Structural Theory Lecture Notes 1

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CANES LEMVEL T- pATING — (B5c5) Scanned with CamScanner no. 3 FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES USED IN CTRUCTURAL AWALUSIS DA body _uill exist in a cate of cast wo ina late of wwitoce! motion ina whraight line unless it is Toreed to Come that date by force imposed on it 2) The tate_of change of momentum of a bedy ic equal_to te net apsied force 3) for every action , there ig. an equal _ard oppaxtte reachon- Law OF Motion EQUATION: Zfsma ~Ctatic. Equilibrium « 282 Dorn pus PRIMARY. COMPONENTS IN Ay CTRUCTURE: Ties > gubyecte! ty axial tension only a Sinuts | =? Wb\eded to “Gulal_compression “only Beams and Girders > ysvally horizontal 4) Columns 2 PF usvally’ vertical 5) Viophragis 2 Hat: pats * Structural _componertts Oe acon hm struct ural \_gstems. Scanned with CamScanner CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURES )) Tension Structures : a) Compression . Structures feo 3) Ines Structures * 4) Shear Stnuctores 5) Bending Gwuctves CIRUCTOPAL FORCES BR Girudoral ston ic 7 _ypon_by forces. The forces That _act on 4 “structure indude the “applia# loads and the fesulting reaction forces. ' CIRUGTURAL IDEALIZATION Cuda idealization is the pres replacing an acl iuduce_with a imple ystem_cordvave to olga. SGNNNNNN aw aa Concentrated fircey tavelys ach at o Sitgle pola. Rather, the are disitibuted in Small dteas. However ‘in q Simple system troy canbe simpiiRed a bres that act on'a_Sugle “point - it The vse of Simple Mer diagiome Hr eruckoral oral pie twill wt recut in gered apalysis ; but the results are usually duite aceptaple p WEB Scanned with CamScanner STRUCTURAL CAFETS COME UNCERTAINTIES Ih DBCIGU: D) Material ctreraths tay vary_dporecialdy ‘rom thei” accurted Values ov they will Vary mtgre with Hie due to creep, ONS! Of Tati dve- 2) De methods of amaysis of ivdures ore Oen wubject fe ayeaable efvors. 2) Uhe acts of qature [earthquXes cpr, etc.) cause loads thot are extremely aitioult to predict. @) There are “Rertolbgi cal changes that cause inererted loads fp o0eae (laoge Hodes trains army tanks onsen bridges. ) : ; ’ 5) Loads occuring during construction operations can be Bee . a : 6) Variations ‘io member sizes esidval_Siesses CHES _(oncentvation s. Scanned with CamScanner TYPES OF STRUCTURES &) Frames Scanned with CamScanner AAA AA RMR mMRR RRR MURR eee ee CTROCTUZAL DETERMINACY 4 Che A: Detertnjoacy «Tor Trusses and Frames Yee Ut of neon de We J -= degeee of indeterninacy — ‘foc Beams and Pincomeded Athructues (= 30 Te f-n opener recior Tuber oF members F despee oh B. haus's Tor tyes ay rey ty fo eyo f 7 a a , Za ; 7 Tt Tea dese Fr ‘o4am 2 alu) 22U- unstable | ete! For 2120 ynember_of Tne fay “kana \mernal lad Tretelore foc eacn_mem nas Wag, leoyt __ S Scanned with CamScanner no.. Reo, Cdvations por Joint ang truss + 2Fx,2ty. _ Cows, E = 10. OF ens ger conection fining x M0. oF connections Q — = = at . 0 wv Ure Bea) = 2H) = + —, X__edestal _Wwerna + T x ‘table sf Wee 244[6)- al4) — G9 i Hele ia {st degree TaRRTTINEeS — s " A 4 —= io x NOEs TRUSS =. 