Chapter 1. Geotech Gille

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oF <6 21s Chapter 01 - Properties ofsol = Chapter 01 Properties of Soil 1.1 SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering e = void ratio n= porosity D, = relative density G_ = specific gravity of solids (usually in the range 2.67 + 0.05) GI. = group index LI = liquidity index LL = liquid limit moisture content PI = plasticity index PL =plastic limit S =degree of saturation olume of soil mass olume of air Vs = volume of solids Vw = volume of water total weight of soil W, = weight of solids We = weight of water Yary = dry unit weight Yu += unit weight of soil mass Ys = unit weight of solids Ysa = Saturated unit weight Yo = unit weight of water 1.2 DENSITY AND UNIT WEIGHT OF WATER Density of water, pw = 1000 kg/m? Pu = 1kg/liter = 1 gram/ce Unit weight f water, yw = 9.81 kN/m i | Fundamentals of x , ies 2 oo Ley technical Engineering ol 1.3 BASIC FORMULAS : Unit weight of substance, y= G Yw 4.44 Weight of water, Wu * Yn Ver eq, 1.2 Weight of substance, We ye Vs = G tw Vo £4.13 Eq. 14 Specific gravity of substance, Grits * Yauts/Y~ 1.4 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL Figure 01.1 — Phase diagram of soil The following relationships can be made from the phase diagram shown: Total weight of soil, W= Wu + W. Eq. 1.5 Volume of voids, Vo = Va + Vw &q. 1.6 Total volume, V=V.+ Vp Eq. 1.7 * 1.4.1 VOID RATIO, e Void ratio is the ratio between the volumes of voids to the volume of solids of a soil mass, It is usually expressed in percent. 2 Eq. 1.8 Note: 0 Porosity G=2.182(1.222) = 267 #9 specific gravity of solids PROBLEM 01.8 (CE NOVEMBER 1999) Fund. Geo SOU. >> 3 13. No i i, pd ” As sea sample was compacted. The result of the standard proctor alas ait compaction, the soil weighs 131.1 pcf with optimum ne %. What is the saturated unit weight of the soil in pcf? G=267 Fundamentals of Chapter 01 -Properties 4. Geotechnical Engineering of Soil SOLUTION w= GEEMC,y Ya = Yo rana= 2974267019) c69 4) T+e e=0.449 wae 740.449 Your = 134.32 pef PROBLEM 01.9 A soil sample has a bulk unit weight of 19.6 KN/m? at a water content of 10% Assuming G = 2.7, determine the percentage air in the voids (air voids). SOLUTION G+G MC [Ym = ——— l+e 2.7 +2.7(0.10) ——— (9.81) 1+e B61) Yw) 19.6 = e = 0.4865 [GMC=Se] 2.7(0.10) = 5(0.4865) S=55.5% Percentage of air in the voids = 100% - S Percentage of air in the voids = 100% - 55.5% Percentage of air in the voids = 44.5% PROBLEM 01.10 : The moist weight of 0.2 ft? of a soil is 23 Ib. The moisture content and the Specific gravity of soil solids are determined in the laboratory to be 11% and 2.7, respectively. Fundamen, Geotechnical Engin ea r "i a) What me is the cl nit wel 3 what is the eee ‘of saturation IM percent? SOLUTION a) Moist unit welght Yu = W/V = 23/0.2 = 115 1b/ft? b) Dry unit weight G+GMC Ete = SS Yel +e p92 2.70011) (69.4) Ire = 0.626 G unis, Yel 27 “= 140.626 (62.4) ya = 103,62 Ib/f c) Degree of saturation [IG MC=Se] 2.7(0.11) = $(0,626) $= 04744 = 47.44% © PROBLEM 01.11 chapter 