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Integrated Payables

ISO 20022 Payment Order–

File Format Technical Guide

VERSION 3.2  OCT, 2020

This document contains information that is confidential and is the property of Capital One
Bank N.A.
It may not be copied, published, or used in whole or in part for any purpose other than as
expressly authorized by Capital One Bank N.A.
All trademarks, trade names, and service marks appearing herein are the property of their
respective owners.
© Capital One Bank N.A., 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Revision History
Date Version Comments
03/23/2015 1.0 Initial release
Removed Number of Transactions <NbofTxs>
and Control Sum <CtrlSum> from
Updated ClrSysRef & Cdtr.Nm in confirmation
05/27/2015 1.1
Corrected some error messages wherein
there was a mismatch with some of the
08/16/2015 1.2 Minor updates to layout
01/12/2016 1.3 Minor updates to xml tags
Updated the Check print Payer/Payee name
02/11/2016 1.4
field extension lengths
Updated the Check Print Additional Payee
05/25/2016 1.5
name to 29 Characters
08/22/2016 2.0 Virtual Card payment support added
Updated Wire payment with By Order of Third
05/09/2018 3.0
party rule
10/04/2018 3.1 Comments added for Check Print Remittance
Updated Check Remittance to include only
10/15/2020 3.2

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical GuideD D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 1 of 79
Table of Contents

Document Overview ............................................................................................................... 3

ISO 20022 File Syntax and Structure ...................................................................................... 4
Field Types ........................................................................................................................ 4
Tag Depth Structure ........................................................................................................... 4
Supported Characters......................................................................................................... 5
Account Transfer Credit Transactions (PAIN.001) ................................................................... 6
Sample ............................................................................................................................ 11
ACH Credit Transactions (PAIN.001) .................................................................................... 13
Sample ............................................................................................................................ 21
ACH Debit Transactions (PAIN.008) ..................................................................................... 23
Sample ............................................................................................................................ 31
Check Print Transactions (PAIN.001).................................................................................... 33
Sample ............................................................................................................................ 41
Wire Transfer - Credit Transactions (PAIN.001)..................................................................... 43
Sample ............................................................................................................................ 55
List of Approved Country Codes ........................................................................................ 57
List of Approved State Codes ............................................................................................ 57
Wire Drawdown - Debit Transactions (PAIN.008) .................................................................. 58
Sample ............................................................................................................................ 66
Virtual Card Payment Transactions (PAIN.001) ..................................................................... 68
Virtual Card Payments – Important Notes .......................................................................... 76
Sample ............................................................................................................................ 77

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Document Overview

Capital One Bank’s Integrated Payables service supports the initiation of ACH, Account Transfer,
Check Print with/without Positive Pay, Wire Drawdown, and Wire Transfer (Domestic and
International in USD), in a variety of formats including EDI 820, ISO 20022 XML and Delimited
Flat File Format.

This document details the XML ISO 20022 PAIN.001 (Credit) and PAIN.008 (Debit) file formats.

Note about document structure:

This document aims to provide clear information regarding the file format needed to correctly
import/transmit a payment. For each block, this document provides a table that details the record
structure as well as validation messages that may be encountered, followed by a sample file as
needed to successfully import/transmit a payment. Fields not listed here are not validated at this
time and if encountered in the imported file, will be skipped. The fields supported and therefore
included in this document are those that are mandatory for the document type and required for
successful payment processing. If support of additional fields is needed, this document will be
updated to include them.

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ISO 20022 File Syntax and Structure

Field Types

The section details the type of fields that are contained in the specification document.
• Mandatory - Fields that must be present for proper file format in the PAIN.001
• Required - Fields that must be present to validate the end user’s payment settings or to
construct an Account Transfer
• Optional - Fields that are not required to construct an Account Transfer, but if provided,
will be validated
• Conditional - Fields that must be present if corresponding fields are present

Tag Depth Structure

In the ‘Tag Depth’ column within the file format table below, each of the ‘Field Name’ tags are
represented by a ‘+’. The ‘+’ represents the depth of the field name tag within the document.

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical GuideD D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 4 of 79
Supported Characters

PAIN.001 and PAIN.008 can support the following characters:

Element Type Valid Characters
A Alpha (A-Z, a-z and spaces)
N Numeric (0-9)
NS Numeric (0-9) and Special Characters (see table below)
AN Alpha-numeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and spaces)
ANS Alpha-numeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and spaces) and Special Characters (see table below)
Special Character Name
. Period
? Question Mark
! Exclamation Point
, Comma
; Semi-colon
: Colon
_ Underscore
@ At Sign
& Ampersand
/ Forward Slash
\ Back Slash
' Apostrophe
" Quote
` Grave Accent
~ Tilde
( Left Parenthesis
) Right Parenthesis
< Less Than
> Greater Than
$ Dollar Sign
# Pound / Number
% Percent
+ Plus
- Minus / Hyphen
= Equal

Note: Forward slash (/), back slash (\), greater than (>), and less than (<) aren’t allowed characters
for any field in ISO20022 format
Special XML Character XML Representation
& &amp;
< &lt;
> &gt;
“ &quot;
‘ &apos;

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical GuideD D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 5 of 79
Account Transfer Credit Transactions (PAIN.001)

This section outlines the PAIN.001 file format that will be accepted by Capital One Bank.

Document Header - this can only occur once per file

Field Index – Field Name – Tag Content Mandatory / Optional Description / Account Transfer Mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header
xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.0 The contents of Credit messages are validated using the
3" xmlns:xsi=" Version 3 xsd.
<CstmrCdtTrfInitn> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header tag

Group Header Block – this can only occur once per file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Account Transfer
Tag Mapping
Group Header + Empty Tag Mandatory
Message ++ Yes Mandatory Stored and used in pain.002 – acknowledgements as the
Identification Original Message ID - OrgnlMsgId
Creation Date Time ++ Yes Mandatory File creation date and time
(i.e., 2014-10-
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of individual An amount mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
Transactions transactions contained in
<NbOfTxs> the file “The number of transactions expected is [number indicated in
this field], found [number listed in MsgId] found for MsgId
[Message ID].”
Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total of all individual A count mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
<CtrlSum> payment amounts in the
file “The total amount of transactions expected in the file is [amount
in CtrlSum], found [sum of MsgId found in the file] for MsgId
Initiating Party ++ Empty Tag Mandatory The InitgPty tag is not used in processing and its contents are
<InitgPty> not stored or passed with the transaction. Its presence is an
ISO XML requirement.
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Optional

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 6 of 79
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Conditional
Identification (required when
<OrgId> Identification
tag is present)
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Conditional
(required when
tag is present)
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Conditional Not used
(required when
Other tag is

Payment Information Block – this can occur multiple times within a file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Account Transfer
Tag Mapping
Payment Information + Empty Tag Mandatory
Payment Information ++ Yes Mandatory Not Used
Payment Method ++ Yes Mandatory Must be TRF Payment Method is required and must be one of [TRF]. The
<PmtMtd> batch [batch ID] will be skipped.
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of transactions for “The number of transactions expected is [reported number],
Transactions this payment block found [calculated number] found for PmtInfId [Payment
<NbOfTxs> Information ID].”
Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total dollar amount of all The total amount of transactions expected is [reported amount],
<CtrlSum> transactions for this found [calculated amount] for PmtInfId [Payment Information
payment block ID].
Payment Type ++ Yes Mandatory
Service Level +++ Yes Mandatory
Code <Cd> ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be SDVA “Payment Method is required and must be one of TRF, DD and
Service Code must be one of NURG. The batch [Payment
Information ID] will be skipped.”
Requested Execution ++ Yes Mandatory Payment Date If date is a date in the past, the transaction will fail:
Date <ReqdExctnDt>
{ Format: YYYY-MM- ““An account transfer with End to End ID [End to End ID] was
DDTHH:MM:SS e.g. 2014- uploaded for an invalid payment date.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 7 of 79
If the date exceeds the maximum allowed number of days in
the future:

“An account transfer with End to End ID [End to End ID] was
uploaded for an invalid payment date.”

Payment Information Block, Debit ABA & Account Section

Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Depth Optional Account Transfer
Debtor <Dbtr> ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Name <Nm> +++ Yes Optional
Debtor Account ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Other <Othr> ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++++ Yes Mandatory Debit Account If missing or does not match a value in the customer
profile setup during implementation, the transaction will

“The account [invalid account] is not permitted. The

payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be
Debtor Agent <DbtrAgt> ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Financial Institution +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <FinInstnId>
Clearing System Member ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Member Identification +++++ Yes Mandatory Debit ABA If missing or does not match a value in the customer
<MmbId> profile setup during implementation, the transaction will

“The account [invalid account] is not permitted. The

payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be

Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check.

If invalid, the transaction will fail:

“Debit ABA [invalid ABA] is not a valid ABA number. The

transfer with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 8 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction Section
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Account Transfer
Tag Mapping
Credit Transfer ++ Empty Tag Mandatory

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Payment Information Section

Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Depth / Optional Account Transfer
Payment Identification +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
End to End Identification ++++ Yes Mandatory Missing tag or value will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD)
<EndToEndId> validation error and cause the file load to fail
Instructed Amount ++++ Yes Mandatory Amount No decimal - amount treated as whole number
<InstdAmt CCy= “USD”>
Decimal, two digits after the decimal - interpreted literally, with

Decimal, one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.2, interpreted as 1.20

If the transaction exceeds the user’s limits, the transaction will


“One or more records exceed the user’s [limit type exceeded]

of [limit allowed].”

If the amount exceeds 8 digit (9 characters with decimal) limit,

the transaction will fail:

“Amount field does not validate for line 1: Field length exceeds
maximum: [invalid length] > 8”

If InstdAmt CCY does not equal USD, the transaction will fail:

“Monetary Currency is not valid. The check with End to End ID

[End to End ID] will be skipped.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 9 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Credit ABA & Account Section
Field Index – Field Tag Conten Mandatory / Description / Comments and validation
Name – Tag Depth t Optional Account Transfer
Creditor Agent <CdtrAgt> +++ Empty Tag Required
Financial Institution ++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <FinInstnId>
Clearing System Member +++++ Empty Tag Required
Member Identification ++++++ Yes Required Credit ABA If missing or does not match a value in the customer profile
<MmbId> setup during implementation, the transaction will fail:

“The account [invalid account] is not permitted. The payment

with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”

Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check.

