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Financial Industry Real-Life Interview

“Cheatsheet” 2020

2020 DBS Singapore Interview Case Study .......................................................... 2

2020 OCBC Singapore Interview Case Study ........................................................ 6

2020 UOB Singapore Interview Case Study ........................................................ 14

2020 EY Singapore Interview Case Study ........................................................... 22

2020 PwC Singapore Interview Case Study ........................................................ 28

2020 KPMG Singapore Interview Case Study ..................................................... 35

2020 Deloitte Singapore Interview Case Study .................................................. 36

2020 BAML Singapore Interview Case Study ..................................................... 38

2020 Barclays Singapore Interview Case Study ................................................. 43

2020 Citi Singapore Interview Case Study .......................................................... 49

2020 Credit Suisse Singapore Interview Case Study ......................................... 56

2020 Deutsche Bank Singapore Interview Case Study ...................................... 62

2020 Goldman Sachs Singapore Interview Case Study ..................................... 67

2020 J.P. Morgan Singapore Interview Case Study ........................................... 73

2020 Morgan Stanley Singapore Interview Case Study .................................... 80

2020 UBS Singapore Interview Case Study ........................................................ 87

2020 DBS Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

- Interview Questions:
 How do you fit into this role?
 How do you see yourself in 3-5 years’ time?
 Why DBS? Why this program?
 What do you think is operations about and how will the future of operations be like?
 Short introduction about yourself, DBS values, what you know about the position you
applied for, long terms goals.
 Why you want to join them, how are you a team player etc?
 If you were a superhero, what superhero would you be and what would be the first 3
things you would do?
 Why did you choose the Graduate Associate - Operations over other Graduate
 What is Bank to you?
 Strengths and Weaknesses, why do you want this job, do you have experience in customer

 What do you think is operations about and how will the future of operations be like?

 DBS values
 What are 3 motivations that drive you

 Name some of the products that you will be selling that is not offered at your previous role.

- Experience or Feedback:
12 Aug 2020

I applied online. The process took 1 day. I interviewed at DBS Bank Singapore in July 2020.Because
this was my first formal interview, I did a lot of homework. I checked through the possible interview
questions and prepared answers, while also researching the company’s background.

22 Aug 2020

Got referred by a friend, the interview process was alright and not too difficult. Not many specific
job questions were asked about my own personality and what I would like to achieve out of the job.

4 Mar 2020

I applied through an employee referral. The process took a week. I interviewed at DBS Bank
Singapore in May 2019. Applied through a referral. Got a call from the hiring manager next day.
Interview with hiring manager and HR was set up two days later. Nothing difficult. They asked about
past sales performance and your motivation in doing sales. As long as you present yourself well,
show that you are willing to work hard and did okay in your previous sales role, most likely will get
the job. HR requested for a role play for an investment product but was not difficult. I was asked to
produce evidence of my past sales performance after the interview. Got the acceptance call two
days later. You have to negotiate your pay upwards cos they will offer you a low pay at the start. I
managed to get a higher pay as I know of a former colleague with lower rank getting the same pay
and used that to nego (cannot bluff cos they really went to check).

February 16, 2020

I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at DBS Bank Singapore in
January 2020. Online Assessment
Online Interview - 5 questions
Three weeks later
Panel interview - Short introduction about yourself, DBS values, what do you know about
the position you applied for, long terms goals.

February 18, 2020

Psychometric tests and logical reasoning tests online. Then next step would be face to face
interview. Interview setting is comfortable and interviewers are friendly although you have to
be prepared in terms of why you want to be in the program and what you know about the
division. Research about the company and the division you are applying to is crucial.

October 15, 2019

I applied online (SME Graduate Associate Programme, Singapore) in October 2019. The
process took about 2 weeks. If you pass the video stage, you will be going to the next.

16 Sep 2019

The interview process has 2 stages. First would be going through a panel interview at a branch
location. If you get shortlisted, you would then meet the HR manager for a 2nd interview. Offer will
be made afterwards

September 23, 2019

Applied online and they took about a month to reply. Did a few online tests and then second
part of the selection process is a video interview. Asked about 7 to 8 questions mostly
behavioral qns.

19 Aug 2019

I applied online. I interviewed at DBS Bank Bukit Merah Estate, Central. Both interviewers seriously
lacked interview etiquette, it was shocking . One was looking down scrolling through her phone the
whole time while the other looked and sounded bored/uninterested from start to end. Even the
phone call I received inviting me for the interview was unenthusiastic and unprofessional - the
interviewer didn't introduce him/herself and didn't mention the company name, only mumbled for
me to come in for an interview. I HAD TO ASK who was calling and from which company. Worst
interviewers I've ever encountered.

9 Mar 2019

Comprised of 3 stages - Online assessments, a video interview and a panel interview. I

applied very early for the process, so there was a large gap in timing for the automated
portions of the process (assessments and video interview). However, after the video
interview stage, the timeline was smooth sailing with updates to my application promised
within the periods stipulated by the people in charge.
28 Oct 2018

It involve an Application form on the DBS portal. Then, you will receive the Online test. The
provider of the Online Test is no the typical one but it involved numerical and also some
pictures. If you passed the online test, you will be invited to Assessment Centre. The
assessment centre is discussing some new DBS digital initiative. The last stage is final
interview and then receive offer.

Apr 17, 2018

The first stage is an online assessment which tests your numerical, verbal and non-verbal
reasoning. The next round is a video interview. A few questions will be flashed on the
screen and you just have to record your answer. The questions are your typical interview
questions. After the video interview, there is a whole-day assessment centre. It is case
study-based and assessors will be there to observe you throughout. The final stage is a
face-to-face interview with a panel of 3 interviewers.
I applied online. The process took 3+ months. I interviewed at DBS Bank (Singapore
(Singapore)) in February 2018.

May 11, 2017

Case Interview (Give you a case and you have to justify your reasons for your answers)
Introduction (Tell me about yourself etc.)
Behavioural questions and a few technical questions to gauge if you are suitable for the role
Panel of Interviewers (3-4)
I applied online. I interviewed at DBS Bank (Singapore (Singapore)) in January 2017.

Dec 12, 2016

Told to do a online assessment. (50 MCQ-12 mins and online behavioral assessment)
2) Online Interview ( Given 5-7 Questions - each takes about 1.5min to answer)
3) Assessment Centre/Panel Interview (Case Studies and presentation)
I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at DBS Bank (Singapore
(Singapore)) in December 2016.
2020 OCBC Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Internship Interview
- Interview Questions:
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Why OCBC?

- Experience or Feedback:
March 22, 2017

It was a panel interview but they only asked 2 to 3 questions. 50% of the time was them
sharing about the role and the other 50% was actual interview. The environment was relax,
which was good.
I applied online. I interviewed at OCBC Bank Singapore.
September 27, 2018

Standard interview questions to get to know about your strengths and weaknesses, working
style. Competency-based questions/ scenario questions like "share with me about a time
when..." Very basic technical questions specific to job scope?
I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at OCBC Bank Singapore in
November 2014.

2. Young Bankers Programmer Interview

- Interview Questions:
1. Name a time when you couldn't complete a project on time and what did you do about
2. What would your current employer say about your strengths and weaknesses
3. What was the biggest challenge that you have had to overcome and how did you
overcome it.
4. Why did you choose OCBC over other banks?
5. Describe a time when you need to make a difficult decision.
6. Describe a stressful situation that you eventually overcame successfully
7. Rate yourself in terms of communication skill

- Experience or Feedback:
29 Jan 2019

3 face to face interview, 1st with HR, 2nd with hiring manager, 3rd with hiring manager's supervisor.
Interview was mainly on competency questions. No technical questions were asked. No other
process. This might have change as it was in 2014.
Jun 12, 2014

Applied online in April, got a phone call to schedule a face-to-face interview the very next
day. Went for the interview by HR the following week and it started of with general
questions like "Tell me about yourself.", "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" etc.,
followed by behavioural questions.
I applied online. The process took 1 day. I interviewed at OCBC Bank (Singapore
(Singapore)) in March 2014.
Mar 9, 2015

I did a virtual interview online alongside with a video resume administered by SHL.
after 1 week, got called up by HR for an interview with the HR. It was a one-to-one
I applied online. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at OCBC Bank (Singapore
(Singapore)) in February 2015.
Feb 27, 2016

Applied online sometime in Dec 2015 got emailed for a video interview in Feb 2016. The
video interview was done by an external party. You can practice 2 stock questions that the
online portal provided as many times as you like. The whole video interview is only about 20
- 25 mins with 7 questions. you will be given between 1 to 2 mins to read the questions (this
part not recorded) and then between 1.5 to 2.5 mins to answer the questions (recorded).
Despite fumbling a bit I was able to get into the second round interview with HR which will
be happening soon.
I applied online. I interviewed at OCBC Bank in February 2016.
Mar 29, 2016

Submitted an online video interview with general scenario based questions. If shortlisted, it
will be followed by an interview with HR. The questions asked were scenario based as well.
Final interview is with a panel from the department. Mostly just a casual conversation to get
to know you better and motivation for the position.
I applied online. I interviewed at OCBC Bank (Singapore (Singapore)).
Feb 21, 2018

Video interview consists of 8 questions, around 22 minutes. On average 1 minute

preparation, 2minutes answering. Last two questions are like, what is your advantage, do
you have any other more comments?
I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at OCBC Bank.
Apr 4, 2018

1) Video Interview (Consisting 8 questions)

2) HR Interview (With HR Executive)
3) Manager Interview (With relevant department managers/senior executives - panel
4) Offer (Received a phone call on the same day after the Interview)
Overall process took approximately 4 weeks.
I applied online. The process took 4 weeks. I interviewed at OCBC Bank (Singapore
(Singapore)) in March 2018.

3. Intern Interview
- Interview Questions:
What do you hope to achieve out of this internship?
University level math Qs.
After the VP revealed his business needs, you may not be able to fit into the role completely
Clarify by asking questions, be genuinely interested one of the position (if you really like to
Appear hungry to be fed

- Experience or Feedback:
May 16, 2017
The interview was conducted in a group. Was brought into a room with 3 other candidates.
Pretty basic interview with the AVP of the department. All the questions were mostly
behavioural, maybe something on previous work experiences. Otherwise the interviewer
was really introducing the department, how the job is like, what are the specific teams and
responsibilities of said teams etc. It was more like a get-to-know each other session.
I applied through college or university. I interviewed at OCBC Bank (Singapore (Singapore))
in January 2013.
Mar 27, 2018

Interviewed with a manager. University level math Qs, which needed some brainy stuff.
Pleasant process. Basic knowledge and background sufficiency check. No pressure test.
I applied in-person. I interviewed at OCBC Bank (Singapore (Singapore)) in January 2017.
Mar 3, 2014

Sourced through school

Call for interview upon shortlisted
Attended interview with VP in same week
Expect questions like Tell Me About Yourself
Remember to do homework and show that you do
Do so by asking relevant questions
Remember to overdress than underdress
Appear confident and with cleaned face
I applied through college or university. The process took 5 weeks. I interviewed at OCBC
Bank (Singapore (Singapore)) in February 2014.
Call notification "Congratulations!"
Followed by email exchanges to draft Letter of Offer

4. Programmer Interview
- Interview Questions:
Introduce yourself.

- Experience or Feedback:
Jun 1, 2017

Applied online, and received a video interview within a week. The video interview is where
you have to answer the questions that popped up. Questions asked aren't technical
knowledge, but to get to know you more. That's all.
I applied online. I interviewed at OCBC Bank (Singapore (Singapore)) in April 2017.
5. Business Analyst Interview

- Interview Questions:
1. Tell me more about yourself, Why OCBC and not other banks, What do you know about
this job.
2. What are the qualities that you possess you think will fit this job

- Experience or Feedback:
Jul 3, 2016

Test on behavioral and went thru resume. Atmosphere was relaxed and engaging. Overall it
was a good experience. Generally all basic questions and staff were friendly. First round
was with the HR, second was with the Hiring Manager, Final round was with Group Head
and HR of ORM.
I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at OCBC Bank (Singapore
(Singapore)) in May 2016.
Nov 16, 2015

Phone interview conducted to get to understand your background first and then interview
with the HR recruiting officer to brief about job scope and character screening followed by
line manager to give you situational test.
I applied through an employee referral. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at OCBC
Bank (Singapore (Singapore)) in May 2014.

6. Personal Financial Consultant Interview

- Interview Questions:
Why should I hire you?

- Experience or Feedback:
30 Jun 2020

I applied through an employee referral. I interviewed at OCBC Bank Singapore. First

interview was with HR, followed by branch manager and cluster manager. Standard
interview questions. Know that you are in a sales role, hence you should be able to sell
yourself during interview.

7. Wealth Management Interview

- Interview Questions:
Describe a situation where you had to make a split second decision

- Experience or Feedback:
15 Jun 2020

I applied online. The process took 1+ week. Mostly situational questions with questions on why you
are interested to work for this company and this industry. Also, they preferred to focus on your
individual strengths and weaknesses by asking you how you turn your weakness into a strength.

7. Middle Office Analyst Interview

- Interview Questions:
How do you deal with people?

- Experience or Feedback:
16 Mar 2020

Applied through a staffing agency. The process took 2 weeks. I had met with the hiring manager
and he asked if I had financial markets background and to share about how much I know about the
type of business they are in, and if I know any of the products they trade. He then took me through
an overview of the markets and what kind of clientele they deal with and type of products they sell
to their clients. Took me through the operational aspect of the Middle office role and basically a
couple of behavioural and personality type questions.

