Saes o 313

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Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore

September 20, 2017

This document covers mandatory requirements governing marine and offshore facilities at Saudi
Aramco industrial facilities classified per HCIS SEC-13.

This standard shall be used in conjunction with Security Directive SEC-13, Facilities with Marine
Interface, issued by the High Commission for Industrial Security (HCIS), Ministry of Interior, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.

This document is intended for Saudi Aramco use only. No part of this document may be distributed, reproduced, stored in any retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording, or otherwise) without the prior
written consent of Saudi Aramco.

9/14/2017 ©Saudi Aramco 2017. All rights reserved. Company General Use Page 1 of 10
SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

Responsible Department:

Publication Date Summary of Changes Contact ID
Aligned with April 2017 release of HCIS security
September 20, 2017 New directives, specifically SEC-13 Facilities with Marine ABUASSGM

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SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

1. Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Application ............................................................................................................................... 4
3. Definition .................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Handling and Distribution........................................................................................................ 4
5. Conflicts and Deviations.......................................................................................................... 4
6. General Requirements ............................................................................................................. 4
7. Environmental Design Criteria for Security Equipment ........................................................ 5
8. Maintainability and Safe Accessibility .................................................................................... 5
9. Security Risk Assessment Study ............................................................................................ 5
10. Security Systems Requirements ............................................................................................. 5
10.1 Security Systems Alarm Monitoring ................................................................................... 5
10.2 Access Control to Marine Area and Offshore Facilities ...................................................... 5
10.3 Video Assessment and Surveillance System ..................................................................... 6
10.4 Long Range Surveillance System ...................................................................................... 6
10.5 Computer and network devices for Security Equipment ..................................................... 7
10.6 Plant Control Room Access Control System ...................................................................... 7
11. Marine Barriers ......................................................................................................................... 7
12. Marine Security Patrols ........................................................................................................... 7
13. Maritime Exclusion Zone Designation .................................................................................... 7
14. Specific Requirements ............................................................................................................. 7
14.1 Coastal Facilities with Maritime-Interface Areas ................................................................ 7
14.2 Sea Ports and Terminals ................................................................................................... 8
14.3 Offshore Facilities .............................................................................................................. 8
15. Proof of Compliance (PoC) ...................................................................................................... 8
16. Terminology.............................................................................................................................. 8
16.1 Acronyms .......................................................................................................................... 8
16.2 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 9
17. References ................................................................................................................................ 9
17.1 Saudi Aramco Documents ................................................................................................. 9
17.2 Industry Codes and Standards ........................................................................................ 10
17.3 Other References ............................................................................................................ 10

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SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

1. Scope
This document covers mandatory requirements governing marine and offshore facilities at Saudi
Aramco industrial facilities classified per HCIS SEC-13.

2. Application
This standard shall be used in conjunction with Security Directive SEC-13, Facilities with Marine
Interface, issued by the High Commission for Industrial Security (HCIS), Ministry of Interior,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

3. Definition
This document uses ‘requirement’ language. Please note the following definitions:
Shall mandatory
Should or must recommendation, strongly preferred
May permissible/optional
Can possible or capable

4. Handling and Distribution

This document is classified as Company General Use (see GI 710.002).

5. Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflict between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed in writing to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow company procedure SAEP-302, Waiver
of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement.
For any deviation requests against HCIS Security Directives (SEC) requirements, see SAES-O-

6. General Requirements
The following requirements are applicable to all types of facilities having maritime interface
areas (MIAs).
The physical security measures applicability shall be based on the facility security classification
of the facility.

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Security Risk Assessment Study    
Devcies and Material Selection    
Security Patrols    
Security Communication  
Video Assessment and Surveillance
System   
Long Range Surveilance System   

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SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Marine Barriers   
Plant Control Room Access Control
System   
7. Environmental Design Criteria for Security Equipment
All security equipment and devices shall conform to environmental requirements of SAES-O-

8. Maintainability and Safe Accessibility

Safe access to all security equipment shall fully comply with SAES-B-054 requirements.
Maintainability and safe accessibility shall be considered as a mandatory criteria for the
selection and installation location of security equipment. The equipment location and
accessibility shall be subject to approval of the responsible Saudi Aramco maintenance
All security system components shall be installed in electrically non-classified areas of the
facilities. Where installation location is limited to electrically classified area, SAES-B-068 and
SAES-J-903 requirements shall be followed.

