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Model for contractor performance evaluation in construction industry

Conference Paper · October 2016

DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2016.7844636


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3 authors:

Maria Creuza Borges De Araújo Luciana Hazin Alencar

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) Federal University of Pernambuco


Caroline Maria de Miranda Mota

Federal University of Pernambuco


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2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics • SMC 2016 | October 9-12, 2016 • Budapest, Hungary

Model for Contractor Performance Evaluation in

Construction Industry
Maria Creuza Borges de Araújo Luciana Hazin Alencar, Caroline M. Miranda Mota
Department of Exact, Technological and Human Sciences Department of Management Engineering,
Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Angicos, Brazil Recife, Brazil;

Abstract— The success or failure of a construction project ([2], [7], [10], [12]) are very used in project suppliers
depends largely on the contractor’s performance since they are evaluation.
responsible for important activities in the building process. In
this way, it is necessary to monitor the performance of the Moreover, it is necessary choice an adequate method of the
contractors who already working with the organization to control contractor's performance assessment. In this way, the literature
failures during the development of work. Due the complexity and presents the use of different methods to the evaluation of
necessity of considering various criteria in the decision making; it contractors in construction industry: Stochastic Quality
is a multicriteria problem. Additionally, contractor evaluation Function Deployment [9], Analytic Network Process [13],
method should classify them according to performance levels to Gray Relevancy Model [15], Multi-Attribute Analysis [2],
help the client to decide whether to hire the contractor for future Optimum performance method [16] and Weighted average
projects. In this context, the model proposed uses ELECTRE [13]. It was observed that the methods used in papers cited
TRI method to classify the construction contractors according to results in an ordering of contractors. However, decision-
their performance. Subsequently, a literature review was made to making techniques to help evaluate current suppliers should
identify the most used criteria to assess contractors in the aim to classify performance of individual suppliers against
construction industry. Then, these criteria were used in a desired levels of performance so as to devise suitable action
numerical simulation of the proposed model. plans to increase supplier's performance and capabilities [5].
Keywords— Contractor Performance Evaluation, Construction In this way, this paper proposes a contractor evaluation
Industry, ELECTRE TRI model to construction industry which uses the ELECTRE TRI
method to classifying the contractors according to their levels
I. INTRODUCTION of performance. This model can help the companies to create
Performance evaluation of contractors who works with the action plans to increase contractor's performance during the
company is an important activity in the construction industry project like as decide whether to hire the contractor for future
since they influence the success of projects in this sector. It is projects. Moreover, a numerical simulation of the method is
critical because suppliers have a great impact on the present. The criteria used in this simulation were identified in a
operational and strategic performance of organizations [1]. In literature review about the criteria most used in contractor
this way, [2] affirms that contractor performance should be evaluation in construction industry.
monitored and controlled on a regular basis so that any
undesirable shortfalls or failures could be identified and II. ELECTRE TRI
rectified without further losses or delays. Therefore, the ELECTRE TRI is a well-known sorting method based on
contractor evaluation model, items, criteria and policy are the an outranking relation [17]. Therefore, its application results in
most important issues for the employer in implementing a the assignment of alternatives in predefined ordered classes
construction project [3]. which are defined by limit profiles.
Due the necessity of considering various factors to an Given a set of alternatives A = {a1, a2, …,ai), these
adequate contractor evaluation, this is considered a alternatives should be assigned to predefined classes {C1, …,
multicriteria problem ([1], [4], [5], [6]). The choice of criteria Ch+1, …, Cp+1) according to a set of criteria K = {k1,…,
depends on the type of industry, client's needs, stakeholder's ki,…,km}. C1 is the worst class and Cp+1is the best class. The
preferences and so on. [5] considered the ratio of start on time, categories are defined according to the limit profiles {b0, …,bh,
ratio of finish on time, ratio of the accuracy of payments, right …, bp), where b0 is the lower limit profile and bp is the upper
first time and health and safety inspections to evaluate limit profile. Each class Ch is delimited by its lower limit (bh)
contractors in highway projects. To assess the performance of and upper limit (bh+1).ELECTRE TRI method can be
contractors in complex product projects, [7] consider the summarized as follows.
following criteria: quality, costs, delivery ability, cooperation
ability, competition ability and service ability. Quality Firstly, the partial concordance index cj(a,b), concordance
standards ([2], [8], [9], [10]), personnel ([2], [9], [11]), health index c(a,b) and partial discordance index dj(a,b) should be
and safety ([8], [11], [12], [13], [14]) and cooperation relations