8. Personal Financial Consultant Interview

- Interview Questions:
1. Asked about previous job experience, what was something tough about the previous job and how
you settled it

2. Why should I hire you?

3. Tell me about yourself

4. How did I market my startup to the target audience?

5. How do you deal with rejection?

- Experience or Feedback:
23 Feb 2020
I applied online. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at OCBC Bank Singapore in February 2020.
3 hiring managers, 1 branch manager asking questions. Felt like a chit-chat session to get to know
you better and how you react to different situations. They were extremely professional, unlike
certain hiring managers from another local bank who were using their phones to get onto
Whatsapp while interviewing you.
30 Jun 2020

I applied through an employee referral. I interviewed at OCBC Bank. First interview was with HR,
followed by branch manager and cluster manager. Standard interview questions. Know that you are
in a sales role, hence you should be able to sell yourself during interview.
11 Dec 2019

Applied online via OCBC career site, however the HR did not respond until 5 weeks later (extremely
slow & incompetent). I got a respond from the HR only after an employee friend of mine referred
me to the HR in-charge. The application process consisted of 2 online assessment (behavioural &
cognitive), which were quite easy (similar to that of DBS). There will be only 1 round of panel
interview with a HR, a hiring Branch Manager and a Cluster Head. The hiring Branch Manager and
Cluster Head were friendly and non-intimidating. However, the HR girl was outrageously RUDE. She
wasn't warm, welcoming and family-like as how they'd described the culture in OCBC. Throughout
the interview, she would give a grim face, as if she wasn't keen to do her job and she wasn't willing
to hire you right from the start. She would also make personal attacks and comments on your
behaviour, giving a bad impression of you in front of the hiring Branch Manager and the Cluster
Head. In my opinion, she had screwed up my interview and caused me to lose the role. When I
stepped out of the interview room, I already knew I had not chance. And not surprisingly, I got the
rejection call on the following day. Don't bother applying online, the HR would not reply. Get a
referral instead, it will be faster.
15 Oct 2019

There were many other candidates being interviewed for the job and in addition to that, there were
five interviewers during my interview so it was rather intimidating. We were briefed about the job
scope and subsequently proceed to wait for our turn to be interviewed.
11 Aug 2019

Had to went through 3 rounds of interview with different people in 1 day. Interview lasted for 2
hours. I think this is a new hiring system that just got implemented and i don’t know it they will
keep using this method for recruitment process or not

9. Market Analyst Interview

- Interview Questions:
HR asked some of the most irrelevant questions that simply reflected the disconnected to the

- Experience or Feedback:
1 Dec 2019

HR was astoundingly rude, came late, had bad meeting skills and asked some of the most irrelevant
and invadesive questions. The business on the other hand seemed alright. Wonder how they hire
their HR.

10. Credit Research Interview

- Interview Questions:
How would you rate the company in terms of credit health?

- Experience or Feedback:
16 Apr 2019

Real life case study. Given 1 hour and several financial statements/annual reports, fill up excel
spreadsheet and determine the credit health of the company. Discuss certain financial metrics, why
they are important and what these metrics mean.

11. Graduate Development Program Interview

- Interview Questions:

- Experience or Feedback:
The first round was a video interview round and the second was a personality test. The vieo
interview asked mainly behavioural questions and why OCBC etc. Passed the video interview pretty
easily but couldn't get through the second round.

12. Banker Interview

- Interview Questions:
Are you able to meet the target?

- Experience or Feedback:
Clear and HR got back fast. Interviewers were friendly and asked serious questions relating to the
job and tested the understanding of the role itself. Thereafter, they gave an offer to start within a
few hours after the interview. However, the interview process might be different between

2020 UOB Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Associate Officer Interview

- Interview Questions:
3. Why you want to join banking for this role?
4. Why you want to work in UOB?
5. Why do you choose to join UOB instead of other banks?
6. Interview Details – Interview set us was fast, two weeks to make offer and waited about
2 months to start first day. This is a 12 months program for diploma holders.
7. Nil, no experience required to start this position.
8. Did you visit the company’s website
- Experience or Feedback:
30 Mar 2020

Was informed for a zoom interview via email. During the zoom interview, there were 2
interviewers. All together the interview took only 5mins. Asking questions such as “did you visit the
company website”, to which I said yes and answered well. Another question: “where did you know
about this job”. Questions asked were irrelevant to the job position. Didn’t even ask about my past
job experiences or other relevant questions to determine whether I’m fit for the position. Feel that
the interview was inefficient and unfair.
Nov 27, 2018

it took more than 1 month to start working after they confirmed to hire me, training will be
provided but after training working in branches can be very tough, it requires us to multi-
task, turnover very high.
Jan 12, 2016

The process is very fast. I sent resume through job site, the following day they called me for
interview arrangement. Before me, there are 3 persons are waiting for interview and the
position is quite competitive. There are 2 managers interviewed me and they asked me
normal interview question. After interview, later the same day, they called me for second
interview at following day. I met HR officer to talk about job offering and staff benefits, I accept
the offer at meantime.
I applied online. The process took 3 days. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank
(Singapore (Singapore)) in August 2015.
Apr 11, 2016
Got interviewed by the two of the management people.
Question on why you want to join UOB were asked, past working experience,
For the interview,the question asked were those normal easy question which you might be
able to answer. Overall, interview process was quite smooth. Still waiting for their replied as
I was told that it will take 2 weeks for them to get back to us.
I applied online. The process took 2 days. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank
(Singapore (Singapore)) in April 2016.
Mar 27, 2014

I applied online and the process took 2 months

I applied online. The process took 2+ months. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank
(Singapore (Singapore)) in September 2011.
Feb 5, 2014

Interview set us was fast, two weeks to make offer and waited about 2 months to start first
day. This is a 12 months program for diploma holders.
I applied online. The process took 2+ months. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank
(Singapore (Singapore)).
Was given the minimal pay despite a wealth of experience in other industry. Well, took it
because it was a reputable company. It's a humbling process.

2. Internship Interview
- Interview Questions:
1. Why banking?
2. Why Uob?
3. Why that division?
4. Tell me a time you showed leadership qualities
5. tell me about a time when you manage a project? a time when you encountered a challenge;
how do you handle criticism

- Experience or Feedback:
20 Jul 2020

- Senior VP asked about experiences; academics; and introduced what the job role entitled; quite
friendly and overall easy interview - Questions asked: tell me about a time when you manage a
project? a time when you encountered a challenge; how do you handle criticism
Sep 17, 2017

The interview consists of an one hour technical test on VBA and SQL proficiency and
another hour of get to know session with the supervisor and manager of the team where
they will give you an overview of the roles and tasks you will be working on, the company
culture and environment. Be prepared with a list of questions to ask the managers.
I applied through college or university. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank (Singapore
(Singapore)) in February 2017.
Jan 30, 2016

Did 4 tests (Personality, Numerical, Logical, Verbal) and 1 Video interview.

The Logical one was easy. Numerical one was quite tough because you had to complete a
lot in a very short period of time. Verbal is fine too, you will have tabs to play with, each with
different information.

The tests were quite tough and the video interview asked the following question:
1. Why Uob?
2. Why that division?
3. Tell me a time you showed leadership qualities

Each question took about 2 minutes. You will have 20 seconds to react and think through
for the question.
I applied online. The process took 2+ months. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank
(Singapore (Singapore)) in January 2015.

3. Personal Banker Associate Interview

- Interview Questions:
3. Why sales job?
4. Tell me about yourself.
5. Rank: money, recognition and award
6. What you like and don't like in your internship?
7. What's the hardest period in your life and how do you face it?
8. Why did you apply for this position?

- Experience or Feedback:
16 Apr 2020

I got a call from HR and went for 2 rounds interviews. Interviewers (managers) was friendly and the
process went smoothly. I got job offer after within 2 weeks. If you are shortlisted HR will give you a
call and send u a link to do personality test before fix appointment for interview.
14 Apr 2020

The process was divided into two stages: group work and individual interviews. Group work
involved brainstorming about a scenario which might happen at work, and then expressing your
views. Individual interview is just the usual interview with hiring managers with typical questions
like “tell me about your strengths”, “why you applied for this company” etc.
Jan 29, 2019

Overall process took about 15 minutes. After the interviewer looked through my resume and
university certificates, he started asking questions regarding how my qualifications suit the
job position. Then started asking common sales interview questions
I applied online. The process took 2 days. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank
(Singapore (Singapore)) in February 2018.
Jul 10, 2016
It is a one face-to-face interview. The HR asked normal HR questions. The whole process
took less than 30 min. When you answered the questions, she kept on writing something
down on her pad.
I applied online. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank (Singapore (Singapore)) in June

4. Bank Officer Interview

- Interview Questions:
What is your previous job experience.
favourite subject in poly

- Experience or Feedback:
Apr 16, 2017

Easy interview process. Few technical questions and past working experience. The process
was relatively fast. Took about 2days to reply after interview. Overall, the interview was
smooth and hiring manager is responsive to queries.
I applied through a staffing agency. The process took 2 days. I interviewed at United
Overseas Bank (Singapore (Singapore)) in August 2016.
May 25, 2017

2 interviwers. tricky questions

I applied through a recruiter. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank (Singapore
(Singapore)) in March 2017.

5. Management Associate Interview

- Interview Questions:
3. How do you deal with disputes within the team?
4. Leadership
5. Tell me about a time when you had to resolve a conflict
6. Give me an example where you have an disagreement with your co-worker.
7. Assessment centre, had to pitch a biz case

8. Justification for case study

9. Why UOB and this programme?

10. If you wanted to enter into a new market in SEA and the government asks for a bribe or you can
forget about entering the market, what would you do?

11. What is your biggest accomplishment from university? What is your biggest failure at

12. Why are you interested in a career in UOB?

- Experience or Feedback:
26 Feb 2020

3 rounds, start with an online assessment, followed by an assessment centre that had 6 stages
where everyone rotated, inclusive of problem solving, presentation, panel discussion, conducted by
professional consultants. Final interview thereafter with senior management.
20 Jan 2020

Online cognitive tests and video interview which were rather standard, followed by a career forum
to know more about the different departments and assessment centre which has individual case
study, group case study and role play.
17 Dec 2019

It took about 1-2 month before receiving the notification to attend assessment centre. The
assessment centre took half a day and the outcome would be released the following week.
16 Dec 2019

First stage was online assessment (1 hour) - this was very unique as the tests used were different
and quite fun compared to other banks. UOB used cut-e assessment Second stage was the
Assessment Centre (4 hours) which was split into 3 parts - Group Discussion, Individual Role-play,
and Individual Presentation Group Discussion - topic was on whether the bank should partner with
a tech startup that was in precarious financial condition but has a unique product. Teamwork and
communication skills, clarity of thought and analysis were important here. UOB assessors were in
the room to assess candidates. Role play - scenario where there is an angry customer (played by an
MA) and you are the manager tasked to resolve the issue and continue the business relationship.
Individual presentation - present to the CEO of a fictitious bank (role play) on a proposed 3-year
strategy based on a SWOT analysis. The AC was fully outsourced to Aon and UOB HR was nowhere
to be seen during the AC. Aon staff were not entirely sure about the details when candidates raised
questions concerning the hiring process. Third round is the Panel Interview (2 hours) with UOB
senior management. It was a casual affair which didn't involve many questions; rather, it was more
of an opportunity to interview the bank and assess the appropriate fit. Offers were given within a
week from the interview Overall, the bank came across as a laggard in the industry and doesn't
seem to want to innovate as fast as its competitors. Many of its processes were still using paper and
management seems to favour hierarchy and rigid structure. Most importantly, it is the only
remaining family-run bank in Singapore so you can kind of get a sense of the culture in the bank.
6 Oct 2019

Phone interview with HR, one day superday including case, presentation, and group discussion,
followed by in person interview - mostly behavioral questions The interview itself was not too
difficult, the questions were standard - why banking, why this company, and a few other behavioral
24 Sep 2019

Submit Resume Assessment Test (one personality fit, two-three other games) + Video Interview
Video Interview has four questions, all competency-based. 1) Why are you interested in a career in
UOB? 2) how did you deal with pressure
Sep 30, 2016

First a very difficult online assessment. Questions were not too challenging but very little
time was given.

Second, an online interview where you are given 30 seconds to think of an answer and 2
minutes to reply. Mostly behavioral questions. You are allowed to record the video anytime,
as long as it is before the deadline.
I applied online. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank
(Singapore (Singapore)) in September 2016.
Nov 12, 2016

Stage 1: Online Assessment Test

Tested on personality questionnaire, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning and logical
Many questions with limited time.

Stage 2: Video Interview

Given 1 minute preparation time and 2 minutes to present
The process took a week. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank.
Nov 19, 2016

The first stage was an online behavioral and numerical reasoning test, followed by an online
interview. Stage three was the assessment center where it was held at UOB (half day
event). The last stage was the panel interview. it was quite a long process and usually the
whole process takes 3-4 months before getting an offer.
I applied online. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank (Singapore (Singapore)) in October
Nov 15, 2016

Stage 1: Online Assessment Test

Tested on personality questionnaire, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning and logical
Many questions with limited time.

Stage 2: Video Interview

Given 1 minute preparation time and 2 minutes to present.
Usually related to soft skills and competency based question.
I applied online. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank
(Singapore (Singapore)) in September 2016.

6. Software Test Analyst Interview

- Interview Questions:
1) Tell me about yourself

2) How do you go about when encountering difficulty in work

- Experience or Feedback:
27 Aug 2020

I applied through a staffing agency. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at United Overseas
Bank Singapore in August 2020. Interview was casual, vibe is chill. Interviewer does not ask
intimidating questions. More towards casual sharing about yourself like your personality and
approach in work attitude. Attended 2nd interview with the manager, manager was pretty direct
with her questions. Still less technical, more towards for them knowing how you are like personally.
Did the interview online thrsuough video call.

7. Summer Internship Interview

- Interview Questions:
Why UOB? Typical behavior questions like tell me an incident where you faced challenges and
overcame them.

- Experience or Feedback:
21 Aug 2020

Process took a while but overall was good experience. Started from psychometric tests, moved to
hirevue and then contacted by HR to inform on selecting preferred department. Last was an
interview with members from the preferred department.

8. Data Analyst Interview

- Interview Questions:
Can you name any data science packages?

- Experience or Feedback:
25 Jul 2020

I applied online. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at United Overseas Bank Singapore in July
2020. Applied online and had interview about 2-3 weeks later. Interview was held on microsoft
teams for less than an hour. More about experiences and enquire about the skill sets that I have.

9. Risk Interview
- Interview Questions:
Something about VaR

- Experience or Feedback:
20 Mar 2020

Phone interview. Interviewer was very condescending. Tried to strike up a conversation about his
bachelor's degree and he seem to feel insulted as I didn't bring his master's degree up.