9. Security Risk Assessment Study

Security Risk Assessment (SRA) study shall be performed during Stage-1 submittal during FEL-
2 phase of project as per SAEP-120
For facilities that include both maritime interface areas and land interface area, the Security Risk
Assessment report, prepared for HCIS review and approval, shall include a specific dedicated
section addressing the maritime interface area of the facility.

10. Security Systems Requirements

10.1 Security Systems Alarm Monitoring
All data, alarms from MIA sensors and imaging systems shall be monitored in the designated
Security Control Center (SCC) responsible for the area. The determination of the designated
Security Control Center shall be subject to Industrial Security Support Department approval.

10.2 Access Control to Marine Area and Offshore Facilities

While the offshore facilities shall provide access only to authorized personnel, the installation of
Security Access Control System, defined in SAES-O-205, is not required. Alternatively, access
rights shall be verified at the marine port or airport prior to boarding the aerial or marine vehicle
destined to these facilities.
Personnel Identification Verification (PIV) cards used for authentication shall comply with the
instructions stated in SAES-O-211.

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SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

10.3 Video Assessment and Surveillance System

A Video Assessment and Surveillance System (VASS) shall be installed at the facility
to monitor all personnel access gates at boat landing and helipad access level and
critical areas of the facility designated by SRA.
The VASS shall process the imagery using a video analytics system to detect and
annunciate an alarm in the monitoring SCC based on pre-defined rules.
The VASS shall comply with the requirements of SAES-O-205.

10.4 Long Range Surveillance System

LRS system shall be provided to enable outer security layer of extended detection and
assessment beyond the facility perimeter, as follows:
Maritime Interface Areas (MIA) of Class 1, 2 and 3 facilities shall be protected by
Long Range Surveillance System (LRS) meeting the requirements of this standard.
For coastal facilities, the MIA LRS shall be seamlessly integrated with the land-side
perimeter security system, and provide a unified operational view at the designated
security control center.
The LRS long range sensors performance capability shall be set against the design
basis threat, that shall be confirmed by the Security Risk Assessment, and shall in
minimum define the threat object characteristics of type, dimensions, material,
surface, maximum speed, and radar cross section.
The LRS shall include detection and assessment sensors based on selected
combination of the following elements to achieve the overall system performance
 Surveillance Radars: Minimum detection range of 3,000 meters to the
maritime design basis threat. Radars may only be used as a detection
 Long Range Optical Camera: Minimum assessment range of 1,000 meters to
the maritime design basis threat and provide colored view of the object during
twilight with the object illuminated at 5 lux.
 Long Range Thermal Imagers: Minimum assessment range of 500 meters to
maritime design basis threat during all weather conditions and day/night
LRS shall provide day and night surveillance coverage over contiguous waters
surrounding the facility limits.
The LRS shall be designed for 24 Hours, 7 days a week monitoring at the designated
Security Control Center (SCC).
The LRS shall provide uniform and 360 degree view around the facility. Blind sectors
due to near obscurations shall not exceed 10% (36 degrees) of the total horizontal
scene plane.

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SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

All radio-frequency sensitive equipment, including Marine Surveillance Radars shall

be procured and imported pursuant to GI.1603.000, Importation of Communications
The LRS components, masts, towers shall comply with marking requirements as
specified in SAES-B-063 Aviation Obstruction Marking and Lighting.
Installation of security equipment installed in offshore platforms shall maintain the
spacing requirement as specified in SAES-B-009.
The LRS shall be based on open software interface, and allow seamless application
integration with the SCC systems as per SAES-O-205 requirements.

10.5 Computer and network devices for Security Equipment

All computers devices and network architectures of the security systems shall conform to SEAS-
O-205, and SAES-O-208 requirements.

10.6 Plant Control Room Access Control System

An access control system shall be installed at all plant control rooms as specified in SEAS-O-

11. Marine Barriers

Marine perimeter barriers should be deployed to provide physical protection measures to
maritime interface areas and at offshore facilities as long as the barrier does not compromise
facility operations or safety.
The applicability, deployment location and need for marine barrier shall be identified during

12. Marine Security Patrols

The SRA study provided for maritime facilities shall study the available security responses
capability and capacity in the facility location. Upon SRA recommendation, additional patrol
boats may be considered to provide timely response.
Note: Specifications and functional requirements of security patrol boats are outside the scope of this

13. Maritime Exclusion Zone Designation

Maritime Exclusion zones shall be established surrounding the offshore facilities to define where
access is prohibited or restricted. Such exclusion zones shall be clearly marked with distinctive
marine buoys and appropriate facility signage visible day and night. The exclusion zone
boundaries and dimensions shall be approved by ISO.

