Touchstone 1 Unit 8

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Shopping _ ee ee USC ee use this, that, these, and those. ESR mL De SMCS LUD RU eae DCS Cee PRPS LD SLC ee Tae Look at the pictures. Find the people who are wearing these clothes. pants and atop = jeans and a T-shirt RUC nL Cee ns OR Su UCR SC ee What kinds of clothes do you like to wear? Pocus Gece ecu riot cad Pecans Een ected Well, we don’t have to wear Thave to wear a suit and tie to I like to wear designer clothes, tuuifouns at out sehuvl, 90 Like wank. After work, [just want because I need to Fook good for to wear pants, a T-shirt, and to go home and put on jeans work. So I usually wear dressy sneakers. and an old sweater. You know, pants or a nice skirt, with a jacket something comfortable. and a silk blouse. Oh, and of course, high heels. eee ten ttt eal Getting started Pe AN RTT «| © Listen. What kinds of clothes do Kayo, Rick, and Louisa usually wear? Figure Pig > B Circle the words to make true sentences about the people above. Then make three truc sentences about yourself. Tell a partner. 1. Kayo has to / doesn’t have to wear a uniform, 2. Rick wants to / doesn’t want to wear comfortable clothes after work. 3. Louisa needs to / doesn't need to wear nice clothes to work. 76 Unit 8 Shopping Abeit — A make true sentences, Then compare with a partner. |. 1_Aon't ke te (like to) wear jeans all the time. Our teacher ___ (have to) wear a suit to class. ‘The students in this class __ (have to) wear a uniform every day. 1 (want to) buy shoes this weekend. 5. My parents __ (like to) spend a lot of money on clothes. 61 (need to) huy new jeans. 7. My best friend (like to) shop for clothes. 8 We____ (need to) wear warm clothes in the spring. eT “{ don’t like to wear jeans all the time.” “Me neither. But | like to wear jeans on the weekends.” B Write five questions with like to, want 10, need 10, and have to. Then ask a partner your questions, De you like te wear suits? A @ Listen and repeat the sentences above. Notice the reduction of want to and have to. B @ now listen and repeat these questions. 1, Do you have to go shopping this week? . .. Where do you have to go? 2. Do you have to buy any new clothes? . .. What do you have to get? 3. Do you want to spend a lot of money? . .. How much do you want to spend? 4, Do you want to go to a designer store? ... Which stores do you want to go to? Pair work Ask and answer the questions. What interesting things do you tind out? A Do you have to go shopping this week? B Yes, | have to go on Saturday. ‘A Where do you have to go? 1 Building vocabulary A @ Listen and say the words. Which of these items do you have? Which do you need to buy? Tell the ae ; 1 a baseball cap a backpack abrietcase a purse shoes and socks | s a eG a bracelet and a ring a necklace and earrings ‘coat and boots a hal, a scart, and gloves | Word sort; & What clothes and accessories do you have in these colors? Write them in the chart. - What colors do you like to wear? Discuss with a partner. 2 Building language A @® Listen. low much are the gloves and the searf? Practice the conversation. person Hello, Can I help you? Samantha Ub, hi, How much are those gloves? Salesperson ‘These? They're really popular. They're $80. Samantha Hmm, And what about that blue scarf? How much is that? Salesparson ‘This searfis on sale. I's only $149. Samantha $149? OK, Uhave to think about it. Thanks anyway. Figure = fae B Pair work Can you act out the conversation using your own ideas? 7 Grammar_How much... ?, this, these; that, those @ How much is this (scarf)? 2-9 Saying prices are these (gloves)? $2.99 = “Two dollars and ninety-nine: or “Two ninety-nine” How much is that (watch)? S By $125 = “A hundred and twenty-five are those (sunglases)? (doliars)" How much isit? It's $2.99. ee eee snd evant ay are they? They're $49.99. ee People also say How much does it cost? and | ‘cast? to talk about prices in general A Write questions with How much... ?and this, that, these, and those. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. B Group work ‘Talk about how much these things cost. Agree on an average price. shoes cellphone jeans aCD abackpack “How much do shoes cost?” “Well, it depends. They're about thirty or thirty-five dollars.” + Vocabulary notebook Nice outtit! See page 84 for a new way to logand learn vocabulary. 