2020 EY Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

Position: Intern

Interview Questions:


1. Why EY?
2. vision for 2020 and other personal questions
3. What other internships are you considering right now?
4. Were there any times when you were a leader?
5. What challenges did you face?
6. Recall a time when you encountered a difficult situation and how did you solve it.
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years
8. How would you deal with a difficult person?
9. What are some of the current affairs and how it will affect the finance sector?
10. Name one country you will invest in S.E.A and give your reasons why.
11. What was your biggest achievement over last 6 months?
12. Tell me your views on diversity and how you will manage conflicts with PPL of a different

Experience or Feedback:
Version1: Apply through their website. I think it is possible for multiple applications. Strengths and
weaknesses questions, situational questions and examples, reasons for applying.

Version2: Took approximately 1 hour, with 5 interviewees. Interviewed by one partner. The interview
process was rather casual and friendly. Everyone took turns to answer the same question that was

Version3: Interviewed for Audit-FS, interview was a group interview, with 5 people to 2 interviewers.
Expect the interview to be very long, as generally answers are given by each person in a round-robin
format (mine took close to 2 hours). The interview itself is fairly straightforward, with generic interview
questions - interviewers were friendly.

Version4: I was called for an interview about a week after the submission of my application. The
interview was a group interview as expected. The interviewers were two managers. They were very kind
and friendly. There were about 5 people in the group. The interview atmosphere was quite chill and
relaxes. We sat on chairs around a table.

Position: Assurance / Assurance Service/ Assurance Staff

Interview Questions:
1. Please state your weakness
2. Do you think you can multitask in fast-paced environment?
3. Where do you see yourself in 10years
4. What do you know about our department and the role
5. Why are you interested in joining us?
6. Give an example of a time you motivated your team when morale was low
7. How do you handle the situation in given cases


1. Why EY Singapore FIDS and what is your expectation for the job?
2. Tell me more about yourself
3. How you manage conflict?
4. What are the criteria of recognizing revenue?

Experience or Feedback:
Version1: They asked us to introduce ourselves, and then they told us to ask them questions about what
we wanted to know about the internships, or EY. The managers were really nice and friendly people.
Both were from the Assurance department.

Version2: Very relaxed interview - 1 partner 1 senior manager, group interview of 4. It was more of a get
to know you session than an interview, as the partner spoke most of the time. Nevertheless, depends on
who your interviewers are. Some partners tend to ask technical questions.

Version3: Group interview with 2 interviewers vs 4 interviewees. General behavioral questions asked.
And why EY in particular? Interviewers were very friendly, whole interview session took about an hour
to complete.

Position: Audit Assistant/Audit/Audit Staff/Audit Senior/ Audit Associate

Interview Questions:

1. None, interview is easy and will be offered on the spot

2. Most questions were expected - why audit, about my resume etc... No technical questions.
3. What you could bring to the job?
4. If you are a team leader, how would you react when you fail to meet the targets or expectations of
your superior?
5. If you were auditing a company and that company XYZ Ltd which had a holding, how would you record
an investment from the holding in XYZ Ltd?
6. Describe a time when you had to break a bad news to someone.
7. Something about dealing with difficult clients who have conflicting views regarding accounting
policies. What will you do in this case?
8. Tell me your favorite FRS and Why
9. what are your strengths and weaknesses
10. Why EY? Why financial services
11. Share one instance where you met a challenge and overcome it.


1. Tell me your favorite FRS and Why?

2. What was your favorite FRS?
3. How do apply the principles from that FRS to the financial statements of a company?
4. Why do you think you are a more suitable candidate as compared to your peers who are sitting next
to you?
5. What differentiates this specific department in EY from the other Big 4?
6. tell me more about yourself
7. asked questions surrounding teamwork

Experience or Feedback:

Version1:Submitted application form, got a call for interview, i prepared by attending mock interview

One on one interview was conducted by the partner of Advisory services which lasted for 30 minutes.

Interview was practical and based on all consulting services the firm had to offer. Look good, answer
candidly and be motivated if you want to be noticed by the interviewer.

Version2:Before the actual interviews there were tests (Math, English and accounting) that you had to
pass. After there were two interviews, one with a HR responsible and an audit manager and the second
with an audit Partner and a HR responsible.

Version3:It was a first round. It was written interview by tests. Numerical skill, comprehension skill
and English knowledge were tested. It took approximately 3 hours. The circumstances were
professional, official, what a person could expect from a company like that. The interview started in time
or max. in 5 minutes late. The candidates were usually in the age of 20's and the most had any
economical degree.

Version4: Submit resume to HR. Wait for phone call. Arrange for interview. Bring important
documents to office. Interview by a Directors. Stating your strengths and weaknesses. Talk about

Position: Consultant/ Senior Consultant/ Associate Consultant

Interview Question:

1. Typical questions on motivation and experience.

2. If you were given an opportunity to start a new project, what are the factors would you consider first
How to reconcile cash?
3. How do you conduct assessment with no IT technology in the company and make recommendation?

Experience or Feedback:
Version1: 3 rounds of interviews. Manager, Director and Partners, may have case study interview in
between. Interview process could be tough for consulting skills assessment, often drill down to domain
knowledge or subject matter expertise.

Version2: Talked to two partners and department head in several interviews (two personal meetings
and one phone call as I wasn't in town). From what I can tell all went quite well and they told me that I
would be contacted again for another meeting in person. However, I never heard from them again after.

Version3: There is an interview to find out about your fit to the company and then a final interview that
will test your technical knowledge.

Position: Analyst/Tax Analyst/Business Analyst

Interview Question:

1. What do you like to do in your free time?

2. questions on technical knowledge, career plans
3. work experience

Experience or Feedback:
Version1: I was nervous at the start and the interviewers tried to calm me down by offering drink to me.
They are really. friendly and nice. The whole interview process is like another friendly conversation.

Version2: Had to answer some short answered questions(1 page per answer) on sustainability before a
face to face interview. Mainly general questions, it went really well but no offer despite reassurances
from interviewer that he'll see me soon.

Position: Advisory Staff/Advisory Manager/Risk Advisory/Advisory

Interview question:


1. What is your biggest weakness

2. Tell me about yourself (Run through resume)
3. Role play and sell the company to a client
4. Why do you want to do advisory?
5. What is your biggest weakness
6. Came up with a set of financial statements
7. If i were to hire you, what is one thing that you would offer to the firm?
8. What are the IT controls have you learnt in school?

Experience or Feedback:

Version1:The interview lasted for 4 and a half hours , consisting of 4 parts: individual writing, group
case study, personal presentation, and classic interview. For the presentation and interview you can
prepare so they won't be problems. But for the writing and case study, time is very limited. My advice is
that you can search for some examples online and practice by yourself.

Version2:The hiring and interview process is efficient and quick. The HR is friendly and willing to
address any doubts you have before the interview. The interviewers (1 Manager and 1 Senior Manager)
are friendly and approachable. I enjoyed the interview process generally.

Version3: Tests your skills from previous career. Written test given. HR questions first. Then review of
written test answers with discussion on reasons why. Analytical skills tested as well as business sense
and relevance. Two interviewers. One Director, One Manager. Interview duration lasts total 2.5 hours.
Including one hour for answering of written test questions/case study.

Version4: The interview lasted for 4 and a half hours, consisting of 4 parts: individual writing, group case
study, personal presentation, and classic interview. For the presentation and interview you can prepare
so they won't be problems. But for the writing and case study, time is very limited. My advice is that you
can search for some examples online and practice by yourself.

Position: Tax/Tax Associate

Interview question:


1. What is your strength and weakness

2. who is your tax prof
3. Did you take the tax module in your university?
4. What do you think is the definition of work life balance?
5. How do you manage your stress?
6. How did you overcome a hurdle in your groupwork?
7. What do you know about tax, questions about your CV
8. How do you think the White Paper will affect you?
9. Why do you want to join tax?
10. What kind of training do you expect to receive, e
11. g. mentorship/lessons etc.
12. Why tax and not audit?

Experience or Feedback:
Version1: It was an internship interview by the Partner of the particular Tax group together with a
senior manager. They were really welcoming and nice and the questions were very general considering
some of the applicants have not learned tax in their university yet.

Version2: Applied online. Interview process included a 1.5 hours case study presentation preparation,
excel sheet test and short essay question, followed by interview with 2 interviewers. A pleasant
experience and they were rather friendly.

Version3: The hiring manager was very friendly and professional. She shared a lot about the role and the
team culture, and really made me want to work there. Interview was relaxing and questions about my
resume and career aspirations were asked.

Version4: There was a short written test firstly then a 1-1 interview with the hiring manager/partner.
Interview went ok, shared a lot of about job scope and career advancement. Mainly standard interview
questions (tell me about yourself, why EY) .There was behavioral questions as well which required one
to describe personal experiences. Competition was also stiff as big 4 isn't hiring as much.

Version5: Casual interview with questions about yourself and other behavioral ones. Interview is with
one tax partner and one director/senior manager. I thought it was easy and that I aced it but it's been a
month and I haven't heard from them so probably easy interview is not at all a good thing.

2020 PwC Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

Position: Audit Associate/Audit/Auditor

Interview Questions:

1. Tell me about your family

2. Tell me about a situation where you had to work in a group setting, the challenges and the
3. How do you see yourself helping the audit team as a first year employee?
4. Provide an episode in your life where you had to be a team leader? How did you deal with
difficult team members?
5. Describe a work situation where you were in a conflict and how did you resolve that
6. Describe a time that you took a leadership role on a project.
7. Give me an example of when you had trouble in a group.
8. What is your "brand"
9. Tell me about a time when you worked in a group and one member was not pulling their
10. Describe a scenario where you exercised leadership.

1. Describe a situation you encountered stress
2. What/where do you expect to be in 5years time?
3. How could your experience in your CCA position help you in the job that u apply for
4. What are your hobbies? Why audit?
5. What is teamwork to you?
6. what do you think of travel to China
7. Why do you choose PWC
8. What was the most difficult thing you think in your last intern?
9. Describe a situation where you had to be meticulous given a tight deadline.

Experience or Feedback:

Version1: Interviewer is very friendly and doesn't pressurize you during the whole interview. Was
asked question about why the interest in being an auditor. The interview is manageable as long as
you are prepared with the questions about yourself.

Version2: It was a quick get-to-know-you process, with most questions being centered on your
education history etc. There were not many technical questions as the interview comes after you
complete an online psychometric evaluation. The online evaluation is more critical in separating you
from other candidates.

Version3: They ask behavioral questions, they don’t ask technical questions. They are doing a
personality assessment to see if you are the right fit for the firm. They want kind and understanding
staff. They value the culture of the firm and if you are antisocial you will not get the job.

Version4: Was interviewed by a Partner. The moment he introduced to me that he is a partner. I

was shock as I didn't expect a partner to be the interviewer. I was screened thoroughly and really
had to come up with many answers on the spot. Questions asked include cultural experience,
leadership, conflict, business management.

Position: Intern/Internship

Interview Questions:
1. What are some of the factors in a company that you would look out for to acquire?
2. Describe a scenario whereby you have to work in a group setting?
3. What experience do you have of working in teams?
4. How do you keep up to date with your interests/passions?
5. How would your best friend describe you?
6. Why PWC?
7. Tell me about developments in OECD BEPS.
8. Describe to me a Financial Reporting Standard.
9. Questions asked on personal ethics, give a situation where you displayed strong ethics.
10. Tell me about a time when you faced a difficult situation and how did you handle it

Experience or Feedback:
Version1: Friendly interviewer that is quite young so there is no awkwardness. Questions asked
were nothing unexpected if you come prepared. It lasted for about 20mins but it varies from person
to person.

Version2: Hiring process consisted of an extended online application with psychometric tests,
followed by an interview with a manager from the team offering the position. The interview was
mostly a fit based interview. The offers were sent out a few weeks after the interview.

Version3: It was a very friendly one to one interview with the manager, where she provided more
information to the job requirement and insights into the working life of an intern as well as her own
personal experience. Overall a really relaxed interview environment.

Version4: Application was made online, followed by 3 online tests that have to be taken in a single
sitting. Contacted via phone for an interview with a senior manager. The interview was largely
based on the resume submitted. Questions asked were regarding past experience, both school and
work, and some situational questions were asked. The interviewer asked if I had any questions for
her at the end. The entire interview lasted for almost an hour. It was pretty much a two-way
communication as I asked her questions along the way during the interview. She even gave me
some advice as to what I should do if I encounter certain difficulties at work. The interviewer even
walked me out to the lift lobby after the interview. It was a pleasant experience.

Position: Tax Associate/Tax

Interview Questions:

1. Through my past experience.
2. What are some of the challenges faced?

1. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
2. One difficulty in life you have faced and how you overcame it?
3. You did not do any relative internship. Why do you want to make the career shift?
4. Why did you choose to join the tax team?
5. Tell me about yourself.
6. What was your favorite subject in school?
7. What makes you think you will fit in PwC?

Experience or Feedback:
Version1: 2 interviewers to one interviewee, they made it a very comfortable environment for me
to articulate myself freely. They even shared about their experience in the team and what I should
expect if I were to join.

Version2: Filled up a lengthy application, psychometric tests and a one on one interview. Was
brought into a room for the interview where i was interviewed by a senior manager. Very basic
questions I felt.

