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the thinnest Copyboard!

The No. 1 best selling Electronic 
b d in Japan is now 
slimmer, faster and packed with 
more functions. 

Introducing the world thinnest 
Electronic Copyboard
Electronic Copyboard

PLUS M-18 Series



Advanced Features

The M‐18, thinner than ever! The Eco‐Friendly Design
with the lowest power consumption. 
Now width of
Now, width of 
the M‐18 is  The M‐18 achieved
42% Less Only almost half of  the lowest power 
the previous  consumption in the industry
125mm  model. Incredibly  (M‐18S: 12W in Operation). 
72mm  thin M‐18 can be  This contributes to both your 
neatly wall‐ cost and environments.
mounted saving  The M‐18 is the most Eco‐
yyour meeting g Friendly designed Copyboard
space.  of your choices.    
Previous model M‐18S

Simple PC Connection! USB Port in FRONT 
As the USB port for the 
Simply connecting your 
USB Memory Stick is 
computer to the board via 
located in the front 
l t d i th f t
USB cable allows you to save 
position of the board. 
the contents on the board to 
Therefore, it is so easy to 
your computer. No software 
insert the USB Memory 
is required. Now both PC and 
Mac are compatible with the 
M‐18 Series!  
Advanced Features
The fastest scanning time! Magnets attachable sheet 
The M‐18 achieved the  Magnets are attachable to the 
fastest scanning speed in the  board for the first time to the 
industry(M‐18S:15 seconds).  sheet‐type Copyboard. This 
This enhances your speedy 
h d feature make your ways of 
communication and  meeting more flexible.       
streamlines your business!

Note: Scanning is not possible when magnets are used. 

Model Line Up

M‐18S  M‐18W Wall‐mount

Wide model  configuration
Standard model  
M odel N am e Model M‐18S
M -18S  M‐18W
M -18W  
Size O uter D im ensions W 1480 x D 146 x H 1014 m m W 1980 x D 146 x H 1014 m m
(w ith Stands) W 1480 x D 744 x H 1947 m m W 1980 x D 744 x H 1947 m m
W eight (w ithout Printer and Stand) 20 3 K g
20. 25 0 K g
B oard Panel Size W 1300 x H 910 m m W 1800 x H 910 m m
R eadable A rea W 1280 x H 900 m m W 1780 x H 900 m m
N um ber of Pages 2
Sheet D riving m ethod M otorized/M anual
G rid 50m m (2 inches) Squares
U SB Port 3 ports :Type B for PC and Type A for Printer and for U SB Flash M em ory
R eading M ethod C IS(C ontact Im age Sensor)
Printer C om patible Printers Inkjet Type:
Type:HH P PC L3e,
L3e PC L3G U I/E PSO N Single Function Printer
Papers A 4-size(210x297m m )/Letter-size(8.5"x11") Plain Paper
C olors C olor / B lack & W hite
Print D ensity 300 dpi(11.8 X 11.8 dot/m m )
Interface U SB 2.0
PC C onnection Interface U SB 2.0

W indow s X P(H om e E dition/Professional E dition Service Pack 3 or later),

Supported O S W indow s V ista(32bit/64bit), W indow s7 (32bit/64bit)
A pple M acintosch com puter w ith U SB port, M ac O S x 10.5 or greater

File Form at JPE G
D ata O utput C olor of im age C olor /B lack & W hite
M em ory D evice U SB Flash M em ory
File Form at JPE G
Pow er Source A C 100V -240V , 50-60H z
C onsum ption 2W or less(Standby), 5W (Pow er-on), 12W (O peration)
E nvironm ental C onditions Tem perature 10℃-35℃
H um idity 30%-85%
Installation W all-M ount or Stand(Floor Stand is optional)
Included A ccessories M arkers (B lack, R ed, B lue, G reen), E raser, A C Pow er A daptor, Pow er C ord(2.5m ), U SB C able(3m length),
W all M ounting B rackets, Safety G uide, U ser's M anual,
A ssem bly Set-up M anual
O ption: Floor Stand w ith rolling casters Size: W 1270xD 640xH 1450 m m , W eight: 10.5 K g

Stationery Company, Meeting Products Div.

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