring ing how we develop professional ath-
After an often contentious and con- in a professional development league said Rea, and deepen newer connec- intent, MLB said it wanted affiliates to letes on and off the field. We look for-
troversial two-year process, Major that has yet to be formalized, something tions at MLB, whose senior vice presi- be nearer to their major league teams’ ward to demonstrating the best of our
League Baseball unveiled its slimmed- MLB said would occur in the coming dent of minor league operations and de- home as well as having updated facili- game throughout local communities,
down and restructured minor league weeks and months. velopment, Peter Woodfork, is a former ties. supporting all those who are working
system Friday. In the meantime, Friday’s news member of the Red Sox front office. In a statement, MLB said many affil- hard to grow the sport, and sharing un-
Each of the 30 major league teams means an actual schedule can’t be far “I think it’s going to come down to iates “will be in significantly closer geo- rivaled technology and resources with
now has only four minor league affili- away for the WooSox. That, along with relationships,” said Rea. “ We have graphic proximity” to their clubs. On av- minor league teams and players.”
ates, one each in Triple A and Double A, the completion of construction at Polar strong relationships with the Red Sox, erage, MLB said, major league clubs will MLB touted its new licenses as a step
and one each in High and Low Single A. Park, and hopes that Massachusetts with [CEO and president] Sam [Kenne- be “over 200 miles closer to their Triple toward a number of improvements, in-
The Worcester Red Sox will play in protocols ease enough for ticket sales to dy] and Chaim [Bloom, chief baseball A affiliates.” cluding previously announced player
the Northeast Division of Triple A East, be meaningful, are front of mind for the officer], David Beeston [executive vice In the statement, MLB commission- salary bumps ranging from 38 to 72
the Portland (Maine) Sea Dogs in the WooSox, who moved from Pawtucket, president, chief strategy officer], they’ve er Rob Manfred said: “We are excited to percent this season, modernized facility
Northeast Division of Double A North- R.I., for this season. been helpful throughout this process. unveil this new model, which not only standards, improved amenities and
east, the Greenville (S.C.) Drive in the The new minor league set-up should “I think it will be an affirmation of provides a pipeline to the Majors, but working conditions, reduced in-season
South Division of High A East, and the mean “not too dramatic a deviation for the strong relationships we’ve built continues the Minor Leagues’ tradition travel, and the improved geographical
Salem (Va.) Red Sox in the North Divi- us from an operational standpoint,” said both with the Red Sox and MLB.” of entertaining millions of families in alignment.
sion of Low A East. Dan Rea, executive vice president of The 120 teams within the main- hundreds of communities.
After serving for 20 years as the Red real estate development and business stream minor league system had to offi- “In modernizing our Minor League Michael Silverman can be reached at
Sox’ affiliate in the New York-Penn affairs for the WooSox. cially agree to accept an invitation from system, we prioritized the qualities that Follow
League (Short A), the Lowell Spinners The ball club likely will take advan- MLB to become “Professional Develop- make the Minor Leagues such an inte- him on Twitter: @MikeSilvermanBB.


Red Sox spring

schedule revised
By Andrew Mahoney

The Red Sox announced a revised spring training

schedule following Major League Baseball’s decision to re-
gionalize matchups to limit travel during the COVID-19
The Red Sox’ Grapefruit League schedule in Florida
will now feature matchups against the Atlanta Braves,
Baltimore Orioles, Minnesota Twins, Pittsburgh Pirates,
and Tampa Bay Rays. The Red Sox will play 29 games in
31 days, beginning Feb. 28 at Hammond Stadium against
the Twins in Fort Myers.
They will play the most games against the Braves, with
the first of nine matchups at JetBlue Park in Fort Myers
March 1, and will close out with two exhibition games
against the Braves, in North Port March 29 and at JetBlue
Park March 30.
The Red Sox will implement physical distancing and
safety protocols to allow some fans to attend games at Jet- A talented Red Sox outfield of Mookie Betts (left), Andrew Benintendi, and Jackie Bradley Jr. once seemed untouchable.
Blue Park — up to approximately 24 percent of capacity.
Tickets will be sold in physically distanced “pods,” primar-
ily comprising 2-4 seats, that will allow for at least 6 feet
between groups.
Season ticket-holders will be offered the first opportu-
Trading fan favorites can be risky deal
nity to attend exhibition games, and additional tickets uFINN .279/.343/.384, with just two saw Allen Craig was listed among out and becomes a fan favorite,
may go on sale to the general public depending on avail- Continued from Page C1 home runs in 256 plate appearanc- his most similar hitters on base- then the Sox go ahead deal him in
ability. tremendously popular member of es. Since the beginning of the 2019 ball-reference — it feels like the three years for a player with a sim-
All day games at JetBlue Park will start at 1:05 p.m., the Red Sox, arriving on the scene season, he has put up a .255/.341/ Red Sox got little in return, even if ilar profile and a smaller salary,
and all night games at 6:05 p.m. in 2016 with Fred Lynn’s swing .410 line, with just 13 homers in we don’t even know the full return why should anyone be expected to
and 80-grade hair on the scouting 667 plate appearances. Last sea- yet. make a sustained emotional (and
No fans at Hall induction scale. He was a phenom’s phenom, son was a complete bust – he hit Acquiring Cordero isn’t exactly financial) investment in this team?
The Baseball Hall of Fame announced it would hold its the No. 7 pick in the 2015 draft .103 in 14 games before a rib cage a youth movement — he’s 58 days The optics of trading Beninten-
induction ceremony as scheduled on July 25. But the who rocketed up the Red Sox farm injury ended his season. He also younger than Benintendi — and it di a year to the day after the
event will essentially be a television production held in- system, earned Baseball America’s regressed as a left fielder — the requires no deep dive into analyt- shameful trade of Mookie Betts to
doors without fans because of the pandemic. designation as the top prospect in idea of playing him in center ics to find his flaws. He’s struck the Dodgers did not go unnoticed
Members of the Hall’s Class of 2020 — Derek Jeter, the game entering 2017, submit- would have been akin to putting out 110 times in 315 major league around here. Two years ago, enter-
Marvin Miller, Ted Simmons, and Larry Walker — will be ted a 20-homer, 20-steal season as Troy O’Leary there circa ’99 — and plate appearances. I referred to ing the 2019 season, I wrote a cov-
honored after their induction was canceled last year. a 22-year-old that same season, lost some speed on the basepaths. him as Franchy Mo Pena on Twit- er story for our baseball preview
The ceremony is expected to be shown live on MLB and made perhaps the most im- His promise was fulfilled, but ter when I got a look at his stats, section answering a wildly fun
Network. portant play in the ’18 Red Sox only fleetingly, and it’s a mystery but that’s really not fair to either question: Where do Betts, Benin-
No players were elected by the Baseball Writers’ Asso- postseason charge to the World Se- why. I remember his father saying player. Pena did hit .301 with 11 tendi, and Jackie Bradley Jr. rank
ciation of America this year, and the veterans committee ries crown, a diving grab with the once that he never messed with homers as a part-time player for among the best outfields in fran-
vote was canceled. bases loaded for the final out of Andrew’s swing as a kid, that it the 2006 Red Sox. Cordero has raw chise history? It would have been
Induction ceremonies traditionally are held outside Game 4 of the American League came naturally to him and he power to spare, and improved his unfathomable that they’d all be
and are open to the public, free of charge. A crowd esti- Championship Series against the knew to leave a beautiful thing strikeout rate significantly last gone — c’mon, if they wanted
mated at 55,000 attended in 2019 when Harold Baines, Astros. alone. I wonder if Benintendi season. There’s bust potential, Bradley back, they’d have shown
Roy Halladay, Edgar Martinez, Mike Mussina, and Maria- He was easy to like, immediate- messed himself up in the quest to sure, but he has the kind of prom- real interest during the season —
no Rivera were honored. ly, with his low-key charisma, aes- alter his launch angle. There are ise that flickered out in Beninten- two years later.
The Hall’s annual awards presentation ceremony will thetically smooth game, and the Walt Hriniak-messing-up-Rich di. I’m looking forward to seeing Trading Benintendi is not a bad
be held July 24, also behind closed doors. A recording of promise of his promise. He ap- Gedman vibes to all of this. what he can do. I think you’ll like move, and we can’t judge the re-
that ceremony will be televised the next day as part of the peared to be a cornerstone even Chaim Bloom isn’t going to him. turn now. But it’s always a bum-
induction coverage. before he became a champion. judge a player on what he was sup- Bloom has — wisely, if unsenti- mer to see a fan favorite go, even if
The two most recent winners of the Ford C. Frick Dave Dombrowski, habitually will- posed to be or what he was for a mentally — been systematically re- his popularity exceeded what his
Award for broadcasting excellence — Ken Harrelson and ing to meet a steep asking price for while. He’s judging on what the building the fringes and depth of production warranted. There’s a
Al Michaels — will be honored, along with the last two a coveted player, refused to in- player is, and what he is likely to the organization, and the willing- lesson in the response to this, and
winners of the BBWAA’s Career Excellence Award: the late clude him in the Chris Sale block- be going forward, and the logical ness to trade just about anyone if I hope Bloom hears it. It goes a lit-
Nick Cafardo in 2020 and Dick Kaegel in 2021. buster. In those early days, it conclusion is that the Red Sox just it brings back a similarly skilled tle something like this.
Cafardo wrote for the Globe from 1989-2019. seemed certain he’d be here for a don’t believe Benintendi will find player at a lesser salary and a pros- We liked Benintendi, but we get
generation, putting up .300-25-95 all that has gone missing from his pect or two is something we’d bet- why you’d trade him. He didn’t be-
Holt lands with Rangers batting lines year after year, at game. I suspect they see him as an ter get used to. It’s an approach come everything he was supposed
Free agent infielder Brock Holt agreed to a minor worst becoming a superior all- average left fielder with a no lon- that deserves the benefit of the to, and maybe he never will. But
league contract with the Texas Rangers that includes an around version of Mike Greenwell. ger high ceiling, and that there’s doubt, presuming the intent will the next time a player comes along
invitation to spring training. The deal calls for a $1.75 And now he’s a Royal. A Royal. little concern that this deal will be be there to pursue stars, a la the who fully fulfills his promise,
million salary if he makes the team. It’s surprising to see him go in the regrettable. I doubt they believe Dodgers, once the bones of the or- you’d best keep him around. Red
Holt, 32, is a Fort Worth native. He played for the Red sense that we were so sure not so they sold low. Rather, they sold ganization are healthy. Sox fans like generational stars al-
Sox from 2013-19 before hitting .211 over 36 games for long ago that he’d be here for a when they got a deal they liked. But Bloom must be aware, too, most as much as they like parades.
the Brewers and Nationals last season. long time — and yet it should not Because so many of us still that incrementally improving the
be surprising at all. Benintendi think of Benintendi as that sure- roster while dealing away players Chad Finn can be reached at
Peter Abraham of the Globe staff contributed to this report. hasn’t hit for 2½ seasons now. In fire star rather than what he has fans care about will only be toler- Follow him
Follow Andrew Mahoney on Twitter @GlobeMahoney. the second half of 2018, he slashed actually been — I cringed when I ated for so long. If Cordero pans on Twitter @GlobeChadFinn.

Scouting report on Red Sox’ Cordero: Huge ups, and downs

uCORDERO games of big league experience, es, the ninth-highest rate in the ping 84.7 percent of pitches he ies in the Dominican, and his Red Sox first base coach from
Continued from Page C1 including a mere 25 in the last majors since his 2017 debut. It’s saw that were in the strike zone) early big-league career (.182/ 1997-99. “Troy O’Leary brought
good enough speed and a good two years. still possible to be a valuable while chasing fewer and fewer .239/.333 against lefties, .252/ a whole lot of positives for the
enough arm,” said Jauss. “He He has shown impressive player while striking out with pitches outside the zone (28.0 .322/.463 against righties) un- Boston Red Sox and the baseball
came to us with the track record glimpses, but questions about that frequency — one evaluator percent in 2020; below the derscores the chance that he industry. He became a good left
in the Dominican of not being a his potential contributions with compared Cordero’s skills with league average). He also has dis- could be a platoon player. (The fielder, a dangerous hitter in the
dependable left fielder. That, by the Red Sox — his third team in those of Rangers outfielder Joey played an evolving two-strike Red Sox’ interest in Marwin middle of the order.
no means, was what he was this three years — are as loud as the Gallo — but it’s difficult. approach that has helped him González was driven in part by a “Without hitting 45 home
year. tools he possesses. Moreover, Cordero’s lengthy reduce strikeouts. desire to have a switch-hitting runs, he always had the poten-
“He was a very dependable In those 95 games, spanning injury history — which includes “He’s mechanically good,” platoon option with the tial to go out on any at-bat. He
left fielder, and in the Domini- 315 plate appearances, Cordero multiple elbow injuries, multi- said Jauss. “He knows what he lefthanded Cordero in left and could go gap to gap.
can, most of those parks are big has hit .236 with a .304 OBP and ple leg injuries, and most recent- needs to do, both in a game and the righthanded Bobby Dalbec “This type of player —
and they are tough to play. [De- .433 slugging mark along with ly a broken hamate in 2020 — to get his swing to be consis- at first.) O’Leary and Cordero — come in-
fense] is not going to keep him 12 homers — most of those of makes it difficult to forecast his tent.” Cordero represents an upside to their own at different times in
from being an everyday left the tape-measure variety (his future. “He obviously has incredible play by the Red Sox. He shows their career. If Cordero develops
fielder.” homers average 412 feet, most Even so, some evaluators power,” said Red Sox hitting enough ability to make an im- in the way that O’Leary devel-
If Cordero were draft-eligi- in the majors of any hitter with note that Cordero has shown im- coach Tim Hyers. “It doesn’t pact, even if the sky’s-the-limit oped, I think he could be the
ble, his combination of speed, at least 10 since 2017). Any time provement in his offensive ap- seem like he has a lot of chase in ceiling suggested by his tools same way that O’Leary was,
power, and size (6 feet 3 inches, he makes contact, there’s a proach. He has been smar t there. We’ve just got to clean up probably should be balanced out which I think is a high caliber of
226 pounds) likely would put chance that the ball will disap- enough to refine his swing deci- a little bit of zone contact, but by the reality of his performance player in the scouting world.”
him near the top of the board. pear onto the horizon. sions, swinging at an increasing that swing looks good.” to date and the time he’s missed.
But he’s not draft-eligible. But he hasn’t made consis- number of pitches in the strike Jauss noted a significant dis- “He has the ceiling of a Troy Alex Speier can be reached at
He’s 26 years old (the same age tent contact, striking out in 34.9 zone (in his limited playing time parity in the quality of Cordero’s O’Leary,” said Jauss, recalling a Follow
as Benintendi) with just 95 percent of his plate appearanc- in 2020, he swung at a whop- at-bats against lefties and right- player he worked with as the him on twitter at @alexspeier.
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C3


Guy should be a keeper

By Jim McBride Patriots will be at the front of the line. season on the practice squad but could
GLOBE STAFF Cowart: An athletic and big interi- emerge as a regular in the rotation if
Sixth in a position-by-position se- or defender, he saw a big uptick in he continues to develop.
ries snaps and production this past season. The free agents
Lawrence Guy casts a long shadow. He is signed through 2023 and has the DEs: J.J. Watt, Leonard Williams,
Literally and figuratively. skills to continue to develop into an Jadeveon Clowney, Romeo Okwara;
The 6-foot-4-inch, 315-pounder (he every-down player. DTs: Ndamukong Suh, DaQuan Jones,
looks bigger) has had the largest im- Spence: Really enjoyed watching Sheldon Rankins.
pact of any player on the Patriots de- this veteran perform in his late-season Watt: Fresh on the market, the
fensive line over the last three seasons. cameo. He is wide, deceptively quick, highly decorated Watt is a versatile
J.J. Watt is a three-time winner of the NFL Defensive Player of the Year. An unheralded free agent signing and has a team-friendly deal ($1.075 and powerful defender who can make
in 2017, Guy steadily improved and million base salary for 2021). He’ll be an impact from nearly every front-sev-
increased his role as a front-line de- motivated. en spot. Though frequently injured
NFL NOTEBOOK fender and locker room leader every Wise: Always a high-energy pass- throughout his career, he’ll have mul-
season. He has been the club’s best rushing end, he packed on some off- tiple teams banging on his door. The

Texans grant DE Watt’s and most consistent lineman over the

past four years.
In 2020, his first season as a cap-
season pounds to become a more well-
rounded defender who could help
stuff the run. An unrestricted free
Steelers, who already have a pair of
Watt brothers, have to be considered
the front-runners.

request to be released
tain, Guy was immense, flipping be- agent, the always affable Wise (even Williams: Woolly mammoth de-
tween end and tackle — a staple of his his snarl has a trace of a smile) has a fender has excellent strength and can
time in New England — and playing good chance of remaining in Foxbor- both set the edge against the run and
through shoulder, elbow, and knee in- ough. pressure the pocket.
By Andrew Mahoney ing uncertainty at quarterback after star juries while still producing at a high Davis: Concussions limited his pro- C l o w n e y : W h e n h e a l t h y, h e’s
GLOBE STAFF Deshaun Watson requested a trade, and level. duction, but he was solid when among the NFL’s elite defenders. His
The Houston Texans and defensive controversy swirls in Houston surround- Guy is the biggest of the Patriots’ healthy. Could return on a low-cost, superior combination of speed and
end J.J. Watt mutually agreed to part ing the impact of Jack Easterby, the for- in-house free agent defenders (again, prove-it deal. strength make him close to unblock-
ways. Watt made the announcement in a mer Patriots character coach who is now literally and figuratively), and striking Simon: One of several ends who al- able one-on-one. Problem is, he’s rare-
video he released on Twitter Friday. the Texans’ vice president of football op- a new deal with the soon-to-be 31- so could classify as outside lineback- ly 100 percent. Clowney likely will
“The connection I have with the peo- erations. year-old likely is high on the club’s list. ers, the veteran has at times been the need to take a bridge deal to prove he
ple of Houston is special, and I will never Guy has expressed that he would Patriots’ best edge-setter, particularly can stay on the field before he gets an-
take that for granted because I know Ravens’ Smith robbed “love to return to New England” where against the run, the last few seasons. other crack at a huge payday.
how rare it is. I just want you to know Ravens cornerback Jimmy Smith was he has put down roots and become an Similar to the entire defense, Simon Okwara: Coming off his best season
that I love you and I appreciate you,” unharmed after he and his family were active member of the community. It’d struggled some late in the season. He’s (10 sacks), he would instantly upgrade
said Watt. “I want to thank the McNair robbed at gunpoint in California earlier be a surprise if the feeling weren’t mu- a free agent, and a return engagement any team’s pass rush. Has massive and
family for drafting me and giving me my this week. tual. is possible. long arms and can rag-doll blockers
first opportunity in the NFL. Thank you, The robbery occurred Tuesday night Here’s a look at some of the non- Winovich: Another end/linebacker with his ridiculous power.
Houston.” at a hotel after Smith had arrived at Los draft options the Patriots could con- hybrid, Winovich has a chance to be a Suh: One of the best hybrid two-
Watt, 31, is the franchise’s all-time Angeles International Airport. sider this offseason, when an overhaul front-seven star in this defense be- gap run-stuffing/one-gap penetrators
sacks leader (101.0), a three-time Associ- In a statement, the Ravens said: “We of the first line of defense could be in cause of his versatility and nonstop in league history, he is still going
ated Press NFL Defensive Player of the are aware of the situation involving Jim- order. motor. His role likely will expand in strong at 34; it only seems as if he has
Year Award winner (2012, 2014-15) and my Smith. We have spoken with Jimmy The 2020 Patriots 2021 as he transitions from precocious been around for 34 seasons.
the 2017 Walter Payton NFL Man of the and he and his family are safe.” Guy, Adam Butler, Byron Cowart, youngster to veteran leader. As he gets Jones: A massive specimen at 6-4,
Year. Akeem Spence, Deatrich Wise, Carl stronger and refines his techniques, he 322, Jones is the kind of player who
Houston selected Watt with the 11th Pouncey twins retire Davis, John Simon, Chase Winovich, could turn in a sack machine. can anchor the middle against the run,
pick in 2011. A five-time Pro Bowl selec- Mike and Maurkice Pouncey came Tashawn Bower, Nick Thurman, and Bower: With another season in the occupy blockers, and redirect ball car-
tion and AP First-Team All-Pro (2012-15, into the world together. They’re leaving Rashod Berry. program under his belt, this edge de- riers into the arms of other defenders.
2018), Watt played in 128 games in his the NFL in the same way. Butler: One of the top undrafted fender could be in line for a major in- Rankins: Another large, powerful
10 seasons with the Texans. He set fran- The 31-year-old twin brothers an- free agent signings of the last decade, crease in playing time should he put man, he’s coming off a subpar season
chise records in sacks (101.0), tackles for nounced their respective retirements af- Butler has a story similar to Guy’s in together another solid offseason. and may have to take a short-term
loss (172), quarterback hits (281) and ter spending a decade among the best that he was largely unheralded upon Thurman: An end/tackle tweener team-friendly deal to prove himself
forced fumbles (25) to go along with 531 centers in the league. arrival but just kept getting better and at 6-4, 305, he has good athleticism and earn a bigger payday down the
total tackles, 61 passes defensed and 16 Maurkice spent 11 years in Pitts- better every season. His responsibili- and strength and just needs more sea- road. He’s smart and tough and likely
fumble recoveries. burgh earning two All-Pro nods and nine ties consistently increased from interi- soning in the program. Like Bower, he highly motivated.
Watt’s departure comes in an offsea- Pro Bowl selections. Mike reached the or pass-rushing specialist to depend- could be ready to be a bigger contribu- The bottom line
son where the Texans have hired coach Pro Bowl four times while playing for able three-down defender. tor. Keeping Guy, Butler, and Wise in
David Culley and general manager Nick Miami and the Chargers. An unrestricted free agent, Butler Berry: Impressed the coaching staff the program should be the top priority
Caserio to replace Bill O’Brien, who held is tough, smart, and dependable — he with a nice transition to full-time de- before supplementing the front line
both jobs and was fired after the team Material from the Associated press was played through a shoulder injury all fensive end after also playing tight end with some cost-friendly veteran free
opened the season 0-4. They’re also fac- used in this report. season — and will have suitors. The in college. Spent the majority of the agents.





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Get help for Tatum, Brown NBA