Version3: They will ask you to tell them about yourself. They will be looking out for teamwork
examples, and whether you're a team player. The interview process is very relaxed. Basically just be

Version4: The whole process consisted of interviews with different seniors and a relatively simple
test on the spot - mainly math, problem-solving and a case study. Even though some were tax-
related, they were basic questions which would not necessarily require preparation or even prior

Position: Consultant/ Senior Consultant/ Technology Consultant/Management

Consultant/Associate Consultant/Advisory Manager

Interview Question:

1. Why should we hire you?
2. Why PWC? Why MC?
3. we were required to do a 1minute introductory video
4. Tell me about a time you received feedback
5. Can you demonstrate a time you showed leadership?
6. Tell me more about this teaching role on your CV.
7. Name a time in which you navigated and dealt with people with different backgrounds
8. Name a time in which you changed the way you communicated to get a message across

1. What technologies would you use for X part of your proposal? (for the tech con
2. What are your hobbies?
3. Behavioral questions were all based on the PwC Professional - Leadership, Business Acumen,
Technical Capabilities, Global Acumen, and Relationships
4. Tell me about a time you had difficulty working with a group
5. The partners asked some challenging questions pertaining to our presentation content
6. Was asked to read a case for 1 hour and deliver a presentation to the Partner
7. It was pretty much a classic case question around a telecom company.
8. How can a firm engage and value add through this acquisition on various lines of services
Experience or Feedback:

Version1: Started with a 30 minute phone interview. It's a phone interview, so it wasn't too
conversational, more so, "This is question 1", type of deal. Be prepared. It is a BEHAVIOURAL
interview, so do thorough practices with some sample questions online to know which examples to
pull out.

Version2: It was straightforward. Exactly what I expected. Competency based. Useful to remain
friendly and approachable throughout the interview. Being concise helped. And reading up on the
organization’s current work - whatever they were in the news for - also helped.

Version3: There are a number of stages - online application (your experience, your skillset, why
PwC, why the role), online tests (numerical, verbal and personality), Phone interview (how can you
demonstrate the PwC competencies through examples) Assessment Day (Group exercise, written
exercise, and an in person test), and Final Interview (competency questions, what do you want, why

version4: Submit online profile, and then complete online tests. Within 5 minutes of completing the
online tests, was told they would not like to proceed further with my application; did excellent on
the numeracy and personality sections, but only average on the logical reasoning section. A bit
curious why they don't do the tests first, if that portion is entirely automated and seems to have the
bulk of the weight. Unlike other firms, I discerned no human component between your filling in
profile information, CV submission and answering short questions about 'Why PwC' (i.e. you can
complete the tests ASAP, and feedback is also, as mentioned, ASAP)

Position: Advisory Associate/Senior Associate-Advisory/Advisory

Interview Question:

1. What is one of your accomplishments?
2. What was your experience?
3. How would you increase the profitability of a pay phone company in this day and age?
4. What are some of the factors in a company that you would look out for to acquire?
5. Why IT Advisory and not any other role in IT industry.
6. Introduce yourself. Why should we give you the chance?
7. Tell me about a difficult team member which you've worked with before previously and how
did you resolve the situation?
8. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Experience or Feedback:
Version1: One round interview with hiring partner and director. A lot of questions on past projects
and experience, as well as on motivations and long term career goals. They also asked one semi
case question based on a project that had recently concluded in the firm. HR was pretty efficient
and came back with an offer within a week

Version2: The interview process consisted of three rounds - first with Managers, second with Vice
chairman, and the third with Partner. Many behavioral questions were asked to determine fit and
competencies for the job. Also involved a case interview.

Version3: After submitting the application form online, I was required to finish a few online tests.
Thereafter, I was contacted by HR via email for an interview with PwC Singapore. The interview
lasted 1.5hours. However I understand that that varies from applicant to applicant. Was asked
competency questions as well as situational questions about tax. The interviewer was nice to guide
me along the way.

Version4: One round interview with hiring partner and director. A lot of questions on past projects
and experience, as well as on motivations and long term career goals. They also asked one semi
case question based on a project that had recently concluded in the firm. HR was pretty efficient
and came back with an offer within a week.

Position: Associate

Interview question:

1. How do you use DCF for valuation?
2. Why PwC instead of the other big 3?
3. Tell me about your family

1. Why PwC Singapore?
2. What would you do if one of your team members is not contributing to the team effort?
How will be respond or react in that situation
3. Have you encountered any difficulties in life and how you overcame it?
4. Why did you choose this country for your student exchange program?
5. What is your strength and weakness?

Experience or Feedback:

Version1: My application experience with PwC Singapore was very good until I reached the
interview stage. It was an unprofessional interview. The interviewer did not pay attention and
kept asking me to repeat information I already provided. I had expected a much more professional
interview from a firm of this size.

Version2: The job application was well-guided through the help of our university while we were still
an undergraduate. We were advised to submit an online application for the job. I was notified
within 1 week of application and was scheduled for an interview within the next week. Whole
process was very quick, organized and systematic.

Version3: Simple. Mostly behavioral questions. I did an internship with the Company so it was
pretty straight forward. You will meet with a senior manager or partner and they will see if you
have the right attitude, find out a bit more of you and why you want to join the firm.

Version4: Begins with self-introduction, interviewer starts reading my resume and asking for more
details from my experience. If you never lie about your resume, you will find the process like a very
comfortable chat.

2020 KPMG Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

Position: Auditor/ Risk Advisory Staff/ Advisory Associate/ Tax Associate/

Accountant/ Consultant

Interview Questions:
1) Why you choose accounting instead of the financial fields work.
2) Why you choose KPMG?
3) When you have a disagreement with your boss, what do you do?
4) Basel Committee on Banking Supervision do you know it? Is that important?
5) can you explain the function of the central bank and tell the difference between
commercial bank and central bank
6) Case study on how you would solve a difficult situation at work
7) The first is the behavior question: tell me about your advantages
8) (in my case) Why choose consulting if you have a lot of banking experience?
9) past experience; teamwork to discuss the case and present
10)What is your ambition?
11)Why KPMG and why Tax?

1. What do you understand by total income?
2. How will you decide the residential status of an individual?
3. Suggest a method of joining two tables

Experience or Feedback:

Version 1: Interview was personal and regular questions were asked. e.g. what are strength
and weaknesses. Questions on previous experience was also asked for clarity.

Version 2: The first recruiter initially contacted me within 3-4 days after applying and set up a
phone interview. Interview went well, disorganized communication amongst recruiters
regarding next steps. The job was transferred to a different recruiter and despite follow up
with disorganized with answers and next steps.

2020 Deloitte Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

Position: Audit
Interview Questions:
1. Why audit and Deloitte
2. What do you know about audit?
3. You would want to apply for audit despite you mentioning that audit hours are long?

Experience or Feedback:
Asked a few questions about why Deloitte, and not the other Big 3s, general education
history since this was a job for new graduates. Overall interview was relaxed and lasted
about 30mins.

Position: Consultant/Business Technology Analyst / Business Analyst/ Tax

Interview Questions:
1. What difficulties do you envisage you are going to face? How are you going to resolve them?
2. Questions about resume.
3. Tell me about yourself, previous work experience.
4. Why should we hire you for the job?
5. What do you expect from this internship?
6. Why do you choose to join this department?
7. Share your most recent work experience.
8. Why Deloitte, and not the other Big 3s.
9. Why should we hire you for the job?
10. Describe a time where you compromised your ethical values to achieve a goal
1. How can JavaScript be used?
2. What is database normalization?
3. Tell us about your training project

Experience or Feedback:

Version 1: A good interview experience. Interviewer is very nice, gave me some useful advice. The
questions are basic, such as strength and weakness. Also some about previous experience. We
chatted very happy.

Version 2: Completed 2 case studies - one before interview and another during the first interview
with the HR senior manager. Second interview: Skype interview with two US managers and a SG
partner. Third face to face interview with a partner and a senior manager from US who were visiting
client on site.

2020 BAML Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Position: Corporate Banking

Interview Questions:

Why do you want to join BAML?

Who is your favourite actress?

Experience or Feedback:
18 Feb 2020

There was a total of two rounds: one phone interview with assoc level bankers assessing mostly
behavioural and fit. 2nd interview is a panel case study with several MD level bankers.
Nov 2015

Hiring process was quite fast. Typical submission of CV, Resume and some competency questions
through the online portal. Got reached out, interviewed directly with 2 associates for the first round
and then 2 directors for the next round. 1st round was largely competency based, 2nd round was
very market focused, grind you on technicalities

2. Position: Sales and Trading

Interview Questions:

Tell me of a time when you worked in a group and faced resistance to your idea. How did you try to
convince them?

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2019

I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at Bank of America Singapore in
November 2019. Applied online, had to submit a video interview at the application stage. Next
round was phone interview. 3 back to back phone interviews, 30 minutes each with people from
both sales and trading. Mostly questions on aspirations, knowledge on finance and the markets,
situational questions.

3. Position: Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

what is one thing in the market you are keeping track of

Why BAML and why GTS in particular

Generic behavioral and fit questions

Experience or Feedback:
Feb 2019

video interview - phone interview - final round, to be honest it was pretty chill, just mainly fit qns
with little to no technicals, mostly tell me about yourself, why do you want this job etc
Oct 2018

10min online interview with behavioral questions questions such as why BAML and why global
transaction services in particular are being asked do not have any technical questions interview
process only took a few minutes (around 10 min)
Oct 2018

Completed the Hirevue interview and still in the application screening process. Was given about 5
days to complete the interview after receiving the email, had 30 seconds to prepare and about 3
minutes to answer for each question.

4. Position: Corporate Banking Analyst

Interview Questions:

What is your favourite movie and why? What are some of your strengths and weaknesses? Tell me
more about your previous work experiences.

Experience or Feedback:
Feb 2019

Required to complete two online assessments upon application. Shortlisted candidates had to go
through a round of phone interview which was mainly personality questions and also learning about
your reaction to quirky questions. Final round was a panel interview with directors.

5. Position: Corporate Audit Analyst

Interview Questions:

Can you give an example of a time when you've changed your type or behaviour to have a more
positive impact?

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2018

I first applied online and was asked to do an online assessment along with an video interview
recording of 6 questions in total. No technical questions but mainly scenario-based questions to let
you describe more about yourself.

6. Position: Operation Analyst

Interview Questions:

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Why did you leave you’re previous job?

Do you have a lot of experience working in teams? How do you resolve conflict?

What is your expected salary and how do you justify it

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2018

Panel of interviewers, wasted no time getting into the interview. Technical questions regarding
standard derivatives and typical behavioural questions. Interviewers were nice and walked
candidates all the way out to the lift
Dec 2017

Quick & precise interview with in-depth explanation of the role and what is expected. Friendly
interviewers who are easy to get warmed up to quick. Interview environment was good and
Nov 2016

Interviewers asked me to tell them more about myself and explain the work experience and
activities on my resume. Interested in activities that I demonstrated leadership qualities and asked
about how I would react to different situations. Also asked me why I want to work there and what
the department does.
Jan 2015

Short and fast. Tested your working knowledge, how to deal with diffficult situations. Be aware they
only pay bonus to AVP and above ranks. are you prepared to work long hours and public holidays?

7. Position: Management Trainee

Interview Questions:

Why a banking environment?

Experience or Feedback:
Mar 2017

Interviewed by 2 people. HR representative and CEO as this role is under the management trainee
program. Interview was on a telepresence, company is flexible to conduct the interview at your
preferred location and since they have branches in multiple places in Asia.

8. Position: Technology Leadership Program

Interview Questions:

Please describe one time that you were in a tough situation working with the team

Briefly talk about my school projects; Java, OOP; SQL, quite a strong emphasis on my proficiency in
sql; some simple coding questions

Experience or Feedback:
Mar 2015

Did 2 internship with the bank previously and received return offer, didn't really have a formal
interview. For internship interviews, most of them are behavior questions and not very technical.
Jan 2014

During the interview process you will be interviewed by a few teams who might be recruiting at
getting point in time. While the interview direction depends on the manager, it was generally a
good experience with each interview lasting about 45 minutes. A common question between the
exams would be to describe your experience with past members within a team(on teamwork and
communications) as well as personality.

9. Position: Programmer Analyst

Interview Questions:

All tech questions related to technologies used

Experience or Feedback:
May 2017
3 tech rounds - 2 technical and 1 HR Questions related to technologies used, Salary negotiation,
some behavioral questions Reason for leaving the current company, education background, recent
projects 3 tech rounds - 2 technical and 1 HR 3 tech rounds - 2 technical and 1 HR

10. Position: Industry Attachment

Interview Questions:

Tell me your motivation for the Job , why the banking industry , why BAML. IQ questions

Experience or Feedback:
Apr 2017

Applied through the school portal and had to do an online submission through their portal for basic
questions about myself and my knowledge/motivation for the job. Got a call from the HR
department for short phone interview and then scheduling for face to face interview. Very brief and
quick testing on competency and skills for the job

2020 Barclays Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Position: AVP Analyst

Interview Questions:

strength weakness

Experience or Feedback:
16 Aug 2020

I applied through an employee referral. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at Barclays
Singapore in July 2020. Challenging but smooth. A test of your knowledge and skills is conducted via
video conference. I also got to meet future team members who ppsted their questions to find out
more about each other. A review of the inferview is conducted regardless of whether offer is given.

2. Position: Global Finance Analyst

Interview Questions:

Tell me a time when you had to make a change

Experience or Feedback:
18 Sep 2019

3 stages: Online interview, video interview(based on a business scenario e.g replying to work email
and having a short presentation), last stage: case and fit interview (face to face)

3. Position: Sales and Marketing Graduate

Interview Questions:

To respond to a manager who wasn't happy with a piece of work you did

Experience or Feedback:
20 Nov 2018

Stage 1, online case and situational test- bit of calculation involved, bit of fit. Stage 2, Online
situational Interview- Fit interview questions, case study, writing involved to send an email mapping
out why a deal was good or not.

4. Position: Finance Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:
Why Barclays?

Experience or Feedback:
20 Nov 2018

1) submit resume 2) Business Insight test - they will screen you video format, questions are just
about choosing options for first round, calculations etc 3) online interview - MCQs, email writing,
video questions am still waiting for updates

5. Position: Trading Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

What are some potential challenges in trading? How did you hear of Barclays?

Experience or Feedback:
31 Dec 2017

First round is the typical numerical test for most banks, but requires you to watch videos and
answer questions based on figures from the videos. If you are successful, second round is a video
assessment which includes numerical and fit questions. Finally a superday which includes group
exercises and an individual interview at the end

6. Position: IT Business Analyst

Interview Questions:

Tell me something about yourself

Experience or Feedback:
June 2013

I submitted my application to a recruitment agency. Recruitment agency conducted the initial

interview. Second and final interview was with the client. It was a panel interview with the hiring
manager and another employee.

