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Icebreaker Module

1 Week

• Students will tell about themselves and relate to classmates

• Students will demonstrate an understanding of the overall course elements
• Students will find value in each other’s work

Week 1: Welcome to Our Class: English 1: Literature for the Ages!

Content: Syllabus & Seven Basic Plots Interactive Video

Icebreaker Post/Discussion: Meet Our Learning Community

1. Using a virtual painting pad create a name collage. Write your name (can be first,
last, both, nickname…) and decorate around it with images that show who you
are. Feel free to cut and paste images or use the drawing tools.

2. Post your collage with a brief summary about yourself and the images you

3. Review your classmates’ Name Art and biographies to get to know

everyone. Post replies to at least two classmates showing common interest or
just to be friendly. In your reply, refer to something the classmate wrote as well
as to something about yourself.

In my post, I have used a dark red/maroon for my name because that is my favorite
color. Autumn in New York is my favorite season. It's beautiful and everything "apple" is
delicious. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy reading, especially historical fiction, and I almost
always have a knitting project underway. Playing pool is a new hobby of mine, so I'm still a
beginner with room to improve. I love game nights with my husband and two sons (artfully
drawn stick figures). I think board and card games provide fun opportunities for strategic
thinking, collaboration, and balancing competition with good sportsmanship!

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