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Unit 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary 3.1 Did you know? Discuss the information with your partner by asking and answering questions. Take turns. GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION Hungary lies in the Carpathian Basin of Central Europe.’ The greatest distance from north to south is 268 km, and from east to west, 528 km. Area: 93,030 km? Population: 9,908,798 (2013) Population density: 110,5 person/km” 68,3 percent of the population live in towns. Capital: Budapest (territory: 525 km?) population: 1,735,041 on 1 January 2013. Time zone: Central European (GMT¥1) Summer season: From the last weekend in March to the last weekend in October + 1 hour Official language: Hungarian ‘TypeofGovernment: __Parlamentary democracy Public administration: 19 counties and Budapest 3.2 Match the geographical names and their equivalents. Find and show them in the map of Hungary on the next page. 1. the Great Plain A) Dundntili- kézéphegység 2. the Little Plain B) Eszaki-kézéphegység 3. the Danube ©) Alfeld 4. The Central Danube-Tisza region D) Duna 5. the Central Transdanubian mountain range _E) Kisalfold 6. the Central Northern mountain range F) Duna-Tisza kze 29 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS i of Hungary's territory consists of flatiands: the Alféld comprises the entire pe eee Rees at Kisalfold extends along the northwestern border, The country’s two most prominent rivers ~ the Danube, of which the Hungarian section is 417 km long, and the Tisza at $98 km ~ traverse Hungary from north to south. The Centra Danube-Tisza region is also flatland, while the Transdanubian countryside lying West of the Danube has hilly terrain, Lake Balaton, Central Europe’s warmest lake, is situated in the centre of this region. The highlands stretch diagonally across Hungary: west of the Danube lies the Central Transdanubian mountain range with its hills reaching 400-709 metres (e.g, the Keszthely, Bakony, Vertes, Gerecse, Pilis, and Visegréd mountain ranges) East of the Danube lies the Central Northern mountain range with hills of 500-1000 metres (eg. the Borzsiny, Cserhét, Matra, Biikk, Cserehét, Zemplén mountain ranges), ‘The highest point in Hungary is 1014 metres, which can be found at Kékes in the Matra mountain range. The Hungarian “Puszta” (meaning “wasteland” or “barren land”) is a popular tourist destination. Its characteristic animals and ethnographic traditions can be seen at the horse-riding shows in the Hortobagy National Park . (hetp:// 3.3/A Hungary can be divided into 5 Tourist i ms which you can see in the map below. Match the tourist regions and the lines by writing their names on them. 1. Central Hungary (including Budapest & the Danube Bend) 2. Lake Balaton 3. Transdanubia (Pannonia) 4. Northern Hungary 5. Great Phin hetp://, Slovakia Ukraine seecwe Romania 30 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary 3.3/B Which region do the following towns belong to? Write their letters on the lines, too. ‘A)Szentendre _F) Zalaegerszeg B) Hollok6 G) Veseprém ©) Baja H) Tihany D) Gyula 1) Heviz E)Hortobigy _‘J) Esztergom 3.3/C Which region/town of Hungary do you come from? Talk about it by using the guidelines below. ‘The region/the town = lies = can be found in the north, in the east, in the south, in the west north of, east of, south of, west of not far from, near, next to, between, in the middle of, 50 kms away from.... on the banks of the Danube / Tisza / Bodrog, etc., at the foot of the Matra / Bakony mountain on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, etc., on the Slovakian / Ukrainian / Romanian / Serbian / Croatian / Slovenian / Austrian border 3.4 Read the short descriptions of our National Parks and mark them on the map in exercise 3.3/A. Answer the following questions about each National Park. 1. What are the three landscapes of the Hortobagy National Park? 2. Why do the Fiiléphaza sand dunes move? 3. Why do the karst waters represent an important water supply for the area? 4, What patients are treated in the caves of Aggtelek? 5, What is the role of the the Madrvarta ornithological station and study centre? 6. What is Gemene famous for? 7. What is the main attraction of the Danube Bend? 8. Why is Fehérté noteworthy? 9. What can you find in the Small Balaton area? 10. What is the characteristic building material in the Orség? What is it used for? 31 oY 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary 1. Hortobagy National Park Hungary's first national park was established in 1973 across 81,000 hectares. Today the area, shaped by the movement of water in the past, is Central Europe's largest anc of grassland (Puseta) and a World Heritage site. It can be split into three landscapes floodplain forests and ox-bow lakes, marshes and lakes, and the Hortobigy Puszta. ‘The Hortobigy Puszta is best characterized as being like a sea of grass. 