978-1-5090-1897-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE SMC_2016 002631

2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics • SMC 2016 | October 9-12, 2016 • Budapest, Hungary

calculated as shown in Equations 1, 2 and 3. The concordance compared with other approaches. Moreover, the authors cited
index considers the criteria in which ‘a outranks b’. that another advantage is that the classification of an action
(solution) is independent of the classification of other actions.
Furthermore, this method is non-compensatory and can
0, ( )− ( )≥ ( ) consider heterogeneous criteria.
1, ( )− ( )≤ ( ) III. PROPOSED MODEL
( , ) = (1)
( ) ( ) ( )
ℎ The proposed model aims to classify the contractors that
( ) ( )
working with the construction firm and, based on the class to
which the contractor is assigned, decided about hire it or not in
∑ future projects. The model is shown in Figure 1.
( , ) = (2)

Decision Maker

0, ( ) − ( ) ≤ ( )
1, ( ) − ( ) > ( ) Identification of contractors
( , ) = (3)
( ) ( ) ( )
, ℎ
( ) ( )

Determination of evaluation
pj (bh) = preference threshold
Application of ELECTRE TRI
qj (bh) = indifference threshold
vj = veto threshold
Subsequently, the credibility index σ (a,bh)∈[0,1] must be Contractor’s classification
measured (Equation 4).
( , )
σ (a, b ) = c (a, b ) . ∏ ∈ )
( , Good Moderate Bad
Where, K j ∈ K: d (a, b) > (a, b )
Given the credibility index, a credibility level, denoted by Hire the Development Do not hire
λ, should be defined, representing the minimum value of contractor in program to hire the contractor
σ(a,bh) in order to validate or not the outranking relation [18]. future projects contractor in in future
Subsequently, the values of σ(a,bh), σ(bh,a)and λ determines the future projects
preferences relations between ‘a’ and bh:
σ (a,bh) ≥ λ and σ (bh,a) ≥ λ → ‘a’ is indifferent to bh. Fig. 1. Proposed Model
σ (a,bh) ≥ λ and σ (bh,a) < λ → ‘a’ is preferable to bh.
Initially, the firm should determine a decision maker to the
σ (a,bh) < λ and σ (bh, a)≥ λ → bh is preferable to ‘a’. evaluation. This person should know the needs and preferences
σ (a,bh)< λ and σ (bh, a)< λ → ‘a’ is incomparable to bh. of organization to conduct the process in an appropriate
Two procedures can be used to the assignment of
alternatives in classes: After, the decision maker will identify the contractors that
work with the company. Due the cost and time dispended in
Optimistic assignment: ‘a’ is compared successively to the process, only strategic ones should be evaluated.
b0,…,bh until bh outranks a. ‘a’ is assigned to the lowest Following, it is necessary to identify the evaluation criteria
category Ch for which the upper profile bh is preferred to a. which will be used in the model. For the criteria choice, it is
Pessimistic assignment: ‘a’ is compared successively to bp, necessary to observe the factors that influence the decision
bp-1, … until ‘a’ outranks bh where h ≤ p. The alternative 'a’ is making according to the needs of company.
then assigned to the highest category Ch if a is preferable to bh. After, ELECTRE TRI will be applying. The use of this
According to [19] one advantage of this method is that the method is related to several questions. Firstly, ELECTRE TRI
comparisons are done between an action 'a’ and a reference can achieve the aim of model, which is assigning the
profile b, in opposition to other methods in which the contractors to predefined ordered classes. Secondly, the
comparisons are made between all the actions, so that the method could be used with heterogeneous criteria. Thirdly,
number of comparisons in this method is inferior when