1 unlaoun intemal roe fe Saar U_ = {dta) unbrowns Sa connections + total _unknow? Ga mnerloers [lveams/ trusses | frames. ete: sseauuaeeeceaed Scanned with CamScanner WWW WW eeeeeeeaeaaeaweanaeaet w@ @ 6 G. Stability wR UKE 5 unstable a. Wh tne Tine of action of forces i¢ concure/It of pacalel forces, 1 wnctalde @ Conostent 2) Mon - concurrent 7 Pes, a Z 7 £ we ren © Paaliel a = — Scanned with CamScanner ACTABIUITY WD QETERMINACY OF BEAMG a (a) SSS “s nN ] } * T C2 an “Siti \ndeterininate at a 5*3() 2 E372 raat Sys, Re Os — f= 39 v 62%(2) GG Stattcally determinate, ; (TABLE © 7 oe N (220 92014) B=% Statically determinate 5 WwstapLe” Scanned with CamScanner - TT == ae ee w@ no.. @®_Z k t + t feon A= (9? TG. Statically determinate 5 STABLE CTABILITY AOD DETERMWACY OF FRAMES (U=e) (a) Use Ht (6) = 3(o) 2d 714 49 x Bth degree Stat. Indeterminate (o) UcE 44 3(15) = 3(\2) 52 53U Ctaticaly Weteminate at (bth degre (1 =2-362 16) Scanned with CamScanner CTABILITY © DeSean OF WE foe | y “sf P \ t T we 2+ Qa) = 2(4) Gelb .. Statically determinate, - “. Externally Stable =. (nternall EZ *) Scanned with CamScanner no.. AWALYSIS OF CTATICALLY DERERMINATE TIRVCTURES al) Beams ond g-ontected rudures % a a ae 4 ¥ i= — 3 SF Assunrnovs SI eWhole Struc ® Z ti SS lt Fx 2Fy 4 2M equations h P___ can't cole frninimize the, nkrou, = 2 "py can iSolate each member. F Ssolafiea each meme * A < Scanned with CamScanner Determine the reactions of eon support of the given beam . Suport at A ica oll Cis eu connected jaed b ica fived oppo \dealized Structures : pba b aa a= ] = eam ’ Ya A (= 40 ©. Gtatially Delermianate 672(2) ». SwWle f a G=GY ae : | Mite pin-connected Tans (to, ae 7 ep yo won Members fasi hindi marwinioi xe a 10 a ala G. Hy Zfy at aM eAyatins: @inenber AC on QW. San eet —— ie Scanned with CamScanner Zhy20 4 By = 135-102) > 0 (be 21. a6 KN £1 FVZNp=O ae Mg +125 (4) +10(2) (2) 20 Sho Myz ~ 22-5 fm = aa.skUn_2 Mo? an [np : CHECK * «PS 70_f Zfwzo 4 ; 125 - S-10L2) = 0 Buco BFS 4 M25 Bo Scanned with CamScanner 2Mp =O i) - 2as ->-35(6) + s(S) + Jolay(4)2 © OsO Vv EXAMPLE 2+ Determine the reactions at A, Bt Cc. $48) [on 3S V3n TEST FOR PUTERMmNACY { STABIUTY f<2n 7. Stat. det- C= aca) -*- Sable G70 > \sonnte: AB: “hy synmetry 32 ut Av= by | ——- 2hv-0 +4 ye hy tv ~ €(-5)7 0 a 294 ap Scanned with CamScanner no. @ Whole Struct? Fyro tt Ay -4(o.5)-5 toy-0 WW -aq-S t+Gys0 v= 14 ENT] ————— tw) AS Zip 70 = $00.45) 419-5) -G td) =O w= (Ck we te otye0 + z > Gyo direction kasi interna) Fa 45 <0 es Ra -\u-S 70 Scanned with CamScanner ANALYTICAL MODELS ~Sinp\ied cepresentation of a Structure. Determine if the tructure can be spread aa plane nocture of a BO cructore | 2) Represent using line diagrams 9) Ideal-ation tk comedions 4) Vealization of suport | oie Foo FRAMING cusToM (ori) SLABS "—> DEANS 9 Couoas: —_ “Hale G— SOIL Chive ) “2 Cloedetions) Coen) COT iVow 2) CLABS —7 DanmS —7 GIRDERS —> cowmnS: FOOTING > Co/L Csaist) option 4 * , Seb “t jp ba = edluint 29 pong Ml Ot ey bal Fon soil Scanned with CamScanner rslab op T , = no. —_ AB vy ist [pede : ze Grder [large beams) ; Hl column, = o Otis WT ® — -§ : : Ke Bes, ROOFAFRAMING SYSTEM ROOF = POLLS 5 TRUSSES => poor BEAMS Scanned with CamScanner (LABS aod TRIBUTARY AREA Ohe-way Cao Two-way “slab” L . . L . 2 5 W me We ONE WAY GAD idbh TWO -way SLAB FabRogL arr esas wil =ISR =r x a +t ———— — t 1 Sm eWay ACKETCH tha -frivutary” ater he are AD, BE ER. a, CF and JK of the ‘ical Reorplon Stow Dabok. bel ati iatateiniatatriare 3 Scanned with CamScanner TAF ae Ao re, an ft] am am ~ te = t 3m AA I a pee Z eh 2) ie : : % CET the telutacy ava colu A,€.4,4 dhe typical floorplan of the building - Shou. ‘ Tm 1 ern aes [® Scanned with CamScanner

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