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Chemistry JC1 WS40 Nitrogen and Sulphur

Name : ______________________

1. Nitrogen atoms forms a triple covalent bond between two atoms. Draw the bonding.

2. Nitrogen and oxygen in the air react together during thunderstorms. Lightning provides the activation
energy. The product is nitrogen (II) oxide

Chemical Equation : ______________________________________________________

3. The nitrogen(II) oxide formed is further oxidised by oxygen in the air to give nitrogen(IV) oxide, NO2.

Chemical Equation : ______________________________________________________

4. Nitrogen(IV) oxide dissolves in water droplets and react with oxygen to form nitric acid, which falls to
earth in rain. This is a vital part of the natural nitrogen cycle. In this way, nitrogen gets into the soil in a

soluble form that plants can absorb. They use the nitrate ions, NO3 , to make the proteins essential for
growth. Chemical Equation : ______________________________________________________

5. Ammonia is a very important compound of nitrogen. It is an alkaline gas whose formula is NH3. In
industry it is made on a large scale in the Haber process

Chemical Equation : _____________________________________________________

6. Ammonia is acting as a base in this reaction (because it is accepting an H+ ion).

Chemical Equation : _____________________________________________________

7. If we heat an ammonium salt with a base, the ammonium ion produces ammonia gas. We use this
reaction to prepare ammonia gas in the laboratory. Ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide, both in
the solid state, are usually mixed then heated.

Chemical Equation : _____________________________________________________

8. The major nitrogen-based fertiliser is ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3. This is manufactured from
ammonia and nitric acid

Chemical Equation : _____________________________________________________

9. Nitrogen oxides are pollutants. They cause acid rain

and photochemical smog. Nitrogen oxides also catalyse

the oxidation of sulfur dioxide gas, SO2, in the atmosphere during the formation of acid rain. The
sulfur trioxide, SO3, gas that is produced by this oxidation reacts with rainwater, forming sulfuric acid.
The reactions below show the catalytic activity of the nitrogen oxides:

Chemical Equation : _____________________________________________________

Then NO2 is regenerated as NO reacts with oxygen in the air:

Chemical Equation : _____________________________________________________

10. Nowadays, car exhaust systems are fitted with catalytic converters to help reduce the pollutants from
motor vehicles. The reaction on the surface of the hot catalyst (e.g. platinum) reduces the nitrogen
oxides to harmless nitrogen gas, which is released from the vehicle’s exhaust pipe.

Chemical Equation : _____________________________________________________

11. Sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere can be oxidised by nitrogen(IV) oxide to form sulfur(VI) oxide (also
known as sulfur trioxide). This reacts with water to form sulfuric acid, which is the main cause of acid

Chemical Equation : _____________________________________________________

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