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Unit 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook 9.1 Underline the right words in the proverbs. Explain their meanings. ‘A) Appetite comes with eating/drinking. B) An apple/onion a day keeps the doctor/friends away. ©) One man’s meat/bread is another man’s poison/dinner. D) Eat/Drink to live, not live to eat. E) You cannot make a(n) omelette/toast without breaking eggs. F) Man cannot live by bread/pasta alone. G) Too many cooks/bakers spoil the broth/stew. 9.2 Find the words in your dictionary and put them into categories. carrot, veal, turkey, pork, cabbage, sour cream, parsley, garlic, beef, cottage cheese, trout, chicken, lentil, bean, onion, celery, spinach, mushroom, tomato, potato, duck, carp, green bean, poppy seed, goose, pike-perch, cauliflower, bacon, cucumber, catfish/silure, pea, | salmon Vegetables Dairy products Fish Poultry Meat 9.3 There are some methods of cooking. Match the definitions to the words and discuss the most popular methods of Hungarian cooking. A) roux 1. cook in boiling oil steam 2. cook in hot water © roast 3. thicken the gravy with oil/lard and flour D) bake 4. cook over hot water boil 5. cook meat in an oven fry 6. cook a cake in an oven grill - 7.cook sg over a flame = 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook 9.4 In this task you will have to answer the questions about Hungarian eating habits. 1, Why do Hungarians like eating? Q 2. What is the Hungarian Plain famous for? iZ oY Gee 3. What sort of drinks are mentioned in the text? 4. What is the Hungarian cuisine based on? 5. What is goulash? ee ee 6. What is Hungarian cuisine like? Se ee 7, What are the Hungarian specialities mentioned here? Se 9.5 In this reading about Hungarian food and culture some Parts of the text are missing. Choose the most. appropriate part from the list. There is one extra part you do not need. Food and Culture in Hungary Hungarians do not take anything lightly, least of all food. The romantic volatile, and soulful Hungarian uses food the way most othe. People use psychology, politics, literature, material acquisitions, and even medicine, Food is the prelude to a mood, the buffer for difficult situations, and the solace ~ even the ewe adversity: Food elevates the spirit, food promotes confidence, food is « comforting. symbol of success et een ———__(1) food, love, and music are inextricably interwoven with one’s very existence. ‘The Hungarian coffeshouse symbolizes the uniquely Hungarian viewpoint, comfortable, well-supplied with sumpruously sinful pasties gad codes the Hungarian finds inspiration and sustenance, even ny occasion, solace, No Hungarian could survive a day of business without repeated fortifications of smoothly rich Pastries and sensuous whipped cream floated gently down on a wave or strong coffee. And howasang one sustain reversals of economics, or the upheavals of politi Se aay RN or close their doors. When all else in life falters, food, kena » and music remain s in the life of the Hungarian. (2) to make love on an empty stomach, ; 1 / 112 ad itis here that 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook conclude a business deal, or even survive a normal day without fine food and wi nf eae wine to the accompaniment of Gypsy violins. Who but the Gypsy violinists could Cee eck every mood and knowingly accompany it with melodies that can be at once tender and passionate or haunting and sad? Given such vital significance, can the finesse of the Hungarian cuisine ever be underestimated? History is witness to the many influences that resulted in the complex subtleties so much a part of the Hungarian table that they introduced, are still very much a part of Hungary. Hungary's appeal to conquerors was not only its strategic location in central Europe but also the fertility of the vast Hungarian Plain. (3) and a rich land yielding orchards and vineyards, grain fields and pastureland — a plentiful reservoir of abundance that probably more than anything else has made the Hungarian a lavish and appreciative cook. It would be difficult to find a farm without pigs, an abundant supply of fruits, vegetables, and grains, and cool pantries without fresh cream, sour cream, and butter. To this natural abundance, the 150-year Turkish occupation introduced to Hungary not only many tropical fruits and nuts but also coffee and many seasonings, the most important of which was paprika. (4) of quality paprika is highly regarded. Although paprika, a favoured seasoning, is not used exclusively, itis used widely in Hungarian cookery. While Hungarians are willing to admit that many things were the result of Turkish influence, it would be more difficult to get them to admit that the beloved Hungarian