If invalid, the transaction will fail:

“Credit ABA [invalid ABA] is not a valid ABA number. The

transfer with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Creditor +++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++ Empty Tag Required
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Required Credit Account If missing or does not match a value in the customer profile
setup during implementation, the transaction will fail:

“The account [invalid account] is not permitted. The payment

with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Memo Section

Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory Description / Comments and validation
Name – Tag Depth / Optional Account Transfer
Remittance Information +++ Empty Tag Optional Remittance Information <RmtInf>
Unstructured Unstructured

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 10 of 79
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03" xmlns:xsi="">

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<InstdAmt Ccy="USD">3000</InstdAmt>

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ACH Credit Transactions (PAIN.001)

This section outlines the PAIN.001 file format that will be accepted by Capital One Bank.

Document Header - this can only occur once per file

Field Index – Field Name – Tag Content Mandatory / Optional Description / NACHA Mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header
xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.0 The contents of Credit messages are validated using the
3" xmlns:xsi=" Version 3 xsd.
<CstmrCdtTrfInitn> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header tag

Group Header Block – this can only occur once per file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Group Header + Empty Tag Mandatory
Message ++ Yes Mandatory Stored and used in pain.002 – acknowledgements as the Original
Identification Message ID - OrgnlMsgId
Creation Date Time ++ Yes Mandatory File creation date
<CreDtTm> and time
DDTHH:MM:SS (e.i.,
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of individual An amount mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
Transactions transactions “The number of transactions expected is [number indicated in
<NbOfTxs> contained in the file this field], found [number listed in MsgId] found for MsgId
[Message ID].”
Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total of all individual A count mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
<CtrlSum> payment amounts in
the file “The total amount of transactions expected in the file is [amount
in CtrlSum], found [sum of MsgId found in the file] for MsgId
Initiating Party ++ Empty Tag Mandatory The InitgPty tag is not used in processing and its contents are
<InitgPty> not stored or passed with the transaction. Its presence is an
ISO XML requirement.
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Optional

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 13 of 79
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Conditional
Identification (required when
<OrgId> Identification tag
is present)
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Conditional
(required when
Identification tag
is present)
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Conditional Not used
(required when
Other tag is

Payment Information Block – this can occur multiple times within a file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Payment Information + Empty Tag Mandatory
Payment Information ++ Yes Mandatory Company Entry
Identification Description Batch
<PmtInfId> Header, positions 54
- 63
Payment Method ++ Yes Mandatory Must be TRF “Payment Method is required and must be one of TRF and
<PmtMtd> Service Code must be one of NURG. The batch [Payment
Information ID] will be skipped.”
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of “The number of transactions expected is [reported number],
Transactions transactions for this found [calculated number] found for PmtInfId [Payment
<NbOfTxs> payment block Information ID].”

Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total dollar amount “The total amount of transactions expected is [reported
<CtrlSum> of all transactions amount], found [calculated amount] for PmtInfId [Payment
for this payment Information ID].”
Payment Type ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Service Level +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Code <Cd> ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be NURG (for “Payment Method is required and must be one of TRF, DD and
ACH) Service Code must be one of NURG. The batch [Payment
Information ID] will be skipped.”
Local Instrument +++ Empty Tag Mandatory

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 14 of 79
Code <Cd> ++++ Yes Mandatory Standard Entry If ACH company is not permitted to Standard Entry Class:
“The ACH Company [ACH Company ID] is not permitted to
Batch Header, create CREDIT [SEC Code] batches. The payment with End to
positions 51 - 53 End ID [End to End ID] to [receiver name and ID] will be
Supported values:
CCD, PPD, CTX, If ACH Company is not permitted to initiate credits for the SEC:
“Credit [SEC Code] Payments are not supported by ACH
Company [ACH Company]. The payment with End to End ID
[End to End ID] to [receiver name and ID] will be skipped. ”
Requested Execution ++ Yes Mandatory Payment Date / If date is a date in the past, but in the current year:
Date <ReqdExctnDt> Effective Entry Date
“An ACH payment was sent for a date before the next
Batch Header, available payment date. The [SEC Code] batch for ACH
positions 70 – 75 company [ACH Company] on [reported date] will be skipped.”

Format: YYYY-MM- If date is a date in the past, but in a different year:

2014-10- “The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee
14T14:18:30) Name (last four digits of payee’s account)] has an invalid
payment year. Year [year] is before the next available payment
year and this record will be skipped.”

If the date exceeds the maximum allowed number of days in

the future:

“An ACH [SEC Code] batch for ACH company [ACH Company]
was scheduled on [date in the file] which exceeds the allowed
number of days in the future, the payment date must be before
[calculated maximum processing date].”

Payment Information Block, Originator Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Debtor <Dbtr> ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Name <Nm> +++ Yes Optional ACH Company At this time, this field is not validated or used. Output NACHA
Name file will use value found in ACH Company Name stored on
Capital One system..
Batch Header,
positions 05 - 20

Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Required

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 15 of 79
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <OrgId>
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Required ACH Company ID Must match the ID of an ACH Company listed on the
implementation setup form. The ID must be entitled to initiate
Batch Header, ACH credits /debits.
positions 41 - 50
If the value in the file is invalid, the transaction will be skipped
and the following three error messages will be displayed for
each transaction in the “batch””

“The ACH Company [invalid ACH Company ID] for the

payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [receiver name
and ID] was unknown.”

“The ACH Company [invalid ACH Company ID] is not

permitted to create CREDIT [SEC] batches. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] to [receiver name and ID] will be

“Credit [SEC] payments are not supported by [invalid ACH

Company ID]. The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID]
to [receiver name and ID] will be skipped.”
Debtor Account ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Other <Othr> ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++++ Yes Required Offset Account If offset present in ACH Company record,
PmtInf.DbtrAcct.Id.Othr must be populated and must match a
Entry Detail, defined offset for the ACH Company.
positions 13 - 29
If more than one offset defined for ACH Company, the value in
file must match one. If the offset in the input file matches a
disabled offset account, the transaction will be skipped:

“ACH Company [ACH Company ID] for the payment with End
to End ID [End to End ID] to [receiver name and ID] is not
permitted to use the offset account [offset ABA and account

If missing or does not match a value in the database, the

transaction will be skipped:

“ACH Company [ACH Company] for the payment with End to

End ID [End to End ID] to Payee [receiver name and ID]
requires that a valid offset account be provided.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 16 of 79
If no offset is defined for the ACH Company, the ID record is
Debtor Agent ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Financial Institution +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Clearing System ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Member Identification
Member Identification +++++ Yes Mandatory Offset ABA If offset present in ACH Company record,
<MmbId> PmtInf.DbtrAgt.FinInstnId.ClrSysMbmId must be populated
Entry Detail, and must match a defined offset for the ACH Company.
positions 4 - 12
If more than one offset defined for ACH Company, value in file
must match one.

If missing or does not match a value in the database, the

transaction will be skipped:

“ACH Company [ACH Company] for the payment with End to

End ID [End to End ID] to Payee [receiver name and ID]
requires that a valid offset account be provided.”

If no offset defined for the ACH Company, the ID record is


Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Credit Transfer ++ Empty Tag Mandatory

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Payment Information Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Payment Identification +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
End to End ++++ Yes Mandatory Trace Number Transaction Trace #, first 8 digits should be ‘06500009’, last 7
Identification digits is client’s unique trace #.

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 17 of 79
Entry Detail, Note: To be used to identify the electronic payment reference
positions 80 - 94 number – equivalent to a check serial number
Amount <Amt> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Instructed Amount ++++ Yes Mandatory Amount No decimal - amount treated as whole number
<InstdAmt CCy=
“USD”> Entry Detail, Decimal, two digits after the decimal - interpreted literally, with
positions 30 - 39 decimal

Decimal, one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.2, interpreted as


If the transaction exceeds the user’s limits, the file load will fail:

“One or more records exceed the user’s [limit type exceeded]

of [limit allowed].”

If the amount exceeds 10 digit (11 characters with decimal)

limit, the file load will fail:

“Amount field does not validate for line 1: Field length exceeds
maximum: [invalid length] > 10”

Zero Dollar Rule:

If zero dollar, PmtInf.LclInstrm.Cd (SEC Code) must be CTX or

CCD and CdtTrfTxInf.RmtInf.Ustrd must be populated, else the
file load will fail:

“Monetary Amount may only be zero for CTX or CCD SEC

codes. The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be
Creditor Agent +++ Empty Tag Required
Financial Institution ++++ Empty Tag Required
Clearing System +++++ Empty Tag Required
Member Identification
Member Identification ++++++ Yes Required Receiver ABA Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check.
Entry Detail, If invalid, the transaction will be skipped:
positions 4 - 12
“Receiver ABA [ABA] is not a valid ABA number. The payment
with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 18 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Receiver Section
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Comments and validation
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Creditor <Cdtr> +++ Empty Tag Required
Name <Nm> ++++ Yes Required Receiver Name / NACHA accepts up to 22 characters for SEC’s other than CTX
Receiving Company and 16 characters for CTX. Name values longer than the 22
Name character limit will be truncated – right-most characters will be
Entry Detail,
For CTX, name values of longer than 16 characters will be
CCD and PPD truncated, with the right-most characters being dropped.
positions 55 - 76
If the tag is missing, the transaction will be skipped:
CIE - 40 - 54
“Receiver Name is required. The payment with End to End ID
CTX - positions 59 – [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Contact Details ++++ Empty Tag Optional
Other <Othr> +++++ Yes Optional Receiver ID NACHA accepts up to 15 characters. Name values longer
than the 15 character limit will be truncated – right-most
Entry Detail, characters will be dropped.


positions 40 - 54

CIE - positions 55 –
Creditor +++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++ Empty Tag Required
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Required Receiver Account If the value of the field exceeds 17 characters, the transaction
Number will be skipped:

Entry Detail, “Receiving Account Number field does not validate for line 1:
positions 13 - 29 Field length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 17”
Type <Tp> ++++ Empty Tag Required
Proprietary <Prtry> +++++ Yes Required Receiver Account Allowed Values:
Type DDA (checking), SAV (savings), GL and LOAN

Entry Detail, If the tag containing the receiver account type (Prtry) is
positions 02 - 03 missing, an XSD error will be displayed and the file load will
Allowed Values:

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 19 of 79
DDA, SAV, GL, If the group tag containing the receiver account type (Tp.Prtry)
LOAN is missing, the transaction will be skipped:

“Account Type is required. The payment with End to End ID

[End to End ID] will be skipped.”