01 ~ Properties 18 of Soll = q rr wig in IOLA ape marst anit weIBNE HY sp Fundan Geotec PRO The dry’ the so A specimen of sand hi : is 271, Compute as a porosity of 45%, and the speci . pute the specific weight of this soil Pe ery ton s' 2, Ih KN/mi, SOLUTION Fundamentals of Chapter 01 — Properties 19 Geotechnical Engineering of Soil G-1 Ts Ye) 271-1 ~ 271-7 0.81 »" Toate O89 yo= 9.23 KN/m? Inn PROBLEM 01.12 The mass of a sample of saturated soil is 520 grams. The dry mass, after oven drying is 405 grams. Assuming G = 2.7, calculate the effective unit weight of the soil mass, in KN/m°? SOLUTION W, IMC = 2 U Ww. ] MC= 520-405 405 MC = 28.4% [GMC=Se] where $= 1 (saturated) 2.7(0.284) = (1)e e = 0.7667 _G-1 ee piel 27-1 = 27-1 8) = Tozer °8) Yo= 9.44 kN/ms PROBLEM 01.13 Laboratory tests on a soil sample yielded the following information: G=271, Gy = 1.72, MC= 13%. Determine the following properties: a) void ratio 5) degree of saturation ©) porosity nnical Eng, * _ properties Geotec NGing® Chapter 01 20 of Soil OLUTION Fundar a) Void ratio [ym * Ye God G+ Mo lve G+GM Yl Ie Yo Yo Gun lee 2714 27W013) 1 oy, (1.72) lee ¢ = 0.78 b) [GMC=Se] 2.71(0.13) = 5(0.78) S = 0.452 = 45.2% . 14078 11 = 0.438 = 43.8% PROBLEM 01.14 Geotec In its natural state, a moist soil has a volume of 9350 cc and weighs 18 kg. Ts oven-dried weight of the soil is 15.54 kg. Use G = 2.67. 4) Determine the moisture content in percent. 6) Determine the void ratio in Percent. ¢) Determine the degree of saturation in Percent. SOLUTION Yu = W/V = 18000/9350 Yu * 1,925 gram/cc a) M = No Ww, Mc« 1815.54 15.54 MC = 0.1583 = 15.83% Chapter 01 — Properties ofson 21 ite gos 267226700358) rede © = 0,6066 = 60.66% ©) IGMC=Se] 2,67(0.1583) = $(0.6066) $= 0.697 = 69.7% PROBLEM 01.15 (CE NOVEMBER 1999) cted, The result of the standard proctor test shows ‘A soil sample was compa‘ that at 100% compaction, the soil weighs 131.1 pcf with optimum moisture content of 14%. What is the maximum dry. unit weight of the soil (at zero air voids) in pef? G = 2.67 ‘At zero air voids, Vy = Vw (S = 1) Fundamentals _ properties Geotechnical Engineering ‘ded sample had an e extru’ (0 grams. If G = 2.72, determine the it. Th ing it weighs 6 of the sample. of saturation grams degree SOLUTION Given: W= 858 nen y= 50 cm’; We = 60 & w fee yd a = 85/50 217 g/cc [Mc= wey MC= 85-60 60 MC=0.4167 = G+GMC cee 2.72+2.72(0.4167) 4) lt+e fw i= = 1.2667 {GMC=Se 2.72(0.4167) = $(1.2667) 5 = 0.895 = 89.5% PROBLEM 01.18, A cubic meter of soil in i of soil irr its natural state weighs 17.5 kN. After oven-drying, ate weighs 142 kN. Assume G = 2.7. 5 Caicattt the void rato of the soil. 3 Calculat . degree of saturation of the soil. Calculate Saturated density of the soil in kKN/m?