7. Position: Investment Banking Analyst

Interview Questions:

What is the trend of Asia equity market in the last 2 years?

Experience or Feedback:
Mar 2017

I got into round 2. After all the application forms and quizzes, I waited for almost a month to get a
reply from Barclays. At the first stage, they outsourced by using an external agent for general
questions. I knew that when I asked her how's the job environment inside the bank and she
admitted that she is not a banker.

8. Position: Graduate Analyst Program

Interview Questions:

1. Tell me about IT disaster recovery and how you would prepare

2. Everything was predictable. Mostly competency questions.

Experience or Feedback:
6 Feb 2017

Couple of rounds including 1-1 interview, Panel interview, Situation Interview, Mini project with
other interviewees during assessment center. Overall question asked was not difficult to answer for
a graduate position.
1 Dec 2014

The first stage comprised the standard psychometric tests- Numerical and logical, and thereafter if
you pass the test, you will be invited for a phone interview. After the phone interview, an AC will be
scheduled. Overall, the process was rather long. The AC was fun and the atmosphere was good.

9. Position: Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. How do you achieve long term financial stability?

2. Tell me a time where you did something unethical

Experience or Feedback:
10 Jan 2017

Apply online, then receive the invitation of video assessment, it is basically answering questions
after watching the video. After passing this stage, would receive the invitation of digital interview
that is much harder. It even required you to reply an email given five mins during the interview.
16 Sep 2014

First round phone interview. Followed by assessment centre which comprises of interviews, group
activity, and a case presentation. Interviews are mostly fit and behavioral based questions. Case
presentation was more technical.

10. Position: Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. Walk me through your cv

2. Tell me about yourself
3. Basic accounting questions
4. What is EV and the EV multiple?
5. What is goodwill?
6. How do you calculate WACC?
7. What is the cost of equity?
8. If you were a CEO of a company that made apples and revenue went down 25%, what would you
9. Limitations of difference financial ratios/ multiples and when to use them. e.g. EBITDA and Price
Multiples. When to use Levered and Unlevered beta etc.

Experience or Feedback:
9 Dec 2016
1.Online application 2. Online psychometric assessment - situational judgement test with bit of
numerical questions 3. Sending your cv 4. telephone interview (one with an analyst and another
with a VP) 5. Assessment centre

14 Dec 2014

Applied online for the summer internship in IBD with Barclays Singapore (coming from a semi-target
US school). Within 2 weeks, got invited to one-on-one phone interviews with 3 people (1 analyst,
associate, and assistance VP). The AVP gave some good behavioral questions. Coming from a non-
finance/business/econ background, the other 2 interviewers pushed me with some difficult
questions trying to see how much I knew. Got invited for a 'informational meetup' which is the 2nd
round interview at a US office. This was a one-on-one interview with two different bankers from
Asia who were visiting a US office. HR said there would be a final round interview at the New York
office. Got an email that I didn't make it to the final round.

19 Jul 2014
Stage 1: No Basic Numerical and Competency Online Tests, Only Short essay questions submitted
online, Stage 2: Following a call from the firm, face to face interviews are arranged. First interview a
1-2 (With an Analyst and a VP) focusing mainly on Technical questions revolving Corp Finance and
Accounting concepts (focused on ratios and their applications). Second interview 1-1 (With a Higher
Mnmgt) Fewer Technical Questions, More Personality and Fit questions, General knowledge
questions involving recent financial news, Interviewers would also dig deep into your motivations
behind getting this job. Therefore, be sure to show a genuine interest in wanting to get this role.

11. Position: Investment Banking Division Analyst

Interview Questions:

What are your strengths?

Experience or Feedback:
24 Sep 2016

It consisted of filling up the application form followed by an invitation to take the numerical /
strengths test. Following that, there will be a video interview which asks for your responses in
various scenarios. The video interview was difficult and their main purpose was to evaluate if you
can handle the tasks at the job and find if your values matches with those at Barclays. Failed at this

12. Position: Gradate Analyst

Interview Questions:

How do you prepare for an important meeting?

Experience or Feedback:
3 Aug 2016

Invitation to video interview 1 month after applying online. Video interview requires the candidate
to answer about 8 - 12 competency questions. Pre-recorded questions will be presented in the
video. About 10 seconds will be given before it starts recording for each individual question.
Candidate has to answer them while they video-ed for at least 30 seconds. Maximum 2 minutes to
answer the question. Invitation to panel interview 2 weeks after video interview.

13. Position: Management Trainee

Interview Questions:

Why work in a bank

Experience or Feedback:
23 Sep 2015

Phone interview followed up with an assessment day and written exams. written exams had an IQ
portion, a numerical exam and a verbal exam. The exams were first taken online and then given
again on the assessment day. Assessment day also included a group activity and panel interview

2020 Citi Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Position: Technology Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

2. Tell me the difference between creating an object in C# and Python
3. What is duck-typing? Give examples.
4. Compiler versus Interpreter.

Experience or Feedback:
17 Apr 2020

There are two rounds one coding test and one behavioural. For behavioural there are 2
interviewers one from the hr side and one from the department that I applied. The process was
quite smooth and the people are friendly
2 Apr 2019

Had an interview with the hiring manager as well as the manager of the technology team.
Everything went well. What they want to see in you, besides your technical skills, is your

2. Position: Information Security Senior Analyst

Interview Questions:

Basic networking and SIEM related quieries, and few senarious

Experience or Feedback:
28 Jul 2020

Saw a opening, applied through by referral, attended 3 rounds of technical and 1 round of HR
interview. Interview went well, though if you work in related jobs, you can easily crack it.

3. Position: Communications Specialist Interview

Interview Questions:

Tell me more about yourself

Experience or Feedback:
5 Mar 2020

Standard interview questions, was slightly more of a one-way convo. Was just asked to talked about
myself and the interviewer will ask more questions if I did not cover them. But overall, it was pretty
chill. No issues if you have prepared adequately beforehand.

4. Position: Risk Manager

Interview Questions:
Why do you want to work here?

Experience or Feedback:
25 Dec 2019

4 steps interview: first one with the hiring manager, the second one with peers, then the hiring
manager's boss and finally HR. The whole process took about 4 months.

5. Position: Private Banking

Interview Questions:

Why do you want to work here?

Experience or Feedback:
10 Dec 2019

After resume review, I was being called down to HQ office for assessment centre where I was given
2 taks to do within 1 hour and explain my points to the assessor

6. Position: Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Why do you want to work at Citi

Experience or Feedback:
12 Sep 2019

2 hr assessment center - candidates had to evaluate articles and pick one to present to the panel.
After this, the candidates had to also discuss as a group to select an article and present to the panel
as a group. - The second round involved working on a case, where we had to also pick an option out
of 3 choices, presented it to the others followed by the panel. The assessors will remain in the room
as we discuss within our group. 1:2 interview

7. Position: Personal Banker

Interview Questions:

How much do you want to earn?

Experience or Feedback:
11 Nov 2018

I applied through an employee referral. The process took 2 months. I interviewed at Citi Singapore
in November 2018. Ten minutes to fifteen all boils down to depending on your interview
skills and quick thinking speed, how quick witted you are, as this is part of the on-the-job
24 Feb 2019

I have not yet attend the interview. Will update this once i completed mine. I will once this once i
attended the interview. Need to submit a review before i can use Glassdoor. Apologies for any
inconvenience caused.

8. Position: Investment Banking

Interview Questions:

How would you value a company without revenues or profits?

Experience or Feedback:
Sep 2018

There were several phone calls asking mostly technical questions, followed by face to face
interviews at the company's office. These would be with more senior bankers, who will ask higher
level questions.

9. Position: Operations Analyst

Interview Questions:

Tell me more about yourself

Experience or Feedback:
28 Aug 2019

Three rounds of interview. First round with the colleagues. Second round with the hiring managers.
Third round with the HR. Fairly fast turnaround for each round. Communicate through phone or

10. Position: Operations Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. Tell me more about yourself

2. Why did you apply for this role?
3. How do you manage stress?
Experience or Feedback:
28 Aug 2019

I secured the interview through a job agency which is quite ridiculous since I've directly applied for
other similar roles but didn't get any replies for those. There were two female interviewers, one
was probably in her early 30s and the other was in her early 40s.

11. Position: AML Compliance Analyst

Interview Questions:

- Tell me about yourself - Describe your strength & weakness - Share how your current work exp
can relate to our team

Experience or Feedback:
8 Jun 2019

I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at Citi Singapore in April 2019. 4 rounds
of interview with various team leads, team head and hub head. The hiring manager was inclined to
hire me. Country HR liaised with me on employment documents and all looked good to go for the
job offer. However, with great unfortunate the global HR cited "hiring freeze" as a reason NOT to
give the job offer. I waited 1 month and left my previous workplace without a job. Very

12. Position: Graduate Engineer

Interview Questions:

Choose your favorite language. Follow up technical questions on the language

Experience or Feedback:
10 Mar 2019

I applied through college or university. I interviewed at Citi Singapore. It was a very technical
interview with all technical questions. They were simple java questions. Although very technical in
my case, others had little to 1 technical question. really depends on how your interviewer feels.
13. Position: IT Graduate Program

Interview Questions:

Why Citibank?

Experience or Feedback:
25 Feb 2019

Group case study presentation followed by a 1 hour interview by HR and senior IT. Case study given
will be the same throughout all the interviews for the program. Candidates can ask tips from friends
who went for the same. Must meet their minimum GPA cut-off no matter how good your interview
skills are.

14. Position: Technology Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Why do you want to join Citi?

Why are you passionate about Technology?

Experience or Feedback:
25 Feb 2019

Interview was pretty simple. The interviewers seemed daunting (a high-ranking HR staff and a
Director). However, the interview was casual and was not too difficult. Questions asked were typical
questions asked during interviews and there were no technical assessment.

15. Position: Summer Analyst

Experience or Feedback:
28 Jan 2019

I applied online. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at Citi Singapore in January 2019. The
interview was 30 mins long. There were standard questions about things on resume with additional
technical questions on the topics you claim you know. The atmosphere was relaxed and the
interviewer was patient and encouraging
16. Position: Markets Analyst

Interview Questions:

Impact of fintech disruptors to banking industry

Experience or Feedback:
12 Nov 2018

Involved group discussion component and individual written test. Given articles to read then choose
one to discuss. Candidates to provide opinions and insights. Will discuss and draw parallels to
current market conditions.

17. Position: Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Pitch me a stock.

Experience or Feedback:
7 Nov 2018

It is conducted by two associates via telephone, it was technical based and asked about accounting
and valuation knowledge. The knowledge included CAPM, hypothetical accounting questions,
equity value, enterprise value, stock relevant questions

18. Position: Commercial Banking Analyst

Interview Questions:

How do you see the future of banking to evolve?

Experience or Feedback:
5 Nov 2018

Online assessments comprising various different types of assessments and video interview > Case
Study where you are given articles and cases to analyse. A presentation is to be made based on the
cases/articles given to you. > Interview with the head

19. Position: Commercial Banking Analyst

Interview Questions:

What do you know about derivatives?

What are your experiences working in a group and how will you be able to value-add to this

What is your greatest strength and weakness?

Experience or Feedback:
14 Jun 2018

I applied online. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at Citi Singapore in June 2018. The
interviewer started off casually by asking about items in my resume and personal questions before
talking about the job position and it’s responsibilities. There was a standard Q&A session afterwards
that took around the last 10 mins of the 30 mins session.

2020 Credit Suisse Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Position: Summer Technology Analyst

Interview Questions:

Develop an OOP based "ms-paint" like system that accepts shell commands returns objects like
rectangle, circle, etc.
Tell me about a time a team member was not pulling their weight, what did you do?
Is it better to work for a good team or to work for a good firm?

Experience or Feedback:
Jul 2020

3 rounds - group interview with 4 other candidates to test communication skills and some technical
skills, 2nd round pair programming 1.5hrs with a manager and last round with HR
Jan 2019

As is the case with BB interviewing process there are many stages: 1) CV Screen 2) Cognitive
Assessment 3) Group Interview - consists of discussion and presentation with few other
interviewees 4) Pair Programming Test 5) Superday - 1-to-1 interviews with VPs and MDs of the
division Entire process took place over 6 weeks. HR and interviewers were genuinely helpful and
encouraging - affirmed my beliefs of the firm's positive working culture.
Feb 2018

A short office tour with HR assistant VP, followed by a group interview consisting of 6 interviewees
and 3 interviewers from tech department. The content of interview is basically to discuss on a topic
and do a short oral presentation as a whole group.

2. Position: Operation Analyst

Interview Questions:

If you could have dinner with any one person in the world, who would that be and why?

- 5 years goals - strengths and weaknesses

Experience or Feedback:
Aug 2016

The interviewer asked me many questions that were unrelated to the role as I was a fresh graduate.
Also tried to relate to my previous job experiences and asked if I had changed any processes in
previous job roles. They seem to value people who could create macros.
Oct 2018

everything is good. they are very professional. general Q&A. 2 round of interviews. first round
phone interview. 2nd round met up with the hiring managers and 2 other seniors

3. Position: Risk Analyst

Interview Questions:

Describe a situation where you have to manage a difficult team member

Experience or Feedback:
Jan 2020

2 Stages of 1-1 interview 1. Behavioral questions on different scenarios + views on career in

banking. 2. Technicals. Technical questions on things that are relevant to the role i.e. financial
statements, ratio etc.

4. Position: Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Why Investment Banking.

Why are you interested in Investment Banking?

What is the angle between the two hands of a clock at 3.15pm?

Walk us through what you think will happen when a company issues new shares.

Can you tell us about a mistake and how you managed it (and also whether you owned up to it).

Pitch a stock and why would you choose it

Describe a situation where you had to make a tough decision.

Experience or Feedback:
Dec 2019

I applied for a role in Singapore. The process took 2 months. After application and psychometric
tests, there were three interviews in the first round that were standard IB questions, and then three
interviews in the final round where two were competency and technical based and the last was a
case study.
Nov 2017

3 back-to-back in person interviews by 2 analysts and 1 associate. Each interview was 30 minutes.
They each had a few mandatory questions they had to ask, but for the most part they asked mostly
behavioural and fit questions, and asked questions based on what you tell them about your resume.
Oct 2017

Applied online and got an email. No referee or referral. Was sent the online test within a day and
completed in within the week it was sent. Was asked to do a phone interview within the next 2
weeks of completing online test.
Oct 2015

2 stage interview - first is a group discussion, and second is one on one with two senior
management people. The questions are pretty straight-forward. Just need to keep a cool and calm
head and all should be good.

