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Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII
Guru Bid Study : Ulises Sinaga

1. Luki: What is Priyo doing in his vacation now?

Lusi: He is … to Bangladesh now.
a) go
b) went
c) gone
d) going 
2. Desta: What is your sister doing with her friends in the library?
Pras: They are …
a) buying some books
b) lending some books
c) borrowing some books
d) collecting some books
3. I … to help her, if I have time.
a) am going
b) go
c) goes
d) went
4. … you … when I visited your house yesterday?
a) were sleeping
b) are sleeping
c) did sleeping
d) were sleep
5. Olla: Where is Mommy, Daddy?
Father: She is in the living room. She … movie on TV.
a) watched
b) watches
c) is watching
d) will watch 
6. … is taking a trip to Gili Meno.
a) They
b) When
c) The woman
d) Her
7. Are we … cake now?
a) eating
b) eat
c) eats
d) has eat
8. … James, is attending the lecture.
a) Right now
b) Happily
c) Because of the time
d) My friend
9. Am I singing again … ?
a) today
b) a few moment
c) last week
d) yesterday
10. She is dancing now, but she … take a rest soon.
a) doesn’t
b) did
c) will
d) can

Kunci jawaban:

11. c) is watching
12. c) The woman
13. a) eating
14. d) My friend
15. b) a few moment
16. c) will
17. a) am going
18. b) are sleeping
19. d) going
20. c) borrowing some books

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