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f~ Tr-* 1 4f..1..t.I\'£ .tl 'fDht.rtl'C trllt\.h oo"}"''''T

~Yo/r.A ~;JtT ;Jltll1


h",t.h1"'l'/ ,ou:" cJrTCi 11thYear No.1

Ol\.:"f"kl4..1..t.I\,£ .Il'l"ht.11.1'£ ~TlIA.h
h.lllt hO'l oulth~9" ! +, - Iifji Addis Ababa 2r1' September 2004
f ih1l1l "'1Dt}f"'f 9"hC 0.:" m'lt~:" flDlI)

fft/m-Mi/. CONfENTS

f"7.tlt:"C''f rhc 0.:" ~111 (;':C"'C) Council of Ministers Regulation No. 111/2004
4ITC ifIi/Iinf, ,.r. fhC'lr1~ ~tiicl1.1: Arbaminch University Establishing Council of
"7**"7.1 ~'1I :., 1R"1fi(~f1~ Ministers Charter Regulations '" Page 2895

f"7.tlt:"C''f rhc 0.:" ~111 (;':c.,.c) cJr'l'CifIi/Iil1i COUNCIL OF MINISTERS CHARTER

fhC'lr14i£8' ~tiicl1.1:1 I\",**r flDlI) f"7.tlt:"C''f rhc REGULATION No. 11112004
f""C''f rhc 0.:" fl\.:"f"kl 4..1..t.I\'£ .Il'l"ht.11.1'£ ESTABLISHING ARBAMINCH UNIVERSITY
~':lIA.h hlt~~"7. ht}I\:"1 "'~1I)11i .,...,'lC I\oulD(a1 This Charter Regulations is issued by the Council of Ministers
OIDII)ID- h'f'~ 4I'I'C !l/Iiifn h1"'R" ~ ~1J-9" fhCj:.,.'l'/ pursuant to Article 5 of Definitions of Powers and Duties of
:"rtlc:",,'f'~ cJrTCrf:li/Iiif1?; h1+R" ~ oulP~:" ~tl1 the Executive Organs (If the Federal Democratic Republic of
~ 111 (;':c.,.c) hID-T:t~ 81 Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 and Art.. 8 of Higher
ht;:~ h1!:
. . m:"I\I\ Education Proclamation No. 351/2003.
}i. h4i£8'CC6lt
f.tI ;.:C.,.C "fhC'lr14i£8' ~tiiCl1. 1: "'**"7.1 f"7.tlt 1. Short Tide
, :"C''f rhc 0.:" ~111 (;.:c.,.C)cJr'l'Cini/Iii.fjf," This Charter may be cited as the "Arbaminch University
.,.1It\- A.m+lt f.'fl\~ II
Establishing Council of Ministers Regulation Charter
If' :"C=\"i No.1U/2004. "
OtLtI ;.:C.,.C ID-lt'l' .f f?A- h1'l1l "'1\ :"C1-9" f"7.1 2. Definitions
(amID- t}~I1'~ Oia.,.+C f In this Charter unless the context requires otherwise;
i) "h'f'~" ",1\:" fhCj:.,.'l'/ :"9"tlC:" h'f'~ cJr'l'C 1. "Proclamation" means Higher Education
rf~i/Iiin~ ~ID- II Proclamation No. 351/2003. .
If) "h~~" ",1\:" Ol\.:"f"kl 4..1..t.I\'£ .Il'l"ht.11.1'£. 2. "Region" means a region provided under Article
ih1oo"}..,,,,:" h1+R" ~ i(f,) f"'m+(aID- h~~
47(1) (7) of the Constitution of the Federal De-
r) "ou1..,,,,:"" f ""7.tia-f:C" f ""7.tlt:"c" f
mocratic Republic of Ethiopia.
"flC!:" f """to:"" f "f)\t}.c;"7.h 1Pt..,.'l'/" f 3. "Government" , "Ministry" , "Minister" ,
~~4.11:" f ".(-c~:"" f ~~fhCj:"''l'/:"rtlc:" "'*9"" "Board", "Senate", "Academic Staff', "Fund"
f"7.A- :1"1\:" nh'f'~ f"'(aIl):fID- :"C1-9" ~tj t. "Enterprise" "Higher Education Institution" shall
:f'f' ~I: have the definitions given in the Proclamation.

\ \
I'M. 'P;J 4.40
Unit Price ~:M"":'","1 ;r.",... 1N(6
Negarit G.P.O.Box 8<),001
1R"!!i'f.;tfji tJ.,&-t\ ~;J6"";JtLlIJ ~'I'C {i oollhl9" I -n Iitfj~ 't.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 20thSeptember, 2004-Page 2896

tJlf:A V-f\T
f~tiiCfl. rf:lD- OD**9" PART TWO
r.' oo**9"Cj "'m&'lT
3. Establishment and Accountability
Ii) "CI19",}"l'" ~tiicfl. rf: (tUlU 0:\1\ "~tiicfl. rf:"
1. There is hereby established the University of Ar-
.,.11 f\o fOlJ.m &-) & '} f:F f\ Cj f ih.., {}lD-'1T ! f\ lD-
baminch (herein afterreferred to as "the Univesity")
hlf:"'~ fT9"UCT "'*9" I1'li OtlU :FC.,.C as an. autonomous higher education institution
.,.* <k".7.A II having its own legal personality.
~) ~tiicfl. rf:lD- OP'~ fOlJ.h.,.lt-T "'*"'1T : 4-I1A 2. The University shallcomprise the following ins-
rf:sP';f 'hCj T9"UCT n..y.';f ~li~:t'A : titutions, faculties and schools.
U) lD-'/ i:tJlif\o:( h. ,}llrf:T~T : (a) Water Technology Institute
(b) Faculty of Engineering
f\) 9"U,} ~llCj 4-11-Arf: :
(c) Faculty of Sciences
th) l}~,}ll 4-11-A--I: : (d) Faculty of. Social Sciences, Humanities and
OD) f"'110&-~ "ff.,}ll: v-"'1trf:llCj n.1f'lll 4-11-A-I::
lP) f~U~ 9"~~ T9"UCT n.T : (e) School of Graduate Studies
~) mf.kT O{1C~.Cj OOlJ.tlli:~ fOlJ.**OO- ibf\o';f (f) Other Faculties, Colleges and Institutes to be

4-11-A rf:sP';f : \'1t\. }(';fCj "'*"'1 T: established by the board and the Ministry
r.) ~tiicfl.-I:lD- "'m&'l-l: f\T9"UCT OIJ.tlli:C 3. The univerisity shall be accountable to the Ministry
f.IJ'Cj All of Education.

!!, ql\ "'1 4. Objectives

The University shall have the following objectives:
~tiicfl. rf:lD- fOlJ.h.,.lt-T ql\"'1sP';f'A II 1) provides skilled manpower in quantity and quality
Ii) U1&-I:'} O"'f\!~ 00-!sP';f (\.!1f\..,A fOlJ.';fA
that will serve the country in different professions.
f{}f\m'l f{}lD- ~f.A 011JfTCj O'l'&-T "'1lf:&-T : 2) expands higher education services that are free from
ID fUC: f'/f."'1liT: fP:t': f7'f\rf:I1Cj fODl}{}lt-T any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, sex,
A~'l.y.';f f"'1f.f.~"'OT fhlf:"'~ T9"UCT "1A politics and other similar grounds.
..,f\oT OD llm T : 3) lays down problem solving educational and ins-
';f..,C t.:f flJ''lCj fU1&-I:'} 'h9":" '/11T P' &- I\f. titutional system that enables to utilize potential
resources of the country and undertake study and
f\"'1'PA fOlJ.!ll';fA T9"UC:t'~Cj "'*"'1~ P'CqT
ODUC;JT 'hCj 'I'CjTCj 9"C9"C "'1~~'" i
4) provides higher education and community services
!!) hU1&-I: Mi htJAlt-lf:I\1T 'hCj "~1T ;JC f"'llJllJOD that are compatible with the needs and development
fhlf:"'~ T9"UCT 'hCj f111~"'{}11 "1A ..,f\oT of the country.
ODllm"" : 5) lays down an institutional system that ensures the
?;) f~tiicfl. rf:lD-'} "'m!-t'lT fOlJ.!~;J"''I' P'CqT accountability of the institution.
ODUC;JT : 6) ensures the participation of all those concerned
1;) O"ll"'~f.C lD-l}~ "{}llJ'I' I\~ fOlJ.ODf\h"'lD-'} v-lt- bodies in administration decision making, create and
promote participation culture.
"'l}TG: "'1~;J1'1' : f"l}:t'k'lT I1UA'} ODlf:mCCj 7) makes efforts to develop and disseminate the culture
"'1 Uff..., :
of respect, tolerance and living together among
%) O{}sP';f ODl1hA ODhl10C : OD:F:FACj "11C' fODliC people.
I1UA 'h,}Jl1f\11TCj 'h'}Jl{}CR' "'1~~'" :
5. Power and Duties
?;, P' A llJ'} Cj .,..., 11C The University shall have the following powers and
~ t ii C fl. rf:lD-fOlJ.h.,.lt-T P' A llJ'}Cj.,..., 11&-T' A II duties:
Ii) 4-11-Arf:sP';f: \'1ib~';fCjibf\o';f fT9"UCTCj f9"C9"C 1) to implement undergraduate and postgraduate
.,.*IfP';f "*<k1fP f:"~OD 9"~~Cj f~U~ 9"~~ programs establish and run colleges, faculties,
schools, institutes, and other academic and research
"fC''''&-9'' P'&- "'111~~ : units;
~) f9"llhC m~"'T: Jl"ff\o"'1Cj Jl"'& 'h'}Jlo-9" ibf\o';f 2) to confer academic certificates, diplomas, degrees
f "'f\!~ f" I1~OIJ.tJ 7iA "'1.y.';f'} ODllm T 'h'}Jlv-9" and other academic awards, and to confer academic
hlf:"'~ "ll"''P?\}' I\f.~'" (}sP';f f"I1~OIJ.tJ II'L~~ titles and medals for those who have made immense
7i A "'1TCj "'1" ~.., ODllm T : contributions;
r) f\U1C "~1T :,.~OIJ.! 00lJ.{}'I'11:flD- ODll\'1';f I\f. 3) to undertake relevant studies and research that
'I'CjTCj 9"C9"C "'1 ~~.., : contributes to the development of the country;
4) to organize and conduct seminars, workshops and
!!) (J.OIJ.CjC'';f: qlD-f. 'I'Cj.y.';f5 fl.9"7'tlfIfP1'') "'1U;J
. :
. symposia;
~ TCj "'111~~
5) to ,establish relations with different bodies including
?;) OU1C lD-ll'l'Cj 0lD-"l'" U1C h0lJ.1~ ~tiicfl.-I:sP';f : local and foreign sister universities, research ins-
f9"C9"C .,.*IfP';fCj "'ODl}l}~ ql\"'1 I11\TlD- "111\T titutions, and other organizations having similar
;JC "',}~'lT ODODp'~T: objectives;
1;) f"'1"'1hC: f P'AmCjCj t\.f\o';f "1A..,f\o.y.';f f\111~ 6) provide appropriate consultancy, special training
.,.{}{}-: f\tJAA ODll"'~~C'';fCj f\4..~&-A OD,}"'P'T and other services to the community, local govern-
0"..,11{}- ODllmT : ments and the Federal government at large;
1A"liI'.~I~~ U-60t\ ~:MT, :J/I,II) 4I1'C Ii oul'llhr! +1 !iln~ 't.r. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.1 20'"September, 2004-Page 2897

