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In my opinion, covid 19 is a virus that is affecting the whole world in a way that we
had never thought about, it is causing many economic problems in different
countries, the worst of all is that it is a new virus, which we do not know for where
to attack it, for that reason it continues to cause many deaths every day.
The virus is dangerously affecting the countries of South America, for example:
Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Brazil and others.
In Peru and Ecuador, the virus caused the health system to collapse, both countries
have the most deaths from this virus.
I hope this pandemic will teach us many lessons and that the vaccine will arrive
Currently, we only have to take care of ourselves so that this deadly disease does not
continue to spread throughout the population.
The first batches of vaccines have already arrived in the country, which means a hope for
the whole country that this will soon happen.
I hope soon we will get out of this situation and learn from every difficulty that comes
our way.
The vaccine is a hope

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