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At the end of the lesson the student should be explain:-

 The two type of glands.

 Describe the location and function of the main endocrine glands
 State the cause and treatment of diabetes mellitus.
 Describe the structure and function of male reproductive system.
 Describe the structure and function of female reproductive organ.

Endocrine system:-alsocalled hormonal systemin which secretes a hormone transmitted in

the blood stream and reaches in the target tissue.

Glands:-are organs which produce chemicals those regulate the activity of the body.

Glands:- exocrine and endocrine glands

Exocrine glands:-have their own duct and secretes a solution.

Endocrine glands:-ductless which secretes a hormone that spreads to the blood stream
and acts on the target tissue.

Example of exocrine glands are:-mammary glands

- sweat glands

- salivary glands

- digestive glands

Example of endocrine glands:-pituitary glands

- pineal glands

- thyroid glands

- parathyroid glands

- pancreas and adrenalglands

1. Pituitary glands-are located in the beneath of the hypothalamus.

-small in size (pea like structure).

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- Master of glands b/c which regulate any other


pituitary glands:- anterior thyroid stimulating hormone

Posterioradrenocorticotropic hormone
Gonadotropic stimulating hormone

Antidiuretic hormoneoxytocin hormoneGrowth hormone

Lacto tropic hormone

Hypothalamus – coordinates the endocrine system with the

Nervous system.

(Posterioranterior pituitary gland

Pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone

Glands.)Adreno corticotrophin stimulating hormone

Anti-diuretic hormone (ADh) Gonadotropic stimulating hormone

Oxytocin Growth hormone

Lacto-trophic hormone


- Located in the neck region

- Butter fly like shaped

- Secrets thyroxin hormone:- one of the hormone involved in the long term chemical control of
the body.

- Thyroxin:-regulatesmetabolic rate of the body which determines the broken down and built
up of substances in the tissue.

- Iodine: - found in the food diet which used as a source of thyroxin

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Thyroid gland


Goiter: -a disorder of thyroid gland which caused by the deficiency of iodine in the diet.

- swelling of neck region due to lack of iodine in the diet.

- Common those people live in highland area due to lack of iodine in the soil fertility.

- Mostly affects the women because loss of iodine during pregnancy and birth.

Thyrotoxicosis ( hyper-thyrodism):- excess production of thyroxin hormone.

3. Parathyroid glands ( four in number located in the posterior to the thyroid gland)

-are glands which produce parathromone hormone that regulates the calcium level in the blood

4. Pancreas

- are a small pink organ found below the stomach.

- Secrets both digestive enzymes and hormones (insulin and glucagon)

- insulin and glucagon are hormones which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood

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- Pancreas is located in between stomach and small intestine

- Head of pancreas attached with the duodenum.

- Pancreas is both endocrine and exocrine glands.

Secretes insulin secretes digestive enzymes to

Glucagon the intestine.

Insulin- is a hormone secreted in the pancreas which decreases the glucose concentration in
the blood.

Glucagon-is a hormone secreted in the pancreases which increases glucose concentration in the

Insulin can regulates the glucose concentration due to

 Increased uptake of glucose by the cells.

 Glucose converted into fat for storage.
 Glucose removed to supply cellular respiration
 Glucose converted into glycogen in the liver and muscle cell.
Glucagon can regulates the glucose concentration due to
 Synthesize glucose from amino acids or fats
 Glucose synthesize from the liver

Disorder of pancreas

I. Diabetes mellitus - high amount of glucose concentration in the blood due to

decreases the secretion of insulin in the pancreas.

Types of diabetes(ስኳርህመም)

1. Type-1-diabetes mellitus –common in children and young people

- it is inherited and cannot avoid it

2. type-2-diabetes mellitus- appears later in the life and can be linked to being obese or

Possibly under weight.

II. Management of diabetes mellitus

-Regular Exercise- to reduce the obesity

-insulin injection

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- located on the top of the kidney

- secretes adrenaline hormone which regulates the fight, flight and fright.

- During angry, stress, excited or freighted, the adrenal glands secrets adrenalin hormone.

Adrenaline –affects many different organs such as:

-Pupils of the eye (dilates)

- Beating of the heart rate

-preparing the body for actions

- increasing the breathing rate due to increase the amount of oxygen.

- Stored carbohydrate in the liver is converted into glucose in the blood.

- The body hair stands on end.

-Increased mentalawareness and speed of reaction

- Blood diverted away from your gut.