j) f.}o?,"UC.}o 00 1\ ch..y."f'i ;J H.t11"f 0?'J:'J:?'"'i 7) to establish and publish academic journals and
O?i'tt.~.}o f newsletters;
:;;;) fO?"};;:ID-"}?,""}11l.}o ""n..}o foolf"} f 8) to own property;
9) to enter into contracts;
D) hV'l\".;;: aJ1"} ;JC ID-/.\ OOLt.l?'" f
10) to sue and be sued in tis own name;
I) OP'OO- foohi'tl\'i foohi'tl\ f
11) to levy appropriately for the services it is providing;
I~) ""7.i'tmlD- 1\1/.\..,i\-.}o"'10. hCj:1 fO?l\hL/.\ f
12) to establish and administer income generation enter-
nO f10. L"}1: 'h'i f10. 0?00"}6Ii 1:C~.}o O?'J:*?'" prise and income fund;
O?l\"'~1.Cf 13) to cary out such other activities as are necessary for
Ir) f'tii'Ci't. -l;1D-"} 'i"0? "o?l\L,.?," 1\l\L"1. flJ'). the attainment of its objectives;
I\.i\-"f "''''''t..}o"} O?h'iaJ"} I:
6. Autonomy and Accountability
i' ~R~.}o'i "'ml<1: ~.}o 1) Subject to internal regulations of the Board and
~) O(1C~ flD-l\'I' 1."}(1"f'i Ol\.i\-"f U1"f f".1. ~111D- provisions of other laws, the University shall par-
'h"}1.". m 0.,. II''i 't ii'C i't.-l;ID- 0". ",. 0 "7.h". ftc.}o ticularly have administrative autonomy and accoun-
tability in the following;
",. "'ml<1:~.}o ",. "'i l'P/.\ II (a) implement the administeration of personnel,
(v) fi't.ii'./.\ i'tcii'.l\ ooClfsP"f"} oowl.}o OO?1:l..,
employment, promotion and other matters of
f".'J:oo- wt.".7f"f 1\l\"'~1.C f :"'I'C f iJ1:1.}of the university staff according to the principle of
'h1~'i I\.i\-"f "'~f-"f"} 00L"!.?'"f Civil Service;
(,,) fh.. .}of-iiI"} f~"'i"}l\ 1\l\"'~1.C u.., Ooo"} (b) administer finance, allocate and utilize budget
".t.l\ O~"'i"}l\ 1\l\"'~1.C f OID-l\m "ftc 1\11".}o to its internal units on the basis of the Financial
01:.}o fO?h~L/.\'i 01\"'''0- foom"'?'" f Law of Ethiopia;
(th) fV1&-I:"} 'h'i f'i"?'" 1\.,.Cj: 1.lJr~"f"} OmO.,. (c) Curriculum review and development in line
oo/.\h- P'C'i'" .}o?'"UC.}of001?'"1?'"'i fO?ifif/.\ f with national guidelines an"dinternational stan-
(00) f"'/.\1\~.}o'i "'ml<1:~.}o ooCU"} f".h"." dards;
(d) Formulating research strategy and conducting
f?'"C?'"C l\.}ot.-f::( 00"}1.Cj:'i fo?l\L,.?," f
(w) fi't.ii'./.\ i'tcii'.l\ ooClfsP"f"} 00000Cf111 flD-l\'I' same on the principles of transparency and
1\1.lJr1:.}o"} fooaJi't"} f
(e) determining internal organization on the prin-
(l) f.}o?,"UC.}of f?'"C?'"C'i f111l".i't11 1\1/.\..,i\-.}o
ciples of the Civil Service Commission;
;),,4. ~-I:"} "ooaJllJ.}o hV1C 1D-l\'I''i hlD-liJ!"V1C (t) establishing relation with local and international
,tii'Ci't.-l;~"f ;JC f.}o1111C ..,"}~~.}o OOCj:mCf institutions for the advancement of its academic,
(i't) f10. 0?00"}6Ii 1:C~.}o"} 0?'J:*?'"'i 10.~=t:"} research, community service duties;
00 m"'?'" f (g) establishing income generating enterprise and
ID OU.., 01\." o-~:1' f"'1.~111D- 'h"}1."'1I10.,.1f'i ,tii'c use the earned-incomes;
i't.-l;1D- iJlD-~.}o "ooif .}o f iJlD-"'.}o"} "O? 0/.\,..., 2) Subject to limitations provided by other laws, the
'h"}Jlo-?'" ID-m.-I:"} "O?i'tt.~.}o fooO?C f O?l\TO?C university shall have academic and research freedom
to search for truth, cultivate and advance knowlege,
'h'i ?'"C?'"C ~.,~.}o "'i l'P/.\ II
and disseminate the same
r) f'tii'Ci't.-l;1D- "'ml<1:~.}o 0".",. f
3) The University shall have accountability, in par-
(v) f"7.111'£~ TID- f.}o?,"UC.}o'i ?'"C?'"C "fC'''' ticular, with respect to
t.lf""f hV1C ;rl\.i't.~"f'i l\.}ot.-f::(~"f f"'1~ (a) ensuring that all educational and research
oolf'iTID-"} f programs emanate from the country's strategies
(,,) "oo"}"'P'.}o "fC'..,t.'l""f :"1:"7.1
00l\1I1-1:"}'i and policies.
hV1t.'£ o-~:1'~"f ;JC f"'1'i"0- oolf'iTID-"} f (b) ensuring that priorities are given to government
(th) 1\m:l' ",. 1\w t.~ 0.., /.\1\ ~.}o'i 01\ ":1' 4. ~.}o ",. programs and are relevant to the country's
f",oowl-l: oolf)'"} f situations,
(00) f01: .}o'i V11.}o 1\1."1.ftc'i 1\m:l''''OO- IDQJ. (c) ensuring that the allocation and utilization of
budget and resource are based on cost effec-
"1lJ0. 'i "ih1l11 ;)"4.~.}o"} f"7.1l;J"''I' OOIJ')."}f
(w) fooO?C f o?l\".o?C'i f?'"C?'"C P't.~"f ".'J:O?'£
tiveness and responsibility to the public,
(d) ensuring that all teaching-learning and research
IJ'~ID- 0..,/.\1\ f"7.h'iaJ). oolf'iTID-"} f
activities are institutionalized and transparent.
(l) 'tii'ci't. -l;1D-'i f".'J:oo- 0?10li't11 0"7.1l\00" (e) ensuring that the university staff are evaluated,
..,O-.}of'l't..}o'i "'10.~.}o 1.lJr ID-m..}of"7."h-
individually and severally, with results com-
oolf)'"} f mensurate with quality and relevance standards.
(i't) O?"};;:ID-?,"OO?l\TO?C f Ooooot.ooC OO?it".~ (t) ensuring that any member of the institutions in
1.C'i ooo?'"t..}o ;)"L~.}o ",. '" f".'J:oo- responsibilies of teaching, research, adminis-
"/.\1.l" O"''im/.\?'" If~ 0;Jt- ""'II1&1D- tration and leadership is accountable to the
1\1)/.\ 'i "111l".i't ~.}o ID- 00 IJ')."} f public and the body to which it is accountable
11 "'1111 <I:
'" individually or collectively.
00?l;J1'1' ",. f",oowl'" "If'i/'\ II

j. fOOlJr /.\ID-ID-'I' 7. Information Exchange

1) There shall be an exchange of information between
~) (1C~ 0"7.1aJllJaJo foolJr /.\ID-ID-'I'P'C'i.}o 0000&1 private and public institutions, as well as other
oowl.}o h..,/.\ ".*",.}o fhoo"}..,P':1''£ .,.'J:O?.}o'h'i
bodies and the university as per the internal
hl\.i\-~'1\I1".}o .?c foolJr /.\ID-ID-'I'l1.c:JlAl: regulations of the B()~d.
'I~' ~jf.;.;f:i~ ~J!.,IrA, '1;1,(,'''' ;11f,ff) <toTC(i oo"'hl9" I n Iitfj~ '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.1, 20111
September 2004-Page 2898

