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Quiz 1 :

Dr. Muhammad Safyan
Atif Ishaq
Muhammad Asjid
29 June 2020

1 Task
Implement the following class diagram in the provided .java files.

Figure 1: Book Class Diagram

• wirte all setter and getter methods.

• Products array in bill class can be a array of ten elements or you can take
an arraylist.
• the date variable of bill class will be initialized in constructor
• calculate billmethod will calculate the bill by multiplying pricePerUnit
of each product in products array with its quantity

• the display method of bill class will display all the products, date ,and
total bill.
• if you want to add some extra attributes like customer name etc, you can
add them

2 Main
in main method create a bill class object add three products in it and then
display the bill
you can also take input form user(if you want to it is not compulsory).

3 Submission guidelines
• Your files should be renamed be as:
• At the top of the every file there is a comment fill it appropriately
• if you have made any assumptions write it in comments.
• you code should be properly formatted with appropriate comments.

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