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LAURA: Guys, that's not Shakira

SERGIO: Wow, it seems that it is Shakira

MELAYNE: Where, where is it? To take a picture with her

SERGIO: We have run for nothing is not Shakira, we saw very badly it was strange
to me to see an artist like her around here in Marbella.
LAURA: Hahahaha I'm sorry, but I made a joke of them, I wanted to see them run
like crazy.
MELAYNE: Laura is not funny, my look was damaged, but since we are here, let's
talk. Have you ever appeared on TV?
SERGIO: I have never been on the TV but I dream of one day being, but presented
LAURA: I have been on the program day by day as a guest dancer. Every time an
urban artist goes they invite me to dance on the program.
MELAYNE: Sergio, you will see that soon you will appear on TV presenting. Laura
congratulations you must dance very well.
SERGIO: Thanks Melayne, but tell us, have you ever been on TV?
MELAYNE: I have never been on the TV, but i would love to be on TV some day
LAURA: Have ever eaten ants?
LAURA: What I mean is that if they have been in Santander and if they have
eaten Ants?
MELAYNE: Well, no I never mean I just don't like ants
SERGIO: I've been to Santander, but I never ate ants
LAURA: I loved them.
MELAYNE: Does that mean you have eaten them?
LAURA: Yes I have eaten ants
SERGIO:  Melayne have you ever tried exotic food?
MELAYNE: No, I haven’t. But my mother tried them once a few years ago
LAURA: ¡Wow that's cool!
MELAYNE: Sergio have you slept for more than fourteen hours?
SERGIO: Yes, i have. I’ve slept more than fourteen hours because of insomio. And
you laura?
LAURA: No, I haven’t, I haven’t slept than fourteen hours never.
SERGIO: I have to go, have we talked for more than two hours?
MELAYNE: yes, we have, we have talked for more than two hours.
LAURA: the night is very dangerous see you! Bye.

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