rétes (identical to the Austrian strudel) probably had its origin in the paper-thin crisp Turkish pastries made from phyllo — the most famous of which is baklava. And these Turkish pastries, in turn, originated from Greek influence. Further influences on Hungarian cuisine now so deeply embedded that they are difficult to separate, are Slovakian, Serbian, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, Polish, and German. This vast span of influence was mostly due to the fact that Hungary was for several hundred years under Habsburg rule and influence and a part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy until its breakdown after the First World War. (5), dumplings, noodles, sauerkraut, and the art of making soup, pastries, and sweet delicacies may well be the only pleasant aspects of this period for it was also one marked with almost continuous inner strife and feudalism. If nothing else, both the very rich and the very poor in Hungary always shared a love of food, Just as a laden table was essential to the Hungarian aristocracy, so the filled larder was essential to the Hungarian peasant. (6) and hearty foods that found their way into the Hungarian cuisine came the refining influences of the sophisticated Italian cuisine from Queen Beatrice, and the subtle French culinary arts from Queen Anne. King Matthias of Hungary wed the Italian Queen Beatrice in 1475 and enriched Hungarian aristocratic cuisine wit i ian courts — including ice cream and forks. The gentling include wider use in bakery, and a 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook Where else but in Budapest could so many cukraszdas (coffee and pastry shops) fy And where else but in the Hungarian capital could the world’s first muscum qe ie to catering and gastronomy be opened, or a holiday be declared to celebrate 4 aie a dobos torta? (orton A) Extended uses of sour cream B) There may be evidence of Hungarians C) Finally to the many influences of colourful D) Today Hungary's production E) But most important of all, in the Hungarian mind F) It would be unthinkable G) Here a mellow climate 1 | 125 [ gsel aRe Risa aranse) ee pus the words into the right sentences. There are two extra words which are not n tL Pickles, cauldron, paprika, stir, chopping board, Brater, peel, slice ] 1. It is difficult to obtain outsi it i i pat outside Hungary and it is a mild spice made from sweet 2. A Hungarian meal is almost always accompanied by Mi ian “salad”. lungarian “salad”, 3. The Magyars used bogrics as their main ii i ‘ over open fires. ae Sooking utensil which was traditionally used 4. You can grate cheese on it. 6. You move the stew with a wooden spoon, 114 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook 9.7 Read the following dishes and put them into categories and find to each dish 2 ingredients from the list given to you. — chilled sour cherry soup — roasted duck with steamed cabbage in — fried goose liver ted wine and smashed potatoes — fish soup — beef stew - stuffed cabbage — sour cherry strudel — “groom” soup (tarragon ragout soup —— vinegar apple paprika with potato dumplings) — pancake of your choice — doughnuts — fried camembert with rice and blueberry — noodles with cottage cheese — Hortobagy pancake stuffed with meat — cucumber salad — apple and poppy seed pie - dobos cake — catfish stew with noodles ~ beigli (nut roll) = goulash soup in kettle — potato soup — grilled trout with almond and parsley — stuffed peppers potatoes — cabbage salad — broccoli fried in breadcrumbs with ~ cottage cheese strudel cheese and rice ries: Starter/Soup __| Main course Fish Salads Desserts Ingredients: onion, sour cream, flour, ground paprika, potato, bay leaves, parsley, caraway seed, minced meat, roux, vinegar, wine, yeast, crushed walnut, black pepper, cheese and add Some more Which wine would you serve with Eger Bull's Blood, dry red wine Egri Rosé, semi-dry Rosé Hajési Cabernet Sauvignon, light Balaton Riesling, dry white wine Badacsony Grey Friar, semi-swe Balatonlellei Muskotély, semi- 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook 9.8 The preparation of two dishes is mixed up. Please put them into ther tht ; n Hungarian Chicken Paprika Hungarian Pancakes ~ Ina large heavy or cast-iron skillet, sauté the onions in oil until browned lightly. ~ Whisk together flour, eggs, pinch of salt. — Add ground paprika and mix well, — Add some milk in small portions and blend the mixture, ~ Add chicken pieces and return the Pan to stove. — Put some oil into a frying pan and heat it. ~ Add water, cover and simmer over low heat until chicken is tender, ~ Stir sour cream with a little flour and add it to the chicken, some dumplings along with it. ~ Pour some batter into the heated pan and fiy