2. Kiskunsag National Park Sited across an area of 76,000 hectares between the Danube and the Tisza, this national park was founded in 1975. The park comprises nine discrete parts.’The Upper Kiskunsig Puszta is the second largest alkaline grassland of the Great Plain. Even today the Filéphaza sand dunes “move”, blown by the wind in a northwesterly-southeasterly direction. The national park constitutes a rich reserve for flora and fauna and indigenous Hungarian domestic breeds; indeed, Hungary's very first national park museum is located here. 3. Biikk National Park No less than 90% of this national park (situated in northeast Hungary over 43,200 hectares and established in 1976) is covered by forest. The limestone surface making up the Biikk Hills is varied, and hides between 500-600 caves in its depths. The total length of these caves extends to some 35 km. Biikk karst waters require neither filtration not chlorinating, and for this reason they represent an important water supply for towns and villages in the region. One particularly famous site in this park is the stepped waterfall (ith a fall of 17 metres) on the Szalajka stream that has trouts swimming in it. 4, Aggtelek National Park The national park formed in 1985 covers 20,000 hectares of northeast Hungary. The area’ freatest attraction is the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst cave system. The cave system was listed asa part of the World Heritage in 1995.'The majority of the cave is open to tourism, and the wondrous stalactites make for an unforgettable experience. Patients suffering from respiratory diseases are treated in several of the huge underground caverns, and the excellent acoustics also permit the regular staging of concerts. 5. Ferté-Hansiig National Park This national park of 23,600 hectares in northwest Hungary was set up in 1994. The shallow Lake Fert6, located on the Austrian-Hungarian border, is an aquatic habitat of European significance, In addition to the Protected and rare flora it is also home to man’ important role to play among the young, is 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary 6. Danube-Drava National Park The 49,500-hectare national park (founded: 1996) isto be found in the south of Hungary. This region includes sections of the Danube and Drava rivers framing the hills of Southern ‘Transdanubia as well as the alluvial plains. Interestingly, the national park does not comprise an interconnected series of areas but it is rather a mosaic-like patchwork. Among these sections the best-known is the Gemene, famed far and wide for its superb game stock. 7.Danube-Ipoly National Park This protected area extending over 63,000 hectares of north Hungary was brought into being in 1997. Its primary attraction is the Danube Bend. It is special for having terraced valleys, the meeting point of the plain and the hills, from where we get the extraordinarily varied natural habitats. The park actually encompasses the steep slopes of the Pilis Hills, the Visegrid Hill famed for its medieval castle, and the Barzsdny with their spectacular serrated cliff formations. 60% of Hungary's stock of birds is to be found in the Barzsny Hills. 8. Kérés-Maros National Park ‘This park is in southeast Hungary, covering an area of 51,000 hectares. It was established in 1997. Due to its unique position on the migratory route of birds in Europe Fehérté at Kardoskit is particularly noteworthy; it is the central part of the protected areas. ‘The tributaries of the river Maros have provided an extremely rich wetland habitat for many waterfowl. This part of the country was inhabited 7000 years ago; the monasteries and convents date from the Middle Ages. 9. Balaton National Park. ‘The national park was formed in the centre of western Hungary over 57,000 hectares in 1997. This is one of the most popular parts of Hungary for tourists, including does Central Europe's largest sweet water lake, the Balaton. Visitors are met by a host of cultural and natural values. The Small Balaton, one of the most valuable parts of the national park, is 4 nesting site for close to 250 species of birds. The Tapolca Basin is noted for its volcanic caps and remnant hills, with vineyards planted on their lower slopes. The low hills around Balatonftired are characteristically Mediterranean, sub-Mediterranean. 