5. Position: Software Engineer Internship

Interview Questions:

They had a pair programming test.

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2018

I applied through other source. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at Credit Suisse Singapore
in October 2018.While the process may seem longer compared to their counterparts, the people I
interviewed with seemed genuinely interested in what I did and were very willing to share their
experiences with me.

6. Position: Investment Banking Analyst

Interview Questions:

Interview was heavy on M&A accounting technicals and sale process questions. Questions on what
to look out for in an M&A documentation like IOI, SPA

Experience or Feedback:
Jul 2019

Went through a recruiter and had a first round scheduled within a week. First round interviews
were held with 2 associates (back to back) - each lasting an hour. Overall difficult interview.

7. Position: Private Banking

Interview Questions:

Standard questions like why private banking, and things on what makes you suitable for private

What are the roles and qualities of a successful ARM/RM?

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2018

I applied online, followed by a psychometric test and a group interview. The psychometric tests
were pretty alright. The group interview seems to show whether people will say certain strange
things under stress, I was quite surprised with (eyebrow-raising) some answers so I guess it's really
important to be calm despite thinking that your other competitors are in the room with you.
Nov 2017

Went for the first round interview at CS in Singapore. It was very chill, in a group setting of 5 people
with 2 private banking HR. They tested mostly behavioural skills, what you know about the role
you're applying for and what future is there in the PB space for CS. Everyone took turns to speak
their views. It was more of a discussion which felt nice, but the HR who is not asking questions is
actually watching how you behave and interact with others, so take note. Interview lasted about an

8. Position: Market Risk Analyst

Interview Questions:

Why would you want to join this team in Market Risk?

Do you have any views to convince your team mate otherwise?

What is my greatest strength and weakness

Experience or Feedback:
Aug 2014

The HR performed screening with general questions to understand your background, via phone call.
Then the hiring manager ask you technical questions related to the market risk filed like sensitivities
and VaR definition questions.
Feb 2018

5 of us were seated in a room to discuss about a presentation. There were 3 full-time staff who
were there throughout the whole session to assess us. We were given a question to discuss under
time constraint, every segment were timed.
Mar 2017

3 interviewers went through my resume and asked me some projects I did in school. There are
some questions on soft skills and how I handle stress. Basics on risk were also asked
9. Position: Technology Analyst

Interview Questions:

Would you be fine working in a high intensity environment?

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2017

3 sessions. First was a group interview where we discussed about Leadership, bred or born? Second
session was pair programming and a technical interview. Third session was 3 interviews (behavioral
and technical).

10. Position: Equity Research Analyst

Interview Questions:

Valuation Method & Financial Modelling

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2016

Interview took about an hour, with questions mixed from personal & technical level, depending on
your background too. You must have solid finance knowledge / experience, with good familiarity of
the capital market.

11. Position: Credit Analyst

Interview Questions:

Who you know or what you know is more important? Discuss.

Experience or Feedback:
Feb 2017

1st stage involve an online assessment test. Following that will be at the assessment center where it
will be a group discussion on a statement they give you. The last stage will be 2 interviews with
senior managers in your department.
2020 Deutsche Bank Singapore

Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Position: Graduate Program

Interview Questions:

General background of your experiences and knowledge

Why Deutsche Bank? How did you prepare for the interview?

How to value a hotel.

Experience or Feedback:
Aug 2020

I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore in January
2020. 2 Rounds of panel interviews + 1 Individual Case. Panel interviews were questions on my
work history and case competitions participated in when schooling. Also some questions testing my
knowledge on the industry and division interviewing for (Corporate/Transaction bank)
Nov 2019

I applied online. The process took 2 months. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore in November
2019. 1. Online Application 2. Invitation to Online Test - Situational Judgement (SHL) 3. First Round
Interview - 2x Managers / VP 4. Final Round Interview - 2x Directors Online assessment was the
standard SHL online assessment. Interview questions were mostly on behavioural, situational
questions such as "Describe a time when you made a mistake", "Do you prefer to work individually
or in a team?", "How do you persuade your team in a conflict?" "Most enjoyable internship / Least
enjoyable internship and why?" Very simple questions which you should answer based on your

Apr 2016

I applied through college or university. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore. 2 rounds of

interview with 2 VPs each and HR. Questions were more analytical and behavioral based. They also
asked questions regarding the difference in culture of the company I interned for previously and
DB's. Overall positive experience and was notified about the results in 2 weeks.

2. Position: Quantitative Developer

Interview Questions:

how to improve the performance of rolling average?

Experience or Feedback:
Dec 2018

it took about 2 month 5 rounds to meet multiple people from different business lines. The broad
range of questions are asked and need to deepen understanding of the industry.

3. Position: Risk Analyst

Interview Questions:

What is risk?

Experience or Feedback:
Sep 2018

The interview was conducted through video in a timed format where the question is flashed and
you are given some time to think about your response. Your answer is recorded before you move
on to subsequent questions.

4. Position: Market Risk Manager

Interview Questions:

When do you want to join them

Experience or Feedback:
Mar 2015

I applied online. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore in March
2015. total of 6 rounds. Pretty straight forward. One technical round, one round with HR, one round
VC with london, one round with hiring manager, team member and big boss. Not too bad overall.

5. Position: Technology Analyst

Interview Questions:

What are the SDLC that you're familiar with and can you briefly explain them?

previous internship experience? deal with a difficult time? a news in technology?

Experience or Feedback:
Apr 2018

I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore in April 2018.
1st Interview: Contacted by HR to schedule a face to face interview with two department
employees from Technology and Wealth Management. Basically, we went through my resume and
past experiences. And, had answered questions on some of the technical concept on SDLC (Agile
and Waterfall) and other related programming skills. 2nd Interview: A short phone interview with
the department's hiring manager. Similar to the 1st interview, we went through my resume and
past experiences. Things went silent as I didn't get any callbacks or E-mail from the recruiter of
Deutsche Bank for a long period. However, I did managed to contact the recruiter but was informed
that the 1st choice of theirs had already signed the contract and I was the 2nd choice.
Mar 2017

I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore. two rounds
interview. each round is an individual interview with three interviewers. more or less are
behavioural questions. few technical questions. interviewers are very nice and there's no right or
wrong for your answer. the two rounds were be hold in one week and also offer in the following

6. Position: Asset Management Analyst

Interview Questions:

Describe a time when you had to stretch yourself and step out of your comfort zone.

Experience or Feedback:
Apr 2018

I applied online. The process took 4 weeks. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore in November
2017. 2 interviewers from DAM who specialise in passive management and alternatives
respectively, and 1 interviewee (me). Mainly resume questions and competency questions similar to
what they described in the Virtual Interview Centre document. (This was just the first round
interview though -- I have received the second round interview notice but have not yet attended.)

7. Position: Corporate Finance

Interview Questions:

Walk me through a DCF from start to end. Heavy on technicals.

Experience or Feedback:
Aug 2017

I applied online. The process took 4+ weeks. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore in August
2017. There was a round of online testing which included mathematics and logic questions, and the
first round interview was held at the office There were two interview sessions and both were more
skewed towards technicals.

8. Position: Asset Management Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Do you believe that passive investment strategies are better than active investment strategies?

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2016

Had an online numerical test before 2 rounds of interviews at the SG headquarters. The first round
was conducted by 2 middle management executives. The questions were mainly to assess fit.
Approximately 9 potential interns were shortlisted for this role. The 2nd round involved 2 upper
management (COO & Director AM) executes. The questions regarding fit, and a greater emphasis on
thought process. The entire process lasted 2+ weeks.

9. Position: Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Situational questions mostly

Experience or Feedback:
Apr 2014

I applied through college or university. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank
Singapore in April 2014. It started off with the numerical and reasoning tests. If you meet the mark,
then you'll be called up for the first round of interview which lasts for about half an hour.

10. Position: Wealth Management

Interview Questions:

Which financial product do you think is most promising in the coming year?

Experience or Feedback:
Mar 2014
I applied online. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at Deutsche Bank Singapore in March
2014. Online application with verbal and numerical test. Then two rounds of interview, with two
HRs and one from wealth management department. The whole interview takes 45 minutes. Mostly
behavioral questions, but also some other questions about financial market and how to cope with
different kinds of clients

2020 Goldman Sachs Singapore

Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Position: Technology Analyst

Interview Questions:

Easy to medium level programming questions.

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2019
I applied online. The process took 5 weeks. I interviewed at Goldman Sachs Singapore in October
2019. Started with online application. HireVue with ~5 questions to be answered in ~2 minutes.
Programming Assessment with 2 questions to be completed in ~120 minutes on HackerRank. 1
Round of Phone Interview with an Engineer. 2 Rounds of Super Day onsite interviews, each with 2

2. Position: Summer Technology Analyst

Interview Questions:

Simple coding questions and behavioral questions

Tell me how you managed to complete a challenging task

Experience or Feedback:
Jan 2019

3 rounds: 1. hackerrank simple coding questions * 2 2. hirevue 3 questions 3. onsite: another 3

rounds 2:1, 1 behavioral and 2 technical. Behavioral questions focus on teamwork and technical
questions require you to write code on paper.
Feb 2018

There were two rounds of interview. The first one was a technical written test, all multiple choice
questions. The questions covered a wide range of computer science topics, such as operating
system, C++, OOP, networking, data mining etc. The second round was face-to-face interview with
two parts. The first part was behavioral interview. Interviewers mainly asked questions regarding
how you manage a task, how you collaborate with people etc. The second part was a technical one,
with some simple coding questions.

3. Position: CDD Analyst

Interview Questions:

What am I like as an individual

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2019

I applied online. The process took 2 weeks. I interviewed at Goldman Sachs Singapore in October
2019. 2 rounds of 2 interviewers which took up almost an hour over. The interviewers were all very
friendly and patient throughout the entire interview process. One of the more enjoyable interviews
I had throughout my career.
4. Position: Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. How do you build a linked list

2. Tell me about a time when you had to persuade your team?
3. How would your previous supervisor describe you?
4. What would you do if your professor sends you confidential email by mistake?
Experience or Feedback:
Aug 2019

First is a coding test and online Interview. The next step is to finish 3 rounds technical interviews
and 1 round behaviour interview. HR would contact you once you pass all the rounds.
Dec 2019

Superday - 3 back to back interviews of 30 min each Interviewers appeared uninterested from the
beginning, one of them even yawned while the other breathed heavily. The third round interview
with an MD was rather unpleasant when he seemed distracted by phone calls and text messages.
Asked the usual typical questions and seemed disinterested throughout interview. Interviews were
shorter than normal, at 20 minutes each. Seemed like they were interviewing for the sake of hitting
the target number when they already firmed their offers. Very unexpected coming from GS.
Mar 2017

First round was Hacker Rank, 2nd round was Hireview, Last round was Coderpad. The interview
process was very easy. Hireview was more HR questions. Coderpad had 3 coding problems. Hacker
Rank also had 2 coding problems.
Dec 2017

first, hackerank 2 questions which were of moderate difficulty then hirevue interview which I could
not pass. I think if you are confident that you can give the interview then you should try to apply in

5. Position: New Analyst

Interview Questions:

why Goldman Sachs?

Experience or Feedback:
Feb 2019
02/02/2019 application submission 07/02/2019 HackedRank coding test 09/02/2019 Digital
Interview 21/02/2019 Final round interview After submitting application, I got coding test email
within one week. The coding test is on HackedRank, with two simple problems. Soon, I got email for
digital interview. It showed me four kind of situations and asked what I would do, kind of like
behavioral interview. Within two weeks, I got final round interview notification. The interview has
three slots: behavioral slot, coding slot and technical slot. Each slot lasts about 30~45min with two
interviewers. In behavioral slot, they asked about questions like “why gs?” or “talk about group
project experience”. In coding slot, they gave papers with problems on it. Their request is that tell
them your understanding about problem and how you fix it. They guided me in the process and
problem comes one by one. In technical slot, they cared more in my resume and asked how to solve
the problem under the given situations. Overall, the interviewers are all very nice, no need to feel
too stressful.

6. Position: Private Wealth Management Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

"Oh, your internship was only for one month? What can you possibly learn in one month?"

"Your answers are too vague. Can you provide more details?" [Then after you try to elaborate: "Oh,
that is not what we are looking for" or "Oh, is that all you did"?]

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2018

Completed first round video interview through HireVue and was advanced to the Face-to-Face
interview. Had the worst interview experience out of all the companies I interviewed with. The
interviewers were late and did not know where the interview room was. One interviewer (an
Executive Director) had hair dyed in a greyish-green colour and the other (a Managing Director)
could not speak English well, which gave me a very bad first impression. Amazing how Goldman
allows such people who cannot even present themselves well to face clients who have invested at
least $10 million with the bank. During the actual interview, the interviewers were condescending
and took every opportunity to snide and belittle your experience, making unconstructive remarks
such as: "Oh, your internship was only for one month? What can you possibly learn in one month?"
Any attempts to elaborate on your experience were simply dismissed as unsatisfactory ("Oh, is that
all you did?") or "lacking details" as the interviewers were simply not receptive in listening. Coming
from a different industry, I tried to elaborate on how I can bring unique perspectives to the team
given my experience, but this too was dismissed as "Oh, we don't do that". So much for diversity
and inclusion! What is appalling is that the Managing Director was so ignorant that she did not
know which industry a well-known international firm (with billions of dollars in annual revenue) was
in. This is another fine example of how myopic the Private Wealth Management Team is. One
wonders how Goldman can dispense "careful advice" to their clients if their Managing Directors
can't even be bothered to understand different industries. This unprofessional interview has left me
with a very bitter aftertaste and is totally unbecoming of a bulge bracket bank who advertises itself
as having an "uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in everything we undertake"
and making "an unusual effort to identify and recruit the very best person for the role". Absolutely
shocking and disappointing, and a complete waste of my time.

