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Concordia University

GEOL 208 – Fall 2021

Assignment (15%)
Due Tuesday, November 17th at 8:00pm

Messenger, Voyager, Rover, LCROSS, Ibex, are some of the many missions to space. Overall,
we have been very successful at discovering new things about our universe!

For this assignment, you will choose one of the many space missions conducted over the last 30
years, are presently in the process of collecting information, or are planned in the next 10 years.

There is ample information on the websites available via Moodle (e.g. JPL, NASA) or as well as
other websites with which you are familiar.

Choose one of the missions – originality does count – and follow the steps described to complete
your assignment. The assignment includes a 500 to 750-word essay on the mission.

The document that you will submit must include the following:

1. A Cover Page
2. An Introduction (about 50-100 words introducing the mission’s goals and why you
selected it)
3. A table which include some of pertinent information
4. The Essay (approx. 500-750 words)
5. A Conclusion (about 50-100 words which should be a look towards the future of the
mission and what we want to learn)
6. A Bibliography APA style

In your table, please make sure the following information is clearly indicated:
- Mission name and launch date
- Mission destination or destinations
- Mission status and time of completion
- Any other information that would be relevant to your mission

The essay should explain the goals of the mission and what scientific contributions could result
from the mission. As you know there is always the debate about whether we should spend on
space exploration when we could use the money to solve some of the social and economic
problems on Earth. You essay should attempt to convince me that your selected mission is
worth it.

You will be graded you on the presentation mentioned above, style, referencing, and of course
content. Obviously, a look at the science behind the mission is important. The assignment will
be submitted electronically, in PDF format.


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