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Carmella A.

Formaran LIFWRIZ 2:30 – 4:00 MWF

The Filipino Farmers

By Jose Rizal

The Filipino Farmers written by Jose Rizal and he stated in this paper the effort of the

Minister of the Colonies to encourage agriculture in the Philippines. It is during Spanish

Colonization where they mandate the Civil Guard as peacemaker and by doing so they are

responsible for those who violate the law, but it is not what happen because they use abusive

force to control Filipino farmers. This paper stated not only about the Civil Guard but also the

issue about agriculture, where bandits and rebellion was dominant that time and it is the major

problem of the Filipino farmer and since farmer are not require to have such weapon because if

Civil Guard saw them they may look suspicious and the poor farmer well undergo such long

process to defend himself, and if they cannot justify himself, he will go to jail. Since during that

time we have this situation of inequality and no privileges.

As for what I think, Rizal only emphasize the rights to have a decree stating the reform

for granting the use of firearms so that farmers can protect their land from bandits. But this

matter only takes time. Especially we have this system, it is hard for Filipino Farmer to have that

privileges because Filipino is just a worker or laborer of their own land. Also problem might

arise, since Spanish will think that if government grant this rules or law it will arise wars, they

will take this as a threat.

The very essence of this is to have a justifiable law or plan for farmers, a representation

into Cortess so that Spain can hear the true condition of the Philippines especially in terms of

agriculture. This reform will benefits not just all farmers but also the Spanish Government,

because law is always fair.

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