>, Fundamenta Geotechnica SOLUTION ™ PRO! A soi soil i SOL ls ri ng de at the Fundamentals of Chapter 01 — Properties 23 Geotechnical Engineering Of Soil SOLUTION W, IMC = Ye l W, ] W-W, oc= WoW. 17.5-14.2 omc 14.2 MC = 0.2324 = 23.24% w fm= 7] Yu = 175 /1=17.5kN/m? T+e 175 = 2742702324) 6 51) T+e = 0.865 = 86.5% > void ratio IGMC= Se] 2.7(0.232A) = S (0.865) S = 0.7254 S=7254% > degree of saturation Gte [sat Tre ™ __ 27 +0865 ma Toga 8) Yo ™ 18.75 kN/m? PROBLEM 01.19 (CE MAY 2000) A soil sample has a moisture content of 30% and degree of saturation of 45%. The solids have specific Gravity of 2.61. Determine the dry unit weight of the soil in kN/m3, SOLUTION (GMC=Se” 2.61(0.3) = 0.45 ¢ Func Hs Geotechnical Enginee,,” lie" Tye 261 . 261 oat) re" 7174 Yon © 9.94 kN/mn! PROBLEM 01.20 The dry density of a sand with a porosity of 0.387 is 1600 kg/m? ®) Calculate the void ratio of the soil. }) Calculate the specific gravity of the soil solids. ©} Calculate the effective density of the soil, in kg/m’. SOLUTION Given: pu = 1,600 kg/m? n= 0.387 ronmra Funca Geote SOLU Void ratio of wei “soil ight if the sou) is 0.85, What is the pe: os fated ige error of the bulk unit were 95% satur, and assumed to be totally saturated? sy Eq. (1) Second soil: G+0.75e 112,67 = 240.7% 67= <2" e (62.4) 1.806 + 1.8060 = G + 0.75¢ G= 1.806 + 1.056¢ | > Eq. (2) 4. [G=G] 1,694 + 1.194e = 1.806 + 1.056¢ € = 0.812 = 81.2% > void ratio From Eq. (2) G = 1.806 + 1,056(0.812) = 2,66 > specific gravity of solids Porosity, i= —<_ v l+e Porosity, n = —0:812_ 1+ 0.812 Porosity, n= 0.4481 = 44.81% PROBLEM 01.26 Br eperiment of determining the porosity and specific gravity of solids of a foil s dug out from the ground, weighed, then oven dried, and then ene oegs The weight of soil taken from the test hole is 1346 oven-dried and weighed 1076 grams. After saturating it Fundamentals of Chapter 01 - Properties Geotechnical Engineering ofsoi 29 with water, it weighed 1462 grams. The volume of the test hole wae then measured and found to be 792 cc. Determine the voids ratio of the soil SOLUTION Given W= 1346 grams Ws = 1076 grams V=792. cm! [m= W/V] Ym = 1346/792 Ym = 1.7 grams/cc W, Boa = St] = 1462 _ Yor ™ To5- = 1.846 grams/ce /s ‘s MC = 1346-1076 1076 MC = 0.251 + G+GMC [Ym “Te hl G+G(0.251) 17= 22206) lte a G=136 +136e >) Gte lte Gte 846 = ——— uate wlt+e @ G= 1.846 + 0.846 > Yu) Cat = [G=G] 1.36 + 1.366 = 1.846 + 0.846 € = 0.946 = 94.6% Fundamen Specific gravity of sol Moisture content ™ spe eee a nit weight of the so’ Determine the dry ul PROBLI SOLUTION on weight at 105% the con a) w bv ed Brew = ote] 33 SOLU Yay Tyo gag 24) Yary = 110.36 pef 2 PROBLEM 01.28 (CE NOVEMBER 200 1) A 480 cc soil sample taken from the site weighs 850.5 grams. After oven drying, it weighed 5944 grams. If the specific gravity of solids is 27), determine the void ratio of the soil. SOLUTION W, [Mc = Wed s Mc = 8505~594.4 594.4 MC=0.43 Chapter 01 - Properties 3 4 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering of Soil G+GMC ———— te] lye = lve 177g = 272+2.72(043) 4) +e = 1195 PROBLEM 01.29 A sample of saturated clay was placed in a container and weighed. The weight was 6 N. The clay in its container was placed in an oven for 24 hours at 105°C. The weight was reduced to a constant value of 5 N. The weight of the container is 1. G = 2.7. Determine the following: 4) water content of the