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Operation Ezekiel 22

Date of Activation: 31st May 2020 @0000Hrs

You should never establish any kind of association with anyone or any institution
without first getting a green light from the Father.

The Prayer Outline

Satanic kingdom has a cosmological system

Read Gen. 4:9–24

In this particular portion of Scripture, we see the terrestrial foundation of the kingdom
of darkness taking shape and form through the creation of eight out of the twelve
existing systems that comprise our world:
i. Social system (culture, entertainment, language, marriage, or family)
ii. Entertainment
iii. Environmental
iv. Economical
v. Governmental
vi. Educational
vii. Technological
viii. Religious (humanistic, atheistic, and anti-God)

A Call for Action:

The spirits of behemoth, leviathan, mammon, Egypt, Pharaoh, and Herod function
with the spirit of Babylon, forming a strong confederation within many nations and
countries and controlling their destinies as well as the destinies of their citizenship.
Read : Jeremiah 42:1–12; 51:1; Luke 22:1–5; Revelation 16:8–17:18; 18:1–12

1. Binding wicked spirits and pulling down strongholds (Leviathan spirit read Job
41:1–34; Psalm 74:14; Psalm 104:26; Isaiah 27:1)
 A stronghold is a mental paradigm, ideology, heresy, information, doctrine,
dogma, doctrines of men and devils, or any other mind-set Satan uses to control
the destiny of an individual. He also uses strongholds to keep entire groups of
people (communities, nations, kingdoms) in bondage. This powerful weapon
blinds the minds and binds the will. He will use culture, fashion, music,
political propaganda, religious and cultic activities, or anything else as a type
of fortress, hiding and camouflaging himself so as to go undetected by the
masses. (Read Romans 1:21; 2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 4:18.)

2. Praying for the government and its leaders at all levels - the political system
(Behemoth spirit read Job 40:15–24)
 Doctrine of Man: these are principles or laws men hold and are promulgated
through political policies, laws, legislative edicts, educational curricula,
religious tenets, and teachings. (Read Matthew 15:9.)
3. Praying for the education system:
 Doctrine of Devils: A doctrine is a rule, principle of law, or a statement of
official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategies.
Doctrines of devils therefore, are those rules, governmental policies, and
principles of laws that do not adhere to or reflect biblical principles (Read
Matthew 6:22–23; 1 Timothy 4:1.)
 Doctrine of Man: these are principles or laws men hold and are promulgated
through political policies, laws, legislative edicts, educational curricula,
religious tenets, and teachings. (Read Matthew 15:9.)
 “In our dream, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves
with perfect docility to our moulding hand. The present educational
conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our
own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make
these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or
science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or
men of letters. We shall not search for embryos of great artists, painters, or
musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from
among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of which we
now have ample supply”.
—Frederick Gates, 1913 Director Of Charity, Rockefeller Foundation

4. Praying for the health system:

5. Praying for the economic system:

6. Praying against all centres where Satan is being worshipped:

 Doctrine of Devils: A doctrine is a rule, principle of law, or a statement of
official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategies.
Doctrines of devils therefore, are those rules, governmental policies, and
principles of laws that do not adhere to or reflect biblical principles. Satan is
skillful at preaching another gospel. The unsuspecting and innocent become
easy prey because many seek to be enlightened rather than seek God. The New
Age movement is an example of this deception. (See Matthew 6:22–23; 1
Timothy 4:1.)

7. Praying against religious spirits and false religions :

 Religiosity is a system of beliefs, principles, creeds, dogmas, and faith to which
an individual adheres. (Read Galatians 1:13–14; James 1:26–27.)
 Doctrine of Devils: A doctrine is a rule, principle of law, or a statement of
official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategies.
Doctrines of devils therefore, are those rules, governmental policies, and
principles of laws that do not adhere to or reflect biblical principles. Satan is
skillful at preaching another gospel. The unsuspecting and innocent become
easy prey because many seek to be enlightened rather than seek God. The New
Age movement is an example of this deception. (See Matthew 6:22–23; 1
Timothy 4:1.)

“Watauwa na waushangilie utukufu, Waimbe kwa sauti kuu vitandani mwao. Sifa
kuu za Mungu na ziwe vinywani mwao, Na upanga mkali kuwili mikononi mwao. Ili
kufanya kisasi juu ya mataifa, Na adhabu juu ya kabila za watu. Wawafunge wafalme
wao kwa minyororo, Na wakuu wao kwa pingu za chuma. Kuwafanyia hukumu
iliyoandikwa; Hiyo ndiyo heshima ya watauwa wake wote. Haleluya.”
ZAB. 149:5-9 SUV

“Maana Neno la Mungu li hai, tena lina nguvu, tena lina ukali kuliko upanga uwao
wote ukatao kuwili, tena lachoma hata kuzigawanya nafsi na roho, na viungo na
mafuta yaliyomo ndani yake; tena li jepesi kuyatambua mawazo na makusudi ya
moyo. Wala hakuna kiumbe kisichokuwa wazi mbele zake, lakini vitu vyote vi utupu
na kufunuliwa machoni pake yeye aliye na mambo yetu.”
EBR. 4:12-13 SUV