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2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics • SMC 2016 | October 9-12, 2016 • Budapest, Hungary

ELECTRE TRI offers to the decision maker the flexibility to disregarding ‘other’ category, were used as the criteria of
define the optimistic and pessimist point of view. simulation, as shown in Table I:
Moreover, in this approach, the classification of one TABLE I.
contractor is independent of the classification of others. SUPPLIER EVALUATION CRITERIA
Furthermore, ELECTRE TRI presents non-compensatory
Category Author
evaluation. As said by [20], this kind of method avoids that
contractors with higher performance in some criteria and very Relations (29) [2], [7], [9], [11], [12], [13], [14]
low performance in others obtain good results. This is Management (28) [2], [7], [9], [11], [12], [13], [14], [16]
important because several companies prefer contractors with
[2], [7], [9], [11], [12], [13], [14],
well-balanced performance. Finally, as comparisons are made Quality (22)
[16], [22]
between the alternatives and the reference profiles and not
Personnel (12) [2], [7], [13]
between all the alternatives, the number of comparisons is
inferior in relation to others methods. Time (11) [2], [7], [9], [11], [12], [13], [16], [22]
The model results in the classification of contractors in Financial (10) [2], [13], [14]
three predefined classes:
Good contractors: contractors that are adequate to the The criteria, codification, and weights are exposed in Table
company’s need and have positive results in the evaluation. In II.
this way, the business should contract them in future projects.
Moderate contractors: they are capable of attending firms CRITERIA, CODIFICATION AND WEIGHTS
expectative, but need to improve some problems in the Code Criterion Weight
performance. The company needs to inform them about the
problems and only accept new contracts after the improvement C1 Relations 0.17
of contractor performance. C2 Management 0.15
Bad contractors: they have poor results in the performance C3 Quality 0.18
evaluation and the construction company should not contract
them in future projects. C4 Personnel 0.16

According to [4] performance evaluation must be done C5 Time 0.17

periodically to maintain the performance levels that company’s C6 Financial 0.17
IV. NUMERICAL APPLICATION The criteria can be described as follows:
It was made a simulation of the proposed model in the a. Relations: possibility of construct a mutual and
construction industry. Simulation is an interactive process trustworthy dependency between client and supplier, through
which has the advantage the fact of reveals important information exchange and accorded achievements. The
information and new perceptions about the problem and alternative evaluation occurs in a subjective way according
permits improvements in the model before its application in with the following preference levels: Very good, good,
real situations. regular, bad and very bad.
With this purpose, it was structured a typical problem in b. Management: considers the general management
which the performance of contractors that who already conditions of the contractor, like as management systems and
working with the company in a project were evaluate. As a control, management knowledge, work management and
result, the contractors are assigned to predefined categories integration management. The alternative evaluation occurs in a
which determine if the firm should hire them to future projects subjective way according with the following preference levels:
or not. high, medium, low and very low.
The LAMSADE's MCDA software [21] was used in the c. Quality: considers with the product/service is according
application. with the quality specifications. For quality measurement, it was
considered the percentage of items or services according to the
A. Application specifications in relation with the total number of items
Initially, it was defined the decision maker to apply the received.
model. In this case, ten contractors that work with the firm
d. Personnel: considers the quality of construction
were evaluated: Co1, Co2, Co3, Co4, Co5, Co6, Co7, Co8, Co9,
personnel, observing questions like as potential, adequacy of
personnel to the type of work, specialization, amount and
Following, it was made a Literature Review to identify the experience of personnel. The alternative evaluation occurs in a
criteria most used for construction industries to evaluate subjective way according with the following preference levels:
contractors in projects. As a result, the criteria found are high, medium, low and very low.
divided into categories. The six categories more cited,