~) f-tiiCo. -tlD- 0I/1~lD-9" h""9"IJC"" ;JC f1- 1 IH 2) The university has the duty, up on request, to provide
9"C9"C fOlJ.(}t- 0' t-1-~ m f,9" 1-01/~ '1'14: o.,<I>C a worker, a student or any other body who under-
111\"" OIJ~jf f,(}ffJA mf,9" OIJ~jf ~ 1.1t11~ takes research relating to education with information
If-C;JA:: or assist to have access thereto.
3) Research and studies documents shall be made
r) f9UC9"C'I '1''1'''' ?ich-G:'f l\f-tiiCo.-tlD- 1-0I/~9''f :
1-0IJt-0I/~9''f'l 1\.1\°'f 1-m:J>OIJ.9''f ooo-tt- ~ 1.1t
available to all students, researchers and other
beneficiaries of the University.
f-C(}. fOlJ.f-~7- OIJlf1 "I\I1TlD- ::
=to '1''1'''''1 9" C9" C 8. Studies and Research
li) f'l''''''' 9"C9"C P t- I\OI/h'lm1 "ll&,.I\1. IfC: 1) Particulars on organization necessary to conduct a
f1-11lD- "f-~jf;!"" Of-tiico.-tlD- flD-ll'l' f-111'1 research work shall be provided in accordance with
f"ll"'~f-C OIJ'P:"c fOlJ.m(}11fC: fOlJ.h1-tt-"" OIJll&. internal regulation of the university and is based on
C-f-'f f,C:~:J-A II the following requirements;
(u) ff-tiico.-tlD- f9"C9"C 1-..,I1t-"" O"\1~OIJ.tJ'I a) The research is led by Academic and Research
Vice President
9"C9"C 9"tJ""A T &.tl~1"" f,OIJt-A ::
(b) The University may open research institute
(1\) f-tiico.-tlD- "1l&.I\1. IfC: 0.111lD- f9"C9"C
when it finds necessary
1-*01/"" h lJ:"" f, 'fl\ A :: (c) The Univesity shall solicit and allocate suf-
(th) f-tiiCo. -tlD- 1\0000Ih'llD-~lD- 9"C9"C'I '1''1'''' O-t
ficient fund for research and study it conduct
11 Hl1 01/&.1\1\.., : OIJOIJ,.('.11'I OP t- I\f, OI/'PA
and utilize it for the purpose intended;
f,C:CO:J-A II (d) The University may employ researchers and
(OIJ) f-t ii C0. -tlD- f9"C9"C P t-1 fOlJ.(}~ 1-0IJt-OI/~ their assistants by joint appointmentship;
9''f'l f9"C9"C ~~-f-'f O..,A mf,9" O;Jt- :"'I'C (e) The University may undertake cooperative
"'<I>'I'C f,'fl\A :: rest'Jrch with relevant organizations.
(0') f-tiiCo.-tlD- fOlJ.I\1'l.~TlD- 9"C9"c:'f "..,11 2. The University research and studies projects, their
11 ~..,.\1 1\TlD- h 1\.1\"
' f 1-*01/"" ;J C 0 ""1111C selection, budget utilization and resource ownership
"'lf1 f.'fl\A :: as well as implementation of the same shall be
~O ff-tiiCo.-tlD- f'l''''''' 9"C9"C C()ll "0IJt-~'I' =- transparent and accountable.
fO;!"" "m:J><I>9"' fUl1"" ""11 : ~ 1.1tu-9"
f9"C9"C "&.~~9" f"'A?i~""' 1-ml-t~"" OIJCIf
9''f1 f1-h1-1\ f,1f'lA ::
9. The University Board
tJ lJ:A Y'll"" 1) The Board shall have a chairperson appointed by the
lll\ f-t ii co. -tlD- f P t- "ll&.~ OIJ.,,\11\"" Ministry.
2) The Board shall have members consisting of
u. 1l1\f-tiico.-tlD- (lC.(-
(a) Ministry of Education member
li) ff-tiiCo.-tlD- {lC.(- OOlJ.tll-t~ fOlJ.(}f9" (}l1l}o.
(b) One representative of Federal Government-
f.C: ~'PA ::
~) (lC.c;. fOlJ.h1-tt-"" "111\"" f.C:~:J-A :: (c) Four representatives of Regional Government-
(u) f""9"IJC"" OIJ.tll-tC "I1A member
(1\) f&..f-t-A 0IJ1"'P"" 1-m\1f, ("1,(-) "I1A (d) A renowned and meritorious person
(th) ftJAA 0IJ1"'P"" 1-m\1f''f ("t-"") "I1A , member
(OIJ) :J-'P-t ..,1\(}11 "I1A e) Other members as determined by the Board-
(0' ) 1\.1\"'f 0 (lC.c;. fOlJ.() f 00- "11 1\..,. 11A member
(~) ff-tiiCo.-tlD- T&.rt.~1"" "I1A ~' Kthk (f) President of the University
r) ()
0 PC.c;. fOlJ. f 00- "11 1\"" 1\ A 01/"" "1l1-'P 1\ ~ 1 f-~ 7- ,member and secretary
ff- t ii C 0.-tlD- "1 A.., 1\""" 1-m:J> 0IJ.9''f OIJ 1f1 3) Members assigned by the Board shall have positive
"I\I1TlD- II contributions to development and shall be be-
() 1-.., 11t-"" neficiaries of the service rendered by the University.
2) {lC.c;. 0" 'P~ f 1- ffic"" P A ffJ1 'I
f.Cj~:J-A :: 4) The Board shall have duties and responsibilities
given to it in the Proclamation.
I' ff-tiiCo. -tlD- ().~..,.
().M: 1-m~ ~i: 1\T &.tl~1 i: IfC: fOlJ.h1- tt-"" 111\"" 10. The University Senate
" The senate shall be accountable to the University
f,C:~:J-A ::
(}l1l}o. President and have the following members;
li) ff-tiiCo.-tlD- T&.rt.~1""
111\..,. 1) President of the University chairperson
~) ff-tiiCo. -tlD-9"IT &.tl~1-f-'f
" 2) Vice-President of the University member
r) "\1~OIJ.tJTc:..,t-9" ~I\k "11 A
3) Academic Programs Officer member
2) f4-\1A-t fh.111-t""f-"" f..,./n.-f-'f'l=-
4) Deans of Faculties, Institutes, Shools & Colleges-
ltl\.~'f .Itc:'f--- 111\..,.
" members
?;) 'f ,'h1l11'1 lD-6f.b "'1}.~"" ~I\k "flA 5) Public and External Relations Officer member
?;) ff-tiico. -tlD- &.~ll""t-c "11A 6) Registrar of the University member & Secretary
%) ff-tii co. -tlD- fn.1-OIJ~,'hlJ:"" ~I\k "'11A 7) Head Librarian of the University member
=t) f1-llf/~9''f .It1 "11A 8) Students' Dean member
7[> 111\..,.
u) f'" \1~ OIJ.tJ 0' t- 1- 'f u-I\"" 1-m\1f''f " 111\..,.
9) Two Academic Staff Representatives members
I) u-I\"" f1-OI/~9''f 1-m\1f''f 10) Two Student Representatives , member
'A'lit~f:l~ u.~~ ~;Jt"" ;Jt111J 4I1'C AOOllhl",! -n !Uf:l~ 't.",. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.1,20September 2004-Page 2899