If the receiver account type is invalid, the transaction will be


“Invalid payee account type: [account type]. The payment with

End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Remittance +++ Empty Tag Optional
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional Addenda
positions 04 - 83

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 20 of 79
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03" xmlns:xsi="">


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<InstdAmt Ccy="USD">2416.00</InstdAmt>
<Nm>Linda Johnson</Nm>
<Ustrd>Addenda - Expenses</Ustrd>

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ACH Debit Transactions (PAIN.008)

This section outlines the debit PAIN.008 file format that will be accepted by Capital One Bank.

Document Header - this can only occur once per file

Field Index – Field Name – Tag Content Mandatory / Optional Description / NACHA Mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header

<Document The contents of Debit messages are validated using the

xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.0 Version 3 xsd.
3" xmlns:xsi="
<CstmrDrctDbtInitn> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header tag

Group Header Block – this can only occur once per file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Group Header + Empty Tag Mandatory
Message ++ Yes Mandatory Stored and used in pain.002 – acknowledgements as the Original
Identification Message ID - OrgnlMsgId
Creation Date Time ++ Yes Mandatory File creation date
<CreDtTm> and time
DDTHH:MM:SS (e.i.,
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of individual An amount mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
Transactions transactions “The number of transactions expected is [number indicated in
<NbOfTxs> contained in the file this field], found [number listed in MsgId] found for MsgId
[Message ID].”
Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total of all individual A count mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
<CtrlSum> payment amounts in
the file “The total amount of transactions expected in the file is [amount
in CtrlSum], found [sum of MsgId found in the file] for MsgId
Initiating Party ++ Empty Tag Mandatory The InitgPty tag is not used in processing and its contents are
<InitgPty> not stored or passed with the transaction. Its presence is an
ISO XML requirement.
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Optional

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 23 of 79
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Conditional
Identification (required when
<OrgId> Identification tag
is present)
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Conditional
(required when
Identification tag
is present)
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Conditional Not used
(required when
Other tag is

Payment Information Block – this can occur multiple times within a file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Error Validation Message
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Payment Information + Empty Tag Mandatory
Payment Information ++ Yes Mandatory Company Entry
Identification Description Batch
<PmtInfId> Header, positions 54
- 63
Payment Method ++ Yes Mandatory Must be DD “Payment Method is required and must be one of DD and
<PmtMtd> Service Code must be one of NURG. The batch [Payment
Information ID] will be skipped.”
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of “The number of transactions expected is [reported number],
Transactions transactions for this found [calculated number] found for PmtInfId [Payment
<NbOfTxs> payment block Information ID].”

Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total dollar amount The total amount of transactions expected is [reported
<CtrlSum> of all transactions amount], found [calculated amount] for PmtInfId [Payment
for this payment Information ID].
Payment Type ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Service Level +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Code <Cd> ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be NURG (for “Payment Method is required and must be one of TRF, DD
ACH) and Service Code must be one of NURG. The batch [Payment
Information ID] will be skipped.”
Local Instrument +++ Empty Tag Required

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 24 of 79
Code <Cd> ++++ Yes Required Standard Entry If ACH company is not permitted to Standard Entry Class:
“The ACH Company [ACH Company ID] is not permitted to
Batch Header, create DEBIT [SEC Code] batches. The payment with End to
positions 51 - 53 End ID [End to End ID] to [receiver name and ID] will be
Supported values:
CCD, PPD, CTX, If ACH Company is not permitted to initiate debits for the SEC:
“Debit [SEC Code] Payments are not supported by ACH
Company [ACH Company]. The payment with End to End ID
[End to End ID] to [receiver name and ID] will be skipped. ”
Sequence Type +++ Yes Conditional Payment Type Code For WEB and TEL transactions
<SeqTp> (Required for
WEB Entry Detail Record For Single occurrence transactions, the system accepts the
transactions, (6 record), positions following supported ISO values:
Optional for TEL 77 - 78
transactions) FRST (First payment), FNAL (Final payment, OOFF (OneOff
payment), RPRE (Re-presented payment)

For Recurring occurrence transactions, the system accepts the

following ISO value:

RCUR (Recurring payment)

If the payment includes a value other than those listed above,

an ISO XML-level (XSD) validation error will be displayed and
the file load will fail.
Requested Collection ++ Yes Mandatory Payment Date / If date is a date in the past, but in the current year:
Date <ReqdColltnDt> Effective Entry Date
“An ACH payment was sent for a date before the next
Batch Header, available payment date. The [SEC Code] batch for ACH
positions 70 – 75 company [ACH Company] on [business date] will be skipped.”

Format: YYYY-MM- If date is a date in the past, but in a different year:

2014-10- “The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee
14T14:18:30) Name (last four digits of payee’s account)] has an invalid
payment year. Year [year] is before the next available payment
year and this record will be skipped.”

If the date exceeds the maximum allowed number of days in

the future:

“An ACH [SEC Code] batch for ACH company [ACH

Company] was scheduled on [date in the file] which exceeds

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 25 of 79
the allowed number of days in the future, the payment date
must be before [calculated maximum processing date].”

Payment Information Block, Originator Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Creditor <Cdtr> ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Name <Nm> +++ Yes Optional ACH Company At this time, this field is not validated or used. Output NACHA
Name file will use value found in ACH Company Name stored on
Capital One system.
Batch Header,
positions 05 - 20
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Required
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <OrgId>
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Required ACH Company ID Must match the ID of an ACH Company listed on the
implementation setup form. The ID must be entitled to initiate
Batch Header, ACH credits / debits for that Company.
positions 41 - 50
If the value in the file is invalid, the transaction will be skipped
and the following three error messages will be displayed for
each transaction in the “batch””

“The ACH Company [invalid ACH Company ID] for the

payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [receiver name
and ID] was unknown.”

“The ACH Company [invalid ACH Company ID] is not

permitted to create DEBIT [SEC] batches. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] to [receiver name and ID] will
be skipped.”

“Debit [SEC] payments are not supported by [invalid ACH

Company ID]. The payment with End to End ID [End to End
ID] to [receiver name and ID] will be skipped.”
Creditor Account ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Other <Othr> ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++++ Yes Required Offset Account If offset present in ACH Company record,
PmtInf.CdtrAcct.Id.Othr must be populated and must match a
defined offset for the ACH Company.

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 26 of 79
Entry Detail,
positions 13 - 29 If more than one offset defined for ACH Company, the value in
file must match one. If the offset in the input file matches a
disabled offset account, the transaction will be skipped:

“ACH Company [ACH Company ID] for the payment with End
to End ID [End to End ID] to [receiver name and ID] is not
permitted to use the offset account [offset ABA and account

If missing or does not match a value in the database, the

transaction will be skipped:

“ACH Company [ACH Company] for the payment with End to

End ID [End to End ID] to Payee [receiver name and ID]
requires that a valid offset account be provided.”

If no offset is defined for the ACH Company, the ID record is

Creditor Agent ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Financial Institution +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Clearing System ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Member Identification
Member Identification +++++ Yes Mandatory Offset ABA If offset present in ACH Company record,
<MmbId> PmtInf.CrdtrAgt.FinInstnId.ClrSysMbmId must be populated
Entry Detail, and must match a defined offset for the ACH Company.
positions 4 - 12
If more than one offset defined for ACH Company, value in file
must match one.

If missing or does not match a value in the database, the

transaction will be skipped:

“ACH Company [ACH Company] for the payment with End to

End ID [End to End ID] to Payee [receiver name and ID]
requires that a valid offset account be provided.”

If no offset defined for the ACH Company, the ID record is


CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 27 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction Section
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Direct Debit ++ Empty Tag Mandatory

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Payment Information Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional NACHA
Tag Mapping
Payment Identification +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
End to End ++++ Yes Mandatory Trace Number Transaction Trace #, first 8 digits should be ‘06500009’, last 7
Identification digits is client’s unique trace #.
<EndToEndId> Entry Detail,
positions 80 - 94 Note: To be used to identify the electronic payment reference
number – equivalent to a check serial number
Amount <Amt> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Instructed Amount ++++ Yes Mandatory Amount No decimal - amount treated as whole number
<InstdAmt CCy=
“USD”> Entry Detail, Decimal, two digits after the decimal - interpreted literally, with
positions 30 - 39 decimal

Decimal, one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.2, interpreted as


If the transaction exceeds the user’s limits, the file load will fail:

“One or more records exceed the user’s [limit type exceeded]

of [limit allowed].”