14. Specific Requirements

14.1 Coastal Facilities with Maritime-Interface Areas
The littoral areas of coastal facilities shall be protected with marine barriers as
provisioned in paragraph 11 of this standard.

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SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

Inlets or discharge pipes, seawater intakes shall be protected by fixed metal grid or
floating barriers.
SRA shall recommend the barrier type suitable for the facility, and the deployment

14.2 Sea Ports and Terminals

In addition to the general requirements listed in this standard, sea ports, including hydrocarbon
terminals shall apply all aspects of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS)
issued by International Maritime Organization (IMO).

14.3 Offshore Facilities

The facility layout shall be reviewed against threat of unauthorized boarding. All
vulnerable areas that can be used for unauthorized boarding shall be secured.
Security cameras shall be used where needed to effectively manage security within
and around the platform.

Exception: Redundancy and back-up requirements for installed security systems and
supporting power and communication system at offshore facilities shall be within the offshore
facility constrains. The execution agency shall support the case confirming that the proposed
security system redundancy is bound by the facility constrains. Accordingly, a waiver is not
required against SAES-O-206 or SAES-O-313 or SAES-O-205.

Note: In all cases, the reliability of the security system is not intended to exceed the reliability
of the upstream or downstream facility being protected.

15. Proof of Compliance (PoC)

The construction agency shall provide a Proof of Compliance (PoC) to explain and demonstrate
how the facility is complying with above requirements.
The PoC shall be formatted and organized according to HCIS SEC-13 paragraph 7
In all cases the responses shall be specific in nature and include adequate technical details to
demonstrate compliance to HCIS SEC-13 requirements, and shall be supported with
manufacturer’s brochures or catalogs as required.
The PoC shall be submitted by the construction agency to ISSD for review, and further submittal
to HCIS.

16. Terminology
16.1 Acronyms
HCIS High Commission of Industrial Security
ISPS International Ship and Port Security
LRS Long Range Surveillance
MIA maritime interface area
PIV Personnel Identification Verification Cards

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SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

PoC Proof of Compliance

PTZ pan-tilt-zoom
SCC Security Control Center
VASS Video Assessment and Surveillance System
16.2 Definitions
Long range surveillance A perimeter security system providing the function of
extended detection and visual assessment of
abnormalities at sufficient time and distance from the
facility to facilitate timely response initiation.
ISPS code International Ship and Port Security Code, issued by
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Maritime facility Any industrial facility having a maritime interface area.
Maritime interface area Boundary limits or perimeters of a facility within 1000 meter
of the high tide mark on the coastline.

17. References
All referenced specifications, standards, codes, forms, drawings and similar material shall be of
the latest issue (including all revisions, addenda, and supplements) unless stated otherwise.

17.1 Saudi Aramco Documents

SAEP-120 Execution Requirements for Security Projects
SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
SAES-B-009 Fire/Blast Protection and Safety Requirements for Offshore
Production Facilities
SAES-B-054 Access, Egress, and Materials Handling for Plant Facilities
SAES-B-063 Aviation Obstruction Marking and Lighting
SAES-B-068 Electrical Area Classification
SAES-J-903 Intrinsically Safe Systems
SAES-O-201 General Requirements of Security Directives
SAES-O-202 Security Fencing Systems
SAES-O-205 Security Systems at Industrial Facilities
SAES-O-207 Power Supply for Security Systems
SAES-O-208 Wired and Wireless communications for Security Applications
SAES-K-100 Saudi Aramco Mechanical (HVAC) Code
SAES-K-003 HVAC Systems for Communication Facilities and Data Centers
23-SAMSS-701 Industrial Ethernet Switch Specification

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SAES-O-313 Security Requirements for Marine and Offshore Facilities

17-SAMSS-516 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System

16-SAMSS-518 Low Voltage Panelboards
GI.1603.000 Importation of Communications Equipment

17.2 Industry Codes and Standards

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)
International Maritime Organization
ISPS Code International Ship and Port Security Code

17.3 Other References

HCIS Security Directives (SEC)
SEC-13 Facilities with Marine Interface

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