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Lecture 2.

1: Separation of Variables

Matthew Macauley

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Clemson University

Math 2080, Differential Equations

M. Macauley (Clemson) Lecture 2.1: Separation of Variables Math 2080, ODEs 1/5
The order of an ODE is the highest derivative that appears.

Example 1 (exponential growth)

Find all solutions to y 0 = ky .

M. Macauley (Clemson) Lecture 2.1: Separation of Variables Math 2080, ODEs 2/5
Exponential decay
Example 2
Find all solutions to y 0 = −ky .

M. Macauley (Clemson) Lecture 2.1: Separation of Variables Math 2080, ODEs 3/5
Exponential growth vs. decay

M. Macauley (Clemson) Lecture 2.1: Separation of Variables Math 2080, ODEs 4/5
Decay to a limiting value
Example 3
Find all solutions to y 0 = k(72 − y ).

M. Macauley (Clemson) Lecture 2.1: Separation of Variables Math 2080, ODEs 5/5

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