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In my first grade classroom I decided to put the computer section separated from the students desk and by

the door so they can concentrate on their work instead of getting distracted easily by the other students.

Next to the computer is the headphones section which is where the students will put the mouse and

headphones away so they don't get destroyed or dirtied As well to puting the teacher desk in the corner so

I can observe the students and keep an eye on them, I decided to have a smart board and a whiteboard for

two different reasons. The First reason is the smartboard which will be helpful for the students when we

do activities as well as presenting videos or presentations as well as writing answers. Secondly is the

whiteboard which will be used when we do small groups so I can help them out with things they didn't

understand as well to not distributing the other students in class while using the whiteboard and keeping

the worksheet in the whiteboard. I decided to put posters on the walls like classroom rules, culture and

other little small posters that will motivate them to keep doing well in class. I feel like having posters in

the classroom  makes it non boring as well to bringing more interest and color in the class. Both the
reading carpet and reading aloud is in the same section which is next to the bookshelf which I did because

it gives a library vibe when you are reading to the students. Lastly I decided to put the turn in bin next to

the door so when the students are leaving to go home they can turn in their assignments.

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