JAZZ 129, BUCKS 115
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
Middltn. 38 6-14 4-6 0-2 4 4 18
Ankmpo 39 12-20 4-6 2-15 6 5 29
Lopez .... 26 8-18 4-6 1-6 0 3 23
DVcnzo . 26 2-9 0-0 1-2 2 4 5
uON BASKETBALL the Celtics would relish having right 9 points before leaving with knee issues. EASTERN CONFERENCE Forbes... 20 2-6 0-0 0-0 0 1 5
Augustn 29 2-7 7-9 0-1 3 4 12
Continued from Page C1 now. And while that is short-term think- Brown and Tatum will gladly take a ma- ATLANTIC W L Pct. GB Streak Home Conf. Cghton.. 29 1-2 0-0 0-1 3 3 2
Craig ..... 11 2-3 0-0 1-1 0 2 6
minutes and didn’t attempt a shot. ing — Nesmith might become a capable jority of the shots — they love to shoot Philadelphia 18 8 .692 — L1 11-2 15-4 Portis .... 21 7-13 0-0 1-5 1 2 15
T.Ampo... 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Brooklyn 15 12 .556 3½ W1 11-5 10-9
It ’s a l u x u r y t o h av e tw o o f t h e player and major contributor — for this and score — but defenses are going to Adams .... 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
BOSTON 13 12 .520 4½ L1 6-4 10-7 Totals .... 42-92 19-27 6-33 19 28 115
league’s top 20 players, especially when year’s Celtics, it’s significant. flatly disrespect the others if they can’t Toronto 12 14 .462 6 L1 6-5 9-7 FG%: .457, FT%: .704. 3-pt. goals: 12-
33, .364 (Middleton 2-4, G.Antetokoun-
they are 24 (Brown) and 22 years old The Celtics needed production from hit or create open shots. New York 12 15 .444 6½ W1 5-6 9-9 mpo 1-2, Lopez 3-9, DiVincenzo 1-4,
Forbes 1-4, Augustin 1-4, Craig 2-2,
(Tatum) respectively, but they are going both rookies and although Pritchard has Ainge needs to work the phones even CENTRAL W L Pct. GB Streak Home Conf. Portis 1-4). Team rebounds: 10. Team
turnovers: 10 (15 pts.). Blocks: 6 (G.An-
to exhaust at this rate. The games keep exceeded expectations, Nesmith is still a more to seek a player who can impact Milwaukee 16 9 .640 — L1 9-2 12-5 tetokounmpo 2, Lopez 2, Augustin,
coming and the support just isn’t there. development player. With the lack of this team as soon as possible. Waiting Indiana 13 13 .500 3½ W1 7-8 8-7 Connaughton). Turnovers: 10 (Middle-
ton 3, G.Antetokounmpo 3, Lopez, Di-
Chicago 10 15 .400 6 L1 4-9 5-7
Kemba Walker has been in a slump since support, either Tatum or Brown — or patiently hasn’t gotten the Celtics far *Cleveland 10 16 .385 6½ L5 7-7 8-9
Vincenzo, Connaughton, Craig). Steals:
8 (G.Antetokounmpo 2, Augustin 2,
he rejoined the lineup and the support- both — are going to start breaking down. over the years. They waited for a deal Detroit 7 19 .269 9½ W1 5-8 5-11 Connaughton 4).
ing cast is just far too inconsistent. It’s no shock Brown has been dealing that never happened to unload those SOUTHEAST W L Pct. GB Streak Home Conf. FG FT Reb
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
When asked if he’s going to have to with knee tendinitis that caused him to “treasure chest” of draft picks and even- Charlotte 13 14 .481 — W1 8-7 9-9 O'Neale. 35 0-4 0-0 1-10 1 5 0
Bgdnvc . 35 3-10 2-2 0-3 2 2 9
watch his fatigue level and endurance, miss two games on the recent road trip. tually had to use most of them. Miami 11 14 .440 1 W4 7-7 7-11 Gobert .. 35 9-12 9-13 4-12 0 5 27
Atlanta 11 14 .440 1 L2 6-8 7-7 Mitchell 37 6-20 13-14 0-6 8 4 26
Brown said: “I don’t even have a com- Tatum played 41 minutes on the second The result is an inconsistent team Ingles.... 30 8-11 4-4 0-3 5 0 27
*Orlando 9 17 .346 3½ L3 5-8 7-10 Favors... 20 5-5 0-0 2-6 0 2 10
ment for that one. I think we’ve got to do game of a back-to-back, and the Celtics that wins in LA against the Clippers, Washington 6 17 .261 5 L2 2-9 4-13 Clarksn . 31 10-18 1-1 0-4 5 1 25
the best we can to help our team win. No play again Sunday afternoon. beat the Raptors twice as well as the Niang .... 14 2-2 0-0 0-2 1 3 5
Oni........... 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
excuses.” Brown looked as if he had been in a Bucks and Heat, but loses to a team with WESTERN CONFERENCE Totals .... 43-82 29-34 7-46 22 22 129
FG%: .524, FT%: .853. 3-pt. goals: 14-
In other words, Brown is saying, “Get UFC match with Jon Jones after the one of the worst records in the NBA on a PACIFIC W L Pct. GB Streak Home Conf. 38, .368 (O'Neale 0-3, Bogdanovic 1-5,
*LA Lakers 20 6 .769 — W6 8-4 13-4 Mitchell 1-9, Ingles 7-9, Clarkson 4-11,
us some help Danny!” The Celtics can game, his mask covering his swollen night the Pistons were riddled with inju- Niang 1-1). Team rebounds: 13. Team
LA Clippers 19 8 .704 1½ W2 8-4 12-5 turnovers: 17 (22 pts.). Blocks: 5 (Gob-
wait another six weeks to use their $28.5 nose just as much as protecting him ries in the frontcourt. Phoenix 15 9 .625 4 W4 8-4 9-7 ert 4, Niang). Turnovers: 17 (O'Neale 3,
Bogdanovic 2, Gobert 2, Mitchell 2, In-
million trade exception but by that time from the virus. “There’s a lot of unknown because Golden State 14 12 .538 6 W2 9-5 9-7 gles 2, Favors 2, Clarkson 2, Niang,
*Sacramento 12 12 .500 7 L1 7-7 6-9 Oni). Steals: 4 (Bogdanovic, Clarkson,
Tatum and Brown might need work- “I don’t know how many times I hit we’re inconsistent,” Celtics coach Brad Niang 2). Technicals: def. 3-second,
4:53/3rd, def. 3-second, 11:16/4th,
man’s compensation. The Celtics have the floor but I migh t as well have Stevens said. “If we were more consis- SOUTHWEST W L Pct. GB Streak Home Conf.
Mitchell, 7:10/4th.
become a two-man team, because Walk- mopped the floor, man,” Brown said. tent as a team, we’d be a lot more San Antonio 15 11 .577 — W1 7-8 11-11 Milwaukee............31 21 30 33 — 115
Utah .......................35 34 27 33 — 129
*Memphis 10 10 .500 2 W1 4-7 4-5
er can’t score like he used to and the oth- “Detroit was a physical team. I think at known. I think we’re capable but there’s Dallas 13 14 .481 2½ W4 6-7 7-9
ers are just far too erratic. this point it’s a little ridiculous. I don’t a big difference between being consis- New Orleans 11 14 .440 3½ L2 7-5 6-10 NUGGETS 97, THUNDER 95
Theis, who has improved as a 3-point want to comment too much on it be- tent and capable in this league. Consis- Houston 11 14 .440 3½ L4 5-6 8-10 OKLAHOMA CITY
shooter, tried tying the game late with a cause I’m not getting fined but I got hit tent wins out at the end of the day and NORTHWEST W L Pct. GB Streak Home Conf. Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
3-point attempt that was open — for a in the face pretty hard, and nothing.” has a chance to play for things, and we’re Utah 20 5 .800 — W5 10-2 10-3 Bazley... 29 2-9 2-2 1-7 2 0 7
Willims . 36 3-8 0-0 4-11 9 3 7
reason. He had missed his previous The physical toll is already apparent, not there yet.” *Portland 14 10 .583 5½ W2 7-5 6-6 Horford. 28 6-15 1-2 1-5 4 1 16
Denver 14 11 .560 6 W2 7-6 10-9 Dort....... 31 6-14 2-3 0-3 1 4 15
three. On the next play, Detroit rookie and if Ainge wants to save his guys for The clock is ticking for this team. The Okla. City 10 15 .400 10 L3 3-8 5-12
Diallo..... 37 6-15 3-4 0-4 2 6 16
Muscala 22 3-8 1-1 0-8 1 1 7
Saddiq Bey splashed his seventh 3-point- the playoffs and beyond, the Celtics need Celtics need to get Tatum and Brown Minnesota 6 20 .231 14½ L4 4-8 4-13 Jackson. 28 7-11 3-3 2-3 3 2 20
* — Not including late game Roby...... 19 3-5 1-2 2-5 3 1 7
er, becoming the first rookie in league to acquire a third scorer. The Celtics, be- some help, or these guys are going to Miller .... 11 0-4 0-0 1-3 1 1 0
FRIDAY’S RESULTS Totals .... 36-89 13-17 11-49 26 19 95
history to hit at least seven 3-pointers in sides Tatum and Brown, were 16-for-39 wear down trying to carry the team on FG%: .404, FT%: .765. 3-pt. goals: 10-
Detroit 108 at BOSTON 102 At Utah 129 Milwaukee 115 32, .313 (Bazley 1-3, Williams 1-1, Hor-
a game without a miss. shooting, 4-for-16 from the 3-point line their backs. ford 3-8, Dort 1-5, Diallo 1-2, Muscala
New York 109 at Washington 91 At Denver 97 Okla. City 95 0-4, Jackson 3-5, Roby 0-1, Miller 0-3).
It’s even more infuriating because for 42 points. Team rebounds: 9. Team turnovers: 14
At Charlotte 120 Minnesota 114 Memphis at LA Lakers
Bey was taken five picks after Aaron Ne- It’s unfair to depend on Pritchard to Gary Washburn can be reached at (12 pts.). Blocks: 3 (Bazley, Roby, Mill-
er). Turnovers: 12 (Bazley 2, Williams
San Antonio 125 at Atlanta 114 Cleveland at Portland
smith in the draft. Nesmith has contrib- be a third scorer with Walker missing Follow him 2, Dort, Diallo 3, Muscala, Jackson 2,
Roby). Steals: 8 (Williams, Dort, Diallo
At Dallas 143 New Orleans 130 Orlando at Sacramento
uted little so far. Bey is the shooting wing out to rest his knee. Semi Ojeleye scored on Twitter @GwashburnGlobe. 3, Muscala, Jackson 2).
LA Clippers 125 at Chicago 106 DENVER
Millsap.. 33 6-10 0-0 1-3 4 2 12
Philadelphia at Phoenix 3 Brooklyn at Golden St. 8:30 Porter.... 31 7-13 0-0 1-4 0 1 15
Jokic...... 37 9-16 2-2 3-13 9 4 22
Indiana at Atlanta 7:30 Miami at Utah 9 Barton... 36 4-8 0-0 1-5 5 1 10
Houston at New York 8 Murray.. 38 8-19 3-4 0-5 5 1 22
Green.... 16 1-7 0-0 1-7 0 3 2
THURSDAY’S RESULTS Morris... 18 2-5 2-2 0-0 0 0 7
Hamptn 19 3-6 0-2 0-4 1 2 7
At BOSTON 120 Toronto 106 At Golden St. 111 Orlando 105 Cmpzzo .. 6 0-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Nnaji........ 6 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Miami 101 at Houston 94 At Portland 118 Philadelphia 114 Totals .... 40-87 7-10 7-41 24 14 97
FG%: .460, FT%: .700. 3-pt. goals: 10-
Indiana 111 at Detroit 95 40, .250 (Millsap 0-2, Porter Jr. 1-6, Jok-
ic 2-7, Barton 2-3, Murray 3-11, Green
0-4, Morris 1-1, Hampton 1-4, Campaz-
zo 0-1, Nnaji 0-1). Team rebounds: 8.
HORNETS 120, T’WOLVES 114 MAVS 143, PELICANS 130 Team turnovers: 13 (18 pts.). Blocks: 5
(Millsap 2, Porter Jr. 2, Jokic). Turn-
overs: 13 (Millsap, Porter Jr., Jokic 2,
MINNESOTA NEW ORLEANS Barton 3, Murray 2, Green 2, Morris,
FG FT Reb FG FT Reb Hampton). Steals: 6 (Millsap, Porter Jr.,
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt Jokic, Barton, Murray 2). Technicals:
Ingram.. 35 11-23 4-4 1-5 5 2 30 def. 3-second, 2:21/3rd.
Okogie .. 22 2-4 2-2 2-4 0 0 6 Willmsn 37 14-15 8-11 0-2 4 2 36
Edwrds . 34 9-21 1-1 0-6 3 2 21 Oklahoma City.....28 25 26 16 — 95
Adams .. 20 2-4 0-0 4-4 1 2 4 Denver...................16 24 30 27 — 97
Towns... 32 9-18 2-2 2-8 2 2 25 Ball ........ 32 4-12 0-0 0-6 7 4 12 A — (19,155). T — 2:07. Officials —
Rubio..... 28 2-8 1-1 1-4 9 5 5 Bledsoe. 32 5-7 2-3 0-4 4 3 16 James Williams, Jacyn Goble, Nate
Beasley. 37 12-21 0-0 1-5 1 3 31 Hart....... 30 2-8 1-2 0-5 5 3 6 Green.
McDnls . 24 3-7 1-2 1-4 1 3 9 Hrngmz. 22 4-8 2-3 4-9 3 1 10
McLghn 22 3-6 0-0 0-0 7 1 6 Lewis Jr 17 2-5 0-0 0-2 0 1 5
Reid....... 16 3-7 1-2 1-5 4 1 7 Redick... 15 4-8 0-0 0-1 2 1 11 CLIPPERS 125, BULLS 106
Totals .... 48-90 17-23 9-38 31 19 130
Nowell .. 18 1-6 0-2 0-2 1 1 2
Vndrblt ... 7 1-1 0-2 1-2 0 0 2 FG%: .533, FT%: .739. 3-pt. goals: 17- LA CLIPPERS
37, .459 (Ingram 4-9, Williamson 0-1, FG FT Reb
Totals .... 45-99 8-14 9-40 28 18 114
Ball 4-10, Bledsoe 4-4, Hart 1-5, Her- Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
FG%: .455, FT%: .571. 3-pt. goals: 16- nangómez 0-1, Lewis Jr. 1-2, Redick Batum... 31 2-4 2-2 0-6 1 0 7
41, .390 (Okogie 0-2, Edwards 2-6, 3-5). Team rebounds: 7. Team turn- Leonard 33 14-21 4-5 0-6 3 0 33
JOHN TLUMACKI/GLOBE STAFF Towns 5-8, Rubio 0-3, Beasley 7-13, Mc- overs: 10 (13 pts.). Blocks: 3 (Ball, Ibaka..... 22 4-9 0-0 1-5 1 0 9
Daniels 2-4, McLaughlin 0-1, Nowell Redick 2). Turnovers: 9 (Ingram 2, Wil- Beverly . 12 2-4 1-2 0-0 1 1 6
Celtic Jeff Teague (left), who scored 8 points off the bench, attempts to deter a pass by Detroit’s Dennis Smith Jr. 0-4). Team rebounds: 7. Team turn- liamson, Adams 2, Ball, Bledsoe, Lewis Jackson. 24 5-11 0-0 0-1 4 0 11
Mann..... 33 3-4 1-1 0-4 2 4 7
overs: 8 (14 pts.). Blocks: 4 (Okogie, Jr., Redick). Steals: 5 (Ingram, William-
Towns, McDaniels 2). Turnovers: 8 son 2, Bledsoe, Hart). Zubac.... 15 5-6 2-3 1-4 1 5 12
(Towns, Rubio 2, Beasley, McDaniels, Willims . 24 8-13 0-0 0-2 5 0 17

Celtics go backward in loss to Pistons

McLaughlin 2, Vanderbilt). Steals: 10 Morris... 25 6-10 2-2 2-6 1 1 20
(Okogie, Towns 2, Beasley, McDaniels, Kabngle .. 3 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
McLaughlin 4, Vanderbilt). Kennard 18 1-3 0-0 0-3 1 2 3
Kleber ... 37 2-6 0-0 0-6 2 4 6
Totals .... 50-86 12-15 4-37 20 13 125
CHARLOTTE Smith .... 35 5-6 0-0 1-5 0 3 14
Porzngs 32 13-21 2-4 3-7 1 4 36 FG%: .581, FT%: .800. 3-pt. goals: 13-
Rchrdsn 33 3-6 4-4 0-2 6 2 11 30, .433 (Batum 1-3, Leonard 1-6, Ibaka
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt 1-3, Beverley 1-1, Jackson 1-3, Williams
Doncic... 40 17-30 7-9 1-8 12 4 46
Haywrd. 35 5-21 2-2 3-7 5 1 14 1-3, Morris Sr. 6-8, Kabengele 0-1, Ken-
Burke ...... 6 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 3
Rozier.... 41 13-20 9-9 0-7 3 2 41 Hardwy. 21 3-8 0-0 0-0 0 1 8 nard 1-2). Team rebounds: 3. Team
uCELTICS sidelined because of a calf strain, rookie Zeller..... 25 7-8 2-2 1-8 1 3 17 Brunson 22 4-5 3-4 0-6 7 1 13 turnovers: 9 (12 pts.). Blocks: 7 (Ba-
Continued from Page C1 Pistons 108, Celtics 102 Payton Pritchard drew his first career
Graham 28 4-10 0-0 0-2
Ball ........ 37 8-15 2-2 2-11
2 8
5 20
Stein...... 13 3-4 0-0 0-3 2 3 6
Powell..... 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
tum, Ibaka 2, Mann, Zubac, Williams,
Morris Sr.). Turnovers: 9 (Batum, Iba-
At TD Garden Bridges . 31 3-6 4-4 4-10 0 2 11 Totals .... 51-88 16-21 5-37 30 22 143 ka, Beverley, Mann 2, Zubac 2, Morris
had 27 points. DETROIT start for the Celtics. He might prefer to Biymbo . 23 2-3 0-0 2-6 1 2 4 FG%: .580, FT%: .762. 3-pt. goals: 25-
Sr., Kabengele). Steals: 11 (Batum 3,
FG FT Reb Leonard 2, Ibaka, Jackson, Mann 2, Wil-
The Celtics trailed by 13 with 10:40 Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt PPG be a bench sparkplug, though, because Monk..... 21 2-7 0-0 0-4 2 0 5 45, .556 (Kleber 2-5, Finney-Smith 4-5,
Porzingis 8-13, Richardson 1-3, Doncic
liams, Kennard).
Totals .... 44-90 19-19 12-55 20 17 120 CHICAGO
left before clawing back and pulling Griffin ............ 35
Grant.............. 35
4 12 12.3
2 15 23.3
he went just 1 for 5 with 2 points and 1 FG%: .489, FT%: 1.000. 3-pt. goals:
5-8, Burke 1-2, Hardaway Jr. 2-6, FG FT Reb
Brunson 2-2, Cauley-Stein 0-1). Team Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
within 95-93 on a pair of Theis free Stewart ......... 22
Ellington........ 20
5 5.5
5 11.1
assist in 28 minutes, 43 seconds. 13-36, .361 (Hayward 2-6, Rozier 6-10,
Zeller 1-1, Graham 0-5, Ball 2-8, Bridges
rebounds: 8. Team turnovers: 6 (7 Willims . 35 1-5 1-2 0-4 1 2 3
pts.). Blocks: 2 (Porzingis, Doncic). Temple . 30 4-8 0-0 0-5 1 1 10
throws at the 2:10 mark, but the come- Wright ........... 35 7-9 7-8 1-6 7 0 22 10.2 R Brown and Tatum were constantly 1-3, Monk 1-3). Team rebounds: 4.
Team turnovers: 20 (21 pts.). Blocks: 3
Turnovers: 6 (Porzingis 2, Doncic 3, Gafford ... 8 0-1 2-2 1-2 1 2 2
J. Jackson...... 31 3-9 7-9 0-5 2 3 14 12.6 Hardaway Jr.). Steals: 4 (Kleber,
back stalled there. Mykhailiuk.... 21 2-7 0-0 0-2 0 2 5 6.2 trapped and double-teamed in Thurs- (Rozier, Zeller, Biyombo). Turnovers: Finney-Smith, Doncic, Burke).
White .... 34 7-14 0-0 0-3 4 3 17
LaVine... 34 11-21 0-0 2-9 6 2 26
Bey................. 27 10-12 3-3 2-12 0 2 30 8.8 20 (Hayward 3, Rozier 4, Zeller 3, Gra-
“Obviously, we’d love to be winning Smith Jr......... 13 0-3 0-0 1-2 5 1 0 3.3 day’s win over Toronto, keeping their ham 3, Ball 4, Bridges, Biyombo, New Orleans ........34 31 36 29 — 130
Dallas.....................27 42 39 35 — 143
Young ... 25 6-11 2-2 3-6 3 2 14
Strnsky . 30 5-8 7-7 0-4 7 2 17
Totals....... ...... 34-79 25-30 6-44 25 20 108 Monk). Steals: 4 (Hayward, Ball 3).
every game we play right now, but we FG%: .430, FT%: .833. 3-pt. goals: 15-38, .395 (Griffin 3-6, point totals down and getting their assist Technicals: . A — 1,514 (19,200). T — 2:17. Officials Valntne. 23 3-9 2-2 1-3 0 1 10
— Scott Foster, Scott Wall, Justin Van Kornet... 15 3-6 0-0 0-3 0 0 7
Grant 2-7, Ellington 0-7, Wright 1-1, J.Jackson 1-5, Mykhailiuk
can learn a lot from every game we play, 1-4, Bey 7-7, Smith Jr. 0-1). Team rebounds: 5. Team turnovers: totals up. But they were able to operate Minnesota.............30 29 26 29 — 114
Duyne. Arciicno .. 4 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 0
Charlotte...............25 35 30 30 — 120 Felicio ..... 1 0-0 0-0 1-1 0 0 0
regardless if we win or not,” Tatum said. 13 (22 pts.). Blocks: 6 (Grant 2, Stewart, Wright, J.Jackson 2).
Turnovers: 12 (Griffin, Grant 4, Ellington, Wright 2, J.Jackson 2,
in a lot more one-on-one situations Mokoka .. 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0

“We’re learning a lot about ourselves Smith Jr. 2). Steals: 3 (Wright, J.Jackson, Mykhailiuk). Techni- against the Pistons and they took advan- SPURS 125, HAWKS 114 Totals .... 40-85 14-15 8-41 23 16 106
cals: def. 3-second, 10:59/2nd. KNICKS 109, WIZARDS 91 FG%: .471, FT%: .933. 3-pt. goals: 12-
32, .375 (Williams 0-1, Temple 2-3,
right now.” BOSTON tage. Brown, in particular, carved up De- SAN ANTONIO White 3-8, LaVine 4-7, Satoransky 0-2,
Observations from the game: Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt PPG troit’s defense with several strong and NEW YORK
FG FT Reb Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
Valentine 2-6, Kornet 1-3, Arcidiacono
0-2). Team rebounds: 4. Team turn-
Ojeleye .......... 23 3-5 1-2 0-5 3 2 9 5.8 Johnson 28 8-11 2-2 0-2 1 1 20
R Theis entered the night shooting Tatum............ 41 9-22 12-13 0-11 7 3 33 26.6 swift drives. He exploited aging veteran Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt DeRozn . 26 7-11 9-10 2-6 8 1 23
overs: 13 (24 pts.). Blocks: 3 (Williams,
Gafford, White). Turnovers: 13 (Wil-
Theis.............. 31 4-12 3-4 4-9 1 4 11 9.6 Bullock.. 18 2-7 0-0 0-3 1 5 6 Poeltl..... 28 7-7 0-1 2-12 1 0 14
45.1 percent from beyond the 3-point Pritchard....... 29 1-5 0-0 0-3 1 3 2 8.1 Blake Griffin several times. Randle .. 32 8-15 6-7 3-18 4 3 24 White .... 17 3-5 3-4 0-2 4 4 11
liams, Gafford 4, White 2, LaVine 2,
Young 2, Satoransky, Valentine).
Brown............ 36 11-21 4-7 1-6 0 4 27 26.0 Robinsn 20 5-6 0-4 5-14 1 1 10
line this season, providing an unlikely Thompson..... 17 2-5 0-0 1-2 0 0 4 6.8 R One play that will drive Stevens cra- Barrett .. 26 3-13 2-2 1-3 4 4 8
Murray.. 24 7-13 0-0 0-6 5 2 16
Wtrspn.. 10 1-3 0-0 0-1 0 6 2
Steals: 4 (Temple, Gafford, Young, Val-
Green............. 12 3-3 1-2 1-4 0 3 7 4.8 entine). Technicals: Young, 3:30/4th.
lift for Boston. But he was 0 for 4 on Fri- Teague .......... 22 3-7 0-0 0-0 2 1 8 5.8 zy: After Javonte Green scored inside in Payton .. 23 6-12 0-0 2-3 2 0 12 Walker.. 19 4-10 2-2 0-1 0 4 11
Mills ...... 21 4-6 1-1 0-3 4 0 12
LA Clippers...........30 28 32 35 — 125
Burks..... 26 0-3 0-0 0-8 1 1 0 Chicago.................25 29 24 28 — 106
day, including two misses in critical G. Williams ... 25
Edwards.......... 4
1 5.7
0 5.1
the second quarter, the Pistons inbound- Noel....... 16 2-5 0-1 1-4 1 3 4 Eubanks 20 1-2 3-4 3-7 0 5 5
Gay........ 18 2-10 0-0 0-3 2 2 5
Rose ...... 20 7-11 0-0 0-3 6 0 14
spots. Totals....... ...... 36-82 22-30 7-44 15 25 102 ed the ball and caught Boston’s defense Quickly . 22 5-15 4-4 1-2 1 0 16
Vassell.. 12 1-5 0-0 1-1 2 0 3
FG%: .439, FT%: .733. 3-pt. goals: 8-27, .296 (Ojeleye 2-4, Tat- Lyles........ 9 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0 0
With the Celtics trailing, 93-87, with um 3-7, Theis 0-4, Pritchard 0-3, Brown 1-4, Teague 2-3, Ed- sleeping as Bey streaked in for a dunk as Toppin .. 16 4-5 0-0 0-3 1 1 8 Diop......... 8 0-2 3-4 0-1 0 0 3 Thursday night game
wards 0-2). Team rebounds: 11. Team turnovers: 10 (11 pts.). Knox II .... 4 0-1 0-0 1-1 0 2 0 Totals .... 45-85 23-28 8-46 27 25 125
5:30 left in the game, he was short on a Blocks: 2 (Theis, Green). Turnovers: 10 (Ojeleye, Tatum 2, he was fouled. That can’t happen. Gibson .. 12 2-5 2-2 1-3 0 0 6 FG%: .529, FT%: .821. 3-pt. goals: 12-
Theis 2, Pritchard, Brown 2, Teague 2). Steals: 9 (Ojeleye 2, Pinson..... 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0
wide-open look from the top of the key. Theis, Brown 2, Green 2, G.Williams 2). Technicals: def. 3-sec- R Robert Williams missed his second Rivers...... 3 0-0 1-2 0-0 0 1 1
31, .387 (Johnson 2-3, White 2-3, Mur-
ray 2-3, Weatherspoon 0-1, Walker IV
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
Clark ..... 16 1-2 0-0 1-2 1 1 2
ond, 8:17/2nd.
Then with 1:04 left and Boston trailing, Detroit ........................................ 27 27 28 26 — 108 consecutive game because of hip sore- Totals .... 44-98 15-22 15-65 22 22 109 1-5, Mills 3-5, Gay 1-6, Vassell 1-3,
Bates-Diop 0-2). Team rebounds: 5.
Ennis III 39 7-12 0-0 4-10 1 4 17
FG%: .449, FT%: .682. 3-pt. goals: 6- Vucevic. 38 8-23 6-6 1-13 5 3 25
Boston ........................................ 23 29 20 30 — 102
98-95, Tatum picked up his dribble A — (18,624). T — 2:24. Officials — Zach Zarba, JB DeRosa,
ness. 24, .250 (Bullock 2-5, Randle 2-3, Bar-
Team turnovers: 14 (17 pts.). Blocks: 6 Mason..... 4 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0
(Poeltl 3, White, Eubanks, Vassell).
when he was slowed by Delon Wright at Suyash Mehta. . . . rett 0-1, Payton 0-1, Burks 0-2, Rose Turnovers: 13 (Johnson, DeRozan 2, Po-
Bacon.... 37 7-18 2-2 1-3 1 3 20
Ross ...... 41 8-27 2-3 1-6 3 4 20
0-1, Quickley 2-7, Toppin 0-1, Knox II eltl 2, Weatherspoon, Walker IV 3, Mills Okeke ... 35 3-9 0-0 2-5 5 0 9
the right arc. He flipped a pass to Theis, When Smart was diagnosed with a 0-1, Gibson 0-2). Team rebounds: 10.
Team turnovers: 12 (19 pts.). Blocks: 4
2, Eubanks 2). Steals: 6 (Poeltl 3, White, Birch ..... 24 3-4 3-5 2-8 2 0 9
Murray, Gay). Technicals: Murray, Bamba .... 7 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 1 3
who was trailing the play, and then Grade 1 calf strain, the team said he was (Noel 3, Toppin). Turnovers: 11 (Randle
4, Robinson, Payton, Rose 2, Toppin,
7:10/1st. Totals .... 38-97 14-18 13-49 19 17 105
made a backdoor cut. said. “We just didn’t guard him well.” expected to be sidelined for 2-3 weeks. Knox II, Rivers). Steals: 11 (Bullock, ATLANTA
FG%: .392, FT%: .778. 3-pt. goals: 15-
33, .455 (Clark 0-1, Ennis III 3-5, Vucevic
Randle, Robinson 2, Barrett 2, Payton,
But when two defenders veered in Bey was 4 for 4 in the first half and But two weeks have now passed, and Rose 4). Technicals: Bullock, 5:23/3rd. Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
Reddish 21 2-8 2-5 0-0 1 2 6
3-6, Bacon 4-7, Ross 2-8, Okeke 3-5,
Birch 0-1). Team rebounds: 9. Team
Tatum’s direction, Theis stepped behind then connected on all three of his at- when Smart spoke to the media Friday WASHINGTON
Collins... 23 3-11 2-2 4-6 1 2 9 turnovers: 15 (24 pts.). Blocks: 6 (Clark,
Ross 3, Birch 2). Turnovers: 15 (Clark,
Capela .. 21 7-11 0-0 3-11 0 2 14
the line — with no defender within 10 tempts in the second. He also added 12 night he did not sound like a player Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt Huerter. 24 2-8 0-0 1-2 4 2 5 Ennis III 3, Vucevic 3, Bacon 2, Ross 4,
Bertans. 31 2-6 3-4 1-5 1 3 9 Young ... 23 8-15 7-8 0-1 3 1 25 Okeke 2). Steals: 7 (Ennis III 2, Bacon 3,
feet of him — and left another 3-pointer rebounds for good measure. whose return is near. Hchmra. 33 4-11 2-2 0-5 0 3 10 Gallinari 17 1-4 0-0 0-2 1 0 2 Okeke, Bamba).
Snell ...... 17 0-3 0-0 0-1 2 0 0 GOLDEN STATE
short. Generally his attempts come on R Semi Ojeleye once again started for “It’s tough, just because being hurt, Len ........ 21 4-7 0-0 0-4
Mathws 25 4-13 2-2 1-1
Hill......... 21 0-4 2-2 0-3 1 2 2 FG FT Reb
Okngwu 16 1-1 4-4 0-3 2 2 6 Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
catch-and-shoots, so the movement on Boston, and he picked up where he left the whole process, it takes time,” Smart Westbrk 35 10-22 3-6 2-9 10 1 23 Goodwn 16 4-8 2-4 1-3 3 2 13 Andersn 21 4-10 0-0 2-5 2 4 9
Avdija.... 21 3-9 1-2 2-6 0 3 8 Fernndo 14 2-3 2-4 0-6 1 2 6 Wiggins 34 8-13 3-5 1-7 3 2 21
this play might have been slightly out of off on Thursday, drilling a 3-pointer said. “As a player, as a competitor, you Smith .... 12 0-3 0-0 1-2 5 0 0 Mays ..... 17 7-10 2-2 0-1 3 0 20 Green.... 37 3-7 2-3 1-6 11 3 8
Brown ... 21 3-7 2-2 0-5 1 1 10
his comfort zone. It’s hard to argue with from the right corner on the Celtics’ first obviously want it to be faster, but it Lopez .... 21 2-6 1-2 2-4 0 1 5
Knight... 10 2-4 2-2 1-2 0 0 6
Totals .... 39-90 25-33 10-41 22 17 114
Oubre.... 34 6-12 2-2 3-10 4 2 17
Curry..... 37 14-26 2-2 0-8 5 1 40
such a wide-open look, but it also possession. He was active on the defen- doesn’t happen that way. You have to lis- Neto ...... 15 2-5 0-0 0-4 2 2 4 FG%: .433, FT%: .758. 3-pt. goals: 11- Wnmkr.. 13 0-2 0-0 0-0 1 0 0
Paschall 12 1-5 0-0 1-3 0 2 2
Wagner... 5 0-0 0-0 0-1 1 0 0 32, .344 (Reddish 0-2, Collins 1-3, Huert-
wouldn’t have been bad to get the ball to sive end and had 9 points, 5 rebounds, 3 ten to your body and let your body do Totals .... 34-89 14-20 9-46 20 18 91 er 1-3, Young 2-6, Gallinari 0-3, Snell Bazmre . 13 1-4 0-0 0-2 1 3 3
Mulder.. 17 4-6 0-0 1-5 1 2 11
0-1, Hill 0-2, Goodwin 3-5, Mays 4-5,
Tatum or Brown. assists and 2 steals in 23 minutes. what it does.” FG%: .382, FT%: .700. 3-pt. goals: 9- Knight 0-2). Team rebounds: 12. Team Lee ........ 21 0-3 0-0 0-0 1 1 0
34, .265 (Bertans 2-6, Hachimura 0-2, turnovers: 12 (19 pts.). Blocks: 4 (Red- Totals .... 41-88 9-12 9-46 29 20 111
R The Celtics tied their season-high by But his solid night was cut short Smart said there is no specific time- Len 0-1, Mathews 4-10, Westbrook 0-4, dish, Capela 2, Fernando). Turnovers: FG%: .466, FT%: .750. 3-pt. goals: 20-
Avdija 1-5, Smith 0-1, Brown Jr. 2-5). 12 (Collins 3, Capela, Huerter 2, Young 50, .400 (Toscano-Anderson 1-4, Wig-
registering 30 assists in their win over when he injured his right leg after being line for his return, but that he is just tak- Team rebounds: 1. Team turnovers: 14 2, Snell, Hill, Okongwu, Goodwin). gins 2-5, Green 0-1, Oubre Jr. 3-7, Curry
(15 pts.). Blocks: 5 (Len 2, Mathews 2, 10-19, Wanamaker 0-1, Paschall 0-2,
the Raptors. The ball movement was called for a charge with 6:18 left in the ing it day by day. He is now able to walk Neto). Turnovers: 14 (Hachimura, Len,
Steals: 10 (Capela, Huerter, Young,
Gallinari, Hill 2, Okongwu 2, Mays, Bazemore 1-3, Mulder 3-5, Lee 0-3).
Westbrook 5, Avdija 2, Smith, Brown Jr. Team rebounds: 9. Team turnovers: 17
crisp and concise, and it seemed like third quarter. with just a slight limp and put some 3, Lopez). Steals: 5 (Bertans, West-
Knight). Technicals: Collins, 7:10/1st.
(21 pts.). Blocks: 6 (Toscano-Anderson,
brook, Smith, Lopez, Neto). Technicals: San Antonio .........36 41 33 15 — 125
something to build on. Instead, there “That was a loss the way that he’s pressure on the calf muscle, and he is do- Bertans, 6:14/4th. Atlanta ..................29 19 24 42 — 114
Wiggins 3, Green 2).
Orlando .................19 36 25 25 — 105
was substantial regression Friday, with playing right now,” Stevens said. “So ing some light jogging with basketball New York..............30 23 26 30 — 109 A — 1,451 (18,729). T — 2:10. Officials
— Curtis Blair, Gediminas Petraitis,
Golden State ........29 18 37 27 — 111
Washington..........23 19 22 27 — 91
Boston tying its season-low with 15 as- we’re hopeful that’s not anything major, movements, and some light shooting. Derek Richardson.

