Degradation of Vitreous Enamel Coatings

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28 Degradation of Vitreous Enamel Coatings

T. Curtis
Research and Development Director, Escol Products Ltd, UK

This article is a revision of the Third Edition article 16.1 by N. S. C. Millar and C. Wilson, volume 2, pp 16:3–16:12,
ß 2010, Elsevier B.V.

3.28.1 Nature of Vitreous Enamels 2330

3.28.2 Metal and Metal Preparation 2331 Cast Iron 2331 Steel 2331 Enamel Bonding 2332 Enamel Application and Fusion 2332
3.28.3 Properties of Enamel Coatings Affecting Corrosion 2332 Mechanical Properties 2332 Thermal Properties 2333 Chemical Resistance 2333 Acid resistance 2334 Alkali and detergent resistance 2335 Resistance to water and atmosphere 2335
References 2336

mixture of refractory materials such as silica, titania,

felspar, china clay, etc. at temperatures between 1100
Frit A complex of oxides of boron and silicon with
and 1450  C with fluxes exemplified by borax,
alkali and transition metals forming a glass
sodium silicofluoride and nitrates and carbonates of
that is suitable for fusing onto a metal, thus
lithium, sodium and potassium. Smelting continues
forming a vitreous enamel coating.
until all the solid matter has inter-reacted to form a
molten mass; but unlike true glass, this liquid does
contain a degree of bubbles. At this stage the melt
is quenched rapidly by either pouring it into water or
3.28.1 Nature of Vitreous Enamels between water-cooled steel rollers to form ‘frit’
or ‘flake.’
A vitreous enamel coating is, as the name implies, Frit may be milled dry or wet. The long established
a coating of a glassy substance which has been dry process is used for cast iron baths and for chemical
fused onto the basis metal to give a tightly adher- plants. Where possible the preferred process for vitreous
ent hard finish, resistant to many abrasive and enamel application today is dry electrostatic. The frit is
corrosive materials. The purpose of modern vitre- milled with low level additions of refractory and/or
ous enamels is twofold, that is, to confer corrosion inorganic pigments together with typically 0.3–0.4%
protection to the metal substrate and at the same of a silicone. The silicone imparts the required electrical
time provide permanent color, gloss, and other characteristics to the ground frit to enable efficient
aesthetic values. application of the powder to the metal substrate. This
Most of the corrosion resistance, and indeed other is achieved in cylinders using balls of porcelain, steatite
properties of the finish, are determined by the com- or denser alumina, or with pebbles of flint, to produce a
position of the vitreous enameller’s raw material frit, fine powder of predetermined size.
although other factors can influence them to a minor In the more common wet process, frit is milled
degree. Frit, for application to sheet and cast iron, is with water, colloidal clay, opacifier, coloring oxide,
essentially a complex alkali-metal alumino borosili- refractory and various electrolytes in a ball mill to a
cate and is prepared by smelting together an intimate closely controlled fineness or coarseness.

Degradation of Vitreous Enamel Coatings 2331

Typical frit and mill formulae are given in The standard method of cleaning cast iron for
Table 1. Frits are tailor-made for each application enameling is by grit or shot blasting, which may be
so that the most desired properties are at their maxi- preceded by an annealing operation.
mum in each case and the formulae thus presented
must be regarded as examples of general composition. Steel
Two general types of sheet steel are in current use,
viz. cold-rolled mild steel and decarburized steel.
3.28.2 Metal and Metal Preparation A typical analysis for cold-rolled steel is 0.1% C,
0.5% Mn, and 0.04% S. It can be obtained in regular,
To obtain a defect-free finish, it is essential that the deep drawing or extra-deep drawing grades. This
basis metal is of the correct composition and suitably type of steel is normally used with a ground coat
cleaned. including cobalt and nickel, as shown in Table 1.
Decarburized steel is mild steel that has under-
gone heat treatment in a controlled atmosphere to Cast Iron reduce carbon content to about 0.005%. White or
For cast iron enameling the so-called grey iron is coloured enamel can then be applied directly to
preferred. Its composition varies somewhat, depend- this type of steel without the need for a ground coat
ing upon type and thickness of casting, but falls layer.
within the following limits: 3.25–3.60% total C, Sheet steel is normally prepared for application of
2.80–3.20% graphitic C, 2.25–3.00% Si, 0.45–0.65% enamel by a sequence of operations including thorough
Mn, 0.60–0.95% P, and 0.05–0.10% S. degreasing, acid pickling, and neutralization. A nickel