10. Orség National Park ‘This 44,000-hectare national park in southwest Hungary was established in 2002. Visitors are attracted here for its gentle hills and streams running through shaded valleys, its Pinewood forests, emerald-green meadows, marshes preserving flora from the Ice Age, crystal-clear springs and brooks, the tranquillity and fresh air, folk traditions and customs retained in their original forms, and the fine produce of the local small farms. Wood has Jong been used as a building material in the Orség. Today we can still see many different types of the characteristic log-wall structures. Typical Orség houses are formed in a U shape. Bell stands are fine examples of vernacular wooden architecture. (http:/Avww.mfa.govhu) 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary 3.5 World Heritage in Hungary Read the text below and find the correct expression for each gap. There are two extr words you do not need. under threat of destruction | all mankind recommended the natural and man-made | the World Heritage Pe sce environment Committee : set up of local interest qualified Ie is important for every community to tend and cultivate its history, traditions and culture and pass them on to new generations. This heritage is essential to our understanding of our past and our planning for the future, but it can find itself (1) by natural processes as well as by social and economic change. Some cultural and natural treasures are only. (2) while others are important to (3) because they are unique and special. It was to protect these more important treasures that in 1972 the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established (4) and ratified the “Agreement to protect the cultural and natural heritage of the world”. There were 788 (5) from 134 countries on the list by 2004. ‘The original two categories — cultural and natural heritage — have been combined into one “cultural landscape” category. This category is reserved for those sites where (6) are closely integrated and form a unit that is worth protecting, The member states themselves decide which sites they will recommend for inclusion on the World Heritage List, but it is the World Heritage Committee which, based on these recommendations, makes the final decision. Hungary is proud to claim eight sites that (7) for the world heritage list of outstanding value. These are as follows: : Cultural Heritage ~ Budapest, including the Banks of the Damube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrissy Avenue (1987) ~ Early Christian Necropolis of Pées (Sopianae) (2000) ~ Lake Fert6 / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape (2001) > Hortobigy National Park — the Puszta (1999) ~ Millenary Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma and its Natural Environment (1996) ~ Old Village of Holléké and its Surroundings (1987) ~ Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape (2002) Natural Heritage ~ Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (1995) Hungarian National Tourist Office (www.hungary°0" my 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary 3.6 What do you mean by the expression ‘Hungaricum’? Can you name some of them? Here you can find a list of them, try to match the places with their famous products. 1, Szeged A) aszit wine 2. Kecskemét B) goose-liver paté 3. Tokaj ©) red pepper 4, Eger D) porcelain 5. Herend E) salami 6. Oroshéza F) sewn lace 7. Kalocsa G) fruit brandy 8. Kiskunhalas H) Bull’s Blood ees th Rh Ts | = J 3.7 Read the gapped text about Hungaricums. It was taken from a brochure published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to popularise Hungarian specialities. Match the gaps with the enlisted expressions or short sentences below. There is one extra expression which you do not need. Hungaricum: all that is inimitable, unique, distinct — and Hungarian Four companies of international repute founded the exclusive Hungaricum Club in 1999. ‘The initiative, launched by Herend Porcelain Manufactory, Pick Szeged Co., Tokaj Trading House and Zwack Unicum, was joined by the Halas Lace Foundation of Kiskunhalas in 2003. The names of these illustrious representatives of Hungarian traditional dining are linked (A): porcelain, salami, Aszi wine, Unicum digestive liqueur and sewn lace. Motivated by the desire to create a stylish calling card for Hungary, members of the Club have put together an attractive boxed set called A Taste of Hungary, (2). The Hungaricum Club is, without doubt, an inspired and constructive initiative with an efficient corporate marketing purpose and serving as an extremely effective way (3). Naturally, however, Hungary has much, much