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Cognition regulation of 11th grade student of MAN 1 Kota Palu

on mathematics problem solving in terms by cognitive style

Mustamin Idris1, Nabila Sabella Aulia2, Maxinus Djaeng3, Linawati4

Mathematics Education, Department of Mathematics and Natural Science
Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University, Palu
94118 – Indonesia
1 2

Abstract. This research is qualitative research which aims to describe the cognition regulation
activity in solving linear program problems using Polya’s steps in terms of cognitive style. The
research subject were two female student, each one belonged to field dependent (FD) and field
independent (FI). Data that were collected using written test and interviews shows that: (1) the
FD subject was able to perform all Planning activities at each step of Polya, but there was
difference in the implementation of the plan the plan when subject solved the problem, then
subject could predict the time to solving problems even though in practice the subject takes
longer, while the FI subject was able to perform all Planning activities at each step of Polya
and carries out problem solving according to strategy that has been complited, thes the subject
can predict the time needed to solve the problem correctly, (2) the FD subject was able to
perform all Monitoring activities at each step of Polya if given a stimulus in the form of
instructions to detect mistakes, while the FI subject was able to perform all Monitoring
activities at each step of Polya independently, (3) both of subject was able to perform all
Evaluation activities at each step of Polya by assesing the adequency of the information on the
problem, assesing the correctness of the result of the investigation and making conclusions on
solving the problem based on the result of the investigation that had been carried out.

1. Introduction
Mathematics is a lesson related to a person's ability to process information and mentally develop ideas.
Thohari points out that learning mathematics is a high mental activity, which is the use of the thought
process in compiling acquired passages of information, then storing them for reuse, which in this case
is known as cognition activity. Therefore mathematics learning requires more complex cognition
activities, where a person who studies mathematics needs to build and manage information
consciously of what he or she is imprisoning [1]

One's awareness of thinking is one of the fundamental traits of metacognition in cognition

regulation, as Scraw and Moshman point ou that cognition regulation refers to metacognition activities
to control and manage one's thoughts and learning. Therefore cognition regulation becomes
indispensable in the process of learning mathematics which is a high mental activity as stated by Solso
that mindfulness in thinking gives students the opportunity to realize every thing they think, so that
when responding to problems not only answer but realize what the answer is. It is also in line with the
2013 curriculum implemented in Indonesia on learning that leads students to find out instead of being
notified, using discovery learning methods and student-centered learning orientation. Cognition
regulation consists of activities that a person uses to organize his or her studies. Activities include
planning, in terms of selecting strategies or trial and error, monitoring that includes revising steps or
selecting other strategies, and evaluations including checking or reflecting on troubleshooting. [2-3]

Cognition regulation involves a series of mental activities that help students control their learning
process, and is associated with monitoring and monitoring a person's activities during reading to
achieve their desired goals. Cognitive regulation can occur before individuals engage in tasks, as they
work on them, during pauses, and when assignments are completed as students reflect on their
performance. Cognition regulation involves cognition strategies in the form of sequential processes
that a person uses to control his cognitive activity and ensure his cognitive goals are achieved.
Although a number of regulatory/regulatory skills have been described in the literature, experts such
as Jacob & Paris (1987), Cross & Paris (1988), Paris & Winograd (1990), Shcraw & Moshman (1995),
and Whitebread et al (2009) suggest that there are three components in cognition regulation, namely
planning, monitoring, and evaluation. Cognition regulation is very important in mathematical learning
as in Yildirim & Ersozl research which found that there is a significant link between problem-solving
and cognition regulation with r= 0.673 and p = 0.01. This shows that cognition regulation plays an
important role in problem-solving, which is related to the ability to control and regulate cognition
which will make the problem-solvers more targeted in solving the given problem [4-6]

In responding to and managing information each person has different ways. In the field of
educational psychology, this is called cognitive style, which is the way a person processes, stores, or
uses the information to respond to a task or different types of environment. Based on the way
individuals respond to and manage information, cognitive styles are divided into dependent fields and
independent fields. This can be seen from the results of the learning process in the class, where there
will be students who only read the learning materials already understood and also there are students
who need more information to be able to understand the subject matter, just as when students do math
problem-solving. This is in line with Ulya's research that 39% of a person's problem-solving abilities
are influenced by cognitive style [8,13]

Based on the above explanation shows that math learning is inseparable from the regulatory
activities of cognition as well as cognitive style so it is important to know the regulatory activities of
student cognition reviewed from cognitive styles to improve student learning outcomes.