Table 1 Typical enamel frit compositions (%) and a mill addition

Chemical Sheet-iron Sheet iron Sheet iron Cast iron

plant (ground coats) (white) (acid resistant (semi-opaque)

Na2O 15.8 17.5 21.8 16.0 7.0 16.0 17.5

K2O – – – – 5.0 – 3.0
Li2O – – – – 1.0 1.0 –
CaO 1.2 – – – – 3.0 –
BaO – – – 5.5 – 6.0 –
CaF2 3.4 6.0 5.5 4.0 – 2.0 2.0
Na2SiF6 – – – – 5.5 2.0 –
Al2O3 2.9 5.0 9.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 4.5
B2O3 0.9 20.0 18.2 25.0 15.0 7.0 7.5
SiO2 60.0 50.0 44.0 47.0 46.0 53.0 43.5
TiO2 15.8 – – – 18.0 8.0 13.5
CoO – 0.4 0.3 0.5 – 0.4 –
NiO – 0.5 0.6 0.5 – 0.6 –
MnO – 0.6 0.6 0.5 – – –
Sb2O5 – – – – – – 8.5
100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Sheet iron white mill addition

Frit 100
Water 35–40
Titania 1
Clay 2.5 Grind to fineness of 1g residue on 200 mesh
Bentonite 0.3 sieve (50ml sample)
Sodium nitrite 0.05
Potassium 0.1
2332 Ceramic Materials

dip stage is often included to deposit a thin, porous properties depend upon adhesion between the vitre-
layer of nickel applied at about 1gm 2, especially ous enamel layer and the metal being good and
when the conventional ground coat is not used. remaining so.
There is no single test that will give a quantitative Enamel Bonding assessment of adhesion; all those which have been
For effective performance, the enamel must be firmly proposed cause destruction of the test plan. It has
bonded to the underlying metal and this bond must already been stated that this property is dependent
persist during use. The bond is formed by the molten upon mechanical and chemical bonds between
enamel flowing into ‘pits’ in the metal, that is, enamel and metal. One must, however, also consider
mechanical adhesion, and by solution of the metal in stresses set up at the interface and within the glass
the glass, that is, chemical adhesion. The coefficient of itself during cooling after fusion or after a delay.
thermal expansion of the enamel in relation to the cast The coefficient of thermal expansion is primarily
iron or sheet steel and enamel setting temperature determined by frit composition, although mill addi-
determines the stress set up in the coating. As enamel, tions can have a minor influence. As a general rule,
like glass, is strongest under compression, its thermal superior acid and thermal shock resistance are
expansion should be slightly less than the metal. obtained with low expansion enamel, and the skill
of the frit manufacturer is in obtaining good resis- Enamel Application and Fusion tance and maintaining a sufficiently high expansion
to prevent distortion of the component (pressing or
Vitreous enamel is normally applied to the prepared casting). Several workers have produced a set of
metal or over a ground coat by spraying or dipping. factors for expansion in relation to the enamel oxides
Alternative wet techniques are used, of which the that constitute the frit, which provides a guide to the
most common has been electrostatic wet spraying. frit producer. However, as these factors are derived
Electrophoretic deposition from slurry has been from a study of relatively simple glasses smelted to
found to be highly suitable for some components. homogeneity, it must be emphasized that they are
On sheet iron, a ground coat including cobalt and only a guide. The effect of substituting certain oxides
nickel, is generally used, but for mass production for others in standard titanium superopaque enamel
(e.g., cookers) use of decarbonized steel and direct is given in Table 2. The use of a nickel dip improves
application of colors is more common. This involves adhesion by minimizing iron oxide formation, but it
more complex steel pretreatment. should be noted that some iron oxide formation is
After drying the applied slurry, the enamel is necessary to produce enamel/metal adhesion. In the
fused onto sheet steel at about 800–850  C for about most common methods of testing for adherence to
4–5min. For cast iron, a longer time and lower tem- sheet iron, the coated metal is distorted by bending,
perature are normal. twisting, or impacting under a falling weight. In the
The old dry process enameling of cast iron (baths worst cases the enamel is removed leaving the metal
etc.) is no longer widely used. The method consisted bright and shiny, but in all others a dark-colored
of sieving finely powdered frit onto preheated casting coating remains with slivers of fractured enamel
and inserting it back into a furnace at about 900  C to adhering to a greater or lesser degree. With cast
produce the smooth finish.
In recent years increasing use has been made of
Table 2 Effect of frit ingredients on enamel expansion
the electrostatic application of a dry powder spray by
many manufacturers, who require a limited range of Constituent varied Expansion change
colors. Dry electrostatic finishes are fused at tem-
Increase alkali metal Increase
peratures in the same range as conventional ones. Replace Na2O by Li2O Increase
Replace Na2O by K2O Decrease
Increase fluorine Decrease
3.28.3 Properties of Enamel Increase B2O3 Decrease
Coatings Affecting Corrosion Replace SiO2 by TiO2 Increase
Increase TiO2 Slight increase Mechanical Properties
Replace SiO2 by Al2O3 Slight increase
This group includes surface hardness, that is, scratch Introduce P2O5 Slight increase
Introduce BaO Increase
and abrasion resistance, adhesion and resistance to Increase SiO2 Decrease
chipping, crazing, and impact. All these and other
Degradation of Vitreous Enamel Coatings 2333

