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Mode Of Inheritance
Hemophilia is a sex-linked trait, which means it
is found on the sex chromosome X. Hemophilia
is also a recessive genetic disorder. It is more
common in males because it is found on the X
chromosome and the genotype for a male is XY
where a female’s genotype is XX so if the one X
chromosome that a male has is infected they
will have hemophilia. A female has the chance
of not having it because if the second X
chromosome has the dominant allele it will
mask the hemophilia allele.
Clinical Description
A hereditary medical condition where the blood
lacks a coagulation factor which cause sudden
bleeding at the littlest cuts and bruises. This
condition is inherited through the sex
chromosome X and is more common in males
than females.
If you think you might have hemophilia the best
possible place to go is one of the HTC’s
(Hemophilia Treatment Centers). They provide
specific care for each of there patients along
Locations in USA with medicine and whatever they need to help
with the condition.
Hemophilia Treatment Centers are spread
around the country and while they also
diagnose patients they can help treat it too.
Most patients with hemophilia will take a
concentrated FVIII product which is just a
clotting factor to help clot the blood quicker
and better.
“Every time a bleed
happens, I hold my
breath to see if Personal Story
Thomas’s body is
going to respond to
treatment – and I Sonji is the mother of Thomas Wilkes who has
never know if it’s
going to take one
severe hemophilia A and also developed an
treatment or a week inhibitor, which means that his body fights off
of multiple infusions
daily to stop a bleed.” the medicine given to him. This disease creates
-Sonji Wilkes
numerous problems some of which include
recurrent pain, inability to participate fully in
sports and activities, school absences, and
high cost of medications.
Interactive Activity
Works Cited
“BriovaRx® Specialty Pharmacy Connects Patients with HTCs for Clinical

Support and Care Management.” UnitedHealthCare, 2 Aug. 2016, Accessed 13 Mar. 2018.

Hastings, Caroline. “Caroline Hastings, M.D. (Mother. Doctor.).” Cure4theKids,

Cure4theKids Foundation, 25 Feb. 2012,

Accessed 13 Mar. 2018.

“Hemophilia.” The Health Site, 2018,

Accessed 13 Mar. 2018.

Works Cited Cont.
“Hemophilia.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research,

2 Feb. 2018,

/syc-20373327. Accessed 13 Mar. 2018.

“Hemophilia A.” Hemophilia, National Hemophilia Foundation, 2018,

mophilia-A. Accessed 13 Mar. 2018.

Works Cited Cont.
“Hemophilia Basics.” WebMD, 2017,

Accessed 13 Mar. 2018.

“Real Stories from People Living with Hemophilia.” Center for Disease Control and

Prevention, US Department of Health and Human Services, 6 Feb. 2017, Accessed 13 Mar. 2018.

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