more to offer. These classical Hungarian values cannot be restricted solely to industrial, food industry or handicrafts products. After all, (4) is also associated with an abundance of other inimitable, unique and distinct features that make up, if you like, the pure essence of Hungary. Such, for instance, are the truly unique language of the Hungarians, the land in which they live, the traditions and folklore, the intellectual and material cultural heritage of 2c 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary the Hungarians, the customs and traditions, the indigenous breeds, the matchless fo, of the local fruit and spices, the gastronomy, the wines and fruit brandies. As you leaf through this publication you will discover many of these “Hungaricumy Naturally, we cannot claim to have covered everything, but still the picture we paint wil surely be sufficient (5). And this is our aim: to broaden and tint the image of Hungary you already hold. (ww.kum,hy) A) featuring selected samples of their tasteful products B) this diverse country nestling in the heart of Central Europe C) to the superlative products they manufacture D) the cultural heritage of Hungary B) to enrich you with new knowledge and new impressions of Hungary P) of focusing the attention of foreigners on some of the finest Hungarian values Lee RENE SE | 3.8 Listen to the following text about Forest schools and answer the questions; you do not need to use full sentences. First study the & questions below. Then listen to the text twice. ‘There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0. Where are forest schools found? In forests, at lakes or rivers, in vill lages. 1. When were the first forest schools established? 2. What did children learn about in forest schools? St 3. What is the purpose of school outings? ee 4. What can children learn in ecology classes? 5. What are the most memorable events?. ee 6. Why do children get closer to nature? {22 36 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary 3.9 Talk about these pictures. The following questions will help you. Use the guidelines in your answers. A) Which of the ‘Hungaricums’ can you see here? ‘There is / are in the picture. "The picture shows / describes / depicts I think /I believe / In my view / As for me B) What do you know about their place of production? Ttwas made / produced / manufactured / in Tam not sure but I think C) What are these products famous for? “They are famous for their unique taste / distinctive style / being hand-painted D) What other‘Hungaricums’ do you know of? What are their characteristics? sweet / hot red pepper; sewn lace; delicious goose-liver paté; world famous asztt wine; sweet / dry wines E) What typical Hungarian presents would you recommend to middle-aged foreign tourist / to students of your age to buy? T recommend buying Iwould suggest buying If were you, I would buy I think you could buy. 27 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary VOCABULARY alkaline ligos attraction vonzéer6, varézs Austria, Austrian Ausztria, osztralk to be situated elhelyezkedik cave barlang characteristic jellemzé, tulajdonsig to characterize jellemezni to consist of Allni vmibél convent zirda Croatia, Croatian Horvatorszég, horvat eee Kegészit, Kikerekit, beilleszt to manufacture Soibeises wars Késateni grr meadow eee monastery mez6, rét, legeld mountain range kolostor hegyonulat 38 National Park noteworthy ornithology, ornithological Pannonia (Transdanubia) population to provide to ratify remnant respiratory disease Romania, Romanian sand dunes Serbia, Serbian sewn lace red pepper serrated significance slope 3. The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungary nemzeti park figyelemre mélt6 madértan, -i Dunéntil népesség adni, nydijtani jovahagy, ratifikal maradék, megmaradt légiti betegség Romania, roman homokbuckik Szerbia, szerb kézzel vert csipke pirospaprika csipkézett jelentéség hegyoldal Szlovikia, szlovak forrés fiigg6 cseppk6 madarfajok patak, folyam Karpat medence Dunakanyar Alféld Kisalféld pusztitis veszélye Ukrajna, ukrajnai felejthetetlen egyediilalls volgy nemzeti, népi, téjnyelvi, anyanyelvi sz6l6skert puszta vizellatas vizesés borvidék fa, fabdl késziile Vilagtokség 20 3 The Geographical and Tourist Regions of Hungery EXPRESSIONS at the foot of... mountain hegy labanal to be associated with vinivel kapcsolatban to be famous for sg hires vmir6l nature protection awareness kérnyezetvédelmi tudatosség to qualify sy for sg képesit, alkalmassé tesz to recommend sg to sy ajénlani vkinek vit to tend to do sg hajlamos vmi megtételére

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