Quarter Third Week 6 (Day 1) Theme Overcoming Challenges Sub-Theme Strength in Facing Challenges

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Grade 8 English
Quarter Third
Week 6 (Day 1)
Theme Overcoming Challenges
Sub-theme Strength in Facing Challenges


The learner demonstrates The learner transfers learning by
understanding of: Southeast Asian composing and delivering a persuasive
literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; speech based on an informative essay
coping strategies in processing textual featuring use of properly acknowledged
information; strategies in examining information sources, grammatical
features of a listening and viewing signals for opinion-making , persuasion,
material; structural analysis of words and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
and propaganda techniques; and features, stance, and behavior.
grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis.

1. (EN8LT-IIIf-2.2)Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the
theme of a particular literary selection.
2. (EN8LT-IIIf-2.2.5)Determine key ideas , tone and purposes of the author.
3. (EN8VC-IIIf-19)Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material
4. (EN8V-IIIf-12.3)Arrive at the meanings through context clues

a. Determine the elements of the selection "The Story of Ruth".
b. Distinguish the meaning of the words through context clues.
c. Analyze the personality traits of Ruth and Naomi.
d. Compare and contrast Naomi who was bitter and Ruth who reigned.
e. Compare Naomi as a symbol of the law and Ruth as a symbol of grace.
f. Show appreciation of a character's personality or trait.


A. Topic : The Story of Ruth
Elements of a Story
Author's purpose and idea
Context Clues
B. References : Voyages of Communication English Learner’s Module
C. Materials : activity sheets, printed copy of the story , video clip,
projector or television, speaker

A. Spelling: Pre-test
Students will write the correct spelling of the following words.
1. famine 6. conversation 11. ought 16. approached
2. widow 7. vows 12. generous 17. kinsman
3. married 8. buried 13. strange 18. privilege
4. daughter 9. husband 14. opportunity 19. kindness
5. begged 10. despondent 15. debt 20. negotiate

B. Activity:
1. Students will watch a video clip of "The Story of Ruth."
2. Students will read "The Story of Ruth" silently.
Famine has hit Bethlehem, which forces Elimelech and his wife, Naomi, to move
east to Moab with their two sons to get some grub. There, they set up shop, eat some
food, and live for about ten years. The sons marry two local girls, Ruth and Orpah, during
this time. Life is good. Or so it seems.
One by one, Elimelech and his two sons die. Bummer. This leaves Naomi, Ruth,
and Orpah man-less and in need of help. Naomi decides to head back to Bethlehem (ten
years is enough time to get over a famine, right?) and her daughters-in-law pack their
luggage and join her. Naomi begs the girls to stay behind and, while Orpah is convinced
and high tails it back to Moab, Ruth pledges her devotion to Naomi, forsaking her god
and her people to become part of Naomi's life. Ruth's stubbornness pays off and Naomi
lets her tag along.
In Bethlehem, things are not good for the ladies. Naomi is feeling down and out
and Ruth is reduced to gleaning in the barley fields. There, Ruth happens to run into a
well-known rich guy named Boaz, who instantly takes a liking to her and offers her all
kinds of sweet gleaning privileges. Boaz also happens to be a relative of Naomi's late
husband, which is very, very important, since Boaz would have an obligation to marry
Ruth and provide for her as family.
When Naomi hears about Boaz and what a stand-up guy he is, she hatches a plan
for Ruth to snag him as a husband. She tells her daughter-in-law to visit Boaz at night in
secret and lie at his feet (it's sexy, trust us). Ruth does what her mother-in-law asks and
Boaz is pleasantly surprised to see the cute girl from the fields is interested in him. He
tells Ruth that he would love to marry her, but that there's another relative with even
closer ties to her in-laws. Boaz sets out to meet the guy and everyone is left to hold his or
her breath while we wait to find out whom Ruth will end up with.
As it turns out, this random relative is interested in buying some land that Naomi
has, but he's much less interested in taking her daughter-in-law as his wife. So a deal is
struck—the other guy renounces his claim on Ruth and Boaz is free to marry her.
Wedding bells start ringing and everyone is happy.
Soon, Ruth and Boaz have a son, which makes Naomi über happy. The women in
town name the baby Obed and, surprise, surprise, he goes on to be the grandfather of
King David. 
C. Analysis:
Students will answer the following questions:
1. How does the text differ from the video?
2. What are the scenes from the video that shows relevance to the text?
3. How was the idea presented in the text and in the video?
4. How is it important to know the complete idea in the text as or before you watch the
5. What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing the text?
6. What do you think is the author's mood as he was writing the text?
D. Abstraction:
Students will analyze the elements of the selection completing the graphic organizer
Name: ___________________________________Activity no.____________
Title of the Story: ______________________________

Main Character: Minor Characters:

Central Conflict
Setting: Mood:

Major Events in the Plot

Inciting Action:

Rising Action:

Climax or Turning Point:

Falling Action:


Students' answers will be processed through the following questions.

1. Describe the living faith that works out of love in the lives of Ruth and Boaz.
2. At the end of the Story of Ruth, it appeared that Naomi owned some land that Boaz
was willing to sell to her. If she had this land all along, why didn't she ell it earlier and
save herself a lot of trouble?
E. Application:
Context Clues: Students will identify the meaning of the word using context clues
and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. A Hebrew family moved to Moab, because of a famine in Israel.
a. starvation b. abundance
2. Elimelech and his two sons died which left three widows in Moab.
a. happily married b. a woman whose husband has died
3. Mahlon and Chillion married a wife from Moab.
a. wedded couple b. unwedded woman
4. Naomi prepared to leave her two daughters-in-law.
a. female child b. a male friend
5. They begged to be able to go with her.
a. demand b. request politely
6. It was during a conversation that Ruth said for wedding vows.
a. dialogue b. song
7. Ruth believes many Christian wedding vows.
a. promise b. ritual
8. Her husband was buried with her love.
a. to put in a grave b. to put soil on the ground
9. Naomi's husband died with his sons.
a. co-worker b. male partner
10. Naomi was financially and emotionally despondent.
a. with hope b. very sad
11. Ruth ought to love her husband forever.
a. moral obligation b. suggest
12. Ruth returned to Naomi and told her about the generous land owner.
a. kind-hearted b. uncharitable
13. Boaz chose to care for the new stranger in their land.
a. native b. outsider
14. The man left Boaz with an opportunity to buy them out of their debt.
a. chance b. unfavourable situation
15. Boaz paid the debt and take Ruth as his wife.
a. trust b. credit
16. She approached Boaz and asked him to become the kinsman-redeemer for them.
a. come nearer b. run away
17. Boaz became the kinsman-redeemer for Naomi and Ruth .
a. relative b. king
18. He negotiated another man for the privilege.
a. disqualify b. honor
19. Out of kindness, he chose to care for Ruth.
a. kind act b. coldhearted
20. Boaz had to negotiate with another kinsman.
a. arrange b. disorder


Students will analyze the personality traits of Ruth and Naomi as reflected in their actions
and dialogue. Compare and contrast Naomi who left Bethlehem and was bitter and Ruth
who came to Bethlehem and reigned. Furthermore, compare Naomi as the symbol of the
law and Ruth as a symbol of grace. Students will do this through a Venn Diagram.


Students will choose at least five words from the spelling activity and use them in

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