7. Position: Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Questions were mostly fit questions (i.e. walk me through your resume, describe a situation where
you faced a problem and very basic technical questions).

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2018

Applied for Singapore Office Applied in the summer. Did not hear back for 2 months. Then was
offered round one and final round interviews. The final round was two 30 minute interviews. My
interviewers were very nice. Generally, gave off the vibe that they wanted to help you showcase
your strengths. They also were really willing to answer any questions that you had regarding the
firm or themselves. I did not end up getting the offer, but I enjoyed the process.

8. Position: Operations Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Tell me about how you would handle your team in a fund raising event?

Imagine you are in a group and a groupmate is not pulling their weight, how would you address the

Why did you choose this division/job role?

Which part of your previous job did you hate the most/like the least?

Describe the role of Operations at the firm and which skills you possess that would make you a
good candidate for the division

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2018

After the virtual interview, I was invited to do 2, 30 minutes interviews with 2 managers at a time.
They asked mainly behavioral questions. They were friendly and engaging and were easy to talk to.
Be careful not to approach topics that you are not confident in as their questions may vary.
Nov 2017

1. Video Interview: 4 General Scenario-Based Questions regarding ethics, fit 3 Division Specific
Questions 2. Superday at Goldman Sachs First 2 rounds (30 min each) with Operations Associates
and Snr Mgmt: Walk through your CV, answer scenario-based questions, ethics questions,
operations dept questions Last round with HR (30 min): Scenario Based questions

9. Position: Operations

Interview Questions:

I have this castle that I want to build, and there is a set of sequential instructions that I must follow
to build it. Given that I have n number of steps, how do I ensure that my castle is built to perfection
by the end of the nth step?

Why GS? Why Operations?

A time you made a mistake, how did you solve it? Any processes you've improved?

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2018

There will be an online interview. The questions are manageable and can mostly be generic, for
instance, why do you think you are a good fit, why GS, why Operations? The division-specific
questions at the end are a little more tricky however, and will require you to at least research on
the current landscape a little. There is only one question for each division applied. Then, it is a wait
of a few weeks before you are notified for a rejection or an interview. There are a few rounds of
interviews--2 for me. First one is Superday, where you are interviewed by 2 couples of interviews
for 30minutes each. It is more or less an introduction of yourself, your resume, your personality.
May have some brain teasers. After the first round of vetting, you will be introduced to higher level
staff from specific divisions that are doing the hiring (your potential supervisors). This interview is
much more fluid. No advice for this part except to prepare why you want the job as much as you
can, and be honest with your motivations.

10. Position: Risk Analyst

Interview Questions:

Provided article in Japanese to read and answer questions

Experience or Feedback:
Aug 2018

The first round was done through hirevue. Video interview consists of around 5-7 questions
depending on the role you apply. This position is catered towards Japanese clients so there was a
Japanese language test in the second round. I was given an article about financial statement of the
firm. Was told to read and answer the questions. I was told that I comprehend Japanese really well
but my reading skill is not proficient enough. It's really ridiculous to me because I studied the whole
degree in Japanese and was told later that I couldn't read proficiently. I am not sure about the
interviewer's standard. He/She can just judge you based on his/her own misconceptions . This role
also has a Japanese native speaker applied into and the interviewer was Japanese. I am also not
sure if there is any discrimination against any foreigners who speak Japanese at this firm. I am not
sure if they could judge people's reading skills by only giving one article for 10 minutes. Horrible.

2020 J.P. Morgan Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Position: Research Analyst

Interview Questions:

When to use ebita and when to use ebit in the dcf model?

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2019

After the online application and video assessment,i got an interview with 2 interviewers via blue,
very nice, and asked many details of your past experience and also behavior questions.

2. Position: Research Analyst

Interview Questions:

One recent financial news headline that interested you and why

Experience or Feedback:
Aug 2020

Process took about 3 months starting with pymetrics, hirevue, AC then panel interviews. AC
comprised of working on a case study in a team of 5, with 2 JPM employees assessing cooperation
and presentation skills.

3. Position: Corporate Analyst Development Program - Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

One recent financial news headline that interested you and why

Describe a time you had to change your communicative style to fit your audience

Experience or Feedback:
Aug 2020

Applied online. Process took about 3 months starting with Pymetrics, Hirevue, AC then panel
interviews. AC involved you working on a case study with 4 other people, with 2 JPM employees
observing your cooperation and presentation skills.
Aug 2020
Did the Pymetrics to check the fit for the company, followed by hirevue interviews that were pretty
standard, and finally a 2 round video interview with managers who separate it into behavioral and

4. Position: Wealth Management Analyst

Interview Questions:

If only one person in the group will get to the next round, who do you think it will be?

Experience or Feedback:
May 2020

In the morning: group interview, information on the client and markets was given, ~15min
discussion followed by 5 min presentation (6 people in the group). In the afternoon: 1-1 interview,
more behavioral.

5. Position: Apprentice

Interview Questions:

What are the transferrable skills you can bring to JP Morgan?

What roles are you looking at to apply at JP Morgan?

Experience or Feedback:
Sep 2019

Applied through college. A phone interview of 20-30 mins was conducted to know introduce
yourself and let the company know more about you and your experience. The whole process took 2
Feb 2019

There are 3 rounds of interviews. First round is phone interview, more of like introduce yourself.
Next round is face-to-face interviews which has 2 sections, one on technical questions and the
other on finding out which department I am suitable for.

6. Position: Quantitative Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:
Two sections of coding challenge and one section of recorded interview.

Experience or Feedback:
Jan 2020

I applied through Handshake and there is an online recorded interview through Codevue. They
contacted me two days after I submitted my resume, and gave me 5 days to complete the online

7. Position: Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

How do you price a bond

How many umbrellas does 7-11 sell in a week?

Why J.P. Morgan?

Experience or Feedback:
Dec 2016

First there is an online assessment with verbal and numerical reasoning. After the online
assessment, there is a phone interview. The next and last round is AC. The AC lasted for a whole day
and had two interviews and a group case study session.
Nov 2018

45 minutes Assessment Centre followed by Interviews. Held on the same day. Case was about
automation of internal banking processes. Case was straightforward - Googling was allowed.
Assessors were strict and fierce; it almost felt like attending a military boot camp. Focus was heavily
on adhering to time given and fostering collaboration and teamwork. A formal business
presentation was expected. Interviews were easy, mostly behavioural, fit questions and few

8. Position: Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

How you will invest if you have a million dollars?

Experience or Feedback:
Sep 2019

Hirevue interview. Five questions each question will have two attempts. So it is actually have time
for preparation. For each question, it will have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to answer.

9. Position: Financial Modeling Analyst

Interview Questions:

Return the maximum sum of k * k matrix with maximum sum in a n*n matrix

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2018

There were total of 2 rounds. First one was online coding test and fit questions, Second one is HR
Round. on-site interview lasted 3 hours. There were group interview, technical interview and a
behavior interview.

10. Position: Market Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

How much money is in US’a Forex

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2018

Apply online, hirevue, superdays. Mix of behavioral and technicals. Interviewers were tough but
friendly, HR is great. Process is quick. Make sure u use the finance guides, read the news, know why
finance, know the role u apply, learn all the securities

11. Position: Corporate Analyst Development Program Analyst

Interview Questions:

The case question was reasonably long and an appropriate solution was required by the end of the

Why Corporate Analyst Development Program?

Experience or Feedback:
May 2019

Group case interview of six or seven with 20 minutes to discuss and 20 minutes to present. Two
interviewers will be sitting the room assessing while the discussions are going on.
Nov 2017

1) Application 2) Hirevue 3) Superday- 1 Case Studies and 2 1-to-1 interview 4) Offer The whole
process is quite fast. Just be patient and you will get your offer soon. However only apply if you are
really interested in this role. They can see through you if you are not.

12. Position: Corporate Analyst

Interview Questions:

How do you use technology to improve the banking experience for the customers?

How will this speed up the process?

The group case study examined options for virtualisation of JPMC's servers.

Experience or Feedback:
Feb 2019

Prior to this interview, there was a video interview segment. This interview was a case study
scenario where we have to present to the group of assessors. We were also assessed during the
time when we were discussing the topic.
Mar 2019

Group interview with four to five people in the meeting room - 20 min individual prep to read
through articles - 40 min group discussion to discuss articles and answer questions - asked to come
up with solutions regarding financial technology - hiring managers will observe your group
Feb 2018

Round 1 - Non-technical phone screen about your past experience, motivation for joining the
Technology Analyst Program / JPMC, and your future plans Round 2 - Assessment Centre (three-
part): a) Group Case Study. You're assigned into groups of 5 - 7 to come up with a presentation on a
consulting-type case study. Remember to go in with a collaborative attitude: you're not there to
bring the rest of your team down, but to work together to make it a great presentation. I actually
made some really good friends from this experience! b) Management/behavioural interview.
Basically to assess your attitude towards working with your colleagues, and how you would handle
workplace conflicts. c) "Technical" interview. You're given three questions -- two coding, one math -
- and asked to choose one. After some prep time, you walk your interviewer through your solution.
The math question was very easy, so someone could pass this technical with no coding knowledge.

13. Position: Technology Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

What are the interesting projects you took part in and what is your role in these projects?

Compare proposals on implementing cloud computing and installing virtual servers.

Have you faced any challenges working in a team for a project and if so, what were the challenges?

Tell us the errors in this Java code and correct it (you get handed 3-4 simple Java programs)

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2017

Code for good was the main process to filter out potential candidates and there is a final interview
afterwards to determine if you are the right fit for the company.
Nov 2018

One phone interview, one super day. The phone interview asks for your general background. The
super day has three rounds of interview including group interview, technical interview and a
general 1:1 interview. The process takes about half a day.
Nov 2017

One Phone interview and then Assessment Day at Changi Office. For the Assessment Day, you had 1
group presentation on some technology business proposal, 1 personality interview and 1 technical
interview. The interviewers are mostly people in VP/ED positions. They are very friendly, and as
long as you don't show your ego while working in a group and can answer the technical questions it
is easy to get an offer.

14. Position: Equity Research Analyst

Interview Questions:

Pitch a stock to me

Experience or Feedback:
Oct 2018
Began with online tests that are common across investment banks. Then, 2 phone interviews in
quick succession. Generic competency questions and a few technical questions for phone interview.
Case studies for Superday.

2020 Morgan Stanley Singapore

Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

Position: Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. Think they asked about how a current company was performing and about my interest in this

2. How do you value a sports team?

3. What is method overloading & method overwriting?

4. What’s your investment philosophy?

5. Why Morgan Stanley?

6. How do you manage an intensive schedule; Time management skills

7. Tell me about yourself, Why this role?

8. Given NOI Margin, Revenue, and cap rate, what is implied value?

9. Assess office market in San Francisco

10. Describe yourself using 3-5 adjectives

11. Stochastic questions, programming, linear algebra, probability, and finance

12. How to implement a linkedlist

13. What is the time complexity for removing & inserting a number in the Hash table?

14. For the phone call it was mostly about statistics. p-values, R^2, overfitting, how to choose
variables, etc. Also some coding questions on Python and R (for example managing big numbers,
etc) and Finance questions (Black Scholes model, greeks and fixed income questions)

15. For the superday, 3 interviews mostly behavioral and knowing about the structure and products
of the company. Also 1 group activity to test your ability to work in groups.

16. Why investment banking?

17. Do you think we are headed towards a recession?

Experience or Feedback:

Version 1: This is essentially some of the interview process for undergraduate students. First, you
have to make an account with Morgan Stanley. Then you submit some personal info and they’ll
send you a HireVue link which you will follow up on. Sometimes, they’ll send “mind challenges”
which you complete. Then they’ll let you know if you’ve passed on to the next round.

Version 2: Hirevue interview. There were 6 questions and many are kind of technical. Every question
has a second chance to record if you think you did not do well on the first one.......................

Version 3: The interview was conducted on the campus. There were two interviewers one was
completely focused on the Programming part & other was asking more about the behavioural
questions. The interview lasted for 45 minutes. Both the interviewers are friendly.

Version 4: Went through online. Started with testing my mics and headphones. The general
guidelines will be received in the beginning, so no worry. Anyways, when interview starts, there are
questions on the screen and get 2-3 mins to answer. That’s pretty much it.
Version 5: On-campus interview. Walk me through your resume. A bunch of behaviorals. How much
do you know about the division you are applying to. Do you have any questions for us? The
interviewer is nice, the overall experience is comfortable.

Version 6: I applied online through the application portal. Immediately after I submitted my
application, I got a HireVue. A month later I got invited to the company for an in-person interview.
The overall process was good.

Version 7: This was a phone interview with an analyst and an associate. Most of the interview was
fit questions, but there was a 3 min section on basic computations. Overall a very simple process.

Version 8: Hirevue to a super day with a couple of interviews. Hirevue was very standard questions,
whereas the super day was more focused on MS-focused questions and less on behavioral
questions. Overall not too bad of a process.

Version 9: The interview process consisted of two phone interviews and one super-day. Both phone
interviews were evenly split between skill and personal questions. At the end of the second
interview they send you a DCF that you have to correct within 20 minutes.

Version 10: It was a digital interview on hirevue. There were 3 questions. They were displayed on
the screen and had to record the answer. You have a second attempt and a chance to review your
answer by listening to what you recorded.

Version 11: First of all, a panel discussion, about 45 minutes. Then, two on one interview, about 45
minutes. Serval questions like tech questions and behavior questions. Besides leetcode questions,
there are many common sense of Java

Version 12: It was interviewed by the team in our college. The interview is mainly about our
resume. One interview was focused on technical while the other focused on behavioral questions.
The interviewers are very cool.

Version 13: Applied through the company website and they contacted me after a week. The first
round phone interview is no technical questions, just behaviors. The second round interview is little
more technical.
Version 14: Phone interview is all about behavioral questions. Super Day is three 30 mins interviews
with three employees and a group work. Questions are most behavioral. The interview process
finished within one week but has been waiting for result for one month.

Version 14: I applied through my university's job recruiting website. I then had a first round
interview over phone with an alumni. After that, I was invited to a super day at their New York
office that consisted of about six one on one interviews with every level from analyst to MD.