Left adrenal gland

Right adrenal gland

right kidney left kidney

urinary bladder

*Adrenal glands: cortex and medulla

Cortex- the outer part of the adrenal.

Medulla – is the inner part of the adrenal.

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Cortex – secrets:

a. Gluco-corticoids-regulates the glucose concentration.

b. Mineralocorticoids- regulatethe amount of minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium) in the

Medulla- epinephrine and norepinephrine

Adrenal cortex

Adrenal medulla

Growth hormones- are secreted by anterior pituitary glands which regulates the development
of bone and muscles.

Growth hormone-

a. Gigantism-excess of growth hormone production.

b. Dwarfism- low amount of growth hormone production.

6. Gonads

Testis and ovaries

Male reproductive organ organ

The male reproductive system has the following function

 To produce sperms in the testes

 To deliver sperm in an liquid medium
 To produce the male sex hormone ( testosterone )

Reproductive organ of male

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I. Scrotum -enclosed an external sac of the testes
II. Epididymis- much coiled tube about 6 meters long in each testis and connected to
the sperm duct.
III. Penis- semen conveying organ.
IV. Urethra- an opening tubular structure in which delivery the sperm cell and urine.
V. Vas deferens - a tubular structure which transport the sperm cell to the
VI. Prostate gland – only found in male reproductive organ which alkaline fluid.
VII. Seminal vesicle – an organ which produces semen in male reproductive organ.
VIII. Sperm – is a component of alkaline fluid and seminal fluid which ejaculated
during sexual intercourse.

Components of sperm:

Head –contain acrosome enzyme

Mid piece – contain mitochondria

Tail – used to locomotion or swimming during ejaculation

Acrosome enzyme



Structure of sperm

Female reproductive system

The role of female reproductive system:

 To produce female sex cell

 To deliver egg cells to the oviduct
 To a favorable condition for implantation and embryo development
 To produce sex hormone ( estrogen and progesterone )

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The female reproductive organ

1. Ovaries- the primary sexual organ which produces mature ovum (egg) in each month.
2. Oviducts(fallopiantube) – a site in which fertilization takes place.
3. Uterus – is a muscular organ in which implantation and fetus development takes place.
4. Cervix – is a conical shape that can contract during delivery(labor)
5. Vagina – is a muscular structure which contain many parts that used to satisfy the sexual
intercourse and to delivery the fetus during pregnancy.


 Gametogenesis – formation of male and female gametes

 Spermatogenesis – is the process of sperm production
 Oogenesis – the process of egg cell production
 Conception (fertilization)- is the fusion of nuclei of the male and female gametes
 Ejaculation – is a forceful ejection of semen (about 5ml per ejaculation)
 Seminiferous tubules – cells produced in the testes within tightly coiled tubes
 Testosterone (androgen) – found in males controls the development of male secondary
sexual characteristics
 Menstruation – if fertilization does not occur , soon following ovulation , the blood rich
tissues on the surface of the uterus wall starts to break off resulting in bleeding
 Menopause – the cessation of menstruation
 Vasectomy – cutting the vase deferens (sperm ducts) to regulate flow of sperm
 Tubal ligation –cutting the female oviducts to prevent sperm reaching in the ovum.

Methods of contraception

1. Natural method (rhythm method) - this approach is to avoid sex only on the days preceding
and following ovulation. It is rest of sexual cycle and it is safe for sexual intercourse.

2. pills- it is involve ingestion of hormones or birth control. These pills contain estrogen and

3. Intrauterine devices (IUDS)- which prevents the embryo implantation

- is insertion of a coil or other irregularly shaped object in to the uterus

4. Condoms – it is a barrier method which prevents the delivery of sperm to the vagina.

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5. diaphragm- another barrier method which prevents the entire of the sperm to cover the
cervix.itIs a rubber dome shaped.

Brain storming questions

1. Explain the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands

2. State the reason that pituitary gland is a master of gland
3. Explain the function of adrenalin hormone
4. Mention and describe the hormones produced by anterior pituitary glands
5. What is the reason that pancreas is both endocrine gland and exocrine gland
6. Label the diagram of the male reproductive system and its own function
7. Label the diagram of the female reproductive system and their own function
8. Explain and describe the contraception method
Define the following terms
 Thyroxin
 Calcitonin
 Gametogenesis
 Ejaculation
 Semen
 Sperm
 Ovum (egg)
 Oviduct
 Fertilization
 Contraception
 Rape
 Female gentile mutilation

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Telegram-Hibret Lelimat secondary school-Arba Minch

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