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Untouchability and the Law on Manual Scavenging

i. Objective type questions
A. Multiple choice type questions
1. (a) Mahatma Gandhi
2. (a) untouchability
3. (b) 17
4. (d) Mahatma Gandhi
5. (a) 1873

B. Unscramble the letters given in the help box and fill in the blanks
1. Shudras
2. Provisions, untouchability
3. Sikkaliars, pakhis
4. 1993

C. State whether the following statements are true or false

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False

ii. Very short answer questions

1. What is Untouchability?
Ans. Untouchability is the practice of discrimination based on person’s birth in a
particular place.
2. Write a note on Article 17 of the Indian constitution.
Ans. Article 17 of Indian Constitution declares that the practice of untouchability in any
form is a punishable offence.
3. Who are the Manual Scavengers?
Ans. The Manual Scavengers are the persons who carry human excreta in baskets on
their heads to dispose it off at some distant place.
iii. Short answer questions
1. What are the laws implemented to abolish Manual Scavenging?
Ans. The laws implemented to abolish manual scavenging are:
(a) The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Act, 1989.
(b) Bonded Labour System Act 1976.
(c) Some social organisations, NGO’s human right activists and social reformers
forced the government to enact Manual Scavengers of Latrines Prohibition Act
1993 which punishes the employment of scavengers with the imprisonment for
up to one year or a fine up to $ 2000.

2. Write in brief about Article 15 of Indian Constitution.

Ans. Article 15 of our constitution states that no Indian citizen shall be discriminated
against on the basis of caste, creed, sex or religion.
3. Manual Scavenging is still practiced in different parts of India. Despite negligent
attitude of the people towards these scavengers, they continue with it. What are
the main reasons behind it?
Ans. It is the result of prevailing illiteracy, ignorance and low self-esteem among the class
of manual scavengers. The social setup is also to be blamed. Neither the society nor the
government at the local level took active and affective measures to eradicate this
derogatory practice of our society.

iv. Long answer questions

1. Discuss the constitutional measures taken to abolish untouchability.
Ans. There are provisions in the constitution regarding abolishment of untouchability.
Constitutional measures to abolish untouchability are:
(i) Article 15 states that no citizen shall be discriminated against on the basis of
caste, creed, colour, sex and religion.
(ii) Article 17 of the constitution declares that the practice of untouchability in
any form is a punishable offense.
2. Evaluate the role of social reformers in the upliftment of the untouchables.
Ans. Social reformers like Swami Vivekananda, Jyotiba Phule, Mahatma Gandhi and DR.
B.R. Ambedkar tried their best to abolish the evil social practice of untouchability.
(a) Swami Vivekananda condemned caste system and urged the countrymen to look for
the upliftment of the poor.
(b) Jyotiba Phule founded an organisation called Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1873 to work
for the upliftment of the poor and dalits.
(c) Mahatma Gandhi tried practically by mixing with the so-called untouchables. He
called them Harijans, emphasising that these people are our brothers.
(d) DR. B.R. Ambedkar tried to abolish the inhuman tradition by making constitutional

3. The social evil of untouchability was abolished in 1955, but it still exists, though at a
small scale. How can we completely eradicate it from our society? Suggest suitable
ways to do so?
Ans. Untouchability can be completely eradicated through education. ‘Everyone for
every work,’ based on their ability should be considered. People should change their
attitude against this evil and support socially backward people and should help in their

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