sists. That statistic can be somewhat that it becomes a day-to-day type thing. But there are obviously still several hur-
fickle, because a few missed open shots Losing wings is tough, because you lose dles left to clear.
can dent progress, but the offense gener- a lot of versatility and a lot of ability to “I’m probably, I would say, 30 to 40
ally seemed more stagnant. guard 1-4. Semi’s really gotten better at percent, running-wise,” Smart said. “But
“The thing that did not carry over that and he’s had a couple of good scor- just mostly doing a lot of testing, getting
from last night was the ball movement,” ing games.” my calf stronger and doing a lot of calf
Stevens said. “And that made it difficult R Stevens said after Friday’s loss that raises and things of that nature to
to find great looks. And as a result, I Detroit’s tough, physical style poses strengthen it, and just getting ready to
think we struggled.” matchup difficulties for Boston, and hopefully get to the point of stage three
R Bey was no secret to the Celtics. He that’s been clear. In addition to the two or four where I’m full-court running and
made 7 of 11 3-pointers in the two losses, the Celtics needed a Tatum buzz- really just going all out to really test this
games between these teams in Detroit er-beater to avoid being 0-3 against the thing.”
earlier this season. Stevens said that Pistons this season.
when the Celtics watched film on Friday R With Kemba Walker sitting out to Adam Himmelsbach can be reached at
morning, Bey was a focus of the study. rest his knee on the second night of a Follow
“He was a huge emphasis,” Stevens back-to-back and Marcus Smart still him on Twitter @adamhimmelsbach. Former Celtic Terry Rozier had 41 points in the Hornets’ victory.
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C5

Novak Djokovic DAYTONA 500

celebrates his
grueling five-set
win Friday
night in the Hamlin is driven by
shot at historic win
Open, finished
before an empty
because of a
new COVID-19 By Jenna Fryer suspension for using a racial slur, is
lockdown. ASSOCIATED PRESS adapting to his new team.
Djokovic also DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Den- Kevin Harvick is looking to re-
said he suffered ny Hamlin, considered perhaps the bound after falling short of the se-
a torn muscle best NASCAR driver without a Cup ries title in last year’s nine-win sea-
during the Series championship, can look past son. He tweeted “She’s bad fast”
match. that hole on his record. He instead about his Ford, though it was Stew-
points to a pair of Southern 500 tro- art-Haas Racing teammate Aric
phies, a Bristol night race victory, Almirola who won the first qualify-
three road course wins, six at Po- ing race and said his car is strong.
cono and the big daddy of them all, Fellow Ford drivers and Team
the Daytona 500. Penske teammates Joey Logano
Hamlin has won NASCAR's and Ryan Blaney both seemed able
crown jewel, the one race that can to run with Almirola.
define a driver's career, three times Austin Cindric won the second

Djokovic hurt in tough win

and the last two years. On Sunday, duel, setting him up for a possible
he will attempt to become the first second Daytona 500 victory on the
to win three consecutive Daytona 20 th anniversary of Dale Earn-
500s, a feat that would forever dull hardt's death. Dillon drives Earn-
the disappointment of his champi- hardt's famed No. 3 on grandfather
onship failures. Richard Childress’s team and un-
Torn muscle leaves The match began with spectators present,
but they were forced to leave a little past
through it,” Serena Williams said earlier
Friday after beating 19-year-old Anastasia
“This is something that no one’s
ever done before,” Hamlin said.
derstands how emotional a victory
would be in that Chevrolet.
men’s No. 1 in doubt 11:30 p.m. — about an hour before Djok- Potapova, 7-6 (5), 6-2 despite 25 unforced “Other guys have won champion- “It would be amazing and huge
ovic wrapped up his win — because a lo- errors in the first set alone. “It’s been real- ships, obviously. I would want to do for the company, RCR and all the 3
ASSOCIATED PRESS cal COVID-19 lockdown began at mid- ly fun to have the crowd back, especially something no one else has done.” fans out there,” Dillon said.
MELBOURNE — Novak Djokovic said night. here. It’s been really cool. But you know Hamlin is the 8-1 betting favor- Dillon beat Bubba Wallace to
he tore a muscle during a fall in his five- During an on-court interview, he was what? At the end of the day, we have to do ite but the Daytona 500 can be a win his qualifying race in a dramat-
set victory in the Australian Open’s third subdued. what’s best. Hopefully it will be all right.” crapshoot, particularly in NA- ic finish that showed Wallace might
round and might And pessimistic. Williams now plays seventh-seeded SCAR's condensed new schedule finally have the equipment he
AUSTRALIAN need to pull out of “I know it’s a tear, definitely, of the Aryna Sabalenka, who matched her best forced by the pandemic. Speed- needs to be competitive. Wallace is
OPEN the tournament. muscle. So I don’t know if I’ll manage to Grand Slam showing by reaching the weeks at Daytona International the only Black racer at NASCAR’s
Hi s o p p o n e n t , recover from that in less than two days. I fourth round with a 6-3, 6-1 win over Ann Speedway for decades spanned top level and gained a national plat-
American Taylor Fritz, wasn’t so sure. He don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know if Li. nearly two weeks but this year was form last season for his outspoken-
figured Djokovic definitely will be back I’m going to step out onto the court or Other women's fourth-round match- cut to just six days. ness on social justice issues.
out there Sunday to continue his pursuit not,” said Djokovic, who is supposed to ups established Friday: three-time Grand With only three practice ses- He landed multiple sponsors
of a ninth championship at Melbourne face 2016 Wimbledon runner-up Milos Slam title winner Naomi Osaka against sions and a pair of 150-mile qualify- through his activism and Wallace
Park and 18th Grand Slam title overall. Raonic with a quarterfinal berth on the two-time major champion Garbiñe Mu- ing races, there is no clear indica- brought that funding to Michael
“If he can play like he played in the line. guruza, 2019 French Open finalist Marke- tion who has cars capable of win- Jordan and Hamlin for the launch
fifth, I don’t see why he wouldn’t play,” “I am just very proud of this achieve- ta Vondrousova against Hsieh Su-wei, ning the Daytona 500. of 23XI Racing. Jordan and Wallace
Fritz said. “He’ll beat pretty much any- ment tonight,” Djokovic said. “Let’s see and two-time major champ Simona Hendrick Motorsports swept the are the only Black majority owner
one.” what happens tomorrow.” Halep against reigning French Open front row in qualifying with Alex and driver combination in the
The No. 1-ranked Djokovic seemed to The only man in the draw with more champion Iga Swiatek. Bowman and William Byron, but sport, and this team has the spon-
be cruising along with a two-set lead Fri- Grand Slam trophies than Djokovic, No. 2 In early Saturday action, No. 61- Byron crashed in the qualifying sorship and support that could fi-
day night when his left foot gave out from Rafael Nadal, has been complaining ranked Jessica Pegula reached the fourth race and will fall to the back in a nally give Wallace a chance at his
under him as he tried to change direc- about a bad back since last week. Nadal’s round by drubbing Kristina Mladenovic, backup car at the start of the 500. first Cup Series victory.
tions and he slipped awkwardly. He took bid for his men’s-record 21st major title — 6-2, 6-1. She’s a Buffalo native and the Bowman had an engine problem “He wants winning racecars, he
a medical timeout for treatment on his breaking a tie with Roger Federer — con- daughter of Terry and Kim Pegula, own- that will cost him the pole if the mo- wants a winning race driver and he
side and later was helped more by a train- tinues Saturday in the third round ers of the NFL Bills and NHL Sabres. tor needs to be replaced. took an opportunity to invest in me
er. Fritz got back into the match, before against Cameron Norrie. Pegula will next play No. 5-seeded Eli- Chase Elliott is the reigning se- and he has seen something that
Djokovic eventually won, 7-6 (1), 6-4, 3-6, Djokovic’s match was halted for about na Svitolina, who beat No. 26 Yulia ries champion but hasn’ t had sparked his interest,” Wallace said.
4-6, 6-2. 10 minutes while the crowd was cleared Putintseva, 6-4, 6-0. enough time to show if he’s a con- “We’re just going to go out and do
When it ended, Djokovic puffed his out, which bothered Fritz. No fans will be No. 25-seeded Karolina Muchova tender for his first Daytona 500 vic- what I know how to do, not change
chest, held his arms out wide and bel- allowed for at least five days. staged an astounding second-set come- tory. It’s also unclear how Kyle Lar- up anything, not try too hard be-
lowed, his voice echoing through an emp- “It’s going to be a rough few days for, I back from a 5-0 deficit in near silence as son, new to the Hendrick stable this cause of MJ or because of Denny or
ty and otherwise silent Rod Laver Arena. think, everyone. But we’ll hopefully get she beat No. 6 Karolina Pliskova, 7-5, 7-5. season after last year's NASCAR because of the opportunity.”

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C6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1

Managing to remain virus free SportsLog

Nets’ Durant set to return
By Matt Porter
GLOBE STAFF following virus quarantine
The Bruins placed no one on the NHL’s
COVID protocol list as of Friday’s game against Kevin Durant rejoined the Brooklyn Nets at
the Rangers, a 1-0 win at Madison Square Gar- practice Friday after missing three games for coro-
den. navirus health and safety protocol reasons, includ-
BRUINS The opponent, New York, ing a mandatory seven-day quarantine after being
NOTEBOOK sent forward Filip Chytil to the a close contact of a team employee who tested posi-
land of the unavailable. tive for the virus. Coach Steve Nash said the for-
Additionally, two more Flyers, Oskar Lind- ward will be “a full go” on a five-game road trip
blom and Scott Laughton, joined teammates that commences Saturday against a Golden State
Morgan Frost, Jakub Voracek, Justin Braun, club Durant won two NBA titles with . . . Heat
Claude Giroux, and Travis Sanheim on the list. guard Tyler Herro was cleared for basketball activi-
Boston is scheduled to play Philadelphia Feb. 21 ties ahead of Saturday night’s game at Utah after
in Lake Tahoe, Nev. missing one game while dealing with coronavirus
The Islanders, who host the Bruins Saturday, health and safety coronavirus protocols.
had no one on the list. The Devils, originally
scheduled to play the Bruins at TD Garden on COLLEGES
Monday, had 18 players on the list. They remain
on the schedule for Thursday on Causeway BC-Georgia Tech men moved
Street, but that does not seem likely. A men’s basketball game featuring Boston Col-
The NHL postponed 35 games in the first lege at Georgia Tech was moved from Tuesday to
four weeks of play. Of those, 17 have yet to be re- Wednesday at noon. Georgia Tech had been sched-
scheduled. uled to play four games in seven days as it makes
The league also released updated COVID up games postponed by COVID-19. Now the Yel-
safety measures, which will be in effect until at low Jackets have two days off after Sunday’s home
least Feb. 28. They include rapid testing — in ad- game against Pittsburgh . . . In women’s basketball,
dition to the lab-based PCR tests already in effect Christyn Williams broke out of a slump with 19
— on game days; asking players, staff, and offi- points and No. 2 UConn (16-1, 13-0 Big East) over-
cials to quarantine while not at the rink; con- came another slow start for a 64-40 win at George-
ducting all meetings virtually; and wearing town (1-10, 1-10) for its sixth straight win. Paige
KN95 face coverings at all times when not exer- Bueckers, playing 39 minutes on a sprained right
cising. ankle, had 19 points and nine assists . . . Michaela
The NHL and the Players Association also Onyenwere (25 points, seven rebounds) led No. 8
agreed to “strongly” recommend that household UCLA (12-3, 9-3 Pac-12) to a 69-58 win at Utah (5-
members limit their activities outside the home, Bruins forward Nick Ritchie scored at 9:27 of the second period, the only goal of the game. 12, 4-12) . . . Oregon starting quarterback Tyler
and encouraged teams to find ways for families Shough is entering the transfer portal with three
to be tested for COVID-19 regularly. Bruins cap- years of eligibility remaining.
tain Patrice Bergeron supported the measure. ing near their respective team’s exits as the Zam- streak, the longest among active Bruins for-
“That’s something we’ve talked about in the bonis circled the rink, Zibanejad started taping wards.
past,” he said. “Your family should be free to do his stick. They finally settled it with a rock-pa- R The Rangers were without star winger Arte- No. 1 BC men skate to victory
whatever they want, but at the same time you per-scissors duel. Zibanejad (rock) beat March- mi Panarin, who is day to day with a lower-body In men’s hockey, top-ranked BC (12-3-1 Hockey
have to make sure they’re doing the right thing.” and (scissors). injury. That opened a spot for Colin Blackwell, East) got two goals and an assist apiece from Mike
Bergeron, who has three young children, ac- R Quiet night for David Pastrak, who went the former St. John’s Prep standout from Law- Hardman and Alex Newhook in a 7-1 rout of UM-
knowledged that staying safe is a bit more of a 0-0—0 and landed none of his six shot attempts rence, who landed three hits in 9:53. ass Lowell (4-6-0) at Conte Forum . . . Alex Vlasic
challenge, but said, “We are in a pandemic and in 18:39. Blackwell, a seventh-round pick (194th over- scored at 3:34 of the third period and Vinny Dup-
we have to be careful in what we’re doing. That R With Matt Grzelcyk out, Connor Clifton all) of the Sharks in 2011, was playing in his lessis made 18 saves to lead No. 13 BU (7-2-0
goes for everyone.” was back, lining up on his off side next to fellow 38th NHL game. Since his Prep days, he battled Hockey East) to a 1-0 win at Vermont (1-6-2) . . .
right-shot defenseman Brandon Carlo. Clifton concussions in a five-year stint at Harvard, spent Aidan McDonough’s hat trick paced No. 18 North-
They love New York has not recorded a point in seven games. a year each with the AHL affiliates of the Sharks eastern (7-5-2 Hockey East) in a 6-2 win at UNH
R The Bruins haven’t won four straight at R Netminder Jaroslav Halak started for the and Sabres, and had his first taste of the NHL (5-11-2) . . . In women’s hockey, Savannah Nor-
MSG since a four-game streak from March 15, first time since Feb. 1. After Friday’s win, Halak with the Predators, for whom he produced 10 cross tied the game in the second period and as-
1993 to Jan. 23, 1995. still has not lost in regulation (4-0-1). Tuukka points in 33 games over two seasons (2018-20). sisted on Cayla Barnes’s goal at 2:45 of overtime as
R No one has a better third-period goal differ- Rask will take the net Saturday on Long Island. Last October, the Rangers signed him for two No. 6 BC (13-3-0 Hockey East) took a 2-1 win over
ential than Boston’s plus-9. Calgary is also R With 6:38 left, former Bruins prospect Ryan years and $725,000 a season. He had 3 points in No. 10 Providence (10-6-1) at Conte Forum. Abi-
plus-9. Lindgren needed repairs after tangling along the his first four games with the Blueshirts. gail Levy made 30 saves for the Eagles . . . Tynka
R Brad Marchand and Mika Zibanejad were boards with Jeremy Lauzon. A 2016 second- Pátková and Maddy Skelton each had a goal and
on the ice for nearly 10 minutes at the end of the rounder (49th overall), Lindgren was flipped to Matt Porter can be reached at an assist and Jessie McPherson made 22 saves to
warm-up, neither wanting to surrender the su- the Rangers in the Feb. 2018 deal for Rick Nash. Follow him on lift Vermont (6-1-0 HE) to a 4-0 win at BU (4-4-0).
perstition of being the last one off the ice. Wait- R Charlie Coyle is on a six-game pointless Twitter: @mattyports.

NHL Halak flawless as Bruins

Stamkos put on COVID-19 list
Tampa Bay Lightning captain Steven Stamkos
was one of five players added to the NHL’s COVID-

win their fifth straight

19 list, a day after he couldn’t play against Florida
with what the team said was a lower-body injury.
EAST The Flyers have seven players on the list with the
GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA additions of defenseman Oskar Lindblom and for-
BOSTON 13 10 1 2 22 8 40 26 ward Scott Laughton. Coyotes forward John
Philadelphia 13 8 3 2 18 8 46 41
uBRUINS Hayden and Red Wings goalie Calvin Pickard also
NY Islanders
12 6
12 5
3 3
4 3
Continued from Page C1 Islanders thumbnails were added . . . Chris Drury, who won the Hobey
Pittsburgh 12 6 5 1 13 3 37 44 shot’s not going in, especially in this league Baker Award while at BU before a 12-year NHL ca-
NY Rangers 13 4 6 3 11 4 31 34 R When, where: Saturday, 7 p.m., at Nassau Coliseum,
. . . but when they’re forced to control re- Uniondale, N.Y. reer, was named general manager of the United
New Jersey 9 4 3 2 10 4 23 26
Buffalo 10 4 4 2 10 2 30 32
bounds, deal with traffic, sort some things out, R TV, radio: NESN, WBZ-FM (98.5). States men’s hockey team for the 2021 IIHF World
that’s where you start to get some goals.” R Goals: Mathew Barzal 5, Jordan Eberle 5, Anders Lee Championship (May 21-June 6, in Riga, Latvia).
NORTH It was a bad one for Shesterkin, who didn’t
GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA have his short side sealed off. The Rangers
R Assists: Barzal 8, Noah Dobson 5, Nick Leddy 5.
R Goaltending: Semyon Varlamov (5-2-2, 1.98), Ilya So- Quetta to go to Atlanta hospital
Toronto 14 11 2 1 23 11 52 36 rokin (0-2-1, 3.65).
seemed irritated about that, or something else, R Head to head: This is the second of eight meetings.
Injured Bishop Feehan boys’ hockey player, AJ
Montreal 14 8 4 2 18 8 50 38
Edmonton 16 9 7 0 18 9 55 52
because the temperature spiked even higher. The Islanders beat the Bruins, 1-0, on Jan. 18. Quetta, is being transferred Monday to Shepherd
Trent Frederic and Brendan Lemieux R Miscellany: New York is 2-3-3 in its last eight games Center in Atlanta for at least three months. Quetta
Winnipeg 13 8 4 1 17 8 46 36
after starting the season 3-1 . . . The Islanders allow
Calgary 13 7 5 1 15 6 39 34 fought off the ensuing center-ice draw, taunt- 2.5 goals per game, fifth best in the NHL . . . Varlamov was injured when he went headfirst into the
Vancouver 17 6 11 0 12 5 51 66 ing and jawing at each other from the penalty is tied for the league lead with three shutouts . . . boards of a Jan. 26 game against Pope Francis at
Ottawa 15 2 12 1 5 2 32 63 Barzal is on a seven-game point streak.
boxes. Frederic certainly wasn’t satisfied, con- the Olympia Ice Center in West Springfield. After
CENTRAL sidering how Lemieux — the son of Claude, the initially being hospitalized at Baystate Medical
GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA former object of Cam Neely ’s loathing — Center in Springfield, Quetta has been at Mass.
Tampa Bay 12 9 2 1 19 9 44 25 jumped him off the faceoff, and landed six General Hospital for the past two weeks.“The care
Florida 11 8 1 2 18 7 37 30 quick rights before Frederic got his bearings. he has received at Massachusetts General Hospital
Columbus 15 7 5 3 17 6 45 50
Carolina 11 8 3 0 16 6 39 30
The latter recovered, and the two traded has been world-class,” school president Tim Sulli-
Chicago 15 6 5 4 16 6 44 47 wild swings before falling to the ice. Frederic van wrote on Twitter. “The doctors, nurses and
Dallas 11 5 3 3 13 5 37 30 was seen saying, “We’re going again” to Le- staff have been outstanding. It’s now time for the
Nashville 14 6 8 0 12 5 34 48 mieux as the two skated to the box. They next step in his rehab process.”
Detroit 15 3 10 2 8 3 29 49 KATHY WILLENS/ASSOCIATED PRESS
didn’t, but teammate Jeremy Lauzon later
WEST scored a decisive win in a scrap with Pavel Bu- Young star Mathew Barzal is on a seven- SOCCER
GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA chnevich. He also earned an extra 10 minutes game point streak for the Islanders.
St. Louis 14 8 4 2 18 7 47 44 for landing a couple extra shots after the pair Che loaned to Bayern Munich
Vegas 11 8 2 1 17 8 37 27 landed on the ice. German club Bayern Munich signed 17-year-
Colorado 11 7 3 1 15 7 38 24
The Bruins and Rangers wound up combin- Bruins 1, Rangers 0 old American defender Justin Che on loan from FC
Anaheim 15 6 6 3 15 5 30 39 At Madison Square Garden, New York
Arizona 13 6 6 1 13 5 35 37 ing for 58 penalty minutes, all told. FIRST PERIOD Dallas for the rest of the season. Bayern said Che
Minnesota 11 6 5 0 12 6 30 30 No scoring
It was a bounce-back game for the young Penalty — Boston, Clifton (delay of game) 0:56 will be part of the under-19 team but will also have
San Jose 12 5 6 1 11 1 34 46 Penalty — NY Rangers, Kakko (tripping) 6:02
defense, which showed its age with some slop- Penalty — Boston, Carlo (interference) 17:01 training opportunities with the reserve squad,
Los Angeles 13 4 6 3 11 4 40 44
ROW — Regulation plus overtime wins py play in Wednesday’s 3-2 win at MSG. Penalty — Boston, Coyle (slashing) 2:12
SECOND PERIOD which plays in Germany’s third division. The deal
FRIDAY’S RESULTS Boston killed all six of shorthanded stints, Penalty — NY Rangers, Lemieux (boarding) 4:23
Penalty — NY Rangers, Trouba, served by Blackwell, double minor
was possible before the age of 18, the usual mini-
Boston 1 at NY Rangers 0 St. Louis 4 at Arizona 1 the last of which came when Charlie McAvoy (roughing) 6:33 mum age for international transfers, because Che
Penalty — Boston, McAvoy (roughing) 6:33
SATURDAY’S GAMES flung a puck out of his own zone for delay of Boston 1, NY Rangers 0 — Ritchie 5 (Krejci, Lauzon) 9:27 is also a German citizen, Bayern added . . . Totten-
Penalty — NY Rangers, Lemieux, major (fighting) 9:28
Boston at NY Islanders 7 Tampa Bay at Florida 7 game with 1:02 left. The best defenseman on Penalty — Boston, Frederic, major (fighting) 9:28 ham was the latest English Premier League club to
Penalty — Boston, Marchand (cross check) 10:41
Washington at Buffalo 1 Columbus at Chicago 8 the Boston roster, who also tripped Kaapo Kak- Penalty — Boston, Kuraly (boarding) 10:41 have its next European game moved to a neutral
Penalty — NY Rangers, Howden (slashing) 10:41
New Jersey at Philadelphia 7 Carolina at Dallas 8 ko at 4:31 of the third, watched his mates seal Penalty — NY Rangers, Buchnevich, major (fighting) 15:14 country due to travel restrictions in England dur-
Penalty — Boston, Lauzon (misconduct) 15:14
Minnesota at Los Angeles 10 St. Louis at Arizona 8 the game, skating 4 on 6 with Shesterkin out of Penalty — Boston, Lauzon, major (fighting) 15:14 ing the pandemic. UEFA said Tottenham will play
Ottawa at Winnipeg 3 Detroit at Nashville 8 the net. No scoring Austrian side Wolfsberger Thursday in Budapest,
Vegas at San Jose 4 Calgary at Vancouver 10 Brandon Carlo and Kevan Miller helped kill Penalty — NY Rangers, Trouba (holding) 1:38
Penalty — Boston, McAvoy (tripping) 4:31
Hungary. Arsenal was moved for a second time,
Montreal at Toronto 7 it off, the Rangers landing zero shots until Ad- Penalty — Boston, McAvoy (delay of game) 18:58
and will go to Greece to host Benfica in the Europa
THURSDAY’S RESULTS am Fox’s rink-length slapper with two seconds Boston...............................................................0 1 0 — 1 League in the second leg in Piraeus on Feb. 25.
NY Rangers......................................................0 0 0 — 0
Washington (ppd.) at Buffalo At Winnipeg 5 Ottawa 1 left. SHOTS BY PERIOD
Boston...............................................................6 18 6 — 30
Pittsburgh 4 at NYI 3 (SO) St. Louis (ppd.) at Minnesota It was the final save for Halak (21 saves), NY Rangers....................................................10 6 5 — 21 MISCELLANY
New Jersey (ppd.) at Philadelphia Carolina 5 at Dallas 3
sealing the Bruins’ first shutout win of the sea- Power plays — Boston 0 of 4; NY Rangers 0 of 6.
At Florida 5 Tampa Bay 2 Arizona (ppd.) at Colorado
son. On an efficient, nearly rebound-free night,
Goalies — Boston, Halak 4-0-1 (21 shots-21 saves). NY Rangers,
Shesterkin 3-4-1 (30 shots-29 saves). Hermann wins women’s worlds
Referees — Ghislain Hebert, Kelly Sutherland. Linesmen — Tony Serico-
Edmonton 3 at Montreal 0 Anaheim 1 at Vegas 0
Halak was particularly troublesome for Alexis lo, Tyson Baker. Tina Hermann rallied in the final heat to win
Columbus 6 at Chicago 5 Calgary 3 at Vancouver 1 Attendance — 0 (18,006). Time — 2:30.
Lafrenière. He robbed the highly-touted rookie her third straight world skeleton championship,
At Nashville 3 Detroit 2 At Los Angeles 6 San Jose 2
twice on the same shift in the first period, com- beating fellow German Jacqueline Loelling, finish-
ing up with a kick stop when the rookie ing four runs over two days in 3 minutes, 52.97
whacked a puck out of midair, and turning seconds — 0.11 seconds ahead of Loelling, who led
back a heavy one-timer from the slot. again, on Saturday on Long Island. The Bruins going into the final run at Altenberg, Germany.
Penalties — Larsson, Ari (illegal check
St. Louis .......................1
3 —
0 —
1 to the head minor), 6:08. It was Halak’s first clean sheet since Dec. will try to avenge their only shutout (1-0) loss American Katie Uhlaender was sixth in her final
First period — 1. St. Louis, Faulk 4
Shots on goal — St. Louis 12-5-9 — 27, 2019 at Buffalo (26 saves). It was also the of the year. Rask will start. world championships. Sara Roderick of Truro, was
26. Arizona 9-8-8 — 25.
(Perron, Hoffman), 2:28 (pp). Penalties
Power plays — St. Louis 1-2; Arizona
51st shutout of his career, breaking a tie with “Tomorrow is a big one,” said Halak, the for- 24th in her first world championships. Germany’s
— Fischer, Ari (interference), 1:48.
Parayko, StL (holding), 14:01. 0-3. teammate Tuukka Rask (and Chris Osgood) for mer Islander (2014-18). Christopher Grotheer, who was third by 0.06 sec-
Second period — 2. Arizona, Larsson Goalies — St. Louis, Binnington 7-2-2 30th all time. Halak moved into a five-way tie But for this mentally-sound group, not big- onds at the midway point, won the men’s title in
1 (Oesterle, Hayton), 8:44. Penalties — (25 shots-24 saves). Arizona, Kuemper
Sundqvist, StL (holding), 2:10. Bortuz- 4-6-1 (25 shots-23 saves). for 26th, with Tomas Vokoun, Curtis Joseph, ger than it needs to be. 3:46.31. Austin Florian of Southington, Conn., was
zo, StL (holding), 15:22. Referees — Kyle Rehman, Justin Dave Kerr, and Rogie Vachon. 15th . . . Yoshiro Mori resigned as president of the
Third period — 3. St. Louis, Faulk 5 StPierre. Linesmen — Brandon
(Kyrou, Gunnarsson), 13:05. 4. St. Lou- Gawryletz, Julien Fournier. The only regulation loss to date for the B’s, Matt Porter can be reached at Tokyo Olympic organizing committee after sexist
is, Barbashev 1 (Schenn, Faulk), 18:52 A — 2,457 (17,125). T — 2:29. Jan. 18 against the Islanders, has faded out of Follow him on comments made last week, just over five months
(en). 5. St. Louis, Schenn 7, 19:35 (en).
view. But here come the grind-you-down Isles Twitter: @mattyports. before the postponed Olympics are to open.
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C7



Season imperfect, but Colleges SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI

Westford still winning

2/13 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19
7:00 7:00
6. Illinois played at Nebraska NESN NESN
Canisius 74........................Quinnipiac 67
Merrimack 72..............Central Conn. 52 WAS DEN ATL ATL
By Andrew Lin the tone for the following three UMass-Lowell 79.....................Albany 71
1:00 7:00 7:30 7:30
Buffalo 86.......................W. Michigan 54 NBA, NBCSB NBCSB NBCSB
Caitlin Klick-McHugh “We’ve been so lucky to have so Iona 85...............................Manhattan 67
Robt. Morris 88..................... Oakland 82
knows exactly what is at stake many great swimmers and div- St. Francis (Pa.) 80St. Francis B’klyn 66
SOUTH Home games shaded For updated scores:
for the Westford Academy ers, not only talent-wise but al- Bellarmine 66............North Alabama 64 On the radio, unless noted: Bruins and Celtics, WBZ-FM 98.5
swimming and diving teams. so personality-wise, coming Campbell 64...................USC Upstate 49
Charleston So. 69............. High Point 68
For the girls, it was a matter through the program that it all Clemson 74...................Georgia Tech 72

of dominance: the Grey Ghosts just seems to keep going.”