iron enameling it is not possible to distort the metal Table 3 Comparison of abrasion resistance of different
and in this case an assessment of adhesion is obtained enamelsa
by dropping a weight on to the enamel surface and Types of enamel Average loss in weight (g)b
examining for fractures. Erroneous results can be
obtained in that often thicker enamel coatings appear Acid resisting titania based 5610–4
Acid resisting non-titania 34210–4
to be better bonded and resistant to impact, whereas
Antimony white cover coat 58210–4
in fact the converse is true. Provided the bond is High refractory enamel 12910–4
adequate, this test really gives an indication of the Plate glass 7010–4
strength of the enamel itself.
According to Andrews1 a typical sheet iron Data from Pedder.2
Overall figure for tests under standardized conditions for each
ground coat has a tensile strength of about 10kg grade of enamel.
mm 2. In small cross-sections, however, the tensile
strength of glass is improved and fine threads, for must withstand heat from jet engines. There is simple
example, as in glass fiber, are quite strong. Enamels heat resistance, that is, the ability of the enamel to
under compression are 15–20 times stronger than an protect the underlying metal from prolonged heat
equal thickness under tension. and also thermal shock resistance, which is the ability
The hardness of an enamel surface is an important to resist sudden changes in temperature without fail-
property for such items as enameled sink units, domes- ure occurring in the coating. These thermal proper-
tic appliances, and washing machine tubs which have to ties depend upon the relative coefficient of thermal
withstand abrasive action of buttons, etc. On Moh’s expansion of enamel and metal, enamel setting point,
scale, most enamels have a hardness of up to 6 (ortho- adhesion, enamel thickness, and geometry of the shape
clase). There are two types of hardness of importance to which the finish is applied.
to users of enamel, viz. surface and subsurface. The It is obvious that adhesion must be good in order
former is more important for domestic uses when one to prevent rupture at the enamel/metal interface
considers the scratching action of cutlery, pans, etc. during heating and cooling. Thick coatings are liable
whereas subsurface hardness is the prime factor in to spall when subjected to thermal change due to the
prolonging the life of enameled scoops, buckets, etc. differential strain set up within the enamel layer
in such applications as elevators or conveyors of coal itself, caused by poor heat conductivity of the glass.
and other minerals. Thus again thin coatings are desirable.
Of the several methods of measuring this property, Compressive forces on enamel applied to a convex
those specified by the Porcelain Enamel Institute and surface are less than when a concave surface is coated,
the Institute of Vitreous Enamellers are the best and it is therefore apparent that the sharper the radius
known and most reliable. Both consist of abrading a of the metal, the weaker the enamel applied to it will
weighed enamel panel with standard silica or other be. This fact is also relevant to mechanical damage.
abrasive suspended in water and kept moving on an Thermal shock resistance is important for gas
oscillating table with stainless steel balls. The loss in cookers, pan supports and hotplates where spillage
weight is measured periodically and a graph of time is liable to occur; but in oven interiors heat resistance
versus weight loss indicates both the surface and is more relevant.
subsurface abrasion resistance. Pedder2 has quoted The softening point of conventional cast and sheet
relative weight loss figures for different types of iron enamels is about 500  C, but special composi-
enamel. They are shown in Table 3. tions are obtainable, which operate successfully at
Fine bubbles uniformly distributed throughout 600  C. Other more specialized enamels withstand
the coat improve elasticity and thus mill additions service conditions ranging from being in excess
and under and over firing influence this property. of dull red heat, for example, as obtained in fire
The greatest effect on elasticity is enamel thickness backs, to those capable of enduring short exposure
and most developments are aimed at obtaining a to temperatures of around 1000  C, for example, in jet
satisfactory finish with minimum thickness. tubes, after burners, etc. Thermal Properties Chemical Resistance

