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The difference between men who succeed or fail is their ability to handle pressure.

Asp.Net C# Sql Server Interview study Materials

Topic-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page No
1. .NET_Versions. 01
2. 2-Tier_Application_Model 02
3. 3-Tier_Application_Model 02
4. abstract_sealed_classes 09
5. abstract_sealed_Classes(Daigram) 12
6. Access_Modifiers 12
7. ADO.NET_Architecture 06
8. ADO.NET_Concepts 03
9. AJAX_Concept(Daigram) 09

10. AJAX_Concept 06
11. Answering 14
12. Application_State_Managemen(Daigram) 16
13. Application_State_Management 16
14. Application_Theme 17
15. Array 23
16. ArrayList 24
17. Assembly 24
18. Bubbled_Events 27
19. C#_Compiler_Options 27
20. Cache_A 29
21. Cache_B. 30
22. Cache_Concept 31
23. Composite_Custom_Controls 33
24. Console_Applications 33
25. CTS_CLS 34
26. Custom_Controls 34
27. Customized_Cookie 38
28. Data_Binding 38
29. Data_Transfering_To_Pages 43
30. Debugging_Tracing 45
31. Delegate 47
32. Demo 50
33. Description_of_Web_Server_Controls 57
34. DropDownList 62
35. DropDownList_And_Listing_Controls 64
36. eBusiness 65

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."
The difference between men who succeed or fail is their ability to handle pressure.
Asp.Net C# Sql Server Interview study Materials

37. Editing_GridView 65
38. Enumerations ----------------------------------------------------------------66
39. Error_Handling 67
40. Forms_Authentication 69
41. Generic_Types 69
42. GridView_Details 77
43. Home_Task 80
44. Indexer 82
45. Interface 84
46. Internet_Grid_Cloud_Databases 86
47. Interpretation_Twice-Compilation_Execution_Of_WebPage 87
48. Intro_Visual_CSharp 88
49. Java_JavaScript_JScript_JScript.NET 95
50. LINQ_Concept 96
51. Master_Page_To_Master_Page 104
52. Master_Pages(Daigram) 105
53. Master_Pages 105
54. MultiView_View 108
55. MVC_And_CLR 110
56. Namespace 110
57. NaN 112
58. N-Tier_Application_Architecture(Daigram) 113
59. N-Tier_Application_Architecture 113
60. OOPS 118
61. Page_Life_Cycle(Daigram) 119
62. Page_Life_Cycle 119
63. Passport_Authentication 123
64. Publishing_Web_site 123
65. Rich_Controls 125
66. Server_Controls 128
67. Session_Object 133
68. Setup_And_Implementation 133
69. SQL_Server_Data_Provider 134
70. SqlCommand 139
71. SqlDataReader 144
72. stack and heap 145
73. Stack_Heap2 146
74. Stored_Procedure(Daigram) 147
75. Stored_Procedure 147
76. Template_Tags 150

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."
The difference between men who succeed or fail is their ability to handle pressure.
Asp.Net C# Sql Server Interview study Materials

77. TextBox_Table 151

78. Twice_Compilation----------------------------------------------------------152
79. Upoading_A_File 152
80. User_Control_Files(Daigram) 153
81. User_Control_Files 153
82. Using 157
83. Validators(Daigram) 159
84. Validators 160

85. Web_Application_Security 172

86. Web_Forms 181
87. Web-Application 189
88. XML_Web_Services 193

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."

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