it, you may tum the pancake, in 1-2 minutes it is ready and you can fill it, heat thoroughly and serve 9.9 Find the missing words in the list. There are two additional words you do not need. Sour cream Sour cream has long been a traditional ingredient in Eastern European cooking, and is an important ingredient in Hungarian cooking. It gives the pleasant tang toa great many (1) and has gained popularity in the rest of Europe, North America, and other parts of the world in the past 50 years or so. Traditionally made by letting fresh. (2) sour nowadays, commerci ally produced sour cream is made by adding bacteria cultures to cream, allowing the bacterin w (3) the cream is both soured and thick, and then Pasteurising i stop the process. By definition, sour cream must contain at least 18% mil (4) by weight. ie _ gf Sapam aici. 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook Sour cream is widely used in______(5), spreads, sauces, cakes, souffiés, in savoury dishes such as beef Stroganoff and Hungarian goulash and, of course, to top baked tatoes and whilst it is rather rich in taste, it is actually lower in (6) than comparable amounts of salad oils and most salad dressings. Refrigerated in the original unopened package, the shelf life of sour cream is about four weeks. After opening, it will keep for up to 7 days, dips - speciality ~ dishes ~ cream ~ pasta — until — calories ~ fat 1 2 3 4 DI 6 9.10 Test your knowledge about csarda. A) Csarda is 1.a modern restaurant. 2. a pub with folk music. 3.a restaurant with traditional Hungarian food and music. B) Tick which programmes are offered in a csarda 1. peasant’s wedding 2. gypsy-show 3. wine-tasting 4, bacon grilling 5. outdoor sport activities 6. horse shoeing an egg 7. learn to dance csardas 8. learn to cook 9.11 Listen to the text about Hungarian eating habits and decide if the & statements are true (T) or false (F). A)In Hungary lunch consists of 2 courses. B)We eat as much for dinner as for lunch. C) Hungarian cooking is rich in calories. D)People with heart problems should not eat Hungarian food. E) At present restaurants prepare lighter meals. 117 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook 9.12 Inthis text you will read about healthy food. Please choose the best .12 In the statements A), B), C) or D). i 4 healthy” Olympics food “must be ; aaa and sustainable food had to be promoted at the 2012 Olympic Games, a toa previous BBC report. The Soil Association (SA) said the benefits of local, seasonal and organic food showcased while imported food should meet Fairtrade standards. Ption, iy CO Could by Peter Melchatt from the SA said in the face of the current obesity crisis organi Sers “muy promote healthy as well as sustainable food”, London 2012 said it was committed to a “sustainable food strategy”. Carbon footprint ‘The report by the Soil Association, the new economics foundation (nef) and the food ang farming alliance Sustain, also noted that the Games could help promote sustainable fsh | consumption, | Ir called on 2012 sponsors Coca-Cola and McDonald's to serve 75% unprocessed, 50% | locally sourced and 30% organic food and drink, The Soil Association's Peter Melchett said: “IfLondon is going to be the greenest Games ever, they have to tackle the 30% of our personal carbon footprint which comes from food “And if the Olympics want to avoid looking silly in the face of the obesity crisis now affecting most of the world, they must promote healthy as well as sustainable food.” ‘The relationship between physical fitness and healthy fe ighli: the event, the report said. ot Ted should also be eu ea at He said the report did not take into acco unt the scale an the Games and did not cover all the areas d practicalities of catering durin; 5, are, e ’ S of sustainability which need to be Pits ‘We do support the broad principles of local sourcing, minimum q © bros ie eee ‘ recycling and working with our partners to promote a Packaging, maximum the Games,” he added, Promote sustainable and varied food during (ww news: 1. The text states a! A) that organic and sustainable food should be promoted tho : B) that participants cannot eat junk food. ‘shout Great Britain, ©) that organic and sustainable food should be promoted during the one in 2012. ¥ is Olympic Games D) that organic food is tastier, 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook 2. They decided for this 'A) because of obesity. B) because they want to sell organic fish. C) because people tend to prefer junk food. D) because they were asked by the organisers to do so. 3, They asked the sponsors ‘A) to serve international food. B) to serve processed food. C) to serve unprocessed, mainly local food. D) to serve only unprocessed local food. 4, They wish to highlight ‘A) the connection between healthy food and sports. B) how important food in our life is. C) the bad sides of being fat. D) the relationship between physical fitness and healthy food. 5, They still have not considered ‘A)how McDonalds can supply all participants. B) how catering will be carried out in practice. C) the opinion of the participants. D) previous experiences. 