IIi) f"~iic(\..f:m- ftt.,.~ .,..«I,f.+mt),f. hflt\ 11. Head or Representative of Gender Mainstreming
no f9"C9"C'i tJ.'tOD.'t~"4. hl]t\ Office member
II:) (1C~fUtf't""7Tm- h"'fll1~.}- '''Tm- 12) Head of"''''''''Research and Publication member
A.fto~~"4.fP~ h fI".}- 13) Other appropriate members of the University to be
assigned by the Board members.
Hi' ftt~i: P't\IIJ")'i +..,flC 11. Powers and Duties of the Senate
Oh'P)t f+ODt\h+m- "")1.+mO+ IT'i tt~i: fUth+l\-.}- Subject to the provisions of the Proclamation, the Senate
P' t\ trJ")'i +.., fIt-.}- "'i~;J- t\ :
shall have the following powers and duties;
li) O(1C~ fUtmll1' hm:J>"" ODOD(,lfP~") +..,flt-ce 1) to implement directives issued by the Board.
"71:1..., : 2) to set criteria for admission of students, deter-
W f"""'('fP~ h+flOt\") : f.}-9"tJC.}- 1.1.~ hmi'"..")") mination of academic standards and graduation, and
fJlI\ TI\.") "'.«If"~")'i 9"1.:1>")fUtODt\hi: ODODU~ regulate disciplinary matters; to examine and decide
ODlILC"'~") "7m-IIJ.}- : OlttJ fUt +Co- :"&.;J- on petitions relating to same;
"" 3) to determine the general standards and directions of
1:) hm:J>"" f L+'i hf'tIlJ'I''i I.I.~fP~ h:"IIJIiIiJ."~") conducting of examinations;
4) to issue specific directives on the basis of law and
policies drawn up by the Board particularly on
!!) OtJ..,'i O(1C~ fUtmll1' ;rl\.l\fP~") ODIPI..}- student administration,academic matters, procedure
0"71:1.'" O+t\,f. n..,.",(,fP~ hll+.«I1.C : f"UiC for selection of academic heads, employment of
I\-f:m- f.}-9"tJC.}- ~h "'.«If"~ : f.}-9"tJC.}-~"4.fP~ academicstaff,promotion, fringe benefits, discipline
f9"CIiIiJ.P'~-P'C'J.}- : fht).«IUth 1Pt-+7f~ :"'I'C : and salary,;
111:1.}-: '1':""7 '1':"9" : Jll\ TI\.") : I.ODm1f nUtOD 5) to propose promotion of professorship to the Board
t\h'}- ODOD(,1"7m-IIJ.}-: 6) to award academic promotion of associate and
~) fao-I\- Te" 4..f'tC~.}- "7111..., "")Jlf't'l' t\(1C~ 0...11 assitant professorships;
"7:"1.11 :
7) to examine and approve the employment of
academic staff of the University;
i) fl.-4.'t'i f+l]fI(, Te"4..f'tC~.}-"7111...,")ODlIm.}-: 8) to issue its own meeting procedures and internal
i) fht).«IUth 1Pt-+7f~") :"'I'C ODODCODC'i "71\1.:":
;5) f t-(a.") flll1f't1] P'~-P'C'J.}- ODmf't"): 9) subject to the condition where the president may call
ii) T&.It.«l")i: hllL"'L IT'i 1\11im- fUtmt-m-lIlIf'tfl a meeting where he deems necessary, to have at least

.~")1.+mn+ IT'i nf~l1 'JODi: "-1")lI h")1: 'Lit one'meeting each quarter;
ODf'tl1f'tl1 : 10) to delegate its duties to other University bodies and
I) +"'fI~") t\A.fto~ f"~iicl\ -f:m- ht)".}-'i *Ut m,f.9" standing or ad-hoc committees;
'LtLlce f1Ut-l;fP~ "7l1+"t\tt: : 11) to perform such other activities, as may be assigned
Ili) O(1C~ fUtf'tIl1'.}-") A.fto~ +"'fle"~ "7h'im") II
to it by the Board and/or the president.
12) Presidentand Vice-Presidentsof the University
11' lIt\ "~iicl\-f: T&.It.«l").'t'i 9"!T&.It.«l")"'~ 1) The candidatepresidents of the University shall have
i) f"~iicl\-f:m- 1It;L1: T&.It.«l").}-IT~m-fUt+Co- f'tfP~ commendable academic and managerial ability as
f+ODf'thl.t\.'t fht).«IUth'i hll+.«I1.C 11:J>.}- well as ethics;
,,")Jlo-9" ODt\t)9" P'~-9'""'flC I\.'it-Tm- ,f.1f1t\ II 2) There shall be three vice presidents of the University
I) "~iicl\-f:m- t\T&.It.«l")i: +m(, fIT} V'lI.}-9"!T&.1t accountable to the president;
.«I")"'~ "'i~;J-t\ II 3) The term of office of the University president and
1:) f"~iiCI\-f:m- T&.It.«l").'t'i 9"!T&.It.«l")"'~ fP't- Vice-presidentsshall be five year;
UOD") h9"lI.}- 'JOD.}- "IT'it\' II 4) The University president. shall have duties and
!!) f"~ iiCI\ -f:m- T &.It.«l").}-nh 'P)t f+ODt\hi:.}- responsibilitiesas provided in the Proclamation.
P't\IIJ")'i +..,flt-.}- "'i~;J-t\ II 13. Vice-Presidentsand theirPowers and Duties
1) The University Academic and Research Vice-
II:' f"~iiCI\-f:m- f9"h.}-t\ Tt.It.«l")"'~ .P't\IIJ")'i +..,flC President shall;
li) f"~iicl\-f:m- fht).«IUth'i 9"C9"C 9"!T~It.«l").}-: (a) consult and assist the President regarding the
(0) f"~iiCI\-f:m-") P't\IIJ")'i +..,flC n-tODt\h+ powers and duties of the University;
f"~iicl\-f:m-") T~It.«l").}-1"7ht-t\ : ,f.1..«It\: (b) direct and supervise the activities of the
(t\) n(1C~'i ott~i: f+"t\4- m-"'~fP~'i ODOD(, University organs accounatble to it upon im-
IfP~ np't- n"7'Pt\ t\"C(a. +m(, fll'} plementation of the decisions and directives
"" : "-'lIJmt-t\ :
htt:fto~") "ODt-t\ issued by the Board and Senate.
(th) f"~iiCI\-f:m- T~It.«l").}- n"7"'icn.}- 'LtL (c) In the absence of the president, direct and
++h.,. "~iiCI\-f:m-") "ODt-t\: Il1+fll1t-t\ : coordinate the activities of the university on
(OD) f .}-9"tJC.}-"7 IIh".'t") "")1.4- \}.t\ -f: : f1A.1: : behalf of the president.
(d) plan, lead and supervise academic activities of
+*9" : .}-9"tJC.}-o..'t "'i +h;J-;J-" .}-9"tJC.}- the University in its faculties, institutes,
htt:fto~") P't- 1:".«It\ : f.t1Dt-t\ : nn""~.}- schools and continuing education programs.
"-'lIJmt-t\: (e) plan, lead and supervise research and studies
(IP) f9"C9"C "'i 'I''i.}- ""):"lI:J>ttfP~ 1:".«It\ I activities, agreements and projects of the
f.t1Dt-t\ I nn""~.'t "-'lIJmt-t\ I University,
(I.) f"~ ii C1\ -f:m-") OD 1\ thtt:.}- o..}- I ~ 1:lI.}-t-C
(t) Lead and supervise the library, registrar and
1\ihL.}- o..}-'i A.fto~ np'~ 11\-.}-") htt:fto~ other organs of the University, which are
"ODt-t\ : no""~.}- ,,-'lIJmt-t\ :
directly accountable to it.
1~' !!if..!H~ 4J.,1r1A ~;M"" .71/'lI) ~1'C li ouilhl9" 1 +11itf1?:'}'9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.1, 20 September 2004-Page 2900