Hampton 62...................Presbyterian 57 ON THE AIR
have strung together six con-
Jacksonville 66....................Lipscomb 60
Liberty 73......................North Florida 61 AUTO RACING Transactions
secutive undefeated seasons, Diving in Longwood 78............. Gardner-Webb 71
Louisiana Tech 70........................UAB 58
1:30 p.m. ARCA; Menards Series Racing FS1 MLB
Minnesota: Signed P Alex Colome
Marshall 107................. Middle Tenn. 79 5 p.m. Xfinity: Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. 300 FS1 on a one-year contract. Waived P
winning eight of the last nine R The Cape Ann League Mount St. Mary’s 64.....LIU Brooklyn 46 Brandon Waddell. Designated P Ian
Murray St. 80............ SE Missouri St. 60 PRO BASKETBALL Hamilton for release or assignment.
MIAA Division 1 titles. championships are being held North Texas 65...........Southern Miss 49 3 p.m. Philadelphia at Phoenix NBA Claimed OF Kyle Garlick from Philadel-
phia waivers.
For the boys, it was a matter virtually through Sunday; offi- Stetson 74.................... Kennesaw St. 61
8:30 p.m. Brooklyn at Golden State ABC Oakland: Acquired P Adam Kolarek
UCF 53....................................... Tulane 49
and minor league OF Cody Thomas
of consistency: they hoisted the cials will compile the results by VCU 67......................St. Bonaventure 64
MEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL from the Los Angeles Dodgers in ex-
Western Ky. 77.............................Rice 71
Division 1 trophy in 2015 and Monday. Hamilton-Wenham Winthrop 55............................Radford 47 12 p.m. Kansas State at Oklahoma State ESPNU
change for INF Sheldon Neuse and mi-
nor league P Gus Varland.
have finished in the top six ev- coach Natalie Kliss said that a MIDWEST
Akron 83........................Miami (Ohio) 76
12 p.m. Loyola Chicago at Drake ESPN2 Texas: Signed C,1B John Hicks, INF
Brock Holt and P Hyeon-jong Yang on
ery year since 2011. virtual conference champion- Green Bay 86......Northern Kentucky 82 12 p.m. UConn at Xavier Fox minor league contracts.
IUPUI 89...........................................UIC 69 Toronto: Announced Buffalo Bisons
And in a winter in which JIM DAVIS/GLOBE STAFF
ship, coupled with no MIAA UMKC 62...................................Omaha 52
1 p.m. Auburn at Kentucky CBS to serve as Triple-A affiliate.
Western Illinois 75..................Denver 69 1 p.m. Vanderbilt at Mississippi State SEC NY Mets: Traded C Ali Sanchez to St.
sectional and state meets will Senior Madison Leong and Tournament severely stunted Wright State 92................Milwaukee 81
Louis in exchange for an undisclosed
1:30 p.m. Butler at Georgetown CBSSN cash consideration.
not be held because of the pan- Westford have perservered her swimmers’ motivation. But Youngstown St. 84.....................IPFW 70
2 p.m. Boston College at Syracuse ACC NFL
WOMEN Cincinnati: Named Justin Hill run-
demic, Westford was deter- despite the pandemic. completing the season in good HOW AP TOP 25 FARED 2 p.m. Tennessee at LSU ESPN ning back coach, promoted Troy Wal-
2. UConn beat Georgetown, 64-40 ters to wide receivers coach and Brad
mined to continue its run of ex- health is something to be 8. UCLA beat Utah, 69-58 2:30 p.m. Iowa at Michigan State Fox Kragthorpe to assistant wide receivers
cellence. tionnaire? A great team cul- proud of. 10. Arizona played Washington St.
25. Missouri St. beat Illinois St., 69-52
3 p.m. Kansas at Iowa State ABC Houston: Released DE J.J. Watt.
“Swimming and diving is a ture. “The season had many chal- NEW ENGLAND 3:30 p.m. Georgia at Alabama SEC NY Giants: Waived WR Da'Mari
Scott and DB Shakial Taylor.
Quinnipiac 67.........................Fairfield 55 3:30 p.m. Saint Louis at Fordham CBSSN
great sport in that kids know Before the pandemic, the lenges and changes to the UConn 64.........................Georgetown 40
Tampa Bay: Signed RB C.J. Prosise,
4 p.m. Arkansas at Missouri ESPN2 DT Sam Renner and C Donell Stanley to
what their personal best is and swim teams would bond team, but we were able to com- OTHER EAST
Delaware 68..............................Drexel 60 4 p.m. Duke at North Carolina State ESPN
reserve/futures contracts..
they always want to push that through a variety of different plete the season,” Kliss said. Fordham 51.................Saint Joseph’s 36
5 p.m. Northwestern at Rutgers Big Ten Atlanta United FC: Signed D/MF
Howard 66......................Delaware St. 57 Santiago Sosa via transfer from Club
limit,” Klick-McHugh said. “So activities out of the pool such “[The lack of competitiveness] MIDWEST 5 p.m. Villanova at Creighton Fox Atletico River Plate to a multi-year
Cleveland State 68.....................IPFW 45 contract pending receipt of his Inter-
just trying to improve on an in- as “spags,” a routine pasta din- had an impact on the swim- Dayton 72............................Richmond 54
6 p.m. Gonzaga at San Francisco ESPN2 national Transfer Certificate (ITC).
6 p.m. Mississippi at South Carolina SEC FC Dalas : Loaned D Justin Che to FC
dividual level is another moti- ner followed by mini-games, mers’ performance which im- Drake 83..............................So. Illinois 54
Bayern Munich II.
Green Bay 80..................................UIC 56
6 p.m. North Carolina at Virginia ESPN Inter Miami: Signed 2021 MLS Su-
vation as well.” and scavenger hunts. The activ- pacted their times.” IUPUI 72.................... Youngstown St. 65 perdraft pick W Josh Penn to a first
Loyola Chicago 67.............Evansville 49 6 p.m. Rice at Western Kentucky CBSSN team contract.
In December, the Westford ities not only helped ease new Even so, the Generals Missouri St. 69....................Illinois St. 52 8 p.m. Providence at DePaul FS1 New York City Fc : Acquired D Malte
School Committee gave the players into the squad but also turned in solid performances to Northern Iowa 73...................Bradley 72
Oakland 83........................Milwaukee 82 8 p.m. Saint Mary’s at Pepperdine CBSSN
Amundson from Danish club Vejie BK
pending receipt of a P-1 visa and an In-
green light for swimming and tightened the chemistry within finish off the season. Senior Saint Louis 66...............................VCU 50 8 p.m. USC at Washington State ESPNU ternational Transfer Certificate (ITC).
UMKC 69...................................Omaha 59
diving, along with gymnastics, the team. diver Micah Katz ventured into Western Illinois 85..................Denver 68 10 p.m. Colorado at California ESPNU Duke University : Named Tyler Rost
and Chris O'Neill to the baseball staff.
Alpine skiing, and Nordic ski- “Spags is a time to loosen up swimming for his senior year, 10 p.m. UNLV at Boise State FS1 Elevated Chris Gordon to pitching
midnight Cal Irvine at Cal Riverside ESPNU
ing. But in the process, the and have fun,” said Sam Grang- recording a season-high 295.05
committee axed the basketball er, one of three captains for the six-dive score on the boards At New Britain, Conn.
and hockey seasons, by a 4-3 boys’ team. “We normally do and a 1:14.47 100 breaststroke, MERRIMACK (8-4) — Minor 4-7 2-2
10, Derring 2-5 0-0 5, Jensen 4-11 0-1 12,
12 p.m.
Michigan State at Penn State Big Ten
vote, citing the two sports as games after we were done eat- narrowly edging teammate Ry- Reid 4-6 7-7 15, Watkins 6-9 0-0 15, Ber-
ry III 0-0 0-0 0, Connolly 0-0 0-0 0, Isaac- 10 p.m. Light heavies: Smith vs. Beterbiev ESPN
high-risk activities. ing, like the first spag every an Luo (1:14.51). son 0-0 0-0 0, Miller 0-2 0-0 0, Helwig AUSTRALIAN OPEN
1-1 0-0 3, Edmead 2-3 1-3 5, McKoy 1-4 FISHING
Klick-McHugh said she be- year we would always do a cap- R Also in the CAL virtual 4-4 7. Totals 24-48 14-17 72. At Melbourne Park, Melbourne
CENTRAL CONNECTICUT STATE (4- 8 a.m. AFTCO Bassmaster Elite FS1 Men’s singles Third Round
lieves the use of virtual meets tain-led get-to-know-you game league championship, New- 12) — Ayangma 3-6 1-2 7, Newkirk 0-2 Milos Raonic (14), def. Marton Fucs-
played a vital role in allowing where we pick on the freshmen buryport’s Austin Hyer put on a 0-0 0, Reed 0-4 0-0 0, Krishnan 1-6 2-6 5, GOLF ovics, 7-6 (2), 5-7, 6-2, 6-2; Felix Auger-
Outlaw 4-8 3-4 11, Olamuyiwa 0-0 0-0 0, Aliassime (20), def. Denis Shapovalov
1 p.m. PGA: Pebble Beach Pro-Am Golf
swimming to continue; it was as like the initiation.” clinic for the Triton co-op, Scantlebury 1-3 0-0 2, Baker 2-10 0-0 5, (11), 7-5, 7-5, 6-3; Dominic Thiem (3),
def. Nick Kyrgios, 4-6, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-4;
Wilson 4-5 0-0 8, Mitchell 4-8 2-2 14. To- 3 p.m. PGA: Pebble Beach Pro-Am CBS
presented as an alternative “[Klick-McHugh] has done which also includes swimmers tals 19-52 8-14 52. Novak Djokovic (1), def. Taylor Fritz
(27), 7-6 (1), 6-4, 3-6, 4-6, 6-2; Macken-
Halftime: Merrimack, 31-19. 3-pt. PRO HOCKEY
method of competition. While a great job keeping everyone from Pentucket. The junior goals: Merrim 10-24 (Derring 1-3, Jens- zie McDonald, def. Lloyd Harris, 7-6 (7),
en 4-9, Reid 0-1, Watkins 3-5, Helwig 3 p.m. Ottawa at Winnipeg NHL 6-1, 6-4.
virtual meets have sapped the motivated and keeping us in dropped six seconds off of his 1-1, Edmead 0-1, McKoy 1-4), CentCt 6-
7 p.m. Boston at NY Islanders NESN
Women’s singles Third Round
24 (Ayangma 0-1, Newkirk 0-1, Reed Simona Halep (2), def. Veronika Kud-
usual energy and atmosphere good spirits,” said Leong. “By personal best in the 200 free- 0-2, Krishnan 1-5, Outlaw 0-1, Scantle- 7 p.m. Montreal at Toronto NHL ermetova (32), 6-1, 6-3; Iga Swiatek
bury 0-1, Baker 1-5, Mitchell 4-8). Re- (15), def. Fiona Ferro, 6-4, 6-3; Elina Svi-
at swim meets, they provided a doing different activities like style, setting a school record bounds: Merrim 36 (Reid 9), CentCt 26 10 p.m. Calgary at Vancouver NHL tolina (5), def. Yulia Putintseva (26),
(Outlaw 5). Assists: Merrim 18 (Wat- 6-4, 6-0; Karolina Muchova (25), def.
much-needed lifeline to the that, it’s definitely connected us with a time of 1:58.94. Josh kins, Edmead 6), CentCt 10 (Scantle- MEN’S COLLEGE HOCKEY Karolina Pliskova (6), 7-5, 7-5; Jessica
Pegula, def. Kristina Mladenovic, 6-2,
program. to each other and helped us re- Thibeau set the previous record bury 5). Fouls: Merrim 19, CentCt 20.
6 p.m. New Hampshire at Northeastern NESN+ 6-1; Donna Vekic (28), def. Kaia Kanepi,
5-7, 7-6 (2), 6-4; Jennifer Brady (22),
“We’re just thankful we’ve ally enjoy the season.” of 1:59.07 in 2019. UMass Lowell, 79-71 WOMEN’S COLLEGE HOCKEY def. Kaja Juvan, 6-1, 6-3.
been able to have a season to But the presence of the pan- Hyer then went on to set an- At Albany, N.Y. 3 p.m. Boston College at Providence NESN
UMASS LOWELL (8-9) — Boudie 3-4
get back in the pool,” said se- demic has completely changed other school record in the 100 0-1 6, Al.Blunt 3-7 3-4 9, Withers 8-14
nior captain Madison Leong, the pre-pandemic routines. breaststroke with a time of
0-0 19, Thomas 5-7 1-1 14, Daley 6-9 3-5
17, An.Blunt 0-2 0-0 0, Brooks 0-1 0-0 0,
Hammond 1-1 0-0 2, Jordan-Thomas
2:30 p.m. America’s Day at the Races FS2 Golf
who is committed to Hamilton With practices split into three 1:09.97, breaking Thibeau’s re- 6-8 0-0 12. Totals 32-53 7-11 79. MIXED MARTIAL ARTS
College. “It took us a bit longer groups, the swimmers now cord of 1:11.91. ALBANY (4-7) — Lulka 4-6 1-3 9, Tay-
lor 6-14 1-3 13, Horton 1-6 3-4 5, Cham- 8 p.m. UFC 258 prelims ESPN PEBBLE BEACH PRO-AM
to get back in shape, but now practice only three days per Hyer wasn’t the only one in pion 5-12 1-2 12, Rizzuto 9-18 2-3 25,
Anderson 0-1 0-0 0, Shafer 0-1 0-0 0, MOTOCROSS
At Pebble Beach Golf Links
Yardage: 7,051; par: 72
we’re finally looking better as a week instead of five. Without top form, however. Pentucket Healy 1-4 0-0 3, Hutcheson 2-3 0-0 4.
Totals 28-65 8-15 71. 7:30 p.m. AMA: FIM World Championship NBCSN FRIDAY

group every day and I think the valuable in-person bonding sophomore Henry Brien bet- Halftime: UMass Lowell, 26-24. 3-pt.
RODEO Jordan Spieth.................65-67–132 -12
goals: UML 8-16 (Al.Blunt 0-1, Withers Daniel Berger.................67-66–133 -11
this is going to turn out really experiences, the teams are us- tered his school record in the 3-6, Thomas 3-5, Daley 2-3, An.Blunt 10 p.m. PBR: Built Ford Tough Invitational (tape) CBSSN Henrik Norlander.......... 64-70–134 -10
0-1), Albany 7-17 (Champion 1-2, Rizzu- Patrick Cantlay..............62-73–135 -9
well for everyone.” ing online group chats to at- 100 butterfly with a time of to 5-11, Healy 1-3, Hutcheson 0-1). Re- SAILING Paul Casey......................68-67–135 -9
bounds: UML 27 (Jordan-Thomas 9), Al- Tom Lewis......................66-69–135 -9
The girls extended their un- tempt to fill the void and avoid 58.87, a half-second drop from bany 25 (Lulka, Taylor 5). Assists: UML 10:30 p.m. Prada Cup final (tape) NBCSN Russell Knox...................66-70–136 -8
21 (Daley 9), Albany 12 (Horton 5). Akshay Bhatia................64-73–137 -7
defeated run with a 4-0 record, breaking COVID regulations. the mark he set last season. On Fouls: UML 19, Albany 15. SKIING Tom Hoge.......................67-70–137 -7
including a 108-77 win over “The biggest place we’re the girls’ side, Newburyport 2:30 p.m. Alpine World Championships (tape) NBC
Nate Lashley..................65-72–137
Maverick McNealy........68-69–137
Concord-Carlisle, last season’s missing out on this year is rid- freshman Abriana Constrom HOCKEY 4:30 p.m. Alpine World Championships (tape) NBCSN Cameron Percy..............67-70–137 -7
Brian Stuard...................66-71–137 -7
Division 1 runner-up. The girls’ ing the bus together because if swam in 1:02.44 in the 100 NEW ENGLAND MEN’S SOCCER Jason Day.......................69-69–138
Scott Brown...................69-70–139
squad had originally scheduled you’re on the way home from a backstroke and 57.91 in the Army 3........................................Bentley 2
Babson 4............................N.E. College 2
7:25 a.m. Premier: Liverpool at Leicester City NBCSN Jason Dufner..................68-71–139 -5
Will Gordon....................66-73–139 -5
a meet against Weston and meet you’ve won, it’s like a big 100 freestyle, both personal BC 7.................................UMass-Lowell 1 10 a.m. Premier: Burnley at Crystal Palace NBCSN Max Homa......................69-70–139 -5
BU 1..........................................Vermont 0 12:30 p.m. Premier: Tottenham at Manchester City NBC Matt Jones......................67-72–139 -5
Wayland last Sunday, but it was party where we have tons of bests that would have qualified Colgate 2..............................Quinnipiac 2 Patton Kizzire................69-70–139 -5
SPEEDSKATING Francesco Molinari.......69-70–139 -5
postponed because of snow. music and cheering and if we her for the state championship. Northeastern 6...............................UNH 2
Plymouth St. 4...................Anna Maria 1 John Senden...................70-69–139 -5
6 p.m. World championships (tape) NBCSN Cameron Tringale.........67-72–139 -5
The boys have similarly posted lose, we console each other,” “What these kids accom- Providence 4...............................UConn 0 Vincent Whaley.............68-71–139 -5
a 5-0 record and are currently Granger said. plished this year given all the Canisius 5..........................................RIT 3
TENNIS Bronson Burgoon..........68-72–140 -4
Sebastian Cappelen......75-65–140 -4
MIDWEST 7 p.m. Australian Open Tennis
awaiting results from last Sat- On a similar note, Klick- restrictions they were swim- Adrian 8......................................Marian 4
Jim Furyk........................71-69–140
Branden Grace...............71-69–140
9 p.m. Australian Open ESPN2
urday’s virtual meet against McHugh insisted that Westford ming under was nothing short Lake Superior St. 2.....Bowling Green 1 Mark Hubbard...............66-74–140
Hank Lebioda.................70-70–140
Miami (Ohio) 3.................St. Cloud St. 2 TRACK AND FIELD
Wayland, the reigning Division Academy’s success stems from of amazing, and I’m so proud of Michigan Tech 3....................Ferris St. 0 Troy Merritt....................71-69–140 -4
Minnesota 3......................Notre Dame 0 4 p.m. New Balance Indoor Grand Prix NBC Scott Stallings............... 69-71–140 -4
2 champion, and Weston. the leadership qualities of its them,” Triton first-year coach Western Mich. 4.............Minn.-Duluth 0
Kyle Stanley...................70-70–140 -4
(schedule subject to change) Ben Taylor......................68-72–140 -4
The biggest indication of seniors year in and year out. Rebecca Burrell said. Wis.-River Falls 6......Wis.-Stevens Pt. 2
Nick Taylor.....................69-71–140 -4
Vaughn Taylor...............67-73–140 -4
Westford Academy’s success The Grey Ghosts have 17 se- R As the season wraps up, NEW ENGLAND Cameron Davis..............74-67–141 -3
BC 2......................................Providence 1 Doug Ghim......................69-72–141 -3
lies squarely in the swimmers’ niors and seven team captains the Dual County League hosted Castleton St. 2.............................. Utica 1 Brian Harman................ 67-74–141 -3
Plymouth St. 3..................N.E. College 1 Charley Hoffman...........69-72–141 -3
feedback of their time with the this year: Kylie Hoar, Julia Tra- its diving championship
team. canna, and Leong lead the Wednesday. With her six-dive
UConn 1............................... Holy Cross 0
Vermont 4..........................................BU 0 Schools Sung Kang......................73-68–141
Ryan Moore....................68-73–141
Matthew NeSmith.........74-67–141
Shortly after Westford Acad- girls’ team, Matt Song, Ryan score of 329.6, Weston diver Ohio St. 2..............................Minnesota 1
Pat Perez........................69-72–141
Chez Reavie................... 74-67–141
emy’s senior night virtual swim Pillion, and Granger lead the Charlotte Martinkus broke her Wisconsin 4.........................Bemidji St. 0
BASKETBALL W. Bridgewater 56........Bp. Connolly 27 Brendan Steele..............69-72–141 -3
MERRIMACK VALLEY Kevin Streelman............69-72–141 -3
meet, the seniors filled out a boys’ team, and Kaely Harding DCL Championship meet re- MEN’S BOX SCORES BOYS
Andover 33....................... N. Andover 23 Michael Thompson.......67-74–141
Peter Uihlein..................69-72–141
Billerica 43........................ Tewksbury 38
questionnaire that asked them is the dive captain. cord, which she set last year. Providence, 4-0 Marthas Vineyard 51.......Barnstable 32
Monomoy 66............Falmouth Acad. 23
Chelmsford 55..........................Dracut 33 Tim Wilkinson................67-74–141 -3
Sam Burns......................72-70–142 -2
to reflect upon their years with “When you have an awe- UConn (8-8-2)..............0 0 0 — 0 Nantucket 65.......................Sandwich 55
Wilmington 42..................Watertown 27
Joel Dahmen.................. 71-71–142 -2
Providence (9-6-4) .....2 0 2 — 4 CAPE ANN Brian Gay........................70-72–142 -2
the program. The prevalent some group of senior captains Globe correspondent Emma Scoring: Prov, Tyce Thompson (Brett Amesbury 57......................Pentucket 50 SOUTH SHORE
Cohasset 48..........................Mashpee 44
Beau Hossler..................72-70–142 -2
Berard, Nick Poisson) 6:46; Prov, Pat- Ham.-Wenham 71...............Lynnfield 46 Chris Kirk........................69-73–142 -2
theme throughout the ques- like we do this year, it just sets Healy contributed. rick Moynihan (Greg Printz, Parker N. Reading 80.......................Rockport 46 Norwell 51..................E. Bridgewater 29 Rob Oppenheim.............72-70–142 -2
CATHOLIC CONFERENCE Rockland 44..................... Middleboro 36 C.T. Pan...........................70-72–142 -2
Ford) 15:05; Prov, Parker Ford (Tyce
Thompson, Nick Poisson) 6:14 (pp); St. Johns (Shrewsbury) 55.Xaverian 41 TRI-VALLEY Andrew Putnam............72-70–142 -2
Prov, Tyce Thompson (unassisted) DUAL COUNTY Medfield 62............................Ashland 37 Wes Roach..................... 71-71–142 -2
16:03 (en). Bedford 47............................Waltham 38 Medway 46.........................Hopkinton 36 Ryan Armour..................70-73–143 -1
Saves: Conn, Tomáš Vomáčka 28; HOCKOMOCK Millis 60.....................................Norton 28 Joseph Bramlett............73-70–143 -1
AT&T PEBBLE BEACH PRO-AM Prov, Jaxson Stauber 20. Attleboro 55...........................Foxboro 33
North Attleboro 52........Canton 50 (OT)
Westwood 48........................Holliston 25
Scott Harrington........... 72-71–143
Scott Piercy....................69-74–143
Oliver Ames 66........................Sharon 47 Boston Latin 53................Cambridge 45 Zack Sucher...................72-71–143 -1
Boston College, 7-1

Spieth (67) surges to lead

MAYFLOWER Newton South 37.................Wayland 34 Josh Teater.....................69-74–143 -1
UM Lowell (4-6-0) ......1 0 0 — 1 W. Bridgewater 62........Bp. Connolly 55 Danvers 64...............Salem Academy 37 Jhonattan Vegas........... 72-71–143 -1
BC (12-3-1)...................2 3 2 — 7 Westport 77..........................Holbrook 42 OBryant 54..........Kennedy Academy 35 Will Zalatoris..................69-74–143 -1
Scoring: BC, Drew Helleson (Colby Nelson Ledesma............71-73–144 -1
Andover 66....................... N. Andover 47 First round
Ambrosio, Jack McBain) 3:33; UML, Lu- Mark Anderson..............69-75–144 E
Central Cath. 52.......................Lowell 51 Abp. Williams 55................Cathedral 42
cas Condotta (Zach Kaiser) 4:20; BC, Aaron Baddeley.............70-74–144 E
Chelmsford 65..........................Dracut 58 PATRIOT CUP
Mike Hardman (Matt Boldy, Marc Ryan Brehm................... 73-72–145 E
Haverhill 62...............Methuen 58 (3OT) Hingham 54............. Plymouth South 29
McLaughlin) 12:46 (pp); BC, Alex Ne- Roberto Castro..............71-73–144 E
whook (Matt Boldy, Mike Hardman) MIDDLESEX Second round
By Doug Ferguson ry with the wedge and putter, der, while the group at 9-under 0:26 (pp); BC, Casey Carreau (unassist- Watertown 82..................Wilmington 59
Scituate 51..........Whit.-Hanson 45 (OT)
ed) 12:03; BC, Matt Boldy (Trevor Kun- SOUTH COAST TOURNAMENT
ASSOCIATED PRESS this was a steady diet of keep- 135 included Patrick Cantlay, tar, Eamon Powell) 14:41; BC, Alex Ne- Gloucester 63.........................Danvers 55