6. They agree A) to use minimum packaging material. B) to recycle all packaging material. ©) not to use packaging material. D) to use recycled paper for packaging. 1 2 3) 4 5 6 9.13 Act out the following situations: 1) You are the owner of a small hotel at somewhere to dine. Recommend him/her Programmes. 2) You work at a travel agency. You receive 2 phone call from an English tour guide to organise for a group 650, folklore evening out in acsdrda, Discuss the menu Lake Balaton. Your guest whishes to go out ‘a cairda, describing the possible services and 49 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook 7 detailed programme/menu and drinks at a typical Hungarian wedding Ta &, prices and a discount for the group. \ 4) You are the owner of a restaurant. A guest would like to celebrate his/hey ‘ golden wedding anniversary (have been married for 50 years) at your Testaurant Offer your guest to decorate the restaurant, discuss the menu and any other Wishes, guest may have, You should also list dishes for vegetarians and children, Mm 9.14 Describe the picture with the help of the following questions: ~ What kind of Hungarian specialities can you see in the picture? ~ How are they prepared? = Speak about Hungarian cuisine, and list some traditional dishes, ~ What is the difference between csirda and csirdés? ~ Why is csérda popular with tourists? — What kinds of es programm are offered there? 9.15. Write a short article (150-200 words) for the ; magazine about Hungarian cuisine. "the international “Food and Drink’ First et us revise what we have already learned about how to wri Layout: DO NOT FORGET THE TITLE Siemeaccesrmatcle: Write in paragraphs, each paragraph should explain/aj plain/d sentence should introduce/summatize it. This is called atopieseons, HOUR and the firs empty to indicate that you start a new topic with the new a Leave the next line 120 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook Introduction: It is a short paragraph to give the reader a general idea of the topic, it should attract the reader's attention. A Main Body: It consists of 2 or more paragraphs, developing the topic. Conclusion: It should include final thoughts/comments about the topic. Formal style: Formal expressions, longer sentences, rich vocabulary Formal linking words are important to connect your thoughts. ‘There is a short list of them to choose from: ~ To state personal opinion: in my opinion, it seems to me that... ~ To list points: first of all, firstly, secondly, in the first place, Bes ne a ~ To add more points: furthermore, moreover, what is more, ~ To show purpose: so as to, in order to... No use of short forms (like I'm, isn't, wouldn't, ete.) Impersonal tone Factual presentation of the information Introduction: Paragraph 1 ~ One of the tricks to attract topic, now it is the Hi e.g. Have you ever did. Believe me, it is 2 attention is to ask a poetic question about the 9 Hungarian Cuisine, Main body: Paragraph 2 — Write about the main chara Paragraph 3 the Way We Cook teristics of Hungarian cuisine ~ Spices and ingredients used Paragraph 4 — The most popular dishes and their recipes Conclusion: Paragraph 5 ~ Describe a personal ex perience and explain why one should try it. ~ Ifpossible refer back to the first paragraph, e.g: [hope I have managed to wet your appetite and you cannot wait to taste one of the humerous mouth-watering dishes of the Hungarian cuisine. to accompany to bake breadcrumbs carp catfish cauldron cauliflower to chop cottage cheese cuisine doughnut dumpling flavour flour to fry garlic goose liver goose/geese to grate to grind, ground, ground to grow fruit ingredient 122 VOCABULARY elkisér stitni kenyeret y, stiteményt Prézli, zsemlemorzsa Ponty haresa bogracs karfiol darabol, aprit legjobban a Magyar tiréra hasonlit konyhamivészet, fozésm6d fink nokedli fz, 2amat liszt zsiradékban siitni fokhagyma libaméj liba reszelni 6rélni, dardlni gylamélesét termeszteni nyersanyag iii lard lentil onion to peel pickles ie pike-perch poppy seed roux salad dressing to slice sour cream spice spinach to steam stew to stir tarragon trout veal 9 Hungarian Cuisine, the Way We Cook disznézsir lencse hagyma hamozni savanytisig pite fogas mak rantas salata Gntet szeletelni tejfol fiiszer spenot parolni porkélt keverni tarkony pisetring borjithis 123

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