(()) 11th. &-If 'i '}1\9" ""'lj: '?Tf. '1,y.'f') 'i ""1111c>'f') g)solicit national and international links and part-
fJ./tA;JA I "J.RROI/TlD-') f.h;J-.,./tA 1- nerships; and follow their implementation.
(1i) OP' &- f tr hlj:fto'f') f P' &- hJ.RR9" L O:!"" (h) report on activity performance budget
h lj:lj:A 'i "m:J>.,.9" h ') -tu-9" t\.fto'f h '):,. il:J>1'1. allocation and utilization and other activities of
91'f') O+ool\h+ ~;rc"" I\I&.H.~')"" the units under it to the President.
(i) Carry out such other activities which may be
(.,.) O{lC~ I Ol'l.~i:'i 01 &.H.~,)i: fl1l/..l1m-""') specifically entrusted to it by the Board, the
Senate or the President.
lbfto'f +ooltltf. +'?fI&-"" fh'ilD-'iA ::
2) The University Administration Vice~President shall
~) f~~ii'C""-tlD- f"il+~~C 9"/1&.H.~')"" I (a) consult and assist the President regarding the
(u) f~~ii'Cf1.-tlD-') P'AflJ')'i .,.,?flC O+ool\h+ powers and duties of the University;
f~~ii'Cf1.-tlD-') I&.H.~')"" fOl/h&-A f.1.~A I (b) direct and supervise the activities of the
(1\) I\hC()' +m~ flf.,. f~~ii'Cf1. -tlD- tJlj:fto'f') University organs accountable to it
f.oo&-AI f.4'>flJm&-AI (c) direct and supervise the University students
(tit) f+OI/~5P'f "1A,?fto""') I fhil+~~C'i f4.f. services, financial, administrative and support
'i')il P'&-f:"~A I f,OO&-A f.4'>flJm&-A I serVIces.
(00) O{lC~'i Ol'l.~i: f+l1m- lD-lt~91'f')'i oooo~f (d) implement the decisions and directives issued
91'f') +'?fI&-If f~C;JA I by the Board, or Senate,
(w) f+*OO-,) (e) solicit and administer national and inter-
"il+~~C'i OI/~~oo')"" ,,:,.9"
1\01/i'fi'fA h 11th. &-If'i '}1\9" ""'lj: +*01/"" ;J C national partnerships to improve the adminis-
trative and management capacity of the ins-
"1,)1-'1"" f,J.1'&-A I +'?fI&-If'1i:,) f.h;J-+/tAI
. titution.
(I.) fp'&- hJ.RR9" I fO:!"" "00~~1I'i hm:J>.,.9"
(f) report on activity performance, budget
h ') -tu-9" f t\.fto'f h '):,. il:J>1'I.5P'f') ~;rc"" 1\1 allocation and utilization and other activities of
&.H.~,)i: f"'CflA I the units under it to the President.
(l1) O{lC~ I 01'l.~i:'i01 &.H.~,)i: fl1l/..l1m-""') (g) undertake other duties given to it by the Board,
t\.fto'f +ooltltf. +'?fI&-"" fh'ilD-'iA :: the Senate or the President.
r) f~~ii'Cf1.-tlD- fQ lI'1il'i AOI/"" 9"/1&.H.~')"" I 3) The University Development and Business Vice
(u) f~~ii'Cf1.-tlD-') P'AflJ')'i +'?flC O+OOl\h+ President.
f~~ii'Cf1. -tlD-') 1 &.H.~')"" fOl/tJ&-A I f,1.~A I (a) consult and assist the President regarding the
(1\) I\hC()' +m~ flf.,. f~~ii'Cf1. -tlD-') tJlj:fto'f powers and duties of the University;
f.oo&-A I f.4'>flJm&-A I (b) direct and supervise the activities of the
(tit) O{lC~'i Ol'l.~i: f+/tl\4-- lD-lt~91'f'i oooo~ University organs accountable to it
f5P'f OP'&- /tf. oo'P/tTlD-') f.h;J-+/tA I
(c) implement the decisions and directives issued
(00) f1Q 0I/00')6liJ. ~C~,y.'f,)'i f~~ii'Cf1.-tlD-')
by the Board, or Senate, .
plan, direct and supervise entrepreneurial en-
fQlI'1il tJlj:fto'f O+OOl\h+ f:"~A I f.oo&-AI terprises, and business units of the University,
f,4'>flJm&-A I f P' &- flUA') f11\1I;J-A I and create an entrepreneurial culture,
(w) O~~ii'Cf1.-tlD- h~-til fQ lI'1il Ult{l1'')'i (e) plan, programme, direct and supervise new
AOI/""')f:"~Alf.oo&-Alf.4'>flJm&-A: ventures and development in the University,
(I.) f~~ii'Cf1.-tlD-') "~-til fAOI/""'i fOl/il4.4...,. and outsourcing of facilities and services,
fil1:;J-A h. ')ii'il""oo'),y.'f') f:"~A I fil+~ (f) plan, programme, and manage capital invest-
~&-AI ments of the University that are related to new
((}) ht\.fto'f ~C~,y.'f ;JC f+1'i1-'i hC().') fl1l/..oo developments and expansions,
I\hi: il9"9"'1,y.'f'i 1c>:!tJ,y.'f') (g) direct, lead and supervise the implementation
f,oo&-AIf,m4'>flJm&-AI of agreements and projects related to its
(1i) lIth.&-If'i ,}I\9" ""'lj: domain with other organizations,
'?')1-'1"''f')'i ""1111
(h) Actively solicit national and international/links
c>'f') fJ./tA;JA I hJ.RROI/TlD-') f.h;J-+/tA I
(.,.) & partnerships, and execute the same;
OP'?- fl1l/..11-""') hil/t"" fp'&- "J.RROO-') I (i) report on activity performance budget
fO:!"" ~A~A'i "m:J>.,.9",) O+ool\h+ allocation and utilization and other activities of
~;rc"" f"'CflA I the units under its.
(0) fQ 11'1il'i fil""&-i::(tJ iJ:"~ OOl/U;J:!"" (j) prepare and submit business and strategic
f"'CflA I plans,
(I.) lbfto'f h{lC~ : hl'l.~i:'i hl&.H.~,)i: fl1l/..l1 (k) undertake other duties given to it by the Board,
111'''''')+,?fI&-"" fh{jlD-'iA :: the Senate or the President.
12' f"il~l1I/..tJ J'1l11/.."li')
/ 14. Academic Commission
(i) hf')~')~ 4.h-A-t J'1t\.~ h. ,)il-t""~"" he; ""9"UC"" 1) Each faculty, college, institute or school shall have
0."" I\-t.,. +m~ flf'1 f &-(). "il~l1I/..tJ J'1l11/.."li') an Academic Commission accountable to the Dean.
2) The academic co~ssion shall have the following
. f,'i I.'PA ::
~) fhil~l1I/..tJ J'1l11/.."li.,.fl1l/..h+tr"" "fI/t"" f.'i?-;J-A I members.
(a) Deans of the faculty, college, school or ins-
(U) f4.h-A-t I J'1t\.~ I h. ,)il-t""~""
titute chairperson
m f.9" ""9" UC..,. 0."" -t ') l1l1lto.
11\" !f/tifil 1..1..t.1A ~;1t"" ;1",11) 4!'I'C iI ouilhl9" 1 +11iU1 '}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. I, 20 September 2004-Page 2901

(1\) f4j.h-Ai; : 11{\.~ : :"/0.:" CDf-9" (b) Vice-deans of the faculty, college, school or
h. '}ili;:",f-:" 9"h:"A Jt'i'f t}/t- 1\111\:,. institute if any member
(th) f:"9"tJC:" ht;:t\-'f ~"4.sP'f 1\11":,. (c) Head of each departments member
(oP) 1\'}1: f-f-.D7~ 1P'f "'lDt}f. 1\I1A
(d) One Students' representative member
(e) One representative of the academic staff
(IP) n1\t}.';OI/.h1P&-1-V-'fm:""".,.I1q.
f"'oPlm 1\,}1: foP9"tJ&-'} "'CDt}f. 1\I1A (f) Faculty Continuing Education Coordi-
(l) f4j.h-Ai;ID- f.,.h;f';f'f. :"9"tJC:" nator member
1\h"'l1l1~ 1\I1A (g) Appropriate members to be assigned by the
((a) n1101/.7i). fOl/.oP1.n- 1\"'1111~:" commission member
J'''TID- ~"4.sP'f 1\11":" 3) Subject to directives of the senate, the academic
[) ff- t ii CIt i;ID- t1.~:" fO?J'lDlIJID- oPoP~J' ~ '}1..,. . corinnission shall have the following powers and

m n+ If'i f 1\t}.';OI/.h 1101/.7i). fOl/.h.,./t-:" P' A IIJ'}Cj duties;