soil in percent. b) void ratio in percent. ©) effective unit weight of the soil in kN/m’, SOLUTION Weight of moist soil (saturated), W= 6 -1=5N Weight of dry soil, W,=5-1=4N a) Water content: W, [MC = te. b W, ] 5-4 MC= 2 =0.25 (os 0.25 MC=2% 5) Void ratio: [IG MC=S¢ 2.7(0.25) = (1)e € = 0.675 = 67.5% c) Effective unit weight: tn= S=1,, ] © ee ™ 27-1 ™" T0675 08) Y= 9.956 kN/m? SS Fundamentals of Chapter 01 - Properties ag Geotechnical Engineering of Soll ————— 2 (Ge i galas pa7 2 1.893 100 G = 2.813 PROBLEM 0 1.44 The following results were obtained from a liquid limit test on a clay using the Casagrande cup device. Use the graph in Figure 01.7 content of this clay is 38% and the plastic limit is 21%. [Number ofbiows [6 [2 [20 | The natura] water a) Whatis the liquid limit of this clay? b) Whatis the plasticity index of this clay? c) Whatis the liquidity index of this clay? d) What is the flow index? 10 20 30 “o 0 Numiber of blows (logarithmic scale) Figure 01.7 w~ Fundamenta Chapter 01 - Properties Geotechnical Enginea’ a of Soll , 8 ee SOLUTION rciveslh | ! a a i | / zi i 6080 Top 7 20 30 40 50 Cone penetration (mm) The liquid limit is read from the graph as the water content on the liquid state line corresponding to 25 blows. Thus, LL = 40% Plasticity index, PI =.LL - PL Plasticity index, PI = 40 - 21 = 19% Liquidity index, L] = — nL Liquidity iridex, L1 = a = 0.895 Flow index, Ff = MC ~MCp ' log(N2 /Nj) g Fundamentals of Chapter 01 — Properties 5 Geotechnical Engineering ofsol = + A. Liquid Limit Fest Number 7 Z 3 7 ion Ta 76 6 2 3 et ‘Soil + Container, 9 35.62 36.97 41.26. 45 70 Soil + Container, 9 26.64 | 20.69 31.42 3369 zr fontaine, 9 10.52 12.33 | 1474 11.45 oi Wate 9 Lg % 'B. Plastic Limit and Natural Water Content . Plastic Limit \Gontent fest Number > 7 Zl 7 Weshtel ‘Soi Container, G 3018 [sive | 27.77 30.04 Wee Cea + Container, g_ 25.76 27.18 25.39 27.23 iainer. 9 10.52 72.93 | 11.74 11.45 wast of Water. g orDry Say g Content, % i t Average, % Figure 01.8 30 40 Si Cone penetration (mm) Figure 01.9 Fundameny, ly Geotechnical Engines, les ‘ = Propert a 8 & Water content (9) 20 30 40 50 80 100 Cone penetration (mm) LL is the moisture cont ponding to 20 mm cone penetration tent corres; From the graph shown, LL = 42% From the table above, the P} lastic Limit is two tests, the average of the MC of th and is equal to 30% Liquidity index, [7 = MC, ~PL PROBLE Given th the wate a) De b) De o) De Fundamentals of Chapter O1 ~ Properties of Soil 47 Geotechnical Engineering ————— ———— 17.6 4 Liquidity index, LI = 77 Liquidity index, L/ = -1.033 PROBLEM 01.46 (CE MAY 2004) Given the laboratory results of the Atterberg Limits Test in Figure 01.10. Plot the water content versus the number of blows in Figure 01.11 a) Determine the nearest value to the Liquid Limit of the soil 6) Determine the nearest value to the Plastic Limit of the soil. c) Determine the nearest value to the Liquidity Index of the soil. Number of Weight of Wet Soil + Container, ‘Weight of Dry Soil + Container, a ‘Weight of Container, g of Water, g