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Analisis Kebutuhan - 2 (High Level

Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi
Agi Putra Kharisma, S.T., M.T.
Genap 2014/2015

Desain slide ini dadaptasi dari University of San Fransisco


fungsionalitas yang harus dapat

dilakukan sistem

“requirements are something that a client asks for, and not

something that the team designs”
Jenis Requirements

• Functional
• Nonfunctional
• Supplementary
Requirement Elicitation

Mencari fungsionalitas yang harus dapat

dilakukan sistem.

The time used for requirements elicitation time

must be about discovery, not invention.

Dalam perkuliahan ini, kebutuhan sistem didokumentasikan dalam

bentuk use case.
Use Case Dengan Business Rules/Constraints

Business rules/constraints dapat dinyatakan dalam

bentuk annotation atau dapat juga ditulis dalam daftar
terpisah yang merujuk pada use case tertentu.
Tantangan Requirement

(Pressman, 2010):
• How to discover requirements.
• How to communicate requirements to the other phases
and teams of the project.
• How to recall requirements during development in order to
verify if they have all been implemented.
• How to manage requirements change.
Requirement Tidak Disarankan Sebagai Dasar
Pembuatan Arsitektur Sistem

Using requirements as a base to support system architecture

is like building a house over moving sand; when
requirements change, the structure suffers.

However, the Unified Process (UP) uses a much more

stable basis for the architecture, which is based on classes
and components that encapsulate information and behavior.
Open-Close Principle (Meyer, 1988)

Suatu arsitektur yang baik dapat mengikuti prinsip buka-

tutup, yaitu:

“it is always closed for modification (it works),

but open for extension (it may accommodate
new functionalities).”
Nonfunctional Requirements

Nonfunctional requirements are constraints or

qualities that may be linked to specific functions
of a system.

(for example, “an order cannot contain more than one hundred
books,” “the order transaction must be preserved if communications
are broken,” etc.)

Nonfunctional requirement dapat dinyatakan pada diagram use case dalam

bentuk annotation.
Tipe – Tipe Nonfunctional Requirement

1. Logical issues
Business rules attached to a function
Contoh: tidak mengirim makanan sebelum pembayaran dilunasi

2. Technological issues
Constraints and qualities related to the technology used to
perform the function
Contoh: konfirmasi pembayaran tidak lebih dari 24 jam
Supplementary Requirements

Supplementary requirements are all types of

constraints and qualities related to the
system as a whole and not only to individual

Klasifikasi supplementary requirement dapat dilihat pada

ISO/IEC 25010.
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (1)
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (2)
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (3)
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (4)
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (5)
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (6)
Preliminary Conceptual Model

• Dibuat pada fase Inception

• Terdiri dari diagram kelas tanpa atribut
• Konsep – konsep dapat ditemukan dengan menganalisis
system use case diagram
Contoh Conceptual Model
Use Case Setelah Direvisi
Use Case Setelah Direvisi (Lagi)

Raul Sidnei Wazlawick - Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

for Information Systems

Buat system use case Web Kantin PTIIK yang melayani

pemesanan & pembayaran secara online.

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