.,...,11&-:"f.'i~;f'A : (a) Plan activities, prepare and allocate budget
(0) f4j.t}Ai;ID-'}: f11f\.:('}: f.,.9:00-'} CDf-9"f:"9" within the faculty, college, institute or school
and follow the implementation of the same;
tJC:" fl.i:,} iJ:"1: J'U;J~A : n1::" n07U;J1::" (b) submit for approval, by the senate, curricula of
f.1.I\1:"A : +AIIJ4j. 1\LRKOO-'}f.h;f''''''A : training ~nd educational programms of the
(1\) f P' AmCjCj f:"9"tJC:" oPCO..,1IC''f'} P'C~'" institution.
:"9"tJC"''f 1\U;J~'" nOl/.oPI\h"'ID- 1\t}A J'ilK (c) set criteria for students, related to education
1::J>A: and disciplinary matters, with due con-
(th) nt1.~i: OPOP~J' oPlPl:" f~~1P'f'} :"9"tJ sideration to directives of teh Senate;
C:"Cj P'~-9""'I1C f"'oPI\hi: 1fC1fC oPilLC (d) recommend to the Senate honorary degree
.,.'f'} f.lDilCjA : awards and education related prizes;
(oP) h:"9"tJC:";JC f"'J'J'~ 7iA07"''f'}Cj fhl1C (e) examine and determine the award of the
Jt..,~ ~ '}Jt(a'l' I\t1.~i: Oit1l J'+CI1A : academic promotions lecturers, assistant lec-
turers, graduate assistants and technicalassis-
(IP) ft\.hTlC: l.';:" t\.hTlC : l.';:" 9"~:"Cj
tants, as per the internal regulations of the
-I:hth l.';"''f'} iJ1:1:" nt1.~i: fID-il'l' oP"'.'; Board;
1.~J' 1.,}1I oPlPl:" ouC9"C' f.CDilCjA: (f) recommend to the Senate the award of the
(l) f"'I1I1~Cj l.';:" TC'A..(aC":" O7iJl.., ~'}Jt(a'l' academic promotions of assistant and associate
I\t1.~i: 1\:"Cf1 J'81::J>A : professorship;
((a) f1\t}.';OI/.hIP&-.,.V-'f :"'I'C'} f-oPl9"&-A : f~' (g) examine the employment of the academic
:"9"tJC:" iJ1:ACj f9"C9"CCj (a11i;t}A ~lt;: staff; and decide on cases of scholarship,
.,.'f') J'K1::J>A : research and sabbatical leaves;
(h) issue its own meeting procedures and internal
(it) f&-I't-'} fil1l(a11 P'~ P'C~:"Cj fID-il'l' 1.,}1I
\ regulations;
f.lDilCjA :
(i) perform such other activities as may be assig-
(+) ht1.~i: ~ Cj hT ~H..';,}i: fOl/.(am:"'} f\.t\-'f
ned to it by the President and the Senate.
.,..., 11&-:"'} J'h CjID-CjA II
"'oP it itf.
15. Department Assembly
I~. f:"9"tJC:" ht;:A 1-11q. I) Each Department in the University shall have
Ii) ~J''}.';'}~ f:"9"tJC:" ht;:A f &-I't-1-11q.f-'i l'P A II Department Assembly.
ID f:"9"tJC:" ht;:A 1-11q. n:"9"tJc:" ht;:/t- ~"4. 2) Every Department Assembly shll be composed of all
fOl/.oP &-9" If., v-/t-'}9" f oo-/t- 1.ff. oP9"tJ &-'}'} fulltime academic staff members of the department
J't}:";f'A II and shall be chaired by the Head of the Department.
[) f:"9"tJC:" ht;:A 1-11q. fOl/.h.,./t-:" P'AIIJ'}Cj 3) A Department Assembly shall have the following
.,...,I1C''f f.'i~;f'A : powers and duties,
(a) to submit recommendations to the Academic
(0) "'L"1. nlf)'Cj (aCi;4.h.:" lDf.9" Jt..,~
Commission on the programmes of studies
fO?J' (am oPC?..,1I c>'f1 1\1\t}.';OI/.h 1101/. 7i). necessary for obtaining certificates diplomas or
J'+CI1A: ItL+1: J'ilLf\07A : degrees offered by the department courses; and
(1\) f:"9"tJC:" ht;:/t-,} ~oP;f'ce iJ:"1: n1::"Cj excute same;
~;rc:" J'U;J~A : f.oPU..,I1A : (b) prepare the annual plan, budget and reports of
(th) f:"rtJC:" ht;:/t-,} f(aID-~f-ACj 4j.f.Cj,}ilf-h;f' the department;
(c) monitor the financial and personnel
"'''A : management of the department;
(oP) foP9"tJ&-'}Cj f-f-.D7~1P'f'} "'9"107Cj h:":"A
(d) conduct teachers and students' appraisal and
J'hCjID-CjA : fOl/.+Cn- :"~;f'sP'f'} f.oPl
evaluation; examine complaints thereof,
9"&-A: (e) standardize and supervise examinations and
(IP) L.,.Cj1P'f1Cj f1\t}.';OI/.h"'9"107 P'C~:"'} 1.l~
academic evaluations systems;
J'lDIIJA : f,h;f''''''A : (f) determine teaching material selection and
(l) f07il-f-.D7&.J' f\,h.G:'f'} 1\oP&-l'l'Cj 1f"'~:" preparation to courses, and approve distribution
f.lDilCjA: foP9"tJ&-'}'} fp'&- 65j,Cjf-CDilCjA: of teaching load to staff members;
((a) np'c~'" :"9"tJC:"Cj noPOI/CO7il-f-.D7C P'C~"" (g) support and facilitate quality improvement and
O7"if"ifJ'1P'fCj Lm&-1P'f ~'}JtO)I\1Ii: v-~;t'sP'f'} innovation in curriculum and learning-teaching
J'oo;F;FA: systems. '
.,R' !!i(ifl 4J,.601\ ~:Jt"" ;JtLtIJ<k'l'C li oPIIM9"! !in~ 'J.9". Federal Neg;uit Gazeta - No.1,20 September 2004-Page 2902

(if) f+fII/.~~"f1 m-m.:r- 11.1::l' IA: (h) approve students' grade.

(+) h.fto"f n4-i1IAi:m-'i n~~iicl\.i:m- T&.tL"S1:r- (i) ttlldertakesuch other similar duties assigned by
f"7.(}m- +..,qt-:r-11h'im-'i1A II the faculty and LheUniversity
16. Internal Autonomy of Organs of the University
I~' Ill\~~iicl\.i:m- IA~ IA~ hlf:fto"f fm-Il... FlAlfI1 1) theestaplishment and function of the various main
Ii) ntLtJ;Fc+c h1+'" r 10-11h1+'" 1 FC f+U~ organs of the University described in Article 3 Sub-
U...:r- 'h'i h.fto"f f~~iiCI\.i:m- hi1,,:r- h1.~~~:r- Article 2 of this Charter shall be. determined by
flCJ;. q1.1.+m- tJD1':"C tJDlP~:r-f,CD()'i1AII organizational structure to be approved by the
I) 'h11"S1J;. 4-11-1Ai::+*r: :r-9"tJC:r-n.:r- CDf,9"!'h'i Board.
fth.1: fn~:r- fll/6hlA 1.~~ it. c;~m- f,"f"1A : 2) each faculty, institute, school and/or college may
r) 'h11"S1J;. fn~:r- fll/6hlA ft-"", 6:"1:'1' n~:r-
have a cost center status.
3) each cost center shall prepare its own action plan,
fll/U;J~:r- : fn~:r- 'h'i Ul1:r- hm:l'+9"1 tJDCD(}1'i
budget, determine the useage of budget and resour-
~;rc:r- fll/U;J~:r- f,c;cn;1'1A II ces and prepare report;
If:' ffll/~1:tJD1:r- htJDt-Ch(}lf9" 17. Management and Leaderships Appointment
n~~iicl\.i:m- hi1,,:r- m-Il... lit- hi1,,:r-1 I\tJD9"t-:r- The candidate for different positions available in dif-
f"7.;1'tif.b(}m- n+l\f, f"7.h+It-:r-1 fII/":I.,,:r-hl\n:r- II ferent organs of the University shall meet the following
(u) ffll/~1:'tJD1:r-fhll+"S1.C'i fhtJDt-C 11:l':r-11\m- : criteria;
(1\) n~~iicl\.i:m- fhi1"S"7.h : f9"C9"C'i f1-f1~+(}l1
(a) managerial administration and leadership com-
h11A..,fto:r- m-Il... 11-k +...:r-c.: 11\m- :
(b) demonstrated ability to effectively participate in all
(tit) F t-sP:r: m-m.:r-I"'~'i tJDlAi19"P'''-9''..,QC II\m-f the academic, research and community services of
(tJD) .tl'l"ht-I\.ICC 'hi'l.-f"f1 ftJD+..,nC'i ffll/Il~'" 11"')1: the University;
.,:r-'i <kCm~.,:r- 11\m- : (c) demonstrated results and good conduct;
(d) preparednessand commitment for ability to practice
hlf:lAht-:r- and inculcate democratic values.
111\~~iicl\. i:m- 1Pt-+?f"f'i +f1I/~sP"f
Ii) ~~iicl\. i:m- nh1')1: f+tJDl\hi::r- 1Pt-+?f'f
18. The University Staff
f,c;...;1'1A II 1) The University shall have staff as provided in the
I) ~~iicl\.i:m- hh." tJD1..,F;1'CC CDf,9" f..,1A +*9" Proclamation;
1Pt-+;;:' n;Jt- :"...c tJD:"mC f,'f"1A II 2) The University may employ a staff of another
r) f;Jt- :" no-I\i: +*fII/:r- tJDi1hlA n"7.1.~'" institution, govermentor private entities in form of a
m-1\;1''i n.., 1\(ut 1l9"9".,:r- tJDlP~:r- +.., Qt-CCf,1f'i IA joint appointment-ship.
3) The joint appointment-ship is effected upon
agreement betw~n the respective employing or-
§) n;Jt- f++m~m- Ql\ou-l 'h11.*"7. tJD9"tJCf"7.;1'f,
ganization, as well as the consent of the individual;
Ifc; nt1t~ f+tJDl\hi::" "'1..;1''1' tJDl1-f'f f,C;...;1'1A II 4) Thejoint-appointee shall be considered as a full time
?;) f~~iicl\. i:m- 1Pt-+?f'f tJD-fI:r-'i ..,1..;1' nh1')1: academic staff enjoying all the rights and duties
f +tJD1\h+m- f,1f'i IAII provided in the laws.
5) Duties and responsibilities of University staff shall
Ii' 1l1\"-'~sP'f tJD+nl tJDtJDU;;: be as provided in the Proclamation.
Ii) nl\.""~' tJ-)'f Ill\tJD+n, tJDtJDu;;:f+1."11w, "'1.
19. Admission of Students
'''mn+ Ifc; ~~iicl\.i:m- : 1. Without prejudice to the provisions of this Charter
(u) +1fi.m-1 tJDtJDU;;: "":I.1t- 1t.:r-r-*,m-11
and other relevant laws regarding the requirments of
11\9"19" 1A~.,:r-hlf::r- f,1f'i1A : admission of students, the University shall:
(1\) f1t.:r-r-*1 fo-I\+;;: 1.~~ ftJDU;J~ :r-9"tJc:r- (a) be open to all qualified citizens of Ethiopia and
CDf,9""7.~Ili:... n(}mm- "'9":r- h;F 1.~~ 11\m- without any discrimination.
fm-tif.bU1C 0-1\+;;:1.~~11m'i++ 'h'i n~~iic (b) admit, for undergraduate studies, students who
I\.i:m- f+(}m m-1 f tJD"'fi.1 tJDtJD u;;: 1":1."
have completed Ethiopian preparatory level
+f1I/t1 1\:"1:tJD 9"~:l' tJDCU..,l1C :r-9"tJc:r- school education of foreign high school
education that has equivalent level as deter-
f,+n"lA : mined by the Ministry, and those who satisfy
(tit) f.tlTftofII/(II+I 'h'i I+r) 1.~~ ''':fm- +fII/~ entrance qualifications assessment of the
sP~'1 nh1:ii11l1: +fII/~.,:r- n:"1:tJD 9"~:l' University;
f,+n"lA : (c) admit students with diploma (12+2 and 10+3)
(tJD) fh If:+;;: :r-9" tJc:r- f :"1:tJD 9" ~:l' :r-9"tJc:r- as advanced students in its undergraduate
1 m'i++'i n ~~ ii CI\. i:m- f+CD(}'" tJDtJDu;;: (d) admit, for post graduage studies, students who
sP'f11":1." +fII/~1 l\1:tJ~ 9"~:l' tJDC,! ..,-flC have completed their undergraduate studies
:r-9"tlc:r- f,+n"lA : and satisfy entrance qualifications set by the
(II') M..-f"f: 1\;1'''S1.. hlAlA l1th.~(}l1 'h1.tl0-9" University;
1\-)IAfll/Ut CDf,9" 1A9"1: "":fm- +fII/~sP'f (e) determine special admission procedures, for
f+l\f h+QnlA FC~:r- it.CD(}1 f,'f"1A II female students, students from developing
I) ~~iicl\.i:m- f"7.+nl\m- +f1I/~' nCDQ;}. tJD;Jt-:r- regions, adults and experienced students.
tJDCtJ tJDlP~:r- Il\n:r-1 ..,1..;1' f"7.1":1." tJDlf1
2) All students shall fulfil the requirements as provided
in the principles of cost sharing.
hl\n:r- II
11\ litDff L1..&-A ~;JtT ;JtLlfJ ck'l'C i ouilhl9" 1 +11Dfj~ ~'9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.1, September 2004-Page 2903