The theoretical benefits are expected that the results of this study contribute to the theory of
student cognition regulation in solving math problems as well as being meaningful information and as
a reference for teachers in the development of learning that considers the importance of cognition
regulation activities to improve problem-solving skills so that better student learning outcomes will be

2. Research Methods
This research was conducted in one of the public high schools in Palu City, Central Sulawesi,
Indonesia namely MAN 1 Palu City. Data is collected through written tests and interviews. In this
study, the cognitive style of the subjects was determined by administering the Group Embedded
Figures Test (GEFT) to 18 11th grade female students. Furthermore, FD and FI subjects are required
to troubleshoot linear programs then be interviewed before and after troubleshooting to obtain a
description of cognition regulatory activity in solving mathematical problems. Inductive approaches
are used to analyze research data.

3. Result and Discussion

The Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) is a test to identify the cognitive style that students have.
Students with GEFT test scores of 0-9 were categorized as cognitive field-dependent, while students
with GEFT 10-18 test scores were categorized as cognitive field independent. The percentage of each
type of student's cognitive style is displayed in Table 1.

Table 1. Student Cognitive Style Percentage

Cognitive Style Total of
Grade XI MIA 1
Field Dependent Field Independent Students
Number of students 9 9 18
Precentage 50% 50% 100%

Based on Table 1 it appears that many female students are cognitively dependent as many as female
students in the cognitive field independent style. Furthermore, the SW subject was chosen as the FD
subject because it had the lowest GEFT test score of 3 and the MH subject was selected as the FI
subject because it had the highest GEFT test score of 16. In addition, the subject is determined by
asking the teacher's consideration in order to find the appropriate research subject. One consideration
is their communication skills. In this study, interviews were used to find out the description of
students' cognition regulatory activities in solving linear program problems using Polya steps.

3.3 Cognition Regulation of Field Dependent Subject on Planning Activities

The data from interviews between researchers and students on planning activities, as well as students'
written answers are displayed in Table 2 as follows:

Table 2. Description of Subject Cognition Regulation on Planning Activities

Description of field-dependent field cognition regulation on planning activities
In understanding the problem use the strategy of reading the problem over and over again. Then
start identifying supporting information from the problem to solve the problem, namely:
(1) There are three stages of bag making, namely cutting, stitching, and installation
(2) The time to make a backpack in each stage is 2 hours, 1 hour, and 1 hour, while the sling bag is
1 hour, 2 hours, and 1 hour.
(3) The time of travel in a month for each stage of bag making is 40 hours, 160 hours, and 90
(4) The profit on the sale of the backpack is Rp 20,000, and the sash bag is Rp 23,000

The subject then determines the objectives to be achieved in problem-solving and begins to devise a
troubleshooting strategy, namely:
a) The subject mentions the goal that will be achieved in solving the problem is to make the biggest
profit for 1 year from the sale of backpacks and sling bags
b) The subject in devising a problem-solving strategy first mentions "wait a minute" this indicates
that the subject begins to try to recall what information is needed to strategize, namely:
(1) E.g. x as a backpack and y as a sling bag
(2) Search for x and y values
(3) Draw a graph
(4) Look for the line cut point on the chart
(5) Substantiate the cut point of the line in the objective function
Furthermore, the subject can predict the time he needs to be able to solve the problem using a
strategy that has been devised for 20 minutes.