79 ENS] Conversation strategy Taking time to think ~ When you need time to think, what do you say in your language? Do you have expressions like Um, Well, and Uh? A How often do you go shopping? eee sree B Um, well. Uh... once or twice a month maybe. Sarah Uh, yes. I'm looking for a i ace © Now listen. What does Sarah buy? How much is it? eer RC Lem TI NE a an PER Ee SC ee ee SOUT Le Oa em Ae silver bracelets here, Se eae Clerk Um, let's see . . . it's $55.95. SRM a mag Bee nL ae Notice how Sarah says Un, Um, Weil, Let's | see, and Let me think when she needs time a = to think. Find examples in the conversation. Ds SM Na awatch acamera abackpack a pair of sunglasses A Can I help you? B Um, yeah. I'm looking for a watch. A OK. And how much do you want to spend? sees gy ten ch B Well, let me think. .. about $100. Loa 80 ____2 Strategy plus_“Conversation sounds” Uh-huh means Olt shows you're nt “Yes,” “That's right,” surprised, happy, Ta or “/'m listening.” or angry. is $55.95. re Uh-huh and on are in the top 50 words A Look at these conversations. What do the “conversation sounds” mean? 1, A You have some money with you, right? 3. A Thave to go shopping this weekend. B Let's see ... Ihave about sixty dollars. 2 Uh-huh, A Oh, good! Can I borrow ten dollars? A Iwant to buy a flat-screen TV. B Ob, not again! B Oh, cool! 2. A How much do you usually spend 4, A How many credit cards do you have? ana sweater? Ahont eighty dollars? B Nine or ten. B Uh-huh. Seventy or eighty dollars. A Oh, that’s a lot! B Uh-huh. I know, but I never carry cash. 7 F B Pair work Practice the conversations. Give your own reactions and answers. 3 Listening_1'l take it. A oe : AB © iisten scenes consmesnonptn satare: wate tie ploaar Gach tien B @ Listen again. Which items do the shoppers buy? Circle the items. 4 Free talk How do you like to dress? ee t Str ee ee ee 1 Reading A Bre ainstorm w rds re Remember, there are ae to shopping, How m are no right or wr )w many word! jong answers! scan you think ! you think of? clothes shopping money B Read the article. C find ai ‘ou brainstormed? a Ci "an you find any of the words y med with over et? Iyoure o any of thes read greatplaces 00 tOP. Italy ‘san Lovers? Market in ‘Rlorence is famous for leather puree® wallets, and gloves. There are has over 80! everything is Chea) jots of cafés ~ 8° pecase you don" tax. There .gof shopping, erl0s ® comeesntne | reall 300 restau ‘amusement Parks: nightclubs, ing rink! ‘The West Edmonton avin the province? of Albertais the size ‘of aa.cityplocksand after a mornin rants, 26 movie Uneatersy pistoric city center anotel, and = even an ice-skal Japan Morocco , Tokeshimey® == ine Marrakech, tnere’s the famous souk.” You need all day toshoP at Takashimaye TOMS iphereare hundreds oF ‘square, woated in the us ‘at this department store tl i stalls selling clothes, “jesigner clothing, Bifts, and housew traditional Morocean siso-an art gallery ane travel agen’: . slippers, and copper ofall, there are three floors of restaural pots. “hose gifts for all: of your friends: Putremembers RIT. pay something you have to pargain, because tere ATS no prices! E 2 Listening and writing Favorite places to shop Talk about it What kind of shopper are you? Unit @ Shopping C Look at the article again. Find . . = agood place to have coffee. = a place with no sales tax. = a place where you have to agree on the price. somewhere you want to go. something you want to buy. four words for a place to shop. four new words you want to learn, © aplace where you can shop and then look at art. A What's your favorite store? Why do you shop there? Tell the class. B © Listen to Min Sup talk about his favorite store. Circle the correct information, like to shop at the mall / in small stores. My favorite store is a bookstore / an electronics store. like it because it's cheap / interesting. Tusually go there on Friday nights / on Sundays. Ibuy alot of DVDs / computer games. i C Write a paragraph about your favorite store for a shopper's guide. Use the model below. Help note "Linking ideas with because My favorite store is... like it because Tusually go there... | togive reasons ‘They sell... ‘My favorite store is Chang’s, ‘They also have... | because unas great res like to buy... ike to shop there because it's cheap | eo D Group work ‘Take turns reading your recommendations. Do you learn about any new places to shop? Group work Discuss the questions. Does anyone have an interesting shopping habit? » Do you like to go shopping? Why or why not? » Do you usually pay cash or with a credit card? > Do you compare prices before you buy something? > > Do you like to buy things on sale? Do you ever buy things you don’t need? Do you ever spend too much money? 83 TUE A ML I 4 Nice outfit! Learning tip Labeling pictures. it’s black and wh To learn new vocabulary, you can label pictures in books | or magazines. | Here are the top 10 colors ——_—- Se eeeneeaee people talk about: 1. white 6. green 1 Label the clothing and personal items in this picture. f rio : yale i gray 4. blue 9. pink 5. brown 10. orange 2 Find and label at least three pictures you like from a magazine or catalog. On your own Go into a ig clothing store. Haw many things can you name in English? | Oo eeeniinn erie emacaieal

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