These properties are made use of in many applica- That examples of glass and glazes manufactured
tions ranging from domestic cookers to linings which many centuries ago still exist is an indication of the
2334 Ceramic Materials

good resistance of such ceramics to abrasion, acids, leaching reaction proceeds, a resulting thin layer of
alkalis, atmosphere, etc. silica-rich material inhibits further reaction. Thus
In this section, chemical resistance will be divided acid attack is dependent upon enamel composition
into three parts, viz. acid, alkali (including deter- and pH, with time and temperature playing a part.
gents), and water (including atmosphere). Normally Sodium oxide and boric acid are both leached out by
enamel is formulated to withstand one of the corro- acid attack, and it has been found that the Na2O/
sive agents more specifically than another, although B2O3 ratio is constant for any enamel and is depen-
vitreous enamel as a general finish has good ‘all dent upon enamel composition.
round’ resistance, with few exceptions such as hydro- An increase in titania content of the frit acts in a
fluoric acid and fused or hot concentrated solutions similar way to increasing silica in enhancing acid resis-
of caustic soda or potash. tance with the added advantage that the coefficient of
expansion is also raised slightly and the glass viscosity Acid resistance is not increased as much as by the equivalent SiO2
This property is best appreciated when the glass increment. This only applies to the titania remaining
structure is understood. Most enamel frits are com- in solution in the glass and does not necessarily hold
plex alkali metal borosilicates and can be visualized when the frit is supersaturated with TiO2, which occurs
as a network of SiO4 tetrahedra and BO3 triangular with the modern opaque sheet iron covercoats when
configurations containing alkali metals such as lith- some of the pigment recrystallizes and causes opacifi-
ium, sodium and potassium or alkaline earth metals, cation on cooling from the firing process.
especially calcium and barium, in the network In formulating holloware enamels, the degree of
interstices. acid resistance required is less than for chemical
Fused silica may be regarded as the ultimate from plant, for example, reaction vessels. Consequently
the acid resistance aspect but because of its high the RO2 (SiO2 and TiO2) is lower, thus permitting
softening point and low thermal expansion, it cannot increased quantities of fluxes to be fired at lower
be applied to a metal in the usual manner. Rupturing temperatures and having superior chip resistance.
or distorting this almost regular SiO4 lattice makes Conversely, chemical plant enamels are higher in
the structure more fluid. Thus to reduce its softening silica and dissolved titania and require harder firing.
point B2O3 is introduced whereby some of the Si–O An example of such an enamel is shown in Table 1.
bonds are broken and an irregular network is formed. The acid resistance required for domestic appli-
Further distortion of the network is obtained by intro- ances varies with the particular component, for
ducing alkali and alkaline earth metals into the lattice. example, the oven interior of a gas cooker necessi-
If fluorine is included in the frit, more bonds are tates higher resistance than the outer sides – the
broken; in this case an oxygen atom (–O–) linking former being at least Class A using 2% sulfuric acid
two silicon or boron atoms is replaced by a fluorine while the latter can have a lower grading based on
atom (F–) – which, being monovalent, cannot join two less aggressive citric acid tests. These tests are
Si or B atoms and hence causes bond rupture. A study detailed in EN 14483-1:2004.
of relevant phase diagrams and eutectics proves useful The enamel mill addition, degree of firing, and
in formulating low firing enamels. furnace atmosphere all affect acid resistance. An inc-
rease in clay and alkaline electrolyte detracts from
this property and underfiring also has an adverse
effect. The use of organic suspending agents is thus
B and Si preferable to clays, from this aspect, but other factors
must also be considered. Similarly replacement of
O O O 1% milling clay by 0.25% of the more colloidal
bentonite is beneficial. Large additions of quartz at
Thus all frit ingredients act as either network the mill improve heat resistance, and, provided the
formers or modifiers and with the principal exception firing temperature is increased to dissolve a sufficient
of silica, titania, and zirconia, all cause diminution in quantity of this silica in the glass, acid resistance is
acid resistance. The reacting acid causes an exchange also enhanced.
between metal ions in the network modifier of the In the glass-bottle industry bottles can be cooled
glass and hydrogen ions from the acid. This naturally in a dilute SO2/SO3 atmosphere to increase chemical
occurs at the enamel surface, but as the etching or resistance. A similar effect has been noted with
Degradation of Vitreous Enamel Coatings 2335