Based on the results of interviews and written answers obtained that the subject is cognitively
dependent on understanding the problem using the strategy of reading the question over and over
again to identify the information that is included in the question in the form of the stage of bag
making, the time it takes in each stage, the total time of the month that the bag convection has to make
the bag, as well as the profit of each bag sale. Then the subject identifies the goal that will be achieved
from the completion of the question which is to make a maximum profit within a year of the sale of
backpacks and sling bags. After that, the subject begins to shrink the problem-solving strategy by
processing the previously obtained information into several mathematical inequalities, then creating a
graph of the acquired equation and then searching for the line cut point on the chart, the last of which
substitute the x and y values obtained using elimination and substitution methods into objective
functions. It appears that the subject has developed a problem-solving strategy even though in its
implementation, the subject uses a more complex strategy. The field-dependent-style subject is also
able to predict the time it takes to solve the problem with the strategy he has compiled which is for 20
minutes, although the implementation of the subject takes longer that is for 28 minutes. This is
following Scraw's opinion that planning involves selectively selecting appropriate strategies and
resource allocations, including making predictions before reading, sorting strategies, and selectively
allocating time or attention before starting a task [2,3,13]

3.4 Cognition Regulation of Field Dependent Subject on Monitoring Activities

The data from interviews between researchers and students on monitoring activities, as well as
students' written answers are displayed in Table 4 as follows:

Table 4. Description of Subject Cognition Regulation on Monitoring Activities

Description of field-dependent field cognition regulation on monitoring activities
In implementing the troubleshooting plan, the subject describes each step used:
(1) Converting the information obtained from the problem into a constraint function into a
mathematical form in the form of linear inequality of two variables namely
2 x+ y ≤ 180 , x +2 y ≤ 160 , and x + y ≤ 90

(2) Converting the information obtained from the question of the destination function into a
mathematical form in the form of a linear equation of two variables namely
z=20.000 x+ 23.000 y
(3) Find troubleshooter problem function constraints using graph metho
(4) Shade the settlement set area on the graph, but the subject cannot explain the logical reason for
shaded the chart by saying that the subject did so following the teachings given by his teacher

(5) Specify a line cut point in the settlement set area in the form of a point (x,y) using the
elimination and substitution methods

(6) Substitution of points obtained into the destination function

(7) The largest substitution result value is the maximum profit to be earned
When implementing troubleshooting it appears that the subject pauses several times to re-monitor
his work steps, then mentions "Mmm, this is wrong, there should be four points", this phrase
indicates that the subject has been monitoring by performing a thorough calculation so that it
realizes the error made then corrects the answer according to the answer that is considered correct

Based on the results of interviews and written answers obtained information that the subject's
cognitive-style field-dependent can explain the more complete use of problem-solving strategies from
the previously devised plan strategy with a stimulus in the form of questions from researchers that give
rise to the critical nature of the subject, this is in accordance with Witkin's opinionthat the cognitive-
style subject field-dependent is more sensitive to criticism and needs to be encouraged so that later the
subject can explain the reason for using the strategy or the move in his own language. The subject also
monitors his work steps so that he realizes a mistake made and then corrects the answer with an
answer that is considered correct. This is in accordance with Scraw's opinion that monitoring refers to
a person's online awareness of the understanding and performance of tasks, such as conducting regular
self-testing while studying. Monitoring processes include the confidence-in-retrieval answer,
retrospective, and consideration that has been decided from memory. Depends on the type of memory
remembered, and relates to the accuracy of reminders [2,4,13]

3.5 Cognition Regulation of Field Dependent Subject on Evaluation Activities

Data from interviews between researchers and students on Evaluation activities, as well as students'
written answers are shown in Table 5 as follows:

Table 5. Interview results data and written answers on evaluation activities

Description of Cognition Regulation on Evaluation activities
In evaluating each troubleshooting step the subject performs:
(1) Assess the adequacy of information obtained from the problem to achieve problem-solving
objectives, so no additional information is required to solve the problem
(2) Assess the suitability of the procedures and steps used in solving the problem
(3) Assess the results of the investigation by recalculation so that it is confident in the final result
of the answer as evidenced when the subject mentions "100% confidence" in the final answer
(4) Assess the achievement of the objectives of the given problem, then
(5) Make conclusions based on the results of the investigation and calculations that have been
done before and adjusted to the questions on the