Latest line
whook (Jack St. Ivany, Matt Boldy) 1:17 Salem 60.................................. Saugus 46
Digh.-Rehoboth 61Somerset Berkley 31
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. — ing the ball inside the tree-lined whose record-tying 62 at Pebble (pp); BC, Mike Hardman (Alex Ne- SOUTH SHORE
Old Rochester 40...........Apponequet 39
whook, Matt Boldy) 12:28. Randolph 63..............................Carver 52
Jordan Spieth took on a bold fairways of Spyglass, reducing Beach on Thursday was quickly Saves: UML, Logan Neaton 8; UML,

tee shot and pulled it off per- stress and making a few putts. forgotten. Henry Welsch 25; BC, Spencer Knight Medfield 58............................Ashland 41
Westwood 48........................Holliston 41
HOCKEY Favorite
Line Underdog
NONLEAGUE BOYS Phila.......................1 ..........At Phoenix
fectly to set up birdie. He hit a There was a 45-foot birdie His opening tee shot at No. South Shore 65....S. Shore Christian 36 CAPE & ISLANDS Indiana.................. 1½ ...........At Atlanta
Boston University, 1-0 Latin Acad. 66........................ Fenway 47 Barnstable 6...............................Nauset 1 Houston.................1½ .......At New York
poor 3-wood that went off a putt he holed on the tough 10 on Spyglass hit a tree and Madison Park 58........Boston United 54 St. John Paul II 5Mashpee/Monomoy 2 Brooklyn................4 .At Golden State
Boston U. (7-2-0) ........0 0 1 — 1
Catholic Central Cup At Utah..............OFF ..................Miami
tree and back into the fairway par-3 fifth hole. He also missed was never found, sending him Vermont (1-6-2)..........0 0 0 — 0
First round
Triton 3................................ N. Reading 2 COLLEGE BASKETBALL
Scoring: BU, Alex Vlasic (Jay O'Brien,
that led to another. a few inside 10 feet, and his back to the tee. He opened with Thomas Jarman) 3:34.
Austin Prep 71....................Cathedral 54
Line Underdog
BC High 3......St. Johns (Shrewsbury) 1
Whether it’s good golf or lone bogey was a three-putt a double bogey and eventually Saves: BU, Vinny Duplessis 18; Vt,
Gabe Carriere 29.
Second round
Bp. Feehan 77...........Card. Spellman 39
St. John’s Prep 2........Cath. Memorial 2 At Florida St.......13½ .......Wake Forest
Xaverian 3.......................Malden Cath. 1
good breaks, it’s making him from 7 feet on the par-5 first got those two shots back until a PATRIOT CUP HOCKOMOCK
At Okla. St..............15 ......... Kansas St..
At Ohio St.............6½ ................Indiana
WOMEN’S BOX SCORES First round Canton 6............................Oliver Ames 0
feel a lot better about his game hole after he made the turn. three-putt bogey on the par-3 Marshfield 62.....................Pembroke 47
N. Attleboro 4....Stoughton/Brockton 0
Loyola-Chi.............3½ ..............At Drake

at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro- “A little bit improved off last third. Vermont, 4-0 Plymouth North 47..................Quincy 36
MERRIMACK VALLEY/DUAL COUNTY At W. Virginia.......3½ ...........Oklahoma
Second round
Vermont (6-1-0)..........1 0 3 — 4 Chelmsford 5.........Dracut/Tyngsboro 2 Tennessee................2 .................At LSU
Hingham 67...........................Hanover 48
Am. He shot a 5-under-par 67 week, which was the goal this Five-time champion Phil Boston University
.....0 0 0 — 0 SOUTHEAST TOURNAMENT Newton South 1...........Waltham 1 (OT) At Texas.................12 ......................TCU
(4-4-0)...................... Championship NORTHEASTERN Iowa.......................... 5 .At Michigan St..
at Spyglass Hill on Friday for a week, to just try and feel like Mickelson won't be around for Scoring: Vermont, Tynka Pátková Brockton 66........... Bridge.-Raynham 58 Beverly 2...................................Danvers 1 At Alabama.........13½ ...............Georgia
one-shot lead over Daniel Berg- I'm getting better each day,” the weekend, but he went out (Hailey Burns, Maddy Skelton) 1:51;
Vermont, Maddy Skelton (Tynka Pátk-
Semifinals Abington 7....................E. Bridgewater 0 At Missouri...........1½ .............Arkansas
er going into the weekend. said Spieth, whose tie for fourth in style. Mickelson hit two ová, Hailey Burns) 2:46; Vermont, Val Apponequet 58..................... Seekonk 56
Digh.-Rehoboth 74.Gr. New Bedford 55 Dartmouth 1...............................Durfee 0
At Rutgers................8 ...........N'western
Villanova...................2 ...... At Creighton
Caldwell (Lily Humphrey, Bella Paren-
“I like where things are at,” in Phoenix was his best result shots in the ocean on the 18th to) 4:44; Vermont, Theresa Schafzahl GIRLS TRI-VALLEY
Dover-Sherborn/Weston 3...Holliston 2 At Virginia.............6½ ......... N. Carolina
(Natálie Mlynková, Sara Levesque) BOSTON CITY
Spieth said, referring to more since May 2019. at Pebble Beach and took a qua- 19:19 (en). Latin Acad. 60........................ Fenway 57 Norwood 3...............................Medway 2 Gonzaga..............17½ ..At S. Francisco
Saves: Vermont, Jessie McPherson CAPE & ISLANDS NONLEAGUE USC............................8 ......At Wash. St..
than his name atop the leader- Spieth was at 12-under 132, druple-bogey 9 for an 80. 22; Boston University, Corinne Cape Cod Acad. 55..........Rising Tide 14 Sandwich 3.............Marthas Vineyard 1 At Stanford..............5 .....................Utah
Schroeder 25. Falmouth 53..........Dennis-Yarmouth 28 GIRLS
board on the weekend for the his first 36-hole lead since Rickie Fowler, who played Monomoy 44............Falmouth Acad. 32 CAPE & ISLANDS National Hockey League
second straight week. Birkdale. alongside Spieth and defending Boston College, 2-1 St. John Paul II 44........ Sturgis West 19
Sandwich 69.......................Nantucket 31
Cape Cod 2..............Dennis-Yarmouth 0
Favorite Line Underdog Line
At Winnipeg...-220 Ottawa...........+200
Winless since his British Berger shot a 66 at Pebble champion Nick Taylor (at 4-un- Prov. (10-6-1) ..........1 0 0 0 — 1
BC (13-3-0) ..............0 1 0 1 — 2
Pentucket 42......................Amesbury 23
Marblehead 2..................Masconomet 1
Winthrop 2................Beverly/Danvers 1
St. Louis..........-135 At Arizona.....+125
BOSTON..........-140 At NYI.............+130
Open title in 2017 at Royal Beach by going 2-3-2 along the der 140), shot 75 and missed Scoring: Providence, Bailey Burton COMMONWEALTH
Gr. Lowell 36....................Shawsheen 34
Tampa Bay.....-140 At Florida.......+130
(Brooke Becker) 5:24; Boston College, Dedham 1............................... Norwood 1
Birkdale, Spieth wasn't sure if ocean on a day filled will sun- the cut for the second straight Savannah Norcross (Hannah Bilka) Lowell Cath. 60Innovation Academy 20 Medway/Ashland 1.Medfield/Norton 1
At Toronto......-125 Montreal........+115
At Nashville....-171 Detroit............+159
9:53; Boston College, Cayla Barnes (Sa- DUAL COUNTY
he was taking baby steps or a shine and a Pacific breeze. week. Fowler has gone just over vannah Norcross, Hadley Hartmetz) Bedford 42............................Waltham 37 R For updated scores and highlights,
Carolina...........-120 At Dallas........+110
At Chicago......-110 Columbus......+100
2:45. Concord-Carlisle 50...............Weston 31 go to
giant leap. But one week after Henrik Norlander had a 70 a year since his last finish in the Saves: Providence, Sandra Abstreit- HOCKOMOCK schools.
Calgary............-131 At Vancouver+121
Vegas.............. -174 At San Jose...+162
Canton 67................. North Attleboro 51
relying so much on his wizard- at Spyglass and was at 10 un- top 10. er 31; Boston College, Abigail Levy 30
C8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1

PLUGGERS by Rick McKee

DILBERT by Scott Adams
ZITS by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau DUSTIN by Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

RED & ROVER by Brian Basset ARCTIC CIRCLE by Alex Hallatt

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston CURTIS by Ray Billingsley

RHYMES WITH ORANGE by Hilary Price ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ACROSS 47 Browns’ city: Abbr.
1 Completely puzzle 48 Cold drink brand
6 Father’s Day VIP 49 Word after “time” or
10 Ooze “slot” (last 5 ...)
14 River through Rome 53 Popular chip
15 He was slain by Cain flavoring
16 Weigh station unit (... + first 2)
17 January, in Jalisco 57 Response to a
18 Wynonna or Wyatt startling greeting
19 Practice in the ring 58 Mild expletive
20 ___ bliss 60 Journalist Couric
(last 4 letters in 61 Fly like an eagle
this answer ...) 62 Capitol Hill staffer
22 Bilbo Baggins 63 Actor Zac
portrayer 64 “So far, so goof ” has
(... + first 3) one
24 Singer Diamond 65 Common
25 Cyber ops grp. subscription length
26 Falls in two 66 Campus bigwigs
countries (last 3 ...)
29 One may have a DOWN
basket and a bell 1 Support for a rose
(... + first 3) 2 Singer Turner
33 Pelvic bone 3 Lift that’s not a Lyft
34 Teenage skin trouble 4 Lemon pie topping
35 Race, as an engine 5 NFL or NHL squad
36 Rudolph’s is red 6 Spanish rice dish
37 Insurer known for 7 Org. for attorneys
its gecko 8 Prefix with “scope”
39 “The Gift of 9 “The Irishman” star
the ___” 10 Strut down the
40 Non-native speaker’s runway
subj. 11 Huge event
41 Risk territory west 12 Carrier to Tel Aviv 29 Covertly loop in 39 Babyproofed, say 50 Nautical greeting
of Siberia 13 ’Do for a while 30 Box of oranges 41 Wrinkly fruit 51 British fellow
42 Occupied, like a 21 Tire filler 31 Permitted by law 42 Crept 52 A Great Lake
diner booth 23 Naughty or ___ 32 Musical set in 44 Suzuki of baseball 54 Gillette razor
43 Rod in old movies 26 Highest digits in Argentina 45 Title abbreviated 55 Animal in a pride
(last 3 ...) Sudoku 34 Feel unwell to its first and last 56 Perfect scores for
45 “___: Long Walk 27 Statement about a 37 “21st Century letters divers
to Freedom” past defeat Breakdown” band 46 Point of no return? 59 Toothpaste tube
(... + first 3) 28 Airplane passageway 38 Site of a small canal 49 Nearly all letters
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C9
Boston’s forecast SUDOKU

2 3 9 1
6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M.

HIGH Some sun will give way HIGH Some snow will contin- HIGH Clouds will continue to HIGH A storm system off the HIGH High pressure building
25-30 to increasing clouds.
LOW Some snow will arrive
31-36 ue, which can mix with
LOW sleet and freezing rain
34-39 hang tough with a bit of
LOW snow, sleet and freezing
30-35 coast will continue to
LOW bring snow, sleet and
27-32 in from the west will
LOW finally bring some drier
6 5 3
3 5
23-28 late tomorrow night, 27-32 in some spots. Mostly 27-32 rain at times. Snow is 13-18 freezing rain, likely end- 16-21 weather and more in
perhaps mixing with some sleet cloudy with a few lingering flur- likely at night, perhaps mixed ing later in the day. Drying out the way of sunshine. Partly
at times, especially south. ries into the night. with ice in spots. into the night. cloudy and cold at night.

New England forecast Almanac Boston snowfall (5 p.m. yesterday)

6 8 4 1
TODAY: Dry weather will continue through the day as sun
fades behind increasing clouds west and south. A wintry
Yesterday’s high/low
6:43 a.m.
5:14 p.m.
Total for February
Normal for February
7 2
mix at night.
TOMORROW: Snow will fall in many areas,
especially in the morning. Snow will mix with sleet,
Mount Washington (5 p.m. yesterday)
8:04 a.m. Season total
Season normal
Degree days
5 2 6 9
9 6
PRESQUE ISLE Weather Partly cloudy
freezing rain and rain across southern areas. 21/0 Yesterday 46
Visibility 80 miles
EXTENDED: A little snow or a wintry mix Monthly total 432
could cause slick travel on Monday. Heavier Wind west-northwest at 38 m.p.h.

1 8 5
MILLINOCKET High/low temperature 15/-18 Normal to date 415
snow and ice are likely Monday night into Season total (normal) 3258 (3511)
Tuesday. Snow depth at 5 p.m. 9.0”
Last year to date 2914

24 Hr. Precipitation
Yesterday 0.00”
Precip days in February 7
(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)
Month to date 1.52”
Norm. month to date 1.31”
Year to date
Norm. year to date
5 6 7 8
Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
BERLIN 23/13 BAR HARBOR 3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
18/4 24/18
Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
13/7 MT. WASHINGTON Boston high 12:0712:17 Gloucester 12:0712:17 Hyannis Port 1:14 1:20 and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
7/3 Marblehead 12:0712:17 Chatham 1:14 1:20
Height 9.5 10.3 computer program at
RUTLAND LEBANON PORTLAND 25/17 Boston low 6:03 6:34 Lynn 12:1112:22 Wellfleet 12:2112:31
18/12 20/11 Scituate 12:1112:22 Provincetown 12:1212:23
Height 0.1 -0.4
High tides Plymouth 12:1312:26 Nantucket
MANCHESTER Old Orchard ME ---12:08 Cape Cod Harbor 1:15 1:23
28/19 Hampton Canal East ---12:10 Oak Bluffs 12:2812:51
26/15 Cape Cod New Bedford 8:59 9:19 BY FRANK STEWART
NASHUA 29/16
Temperatures are Beach NH 12:1212:22
PITTSFIELD Canal West 11:09 Newport RI 8:52 9:12
today’s highs Plum Island 12:1612:29 South dealer — N-S vulnerable
23/17 BOSTON 27/24 and tonight’s lows. Falmouth ---12:01
Ipswich ---12:07
New England marine forecast  Gale warning  Storm warning ♠ Q9
Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp
HARTFORD 31/24 32/23 HYANNIS 32/27 ♥ J4
28/21 Boston Harbor N 6-12 kts. 1 ft. 27/25 Martha’s
BRIDGEPORT 30/27 OAK BLUFFS NANTUCKET 31/28 East Cape Vineyard NE 7-14 kts. 1 ft. 32/28
30/25 31/30 ♣ J 10 9 8
Cod Canal N 7-14 kts. 1-3 ft. 29/28 Nantucket NE 7-14 kts. 1-2 ft. 32/29
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021
Buzzards Bay NE 6-12 kts. 1 ft. 28/28 Provincetown N 6-12 kts. 1-3 ft. 30/28 West East
Cities Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to ♠8742 ♠ K653
● Travel delays possible, C Clouds, F Fog, H Haze, I Ice, Pc Partly Cloudy, R Rain, Sh Showers, S Sun, Sn Snow, Fl Flurries, T Thunderstorms, W Windy ♥ Q 10 9 5 ♥K872
Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow ♦53 ♦ K2
 Atlanta 46/43 R 50/45 R Los Angeles 67/54 C 69/49 Pc  Seattle 35/30 Sn 39/34 Sh Jerusalem 58/43 S 61/46 S
 Atlantic City 34/32 Sn 38/34 R Miami 82/74 Pc 84/74 Pc  Washington 31/30 Sn 39/36 C London 33/32 C 41/39 C
♣7 4 2 ♣653
 Charlotte 41/37 R 46/40 R  New Orleans 54/44 Sh 54/45 Sh  Beijing 49/29 C 40/17 C  Moscow 11/6 Sn 12/-5 Sn
 Chicago 13/-5 Sn 6/-2 Pc  New York City 28/26 Sn 32/30 Sn  Cancun 84/74 T 85/73 T Paris 32/23 Pc 39/34 Pc South
Dallas 30/21 C 25/8 Sn  Philadelphia 30/28 Sn 37/32 I Mexico City 66/41 S 70/40 S Rome 47/29 R 47/31 S ♠ A J 10
Denver 11/-5 C 3/-9 Sn Phoenix 72/52 Pc 68/45 Pc Montreal 10/6 C 20/11 Pc San Juan 84/73 Pc 84/73 S ♥A63
 Detroit 23/10 Sn 24/10 Pc  Salt Lake City 42/25 Sh 34/26 C  Toronto 17/10 Sn 25/17 Pc  Stockholm 26/19 C 29/4 Pc
Fort Myers 84/71 C 84/70 Pc  San Francisco 60/48 Sh 59/53 C  Vancouver 34/29 Sn 37/34 Sn Tokyo 58/46 Pc 61/54 Pc
♦ Q 10 9 8
South West North East
1♦ Pass 3♦ Pass
of close relationships and team- tations. Tonight: The good times Opening lead — ♥ 10
work of all kinds. Others will com- roll on.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Saturday, Tonight: Online communications municate their needs and make CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) “Simple Saturday” columns focus on improving basic
Feb. 13, 2021: and networking. suggestions. Listen carefully. You A difficult co-worker can be a technique and logical thinking.
Magnetic, brave, and hardwork- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) will hear what you need to know source of concern. There is an ac- The finesse — say, leading toward an A-Q in your hand
ing, you're a powerhouse of ener- Today highlights your sector of concerning an important relation- cent on community service, poli- and playing the queen after right-hand opponent plays — is
gy. You hit the ball out of the park fame and fortune. You will yearn ship. Tonight: Permit others to tics and charitable endeavors. A a useful technique. But because finesses lose as often as
when young. This year, you're for success and greater recogni- grow. neighbor or sibling can contact they win, they are good to avoid. You certainly don’t want
called upon to give your most yet. tion. Extensive study, career-relat- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) you with a valuable invitation or to try more than necessary.
You succeed tremendously. If sin- ed future travel or brainstorming Surroundings affect your health. suggestion. A favor is returned. Against today’s six diamonds, West led the 10 of hearts,
gle, this year, efficiency, clarity, sessions with respected associates Avoid people and places that Tonight: Relax with a very good, and South took the ace and led the 10 of trumps to finesse.
and propriety allow you to meet are all significant factors in help- make you feel unwell. Observe old friend. When East won, the defense cashed a heart. South escaped
The One. If attached, individuality ing you move forward. Tonight: how New and Full Moons impact AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) for down only one when the spade finesse worked for him
is still always essential. SCORPIO Celebrate. your vitality. Use a Moon calendar Exercise careful judgement re- later.
can figure you out. CANCER (June 21-July 22) to determine which Moon signs garding a risky financial sugges- South took one finesse too many. Suppose the trump
Important responsibilities need mark times when you feel stron- tion made by another. Explore fi- finesse wins. To make the slam, South still needs a win-
ARIES (March 21-April 19) your attention. Maintain a posi- ger. Tonight: Proud of yourself. nancial opportunities and work ning spade finesse to discard his heart loser from dummy.
Old and poignant memories sur- tive mental outlook. Use diploma- SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) on your budget. Budgeting for a So whether the trump finesse works is only a matter of an
face today. Past life regression cy in all that you say or write. Ef- Today draws kindness and empa- special purchase is a consider- overtrick. South should lead a trump to the ace at Trick
might be useful to aid in under- forts made today will bring profes- thy your way. Music and color can ation. Talk it over with an elderly
Two and return the queen of spades.
standing and accepting the pres- sional advancement in the future. be powerful sources of inspira- female family member. Tonight:
Avoid a “practice finesse” whose gain will be negligible
ent situation. A deep rapport with Tonight: It is especially important tion. You encounter creative new Get enough rest.
even if it wins.
wild creatures and the spirit of to be constructive in your focus. ideas from others. You'll be able to PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
wilderness areas prevails. To- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) spend more time with children or Intuitive, empathic and congenial,
DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ A J 10 ♥ A 6 3 ♦ Q 10 9 8
night: You feel like not talking or Shared monies, an inheritance a favorite project. Tonight: A focus you have a special ability to relieve
being alone. and other financial matters are a on joy and revelry. the suffering and anxieties of oth-
♣ A K Q. South in today’s deal opened one diamond with
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) focus. Investigate and gather in- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ers. This you do today. Love con-
this hand. Do you agree with that call?
After weeks of soul-searching, you formation today. You will feel like Today you are more of a home- nections are tinted with tender-
ANSWER: South held 20 high-card points with balanced
come to realizations today con- a detective. Awareness of past life body than ever. Real estate trans- ness. Nurture a promising rela-
pattern, plus two 10s. Many partnerships agree that their
cerning your wishes and goals. recollections might give you a clue actions, interior decorating, and tionship, in love or in business.
range for a 2NT opening bid is 20 to 22 points; they would
Friends are interested and want to as to why. Tonight: Very intense online family gatherings are a fo- Tonight: It’s completely up to you.
have opened 2NT. If instead your partnership range is 21 or
help. A whole group might want dreams, which need recording. cus. Keepsakes and reunions
22 points, then to open one diamond would be acceptable.
to help as well. Romantic attach- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) evoke a sentimental mood. A cycle (c) 2021 by King Features Syndi-
ments can deepen into true love. Today highlights the future path of joy begins when you issue invi- cate Inc.
Discuss with your partner.

ZIPPY “Food Tube” by Bill Griffith ADAM@HOME by Rob Harrell

ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

BIZARRO by Wayno & Piraro

9 8 4 7 1 6 2 5 3
3 5 7 2 8 9 4 1 6
1 2 6 3 4 5 9 7 8
Today’s Crossword Solution

Today’s Sudoku Solution

8 4 9 6 7 2 5 3 1
2 6 3 5 9 1 8 4 7
5 7 1 4 3 8 6 9 2
6 9 5 1 2 7 3 8 4
7 3 2 8 5 4 1 6 9
4 1 8 9 6 3 7 2 5
C10 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1



I feel like ‘the girlfriend who got pregnant’

Q. A few months ago I found out I was pregnant with my boy- correct in being unsure about your future. Be an adult and focus on
friend’s child. We haven’t been dating for a long time, and this preg- how you can provide your baby with a good life.
nancy has taken us by surprise. So far, he has been there for me, SEENITTOOS
supported me in every aspect, and has found us a home to start our
small family. Recently, we were having a conversation and he re- You’re going to be a mother and you have to stop worrying about
vealed that in his previous relationship that ended around a year irrelevant things. Who cares if you’re labeled the “one who got preg-
and a half ago, his ex girlfriend had a miscarriage. I felt like a buck- nant”? Does it really matter when it comes down to what’s impor-
et of ice fell on top of me when he told me this. tant? Who cares if there were girlfriends before your boyfriend met
He said it was a moment where their relationship was at an end you! Seriously, stop thinking about anything but how to make a
because his ex cheated on him with someone else. He did say that family unit and deliver a healthy child. Get resources to help you if
after the miscarriage, she took some time off work and he took care you feel you can’t do this on your own. Get help from your family.
of her and her expenses. I understand his actions because I believe Talk to your employer about your maternity leave. Your world is
it says a lot about him. But I can’t stop thinking about him already about to completely change, so focus on that. Right now your bf has
going through the process of being an expecting father. I feel threat- stepped up, which is a good thing. Please stay positive and healthy.
ened by his ex because they have gone through so much, compared Good luck!
to my relationship with him, where it’s been so short. LUPELOVE
I know it’s unhealthy to think this, but I feel like he is just with
me because of my pregnancy, although he says it’s not. I just can’t This has nothing to do with his ex-girlfriend. It has to do with
help but feel jealous of his ex, knowing that they’d been together for this: ”but I feel like he is just with me because of my pregnancy.”
two years. She’d met his family and had been introduced as a girl- That is what you need to work through.
friend, whereas, in my situation, I feel like I’m the girlfriend who ASH
got pregnant.
ANONYMOUS ^Precisely. She needs to accept the fact that that is EXACTLY
why he is with her. The rest of the world would call that “reality.”
A. If he wanted to be with his ex, he’d be trying to get back with his Once she accepts reality she can start working on what she wants to
ex. The end. do about it.
And of course they went through a lot of experiences together. JIM-IN-LITTLETON
Two years is a long time.
It makes sense that you have questions about why you and your “So far, he has been there for me, supported me in every aspect,
boyfriend are together, what might be fueling the commitment, and has found us a home to start our small family.” I’m not sure
and how your relationship will play out over time. These are all fair how much more you can ask of him. He’s trying to make this work,
Andy Samberg and Andre Braugher in “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” things to wonder about. But they have nothing to do with the ex. Fo- even though you don’t know each other well. Concentrate on hav-
“[Everyone is] discussing how you make a comedy show cusing on her is useless. My guess is that it’s easier to think about ing a healthy relationship with your guy. His previous relationship
about police right now,” Samberg told People magazine last her than the real questions popping up in the relationship. is irrelevant at this point.
year in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Not to say the wrong thing here, but there are many reasons JACQUISMITH
your relationship might flourish . . . or end. You have no idea what
Expect something different in final any of them are, so stop guessing. I understand why this lack of
control is frustrating, but take a few deep breaths. There’s no pre-
I don’t know how long you have been dating, so maybe your re-
lationship is on the fast track because of the baby. All you can do is
season of ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ dicting the future right now. live day by day anyway. No one can predict the future, so there’s re-
Also remember that by the day, you and your boyfriend are expe- ally no benefit in worrying.
One the better network comedies has reached the end of the road. riencing so many milestones. You’re having huge experiences he’s LEGALLYLIZ2017
NBC’s “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” will be back at some as-yet unknown never had before, I swear. Try to keep a sense of humor about going
point after the summer for season 8, with 10 new episodes. And that through these moments with someone who’s newer in your life. You Congratulations on your pregnancy! The anxiety and visceral
will be the last batch; it’s unlikely to get picked up by yet another net- are the girlfriend who got pregnant. And he’s the guy who’s choos- jealousy you are experiencing could be caused in part by your surg-
work (NBC bought the show after Fox canceled it in 2018 after sea- ing to be a partner and to see where this can go. Please join him. ing hormones. Not to mention the shock of such a big surprise! So
son 5). I hope it does come to an end. It’s time. MEREDITH cut yourself some slack. If you give birth to his first child and raise
The final season may be a tad different. According to star Andy it very well (showing him respect as the father the whole time), you
Samberg, the writers have been doing some soul searching in the READERS RESPOND: will supersede his ex completely. Don’t even think about her. . . . I
wake of George Floyd’s death. They are “rethinking how we’re going Stop thinking about someone who is no longer in HIS life. Be bet he isn’t even thinking about her at all!
to move forward,” he told People magazine in July. “[Everyone is] dis- happy that things with him are as good as they are. This jealousy WINDCHYME29
cussing how you make a comedy show about police right now, and if will drive him away.
we can find a way of doing that that we all feel morally OK about. I FREEADVICEFORYOU Send relationship and dating questions to
know that we’ll figure it out, but it’s definitely a challenge.” Catch new episodes of Meredith Goldstein’s “Love Letters” podcast
I’ll miss the show’s great ensemble, not least of all Andre Braugh- The pregnancy “took you by surprise?” You do know how babies at or wherever you listen to podcasts. Column and
er, whose turn as Raymond Holt is endlessly amusing and original. are made? It appears you do not take responsibility for yourself, comments are edited and reprinted from
He is cool, cool, cool. that things “just happen” to you. Under the circumstances, you are