vitreous enamel. It has been postulated that a thin sodium silicate. The necessity for alkali resistance is
layer of –OH groups or –OH–H2O (hydronium) ions relatively limited when compared with detergent
is adsorbed on the surface of fired enamel. These ions resistance and it has been shown that while these
are transformed into –OSO2 or –OSO3 in the pres- two properties are similar, a finish resistant to one is
ence of oxides of sulfur which are more resistant to not necessarily a resistant to the other.
further acid attack. It is known that the acid resis- The Institute of Vitreous Enamellers produced a
tance of a recently fired enamel improves with age- report on detergent resistance in 19595 and the fol-
ing, probably due to enamel reaction with SO2/SO3 lowing facts are brought out:
in the atmosphere and it is quite common for the
1. Semi-opaque acid-resistant titania enamel and
grading to improve from Class A to Class AA (EN
alkali-resistant frit generally have good detergent
resistance whereas non-acid-resistant sign enamel
In enamels for chemical plant such as autoclaves,
and Al2O3/B2O3/P2O5-based finishes have poor
it is not only the degree of acid resistance which is
important but also the freedom of the finish from
2. Initially, detergent attack is accompanied by a
minute flaws detectable by high frequency spark
deposit on the enamel surface which can be
testing or chemical methods. Chemical methods
abraded off resulting in an apparently unaffected
depend upon a color change when the reagent such
glossy appearance. This contrasts with acid attack
as ammonium thiocyanate reacts with the iron
when a progressive weight loss occurs and original
exposed at the bottom of the pinhole or flaw in the
gloss cannot be restored once it has been lost or
finish. Alternatively, an electric cell can be formed via
diminished. After more prolonged detergent
the exposed iron in the flaw and detected chemically.
attack it is not possible to restore the original
In general, strong mineral acids are more severe in
high gloss.
their attack on enamel than weak organic acids. Var-
3. The rate of attack is very dependent upon
gin3 has stated that the severity of action of organic
temperature. At boiling temperature it is several
acids on enamel increases with the increase in the
times greater than that at room temperature.
dissociation constant of the acid. Temperature plays a
4. An increase in milling clay has a marked effect on
major part in acid resistance – the nearer the boiling
improving this property.
point the greater the rate of attack. It is more signifi-
5. Increased detergent concentration, coarser grind-
cant than acid concentration.
ing of the frit, and nonstandard firing all cause
It is recognized that vitreous enamel possesses good
minor deterioration in resistance.
acid resistance, but an exception is hydrofluoric acid.
This is due to the relative ease of reaction between this In the design of an enamel for a washing machine
acid and the silica (which is the largest constituent in tub, detergent resistance alone is not sufficient and
the frit) to form silicon tetrafluoride. This reaction is the enamel must also be capable of withstanding
made use of in some ‘de-enameling’ plants. the possible abrasive action of buttons, zip fasteners, etc. Alkali and detergent resistance Resistance to water and