Based on the results of interviews and written answers obtained information that cognitive-
style subjects field-dependent and cognitive-style subjects independent field can assess the adequacy
of information obtained from the question to achieve problem-solving objectives, assess the suitability
of procedures and measures used in solving problems, assess the results of the investigation by
recalculation to be confident with the final answer results, assess the achievement of problem-solving
objectives and make conclusions based on the results of investigations and calculations that have been
done before and adjusted to questions on the question. This is following scraw's definition of
evaluation activitywhich involves the skill of analyzing the performance and effectiveness of strategies
after a learning session. With these skills, students can see what they are doing and whether it leads to
the desired results or not. An example of an evaluation is a re-evaluation of the objective and drawing
conclusions. [2,3,12]

3.6 Cognition Regulation of Field Independent Subject on Planning Activities

The data from interviews between researchers and students on planning activities, as well as students'
written answers are displayed in Table 5 as follows:
Table 5. Description of Subject Cognition Regulation on Planning Activities
Description of field-dependent field cognition regulation on planning activities
In understanding the problem of using the strategy of reading the problem aloud. Then start
identifying supporting information from the problem to solve the problem, namely:
(1) There is a convection bag that will make two types of bags namely backpack and sling bag.
(2) There are three stages of making each bag, namely cutting, stitching, and installation.
(3) The time to make a backpack in each stage is 2 hours, 1 hour, and 1 hour, while the sling bag is
1 hour, 2 hours, and 1 hour, respectively.
(4) The time of travel in a month for each stage of bag making is 40 hours, 160 hours, and 90
(5) The profit on the sale of the backpack is Rp 20,000, and the sash bag is Rp 23,000

The subject then determines the objectives to be achieved in problem-solving and begins to devise a
troubleshooting strategy, namely:
a) The subject mentions the goal that will be achieved in solving the problem is to find out what
is the biggest profit for 1 year that can be obtained by selling x backpack and y sling bag
b) The subject in devising the problem-solving strategy first mentions "Hmm, here's the thing" it
mentions that the subject began processing the information obtained earlier to devise a
problem-solving strategy, namely:
(1) Write important points obtained from within the question'
(2) Create a table containing information from the problem
(3) For example x as many backpacks and y as many sling bags
(4) Create multiple equations of the information obtained
(5) Find the x and y values of the equation and then draw the chart
(6) Substitute the x and y values obtained into objective functions
Furthermore, the subject can predict the time it takes to solve the problem using a strategy that has
been devised for 30 minutes.

Based on the results of interviews and written answers it appears that the cognitive-style subject of
the field independent uses a strategy of reading the question aloud to understand the problem, then
begins to identify the information that is included in the question in the form of convection bags that
will sell backpacks and sling bags that blind several stages of bag making, the time it takes in each
stage, the total time of the month that the bag convection has to make the bag, as well as the profit of
each bag sale. Then the subject identifies the goal that will be achieved from the settlement of the
question is to find out what is the biggest profit that can be obtained convection bag for one year in
selling x fruit backpack and y fruit sling bag. After that the subject begins to devise a problem-solving
strategy by processing the information obtained earlier, such as creating x-section as many backpacks
and y as many sling bags, then the subject converts the information he obtains into mathematical
forms in the form of two variables, then looks for x and y values from inequality, creates graphs to
obtain the settlement area, looks for the coordinates of the cut lines that intersect on the chart using
elimination and substitution methods, lastly substituting eligible x and y values into objective
functions to gain the greatest profit on bag sales. It appears that the subject can create planning and
sort problem-solving strategies and actually implement the strategies he has put together when
implementing problem-solving. As well as the subject also can predict the time it takes to execute the
problem-solving strategy precisely that is for 30 minutes. This is following Scraw's opinion that
planning involves selectively selection of appropriate strategies and resource allocations, including
making predictions before reading, sorting strategies, and selectively allocating time or attention
before starting a task [2,4,10]

3.7 Cognition Regulation of Field Independent Subject on Monitoring Activities

The data from interviews between researchers and students on planning activities, as well as students'
written answers are displayed in Table 7 as follows:

Table 7. Description of Subject Cognition Regulation on Monitoring Activities

Description of field-independent field cognition regulation on monitoring activities
In implementing the troubleshooting plan, the subject describes each step used:
(1) Converting the information obtained from the problem into a constraint function into a
mathematical form in the form of linear inequality of two variables namely
2 x+ y ≤ 180 , x +2 y ≤ 160 , and x + y ≤ 90

