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Outline of the Book of Mark

I. Preparation, Calling and Preaching (1:1 – 3:6)

a. (1:1-15) John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus.
b. (1:16 – 2:17) Jesus calls disciples and begins His healing ministry.
c. (2:18 – 3:6) First clashes with Pharisees about Jesus’ teaching.
II. Acts One: The Galilean Ministry of Jesus (3:7 – 6:6a)
a. (3:7-35) Crowds follow Jesus; Apostles are appointed and second clash with the
teachers of the Law.
b. (4:1-34) Parables: the sower, the lamp, the growing seed & the mustard seed)
c. (4:35 – 5:43) Miracles: Storm calmed, demons cast out, dead girl raised & sick
woman healed)
d. (6:1-6a) Jesus rejected at Nazareth
III. Act Two: The Galilean Ministry of Jesus (6:6b – 8:21)
a. (6:6b-29) Sending out the twelve and the death of John the Baptist.
b. (6:30-56) Miracles: 5000 fed, waling on water.
c. (7:1-23) Testing the traditions of the religious.
d. (7:24 – 8:10) Miracles: Syrophoenician woman healed, deaf and mute healed;
4000 fed
e. (8:11-21) Pharisees demand a sign and Jesus rebukes them.
IV. Making Disciples (8:22 – 10:52)
a. (8:22-26) Jesus heals the blind.
b. (8:27 – 9:1) Peter’s revelation of Christ, Jesus predicts His own death, Jesus
defines discipleship through denial.
c. (9:2-32) The transfiguration, disciples attempt to heal but fail
d. (9:33-50) Disciples debate about who will be the greatest; whoever is not against
us is for us, the fate of those who cause others to sin.
e. (10:1-31) Jesus teaches: divorce and remarriage; the value of children, the
trappings of wealth.
f. (10:32-45) Jesus tells of His coming death and another debate concerning who
will be the greatest.
g. (10:46-52) Blind Bartimaeus us healed.
V. Jesus The King (11:1 – 13:37)
Outline of the Book of Mark

a. (11:1-25) Entry into Jerusalem, cleansing the temple, Jesus teaches about prayer
and faith.
b. (11:26-33) Jesus clashes with the teachers of the law.
c. (12:1-44) Jesus teaches: parable of the wicked tenant, paying taxes, the
resurrection, answers questions about the greatest commandment and His
d. (13:1-37) How disciples should respond to persecution, the signs of the end; Jesus
teaches disciples to be watching and waiting for the His return.
VI. Passion and resurrection (14:1 – 16:20)
a. (14:1-2) Chief priests plot to kill Jesus.
b. (14:3-9) Jesus is anointed at Bethany
c. (14:10-11) Judas Betrays Jesus.
d. (14:12-31) Passover is observed and Peter is warned of his denial.
e. (14:32-42) Jesus prays at Gethsemane.
f. (14:43-65) Arrest and trial by the Sanhedrin of Jesus.
g. (14:66-72) Peter’s denial becomes a reality.
h. (15:1-20) Trial before Pilate, soldiers abuse of Jesus while in their custody.
i. (15:21 – 16:20) Crucifixion, death, burial ad resurrection of Jesus.

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