Saturday February 13, 2021 Movies Sports News Specials

7:00p.m. 7:30p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:30p.m. 9:00p.m. 9:30p.m. 10:00p.m. 10:30p.m. 11:00p.m. 11:30p.m. 7:00p.m. 7:30p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:30p.m. 9:00p.m. 9:30p.m. 10:00p.m. 10:30p.m. 11:00p.m. 11:30p.m.
2 WGBH Escape to the Cha- Miss Scarlet and the All Creatures Great The Long Song on Basic Sto- BASIC CABLE
PBS teau (CC) TV-PG Duke on Masterpiece and Small Masterpiece (CC) Black ries-Stage A&E (5:00) ›› Jack ›› Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) (CC) Jack (10:32) ›› Jack Reacher (2012)
4 WBZ Wheel of Jeopardy! FBI: Most Wanted Clarice (CC) HD 48 Hours (CC) HD WBZ Phantom Reacher (2012) (CC) Reacher goes on the lam to investigate a conspiracy. (CC)
CBS Fortune (CC) TV-G HD TV-14-V TV-14-L,V News 11p Gourmet AMC (6:00) ›› Divergent (2014) (CC) Premiere. ›› The Divergent Series: Insurgent (2015) Allegiant
5 WCVB NewsCen- Chronicle NBA NBA Basketball (CC) Brooklyn Nets at Golden State NewsCen- Celebrity Animal Planet The Zoo: San Diego The Zoo: San Diego The Zoo: San Diego The Zoo: San Diego The Zoo: San Diego
ABC ter 5 (CC) Warriors. From Chase Center in San Francisco. HD NEW ter 5 Page NEW TV-PG TV-PG TV-PG TV-PG TV-PG
6 WLNE ABC MAXX Inside Ed. NBA NBA Basketball: Nets at Warriors News Wipeout BBC America Planet Earth II TV-PG A Wild Year On Earth (9:10) Planet Earth II (10:10) Planet Earth II (CC) TV-PG Planet
7 WHDH Inside Funny Family Family 7 News at 9PM (CC) 7 News at 10PM 7 News at (11:35) Ex- BET (5:00) ››› Antwone Foster Boy (2019) (CC) Premiere. A lawyer battles Foster Boy (2019) (CC)
Edition You Ask Feud NEW Feud NEW NEW (CC) NEW 11PM NEW tra TV-PG Fisher (2002) for justice against a foster care agency.
9 WMUR ABC Chaos Chronicle NBA NBA Basketball: Nets at Warriors News Chaos Bravo (4:08) ››› The Green Mile (8:17) ›› Next Friday (2000) (CC) A young (10:20) › Friday After Next
10 NBC Boston Paid Pro- 1st Look Ellen’s Game of Dateline NBC (CC) Saturday Night Live News at Saturday
(1999) (CC) man lives with kin who won the lottery. (2002) (CC)
gram TV-G TV-PG Games (CC) TV-PG HD NEW (CC) HD TV-14 11 Night Live
CMT ››› Clueless (1995) (CC) ››› The Devil Wears Prada (2006) (CC)
10 WJAR NBC 10 Copper Ellen’s Game of Dateline NBC (CC) Saturday Night Live News Saturday
CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Special Report (CC) Newsroom
NBC News Chef Titan Games (CC) TV-PG HD NEW (CC) HD TV-14 Night Live
Comedy Central Couples (7:40) ››› The Wedding Singer (1998) (CC) A 1980s ››› Wedding Crashers (2005) Partygoers spend
11 WENH Secrets of the Royal Miss Scarlet and the All Creatures Great The Long Song on Windows Sto-
PBS Servants (CC) TV-PG Duke on Masterpiece and Small Masterpiece (CC) Wild ries-Stage Retreat wedding crooner attempts to find true love. a wild weekend with a politician’s family.
12 WPRI CSPAN Washington This Week (CC) Public Affairs Events (CC)
Wheel of Jeopardy! FBI: Most Wanted Clarice (CC) HD 48 Hours (CC) HD 12 News Huckabee
CBS CSPAN2 Chad Sanders Peter Wood-Response to 1619 Project (10:01) After Words Peter Wood, 1620
Fortune (CC) TV-G HD TV-14-V TV-14-L,V at 11 NEW For Israel
25 WFXT Dest. America Edge of Alaska TV-14 Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska
Entertainment To- 9-1-1 (CC) HD TV- Name That Tune HD Boston Sports I Can See Your Voice
FOX night (CC) HD NEW 14-L,V TV-PG-D,L News Wrap HD TV-PG-D,L Discovery Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People
27 WUNI Discovery Life Body Bizarre TV-PG Body Bizarre TV-14 Body Bizarre TV-PG Man; 80lb Groin Boys on Fire TV-PG
Corazón Corazón Nosotros Nosotros Nosotros Fútbol Mexicano Primera División Live. NEW
contento contento los. los. los. DIY Lakefront Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters
36 WSBE Father Brown (CC) Call the Midwife Doc Martin (CC) Death in Paradise Austin City Limits E! Meet › Little Fockers (2010) (CC) ›› 50 First Dates (2004) (CC) 50 Dates
PBS TV-PG (CC) TV-14 TV-PG (CC) TV-PG HD TV-PG NEW Encore (6:11) Dark Tide (2012) (8:08) ›› Perfect Stranger (2007) R ››› Roxanne (1987) (CC) PG
38 WSBK Big Bang Big Bang ››› Batman Begins (2005) Bruce Wayne becomes Gotham Seinfeld Seinfeld Food Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Diners, Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners,
Theory Theory City’s Dark Knight. TV-PG TV-PG and Dives (CC) TV-G Drive Drive and Dives (CC) TV-G Drive Drive Drive Drive
44 WGBX Europe’s New Wild NOVA Glass, rubber Africa With Ade Bare Bare Austin City Limits Fox News Life, Liberty & Levin Watters’ World NEW Justice With Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Watters’ World (CC)
PBS (CC) TV-PG and plastic. TV-PG Adepitan (CC) Feet-Mick Feet-Mick HD TV-PG NEW Freeform Princess (7:40) ›››› Beauty and the Beast (1991) (9:45) ››› Brave (2012) (CC)
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64 WNAC To Be Announced 9-1-1 (CC) HD TV- Name That Tune HD 12 News Count I Can See Your Voice Hallmark A Valentine’s Match (2020) (CC) TV-G Playing Cupid (2021) (CC) Premiere. TV-G The Last Bridesmaid
FOX 14-L,V TV-PG-D,L on Fox Pr Daytona HD TV-PG-D,L Hallmark M.&M. Beautiful Place to Die Riddled With Deceit: Martha’s Vineyard Ships in the Night: Martha’s Vineyard
68 WBPX Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special HGTV Property Brothers: Escape to the Cha- (9:01) Love It or List (10:01) Love It or (11:01) Love It or
ION Victims Unit TV-14 Victims Unit TV-14 Victims Unit TV-14 Victims Unit TV-14 Victims Unit TV-14 Forever Home TV-G teau (CC) TV-PG NEW It (CC) TV-PG List It (CC) TV-PG List It (CC) TV-PG
PREMIUM CABLE History (6:44) The Pacific The Pacific (CC) (9:01) The Pacific (10:07) The Pacific (11:13) Pearl Harbor:
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National Narco Wars (CC) Narco Wars (CC) Narco Wars (CC) Narco Wars (CC) Narco Wars (CC)
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Business D
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T H E B O S T O N G L O B E SAT U R DAY, F E B RUA RY 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / B US I N E S S

Shares in HubSpot soar after earnings report Moderna

By Jon Chesto

HubSpot had the best performing

Marketing software firm banking on
becoming the go-to place for businesses
HubSpot’s recent acquisition of
business-newsletter producer The Hus-
tle is one indication of where things
to increase
stock of any Massachusetts software could be headed. Halligan said Hub-
company last year. The Cambridge milestone, crossing the $1 billion relatively seamlessly, much like the Spot was built around the idea of mar-
firm, chief executive Brian Halligan as- threshold for annual recurring reve- way consumers can easily pick through keting from a client’s own website and
sured investors this week, is just get- nue. apps on their phones. When various other internally developed materials —

ting started. Investors seem to be betting on the customer-management programs are instead of advertising with TV, radio,
Shares in the marketing software fact that HubSpot’s solutions for cli- cobbled together from different com- newspapers, social networks, and
firm rose 16 percent on Friday after its ents’ customer-management needs are panies, Halligan said, the user experi- search engines. The Hustle newsletter
fourth quarter earnings beat Wall well suited for a new e n c e c a n s u ff e r. T h e platform, and its related podcast,
Street’s expectations, it forecasted
strong growth for 2021, and several an-
world order accelerated
by the COVID-19 pan-
HubSpot platform, he ar-
gued, offers a more
should help further that fundamental
goal, he said.
FDA approves
alysts raised their outlooks for the demic — one in which streamlined alternative. But there are some issues brought loading additional
stock. The performance on Friday significantly more mar- Halligan said Hub- about by the remote work trend that
marked just the latest run-up in a long keting happens online, digitally, and Spot is in “the bottom of the second in- might be out of HubSpot’s reach. At doses into each vial
climb: The stock was trading on Friday remotely. Halligan and chief financial ning in our baseball game” as it broad- one point on the earnings call, a door-
above $500 a share, more than two- officer Kate Bueker fielded questions ens its focus beyond its core marketing bell rang. Halligan offered to take the By Sharon LaFraniere, Noah
and-a-half times its value a year ago on a conference call Thursday from a app to field a range of business-to-busi- next question, while a seemingly Weiland and Sheryl Gay Stolberg
and nearly five times what it was worth pack of largely effusive analysts. ness demands. Halligan and Bueker aghast Bueker apologized for the dis- NEW YORK TIMES

during the stock market’s nadir last “This unusual year opened up ev- talked about the four software “hubs” ruption. No matter how many apps WASHINGTON — The Food and
March. eryone’s eyes to just how early we still at the company now: marketing, sales, HubSpot rolls out for clients, address- Drug Administration has informed the
Signs of growth abounded. The are in the digital transformation of the customer service, and website manage- ing work-from-home interruptions drugmaker Moderna that it can put up
firm’s total revenue cleared $883 mil- economy,” Halligan said. “This is the ment. with software might not happen any- to 40 percent more coronavirus vaccine
lion for the year, up 31 percent. Its trend we’ve been seeing for 14 years, “It’s still pretty earnings for Hub- time soon. into each of its vials, a simple and po-
number of customers rose 42 percent, and was sped up for obvious reasons Spot,” Halligan added. “There’s a lot tentially rapid way to bolster strained
year-over-year, to end at 104,000. And this [past] year.” more stuff in our heads … that we can Jon Chesto can be reached at supplies, according to people familiar
headcount rose 25 percent, to 4,225 Halligan said clients now expect expose through additional hubs down Follow him on with the company’s operations.
employees. HubSpot also hit a major business-to-business software to work the road.” Twitter @jonchesto. While federal officials want Moderna
to submit more data showing the switch
would not compromise vaccine quality,
the continuing discussions are a hopeful
sign that the nation’s vaccine stock
could increase faster than expected,
simply by allowing the company to load
up to 14 doses in each vial instead of 10.
Moderna currently supplies about
half of the nation’s vaccine stock. A 14-
dose vial load could increase the na-
tion’s vaccine supply by as much as 20
percent at a time when governors are
clamoring for more vaccine and more
contagious variants of the coronavirus
are believed to be spreading quickly.
Two people familiar with Moderna’s
manufacturing, who spoke on the con-
dition of anonymity, said retooling the
company’s production lines to accom-
modate the change could conceivably be
done in fewer than 10 weeks, or before
the end of April. That is because while
the amount of liquid in each vial would
change, the vials themselves would re-
main the same size, so the production
process would not drastically change.
“It would be a great step forward,”
said Dr. Moncef Slaoui, who served as
the scientific leader of the Trump ad-
ministration’s vaccine development
program. “I think it will have an impact
in the short term.”
Last month, Moderna asked for per-
mission to increase the number of doses
in its vials to as much as 15 from the in-
dustry standard of 10. The change
would cut down on the time required
for the final manufacturing phase when
millions of tiny bottles are filled,
capped, and labeled, a longtime bottle-
neck in injectable drug manufacturing.
The company is also asking regulators
to approve changes in how its vaccine is
stored and to allow health practitioners
more time to use up the doses in a vial

VACCINATIONS BEGIN AT LOCAL RETAIL PHARMACIES once the rubber coating is punctured, all
steps to increase the flow into arms.
Slaoui cautioned that Moderna
might still have to gear up its drug pro-
On Friday, CVS Pharmacy began offering vaccinations as part duction so it had more vaccine to fill the
of the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, a public-private vials. “Whether it will be 40 percent in-
partnership between the federal government, 21 national crease immediately or a 20 percent in-
pharmacy chains, and a network of independent pharmacies. crease at first” is unclear, he said. An-
Over 40,000 participating retail pharmacies, including other outside expert said the FDA might
require an on site inspection of the com-
Walgreens, Rite Aid, and in-store centers at WalMart and
pany’s manufacturing process if it
Costco, will now begin offering vaccinations to eligible changes.
patients at no cost. Supply for the initial rollout, which is a In a recent e-mail response to ques-
total of approximately of 250,000 doses across the 11 states, tions about the company’s discussions
is provided directly from the federal government (CVS has with regulators, Stéphane Bancel, the
also partnered with the state of Massachusetts to distribute chief executive officer of Moderna,
vaccines). The CDC worked with states to select initial sites wrote, “No comment.” Ray Jordan, the
company’s spokesman, said talks with
to target populations most at-risk of severe illness from
federal officials were continuing.
COVID-19. President Joe Biden calls the program a key On Thursday, President Biden an-
component of his administration’s efforts to “expand nounced that the federal government
equitable access to vaccines for the American public.” CVS had locked in a total of 600 million dos-
will have 38 pharmacies in Massachusetts that will offer the es of vaccine from Moderna and Pfizer,
vaccine based on rolling availability of doses. Once the which developed its drug with a Ger-
program is up and running, the company anticipates having man partner, BioNTech. Because each
Top: CVS pharmacy technician Leslie Carnejo (left) talked to registered vaccine requires two doses, spaced
the ability to administer between 20 and 25 million shots
nurse Claire Karas after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine at a CVS in East three to four weeks apart, that would be
per month nationwide. Boston Friday. Above: Carnejo waited for 15 minutes to make sure she enough to cover 300 million Americans.
JANELLE NANOS didn’t have a reaction to the vaccine. So far, about 10 percent of Ameri-
cans have received at least one dose of
vaccine. Pfizer has delivered about 52
percent of the nation’s supply while
Moderna has delivered 48 percent, ac-
cording to the CDC. While both compa-

Hearing loss biotech Decibel makes a lackluster public debut nies are accelerating production, fuller
vials from Moderna, if approved, could
push it into the lead.
By Jonathan Saltzman closed Friday at $18.03, an increase of Boston venture capital firm that has public offerings, nearly double the Pfizer’s manufacturing is geared to
GLOBE STAFF just three cents. The company is listed created many life sciences firms. number of the year before. six-dose vials, but Moderna’s vials have
After raising $127 million in an ini- under the symbol DBTX. Decibel is among several biotechs Interest remains high this year. enough free space to accommodate extra
tial public offering on Friday, Boston The firm is headed by Laurence working on cutting-edge therapies for Among the local biotechs that have doses. Still, there are limits to how much
biotech Decibel Therapeutics had a Reid, who succeeded Steven Holtz- hearing loss. Its rivals include Fre- debuted on the market in recent vaccine can be crammed into them.
lackluster opening day of trading, man in January 2020 after the latter quency Therapeutics of Woburn, weeks is Agrify, a Burlington firm that Too much could lead to cracks in a
with its stock price closing virtually retired as chief executive and became which plans to share some results next develops technology for indoor agri- vial. Each vial must also contain enough
flat. a strategic business adviser. month from a mid-stage clinical trial culture, and Vor Biopharma, a Cam- room to ensure enough remains to ex-
Decibel, which is developing gene Reid is a biopharma veteran who of a potential treatment that harness- bridge biotech cofounded by oncolo- tract the final dose.
therapies for hearing and balance dis- previously served as chief executive of es the body’s dormant stem cells. gist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author The regulations now specify that
orders, had originally filed to sell 5.9 Warp Drive Bio, a Cambridge biotech In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee to fight once punctured, Moderna’s entire vial
million shares on the Nasdaq ex- that was acquired in 2018 by Califor- — and in some cases because of it — blood cancers. must be emptied within six hours, so
change. But it ended up offering 7.1 nia-based Revolution Medicines. He investors poured money into biotech fuller vials could lead to more waste if
million shares at $18, the high end of also serves as an entrepreneur in resi- companies last year. In 2020, the sec- Jonathan Saltzman can be reached at pharmacists struggle to extract more
the expected range of $16 to $18. It dence at Third Rock Ventures, the tor recorded more than 100 initial doses in that time frame.
D2 Business T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1


tougher rules
on insider-
Lawmakers are asking Wall
Index of publicly traded companies in Massachusetts
Globe 25 index

jobs cars homes pets stuff Street’s top cop to review rules
meant to prevent insider trading af-
ter new research suggested existing
regulations may actually help some
people trade on material, nonpublic
Democratic Senators Elizabeth
Warren of Massachusetts, Sherrod
Brown of Ohio, and Chris Van Hol-
len of Maryland sent a letter to the
Search Classifieds 24/7 at • Call 617.929.1500 to Advertise Securities & Exchange Commission
asking it to review rules for so-
homes APARTMENTS notices called 10b5-1 plans, which allow

& more
corporate executives to buy and sell
SOMERVILLE classifieds company stock at predetermined
days in the future.
‘‘These plans were designed to
prevent insider trading, but new ev-
APT FOR RENT: 3 BD, BATH, idence indicates that executives —
LG KIT, HRDWD FLR, CONV Notification of Trade Certification
LOC. CALL 617-501-1645, Notice is hereby given
ExteNet Systems, Inc. pro-
especially those in the health-care
RSHAHIPS@YAHOO.COM The U.S. Department of Labor has determined that Allegro MicroSystems, Inc., Cost Accounting and Enterprise Data poses to replace an existing
streetlight with a new 26-
industry — are abusing these plans
Management in Marlborough, MA has been adversely im-
classifieds pacted by increased imports. The subject firm has been foot 6-inch tall streetlight
with top-mounted antenna
to obtain huge windfalls at the ex-
certified for (TAA) Trade Adjustment Assistance benefits as
of 01/04/2021. and associated equipment
concealed in the base with-
pense of ordinary investors,’’ the
As a result, affected workers totally or partially separat- in the public right of way lo-
cated near 375 Cambridge
senators wrote in a letter dated Feb.

ed from employment on or after 11/02/2019 and before
01/04/2023 may be eligible to receive weekly cash ben- Street, Allston, Suffolk
County, MA 02134 (at the
10 to acting SEC Chair Allison Lee.
efits; financial assistance for remedial or vocational train-
ing programs; travel allowances to and from training; job northwest corner where Public companies disproportion-
REAL ESTATE search expenses; relocation allowances; Reemployment
Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA), Health Coverage Tax
Cambridge Street inter-
sects Franklin Street). Any ately disclose positive news on days
interested party wishing to
RESIDENTIAL Credit (HCTC) and other reemployment services such as
resume preparation, employment counseling and job re- submit comments regard-
ing the potential effects when corporate executives sell
the proposed facility may
For information about these benefits, all workers should have on any historic prop- shares under predetermined Rule
erty may do so by sending
inquire and apply at MassHire Framingham Career Center
Worcester Road, Framingham, MA 01701 or their nearest such comments to: Project 10b5-1 plans, according to academ-
6121000679 – CR, EBI Con-
ASHLAND. OH 2/20 & 2/21, MassHire Career Center. Information about MassHire Ca-
reer Center services is available at sulting, 21 B Street, Burling- ic research by Columbia Law School
ton, MA 01803, or via tele-
employment-services or by calling (617) 626-6007.
phone at (978) 877-3493. professor Josh Mitts that the law-
This notice is a requirement
This notice is also available for viewing at http://mass
of Section 106 of the Na- makers cited. When good news is
tional Historic Preservation
disclosed, share and dollar volume
Act of 1966. Comments
classifieds City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission must be received within 30
12-2PM, by appt. only. Brand February 11, 2021 days of this notice. of insider sales under 10b5-1 plans
new 1 bedroom apartments –
The Ledges, 62+ Senior Com- Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission T-Mobile USA is propos- are higher, according to Mitts, who
munity. Call 781.664.4029 or ing to modify an existing
is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following
public improvements will be considered at the request of wireless telecommunica- analyzed sale data and material
HOTEL- the petitioner: 60 Kilmarnock (Boston) Owner LLC. tions facility on an exist-
ing building located at 138 events from 1996 to October 2020.
On a petition by the petitioner for the acceptance of a Pe- Harvard Avenue, Allston,
RESTAURANT destrian Easement adjacent to the following public ways Suffolk County, MA 02134. ‘‘These findings show the urgent
in Boston Proper: The modifications will con-
BOSTON need for policy reform in connec-
SUPPLY •Kilmarnock Street – on its northeasterly side at address
sist of the collocation of
antennas and associated
nos. 60-80, northwest of Queensberry Street; equipment at an overall tion with 10b5-1 trading plans,’’
•Queensberry Street – on its northwesterly side at ad- top height of 72-feet on the
dress nos. 83-89, northeast of Kilmarnock Street. 68-foot tall building. Any Mitts said in an e-mailed statement.
interested party wishing to
This Commission appoints February 25, 2021, at 10:00 submit comments regard- The SEC created the 10b5-1
AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place for ing the potential effects
Private Roof Deck!! Dramatic the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the petitioner. the proposed facility may ‘‘safe harbor’’ rule in 2000 to allow
have on any historic prop-
one-of-a-kind triplex loft with
direct-access roof deck. Call CHRISTOPHER OSGOOD erty may do so by sending corporate executives, who often
INDIRA ALVAREZ such comments to: Project
Nancy 617-860-8885
GREGORY ROONEY 6121000695 – CR, EBI Con-
sulting, 21 B Street, Burling-
have consistent access to company
HENRY VITALE ton, MA 01803, or via tele- secrets, to sell their holdings with-
Furniture, Fixtures, Comm. KRISTEN MCCOSH phone at (978) 877-3493.
Laundry Equip. Online
Auction Ends 2/23 at 10AM, PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION out engaging in insider trading.
While the plans were intended to be
Hillsborough Co., NH A true copy of an order passed by said Commission on said
800-634-7653 NH#3058 day. MA#3663 set months in advance, they can be
Karen M. Powell modified days or hours before a cor-
MR. SMITH BUYS & SELLS Interim Executive Secretary

For sale by owner. 2 family

near Davis/Porter Squares.
City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission
February 11, 2021
porate announcement. Former SEC
Chairman Jay Clayton has recom- Late surge give markets a boost
Contact 617.599.7912 mended the SEC enact a ‘‘cooling-
AT OUR WAREHOUSE Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission
is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following off period’’ of four to six months be- Stocks are closing higher Friday after a late surge by technol-
public improvements will be considered at the request of
617-770-1600 - 617-436-8829 the petitioner: 60 Kilmarnock (Boston) Owner LLC. tween the adoption of a plan and ogy stocks led the S&P 500 to a new high. The wobbly week
On a petition by the petitioner for the making of Specific the execution of the first trade. of trading ended with the Dow Jones Industrial Average and
Repairs within the following public ways in Boston Proper:
BLOOMBERG Nasdaq at record highs also. Wall Street remains focused on
OUT OF STATE •Kilmarnock Street – on its northeasterly side at address
WANTED nos. 60-80, northwest of Queensberry Street;
•Queensberry Street – on its northwesterly side at ad-
trillions of dollars of potential government aid that could be
dress nos. 83-89, northeast of Kilmarnock Street. coming for the economy, as Democrats move forward with
This Commission appoints February 25, 2021, at 10:00 their stimulus package. The muted moves follow several days
Airlines against
CASH FOR RECORDS, AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place for
33 LPS & 45’s wanted.
Call George 617-633-2682
the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the petitioner. of minor gains and losses for the broader market, but every
CHRISTOPHER OSGOOD major index is still on track for a weekly gain ahead of a long
or Power. Carpenter, Ma-
SEAN LYDON COVID testing for weekend. US stock and bond markets are closed Monday for
Washington’s Birthday. Investors are hoping for a new round
domestic flights
chinist, Mechanic, Plumber. HENRY VITALE
Rollaways. 1-800-745-8665 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION of US government aid as the economic recovery falters. The
CARIBOU A true copy of an order passed by said Commission on said latest US government report on jobless claims reaffirmed
75 acs with frontage day. Experience
on Aroostook River.
Power. New survey.
$75,000. 207.879.9229 pets Attest:
Karen M. Powell
Interim Executive Secretary
WASHINGTON — Leaders of
several major US airlines met on-
that employment remains a weak spot in the economy, even
as vaccine distribution ramps up in the hopes of eventually
City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission line Friday with White House offi- ending the pandemic. The University of Michigan survey of
February 11, 2021 cials to press their case against re- consumer sentiment came in well below expectations as well,
quiring coronavirus tests for pas- a sign that consumers are wary to spend in the face of eco-
NEW Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission
is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following
public improvements will be considered at the request of sengers on domestic flights, saying nomic uncertainty.
HAMPSHIRE RE the petitioners: DIV 1515 Commonwealth LLC, 1505 Com-
monwealth Avenue Realty Trust, Roman Catholic Archdio- it would undermine the already ASSOCIATED PRESS
cese of Boston, the Boston Housing Authority, and the City
of Boston Parks & Recreation Department. fragile industry. On a joint petition by the petitioners for the Abandonment A person familiar with the dis-
TAMWORTH $550,000 classifieds of any and all rights to travel the public may have had with-
in Hospital Road (private way), Brighton, located between cussions said that the Biden admin- DOW JONES industrial average
1515 Commonwealth Avenue and Monastery Path.
istration is not currently planning
This Commission appoints February 25, 2021, at 10:00
AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place to impose a requirement that pas-
for the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the pe-
DOGS titioners. sengers on domestic flights first
CHRISTOPHER P. OSGOOD pass a COVID-19 test. The airline
Here is a chance to own an
incredibly versatile property
GREGORY ROONEY CEOs talked with White House cor-
located in No Zoning town
of Tamworth. Currently used
HENRY VITALE onavirus-response coordinator Jeff
as a very successful auto PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION Zients, according to the person,
repair shop, but this building
can support most any entre-
preneur’s dream. Building is A true copy of an order passed by said Commission on said who spoke anonymously to discuss
64x60 w/2 oversized doors day.
a private meeting.
each side for drive thru.
Level open lot w/sandy soils. GSD PUPPIES Attest:
2 baths, 2 offices, waiting Full AKC 2500 call/text Karen M. Powell The CEOs of American, United,
room, breakroom, add’l area 774-328-6604 Interim Executive Secretary
can be finished on 2nd level. Southwest, Alaska, and JetBlue all
Lot will also support another
home on site. Great location took part in the meeting. The White
minutes down the road to
Ossipee Lake & only about 25 House declined to comment.
minutes to Conway. Sale is
land & bldg only. Business & The meeting was arranged after
equipment can be purchased
separately. Transportation Secretary Pete Butt-
Gerard Costantino 603-520-
1875 Costantino Real Estate igieg and officials with the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention NASDAQ Composite index
said that such a testing requirement
was under consideration.
Airlines are strongly opposed to
RENTALS requiring coronavirus testing be-
fore domestic flights, saying it
would further devastate air travel,
which has still not returned even to
half its pre-pandemic level. They
All real estate advertising in worry that the additional cost of a
this newspaper is subject to
the Federal Fair Housing act test would discourage people from
of 1968, the Massachusetts flying.
Anti Discrimination Act & the
Boston & Cambridge Fair
The airlines argue that there
Housing Ordinances which isn’t enough testing capacity to test
makes it illegal to advertise
any preference, limitation or
every passenger. More than 1 mil-
discrimination ba sed on lion people went through check-
race, color, religion, sex, points at US airports on Thursday,
handicap, familial status,
national origin, ancestry, age, according to figures from the Trans- S&P 500 index
children, marital status, portation Security Administration.
sexual orientation, veterans
They also say that requiring peo-

Now place your want ads

status, or source of income
or any intention to make any ple to take a coronavirus test before
such preference, limitation
or discrimination. flights would cause more people to

whenever you want ads.

This newspaper will not drive — merely shifting the risk of
knowingly accept any spreading the virus from planes to
advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the cars.
law. Our readers are hereby Airline unions have joined the
informed that all dwellings
advertised in this news- push against testing domestic pas-
paper are available on an sengers. On Friday, the Southwest
equal opportunity basis. To
complain of discrimination
call HUD tollfree at Create your ad today at Airlines pilots’ union said a testing
mandate “would decimate domestic
1-800-669 - 9777. For the
N.E. area call HUD at 617-
air travel demand, put aviation jobs
994 - 8335. The toll-free at risk, and create serious unintend-
number for the hearing
impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
ed consequences.”
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Business D3

Maryland approves
country’s first tax on MassDOT Highway Division Proposal
Electronic proposals for the following project will be received through the internet using Bid Express until the date and time stated below and will be posted on forthwith

Big Tech’s ad revenue

after the bid submission deadline. No paper copies of bids will be accepted.
All Bidders must have a valid vendor code issued by MassDOT in order to bid on projects. Bidders need to apply for a Digital ID at least 14 days prior to a scheduled bid
opening date with Bid Express.
The bidding for and award of the contract for the following projects are to be in accordance with the requirements of Mass General Laws Chapter 30 § 39M.