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2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics • SMC 2016 | October 9-12, 2016 • Budapest, Hungary

e. Time: is related with the delivery of product/service at TABLE V

the agreed period. The time criterion was measured considering
the percentage of deliveries made at the right time. Criteria
f. Financial: It is related with the general economic C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
conditions of the contractor, like as profits, interest rates, Indifference
0.25 1 5 1 5 0.25
market position, among others. The alternative evaluation Preference
occurs in a subjective way according with the following 0.50 2 10 2 10 0.50
preference levels: Very good, good, regular, bad and very bad. Veto
0.75 2 12 2 10 0.50
For the criteria which were qualitative and assess from
opinions of the decision maker, the verbal scales were Moreover, the value of credibility level (λ) in this
converted in numerical scales, like as show in Table III. simulation was 0.7. It was observed the optimistic and
pessimistic views in the application of the method.
Scale of Judgment for Scale of Judgment for As a result, both optimistic and pessimistic views of
Relation and Financial Management and Personnel ELECTRE TRI assigned contractors in three classes, as shown
Verbal Numerical Verbal Numerical in Table VI.
Very Good 1.00 High 3.00

Regular 0.50 Low 1.00 Contractors

Bad 0.25 Very Low 0.00
Good Co1, Co3, Co5, Co9
Very Bad 0.00
Moderate Co4, Co7, Co8, Co10

Bad Co2, Co6

In order to assign contractors into classes, the limit profiles
were determined. These profiles values represent what is
expected of contractors of certain categories. Table IV In accordance with the results of the application, the firm
represents the limit profiles considered in this simulation. should hire the contractors Co1, Co3, Co5, Co9 in future projects
because they are adequate to the needs of the client,
TABLE IV considering the predefined criteria. The contractors Co4, Co7,
Co8, Co10 were evaluated as medium and need improvements
Limit Criteria to contract in future projects. Finally, contractors Co2, Co6
Class Profile should not be hired in future works due the fact that not
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Good L3 1 3 100
achieve an acceptable performance level regarding the criteria
3 100 1
Moderate L2 0.75 2 90 3 85 0.75
It is important that the company give feedback to the
Bad L1 0.25 1 75 1 75 0.25 contractors, exposing the class they were assigned and the
L0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
implications of this classification.
The initial credibility level used in the simulation was 0.7.
The preference, indifference and veto thresholds used in the To verify the sensibility of the method to variations in this
method are defined. To asset the preference thresholds the level, it was simulated the results with credibility levels of 0.6,
analyst considers the lower difference between the functions of 0.8 and 0.9. It was observed that the categorization was the
alternatives compatible with the preference of one alternative same to credibility levels of 0.6 and 0.7. In the case of
under the other in each criterion. To define the indifference credibility levels of 0.8 and 0.9, the results are the same. In this
threshold it was consider the bigger difference between two case, the criteria in Class ‘Good' had not changed, while Co2
functions that preserve the indifference of two alternatives in was assigned in ‘Moderate' class at the optimistic view and
each criterion. Finally, the veto threshold it was asset continues in ‘Bad' class at a pessimistic view. Therefore, it was
considering the lower difference between the functions of two observed that this variation did not modify the results in a
alternatives incompatible with the outranking of one alternative significant way.
under the other in each criterion.
These thresholds are employed to minimize imperfections
in alternative’s evaluation. Table V presents these parameters. Contractor's evaluation is a strategic question in the
construction industry since the contractors are essential to the
achievement of results in this sector. This assessment is so
important because even if the firm has a structured selection
process and choice adequate contractor but not evaluate the

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2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics • SMC 2016 | October 9-12, 2016 • Budapest, Hungary

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