Intros and Body Paragraphs

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Introductions 4. Attention Grabber 2. Connecting Sentences Ask a question - scenario Background Information Surprising/Interesting Fact Do NOT go into too much detail - keep it general Statistic 1-2 sentences Set a scene/paint a picture Quote 3. THESIS Statements - (similar to Plan of Development) ONE sentence summary of your essay, MUST come at the end of the introduction Formula: Arguable statement + transition (because) + reason 1 (topic 1), reason 2 (topic 2), reason 3 (topic 3). Example: The three most important things about me are my love of reading, theater and music. Body Paragraphs T - Topic sentence - What is this paragraph about? E - Evidence - What facts support your claim? A- Analysis - IN YOUR WORDS, explain how these facts prove your topic/thesis For your About Me Essay: Topic - One important thing about you Evidence - Tell a specific fact/story Analysis - Explain why this shows it's important

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