Water Content, % B. Plastic Limit and Natural Water Content Conter Figure 01.10 Bo : Fundamenta, properties Geotechnical Engineg! Chapter 01 ~ 48 ofSoll 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 x Number of blows — logarithmic scale 100 Figure 01.11 SOLUTION pethene 5 Number of Blows 38 25 20 ‘of Wet Soil + Container, g 22.47 21.29 21.27 262 of Dry Soil + Container, g 19.44 18.78 18.75 [22.10 of Container, g 12.74 13.24 13.20 13.27 7 Wale 2 3.03 2.51 2.52 402 _ | ry Soil, 6.7 5.54 5.55 oas_| Wiaier Content % 45.22% |" 45.31% | 45.41% B. Plastic Limit and Natural Water Content 5 eee Natural Water PI Ps se — Content of 2 15. 2 2 ooy eS 7 aa a 23.20 [22.80 | a7.68 46 87 ol Containers g 20.42 20.19 14.84 14.36 of Water, g 280 42.95 9.50 9.55 Bh Of Dry Soil, 5 78 2 a 2.69) wae Content, % 7.52 22% 36.87% ar 05% 36.51% Figure 01.19 (a) Chapter 01 ~ Properties 9 Fundamentals of s Geotechnical Engineering of Soil Flow Curve 20. 25° 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Number of blows — logarithmic scale Figure 01,11 (a) 4) From the flow curve in Figure 01.11 (a),LL = 45.35% 4) From Figure 01.10 (a) PL= 36.97% + 36.05% = Sen 2 PL = 36.51% y= MC, = PL LL~PL Mc, = 30.37 + 54,26 °) 2 MC, = 52.32% 52.32 - 36.51 Up = S=S0~96.51 | 45.35 — 36,5] ~ 1-788 100 Er Fundamen chapter 01 - Properties Geotechnical Engine’ 4 $2 tN Aer ¥ 2000) \ PROBLEM Te oe i roctor Testis as follOWS: Geot De eee eee Weight of moist soil in PROE leer at Proctor mold (grams) The f 10 1,485 2 1,606 4 1,696 16 1,757 a 18 1,741 ; 20 1,651 ° The volume of the mold for this test is 1/30 cubic feet (946,000 cu, sou millimeters). a Determine the maximum dry unit weight of the soil in grams/cc: 8) Determine the optimum moisture content in percent. SOLUTION fem} and n, the maximum : . : the optimum moisture conn: ie tank eight is 1.5993 —— Me Fundamentais of Chapter 01 - Properties of so © 53 PROBLEM 01.49 (CE MAY 2003) The following data were obtained from the Atterberg, Limits test for a soil Limit = 41.0% Plastic Limit = 21.1 % 2) What is the plasticity index of the soil? >) If the in situ moisture content of the soil is 30%, what is the liquidity index of the soil? ° What would be the nature of the soil? bic SOLUTION a) Plasticity Index PI=LL-PL=41-21.1 PI=19.%e b) Liquidity Index: i= MC=PL PI _ 30-211 U=~799 L=0497 c) Nature of soil: Since LI = 0.447, Le. 0 < LI <1, the See Section 1.10 in page 7: nature of the soil is PLAST} Fundamentals of Chapter 01 - Properties Geotechnical Engineering ofsol 53. PROBLEM 01.49 (CE MAY 2003) The following data were obtained from the Atterberg Limits test for a soil: Liquid Limit = 41.0 % Plastic Limit = 21.1 % a) Whatis the plasticity index of the soil? b) If the in situ moisture content of the soil is 30%, what is the liquidity index of the soil? c) What would be the nature of the soil? SOLUTION a) Plasticity Index: PI=LL-PL=41-21.1 PI=19.9% b) Liquidity Index: +-¢, MC-FL : Ue or 30-211 U= 799 LI=0447 c) Nature of soil: Since LI = 0.447, ie.0
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