1:) ~tiicft-l:~ f"-'&~,} "ftr>;J- ' fiJ~+~ Y.~jf

3) The University shall design an assessment
'h.'}Jlv-9" htJtr>~ l\oP19"19" fOtfit"f/.\ oPoPH~ mechanism that enables it to evaluate the ability and
fH.?jf/.\ II
level of knowledge as well as skills of its students.
4) The methods of assessment designed in accordance
~) OlltJ tt'}+Y\ '}o-it tt'}+Y\ I: oPlP~~ fOtll'1' oPoPH~
with Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be based on
l\"-'&~ O"'llm~ ~9"tJC~ CD~9"P'/.\mli ~H~ the content of course or training offered to the
I\~ f"'oPlP~'" "'h;J-;J-~ 9"Hli oPlf'} ttl\O~ : student and based on continuous assessment.
~) oPoPH~~ fOtll'1'O~ oP'}11: 0:1'/.\ : 0Y\th-ii: : 5) The method of assessment may be oral, written,
O.,...,I1Cli /btr>"f (I.~i: OOtOJit,}I1T~ oP'}1P."f practical or any other form to be decided by the
l\.rr') ~"fl\/.\ II Senate;
i) f9"Hli ~m."'"f ' fL.,.li CD~.,..,."f'} l\"-'&~ 6) The University shall return and notify transparently
oPoPl\it CDf,9"O..,/.\Y\"7"CD:"ttl\O~ II the results and examination papers to students.

hii:/.\ tt9"it~ PART FIVE

1). itl\ 1:c:E-i: oP**9"li ttt}I\i: 20. Establishment of Enterprise and Its Units
An enterprise, accountable to the University develop-
"'m&~i: l\~tiicft-l:~ fo.1f~itli /.\"7~ 9"h~/.\ "f&.ll
.-;'}~ frr~ fOth"'ftc~ ttt}I\~ fftc~ f~tiicft-l:~ ment and Business Vice-President, having the following
units is hereby established;
1:c:E-~ .,.*ek".7./'\ II
(a) The consultancy service;
(0) f9"hc tt1/.\..,tr>~
(b) The production service;
(l\) f9"C~ tt1/.\..,tr>~ (c) The project service
(.It) f"fC'1:h~ tt1/.\..,tr>~ (d) The information technology service,
(oP) f J\.'}G:C"I 1i'} -tWi tr>:( tt 1/.\ ..,tr>~ (e) Other services t6 be established by the University;
(IP) CDY.k~ fOt**oo- /btr>"ftt1/'\'" tr>.,."f
21. Source of Income
1)1i' f10. 9"'}6f!" Without prejudice to the income sources of the enterprise
ottcp:( f"'Y.~11~ 'h.,}y''''mO+ rr'i : provided by the Proclmation;
Ii) ~tJ ;Fc.,.c P'1r I\~ hoPCPftc Ok~ h~tiicft-l:~ 1) Income generated from income generating units of
f10. 9"'}6f!" ttt}I\~ f"'1j.10.9»"f f1:C:E-i: f10. the University before the coming into effect of this
9"'}6f!" ~rrli ftc II Charter, shall be income of the enterprise.
2) Income generating units of the University es-
IV ;Fc"'~ P'1r I\~ hoPCPftc Ok~ f~O~ f~tiicft-l:~
f10. "7oP'}61>/.ttt}I\~ 01:c:E-i: P'C ~lfliftc II
tablished before the coming into force of this Charter
shall be under the enterprise.
1)1' f 1:c:E-i: P' /.\ llJ'}li .,..., 11Ir~
22. Powers and Duties of the Enterprise
L:I'1: "7"'1~'} foP"llftc Oc"h'" f"'Y.~1'"
In addition to requirements such as acquiring licenses, in
'h.,}y''''mOek rr~~ 1:c:E-i: fOth"'ftc~ P'/.\IlJ'}li
accordance with relevant laws the' enterprise has the
"''''I1Ir~ ~'i~;J-/.\ II
following powers and duties;
Ii) f"7"7hC tt1/.\..,tr>~ oPitm~ : 1) Give consultancy services;
IV l\~:E-9" OJ~9" l\tt6f!"C 'Lit 9"C.,."f'} i oP~~""li 2) Lease or renting production, transport and construc-
f..,'}I1;J- oPPf&f9»"f'} "7hlrf~ : tion equipment, for long or short period;
1:) f..,'}I1;J- oPPftf9»"f "79"~~li oPii''1' CD~9" 3) Produce and sell or lease construction materials;
"7hlrf~ : 4) Produce technologically advanced electronics
~) Oi:h'itr>:( fl\ek fh./bh~C'thit oPUf&fsP"f'} materials;
" 5) Carry out laboratory tests.
. "79-'4~ :
/~) fo..,. oo-hlr tt1/.\ ..,tr>~ oPitm~ : 6) Undertake model development and tests;
i) f'1'li~ 'I"Yutr>"f'}lioo-hlr9»1-'} "7hli CD'}: 7) Assist service giving sectors such as in water
%) o~y U-O~ ttit.,..-;y.c oPll/.\ tt1/.\..,tr>.,."f'} oPC'-;~: resource managment and similar sectors;
8) Supply agricultural products;
~) f..,-oCli ~m."'"f'} "7:"~-O :
9) Producing metal and woodwork materials to be sold
Ii) f'h.'}aJ.~li f-o~~ ~m."'"f'} "79"~~li "7:"~-O :
for nation wide consumer;
I) f..,'}I1;J- P' IrsP"f'} oP"'llJmC : 10) Supervision of construction sites;
Iii) '1'li.,."f'} : ,}1:ii: P'lrsP"f'} ' f"fC'1:h~ 1l~P."f'} 11) Prepare and review of project documents, designs
"7";J1:~li ttit"'ff~ oPitm~ : and studies;
IIVfJ\. '}.,.C~~ t}A..liflt9"1:~"'C tt1/.\"'(ri.~ oPitm~: 12) Give Internet cafes and computer centers;
II:) foPY\.ltii:~li ftJ~i1P~ 00-1'£ tt1/.\..,tr>~ oPitm~ : 13) Give sales services of books and other publications;
I~) f,}-o~.,."f l1l\o.~ norr'} : 14) Own property
1)1:' f 1:C:E-i: ttit.,..-;y.c 23. Managerment of the Enterprise
f1:c:E-i: ttm:l'I\~ ttit.,..-;y.c 1:c:E-i:'} : ttt}I\i:,} The general management of the enterprise and its
fOtoP~ llsP"f fOtoP~mO~ 'h.lifOt ",,-;y.~o~ f 1:c:E-i: structure, capital, the election of its managers and other
oPCP:"c : ft}1:;J-ftcli/btr>"f tt"'I1-o~~ fl\TOJo .,.'-;f""f relevant issues shall be decided by the board.
O(lC~ ~OJllliftc II
'IW !!n:itf~ 4..1..&-/:\ ~.?&..,. .?l1tIJ <IITC It (llJilhl.9" I on IitU1 ,.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.I, 20 September 2004 -Page 2904