Re building the Walla and the gates of the Nation of Tanzania

 The book of Nehemiah is a description of the process the Israelites went

through to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem so that it could be secured
from invasion. Remember, the value of the city was her treasures. Nehemiah
 The rebuilders are defined in Nehemiah as: "They are Thy servants and the
people whom Thou didst redeem by Thy great power and by Thy strong hand"
Nehemiah 1: 10.
 The walls represent the spiritual protection and boundaries we build in our life.
 The gates represent the avenues of entry and exit in our life.
i. In what condition are the walls and gates of our Nation/life?
ii. How secure is our nation/life from enemy invasion?
The Sheep Gate - Rebuild worship first. Nehemiah 3:1

 The Sheep Gate was used to bring the sheep for sacrifice into the courts of the
Temple. This gate led directly to the Temple.
 The Sheep Gate was built by the high priests and fellow priests. We have our
great High Priest who lives to intercede for us in our rebuilding. We are also
called a "royal priesthood" and therefore called to minister perpetually to the
Lord Jesus Christ. Read: Hebrews 4: 15- 16, 1 Peter 2: 9-10, Hebrews 7: 25.
The Fish Gate - Rebuild the Word of God into every thought and activity of your
life. Nehemiah 3: 3

 Fish were brought in daily from the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee to be
sold in the market place. The people would rise early to purchase fresh fish
before the sun caused them to smell and rot.
 This represents our daily provision from the Lord

The Old Gate or Jeshanan Gate - Rebuild defenses against all unclean activities
coming from the sinful nature, Satan or the world. Nehemiah 3: 6

 This gate was rebuilt and sealed so that it could not be used!
 The Old Gate was rebuilt by Jehoiada which means "to know Jehovah". The
more we know Jehovah, the freer we are from old desires. The Apostle John
underlined this truth in 1 John 2:15.
 The old sinful life must stay shut out. We now close off all activities and
relationships that connected us to the old life of defeat and bondage.

The Valley Gate - Be on guard against the secret and subtle attacks of the enemy.
Nehemiah 3: 13

 The Valley Gate was where the enemy usually attacked the because a hidden
approach to the wall was possible.
 Satan has an old strategy file on our nation/you! He will try to hit where the
nation/you were vulnerable before. Be on guard for the old tactics. If they don't
work anymore then he will get more subtle and try some "Valley Gate" tactics.
The key is to stay alert and maintain a sober, battle mentality.

The Dung Gate - Daily clean out the sin rubbish. Nehemiah 3: 14

 The Dung Gate was built by Malchiah which means "son of Jehovah". Only
Jesus Christ can remove sin with His precious Blood.
 This gate lead to the Valley of Hinnon, or Gehenna, which means "a habitation
of demons". Unconfessed sin can become a habitation for demons. They feed
on unconfessed sin. The accuser of the brethren, Satan, goes out to the dump
and tries to accuse us of sin that we have already cast off and put out of our life.
The Fountain Gate - We are to be cleansed after we have walked in the world. We
need to stop to wash our feet and to drink at the fountain of life. Nehemiah 3: 15

 Jesus is our Restorer. Be cleansed by drinking the pure water of the Word of
God. We drink living water from Jesus who is our fountain of life. Psalm 36: 8-
 The residents of Jerusalem would come to wash their dusty hot feet at the
Fountain Gate. Are you feeling dirty or polluted by the world? Go to the water
of the Word, wash and be clean. Hebrews 10:22

The Water Gate - Go aside frequently to solitary places to be refreshed. Nehemiah

3: 15, 26

 The Water Gate led to the King's Garden and the Gihon Spring. The King's
Garden was a beautiful lush garden by the quiet Pool of Siloam where the king
would come to enjoy solitude and restoration.
 The Garden is for fellowship. God first met with Adam in a garden (Genesis
2:8,3:8). The King's Garden inside the Water Gate represents the place of
beautiful solitude. Our city (life) must have this quiet place where we meet our
King. Jesus met His Father in the Garden on the Mount of Olives and the
Garden of Gethsemane. Matthew 26: 36
The Horse Gate - Rebuild your battle mentality and be prepared for battle every
day. Nehemiah 3: 28

 The Horse Gate was opened when the King's horses and troops were marching
out to war. The King's horses and troops were kept in a constant state of
 The priests built this gate when they were not tending to their priestly duties.

The East Gate - Rebuild your hope in the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nehemiah 3: 29

 The Gate on the East had direct access to the Temple. It is mentioned in
Scripture as the Gate through which the Lord Jesus Christ will come to take His
rightful place as the Prince of Peace on earth.
 The East Gate was built by Shemaiah that means "the Lord Jehovah has heard".
 We know that the Lord is attentive to our cry "Come Lord Jesus.” (Revelation
The Inspection Gate, also called the Corner Gate and Muster Gate- Inspect
everything that seeks entry into your life. Nehemiah 3: 31

 It was here that documents were inspected before visitors were allowed to
come in. A sentry post was stationed at this gate.
 The Inspection Gate was built by Malchijah which means "appointed by the
king" or "of the king".
 We need to inspect by the Word of God all thoughts, sensual stimuli, books,
music, or entertainment that seek entrance into our mind and life. God's
standard is found in His Word. If anything wanting entrance into your life can
pass this test, then it will be beneficial to you.

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