If the amount exceeds 10 digit (11 characters with decimal)

limit, the file load will fail:

“Amount field does not validate for line 1: Field length exceeds
maximum: [invalid length] > 10”

Zero Dollar Rule:

If zero dollar, PmtInf.LclInstrm.Cd must be CTX or CCD and

CdtTrfTxInf.RmtInf.Ustrd must be populated, else the file load
will fail:

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 28 of 79
“Monetary Amount may only be zero for CTX or CCD SEC
codes. The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be
Debtor Agent +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Financial Institution ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Clearing System +++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Member Identification
Member Identification ++++++ Yes Mandatory Receiver ABA Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check.
Entry Detail, If invalid, the transaction will be skipped:
positions 4 - 12
“Receiver ABA [ABA] is not a valid ABA number. The payment
with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Debtor <Dbtr> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Name <Nm> ++++ Yes Mandatory Receiver Name / NACHA accepts up to 22 characters for SEC’s other than CTX
Receiving Company and 16 characters for CTX. Name values longer than the 22
Name character limit will be truncated – right-most characters will be
Entry Detail,
For CTX, name values of longer than 16 characters will be
CCD and PPD truncated, with the right-most characters being dropped.
positions 55 - 76
If the tag is missing, the transaction will be skipped:
CIE - 40 - 54
“Receiver Name is required. The payment with End to End ID
CTX - positions 59 – [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Contact Details ++++ Empty Tag Optional
Other <Othr> +++++ Yes Optional Receiver ID NACHA accepts up to 15 characters. Name values longer
than the 15 character limit will be truncated – right-most
Entry Detail, characters will be dropped.


positions 40 - 54

CIE - positions 55 -
Debtor +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 29 of 79
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Mandatory Receiver Account If the value of the field exceeds 17 characters, the transaction
Number will be skipped:

Entry Detail, “Receiving Account Number field does not validate for line 1:
positions 13 - 29 Field length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 17”
Type <Tp> ++++ Empty Tag Required
Proprietary <Prtry> +++++ Yes Required Receiver Account Allowed Values:
Type DDA (checking), SAV (savings), GL and LOAN

Entry Detail, If the tag containing the receiver account type (Prtry) is
positions 02 - 03 missing, an XSD error will be displayed and the file load will
Allowed Values:
DDA, SAV, GL, If the group tag containing the receiver account type (Tp.Prtry)
LOAN is missing, the transaction will be skipped:

“Account Type is required. The payment with End to End ID

[End to End ID] will be skipped.”

If the receiver account type is invalid, the transaction will be


“Invalid payee account type: [account type]. The payment with

End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Purpose <Purp> +++ Empty Tag Optional
Proprietary <Prtry> +++++ Yes Conditional Prenote indicator in Must be populated as “PRENOTE” or will it will be ignored.
Transaction Type
Additionally, the amount must be zero. If this tag is present
Entry Detail, and the amount is not zero, the transaction will be skipped:
Positions 02 - 03
“The total amount of transactions expected is 0.00, found
[amount] for [PmtInfId Entry Description].”
Remittance +++ Empty Tag Conditional
Information <RmtInf>
Unstructured ++++ Yes Conditional Addenda
Addenda, positions
04 - 83

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 30 of 79
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.03" xmlns:xsi="">

<MsgId>Acme Direct Debit</MsgId>
<Nm>ACH Company</Nm>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 31 of 79
<InstdAmt Ccy="USD">1000</InstdAmt>
<Nm>Wilson Construction</Nm>

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Check Print Transactions (PAIN.001)

This section outlines the PAIN.001 file format that will be accepted by Capital One Bank.

Document Header - this can only occur once per file

Field Index – Field Name – Tag Content Mandatory / Optional Description / Harland Mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header
xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.0 The contents of Credit messages are validated using the
3" xmlns:xsi=" Version 3 xsd.
<CstmrCdtTrfInitn> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header tag

Group Header Block – this can only occur once per file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Group Header + Empty Tag Mandatory
Message ++ Yes Mandatory Stored and used in pain.002 – acknowledgements as the Original
Identification Message ID - OrgnlMsgId
Creation Date Time ++ Yes Mandatory File creation date and time
(e.i., 2014-10-
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of individual An amount mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
Transactions transactions contained in
<NbOfTxs> the file “The number of transactions expected is [number indicated in
this field], found [number listed in MsgId] found for MsgId
[Message ID].”
Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total of all individual A count mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
<CtrlSum> payment amounts in the
file “The total amount of transactions expected in the file is [amount
in CtrlSum], found [sum of MsgId found in the file] for MsgId
Initiating Party ++ Empty Tag Mandatory The InitgPty tag is not used in processing and its contents are
<InitgPty> not stored or passed with the transaction. Its presence is an
ISO XML requirement.
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Optional

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 33 of 79
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Conditional
Identification (required when
<OrgId> Identification
tag is present)
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Conditional
(required when
tag is present)
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Conditional Not used
(required when
Other tag is

Payment Information Block – this can occur multiple times within a file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Payment Information + Empty Tag Mandatory
Payment Information ++ Yes Mandatory Not Used
Payment Method ++ Yes Mandatory Must be CHK “Payment Method is required and must be one of CHK. The
<PmtMtd> batch [Payment Information ID] will be skipped.”
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of transactions for “The number of transactions expected is [reported number],
Transactions this payment block found [calculated number] found for PmtInfId [Payment
<NbOfTxs> Information ID].”

Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total dollar amount of all The total amount of transactions expected is [reported
<CtrlSum> transactions for this amount], found [calculated amount] for PmtInfId [Payment
payment block Information ID].
Requested Execution ++ Yes Mandatory Payment Date If date is a date in the past, the transaction will fail:
Date <ReqdExctnDt>
Must not be more than 15 “The payment date must be current day or a future date. The
calendar days from current payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name]
date. for [check amount] will be skipped.”

Format: YYYY-MM- If the date exceeds the maximum allowed number of days in
DDTHH:MM:SS e.g. 2014- the future will fail:
“A check with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name]
for [check amount] was sent for a payment date that is invalid.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 34 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payer Section
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Debtor <Dbtr> ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Name <Nm> +++ Yes Required Payer Name If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

Order Record, Payer-Name “No value found for required field: Payer for [invalid record]”

If the value of the field exceeds 50 characters, the transaction

will fail:

“Payer field does not validate for line 1: Field length exceeds
maximum: [invalid length] > 50”
Postal Address +++ Empty Tag Required
Street Name ++++ Yes Required Payer Address 1 If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:
Order Record, Payer- “No value found for required field: for [invalid record]” Payer
Address Address Line 1

If the value of the field exceeds 50 characters, the transaction

will fail:

“Payer Address Line 1 field does not validate for line 1: Field
length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 50”
Postal Code <PstCd> ++++ Yes Required Payer Address 3 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
Order Record, Payer- fail:
“No value found for required field: Payer Address Line 3 for
record [invalid record]”
Town Name ++++ Yes Required Payer Address 3 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
<TwnNm> CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
Order Record, Payer- be skipped:
“No value found for required field: Payer Address Line 3 for
record [invalid record]”
Country Subdivision ++++ Yes Required Payer Address 3 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
<CtrySubDvsn> CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
Order Record, Payer- be skipped:
“No value found for required field: Payer Address Line 3 for
record [invalid record]”
Contact Details +++ Empty Tag Optional

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 35 of 79
Name <Nm> ++++ Yes Optional Additional Payer Name If the value of the field exceeds 30 characters, the transaction
will fail:
Order Record, Payer-Name
“Additional Payer Name field does not validate for line 1: Field
length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 30”
Phone Number ++++ Yes Optional Payer Phone Number
Order Record, Payer-

e.g. +800-555-5555


Debtor Account ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Other <Othr> ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++++ Yes Mandatory Debit Account If missing or does not match a value indicated on the
implementation form, the transaction will fail:
Order Record, Clearing-
Acct# “The account [ABA/last four of account] is not permitted. The
payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name]
for [check amount] will be skipped.”
Debtor Agent ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Financial Institution +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Clearing System ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Member Identification
Member Identification +++++ Yes Mandatory Debit ABA If missing or does not match a value indicated on the
<MmbId> implementation form, the transaction will fail:
Order Record, Clearing-
Transit-Routing# “The account [ABA/last four of account] is not permitted. The
payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name]
for [check amount] will be skipped.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 36 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction Section
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Credit Transfer ++ Empty Tag Mandatory

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Payment Information Section

Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Payment Identification +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Instruction Identification ++++ Yes Optional Void Indicator Field value must be “Void”. Any other value will cause the
<InstrId> transaction to be classified as a standard check and not a
Order Record, Void-Flag void.
End to End Identification ++++ Yes Mandatory Missing tag or value will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD)
<EndToEndId> validation error and cause the file load to fail
Amount <Amt> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Instructed Amount ++++ Yes Mandatory Amount No decimal - amount treated as whole number
<InstdAmt CCy= “USD”>
Order Record, Check- Decimal, two digits after the decimal - interpreted literally,
Amount with decimal

Decimal, one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.2, interpreted as


If the transaction exceeds the user’s limits, the transaction

will fail:

“One or more records exceed the user’s [limit type

exceeded] of [limit allowed].”

If the amount exceeds 8 digit (9 characters with decimal)

limit, the transaction will fail:

“Amount field does not validate for line 1: Field length

exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 8”

If InstdAmt CCY does not equal USD, the transaction will


“Monetary Currency is not valid. The check with End to End

ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 37 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Check Details Section
Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Depth Optional Harland Mapping
Cheque Instruction +++ Empty Tag Required
Cheque Number ++++ Yes Optional Check Number If the check number exceeds 10 characters, the transaction
<ChqNb> will fail:
Order Record, Check#
“Check Number cannot exceed 10 characters. The payment
with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name] for
[check amount] will be skipped.”
Delivery Method ++++ Empty Tag Optional
Proprietary <Prtry> +++++ Yes Optional Shipping Method “Invalid shipping method. Valid shipping methods are USPS,
FEDX, UPS, BNDL. The check with End to End ID [End to
Order Record, Ship- End ID] will be skipped.”

Accepted Values:


Cheque Maturity Date ++++ Yes Required Check Date If the date exceeds the maximum allowed number of days in
<ChqMtrtyDt> the future or the maximum stale date (+/- 15 calendar days),
Order Record, Issue-Date the transaction will fail:

Format: YYYY-MM- “Check Date must be between [maximum allowed stale

DDTHH:MM:SS e.g. 2014- date] and [maximum post-date allowed]. The payment with
10-14T14:18:30) End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name] for [amount]
will be skipped.”