?;'§ . f '(-C~i: f4-f.r.'''Hl 00" l\ 6liJ.Cj f F Ir h '):"il:J> (J.') ill\'!'! 24. Submission of Enterprise and Activity Report of the
:,.~.n Enterprise
f '(-C~'f: r4-f.Cj,)il oo.,l\6liJ.Cj f F Ir h'):"il:J>(J. f '(-C~i: The Enterprise, shall, within three months after the end of
fn~-}o ~ooT 11l\"'{}T 1.H. ~9"r: I1lt-Tfr {lJIrT 1.H. its fiscal year, submit to the Board the financial and
~il... n"'!.OOl\h.,.ro. f'(-C~i: "11&\ l\{1C~ oo:"~-n activity report of the enterprise.
"l\nT II 25. Establishment of the Fund
Upon the request of the University and with the approval
f)?;' ill\ L').(- 00**9" of the Board or the Ministry, a Fund shall be established
~""7Cj f10. 9"')a1: n"'P~ f"'1l\~~ f~tiicct-t~ having aim and source of income as provided by the
L ').(- nlttJ 1.')-n .,.*4:":/.&\ II Proclamation.
t;.?;. f4. ')~ "11"T 26. Organs of the Fund
Ii) L ')~ : The Fund shall have:
(0) fL ')~ "il"'~1.C {1C.(-Cj (hlttJ (1C.(- (a) Fund Administration Board (herein referred to as
.,.-n f\o f"'!.mlr) the "Fund Board");
(l\) (J.tJ&.:t'~1T (b) Secretariat;
f.1j ~'P&\ II
27. Members of the Fund Board
I) (1C~ "'m~"i: l\~tiicct-t~ T&.It~')T f.IfCj&\ II 1) The Fund Board shall have members assigned by the
f):t. fL ')~ (1C.(- "11"T
President of the University;
2) The term of the Board shall be two years.
Ii) (1C~ n~tiicct-t~ T&.It~')T f"'!.(}foD-"11"T
3) In case of reduction of the numbers of members due
f.1j~:t'/.\ II
to any reason, a new member shall be appointed.
I) f{1C~ f Fir noo') o-l\T ~ooT f.IfCj /.\ II
r) f{1C~ "11"T n"7CjT~ o-~:t' FIrT~') ooFIrT 28. Duties and Responsibilities of the Fund Board
11&\~lt- n9"TI1T~ "Jlil "11&\f.(}f"7&\ II The board shall have the following duties and respon-
t;.t. fL,)~ {1C.(-F&\IlJ')Cj .,..,I1C 1) Follow up the implementation of the aims of the fund
(1C~ f"'!.h.,.lt-T F&\IlJ')Cj .,..,I1C f.1j~:t'&\ : and issue the necessary directives for the execution
Ii) fL ')~ ~""79':f') Fir "f. 00'Plt-,) f.~llJmlr&\ of the same;
l\"L"-~"7T~ "ilL"1.~') 0000~1 1{lJ1lJ&\: 2). Examine reports submitted by the secretariat on the
I) h&\~ &\" f L ')~ 9"')~:f f"'11- 10.sP:f n"'10. application of different sources of income for their
o-~:t' Fir "f. oo""T~') n"'OOl\h.,. n(J.tJ&.:t' intended purposes and approve it;
~1i: f"'!."'C-nl\T') ~;rCT ooC9"r: 1~'(-:J>&\: 3) Ensure that the income of the Fund are duly
r) fL')~ 10.9':f nf1.H.~ oo(}-n(}I1T~') 1~;J 4) Carry out other activities necessary for the
., IlJ/.\II
§) .l\L ')~ ~1\"7 ooi'tI1T f"'!.1ilL&\'" fa,f\o:f.,..,I1IrT') achievement of the aims of the Fund
IhCj~Cj&\ II 29. Meetings of the Fund Board
The time for convening of the meetings of the Board and
f)!i' fL ')~ {1C.(- il-n(}I19':f the procedure voting in the meetings shall be determined
f{1C~ il-n(}l1sP:f f"'!.I1~~nT o-~:t'Cj f'(-9"1\ "(}IlJm- by rules and procedures issued by the Fund Board.
F"-FC~T {1C~ n"'!.11D1lJ~ f~il...1.')-n f.{lJ(}Cj&\II
30. Powers and Duties of the Secretariat
0' f"ilL"-"'!. (J.tJ&.:t'~1i: F&\IlJ')Cj .,..,I1C The secretariat shall have the following powers and
"ilL"- "'!. (J.tJ&.:t' ~1i: f"'!.h.,.lt-T F /.\ IlJ')Cj .,..,11 C
f.1j~:t'&\ II 1) prepare annual budgets activity and financial reports
Ii) ~oo:t''£ n~T : fFIr h'):"il:J>(J.CjftPf-n 00.,l\6liJ. and submit those for the approval to the Fund Board;
~;rc"':f') l\L ')~ (1C~ ,,:"C{1 1~'(-:J>&\ : 2) examine porjects prepared and assisted by the Fund,
I) nL')~ .(-;Jtt:.f"'!.I1~~ Tr:~tJ"':f') f.00~9"1r&\ : and allow the Fund for the implementation of the
n{1C~ 0000~1 oolP~T fTr:~tJ.y.:,:') fFIr same in accordance with the directives issued by the
"7ilh.)11')n-n f.L:"~&\ :
3) :>tudyadditional ways and sources of the finance to
r) l\L ')~ "'(;t}."7~ f10. 9"')6£b l\.1f)' f"'!.:flt- o-~:t'
be used for the Fund
sP":f.') .f m Cj &\ :
4) keep minutes, reports and working papers of the
§) f{1C~ ') f Fir oolf.,-nT : n1119':fCj fil-n(}11 :J>l\.
Fund board; follow up the appropriate implemen-
"'11~9':f') f.f.If&\ : f{1C~ ~Pf~9':f') nTtJtJ&\ tation of directives issued by the Fund Board;
OOL~"7T~') 1~;J"1lJ1A: 5) execute other duties provided by the Board;
?;) nL ').(- (1C~ f"'!.(}m- fa,f\o:fFlrsP:f') 1hCjID-Cj&\ II
31. Powers and Duties of Director of the Secretariat of the
01i' fL ')~ (J.tJ&.:t'~1T ~f.&.tJ.,.C F&\IlJ')t; .,..,I1C Fund
f L ')~ (J.tJ&.:t'~1T ~f.&.tJ.,.C L')~ ') n"'!.ool\hT The director of the secretariat of the fund shall be
"~f-:f "'m~"i: l\{1C~ If" nlttJ 1.')-n "')"'1\ 0 accountable to the Fund Board on matters related to the
f'''OOl\hi:T') f(J.tJ&.:t'~11:,) F&\IlJ')Cj.,..,I1C Fir "f. Fund and implement powers and duties of the secretariat
!~,,&\ II provided under Article 30 of this Charter.
'IK" Ifitiff. 1J.t-1\ ~;Jt:r- ;JlJ.IIJ <IITCIi ouilh~9"I +, Iiir:l1 'i'9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.1, 20 September 2004-Page 2905

h tj:t\ it.(-it"" PART SIX

it" t\ ~ t\ ~ u-~;J-9'".f
~..,. 32. Inapplicable Laws
0 II, .,. t.1t Of.. it"
117f,tj &-Tt1J4,no)".f
f,tJ'} ~c.,.c fOf..:J>~~ f.-'}{1".f1j oooot,ftp".f "'t.1tOf..~"" Any regulations or directives. inconsistent with the
provisions of this Charter shall not be applicable.
"' &-TtIJ49" II

.., tj: 33. Transfer of Rights and Duties

0r' f oo11""1j 1..;J- 00"''''' The rights and duties of the institute known as Ar-
"'Cf19",}'T" oooilt\ fOf..;J-m"'t1J4 ~tiicC\ of:OlLtJ ~c.,.c baminch before coming into force of this Charter is
hooWWOO- 04f."" f"t1J4 OO11""1j f~O~O"" ..,1..;J- OlLtJ
hereby transferred to the University.
~c.,.c "~tiicC\of:t1J4 "'''t\~t\ II
34. Effective Date
@!. ~c.,.~ fOf..1tIjO""'ut. This Charter shall enter into force on the date of its
f,tJ~c.,.c O~;Jt,"" ;JltlfJ hmlfJO"" .,.'} 1.9"C: f1t1j publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
f,lflj t\ II
Done in Addis Ababa, This 20 day of September 2004.
Ja.IJ.1IJaflll uollh~r 1 ~11iillj'.r.'
Meles Zenawi
ooAII nf'q: Prime Minister of the Federal
fJaJt'f-k'J' tl..f-&-Iff: f-fPh&-I1.J'f: &'P4M..h
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
OJ:'tiff, tPJ..

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