Modasl I (Ability Can, Could, Be Able To) : Grammar Context

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Learning Guide 5

Modasl I (Ability can, could, be able to)

During unit four, you will learn ability modals and use them in real

Grammar Context

Present and future

Can and be able to can express present and future ability:

Tom can play the piano.
We can't enter this street because it's blocked.
I am not able to help you at the moment.
If you ask him, he can probably help you.
I will probably be able to get there by 9.

Could and was/were able to can express general past ability:

I could swim when I was five.

I was able to swim when I was five.

But the past ability to perform a particular action on one occasion is

expressed with was/were able to:

Although the current was strong, I was able to swim to the other bank. (I
managed to swim to the other bank)

In the sentence above could is not possible. However, this rule is relaxed
in the negative and with verbs of the senses:

I read it but I couldn't understand / wasn't able to understand it.

I could see / was able to see him through the window.
I couldn't walk / wasn't able to walk any further.

Watch the video about ability modals.

Practice Time

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of can, could, be able to (affirmative
or negative). Use a form of can or could if possible.

_____________you help me with the bags, please?

I am free now, so I _____________come and help you.

I  ___________touch my toes when I was younger.
I remember my brother ____________  draw much better than me.
We __________get a picture of the painting because cameras were not
______________ I come with you to the party?
I ___________sleep very well lately.
She says that she _____________speak five languages fluently.
We tried, but we ___________ stop the fire.
He didn't want to come, but finally we ____________  persuade him.


Use the following words to fill in the blanks

Can can’t couldn’t was able to been

Able to be able to managed can’t

My blog

This morning, I took my little brother Charlie to the park and he

go stuck up a tree. This surprised me because usually he can

Climb things easily. Today, he climbed up very high, but then his
shirt got caught on a branch and he________________ move at

Help! He shouted. I ________________ get down! He sounded

really scared.
I hate heights. I’ve never _________________ go up tall buildings
because I ________________look down. It makes me feel sick.

I _____________ even stand on a chair!

But when I heard Charlie´s frightened shouts I felt different, and

I ________________ climb up to him. I_____________ to free his
shirt and we climbed down the tree together.

I hope the experience has changed me forever. Will I __________

Go up tall buildings now? I don’t know, but I hope I can. I’d like
to try rock-climbing, too.


Choose the best answer for each blank

- I (can/ could, was able to) swim since I was 11.

- I’m an interpreter. I (can, could, be able to) speak 7 languages.

- I /can’t, couldn’t, was able to) drive very well. I failed my test again

- One day I (can, could, will be able to) run a marathon.

- I would love to (can, be able to, being able to) see the future.

- The ambulance arrived quickly and they (could; were able to, can’t)
save everyone.

- It was really noisy last night, so I (couldn’t, cannot, am not able to)

- I crashed my car, but the mechanic (could, was able to, can) fix it.
- Some dinosaurs (could, was able to, will not be able to) walk on two

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