By David McCabe Maryland’s tax also reflects TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2021 @ 2:00 P.M. (NOON) PROJECT VALUE
NEW YORK TIMES the collision of two economic DISTRICT 2: Bridge Deck Repairs and Related Work at Various Locations (610833) $677,000.00
State politicians, struggling trends during the pandemic: REVISION:
with yawning budget gaps from The largest tech companies have CHELMSFORD & MEDFORD-SOMERVILLE: FAP# NHP(IM)-093S(495)X Resurfacing and Related Work on Sections of Interstates 93 and 495 (610724)
the pandemic, have made no se- had milestone financial perfor- TITLE HAS BEEN CHANGED TO READ:
CHELMSFORD & SOMERVILLE TO STONEHAM: FAP# NHP(IM)-093S(495)X Resurfacing and Related Work on Sections of Interstates 495 and 93 (610724)
cret about their interest in get- mances as social distancing
All prospective Bidders must complete and e-mail an electronic copy of “Request Proposal Form (R109)” to the MassDOT Director of Prequalification for approval:
ting a bigger piece of the tech in- moved work, play, and com- The blank “Request Proposal Form (R109)” can be obtained at:
dustry’s riches. merce further online. But cities firms.
Now, Maryland’s lawmakers and states saw their tax revenues An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by the Department prior to the opening of proposals.
are taking a new slice, with the plummet as the need for their Proposal documents for official bidders are posted on Other interested parties may receive informational Contract Documents containing the Plans
nation’s first tax on the revenue social services grew. and Special Provisions, free of charge. All parties who wish to have access to information plans and specification must send a “Request for Informational Documents”
from digital advertisements sold “ They ’re really getting to
by companies like Facebook, squeezed,” said Ruth Mason, a Plans and Contract Documents will be on display and information will be available at the MassDOT Boston Headquarters Office and at each District Office wherein a
project is located.
Google, and Amazon. professor at the University of
MassDOT, in compliance with Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 21 (Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation
The state Senate voted Friday Virginia’s law school. “And this is - Effectuation of Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964) hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this
to override the governor’s veto of a huge way to target a tax to the advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the
the measure, following in the winners of the pandemic.” grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for an award.
footsteps of the state’s House of Lobbying groups for Silicon
Delegates, which gave its ap- Valley companies like Google
Letters of Interest for the following Project will be accepted at:
proval Thursday. The tax will and Facebook joined other oppo-
MassDOT Bid Document Distribution Center
generate as much as an estimat- nents of the law — including MassDOT Highway Division
ed $250 million in the first year Maryland Republicans, telecom 10 Park Plaza - Suite 6261
after enactment, with the money companies, and local media out- Boston, MA 02116
going to schools. lets — in arguing that the cost of Attn: Eric M. Cardone, P. E.,
Construction Contracts Engineer
The approval signals the ar- the tax would be passed along to
Until the date and time stated below for:
rival in the United States of a small businesses that buy ads
The Bidding for and Award of the contract for the following Project is to be in accordance with The Best Value Design Build Procurement process shall be used for the
policy pioneered by European and their customers. Doug May- Project t as authorized under MGL c 149A ss 14 et seq.
countries, and it is likely to set er, a former aide to Governor
off a fierce legal fight over how Larry Hogan who now leads a THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021 @ 12:00 P.M. (NOON) PROJECT VALUE
far communities can go to tax coalition backed by industry op- BOSTON: Roadway, Ceiling, Arch, & Wall Reconstruction and Other Control Systems in Sumner Tunnel DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT (606476) $112,000,000.00
the tech companies. ponents of the tax, said at a news
Other states are pursuing conference last week that the The Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is soliciting Letters of Interest from parties interested in the RFQ
similar efforts. Lawmakers in law’s supporters were “using this package for the Design-Build Project consisting of the completion of the design and construction for BOSTON, Roadway, Ceiling, Arch, & Wall Reconstruction and
Connecticut and Indiana, for ex- bill to take a swing at out-of- Other Control Systems in Sumner Tunnel.
ample, have already introduced state, faceless big corporations.” Project Location: The Project is located in MassDOT District 6 (Suffolk County) and the limits of the Project include the East Boston boat section and extend 1.1 miles
to approximate 100 ft past the Boston portal.
bills to tax the social media gi- The Maryland tax, which ap-
It is to be understood that the Project scope includes all aspects of design, demolition, and construction, compliance with all environmental permits to be secured and/
ants. Several other states, like plies to revenue from digital ads or amended by final design, coordination with utilities, public outreach, and any coordination with abutting or interested parties.
West Virginia and New York, fell that are displayed inside the Summary
short of passing new taxes on the state, is based on the ad sales a The scope of work includes both design and construction of the rehabilitation of the Sumner Tunnel. This includes, but is not limited to, the rehabilitation of the
tech giants last year, but their company generates. A company roadway walls and ceiling of the Sumner tunnel box, circular section and East Boston boat section. In addition, this Project will upgrade the life safety systems to the
proponents may renew their that makes at least $100 million current standard and these include lighting, fire standpipe, CCTV cameras and fire alarm systems.
push after Maryland’s success. a year in global revenue but no The reconstruction of the Project will include a 16-week traffic shut down of Sumner Tunnel between the months of June 2023 - September 2023. Additional
weekend and nighttime closures will be allowed prior to and post shutdown.
The moves are part of an es- more than $1 billion a year will
Tunnel Reconstruction
calating debate about the eco- face a 2.5 percent tax on its ads.
The Project includes removal of asphalt and hydrodemolition of surface concrete on the roadway slabs to the top flange of the roadway beams for the full length and
nomic power of the tech giants Companies that make more than width of the tunnel, reconstruction of 2” minimum depth of ultra-high-performance concrete above the beams, and placement of an asphalt wearing surface. The
as the companies have grown, $15 billion a year will pay a 10 existing wall panels will be removed along with all attachment hardware and the concrete behind the panels will be repaired. The existing suspended ceiling will be
become gatekeepers for commu- percent tax. Facebook’s and removed and replaced with a new ceiling system supported by transverse beams resting on new concrete corbels on either side of the roadway. The area of the tunnel
nication and culture, and started Google’s global revenues far ex- liner above the ceiling will be repaired by hydrodemolition and shotcrete for the full length of the tunnel. In the supply duct below the roadway, concrete spall repairs
will be conducted, and the exposed underside of the beams will be painted with a zinc-rich paint. Within the limits of the box section, both air ducts below the roadway
to collect reams of data from ceed $15 billion. will be filled with a concrete or flowable fill material. In the East Boston boat slab section, the boat wall panel facing system will be removed and replaced and the boat
their users. In the United States, Maryland’s Democratic-con- slab will be repaired.
l aw e n f o r c e m e n t a g e n c i e s trolled Legislature passed the Roadway Reconstruction
brought multiple antitrust cases tax with veto-proof majorities in The Project includes minimal vertical modifications to reestablish the normal crown within the tunnel, replacement of 3 inches of bituminous wearing surface in both
against Google and Facebook March. But Hogan, a moderate the tunnel and the East Boston boat section. Work will also include all traffic management during construction, including temporary signing, pavement marking,
temporary barriers, impact attenuating devices, channelizing devices, inlet protection/modification, pavement markings.
last year. Members of Congress Republican, vetoed the measure
have proposed laws to check in May.
The Project includes the demolition of the existing roadway tunnel lighting system in its entirety and the redesign, furnishing, installation, and commissioning of a
their market power, encourage The state’s lawmakers are ex- new Tunnel Lighting System. The new system will generally include, LED Luminaires, Lighting Control system, mounting hardware, junction boxes, power conduits
them to moderate speech more pected to approve a second bill and wiring. At a minimum the tunnel lighting control system will be a digital powerline carrier system with a redundant Lighting Contactor-Switching control system.
carefully, and protect their users. in the coming days. Luminaires will be individually monitored and integrated into the existing SCADA system. The Project will also include demolition and replacement of the existing
exhaust duct lighting system in its entirety and the redesign, furnishing, installation, and commissioning of a new wayfinding lighting system.
The Project includes the design of lighting and power panel boards to provide power for all the new normal and standby tunnel and new exhaust duct lighting systems

Biden: $350 billion is

and power for all communication, CCTV, fire alarm systems. The design includes developing electrical one-line diagrams, sizing of raceway and cable systems,
branch circuiting both for normal and standby power (backed up by UPS), engineering calcs for voltage drop, short circuit currents etc. It also includes ensuring to
provide temporary construction power inside the tunnel.

needed at state, local

Standpipe System
The Project includes the demolition of the existing tunnel fire standpipe system in its entirety and the redesign, furnishing, installation, and commissioning of a new
tunnel fire standpipe system. The new standpipe system generally includes piping, pipe supports, fire department connections, hose valves, hose valve cabinets and
the related accessories.

levels to fight COVID Air Quality Monitoring System

The Project includes the demolition of the existing tunnel Carbon Monoxide monitoring system in its entirety and the redesign, furnishing, installation, commissioning
of a new tunnel Carbon Monoxide monitoring system. The new Carbon Monoxide monitoring system shall also be integrated into the existing SCADA control system.
Ceiling Exhaust Duct
By Josh Boak “Our residents got a fraction The Project includes the demolition of the existing tunnel panel ceiling system that serves as the exhaust duct in its entirety and the redesign, furnishing, installation
and Kevin Freking of the help that they needed,” Su- and commissioning of a tunnel ceiling system. This work includes the redesign of the exhaust duct ventilation ports, port air balancing plates, and balancing plate
ASSOCIATED PRESS arez said at the White House settings, as well as field commissioning testing to validate the air flow balance in the ducts.
WASHINGTON — President briefing, adding that the city is Communications
Biden met with a bipartisan “going to put the money to good CCTV design used for traffic surveillance, security and incident response. SCADA system design to support tunnel lighting, storm water pumps, air quality sensors
and over-height vehicle detection. In-tunnel commercial AM/FM Radio Rebroadcast System with Emergency Override. Two-way radio design, and tunnel fire alarm
group of governors and mayors use.” system.
at the White House on Friday as Under the relief package be- The proposed Project cost is estimated at $112,000,000. The Best Value Design-Build Procurement process shall be used for the Project as authorized under MGL c
part of his push to give financial ing crafted in House committees 149A ss 14 et seq.
relief from the coronavirus pan- this week, every state and the Letters of Interest: The deadline for receipt of Letters of Interest is March 25, 2021 at 12:00PM (noon).
demic to state and local govern- District of Columbia would get All parties must send a “Letter of Interest letter” to Letters of Interest MUST include a contact name, address,
ments — a clear source of divi- at least $500 million, but most of telephone number, fax number and email address. Late submittals will not be accepted. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) package will be emailed on or
sion with Republican lawmakers the money going to states would about March 26, 2021 to all parties submitting a Letter of Interest by the above date and time. The RFQ (without supporting documents) will also be available to be
downloaded from COMMBUYS on or about March 26, 2021. The posting on COMMBUYS is for public informational purposes only. Please note that Proposers MUST
who view the spending as waste- be distributed based on their submit a Letter of Interest by the stated date in order to become part of the procurement process for the Project. The Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) will be due on
ful. share of unemployed workers or around April 23, 2021 by Noon (12:00 PM). Statements of Qualifications will NOT be accepted from any party not submitting a Letter of Interest by the stated date.
As part of a $1.9 trillion coro- nationally. Envelopes are to be clearly labeled on the outermost cover:
navirus package, Biden wants to Hutchinson said he objected Letter of Interest
send $350 billion to state and lo- to the plan’s $1.9 trillion price BOSTON – ROADWAY, CEILING, ARCH, & WALL RECONSTRUTION AND OTHER CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SUMNER TUNNEL. Design-Build Project #606476
cal governments and tribal gov- tag and the strategy of using jobs Briefing: A virtual briefing will be held to discuss the RFQ on or about April 2, 2021 at 10 AM. Meeting notices will be emailed to the point of contacts listed in the
ernments. While Republicans in figures to guide the flow of mon- SOQ.
Congress have largely objected ey to state and local govern- Prequalification:
to this initiative, Biden’s push ments. All Design-Builders must have a Major Participant that is prequalified by the MassDOT Architects and Engineers Review Board in the areas of:
• Complex Bridge Design and Rating
has some GOP support among “That’s really a disincentive • Intermediate Roadway Design
governors and mayors. for economic growth and people In addition, all Design-Builders must have a Major Participant who is prequalified by the MassDOT Prequalification Committee in Bridge Construction with a Single
“You folks are all on the front working,” Hutchinson told The Contract Limit of at least $112,000,000. Design-Builder JV Partners may combine Prequalification SCLs in Bridge Construction to satisfy the prequalification
lines and dealing with the crisis Associated Press. “I said the only requirement.
since day one,” Biden said at the fair way to do it is to distribute Evaluation Criteria: Proposers (and/or their key personnel) will be evaluated on the following criteria:
• Similar type work experience, particularly for Tunnel Reconstruction.
start of the Oval Office meeting. money to the states on a per cap- • DB team member experience utilizing shotcrete for an overhead structural repair.
“They’ve been working on their ita basis.” • Joint experience of the DB team members working together.
own in many cases.” Local governments would get • Design-Build experience of the DB team members.
Republican lawmakers have $130.2 billion, and tribal gov- • Quality of performance on prior projects.
• Experience of Key Personnel to be assigned to the project.
stressed that some past aid to ernments would get $20 billion. • Experience and success in managing accelerated work schedules with key milestones.
state and local governments re- The money could be used to • Financial Status.
mains unspent and revenues cover costs incurred because of • Litigation and Performance/Termination History.
have rebounded after slumping the pandemic and lost revenue. • Safety Record.
• Reference Information, including banks, previous clients, and sureties.
when the coronavirus first hit. Congress provided $150 bil- • Volume of current work on MassDOT projects.
But state governments have lion in direct assistance to state • Successful implementation of complex Traffic Management Plans and RTTM.
shed 332,000 jobs since the out- and local governments in an ear- • Prior experience in utility protection/relocation/installation and coordination with construction operations.
break began to spread last Feb- lier relief package signed into • Prior experience with Electrical Systems, Highway Lighting, and Fire Standpipe Systems
• Prior experience in developing innovative project designs and construction methods of a type similar to this scope.
ruary, and local governments law last March. • Prior experience with Public Outreach and Abutter engagement in urban areas
have cut nearly 1 million jobs, Members of the House Com- • Other factors that the Selection Committee determines.
according to the Bureau of Labor mittee on Oversight and Reform Additional: This Design-Build procurement will follow a two-phase Best Value selection process. An RFQ will be sent to all parties submitting a Letter of Interest.
Statistics. debated the merits of the spend- Proposers are invited to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to the MassDOT contact above in response to the RFQ. It is expected that the SOQ will be due on
or about April 23, 2021 at noon (12:00 PM). Firms/Contractors submitting a Letter of Interest by the due date will receive and be notified of addendums to the RFQ
Republican Governors Asa ing for state and local govern- up to the submission date of the SOQ.
Hutchinson of Arkansas and ments on Friday. Proposer are required to prepare an SOQ; be prequalified by MassDOT Architects and Engineers Review Board; and be prequalified by the MassDOT Prequalification
Larry Hogan of Maryland at- Representative Carolyn Ma- Committee. The Proposer must be able to produce evidence of 100% bonding capacity.
tended the Friday meeting, loney, the committee’s Demo- Time Period for Completed Project: MassDOT will require that all construction must be completed within 957 calendar days of Notice to Proceed.
along with Democratic gover- cratic chair, said states and com- MassDOT will be utilizing Bid Express for this project. All bidders shall use Bid Express for submittal of bids. Bidders shall subscribe to the BidExpress on-line bidding
nors, including New York’s An- munities are desperate for help. exchange by following the instructions provided at or by contacting:
drew Cuomo and New Mexico’s “This money will allow these Info Tech Inc.
Michelle Lujan Grisham. The governments to distribute vac- 2970 SW 50th Terrace
Gainesville, FL 32608-5076
mayors of Atlanta, Detroit, Mi- cines faster, expand testing more
ami, and Arlington, Texas, also broadly and maintain vital ser- Complete instructions for the submission of qualifications are set forth in the RFQ. The Commonwealth reserves the right to reject any or all proposals it may receive.
were at the meeting. vices across our country,” Malo-
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, ney said. MassDOT Highway Division projects are subject to the rules and regulations of the Architectural Access Board (521 CMR 1.00 et. seq.). Prospective bidders and
a Republican, called the discus- Republican lawmakers de- interested parties can access this information and more via the internet at WWW.COMMBUYS.COM.
sion spirited and said the past scribed the proposed $350 bil- BY: Jamey Tesler, Acting Secretary and CEO, MassDOT
aid to local governments was in- lion in spending as a boondoggle Jonathan L. Gulliver, Highway Administrator, MassDOT Highway Division
sufficient, so more money was that in the long run could cause SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2021
needed. inflation and an economic crash.
D4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1


DeGIROLAMO, Peter Jr. ELLSWORTH, John M. Jr. FEELEY, Thomas Michael Sr. HARRISON, Ellen

FEELEY, Thomas Michael
SAINATO, George D.
FEELEY, Thomas Michael
RABITA, Rita C. (D’Andrea/Andrews)
(Agrillo) RABITA, Rita C. (D’Andrea/Andrews)
REYNOLDS, Margaret Elaine
WEYMOUTH Passed away Wednesday, February 10,
2021 at Tufts Medical Center. Due to
Age 74, “The Duke” of Tewksbury,
passed away Wednesday, February 10, November 19, Beloved mother,
FARREN, Paul Vincent
REYNOLDS, Margaret Elaine
Covid-19 protocols, he was surrounded
by no one #fCOVID #werenotbitter.
2021. He was surrounded by his loving
family at home after a courageous 1945 – February grandmother, wife
McKENNA, William P.
Fortunately, he was loved and sup-
battle with lung cancer.
He was the beloved husband of 5, 2021 and community
dentist in Newton
FEELEY, Thomas Michael ported by family and friends through-
Margaret M. (Cluett) Ellsworth, with
MALDEN out his life. For Tom Feeley, family came first.
TAMASI, Marcia (Newell) whom he shared 36 years of marriage.
Peter was born on July 11, 1942, son He was a loving husband of 52 years,
OUT OF STATE He was born April 8, 1946, the eldest Ellen Harrison of Newton, MA passed
MANSFIELD of Peter and Mary (Narciso) DeGi- father of four, grandfather to 9, brother
child of John M. and Helen (McGurn) away on February 7, 2021 at the age
DeGIROLAMO, Peter Jr. rolamo, Sr. He was a lifelong resident of to 11, and cousin, uncle, great-uncle,
FLORIDA Ellsworth. Born and raised in of 71. She is survived by her loving
MEDFIELD Mansfield, a 1960 graduate from Man- Medford, graduating from Malden
and dear friend to too many to count.
TRAVERS, Joseph Leo, Jr. sfield High School and continued his Tom was born in Cambridge, MA, on family, including her husband, John
ANDON, Sofia Louise Catholic High School.
MEDFORD education at Northeastern University. November 19, 1945, and grew up in a Guinan, Jr., their three daughters,
SAINATO, George D. Mr. Ellsworth proudly served Sarah Harrison, Liza Ashbrook, and
TRAVERS, Joseph Leo, Jr. For many years he was the owner large Irish-American family in Melrose,
with the United States Navy from Molly Harrison, four grandchildren,
MELROSE of Peter DeGirolamo and Sons, Inc., a 1964 to 1969 as an electrician. MA. In 1968, he married the love of his
MISSOURI Charlie Van Heuvelen, 7, Ella Harrison,
FEELEY, Thomas Michael company founded by his father Peter, After his honorable discharge, he life, Joan (Sullivan), one of nine chil-
IERARDI, Philip Sr. and now operated by his sons. He dren from a family across town. Tom 4, Evie Ashbrook, 6, and Rowan
MILLIS began his career with the Everett
was a strong leader in business. He led graduated from Melrose High School Ashbrook, 3, as well as her brother
TRAVERS, Joseph Leo, Jr. Police Department where he was
NEW HAMPSHIRE by example and valued his long-tenured in 1963, received his Bachelor of Arts Fred Harrison, her sister Amy Michael,
NEWTON affectionately known as “The Duke.”
employees. He took pride in his com- in Accounting from Salem State Col- her mother, Gloria Friedman, and
HARRISON, Ellen BALBONI, Joseph J. Jr. He was later promoted to Sergeant
RABITA, Rita C. (D’Andrea/Andrews) munity and made countless contribu- lege in 1968, his Master’s of Business her dog, Gus. Ellen passed suddenly
and retired as The Prosecutor for the three weeks after contracting Covid-
NORTH READING TALBOT, James Joseph Jr. tions to it through the years. Administration from Babson College
Everett Police Department 19. She had worked as a dentist in
McKENNA, William P. An avid golfer, Peter was an active in Malden District Court. He was in 1971, and his Master’s of Science in
RHODE ISLAND Newton for over forty years. Ellen
SAUGUS member of Highland and Foxborough always very proud of his service to his Taxation from Bentley College in 1982.
Country Clubs. He was a full-time Tom was elected to the Melrose Board loved the outdoors, hiking trails with
ANDON, Sofia Louise McKENNA, William P. country and community and will be
sports enthusiast and supporter of of Alderman from 1974-78 and served John throughout New England. She
remembered fondly for his many years particularly loved summer weeks with
MHS athletics. He loved watching his of hard work. as President from 1977-78. In 1978,
her family on Sandy Island, a family
ANDON, Sofia Louise BALBONI, Joseph J. Jr. children, nieces/nephews, grandchil- He also loved Friday lunch with the Tom and Joan moved to Andover, MA
camp in New Hampshire. At home in
dren and grandnephews play a myriad guys, country music and sports, but to raise their family. Over the last 15
Newton Highlands, Ellen nurtured
Age 80, of Wolfeboro, NH, passed away of sports. Of all the sports, football most of all his grandchildren and all years he and Joan have divided their
many beautiful plants and enjoyed
peacefully at home, surrounded by was by far his favorite. He was a proud their accomplishments. time between Andover, Kennebunk,
watching birds visit her birdfeeder. An
his family, on February 9, 2021 from member of the 1959 Class D Football Besides his loving wife, Margaret, ME, and Sanibel, FL.
avid reader, Ellen also loved reading
CNS lymphoma. Joe was the loving Champions and one of the founding he is survived by his children, Matthew Tom was a fixture in the Boston
books with her grandchildren. She will
husband of Mary F. (Cronin) Balboni members of the Mansfield Pop Warner. Ellsworth and his wife, Cecilia, of business and political community.
be so sorely missed. A virtual Memorial
and devoted father to Kevin Balboni, Peter was predeceased by his Derry, NH, John Ellsworth and his wife, In 1974, he started the Boston-based
Service will be held shortly on a date
Karen Donovan, Lynn McGowan and parents, and his brother Paul. He is Theresa, of Derry, NH, Tina English accounting firm Feeley & Driscoll, P.C.,
and time to be announced. For updated
Kim Richard. survived by his wife of 57 years Susan and her husband, Paul, of Newmarket, which he grew into one of the largest
information, a more complete obituary,
Born in Malden, MA, on April 18, E. (Palanza) DeGirolamo, his sister-in- NH, Laura Henckler and her husband, and most recognized CPA firms in
photos and a guestbook please visit:
1940, Joe was the son of the late Philo- law Janet DeGirolamo of Mansfield, his Charles, of Chelmsford, Danielle Massachusetts before retiring in 2016. A donation
mena and Joseph J. Balboni, Sr. Joe was brothers David DeGirolamo and wife Chaput and her husband, William, of He was the President of the Massachu-
can be made in Ellen’s honor to the
raised in Somerville, MA, where his Nancy of Attleboro, Roy DeGirolamo Tewksbury, as well as extra daughter setts Society of CPAs from 1985-86 and
Massachusetts Audubon Society, The
lifelong passion for honest work and and his wife Cindy of Norton, and his Beth Fronczak of Peabody; his beloved was on the Board of Directors for the
Nature Conservancy or the ACLU.
community service was instilled in him three children Ronald and his wife grandchildren, Paul, Katie, Chelsey, American Institute of Certified Public
by his extended Italian family. Linda (Swenson) DeGirolamo, Theresa Chuckie, Cole, Billy, Gracie, and Noelle; Accountants from 1990-1994. Tom

Beloved Aunt, Joe began his career as a pressman

for the T.O. Metcalf Printing Company.
(DeGirolamo) and her husband Michael
Nyhan, and Joseph and his wife Mi-
his brother, Barry Ellsworth of Danville,
NH; his two sisters, Joann Crockett and
volunteered for Mike Dukakis’ first
gubernatorial race in 1972 and contin-
Sister and Learning and growing in the printing
industry for many years, he went on
chelle (Gormley) DeGirolamo, all Man-
sfield residents, his four grandchildren
her husband, Phillip, of Wakefield, Julie
Ann Cooke and her husband, Mark, of
ued to work with and advise local and
national politicians for the remainder
Godmother to purchase his own printing com-
pany, Northeast Offset, Inc. (NEO), in
Michael, Christina and her husband
John, Anthony and Daniel and many
Tyngsboro; as well as many nieces and
nephews and was predeceased in death
of his life.
Those who knew Tom were struck
Age 83, of Saugus, MA, passed away Chelmsford, MA. cousins, nieces and nephews. by his sister, Patricia Carraher. He will by his genuine affection and his
suddenly on January 31, 2021. Beloved Staying active and involved in his Visiting Hours will be at Boston be lovingly missed by all. generosity with time and attention. His
aunt, sister, and godmother. She was community was extremely important to Cremation (formerly Bolea), 115 North Visiting Hours: While wearing a mix of business sense, street smarts, no
predeceased by her brothers, Andonaq Joe. A few of his previous involvements Main Street, MANSFIELD, Sunday, mask and following social distancing nonsense communication, good humor,
Andon, Michael Andon, and Charles include: President of Billerica Rotary, February 14, from 1-4pm. A Mass of guidelines, you are invited to his Calling and empathy made him a natural men-
Andon; and her sister, Jeanette Andon President & Treasurer of the National Christian Burial will be celebrated at Hours from 4 until 8 p.m. on Monday. tor and confidant to people from all
Mastrangelo. Louise is survived by Association of Litho Clubs (NALC), Saint Mary’s Church, 330 Pratt Street, On Tuesday, his Funeral will begin walks of life, including senators, CEOs,
her sisters-in-law, Sandra J. Andon Board Member of the Genesis Fund, Mansfield, Monday, February 15 at at 9 a.m. at the Tewksbury Funeral mom-and-pop business owners, recent
and Donna J. Andon; her 11 nephews Board of Directors Member of Special 11:30. Followed by interment at St. Home, 1 Dewey Street, TEWKSBURY college graduates, and the musicians
and nieces; her 14 grandnephews and Olympics Massachusetts, volunteer Mary’s Cemetery, Mansfield. All at- 978-851-2061. His Funeral Mass will at the local pub. His motivation was
grandnieces; and her beloved godson, fireman and President of the Hollis tendees are required to wear masks and be offered at Saint William’s Church, always selfless—he simply liked to see
Brett Michael Brattvet. NH Fire Department. Joe was also a abide by social distancing guidelines. Tewksbury at 10 a.m. Burial in the people succeed.
Louise grew up in Everett, MA and devoted communicant at St. Katharine People unable to attend may view the Tewksbury Cemetery. Tom raised money, volunteered time,
spent much of her adult life in Saugus,
MA, as well as with her sister’s family
Drexel Parish in Alton, NH.
Joe is survived by his wife Mary F.
Funeral Mass at www.mansfieldcableac- then click on “public live” tab.
Tewksbury Funeral Home
and made numerous philanthropic
donations to charitable organizations
1938 - 2021
in Florida. She was deeply dedicated Balboni of Wolfeboro, his son Kevin In lieu of flowers, a donation can be including food banks, affordable hous- We mournfully announce the passing
to her family and to the Albanian Balboni and his wife Maria of Carlisle, made to the Joe Andruzzi Foundation. ing groups, medical research and treat-
of Philip Ierardi, 82, of St. Louis. Phil
Orthodox church in Boston. She will be MA, his daughters Karen Donovan of Gifts may be mailed to: Joe Andruzzi ment centers, after school programs,
passed away on February 5th, 2021, in
profoundly missed by all. Milford, NH, Lynn McGowan and her Foundation, 49 Plain Street, Suite 500, and higher education.
Funeral Services were held at St. husband Kevin McGowan of Nashua, North Attleboro, MA 02760 or donate FARREN, Paul Vincent Tom was a voracious reader, a politi-
Charleston, SC.
Phil was born to Vincent & Mary
George’s Albanian Orthodox Church in NH, Kim Richard and her husband Tim online at joeandruzzi cal junkie, and a die-hard sports fan.
Ierardi in Boston, Massachusetts. He
South Boston on Tuesday, February 9th, Richard of Nashua, NH. Joe is also sur- He loved his broad circle of friends,
attended Boston Latin High School
followed by Interment in the family
plot at Glenwood Cemetery in Everett,
vived by his eight grandchildren: Ryan
McGowan, Vanessa Wickens, Kevin Funeral Services Irish music, spirited conversation,
golfing, and taking his grandkids out to
and went on to earn a degree in
Engineering at Northeastern University.
MA. In lieu of flowers, donations may McGowan, Jr., Michaela McGowan, breakfast. He was a warm and generous
He was devoted to raising his son,
be sent to St. George’s Cathedral of Andrew Balboni, Emily Richard, spirit, and he will be missed.
restoring and driving his antique cars,
South Boston. Celeste Balboni, Jack Donovan, and his Affordable Cremation Tom is survived by his wife, Joan;
children, Kelly Feeley of Boston, MA,
and playing his clarinet and Lowrey
great-grandson, Julian Wickens. 1310 complete
Also survived by his siblings 617 782 1000 Dan and Molly Feeley of Andover,
He is survived by his three brothers,
Announcements Lorraine Screnci, Barbara Pagliuca,
Lauretta Raffi, Richard Balboni and Lehman Reen & McNamara
MA, Tom Feeley and Alexis Sullivan
of Topsham, ME, and Jon Feeley and
Dominic of Holbrook, Anthony (wife
Funeral Home Shirley) of Holbrook, and Joseph (wife
Donna Ciampo and many nieces and Jenny Lupica of South Portland, ME; Mary) of West Palm Beach; his son
nephews. grandchildren, Hannah and Maddie
Serving Greater Boston James (wife Nicole) of Charleston; and
Because of the current restric- Pogoda, and Maeve, Sam, Clementine,
two Grandchildren.
LOCAL UNION 103, tions, Joe’s Visitation will be private. James, Ben, Maggie, and Cam Feeley.
We will miss him dearly.
A Funeral Mass will be held Saturday, He was the son of the late Francis X.
I.B.E.W. Of Harwich, MA formerly
February 13, 2021 at 11am at Saint and Alice (Ahern) Feeley; the sibling of
We regret to announce the death of Dorchester, passed
Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, 40 Alice and the late Herb Carney, Carol
of Brother James J. Donovan away peacefully at home
Hidden Springs Road, Alton, NH and the late George Lee, the late Rose
(Ret). Services have already been on February 10, 2021 surrounded by
03809. For those unable to travel and and Paul McDonald, the late Francis

held. Brother Donovan was a 500 Canterbury St. his family. Paul was a member of the
attend in person, the mass will be live Feeley, Jeremiah and Mary Jane Feeley,
member of IBEW for 62 years. Boston, MA 02131 617-524-1036 Boston Fire Department for 35 years.
streamed at He rose through the ranks and retired
Catherine and Larry Dennison, Mary Have the of a and Paul Downing, Susan Mullens and
Louis J. Antonellis A Celebration of Life in Joe’s honor as a District Fire Chief, he loved his job.