Voids can exceed the maximum stale date but cannot be

postdated. If so, the transaction will fail:

“Void payments cannot have a check date in the future. The

payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee
Name] for [amount] will be skipped.”
Forms Code <FrmsCd> ++++ Yes Required Check Layout If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

Order Record, Product-ID “No value found for required field: Check Layout for record
Allowed Values: 1”
ADVONLY - Debit/Credit
Advice No Remittance If the field value is not a valid check layout, the transaction
Detail will fail:
CKCOLMN - Payment
Accompanies Remittance “Valid Check Layouts are ADVCOLMN, CKCOLMN,
Advice ADVONLY, CKONLY and CKSTUB. The payment with End

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 38 of 79
CKONLY - Make Payment to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name] for [amount] will
Only be skipped.”
ADVCOLMN - Debit/Credit
Advice with Remittance
Remittance Detail
Memo Field <MemoFld> ++++ Yes Optional Memo Information to be printed on the memo line of the check

Order Record, Memo-Line

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Payee Section

Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Creditor <Cdtr> +++ Empty Tag Required
Name <Nm> ++++ Yes Required Payee Name If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

Order Record, Payee- “No value found for required field: Payee for record [invalid
Name record]”

If the value of the field exceeds 50 characters, the

transaction will fail:

“Payee field does not validate for line 1: Field length

exceeds maximum: [invalid record] > 50”
Postal Address ++++ Empty Tag Required
Street Name <StrtNm> +++++ Yes Required Payee Address 1 If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

Order Record, Payee- “No value found for required field: Payee Address Line 1 for
Address record [invalid record]”

If the value of the field exceeds 50 characters, the

transaction will fail:

“Payee Address Line 1 field does not validate for line 1: Field
length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 50”
Postal Code <PstCd> +++++ Yes Required Payee Address 3 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction
Order Record, Payee- will fail:
“No value found for required field: Payee Address Line 3 for
record [invalid record]”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 39 of 79
Town Name <TwnNm> +++++ Yes Required Payee Address 3 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction
Order Record, Payee- will fail:
“No value found for required field: Payee Address Line 3 for
record [invalid record]”
Country Subdivision +++++ Yes Required Payee Address 3 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
<CtrySubDvsn> CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction
Order Record, Payee- will fail:
“No value found for required field: Payee Address Line 3 for
record [invalid record]”
Contact Details ++++ Empty Tag Optional
Name <Nm> +++++ Yes Optional Additional Payee Name If the value of the field exceeds 29 characters, the
transaction will fail:
Order Record, Payee-
Name “Additional Payee Name field does not validate for line 1:
Field length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 29”

Remittance Information +++ Empty Tag Optional

Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional Remittance Note : Each column data must be separated by a pipe
<Ustrd> delimiter “l”
Transaction Record Data must start with TX1 followed by Remit data.

Remittance is required for check layouts ADVCOLMN and

CKCOLMN. If missing, the transaction will fail:

“Remittance information required for Check Layouts

ADVCOLMN and CKCOLMN. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name] for [amount] will be

If remittance cannot be present if the check layout is

ADVONLY, CKONLY, or CKSTUB. If so, the transaction will

“Remittance information cannot be entered for Check

Layouts ADVONLY, CKONLY and CKSTUB. The payment
with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Payee Name] for
[amount] will be skipped.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 40 of 79
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03" xmlns:xsi="">

<MsgId>Acme Check</MsgId>
<Nm>ABC Manufacturing</Nm>
<StrtNm>123 Peachtree Street</StrtNm>
<Nm>Additional Payer Name</Nm>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 41 of 79
<InstdAmt Ccy="USD">4000</InstdAmt>
<Nm>Henry Imports</Nm>
<StrtNm>123 Spring Ave</StrtNm>
<Nm>Additional Payee Name</Nm>
<Ustrd>TX1|20130906|Invoice 112233TX1|21030907|Invoice 445566</Ustrd>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 42 of 79
Wire Transfer - Credit Transactions (PAIN.001)

The following section breaks down the allowed characters and the min / max for each field within manual entry (including templates
and edit) and transaction import:

Field Min
Max Type Notes / Comments
Originator Name 1 35 ANS Excluding forward slash (/) and back slash (\)
Originator Address 1 35 ANS Excluding forward slash (/) and back slash (\)
Amount 1 12 N Min and Max does not include thousand separators (comma) and decimal (.);
Beneficiary Name 1 35 ANS Excluding forward slash (/) and back slash (\)
Beneficiary Address 1 35 ANS Excluding forward slash (/) and back slash (\)
Beneficiary Bank Name 1 35 ANS Excluding forward slash (/) and back slash (\)
9/ N/ When FED ABA, Bank ID must be 9 digits; When SWIFT BIC, Bank ID can be an 8 or
Beneficiary Bank ID 9/8
11 AN 11 AN field
Correspondent Bank Name 1 35 ANS Excluding forward slash (/) and back slash (\)
9/ N/ When FED ABA, Bank ID must be 9 digits; When SWIFT BIC, Bank ID can be an 8 or
Correspondent Bank ID 9/8
11 AN 11 AN field
Intermediary Bank Name 1 35 ANS Excluding forward slash (/) and back slash (\)
9/ N/ When FED ABA, Bank ID must be 9 digits; When SWIFT BIC, Bank ID can be an 8 or
Intermediary Bank ID 9/8
11 AN 11 AN field
Reference Information for
1 16 ANS
Additional Information for
1 35 ANS Outbound file allows 4 lines of 35 characters

Note: Forward slash (/), back slash (\), greater than (>), and less than (<) aren’t allowed characters for any field in ISO20022 format

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 43 of 79
This section outlines the PAIN.001 file format that will be accepted by Capital One Bank.

Document Header - this can only occur once per file

Field Index – Field Name – Tag Content Mandatory / Optional Description / Fedwire Mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header
xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.0 The contents of Credit messages are validated using the
3" xmlns:xsi=" Version 3 xsd.
<CstmrCdtTrfInitn> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header tag

Group Header Block – this can only occur once per file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Fedwire Mapping
Group Header + Empty Tag Mandatory
Message ++ Yes Mandatory Stored and used in pain.002 – acknowledgements as the Original
Identification Message ID - OrgnlMsgId
Creation Date Time ++ Yes Mandatory File creation date and time
(e.i., 2014-10-
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of individual An amount mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
Transactions transactions contained in
<NbOfTxs> the file “The number of transactions expected is [number indicated in
this field], found [number listed in MsgId] found for MsgId
[Message ID].”
Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total of all individual A count mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
<CtrlSum> payment amounts in the
file “The total amount of transactions expected in the file is [amount
in CtrlSum], found [sum of MsgId found in the file] for MsgId
Initiating Party ++ Empty Tag Mandatory The InitgPty tag is not used in processing and its contents are
<InitgPty> not stored or passed with the transaction. Its presence is an
ISO XML requirement.
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Optional
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Conditional
Identification (required when
<OrgId> Identification
tag is present)

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 44 of 79
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Conditional
(required when
tag is present)
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Conditional Not used
(required when
Other tag is

Payment Information Block – this can occur multiple times within a file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Fedwire Mapping
Payment Information + Empty Tag Mandatory
Payment Information ++ Yes Mandatory Referenced in error
Identification messages that occur within
<PmtInfId> this Payment Information
Payment Method ++ Yes Mandatory Must be TRF “Payment Method is required and must be one of TRF and
<PmtMtd> Service Code must be one of URGP, URNS, BKTR. The batch
[Payment Information ID] will be skipped.”
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of transactions for “The number of transactions expected is [reported number],
Transactions this payment block found [calculated number] found for PmtInfId [Payment
<NbOfTxs> Information ID].”

Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total dollar amount of all “The total amount of transactions expected is [reported
<CtrlSum> transactions for this amount], found [calculated amount] for PmtInfId [Payment
payment block Information ID].”
Payment Type ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Service Level +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Code <Cd> ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be URGP, URNS, or “Payment Method is required and must be one of TRF, DD and
BKTR Service Code must be one of URGP, URNS, BKTR. The batch
[Payment Information ID] will be skipped.”
Requested Execution ++ Yes Mandatory Payment Date If date is a date in the past, the transaction will fail:
Date <ReqdExctnDt>
{2000} IMAD “A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Beneficiary (last
four of beneficiary’s account number)] from [last four of
Format: YYYY-MM- originator’s account number] was sent for a payment date in the
DDTHH:MM:SS e.g. 2014- past.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 45 of 79
If the date exceeds the maximum allowed number of days in
the future:

“A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Beneficiary (last

four of beneficiary’s account number)] from [last four of
originator’s account number] was sent for a payment date in the

Payment Information Block, Originator Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Fedwire Mapping
Debtor <Dbtr> ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Name <Nm> +++ Yes Required Originator Name If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

{5000} Originator “No value found for required field: Originator Name for [invalid

If the value of the field exceeds 35 characters, the transaction

will be skipped:

Originator Name field does not validate for line 1: Field length
exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 35
Postal Address +++ Empty Tag Required
Street Name ++++ Yes Required Originator Address 1 If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:
{5000} Originator “No value found for required field: Originator Address 1 for
[invalid record]”

If the value of the field exceeds 35 characters, the transaction

will be skipped:

“Originator Address 1 field does not validate for line 1: Field

length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 35”
Postal Code <PstCd> ++++ Yes Required Originator Address 2 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
{5000} Originator be skipped:

“No value found for required field: Originator Address 2 for

record [invalid record]”
Town Name ++++ Yes Required Originator Address 2 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
<TwnNm> CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
{5000} Originator be skipped:

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 46 of 79
“No value found for required field: Originator Address 2 for
record [invalid record]”
Country Subdivision ++++ Yes Required Originator Address 2 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
<CtrySubDvsn> CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
{5000} Originator be skipped:

“No value found for required field: Originator Address 2 for

record [invalid record]”
Debtor Account ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Other <Othr> ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++++ Yes Mandatory Debit Account If missing or does not match a value in the database, the
transaction will be skipped:
{5000} Originator
“The account [ABA/last four of invalid account] is not permitted.
The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Beneficiary
Name (last four of beneficiary’s account)] will be skipped.”
Debtor Agent ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Financial Institution +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Clearing System ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Member Identification
Member Identification +++++ Yes Mandatory Debit ABA If missing or does not match a value in the database, the
<MmbId> transaction will be skipped:
{3100} Sender DI
“The account [ABA/last four of invalid account] is not permitted.
The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Beneficiary
Name (last four of beneficiary’s account)] will be skipped.”