The usual method of de-enameling sheet iron is by atmosphere
immersion in fused or hot strong aqueous solutions of These properties are of particular importance in
caustic soda where the silica network is broken down enameled signs, architectural panels, cooking uten-
to form sodium silicate. However, in spite of this fact, sils, and hospital ware subjected to repeated steriliza-
enamels are capable of withstanding detergents and tion. That such enameled signs as ‘Stephen’s Inks’,
mild alkalis and this finish is often used very success- etc. are still in existence and in good condition after
fully in washing machines, baths, sink units, etc. many years of outside exposure coupled with the fact
where alkaline conditions prevail. Such enamels are that the use of vitreous enamel as a finish for archi-
usually higher in alumina than acid-resisting enamel tectural panels is growing, are ready pointers to the
and often contains zirconia in the frit. Other elements good water and atmospheric resistance of enamel.
which aid alkali resistance are barium, calcium, lead, Enameled hospital utensils such as kidney bowls
and zinc, and their function in this context is to score over organic finishes because of ease of sterili-
increase the bond with the essentially silica network zation and also because they are less accommodating
and form insoluble silicates which act as a protective to germs, bacteria, etc. on account of their lower
coating slowing down the formation of soluble electrostatic type attraction for such microbes.
2336 Ceramic Materials

Action of water on enamel is in many ways similar out lengthy exposures to relatively unpolluted air.
to that of acids in that the network modifier is the An exception, however, occurs with reds and yellows
weak link and through hydrolysis can be removed where strict correlation is not always true, and in these
from the glass system resulting in loss of gloss and cases a test based upon exposure to a saturated copper
porous surface. As with acids and alkalis, attack on the sulfate solution under illumination by a white fluo-
glass by water can be continued in extreme cases, by rescent light has been advocated.
an attack on the inorganic coloring matter initially In the main the comments recorded in this section
liberated or made more active. In an enclosed system apply to enamel fused onto sheet and cast iron.
the soluble salts first leached out from the enamel Enamel is, however, applied to aluminum, stainless
by water become in turn the corrosive element and steel, copper, and noble metals on account of its
further attack is dependent upon the pH of such a aesthetic value and also to confer durability to the
salt, or, for example, on the Na2O/B2O3 ratio. base metal. With low melting point metals such as
Introduction of divalent calcium and barium oxi- aluminum it is obvious that superb resistance to
des into frits in preference to monovalent sodium chemicals is not as feasible as in the case of iron as
and potassium generally increases water resistance. the base. Nevertheless, such metals are vitreous
Further, oxides of tetravalent and pentavalent enameled in growing quantities and sold, indicating
metals have a favorable effect on the resistance of that the range of color and durability obtained is
glasses and enamel to water. The influence of B2O3 superior to that possible with alternative finishes.
and fluorine in the frit on chemical resistance is vari- It can justly be claimed that vitreous enamel coat-
able and is dependent upon the content and balance of ing applied to sheet or cast iron (or indeed any other
the frit constituents, but they usually cause diminu- metal) will confer to the basic shape color, gloss,
tion in resistance. In general, mill-added clay, silica, texture, and high degree of resistance to corrosive
and opacifier increase water resistance provided the influences.
firing or fusing of the enamel is at the optimum.
As is expected, atmospheric resistance is related to
water and the acid formed from CO2, SO2, SO3, etc. References
The action of ultraviolet light has no apparent effect
on vitreous enamel unlike the case with organic 1. Andrews, A. I. Porcelain Enamels; Gerrard Press,
Champaign, IL.
finishes. 2. Pedder, J. W. G. Inst. Vit. Enam. 1959, 9(9).
There is good correlation between atmospheric and 3. Vargin, V. V. Ed. Technology of Enamels; Maclaren & Sons
acid resistance, and this fact is helpful to manufacturers Ltd., 1967; pp 31, 78.
4. Krauter, J. C.; Kraaijveld, Th. B. Inst. Vit. Enam. 1970, 21(2).
of architectural panels as they can easily and quickly 5. I.V.E. Technical Sub-committee Report, Bull. Inst. Vit.
determine the latter property and do not have to carry Enam. 1960, 10, 285.

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