(2) Converting the information obtained from the question of the destination function into a
mathematical form in the form of a linear equation of two variables namely
z=20.000 x+ 23.000 y

(3) Find troubleshooter problem function constraints using graph method

(4) Shade the settlement set area on the chart

(5) Specify a line cut point in the settlement set area in the form of a point (x,y) using the
elimination and substitution methods

(6) Substitution of points obtained from the settlement set area into the destination function

(7) The largest substitution result value is the maximum profit to be earned
When carrying out problem-solving, the subject performs a routine recalculation several times so
that it realizes the error made, this is indicated by several strokes on the answer paper, then the
subject corrects the answer according to the answer that is considered correct

Based on the results of interviews and written answers obtained information that the subject of
cognitive style field independent can explain the use of problem-solving strategies in complete
accordance with the strategies previously prepared and can explain each solution step done logically.
This is in keeping with Witkin's[8] opinionthat cognitively-style subjects are able to distinguish an
object from the surrounding object more easily and tend to be more analytical. The subject also
monitors his work steps so that he realizes a mistake made and then corrects the answer with an
answer that is considered correct. This is in accordance with Scraw's opinion that monitoring refers to
a person's online awareness of the understanding and performance of tasks, such as conducting regular
self-testing while studying. Monitoring processes include the confidence-in-retrieval answer,
retrospective, and consideration that has been decided from memory. Depends on the type of memory
remembered, and relates to the accuracy of reminders [2,4,11-12]

3.8 Cognition Regulation on Field Independent Subject Evaluation Activities

Data from interviews between researchers and students on Evaluation activities, as well as students'
written answers are shown in Table 8 as follows:

Table 8. Interview results data and written answers on evaluation activities

Description of field-independent field cognition regulation on evaluation activities
In evaluating each troubleshooting step the subject performs:
(1) Assess the adequacy of information obtained from the problem to achieve problem-solving
objectives, so no additional information is required to solve the problem
(2) Assess the suitability of the procedures and steps used in solving the problem
(3) Assess the results of the investigation by recalculation so that confidence in the final result
of the answer is proven when the subject mentions "sure" of the final answer obtained.
(4) Assess the achievement of the objectives of the given problem, then
(5) Make conclusions based on the results of the investigation and calculations that have been
done before and adjusted to the questions on the question

Based on the results of interviews and written answers obtained information that cognitive-style
subjects field-dependent and cognitive-style subjects independent field can assess the adequacy of
information obtained from the question to achieve problem-solving objectives, assess the suitability of
procedures and measures used in solving problems, assess the results of the investigation by
recalculation to be confident with the final answer results, assess the achievement of problem-solving
objectives and make conclusions based on the results of investigations and calculations that have been
done before and adjusted to questions on the question. This is by scraw's definition of evaluation
activity which involves the skill of analyzing the performance and effectiveness of strategies after a
learning session. With these skills, students can see what they are doing and whether it leads to the
desired results or not. An example of an evaluation is a re-evaluation of the objective and drawing
conclusions [2,4,10-12]

4. Conclusion
The results of this study show that the description of the regulation of cognition of the subject is (1)
the subject field dependent carrying out planning activities in the problem solving activities but there
are differences in the implementation of the plan when the subject solves the problem then the subject
can predict the time to solve the problem even though in the implementation of the subject takes a
longer time, (2) the subject field depedntent carrying out monitoring activities in the problem solving
activities if given stimulus in the form of instructions to realize the error made , (3) subject field
depedntent implement evaluation activities by assessing the adequacy of information from the
problem, assessing the veracity of the investigation results and making problem solving conclusions
based on the results of the investigation that has been conducted, (4) the subject field indepedntent
carrying out planning activities in solving problems and implementing problem solving according to
the strategy that has been drawn up then the subject can predict the time it takes to solve the problem
appropriately, (5) the subject field indepedntent monitors each step of problem solving independently ,
be aware of the error that is done then fix it, as well as explain each step of troubleshooting used, (6)
the subject field indepedntent carry out evaluation activities by assessing the adequacy of the
information of the problem, assessing the correctness of the results of the investigation and making a
conclusion of problem solving based on the results of the investigation that has been conducted.

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