Payment Information Block, By Order of Third Party Block only Required for Travel Rule purposes
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Fedwire Mapping
Ultimate Debtor ++ Empty Tag Mandatory Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction, otherwise
<UltmtDbtr> optional.
The ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the
(ultimate) creditor
Name <Nm> +++ Yes Required By Order of Party Name Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction, otherwise

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 47 of 79
Postal Address +++ Empty Tag Mandatory Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction, otherwise
<PstlAdr> optional.
Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as
defined by postal services.
Street Name ++++ Yes Required Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction, otherwise
<StrtNm> optional.
The following error messages will be displayed on the Load
Validation Report.
“By Order Of Address 3 is missing or blank.”

Postal Code ++++ Yes Conditional Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction when Country
<PstCd> Code is “US”, otherwise optional.
First five positions must be NUMERIC.
If the first five positions are not numeric, the transaction will be
The following error message will be displayed on the Load
Validation Report:
“By Order Of Postal code is invalid: <Submitted Postal Code>.
First five positions must be numeric.”
Town Name ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction, otherwise
<TwnNm> optional.
Free form text field limited to 18 positions. If a provided value
exceeds 18 positions, the transaction will be accepted, but City
Name will be truncated at 18.
The following error messages will be displayed on the Load
Validation Report.
“By Order Of City name is too long and will be truncated:
<Submitted City Name>.”

Country Sub ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction, otherwise
Division optional.
Must be present when Country Code is “US”, otherwise
Must contain an approved two-letter state code, and is case

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 48 of 79
If a provided value is not an approved state code, the
transaction will be skipped.
The following error messages will be displayed on the Load
Validation Report:
“By Order Of State code is missing.”
“By Order Of State code is not approved:
<Submitted State Code>.”
Country ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction, otherwise
<Ctry> optional.
Must contain an approved two-letter country code. Only upper
case characters are allowed.
If a provided value is missing or is not an approved country
code, the transaction will be skipped.
The following error messages will be displayed on the Load
Validation Report.
“By Order Of Country code is missing.”
“By Order Of Country code is not permitted:
<Submitted Country Code>.”
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Optional
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Conditional
Identification (required when
<OrgId> Identification
tag is present)
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Conditional
(required when
tag is present)
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Conditional Must be present for By-Order-Of wire transaction, otherwise
(required when optional
Other tag is

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 49 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction Section
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Fedwire Mapping
Credit Transfer ++ Empty Tag Mandatory

Payment Transaction, Payment Information Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Fedwire Mapping
Payment +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
End to End ++++ Yes Mandatory Reference Information for Missing tag or value will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD) validation
Identification Beneficiary error and cause the file load to fail.
{4320} Reference for
Amount <Amt> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Instructed Amount ++++ Yes Mandatory Amount No decimal - amount treated as whole number
<InstdAmt CCy=
“USD”> {2000} Amount Decimal, two digits after the decimal - interpreted literally, with

Decimal, one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.2, interpreted as 1.20

If the transaction exceeds the user’s limits, the file load will fail:

“One or more records exceed the user’s [limit type exceeded] of

[limit allowed].”

If the amount exceeds 10 digit (11 characters with decimal) limit,

the file load will fail:

“Amount field does not validate for line 1: Field length exceeds
maximum: [invalid length] > 10”

If InstdAmt CCY does not equal USD, the transaction will fail:

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 50 of 79
“Monetary Currency is not a valid. The wire with End to End ID
[End to End ID] will be skipped.”

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Additional Bank Information Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Comments and validation
Field Name – Depth / Optional Fedwire Mapping
Intermediary Agent 1 +++ Empty Tag Optional
Financial Institution ++++ Empty Tag Optional
Clearing System +++++ Empty Tag Optional
Member ++++++ Yes Optional Correspondent Bank ID A valid USD International Wire Transfer is defined as routing a US
Identification dollar payment through a domestic correspondent bank with final
<MmbId> {3400} Receiver DI credit to a foreign beneficiary bank.

For All USD Intl Wires, a correspondent bank is required. If you do
not have a specified Correspondent Bank, please default <MmbId>
to: 026005092

This will indicate Wells Fargo, Capital One Bank’s default USD

If the beneficiary bank routes through SWIFT, this tag must be

present. If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

“A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary name (last
four of beneficiary’s account number)] from [last four of originator’s
debit account] was attempted by a user who does not have the
permission to the requested action.”

Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check.

If invalid, the transaction will fail:

“Correspondent Bank ID is not a valid ABA number: [invalid ABA].

The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary
name (last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last four of
originator’s account] will be skipped.”
Intermediary Agent 2 +++ Empty Tag Optional

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 51 of 79
Financial Institution ++++ Empty Tag Optional
{Or BICFI +++++ Yes Optional Intermediary Bank ID Invalid value will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD) validation error and
<BICFI> cause the file load to fail.
{4000} Intermediary FI
If payment is being routed to a domestic beneficiary with an ABA,
the intermediary bank ID must also be an ABA. If not, the
transaction will fail:

“A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary name (last
four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last four of originator’s debit
account] contained invalid routing information: Cannot use foreign
Intermediary when Beneficiary is ABA.”
Or} Clearing +++++ Empty Tag Optional
Member ++++++ Yes Optional Intermediary Bank ID Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check.
<MmbId> {4000} Intermediary FI If invalid, the transaction will fail:

“Intermediary Bank ID is not a valid ABA number: [invalid ABA]. The

payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary name
(last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last four of originator’s
account] will be skipped.”

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Beneficiary Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Comments and validation
Field Name – Depth / Optional Fedwire Mapping
Creditor Agent +++ Empty Tag Required
Financial Institution ++++ Empty Tag Required
{Or BICFI +++++ Empty Tag Required Beneficiary Bank ID Invalid SWIFT BIC will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD) validation
<BICFI> error and cause the file load to fail.

If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

“A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary name

(last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last four of originator’s
account] was invalid: Invalid wire routing information, the following

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 52 of 79
fields are required for valid wire routing: Beneficiary Bank ID
and/or Beneficiary Bank ID Type”
Or} Clearing +++++ Empty Tag Required
Member ++++++ Yes Required Beneficiary Bank ID Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check.
<MmbId> {3400} Receiver ID If invalid, the transaction will fail:

Or “Beneficiary Bank ID is not a valid ABA number: [invalid ABA]. The

payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary name
{4100} Beneficiary’s FI (last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last four of originator’s
account] will be skipped.”

If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

“A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary name

(last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last four of originator’s
account] was invalid: Invalid wire routing information, the following
fields are required for valid wire routing: Beneficiary Bank ID
and/or Beneficiary Bank ID Type”
Creditor <Cdtr> +++ Empty Tag Required
Name <Nm> ++++ Yes Required Beneficiary Name If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

{4200} Beneficiary “No value found for required field: Beneficiary Name for record
[invalid record]”

If the value of the field exceeds 35 characters, the transaction will


“Beneficiary Name field does not validate for line 1: Field length
exceeds maximum: [invalid record] > 35”
Postal Address ++++ Empty Tag Optional
Street Name +++++ Yes Optional Beneficiary Address 1
{4200} Beneficiary
Postal Code +++++ Yes Optional Beneficiary Address 2
{4200} Beneficiary
Town Name +++++ Yes Optional Beneficiary Address 2
{4200} Beneficiary

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 53 of 79
Country Subdivision +++++ Yes Optional Beneficiary Address 2
{4200} Beneficiary
Creditor +++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++ Empty Tag Required
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Required Beneficiary ID If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

{4200} Beneficiary “No value found for required field: Beneficiary ID for record [invalid
Remittance +++ Empty Tag Optional
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional Additional Information for
<Ustr Beneficiary

{6000} Originator to
Beneficiary Information

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 54 of 79
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03" xmlns:xsi="">

<MsgId>new id</MsgId>
<Nm>Acme Manufacturing </Nm>
<StrtNm>1125 NW COUCH STREET, SUITE 700</StrtNm>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 55 of 79
<InstdAmt Ccy="USD">350.00</InstdAmt>
<Nm>Henry Construction</Nm>
<StrtNm>PO BOX 542500</StrtNm>
<Ustrd>This is remittance information</Ustrd>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 56 of 79
List of Approved Country Codes

List of Approved State Codes

1. 50 States plus District of Columbia

2. Military State Codes / Armed Forces


3. US Territories

NOTE: United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM) and Virgin Islands (VI) currently are not supported.

4. Freely Associated states


NOTE: Federated States of Micronesia (FM) currently is not supported.

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 57 of 79
Wire Drawdown - Debit Transactions (PAIN.008)
This section outlines the PAIN.008 file format that will be accepted by Messenger Financial Center.

