PJM - Team Charter - RUBRIC

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Team Charter RUBRIC Percentage Possible Points

Content Coverage Team member information 80% 8 points

• Name
The team fully • Best Email Address
addressed all parts of • State (Time Zone)
the assignment, and • Phone
the items and terms in Team member strengths inventory
the agreement were • List the skills, characteristics, and/or
very specific to knowledge that you as an individual
addressing issues and member can contribute
gave actionable Conflict management
guidance on • What are potential conflicts that might
expectations and arise among or between team members
responsibilities. during this course? How will team
members deal with these conflicts?

Team goals are clear and specific

Decision making process identified

Team members’ roles rotation schedule


Tracking work progress

• How progress on class deliverables
will be tracked.

Team performance assessment

• What are the criteria that will be used
to evaluate team performance?

Ground Rules
• Lay down ground rules of
expectations, including by not limited
to: deliverables, deadline for
submitting contributions, deadline for
responding to communications, quality
of contributions, etc.

Adherence to team norms

Signature page
Writing clarity The language and grammar are clear and do 20% 2 points
not distract from understanding the intent of
the items.
Note. Total score 10 points. Please note that a team charter is NOT a project charter. The team charter establishes standards for
individual behaviour and group norms, which are important factors to succeed in a team-based management environment. The
charter is not for any particular project. It is concerned with all group works in this class.

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