ED 11 Lesson 10 Lesson Plan

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Lecturer’s Name: Agcopra, Pearl Marie Sabaiton Date: January 21, 2020
Course/Year: BEED-3 Duration: 1 hour
Subject Unit: Science Level: VI

I. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the grade 6 students are expected to:
a.) Identify the different kinds of forces;
b.) Describe how forces affect the size, shape and motion of an object through the simulation game; and
c.) Create a comic strip showing some activities that people use forces during the day.
II. Subject Matter
a) Kinds of Forces
b) Materials: Grade VI Science, BookVisual Aids, LCD, Laptop
c) Reference: Grade VI Science Book

A. Preparatory Routine
 The teacher will ask the students to arrange the chairs, and pick up pieces of trash on the floor.
 The teacher will ask one student to lead the prayer.
 The teacher will check the attendance.
 The class will have some drill about….
 A 5 minutes’ review on the last topic discussed. Students will be ask the following questions:

B. Developmental Activities
I. Motivation
- The teacher will ask the students the following questions:
1. How do forces affect objects, people and daily activities?
2. Why is it easier to go down the slope of a hill than up the slope?
3. Why does it takes less effort to throw a marble than a basketball?
- The teacher will introduce a simulation game “Forces and Motion: Basics” by Phet as a short activity before the proper

II. Lesson Proper


C. Culminating Activity
I. Process/Guidelines
- Now class, I want you to find a partner. After that, you will be observing the things around you. I want you to draw any living
thing that you can see in a bond paper. Below your drawing, write 3 importance of the human eye.
- Did you get me class?
- Very good! Proceed with your activity

II. Integration to other Discipline

- Class, I have a question! Can I ask you a question?
- Okay! Did you know that our topic for today can be connected to other subject?
- Who can give me one?
- Yes Sansa! Please stand up tell it to the class!
- Yes! You’re right Sansa! Let’s give Sansa a fireworks clap!

III. Synthesize/Generalization
- The eyes are your windows to the world. You can see when there is light that bounces from the objects in the surroundings
to your eyes. Your eyes can sense 70% of the information that reaches the brain. Your brain interprets what you see. Your
eyes have many parts the work together to help you see.

IV. Evaluation
What are the parts of the human eye? Complete the concept map.

o Pupil o Upper Eyelid
o Sclera o Lower Eyelid
o Eyelashes
o Eyebrow
o Cornea
o Iris
o Lens
o Retina
o Optic nerve

V. Assignment
Write in the blank the correct answer.
1) The colored part of the eye is called ___________.
2) The transparent covering of the eyeball is the ___________.
3) The small hole at the center of the iris is ___________.
4) The outer white layer of the eye is the ___________.
5) The ___________ focuses the image of the object at the retina.
6) The ___________ interprets the information that you see with your eyes and helps you identify the things around you.
1) Iris
2) Cornea
3) Pupil
4) Sclera
5) Lens
6) Optic Nerve

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