Document Header - this can only occur once per file

Field Index – Field Name – Tag Content Mandatory / Optional Description / Fedwire Mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header

<Document The contents of Debit messages are validated using the

xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.0 Version 3 xsd.
3" xmlns:xsi="
<CstmrDrctDbtInitn> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header tag

Group Header Block – this can only occur once per file
Field Index – Field Tag Depth Content Mandatory / Description / Fedwire Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Optional Mapping
Group Header + Empty Tag Mandatory
Message ++ Yes Mandatory Stored and used in pain.002 – acknowledgements as the
Identification Original Message ID - OrgnlMsgId
Creation Date Time ++ Yes Mandatory File creation date and time
(e.i., 2014-10-
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of individual An amount mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
Transactions transactions contained in
<NbOfTxs> the file “The number of transactions expected is [number indicated in
this field], found [number listed in MsgId] found for MsgId
[Message ID].”
Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total of all individual A count mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
<CtrlSum> payment amounts in the
file “The total amount of transactions expected in the file is [amount
in CtrlSum], found [sum of MsgId found in the file] for MsgId
Initiating Party ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Name <Nm> +++ Yes Required Originator Name If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

{5000} Originator “No value found for required field: Originator Name for [invalid

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 58 of 79
If the value of the field exceeds 35 characters, the transaction
will fail:

“Originator Name field does not validate for [invalid line]: Field
length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 35”
Postal Address +++ Empty Tag Required
Street Name ++++ Yes Required Originator Address 1 If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:
{5000} Originator “No value found for required field: Originator Address 1 for
[invalid record]”

If the value of the field exceeds 35 characters, the transaction

will fail:

“Originator Address [invalid record count] field does not validate

for invalid line]: Field length exceeds maximum: [invalid length]
> 35”
Postal Code ++++ Yes Required Originator Address 2 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
<PstCd> CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
{5000} Originator fail:

“No value found for required field: Originator Address [invalid

record count] for record [invalid record]”
Town Name ++++ Yes Required Originator Address 2 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
<TwnNm> CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
{5000} Originator fail:

“No value found for required field: Originator Address [invalid

record count] for record [invalid record]”
Country Subdivision ++++ Yes Required Originator Address 2 At least one tag must be present (PstCd, TwnNm, or
<CtrySubDvsn> CtrySubDvsn). If all three tags are missing, the transaction will
{5000} Originator fail:

“No value found for required field: Originator Address [invalid

record count] for record [invalid record]”
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Required
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Required
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Required Debit Account If missing or does not match a value in the database, the
(Originator’s Account) transaction will fail:

{5000} Originator “The account [ABA/last four of invalid account] is not permitted.
The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Beneficiary
Name (last four of beneficiary’s account)] will be skipped.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 59 of 79
Issuer <Issr> ++++++ Yes Required Debit Account If value does not match a value in the database, the transaction
(Originator’s ABA) will fail:

{3100} Sender DI “The account [ABA/last four of invalid account] is not permitted.
The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Beneficiary
Name (last four of beneficiary’s account)] will be skipped.”

If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

“Wire Drawdown Account ABA missing or blank. The wire with

End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”

Payment Information Block – this can occur multiple times within a file
Field Index – Field Tag Depth Content Mandatory / Description / Fedwire Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Optional Mapping
Payment Information + Empty Tag Mandatory
Payment Information ++ Yes Mandatory Referenced in error
Identification messages that occur within
<PmtInfId> this Payment Information
Payment Method ++ Yes Mandatory Must be DD “Payment Method is required and must be one of DD and
<PmtMtd> Service Code must be one of URGP, URNS, BKTR. The batch
[Payment Information ID] will be skipped.”
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of transactions for “The number of transactions expected is [reported number],
Transactions this payment block found [calculated number] found for PmtInfId [Payment
<NbOfTxs> Information ID].”

Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total dollar amount of all “The total amount of transactions expected is [reported
<CtrlSum> transactions for this amount], found [calculated amount] for PmtInfId [Payment
payment block Information ID].”
Payment Type ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Service Level +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Code <Cd> ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be URGP, URNS, or “Payment Method is required and must be one of TRF, DD and
BKTR Service Code must be one of URGP, URNS, BKTR. The batch
[Payment Information ID] will be skipped.”
Requested Collection ++ Yes Mandatory Payment Date If date is a date in the past, the transaction will fail:
Date <ReqdColltnDt>
{1520} IMAD “A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Beneficiary (last
four of beneficiary’s account number)] from [last four of
originator’s account number] was sent for a payment date in
the past.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 60 of 79
Format: YYYY-MM-
DDTHH:MM:SS e.g. 2014- If the date exceeds the maximum allowed number of days in
10-14T14:18:30) the future, the transaction will fail:

“A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [Beneficiary (last

four of beneficiary’s account number)] from [last four of
originator’s account number] was sent for a payment date in
the future.”

Payment Information Block, Beneficiary Section

Field Index – Field Tag Depth Content Mandatory / Description / Fedwire Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Optional Mapping
Creditor <Cdtr> ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Name <Nm> +++ Yes Required Beneficiary Name If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

{4200} Beneficiary “No value found for required field: Beneficiary Name for record
[invalid record]”

If the value of the field exceeds 35 characters, the transaction

will fail:

“Beneficiary Name field does not validate for [invalid line]: Field
length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 35”
Postal Address +++ Empty Tag Optional
Street Name ++++ Yes Optional Beneficiary Address 1
{4200} Beneficiary

Postal Code <PstCd> ++++ Yes Optional Beneficiary Address 2

{4200} Beneficiary

Town Name ++++ Yes Optional Beneficiary Address 2

{4200} Beneficiary

Country Subdivision ++++ Yes Optional Beneficiary Address 2

{4200} Beneficiary

Creditor Account ++ Empty tag Mandatory

Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Other <Othr> ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 61 of 79
Identification <Id> +++++ Yes Mandatory Beneficiary Account If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

{4200} Beneficiary “No value found for required field: Beneficiary ID for record
[invalid record]”
Creditor Agent ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Financial Institution +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Clearing System ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Member Identification
Member Identification +++++ Yes Mandatory Beneficiary ABA Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check.
{5400} Account Credited in If invalid, the transaction will fail:
“Beneficiary Bank ID is not a valid ABA number: [invalid ABA].
The payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to
[beneficiary name (last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last
four of originator’s account] will be skipped.”

If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

“A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary

name (last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last four of
originator’s account] was invalid: Invalid wire routing
information, the following fields are required for valid wire
routing: Beneficiary Bank ID and/or Beneficiary Bank ID Type”

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction Section

Field Index – Field Tag Depth Content Mandatory / Description / Fedwire Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Optional Mapping
Direct Debit ++ Empty Tag Mandatory

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 62 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Payment Information Section
Field Index – Field Name Tag Depth Content Mandatory / Description / Fedwire Processing Rules / Error Messages
– Tag Optional Mapping
Payment Identification +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
End to End Identification ++++ Yes Mandatory Reference Information for Missing tag or value will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD)
<EndToEndId> Beneficiary validation error and cause the file load to fail.

{4320} Reference for

Amount <Amt> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Instructed Amount ++++ Yes Mandatory Amount No decimal - amount treated as whole number
<InstdAmt CCy= “USD”>
{2000} Amount Decimal, two digits after the decimal - interpreted literally,
with decimal

Decimal, one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.2, interpreted as


If dollar amount is improperly formatted, the transaction will


“A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary

(last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last four of
originator’s account] was sent with an invalid amount.”

If the amount exceeds 12 digit (13 characters with decimal)

limit, the transaction will fail:

“Amount field does not validate for line [invalid record count]:
Field length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 12”

If the transaction exceeds the user’s Daily Transaction

Count per Account, the file load will fail:

“A payment with End to End ID [End to End ID] to

[beneficiary (last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [last
four of originator’s account] failed for the following limit
violations: User's Per Account Total Daily Wire Transaction
Count Limit [limit] exceeded.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 63 of 79
If InstdAmt CCY does not equal USD, the transaction will

“Monetary Currency is not valid. The wire with End to End ID

[End to End ID] will be skipped.”

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Ultimate Debit Party Section

Field Index – Field Tag Depth Content Mandatory / Description / Fedwire Comments and validation
Name – Tag Optional Mapping
Debtor Agent <DbtrAgt> +++ Empty Tag Required
Financial Institution ++++ Empty Tag Required
Clearing System +++++ Empty Tag Required
Member Identification
Member Identification ++++++ Yes Required Ultimate Debit Party ABA Must be a valid ABA number, e.g. pass MOD-10 check. If
<MmbId> not, the transaction will fail:
{3400} Receiver ID
(receiver of the drawdown “A wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to [beneficiary
request) (last four of beneficiary’s account)] from [originator’s
account] contained an invalid ABA number.”

Debtor <Dbtr> +++ Empty Tag Required

Name <Nm> ++++ Yes Required Ultimate Debit Party If the tag is missing, the transaction fill fail:

{4400} Account Debited in Wire Drawdown Ultimate Debit Party missing or blank.
Drawdown The wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be

If the value of the field exceeds 35 characters, the

transaction will fail:

“Ultimate Debit Party field does not validate for line

[invalid line count]: Field length exceeds maximum:
[invalid length] > 35”
Debtor +++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++ Empty Tag Required
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Required Ultimate Debit Account If the tag is missing, the transaction will fail:

{4400} Account Debited in “Wire Drawdown Ultimate Debit Account missing or

Drawdown blank. The wire with End to End ID [End to End ID] to

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 64 of 79
[Beneficiary (last four of beneficiary’s account number)]
will be skipped.”

Remittance Information +++ Empty Tag Optional

Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional Additional Information for
<Ustrd> Beneficiary

{6000} Originator to
Beneficiary Information

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 65 of 79
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.03" xmlns:xsi="">

<MsgId>NEW ID</MsgId>
<StrtNm>1776 PEACHTREE ST NW</StrtNm>
<StrtNm>1125-88 NW COUCH STREET, SUITE 700</StrtNm>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 66 of 79
<InstdAmt Ccy="USD">111</InstdAmt>
<StrtNm>PO BOX 542500</StrtNm>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 67 of 79
Virtual Card Payment Transactions (PAIN.001)

This section outlines the PAIN.001 file format that will be accepted by Capital One Bank.

Document Header - this can only occur once per file

Field Index – Field Name – Tag Content Mandatory / Optional Description / Harland Mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header
xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.0 The contents of Credit messages are validated using the
3" xmlns:xsi=" Version 3 xsd.
<CstmrCdtTrfInitn> Empty Tag Mandatory This tag must always be placed before the group header tag

Group Header Block – this can only occur once per file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Group Header + Empty Tag Mandatory
Message ++ Yes Mandatory Stored and used in pain.002 – acknowledgements as the Original
Identification Message ID - OrgnlMsgId
Creation Date Time ++ Yes Mandatory File creation date and time
(e.i., 2014-10-
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of individual An amount mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
Transactions transactions contained in
<NbOfTxs> the file “The number of transactions expected is [number indicated in
this field], found [number listed in MsgId] found for MsgId
[Message ID].”
Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total of all individual A count mismatch will cause the file load to fail:
<CtrlSum> payment amounts in the
file “The total amount of transactions expected in the file is [amount
in CtrlSum], found [sum of MsgId found in the file] for MsgId
Initiating Party ++ Empty Tag Mandatory The InitgPty tag is not used in processing and its contents are
<InitgPty> not stored or passed with the transaction. Its presence is an
ISO XML requirement.
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Optional

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 68 of 79
Originating ++++ Empty Tag Conditional
Identification (required when
<OrgId> Identification
tag is present)
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Conditional
(required when
tag is present)
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Conditional Not used
(required when
Other tag is

Payment Information Block – this can occur multiple times within a file
Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth Optional Harland Mapping
Payment Information + Empty Tag Mandatory
Payment Information ++ Yes Mandatory Not Used
Payment Method ++ Yes Mandatory Must be TRF “Payment Method is required and must be TRF. The batch
<PmtMtd> [Payment Information ID] will be skipped.”
Number of ++ Yes Mandatory Number of transactions for “The number of transactions expected is [reported number],
Transactions this payment block found [calculated number] found for PmtInfId [Payment
<NbOfTxs> Information ID].”

