Task 4 Tymoshenko

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Task 4

Dentaira is based on therapy and treatment of patients:

● Canal treatment,
● Fillings,
● Professional cleaning,
● Endo
● Braces
● Tooth apparatus
● Prevention
● Surgical operations
● Dental crowns and dentures
Human resource required for the project

- Lawyer
- Specialist in dental area (Doctor with experience 10-15years)
- Realtor
- Marketer/analyst/accountant
- Engineer with a brigade
- Marketing designer

Lawyer. Legal and tax consultation for opening company, business

registration form etc.
Realtor. This specialist is neaded for consultation and diagnostic the best
proposition for owner and him team.
Marketer/analyst/accountant. This specialist is responsible for market
analysis, benchmarking, forecast, analyze the environment, advertising on social
media and other sites. Furthermore, accounting, some logistics operations and
designing of customer service.
Engineer with a brigade. They are needed for realization plan of building,
repairing and other internal/external building operations.
A marketing designer creates illustrations and digital images. He or she
also develops presentations for companies and businesses to market.
Specialist in dental area (Doctor with experience 10-15years). More often
owner of company is specialist in this sphere. He should know what the equipment
needed to locate, what and how many different equipment is needed. He also
knows what the doctors need to employ for work, they responsibilities and what
they need to know (experience).
PRODUCT OWNER. In this project will be 1 product owners but as well is
known, dental is one of the most expensive industry in the world so opening dental
office will be too hard for one person. More often that owner of company is dental
doctor with big experience in this sphere.
The responsibilities of first product owner in the project of opening a dental
● Identifying the layout strategy. Product owner has to create a good
drawing to show how to allocate personnel, equipment, improve flexibility;
● Infiltrate to location strategy. This means research market, analyzing
the nearest infrastructure, identifying risks and benefits of future location;
● Communication with office layout designer. how to allocate the
equipment and personnel, choose the inner design of dental office.
● Communicate with SCRUM MASTER and give instructions.
● Progress tracking;
Co-founder of company will be a scrum master. The responsibilities of
Scrum master are interrelating with product owner and with scrum team:
● Location strategy. Scrum master ought to control the choosing place
by by consultation with realtor and marketer. Identifying the best location, then
confirm it with a product owner.
● Motivate the development team, encourage them in conduction the
● Control of quality of performing the tasks;
DEVELOPMENT TEAMS. The development team includes: Engineer
with a brigade, Scrum master, Lawyer
There are their responsibilities:
● Identifying the best district to allocate the dental office under the
control of scrum master;
● Buying materials, equipment for inner design. All procurements must
be confirmed with scrum master;
● Find suppliers for raw material and equipment;
● Develop marketing strategy;
● Prepare all documents for opening dental office and business
registration form.

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