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New T.P.P.

: Bead Around a Box

New TPP:
Bead Around a Box
This document contains information proprietary to its author, or one of its affiliates, and is intended solely for the use of the individual or
entity to whom addressed and shall be maintained in confidence and not disclosed to third parties without the written consent of this
documents author. Any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. January 2014
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

The most important concept pertaining to a welding robot is:


The easiest way to do this is to AVOID ROBOT CRASHES.


0.035” 1/2” (12.4mm)
0.045” 5/8” (15.9mm)
0.052” 3/4” (19.1mm)
1/16” 7/8” (22.2mm)
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box
The most important concept pertaining to a welding robot is:


The easiest way to do this is to AVOID ROBOT CRASHES.


0.035” 1/2” (12.4mm)
0.045” 5/8” (15.9mm)
0.052” 3/4” (19.1mm)
1/16” 7/8” (22.2mm)
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box
The most important concept pertaining to a welding robot is:


The easiest way to do this is to AVOID ROBOT CRASHES.


0.035” 1/2” (12.4mm)
0.045” 5/8” (15.9mm)
0.052” 3/4” (19.1mm)
1/16” 7/8” (22.2mm)
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box


Path with Torch perpendicular to the normal.

New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box


Path with Linear Moves and Torch Angle

New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box


Path with J-Moves in Corners

New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box


Path with True Corner Points

New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

If you want to continuously travel around an object, you must “wind up” your J6 to
either 180o or -180o, before you teach your Weld Start point.
This will determine which direction you would travel around the object.

Weld Start Point

Weld Start Point

Traveling Clockwise: Traveling Counter-Clockwise:

Wind up torch so J6 = 180O Wind up torch so J6 = -180O
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

New TPP:
Bead Around a Box

New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

Lab Exercise 6 - Program a Weld Bead Around a Box

A. Guidelines

1. Record all points first, then go back and edit as needed.

2. This program will be 1, continuous, simulated, edge weld around all 4 sides of the box.
Torch is to be pointing towards box at a 45° angle with a slight push angle, from Weld
Start to Weld End. Do not teach around the final corner

3. Arc start must be at either corner closest to robot. J6 will be turned or wound-up in one
direction at arc start point and will unwind as it makes it way around the box. It will be
wound-up the opposite way, by the time it arrives at the arc end point

4. Try to keep J4 + J5 in a similar position at all points of the weld path. This can be
monitored by viewing the J6 twist motor position from 2 sides, 90° apart, keeping the
motor straight up and down.

5. Program to appear as shown, in its final, edited form. After successful, full speed,
playback modify Steps 5, 7, and 9 as indicated, for second part of exercise. Note
improvement in motion going around the corners.

6. When teaching the escape point, be sure to rotate J6 approx. 90° before recording, to
allow arm to return to home position smoothly.
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

B. Teach a Program

1. Create a new program name, called B06.

2. Begin recording points - do not forget to use the F2-WELD_ST to record the Weld
Start points and F4-WELDEND to record the Weld End points. Use F3-WELD_PT to
record the Weld Points.

3. Refer to the chart below as needed:

Air Move Points Weld Start Points Weld Points Weld End Points
J-100% CNT100 J-100% Fine L or C-60”/min CNT100 L or C-60”/min Fine
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

4. After recording all points, go back and edit each step per the chart. Welding travel speed
should be set to 100 inch/min.
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

Another view of the teach pendant program points:

New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

An overhead view of the teach pendant program points:

New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

Now change line 5, 7, and 9 to Joint moves. Run the TPP in continuous and
notice the changes.
Program B06 Program B06
First Stage Second Stage

1: J P[1] 100% CNT100 1: J P[1] 100% CNT100

2: J P[2] 100% CNT100 2: J P[2] 100% CNT100
3: J P[3] 100% FINE 3: J P[3] 100% FINE
Weld Start [1,3] Weld Start [1,3]
4: L P[4] 100.0inch/min CNT100 4: L P[4] 100.0inch/min CNT100
5: L P[5] 100.0inch/min CNT100 5: J P[5] 20% CNT100
6: L P[6] 100.0inch/min CNT100 6: L P[6] 100.0inch/min CNT100
7: L P[7] 100.0inch/min CNT100 7: J P[7] 20% CNT100
8: L P[8] 100.0inch/min CNT100 8: L P[8] 100.0inch/min CNT100
9: L P[9] 100.0inch/min CNT100 9: J P[9] 20% CNT100
10: L P[10] 100.0inch/min FINE 10: L P[10] 100.0inch/min FINE
Weld End [1,3] Weld End [1,3]
11: J P[11] 100% CNT100 11: J P[11] 100% CNT100
12: J P[1] 100% CNT100 12: J P[1] 100% CNT100
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

New TPP:
Bead Around a Box

New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

Quiz: Weld Bead Around a Box

True or False

1. After completion of creating a complete teach pendant program, the creator of the
teach pendant program should step through it, one line at a time, in the STEP

2. Travel speed designation for Linear moves are the same as for Circular moves.

3. It is sometimes difficult to jog the robotic GMAW torch to the desired position and
torch angle, when the intended path of the robot's Tool Center Point trajectory
completely surrounds an object.

4. To create a teach pendant program whose TCP trajectory completely surrounds

an object, Circular moves must be used.

5. In order for the robot's TCP trajectory to be Linear, 5 or 6 of the robot's axes need
to move.
New T.P.P.: Bead Around a Box

New TPP:
Bead Around a Box

This document contains information proprietary to its author, or one of its affiliates, and is intended solely for the use of the individual or
entity to whom addressed and shall be maintained in confidence and not disclosed to third parties without the written consent of this
documents author. Any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this document is strictly prohibited.

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