will be held outdoors later this year. the late Charles Feeley, Nancy and the
Business Manager/Financial A husband, father, grandfather,
Funeral arrangements are with late Paul Feeley, Maureen and Jack
brother, and friend, he was our rock
always there when we needed him.
Woods, and David and Karen Feeley. You talk about many
In lieu of flowers, at the family’s Due to gathering restrictions, the things with your loved ones.
request donations may be made in Joe’s (617) 323-3690 Devoted husband to Michele (Drohan)
Farren of Harwich, MA. He is survived Funeral Services and Burial will be Meaningful memorialization
Announcements memory to the following charities:
Wolfeboro Police Benevolent Associa-
800-439-3690 • 617-876-9110
531 Cummings Highway, Roslindale
by his brother James Farren of Scituate, a private, and the family will host a
Celebration of his Life later this year.
starts when loved ones talk
MA, sister Rose Feeney of Braintree, about what matters most.
tion, Wolfeboro Children’s Christmas 583 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge MA and Katherine Scott of Rockland, For online remembrances, please visit
Fund, or the Wolfeboro Food Pantry. MON-FRI 9-9; SAT 9-5, SUNDAY 12-5 MA. Gately Funeral Home at https://www. Download a free brochure
He was a dedicated loving father to and Have the Talk of a
In lieu of flowers, the family requests
BOSTON FIREFIGHTERS Michele and Bill Gustafson of Halifax, Lifetime today. It can make
donations in Tom’s memory to the Sa-
LOCAL 718 MA Timothy Farren of Plymouth, the difference of a lifetime.
MA, Daniel Farren of Harwich, MA lem State University Foundation, online
We regret to announce the death
and Jennifer and Nicholas Pratt of at tal
of Brother Paul V. Farren, Late
Bourne, MA. Beloved grandfather thomasfeeley or via mail to 352 Lafay-
of Car 3, Retired. Funeral from
to Zachery Farren, Nicholas Farren, ette Street, Salem, MA 01972. Also, let
Doane Beal and Ames Funeral
Emma Gustafson, Lily Gustafson, and your family know that you love them.
Home, 260 Main St. (Rte. 28),
WEST HARWICH, MA, Sunday, Colin Pratt along with many nieces and Gately Funeral Service
February 14th. Visiting Hours nephews. (781) 665-1949
are 1-5PM. There will be a Prayer With adherence to Covid-19 health
Service at the Funeral Home precautions and social distancing
at 8:30AM Monday, February rules, visitation will be held on Sunday,
15th. Members are requested to February 14, 2021 from 1-5 pm at
attend. Doane Beal and Ames, 260 Main
St. (Rte. 28), W. HARWICH, MA. A
John R. Soares, President gathering of family and friends will
Eric P. DesRoches, Treasurer, take place 8:30 a.m. Monday, February
D/W 15, 2021 at Doane Beal and Ames
in W. Harwich followed by a 10 a.m.

Reflect on a life well lived committal service with military honors

at Massachusetts National Cemetery in
Bourne, MA.

To submit a paid death notice for publication in In lieu of flowers, donations can
Have the of a The Boston Globe and on, contact be made to VNA Hospice of Cape

Lifetime your funeral director, visit Cod. To share a memory or for online

or call 617.929.1500. Now offering custom headings condolences, please visit www.
You talk about many things with and enhanced listings.
your loved ones. Meaningful memorialization
starts when loved ones talk about what
matters most. To submit an obituary for editorial consideration,
Celebrate their lives
Download a free brochure and Have the Talk of
a Lifetime today. It can make the difference of
a lifetime.
please send the information and a photo by e-mail
to, or send information by fax to
Share a memory Honor your loved ones with a photo
617.929.3186. If you need further assistance about in the Boston Globe. Ask your funeral Or add a condolensece
a news obituary, please call 617.929.3400. to the guestbook at
director for details.
S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e D5

Remembered Obituaries

McKENNA, William P. “Bill” REYNOLDS, Margaret SAINATO, George D. TAMASI, Marcia (Newell)
Of North Reading, Feb. 9th. Elaine “Peggy”
Beloved husband of Laura
(Marquis). Father of Kaitlyn
Quill and her husband Justin of
Littleton and Kelsey McKenna and her
fiancé Shaun Hawkins of RI. Son of the
late George, Sr. and his wife Catherine
“Louise” McKenna. Brother of George
McKenna, Jr. and his wife Elaine of
Reading. Cousin of Elizabeth “Betty”
Eustace and her husband Paul of
Brother-in-law of Linda O’Brien
and her husband Robert of Tewksbury,
Donna Rochon and her husband Ken of
NH, Debra Arsenault and her husband
Age 86, of Somerville, MA, passed away Age 86, lifelong resident of Malden,
Richard of Malden, Paula Arsenault
Age 93, of Dennis, MA, formerly of peacefully on Wednesday, February 3, passed away February 5, 2021. Born
and her husband Peter of North Read-
Weymouth, passed away on February 7, 2021. George is survived by his loving in Boston, July 10, 1934, she was the
ing, Thomas Marquis and his wife Carol
2021. She was born August 1, 1927, in daughter of the late Peter and Grace
of Tewksbury, and Sheila Porfirio and wife Linda Sainato, and his brothers
Jamaica Plain, MA to the late John and Newell of Malden. She was the eldest
her husband Tony of ME. Bill is also William Sainato, Danny Sainato
Margaret (Ferguson) Campbell. of seven children. She was raised and
survived by many loving nieces, neph- and sister Ann Gianino. A Memorial
In 1971, she moved to Cape Cod, educated in the Malden School system.
ews and extended family. Relatives and Celebration of George’s Life will be held
where she raised her family, and She married her sweetheart the late
friends are most respectfully invited to at a future date.
later worked in retail. She worked at Joseph Tamasi in November 1951, who
attend a Funeral Mass at St. Athanasius
Davenport’s 5 & 10 Store in Dennisport passed away in 1995.
Church, 300 Haverhill St., Reading on
and Marshalls in Hyannis. She was Marcia is survived by her siblings
Monday, Feb. 15th at 10:30am. Visiting
a member of the Mid Cape Chorus, Carol Sprague, Lois Horak, Audrey
Hours at the Cota Funeral Home, 335
Park St. (corner of Park St. and Rte. enjoyed beach combing, loved animals, TALBOT, James Joseph Jr. Perry, Peter Newell, Rose Mary Newell
traveled extensively including to and Peg (Margaret) Stoodley. She also
28), NORTH READING, at Reading
Scotland, and was an avid Red Sox fan. leaves her sons Joseph L. Tamasi,
Line, on Sunday from 1-4pm. Due to
Peggy was a parishioner of the Pilgrim Leonard A. Tamasi, Steven R. Tamasi
restrictions, 40% capacity is allowed
Congregational Church, Harwichport and Anthony L. Tamasi, and many
in the funeral home at one time and
for over 50 years, where she was a grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
masks must be worn at all times. Staff
member of the choir, and volunteered as well as many nieces and nephews.
will be on hand for assistance. Private
in the office for many years. Family and friends are invited to
family interment will take place in the NASA/NEW YORK TIMES 1984 FILES
In addition to being predeceased by visit Boston Cremation, 287 Main St.,
VA National Cemetery, Bourne. Please
omit flowers and make donations in her parents, she was also predeceased MALDEN, on Friday, February 19, Millie Hughes-Fulford, who died at 75, studied the effects of
by her husband, Robert Reynolds and 2021 from 9 to 11am. A Prayer Service weightlessness on the body’s immune system and bone mass.
Bill’s name to the American Diabetes
will be held in the Funeral Home at
Assoc., P.O. Box 7023, Merrifield, VA her daughter, Jacqueline Tolman. She is

Millie Hughes-Fulford;
10:30am. In lieu of flowers, donations
22116-7023. survived by her son, Stephen Reynolds
in Marcia’s memory may be made to
Bill proudly served his country in and wife Rosemary of Westwood,
either: Mystic Valley Elder Services, 300
the USMC during the Vietnam War. He MA, and daughters, Wendy Addo and

conducted research on
Commercial St. #19, Malden, MA or
was a dedicated member of the Ameri- husband Lionel of North Attleboro,
to a Hospice or Autism organization of
can Legion and a former exalted ruler MA, Joyce Watson of Dennisport, MA,
one’s choosing.
of the Malden Elks. Bill was an avid Nancy Reynolds of Portsmouth, NH, Of Exeter, NH, died

space shuttle Columbia

sports fan and enjoyed playing a good Amy Downey of South Yarmouth, MA peacefully on Saturday,
round of golf. He was a loving and loyal and Sheryl MacDonald and husband February 6, 2021,
father, husband, and friend. Ken of North Port, FL. She is also surrounded by his loving daughters. He TRAVERS, Joseph Leo, Jr.
We want to thank all of the staff and survived by 15 grandchildren, 24 was 88.
doctors at both Lahey Hospital and great-grandchildren and many nieces, Jim was born in Boston. Orphaned
Beth Israel Hospital for the great care nephews and friends. in his teens, he overcame adversity By Richard Sandomir Millie Elizabeth Hughes was
they provided over the years. Visiting Hours will be held on and led a remarkable life, defined at its NEW YORK TIMES born Dec. 21, 1945, in rural Sunday, February 14, 2021 from 2-6 core by his inner resilience and innate
M i l l i e H u g h e s - Fu l f o r d , Mineral Wells, Texas. Her fa-
Cota Family Funeral Home pm at Doane Beal and Ames, 729 goodness. His strength, humor, and
Route 134, SOUTH DENNIS, MA. kindness extended beyond his family,
NASA’s first female payload ther, Charles, owned a grocery
and Cremation Service specialist, who conducted bio- s t o r e . He r m o t h e r, L a n o r e
North Reading Private Burial will be held at Oakridge touching friends, neighbors, and busi-
978-664-4340 / 781-944-1765 Cemetery. ness associates with countless acts of medical experiments on the (Wilder) Hughes, was a home-
In lieu of flowers, donations may be generosity, both large and small. physical toll of spaceflight on maker. Later in life, both her
made to Broad Reach Hospice in North Jim’s drive for success began early.
humans on board the space parents became teachers.
Chatham or MSPCA –Cape Cod in He excelled at high school sports and
Centerville, MA. was elected president of his senior class
shuttle Columbia in 1991, died At 5, Millie became infatuat-
For online condolences, please visit at Roslindale High School. He went Feb. 2 at her home in Mill Val- ed with science fiction when
RABITA, Rita C. (D’Andrea/ . on to study at Boston College, paying ley, Calif. She was 75. she watched the early “Buck
his tuition and expenses through a The cause was cancer, said Rogers” television series. She
ROBERTS-EUNSON, series of jobs, including hanging signs Died peacefully on Friday, February 5,
her daughter, Tori Herzog. Ms. admired the character Wilma
and helping to build a trestle bridge. 2021 at Beth Israel hospital (in Boston).
Dorothy L. “Dottie” He never failed to joke while passing He was 84. Hughes-Fulford had received a Deering because she was a pilot
(Agrillo) over the Tobin Bridge that he had once Born in Medford, Massachusetts in diagnosis of lymphoma in — and because she wore pants
risked his life dangling from the rafters 1936, he was the son of Joseph Leo 2014, and cancer had recently at a time when Millie was al-
to hang a sign on a windy day. Travers Sr. and Anne (Crehan) Travers. been found in her esophagus. ways being told to wear a dress.
In 1951, Jim took a break from his He was a 1958 graduate of Rensselaer
Ms. Hughes-Fulford had as- “And so I wanted to be Wil-
studies to join the US Navy, serving Polytechnic Institute. After a brief stint
with distinction as a radio operator at Boeing as an aeronautical engineer pired to fly to outer space since ma Deering, because she could
during the Korean War. Honorably he spent much of the rest of his career childhood. She achieved her wear anything she wanted to,
discharged in 1955 and determined to in technical sales. He ended his long goal on the Columbia in 1991, she flew a spaceship and was a
complete his education, he followed a career at Parker Hanniffin in 2002. Joe eight years after Sally Ride, the professional woman,” said Ms.
Navy buddy to the University of Maine. spent much of his adult life residing
first American woman in space, Hughes-Fulford in an interview
There, he met the love of his life, Mary in Millis with his wife Catherine. He
Mincher. The two married in 1958, was very active in the town, serving flew on the Challenger. for the Department of Veterans
beginning an extraordinary partner- on the finance committee, the board The experiments that Affairs website in 2014.
Age 91, passed away peacefully on ship that continued until Mary’s death of selectmen and as a little league Hughes-Fulford conducted on Ms. Hughes-Fulford became
February 11, 2021. Born in Watertown, in 2015. manager. He was an avid reader, world the shuttle were only the start a pilot and remained a science
she was the daughter of the late Victor In business, Jim’s accomplishments traveler, sports enthusiast and known
of her yearslong examination fiction fan, with strong devo-
and Elsie (Sperguiro) D’Andrea/ were equally distinctive. His work as a by many as “the man with the most
Born on December 9, 1932 in Bedford, salesman and later as a senior executive toys.” into the effects of weightless- tion to the “Star Trek” televi-
Andrews. Loving wife of 55 years to
Vincent J. Rabita. Sister of Eleanor passed away Fri., Jan. 22, 2021. She in specialty chemicals took him from Joseph recently lost his beloved wife ness on the body’s immune sys- sion series and the “Star Wars”
Sarao, Victor Andrews and the late raised her family in Concord for 22 the steel and paper mills of Bethlehem Catherine Francis Travers. He was the tem and bone mass. films, as well to the newest
Jeanne English and Vincent Andrews. years and was then a resident of and Buffalo to executive offices and loving father of Judy Travers and her In addition to her work over “Star Wars” attractions at Dis-
Rita was surrounded by many loving Bedford for 39 years. She was the boardrooms in Europe and Asia. He partner, Robert McPherson, of Revere,
nine days aboard the Columbia, ney World, which she visited in
nieces and nephews and also their wife of the late Donald Eunson. She is spent his later career living and work- Joseph Travers and his wife, Terry, of
survived by her four children, Deborah ing in Paris, where he and Mary divided Jacksonville, FL, Jeanne Travers Stetson which carried the Spacelab lab- 2019, her daughter said.
children, who loved spending time
with her and listening to her many Ann, Linda, Stephen, James, Jr., and their time between their apartment in and her husband, Brian, of Norfolk, oratory, she oversaw experi- Recognizing that NASA’s
stories. Relatives and friends are invited his son William, and her late husband’s the city and their cottage in Nor- Patrick Travers and his partner, Thao ments on five shuttle flights missions in the 1960s and early
to visit in The DeVito Funeral Home, three sons. mandy—which they returned to every Sands, of Boca Raton FL, Joanne (four to the Russian Space Sta- ’70s were restricted to men, Ms.
761 Mt. Auburn St., WATERTOWN, Dottie will be remembered as summer after Jim’s retirement. Travers O’Connell of Millis, the late
tion Mir and one to the Interna- Hughes-Fulford became a sci-
Monday from 8:00 am to 9:30 am selfless, putting the needs of her Throughout his life, Jim loved John Travers of Watertown and the
family and friends first and lovingly nothing more than helping people late Michael Travers of North Carolina. tional Space Station) and on a entist. She attended Tarleton
with a Funeral Mass to commence at
10:00 am in The Sacred Heart Church, foremost above her own. There was and never stopped seeking ways to do He was also the brother of Brian Russian Soyuz and two SpaceX State University (now a part of
Watertown. Rita and Vinny spent many never a shortage of good people at the so—everything from volunteering in the Travers of Peabody, Nancy Travers of missions (all to the internation- the Texas A&M University Sys-
years together living on Cape Cod and dinner table, graced by and gracing the community to repairing neighbors’ cars Yonkers, NY and the late James Travers al station). tem) in Stephenville, where she
spent their time together going to the community about her. She was always and appliances. But nothing brought of North Carolina. He is survived by
Fifteen of the 29 Apollo as- graduated in 1968 with a bach-
beach, gardening around their yard happy to attend the MIT bridge club. him more fulfillment than being a good 10 grandchildren, Raleigh and Travis
Dottie was a tireless servant to the father, and at this he truly excelled. Stetson, Colin and Austin Travers, tronauts had infections in elor’s degree in biology. She
or just sitting on their deck reading a
good book. Rita was an avid reader and residents of Carleton-Willard Village, His admiration for his wife’s intellect Caroline and Joseph Travers, Gavin, space or soon after they re- earned a doctorate in chemistry
you would always find her with a book assuring they were cared for and not inspired in him a passion for women’s Addeline, Reese and Avery O’Connell; turned. In her experiments, Ms. and biology from Texas Wom-
nearby. Please visit devitofuneralhome. forgotten. Her love and interest in education and advancement that was as well as many nieces and nephews. Hughes-Fulford examined how an’s University in Denton in
com to view an online guestbook. people served her well in her many truly ahead of his time and had a pro- Visiting hours for Joseph and
microgravity, or weightless- 1972.
years at the Concord Answering found impact on his three daughters, Catherine will be held at Roberts
Service. whose studies and careers he supported Mitchell Caruso Funeral Home, 15 ness, caused the suppression of As a postdoctoral fellow at
Dottie taught and inspired others wholeheartedly. Miller St., MEDFIELD, MA 02052, on T cells, the white blood cells the University of Texas South-
with her passion for tap dance, baton Jim is survived by his daughters, Saturday, February 20, 2021 from 1:00 that lead the immunological western Medical School, she
twirling and accordion playing. She Elisabeth Talbot McHugh and her hus- PM until 3:00 PM. fight against disease. studied the regulation of cho-
traveled the world and broadened band David of Hingham, MA, Leslie A. Please consider making memorial
A t t h e S a n Fra n c i s c o VA lesterol metabolism. She soon
her horizons with experiences from Talbot of Barnstable, MA, and Leigh M. contributions in Joseph’s name at The
many cultures, yet she still enjoyed the Talbot of Alexandria, VA. He also leaves Millis Fund, 142 Exchange St., Millis, Med i ca l Cen t e r, w h er e s h e moved to the VA Medical Cen-
comforts of home and loved to tend to his nephews, William Wickman of MA 02054-1212. worked for 47 years, she led a ter, and she was working there
her garden. Norwood, MA, and Charles Wickman team of researchers that discov- when she spotted an advertise-
Share a memory Her family is thankful to have many
happy memories to cherish of a loving
of Southborough, MA, his niece Linda
Wickman Anderson of Salem, NH, and
ered that when there is no grav-
ity, certain genes that activate T
ment in Family Circle magazine
announcing NASA’s search for
wife, mother, friend and good neighbor numerous great and great-great-nieces
Or add a condolensece to all who knew her. She was loved to cells are greatly inhibited or do the first woman in space.
and nephews, of whom he was very
to the guestbook at the moon and back. Due to COVID- proud. He was predeceased by his lov- not switch on at all. She was among 8,000 appli- 19, Funeral Services were private. ing sister Marilyn Wickman. “There is a specific pathway cants — and made the final 20
Shawsheen Funeral Home, BEDFORD. The Talbot family would also like that is not working in the ab- — but Ride was picked.
to extend their heartfelt thanks to the
To submit a paid death sence of gravity,” Ms. Hughes- Ms. Hughes-Fulford found
nurses and staff at Riverwoods Exeter,
as well as to Jim’s personal caregivers, notice for publication in Fulford was quoted as saying in another route to space. She
Honor your for their support over the years, par-
ticularly through the pandemic.
The Boston Globe and Science Daily in 2005. “You’re
short-circuiting a whole lot of
asked a colleague to apply for a
NASA bone research grant that
loved one A Memorial Service will be held at a
later date. In lieu of flowers, donations
contact your funeral director,
the immune response — name-
ly, the ability to proliferate T
allowed him, once he received
it, to pick two people as poten-
may be made to: The Mary Mincher
with a photo in Talbot Scholarship Fund, University of
Maine Foundation, Two Alumni Place,
or call 617.929.1500. cells — which shouldn’t be a
surprise because life evolved in
tial payload specialists. He
chose her and himself, and in
To submit an obituary for
The Boston Globe. Earth’s gravity field.” 1983 NASA named her.
Orono, ME 04469-5792, or to Toys for
Tots, a charity Jim supported: www. editorial consideration, Her research carried the But her scheduled mission please send the informa- hope of helping to create treat- was scrubbed after the Chal-
mail-in-donation-form.pdf Marine Toys tion and a photo by e-mail to
for Tots Foundation, Attn: Gift Process- ments to decrease the immuno- lenger exploded in Januar y, or suppression of T cells, especial- 1986, 73 seconds into its flight,
ing Administrator, 18251 Quantico
Gateway Drive, Triangle, VA 22172- information by fax to ly among older people. killing all seven crew members.
1776. 617.929.3186. If you need “Millie was joyous about sci- Her flight, aboard the Co- further assistance about ence,” said Carl Grunfeld, asso- lumbia, finally lifted off in June
a news obituary, please ciate chief of staff for research 1991, about eight years after
call 617.929.3400. and development at the San she was selected.
Ask your funeral To access death notices and Francisco VA Medical Center, in “When she went into space,
director for details. Lend support obituaries online, visit
an interview. “At one point dur-
ing her illness, she proposed a
it was like, ‘OK, let’s do this,’”
her daughter said by phone. “It
View The Boston Globe’s different way to modify her was originally supposed to be
complete list of death notices chemotherapy and got a won- 19 months of training. When
and sign the guestbook at derful remission. When she they went up, she was prepared told me about that, it was with for anything that could happen.
the same joy about science as She said her heart rate didn’t go
she had in the laboratory.” up when they launched.”
D6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1

Auto Dealer Directory

Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo Herb Chambers Chrysler-Millbury* Herb Chambers Honda of Seekonk* Land Rover Sudbury Herb Chambers* Herb Chambers Porsche of Boston*
of Boston* 2 Latti Farm Rd, Rte 20, Millbury 185 Taunton Ave, Rte 44, Seekonk 83 Boston Post Rd, Rt 20, Sudbury
1172 Commonwealth Ave, Boston
525 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Wayland 888-293-8449 877-851-3362 866-258-0054
Kelly Chrysler* Herb Chambers Honda Of
Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo 353 Broadway, Route 1 North, Westborough* Herb Chambers Porsche Burlington*
of Millbury* Lynnfield 62 Cambridge St, Rte 3A, Burlington
350 Turnpike Rd, Rte 9, Westborough
2 Latti Farm Road, Rte 20, Millbury 781-581-6000 Herb Chambers Lexus of Hingham*
877-207-0329 855-845-0576
877-875-5491 141 Derby Street, Hingham 866-237-9636
Honda Village*
Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo
371 Washington Street, Newton Corner
of Warwick Herb Chambers Lexus of Sharon*
1441 Bald Hill Road, Rt. 2, Warwick, RI 25 Providence Highway,
Best Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram*
401-262-2020 Rte 1, “The Automile,” Sharon Best Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram* 520 Colony Place, Plymouth
Kelly Honda* 877-338-9671 520 Colony Place, Plymouth
540 Lynnway, Rte 1A, Lynn 508-747-1550
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308 Boylston Street, Rte 9, Brookline 877-831-2139
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1130 Providence Hwy, Rte 1, 877-904-0800 Herb Chambers Dodge of Millbury* “The Automile,” Norwood
Herb Chambers Hyundai of Auburn*
2 Latti Farm Rd, Rte 20, Millbury 855-278-0016
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62 Cambridge Street, Rte 3A, Burlington 888-318-7927
855-845-0576 2 Latti Farm Road, Route 20, Millbury 888-293-8449
Mirak Hyundai
1165 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington
Herb Chambers Maserati of Boston*
527 Boston Post Rd, Rte 20, Wayland
Herb Chambers Fiat of Danvers*
107 Andover Street, Rte 114, Danvers
Bentley Boston, a Herb Chambers
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1441 Bald Hill Road, Rt. 2, Warwick, RI
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428 Maple St, Marlboro, MA 790 Pleasant St, Rte 60, Belmont
Herb Chambers BMW of Sudbury* 888-201-6427 Flagship Motorcars of Lynnfield* 781-641-1900
128 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Sudbury
866-483-1828 Herb Chambers, 385 Broadway, Rte 1 N,
Colonial Ford of Plymouth Lynnfield
11 Pilgrim Hill Rd, Plymouth, MA
Jaguar Sudbury Herb Chambers* 877-337-2442
83 Boston Post Rd, Rte 20, Sudbury
866-268-7851 Mercedes-Benz of Boston*
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Herb Chambers Cadillac-Lynnfield*
75 Granite Street, Rte 37, Braintree Somerville 809 Washington Street, Rte 20, Auburn
395 Broadway, Rte 1 N, Lynnfield
855-298-1177 800-426-8963 855-872-6999
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310 Turnpike Rd, Rte 9, Westborough Herb Chambers, 253 North Main St,
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877-207-6736 Rte 27, Natick 32 Brighton Avenue, Boston
877-206-0272 508-747-1550 866-266-3870 877-884-1866
Kelly Ford*
Herb Chambers Jeep of Danvers*
420 Cabot Street, Rte 1A, Beverly Mercedes-Benz of Shrewsbury*
107 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers
978-922-0059 760 Boston Turnpike Rd, Rte 9,
877-904-0800 Shrewsbury
Best Chevrolet* 888-551-7134
128 Derby St, Exit 15 off Rte 3, Colonial Volkswagen of Medford*
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888-293-8449 781-475-5200 Herb Chambers Genesis*
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Herb Chambers MINI of Boston*
90 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers
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1168 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
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888-994-1075 72 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers 781-581-6000 978-774-8000
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781-643-8000 Wellesley Volkswagen*
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Colonial Nissan of Medford
Herb Chambers Kia of Burlington* 104 Mystic Ave, Rte 38, Medford 781-237-3553
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Herb Chambers Honda in Boston*
Best Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram* Kelly Nissan of Lynnfield*
520 Colony Place, Plymouth 720 Morrissey Blvd, Boston 275 Broadway, Rte 1 North, Lynnfield
508-747-1550 877-205-0986 781-598-1234 Herb Chambers Volvo Cars Norwood*
1120 Providence Hwy, Rte 1,
Herb Chambers Chrysler-Danvers* Herb Chambers Honda Burlington* Herb Chambers Lamborghini Boston* Kelly Nissan of Woburn*
“On The Automile,” Norwood
107 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers 33 Cambridge St, Rte 3A, Burlington 531 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Wayland 95 Cedar St, Exit 36 off I93 & I95, Woburn
877-831-2139 877-842-0555 855-647-4873 781-835-3500 888-920-2902

Please call (617) 929-1314 to include your dealership in this directory. *For more information on this dealer, please visit

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