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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Vizcaya State University

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

IM No.: IM-GEHIST-1stSEM-202-2021
Name: Athena Kyle P. Asuncion December 12, 2020
Course & Year: BSTM 1A GE HIST
A. Complete the following boxes by writing 3 information you learned on the account given
by Antonio Pigafetta and Francisco Albo on their claims about the place where the first
mass was held in the country.


1. In Albo’s account, he didn’t say the Pigafetta specified in his account that
first Mass but as it were the planting the first Mass was held in Mazaua,
of the cross upon a mountain top Butuan on Easter Sunday, March 31.
from which can be seen three islands It is complete and is strengthened by
to the west and southwest, where they pieces of proving to count the date of
were told there was much gold. the event conjointly the location.

2. Corresponding to Albo, Magellan In Pigafetta's account, a pivotal

arrived at Butuan, to begin with, then perspective of Butuan was not said,
to Limasawa, and after that to Cebu. the river. Butuan is a riverine
The first Catholic Mass within the settlement, arranged on the Agusan
Philippines happened on March 31, River. The shoreline of Mazaua is
1521, fair three days after Ferdinand within the delta of the said river. It
Magellan landed on the Philippine could be an inquisitive exclusion
shore. within the account of the river, which
makes a portion of the unmistakable
characteristics of Butuan’s geology
that appeared to be as well critical to
be missed.

3. In Albo's account where he only In Albo’s account, the area of Mazaua

specified the planting of the cross fits the location of the island of
upon a mountain hill, it does not suit Limasawa, at the southern tip of
the coast of Butuan from which no Leyte, 9°54’N. In this way, assuming
islands could be seen to the south or that the first mass within the nation
the southwest, but as it were towards happened in Limasawa.
the north. It also fits the southern
conclusion of Limasawa.
Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Vizcaya State University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

IM No.: IM-GEHIST-1stSEM-202-2021
B. Answer the following questions briefly but COMPREHENSIVELY
1. Do you believe that the Cavite Mutiny was instigated by the 3 priests
(GOMBURZA)? Support your answer.
o No, I don't believe that the Cavite Mutiny was implicated by the three
priests (GOMBURZA). The GOMBURZA was one of the victims of the
Cavite Mutiny. They were executed at the Luneta on February 28, 1872,
due to the untrue allegations of conspiracy and subversion, taking an
assumed dynamic part within the Cavite Mutiny. In less complex words,
they were labeled as the masterminds of the rebellion. I don't believe this
mainly because the essential cause of the mutiny is affirmed to be an order
from Governor-General Rafael de Izquierdo to subject the soldiers of the
Engineering and Artillery Corps to individual charges, from which they
were already excluded. The taxes required them to pay a money related
sum as well as to perform constrained labor called "polo y servicio." The
uprising started on January 20, when the laborers got their pay and
realized the charges as well as the falla, the fine one paid to be excluded
from constrained labor, had been deducted from their pay rates.

2. Whose perspective do you believe regarding the Cavite Mutiny? Why?

o I believe the Filipino perspective concerning the Cavite Mutiny. Tavera’s
account affirmed that the occasion happened due to the discontentment of
the weapons store specialists and soldiers in Cavite fort. Governor-General
Rafael de Izquierdo amplified the occurrence and utilized it as a pardon to
clamp down on those Filipinos who had been calling for governmental
reform. Several Filipino knowledges was seized and charged with
complicity with the rebels, which comes about executing and arresting
them. In this way, the GOMBURZA were freely executed after a brief
trial. These executions, especially those of the GOMBURZA, were to
have a critical impact on individuals since of the shadowy nature of the
trials. Jose Rizal devoted his work, El Filibusterismo, to the executed
clerics. The three hence became saints to the cause of Philippine freedom.

3. Reflection regarding the Cry of the Balintawk or Pugad Lawin. What does the
“Cry of Balintawak” or “Cry of Pugad Lawin” signify?
o The Cry of the Balintawak or Pugad Lawin was the starting of the
Philippine Revolution against the Spanish Realm. Bonifacio and his
colleagues were arranging an across the country revolt. This drive to an
occasion called the "Cry of Pugad Lawin" or the "Cry of Pugad Lawin",
where progressives took portion in a mass tearing of cedulas (community
Republic of the Philippines
Nueva Vizcaya State University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

IM No.: IM-GEHIST-1stSEM-202-2021
tax certificates), symbolizing their battle against Spain. The engravings of
"Viva la Independencia Filipina" can moreover be alluded to as the term
for the cry. This truly went with vigorous screams. The “Cry of
Balintawak” or “Cry of Pugad Lawin” signifies that all of us have
announced our severance from the Spaniards. The Cry of Balintawak or
Pugad Lawin happened on August 26, 1896. The Cry is characterized as
the turning point when the Filipinos at long last denied Spanish colonial
domain over the Philippine Islands. In an emotion-laden ceremony, the
warriors tore their cedulas to represent the end of their devotion to Spain
whereas yelling the fight cry: "Long live Philippine independence!" The
occasion went down in Philippine history as the Cry of Balintawak or
Pugad Lawin and is respected as the beginning flag for the Philippine
Revolution. The Philippine Revolution is one of the foremost imperative
happenings within the country’s history, awakening a proud sense of
patriotism for eras of Filipinos to come. In a period of overwhelming
battle and struggle, Filipinos of distinctive foundations joined with a
common objective: to stand up to colonialism.

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