Control Sum ++ Yes Mandatory Total dollar amount of all The total amount of transactions expected is [reported
<CtrlSum> transactions for this amount], found [calculated amount] for PmtInfId [Payment
payment block Information ID].
Payment Type ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Service Level +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Code <Cd> ++++ Yes Mandatory Must be NUGP Fail the TRANSACTION using the following message if the
payment method is invalid:

“Payment Method is required and must be one of TRF and

Service Code must be one of NUGP. The Card Payment
[Payment Information ID] will be skipped.”
Requested Execution ++ Yes Mandatory Processing Date Each error will result in a TRANSACTION failure / skip.
Date <ReqdExctnDt>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 69 of 79
FOR FILE PROCESSING A date in the past is not allowed.

Format= YYYY-MM-DD “Verient card payment was sent for a date before the next
available payment date. The payment will be skipped.”

Date may be a working or non-working date.

Future dated payments are allowed but must be within the

banks defined maximum allowed number of days in the future.

“Processing Date [date in mm/dd/yyyy format] for Verient card

payment exceeds the number of allowed days in the future of
[limit]. The payment will be skipped.”

Payment Information Block, Vendor ID Section

Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Depth Optional Harland Mapping

Debtor <Dbtr> ++ Empty tag Mandatory

Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Required
Originating Identification ++++ Empty Tag Required
Other <Othr> +++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++++ Yes Required Client ID Must match the Client ID within the database. Import user
must be entitled to initiate Credit Card Payments for that
Client ID. Valid characters include a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9,
hyphens, single-quote, ampersand, period, and under-

If there is a single card payment in the file and the Client ID

is invalid, the TRANSACTION will be skipped.

If there is more than one card payment in the file and the
Client ID for one or more transactions is invalid, the FILE
will fail.

“The Client ID [Client ID] for a Verient card payment is

invalid. The payment for record number [record number]
will be skipped.”

“Client ID [Client ID] is not valid for Verient Card

Transactions as it must be between 1 and 16 characters in
length. The payment for record number [record number]
will be skipped.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 70 of 79
Client ID field does not validate for line [line number]: Field
length exceeds maximum: 17 > 16
Debtor Account ++ Empty tag Mandatory
Identification <Id> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Other <Othr> ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory

Identification <Id> +++++ Yes Required Missing tag or value will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD)
validation error and cause the file load to fail.
Debtor Agent <DbtrAgt> ++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Financial Institution +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Identification <FinInstnId>
Clearing System Member ++++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Member Identification +++++ Yes Mandatory Missing tag or value will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD)
<MmbId> validation error and cause the file load to fail.

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction Section

Field Index – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Field Name – Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Credit Transfer ++ Empty Tag Mandatory

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Payment Information Section

Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Payment Identification +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
End to End Identification ++++ Yes Mandatory Missing tag or value will cause an ISO XML-level (XSD)
<EndToEndId> validation error and cause the file load to fail
Amount <Amt> +++ Empty Tag Mandatory
Instructed Amount ++++ Yes Mandatory Amount Format validated, but not used.
<InstdAmt CCy= “USD”>
Order Record, Check- No decimal - amount treated as whole number
Decimal, two digits after the decimal - interpreted literally,
with decimal

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 71 of 79
Decimal, one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.2, interpreted as

Amounts loaded with no decimal will be interpreted as whole

amounts, i.e .100 = 100.00

If the amount exceeds 10 digits (11 characters with decimal)

limit, fail the FILE with the following error message:

“Amount field does not validate for line [line number]: Field
length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 11”

Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Vendor ID Section

If more than one Vendor is included within a single payment, the file load will fail with the following error: “Error validating ISO file.
Found issue on line [line] column [column]. cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'Cdtr'. No child
element is expected at this point.”

Field Index – Field Tag Content Mandatory / Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Name – Tag Depth Optional Harland Mapping
Creditor <Cdtr> +++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> ++++ Empty Tag Required
OrganizationIdentification +++++ Empty Tag Required
Other <Othr> ++++++ Empty Tag Required
Identification <Id> +++++++ Yes Required Vendor ID Valid characters for this field include: a- z, A- Z, 0 -
1, hyphens, single-quote, ampersand, period, and under-

If the tag is missing, fail the TRANSACTION:

“Vendor ID missing. The payment with End to End ID [End

to End ID] will be skipped.”

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 72 of 79
Payment Information Block, Payment Transaction, Remittance/Invoice Section

If more than one RMR is found with a single payment, the file load will fail with the following error: “Error validating ISO file. Found
issue on line [line] column [column]. cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'RmtInf'. No child element
is expected at this point.”

Field Index – Field Name – Tag Content Mandatory Description / Processing Rules / Error Messages
Tag Depth / Optional Harland Mapping
Remittance Information <RmtInf> +++ Empty Tag Optional
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF1 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 1 field length exceeds maximum:

[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF2 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 2 field length exceeds maximum:

[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF3 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 3 field length exceeds maximum:

[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF4 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 4 field length exceeds maximum:

[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF5 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 5 field length exceeds maximum:

[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF6 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 73 of 79
“User Defined Field 6 field length exceeds maximum:
[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF7 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 7 field length exceeds maximum:

[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF8 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 8 field length exceeds maximum:

[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF9 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 9 field length exceeds maximum:

[invalid length] > 130. The payment with End to End
ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF10 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 10 field length exceeds

maximum: [invalid length] > 130. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF11 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 11 field length exceeds

maximum: [invalid length] > 130. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF12 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 12 field length exceeds

maximum: [invalid length] > 130. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF13 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 13 field length exceeds

maximum: [invalid length] > 130. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF14 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 74 of 79
“User Defined Field 14 field length exceeds
maximum: [invalid length] > 130. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF15 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 15 field length exceeds

maximum: [invalid length] > 130. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Unstructured ++++ Yes Optional UDF16 If the value of the field exceeds 130 characters, fail
<Ustrd> the TRANSACTION:

“User Defined Field 16 field length exceeds

maximum: [invalid length] > 130. The payment with
End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
Structured <Strd> +++ Empty Tag Required
ReferredDocumentationInformation ++++ Empty Tag Required
Type <Tp> +++++ Empty Tag Required
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> ++++++ Empty Required
Code <Cd> ++++++ Yes Required “CINV” Not validated, but indicates the type of document
referenced in this transaction. Valid code value is
“CINV” = Commercial Invoice
Number <Nb> +++++ Yes Required Invoice Number If the tag is missing, fail the TRANSACTION:

“Invoice Number is missing. The payment with End to

End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”
RelatedDate <RltdDt> +++++ Yes Required Invoice Date Each error will result in a FILE failure.

Must be in a valid ISO date format = YYYY-MM-DD

If the format is incorrect, the load will fail with:

“The Invoice Payment Date, is invalid. The payment
with End to End ID [End to End ID] will be skipped.”

F the Invoice Date is missing, the load will fail with:

“Error validating ISO file. Found issue on line 153
column 32. cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '201608-17' is
not a valid value for 'date'.”

Invoice Date is not validated, other than format

ReferredDocumentAmount ++++ Empty Tag Required Includes the attribute: “Ccy”=”USD”
DuePayableAmount +++++ Yes Required Invoice Amount No decimal - amount treated as whole number

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 75 of 79
Decimal, two digits after the decimal - interpreted
literally, with decimal

Decimal, one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.2,

interpreted as 1.20

Amounts loaded with no decimal will be interpreted

as whole amounts, i.e .100 = 100.00

If the transaction exceeds the user’s limits, fail the

FILE with the following error message:

“One or more records exceed the user’s [limit type

exceeded] of [limit allowed].”

If the amount exceeds 10 digits (11 characters with

decimal) limit, fail the FILE with the following error

“Amount field does not validate for line [line number]:

Field length exceeds maximum: [invalid length] > 11”

If the Invoice Amount is missing, the TRANSACTION

will be skipped and the following error displayed:
“Invoice amount could not be found. The payment
The payment with End to End [end to end ID] will be

Virtual Card Payments – Important Notes

• Virtual Card payments should be created on a 1 to 1 basis based on invoice #. For XML, please use <DuePyblAmt> tag amount
per invoice.
• Multiple Virtual Card Master Account #’s are supported for Integrated Payables, but separate files per Master Account #’s are
required. Multiple Master Account #’s cannot be combined into one (1) file.

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 76 of 79
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03" xmlns:xsi="">

<MsgId>Acme Card</MsgId>
<PmtInfId>PMT INF ID - NOT USED</PmtInfId>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 77 of 79
<InstdAmt Ccy="USD">71000</InstdAmt>
<Ustrd>User Defined Fields 1</Ustrd>
<Ustrd>User Defined Fields 2</Ustrd>
<Ustrd>User Defined Fields 3</Ustrd>
</RfrdDocInf >
<DuePyblAmt Ccy=”USD”>71000</DuePyblAmt>

CAPITAL ONE BANK— ISO20022 Payment Order–File Format Technical Guide D D E N D U M T O B A I 2 C A S H M A N A G EM EN T B A L A N C E R E P O R T I N G S P EC I F I C A T I O Page 78 of 79

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