Compression of 3 (Transverse) Part of Duodenum Between SMA and Aorta

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Disease Cause Sx Tx Others

Nutcracker Syndrome Compression of L Hematuria

renal vein between Flank pain
SMA and aorta
SMA syndrome Compression of 3rd Post-prandial pain RF= rapid weight loss (low
(transverse) part of Intermittent Sx of mesenteric fat)
duodenum between intestinal obstruction -Normally, mesenteric fat keeps
SMA and aorta SMA away from duodenum
Mesenteric ischemia Embolism mostly -No rebound tenderness Usually affects jejunum.
from LA, LV to -Occult blood Labs- increased WBC, lactate and
SMAjejunum -Mild tenderness acidosis
affected usually
Sphincter of Oddi After gallstones or 1)biliary sx (increased 1)smooth muscle relaxants
dysfunction pancreatitis LFTs, bilirubin, RUQ pain) (CCB)
resulting in 2)recurrent pancreatitis 2)sphincterotomy
sphincter of Oddi
Sphincter of Oddi spasm Opioid RF= pt with pancreatitis. For pts
(morphine)SM with pancreatitis use meperidine
contraction instead of opioid.
Pancreatic ductal Tumor that arises in Courvoisier sign-painless Cholangiography-filling defect in
adenocarcinomas pancreatic jaundice with enlarged GB GB and cystic duct
of common bile duct
Acute pancreatitis Increased synthesis Increased serum
of pancreatic pancreatic lipase and
enzymes but amylaseautodigestion
decreased secretion Lipase more specific!
Gilbert syndrome Decreased UDP Increased unconjugated
glucorynyl bilirubin (but less than
transferase (UGT) 3mg/dL)no jaundice .
activity due to -Jaundice in stress
defective UGT gene (fasting, illness)
Cigler Najjar I Severely reduced Jaundice, kernicterus b/c
UGT activity UB crosses BBB
Achalasia Degeneration of Dysphagia to solids and Surgery or botulinum Secondary achalasia may come
inhibitory neurons liquids injection from Chagas dz or paraneoplastic
(with NO and VIP) in dz.
myenteric plexus of -RF for esophageal SCCA
Turcot syndrome FAP or Lynch with CNS
tumors (medulloblastoma
and glial tumors
Bechet syndrome HLA B51 Recurrent aphthous
Due to immune ulcers, genital ulcer and
complex vasculitis of uveitis and erythema
small BV nodosum
Can be seen after
viral (HSV or B19)
Menetrier dz Due to increased WAVEE= weight loss, Hyperplasia of gastric mucosa and
EGFR anorexia, vomiting, foveolar cells
epigastric pain, edema Hypoplasia of parietal and chief
cells and decreased acid production
Hypertrophied rigae like brain gyri
Excess mucus production with
protein loss
Microscopic colitis Inflammatory dz of -chronic watery diarrhea Older female
colon -Histo: - inflammatory
infiltrate in lamina
propria with thick
subepithelial collagen band
OR intraepithelial
Acute mesenteric ischemia Embolic occlusion of Abd pain out of proportion
SMA to physical findings
Red currant jelly stools
Chronic mesenteric ischemia Atherosclerosis of Post-prandial epigastric Intestinal angina
celiac, SM orIMA painfood aversion and
weight loss
Colonic ischemia Crampy abdominal pain Watershed area
then hematochesia
Thumb print sign
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome AD Multiple hamartomas Increased risk for breast and GI
throughout GI+ CA
hyperpigmented macules
on mouth, lips, hands and
Spontaneous bacterial -E.coli OR Klebsiella Fever, chills, vomiting, abd 3rd gen Composition= fibrin exudate, LDH,
peritonitis -commonly in pain, painful ascites. cephalosporin(cefotaxime) neutrophils
cirrhosis or Peritoneal fluid and Path: pt with cirrhosis or nephrotic
nephrotic syndrome ascites- cloudy, high syndromedecreased
protein, high PMN proteinE.coli more activecovers
PE: guarding and rebound peritoneum increased exudate
tenderness Dx: neutrophil>250
Reye Syndrome VZV and Influenza 1)Mitochondrial ASA reversibly inhibits
(viral infection) abnormalities mitochondrial enz decreased
treated with ASA 2)encephalopathy beta oxidation
3)microvesicular fatty

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