Position: Investment Banking Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. Name one story in the news and how it is important to you?

2. What is a recent transaction that you found interesting?
3. Why you choose investment banking?
4. When was there a situation you have been in that demonstrates that you do the right thing?
5. What is a recent transaction that interested you?
6. If you could be any animal what would it be
7. In layman terms, explain minority interest.
8. Describe one corporate transaction that interests you
9. Walk me through a DCF / Describe a time you made a big mistake and how did you deal with it?
/ 3 Strengths / weaknesses / How would your friends and family describe you in 3 words
10. Go through DCF model.
11. Walk me through your resume, walk me through a DCF, what are the three valuation methods,
what do you do for fun outside of work
12. Tell me about a time you failed
13. What are the ways to value a company and which leads to the highest valuation?
14. What are the 3 ways to value a company?
15. Tell me a recent deal that MS Hong Kong team did.
16. What industries interest you, and how would this effect your group choice?
17. What would you major in if the financial services industry didn't exist?
18. Take me through DCF
19. value your university and sell it to me
20. Can you walk me through a DCF? What are the primary value drivers of an LBO? Can you describe
some different valuation techniques?
21. Tell me the deals you are interested at
22. Deep dive into your background. Why banking over Private Equity? Why investment banking?
23. How to solve the Euro crisis?
24. How would an increase in depreciation flow through the statements?
25. Tell me about a time when you were persuasive.
26. What sport do you like most? What team is your favorite? How many fans do you think there are
for that team in the entire world?
27. If you were spreading comps and you were looking at the market cap and the enterprise value,
which do you think would be higher and what would cause you to raise a red flag?
28. if you were to change one thing about the US., anything, politics or economy, anything, what
would you do to save our economy?
29. give me an industry you like (Natural Resources). Okay, lets value a technology company.
30. Why do you want to become an investment banker?
31. Which type of modeling will produce the highest/lowest valuation?
32. What does and Investment banking analyst do on a day to day basis?
33. How does the Net Income carry through the basic accounting statements?

Experience or Feedback:

Version 1: The interview happened on SparkHire. I was asked three questions with multiple
attempts to answer the questions. The provided me with an instruction video and some practice
problems to become familiar with the interview process.

Version 2: You will be asked a series of 2 questions on HireVue. You will have 90 seconds for each
response and one chance to rerecord. 30 seconds of preptime in between.

Version 3: I applied online. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at Morgan Stanley (New York,
NY (US)) in December 2019. This is the second round of the interview. There are a total of three
rounds after you submitted online application. The first round is briefly about go through yourself
and some basic backgroud information.

Version 4: Asked 3 questions and which department would be the best fit for you and why. the next
was about their core value as a company of always doing the right thing. So demonstrate how you
embody that.

Version 5: HireVue Digital Questionnaire. Could take the interview from anywhere and with your
laptop or your cell phone. Had to look presentable as you would for an in person interview. Asked
two questions and given 30 seconds to prepare for each.

Version 6: Long super day interview with 20-30 other candidates. Model test, soft skills, head
games, lunch, etc. Lots of weird questions like, "if you could be any animal, which one would you
be?" Also, "if you were assessing today's candidates, which one would you hire, which one would
you get a beer with, and which one would you want to do your homework?"

Version 7: I got the Investment Banking Hirevue about 1 day after I submitted the online
application. The hirevue contains five questions, all are basic finance or behaviour questions, also
including the language tests. You will have 2 chances for one questions.

Version 8: It was virtual and a pleasant experience. The questions were fair but challenging.
Interviewers were kind and showed genuine interest in me. A great opportunity for sure. 30 words
30 words 30 words
Position: Wealth Management
Interview Questions:
1. Tell me about yourself and why you should get hired
2. Describe yourself in 2-3 words
3. Since you are applying here, why wealth management?
4. Why MS? How would you describe yourself?
5. What interests you about Wealth Management?
6. Do you see yourself as a hunter or a gatherer?
7. Tell me about a time when you failed and how did you overcome it
8. Tell me about a trend you see happening in the markets right now?
9. What are is your biggest strength
10. Tell me about your college experience
11. Visualization a potential client for me.
12. Describe to me a project from your studies that is relevant to this job.
13. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
14. Tell me three things about yourself?
15. Why did you pick your college major?
16. Typical asset allocation for a $1mm portfolio
17. What makes you believe you can succeed in this industry?
18. Why do you think you are a good fit for the position?
19. Walk me through your resume.
20. If you could create any color crayon, what would it be and why? Followed by how would you go
door to door to sell it?
21. Who is our CEO? What is the current price of oil? What is our product breakdown?
22. How would you describe retirement to a 5 year old?
23. Pitch a stock
24. Tell me something about yourself that's not on your resume.
25. Tell me about a time where you dealt with conflict.
26. Have you had experience with financial reports before?
27. On a busy work day, how would you react and what action would you take to receiving little to
no direction for the day?
28. If you had $1 million what would you invest it in? What factors are you taking into account?

Position: Technology Analyst

Interview Question:

1. Why tech at Morgan Stanley?

2. Why are you interested in the company?
3. reverse string, basic os concepts ie threads, different data structures pros and cons, strings vs
4. What is a moral of yours that you hold very seriously?
5. What's the difference between abstract and interface?
6. How would I find a tampered jar of jelly beans
7. Why do you want to work here?
8. write code in pencil on how to check for a Fibonacci sequence
9. Write the code for the two-sum problem in an efficient way.
10. What is OO?
11. Phone Interview: what is jni? What are interrupts? Where is interrupt3 used?
12. SuperDay:
Round1- Create linked list class and reverse the list. Code using pen and paper. Asked alot about
my research paper, prev work ex and projects (had viewed my github and asked about certain
code sections) Round2 - what is trigger? Explain public static void main? What is OOPs and its
features? How does java compile the code? What is linked list? If two lists intersect, how will you
find the intersection point? Round3 - the interviewer didn’t interact much and came with 2 questions
prepared. If a number has 2, 3 or 5 as its factor then its a nice number. Code to tell if input n is a nice
number. What will be time complexity? Two arrays are given. Check and code if they have cyclic
equality ?
13. Describe a technical problem you solved? How you solved it?
14. Weaknesses, challenge story
15. Algorithms , data structures
16. Write something in Java that's related to my experiences.
17. Do you know CPM system?
18. How does your major prepare you for the job?
19. What is your future plan?
20. Asked questions regarding the Object class and toString() method in java
21. How do you use an interface? When would you use an interface and when would you use
22. Can you implement a quicksort algorithm?
23. Implement two stacks using one array.
24. Apples and Oranges in basket problem
25. Best time to buy and sell stocks in a given week
26. Left join vs Right join
27. technical questions only - basic SQL, top questions
28. Describe how hashmaps and hashsets and hashcodes work?
29. Tell me about a challenge you faced with this project.
30. What is inheritance, polymorphism, and can you instantiate an abstract class? In Java, what would
you change in a class to make it abstract?
31. With C++: What functions are automatically provided when you create a class? How would you
define the function signatures if you wanted to define them? When would you use a pointer vs.
a reference? What is the difference between pass by reference and pass by value?
32. Given a table with columns: user | start_date | end_date | code How would you find an entry for
a user with start_date=A and end_date=B, and insert if it…
33. With Python: Find the second largest value in a list. Find the square root of a number without
using math.sqrt()
34. How to call a servlet in a JSP?? What methods are used to send user login data from login page
to a servlet?? What is the difference between Get and Post methods? Design a simple login page
for a web application.
35. Why Morgan Stanley? Describe the architecture of the web application you are building. Previous
project experience, what you are interested in doing, what do you plan on achieving by pursuing
this internship? All behavioural questions, nothing much technical.
2020 UBS Singapore Interview Case Study

TalentLink Pte Ltd

1. Position: Graduate Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. Why UBS
2. Why UBS? general market questions
3. Behaviour type of question
4. State a current financial incident and how that can affect UBS.
Experience or Feedback:
3 Sep 2020

Psychometric testing and online video interview followed by final day interview. Online video was
relatively easy but did have technical questions about assessing 2 different scenarios and the effect
it would have to the company
5 Jul 2019

I had an online numeric/personality interview followed by a video interview. Got called up for a
superday and received offer thereafter. However the interview process was very long and they took
around a month to finally get back to me if i was hired.
19 Jan 2019
One pre screening interview, followed by One full day assessment center include interview, case
study, group discussion and presentation. The assessment center contains one on one interview.
The group discussion has a panel of intervewers observe and mark candidates.
17 Dec 2018

The first stage is long and tedious, comprising numerical, ethical tests and online interview. The
numerical tests are fairly basic while the interviews questions are relatively open-ended. They did
not provide reason as to why I was rejected, but I deduce it is likely due to my lack of business &
finance-related experience.

2. Position: Global Research Analyst

Interview Questions:

How to value a gold main?

Experience or Feedback:
24 Aug 2020

A relatively short interview process with standard behavioural and technical questions. I finished
the 2 interviews with Singapore head of research and ASEAN head of research and a short HR
interview on “when can you start” etc.

3. Position: Investment Banking Analyst

Interview Questions:

1. Describe yourself 2. Why UBS 3. Can you tell me a project you involved?

Experience or Feedback:
6 Jun 2020

Online Application process – Via company website 2. Numerical Testing – 30 mins 50 questions 3.
Logics Testing – 30 mins 50 questions 4. Video Recording Interview – 30 mins 5 questions 5.
Behavior Interview – 30 questions

4. Position: Client Advisor

Interview Questions:

Wanted to know what books I was managing

Experience or Feedback:
13 Mar 2020

Stringent process but fair. Bosses were keen to let me know about the culture in the bank, and
seemed very eager to groom and nature. Good feel the sense of pride and ownership of the bank

5. Position: Equity Research

Interview Questions:

How well do you work in a team? What is equity research?

Experience or Feedback:
28 Jan 2020

Video recording interview, you are not given a lot of time per question, pretty fast paced. Prior to
the interview is a quantitative math/IQ and personality related test, which thereafter I received an
invitation to proceed to the video interview.

6. Position: Python Developer

Interview Questions:

The big difference between python, C++ and Java; illustrate your project experience

Experience or Feedback:
16 Jan 2020

It takes one day. Two round interview. One is behavior Interview. One is coding test. code test is not
very difficult but still has some tricks. I lost my confident on last question. I donot figure out the
most efficient solution

7. Position: Business Risk Specialist

Interview Questions:

What skillset can you bring into the team

Experience or Feedback:
Jun 2018

Hiring process is pretty direct and smooth. The HR called within a week to seek questions on my
background and intentions. The whole process took roughly a month, including background check
and getting accesses. Panel interview was with both the line manager and department head.

8. Position: Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

What skillset can you bring into the team

Why do you want this position?

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2018

Online application followed by numerical and logical reasoning tests. Video interview was done
shortly after the online tests. Was invited to a Superday thereafter for 2 face to face interviews with
the department I applied for. One technical and one culture related interview of 30 minutes each.
Mostly personal experience questions were asked for the cultural fit interview.
8 Feb 2019

- The interview was conducted by Skype. - Two rounds interview with two interviewers each time. -
All behavioural questions with no technical questions at all. - The environment was relaxing and
people were friendly. - Interviewers seemed really tired due to a large number of interviewees.

9. Position: Industrial Placement

Interview Questions:

How to treat cooperation?

Experience or Feedback:
Jul 2019

First you are required to do a video interview. It gave you about one week to complete. The
questions are mainly about why UBS, why this position, why you, how to treat cooperation?

10. Position: HRBP

Interview Questions:

Tell me a time you challenged the status quo?

Experience or Feedback:
Jun 2019

F2F or video interviews with 2-3 HR personnel & business. Online assessments. Submit online
application & several forms. Verbal offer made first, before sending through the offer letter. Read
up the website.

11. Position: Sales and Trading

Interview Questions:

What do you think makes a good trader? Describe a situation where you have to take personal risks.
Pitch me a stock.

Typical quant questions - sorting algorithms, market trend analysis.

Experience or Feedback:
Dec 2018

Received test invitation in less a week after submitting the application. First round: online, behavior
and IQ-test-like test. Not difficult. Second round: online, behavior question, very difficult for me.
Asked questions I had never thought of. So I died here.
Jan 2018

- Typical behavioral questions and Numerical reasoning skills to see if you fit into their culture - 8
questions Video Interview by Sonru which is somewhat like hirevue one. You can practice
Feb 2018

Fast-tracked through school trading competition. Met with S&T MD in Singapore and junior traders.
Upper management was a lot more relaxed and easy going than the juniors. Seemed like first
parsed for fit for company culture, then technical competency.

12. Position: Global Wealth Management

Interview Questions:
Tell me about your past experience

Experience or Feedback:
Dec 2018

CV>Video Interview>Two rounds of interview with two authorities. One technical interview, one fit
interview. The job description doesn't fit what the interviewers were looking for. The interviewer
had to stop me halfway and asked what the job desc (that I read) was about and was rather puzzled
at the description, as it doesn't match their ideal candidate profile. Kinda waste of time.. though
both interviewers were relatively nice.

13. Position: Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

What is P/E, EV/EBITDA and their differences?

How would you assess a company's debt servicing capability?

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2018

Applied online. No networking what so ever. Got invited to Superday after Sonru and phone screen
(2 phone interviews with MDs). Superday included one half hour long case study (mock M&A
scenario, advise client how to proceed), followed by presentation plus Q&A from MDs, two
interviews with analysts and associates

14. Position: Industrial Placement

Interview Questions:

Why you?

Experience or Feedback:
May 2018

Series of online aptitude tests followed by face to face interview. Also conducted a physical test on
the day itself. Questions were typical why should we choose you/your experience/how you can
value add to the firm. In addition was asked questions about stress management

15. Position: IBD Summer Analyst

Interview Questions:

Why investment banking

Experience or Feedback:
Nov 2016

2x phone interview for 1st round, followed by case study with 2 people from the team and 2-on-1
face to face interview for last round. Fairly straight forward case, they want to see your ability to
communicate, think on the spot, confidence and interpersonal skills

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