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Fig . Definition of angles and velocities in steady symmetrical flight


Xb, Yb, Zb – Body axes system (Yb, not shown, is pointing in the paper), with Xb along some airplane reference line.
Xs, Ys, Zs – Stability axes system (Ys is pointing along Yb) with Xs pointing in the direction of the velocity vector v.
γ – read (climb path angle). The flight path angle. Positive for ascending flight (climb) and negative for descending
flight (glide or dive)
α – airplane (airframe) angle of attack
θ – pitch altitude angle
v – true airspeed
vh – horizontal flight speed component
vv – vertical flight speed component or rate of climb (R.C.)
δ – rate of descent (R.D.)

Fig . Definition of forces in steady symmetrical flight.

+ ΣFxs = 0
D + Wsinγ - Tcos(α + θT) = 0
CDqS + Wsinγ - Tcos(α + θT) = 0

+ ΣFzs = 0
L + Tsin(α + θT) – Wcosγ = 0
CLqS + Tcos(α + θT) - Wcosγ = 0


L – airplane lift
D – airplane drag
T – airplane thrust
W – airplane weight
θT – thrust orientation angle relative to body x-axis

Seven (7) quantities needed to completely define a steady symmetrical state:

1. W
2. h (through ρ)
3. α
4. θT
5. v
6. γ
7. T

In most problems, W, θT and h will be given, leaving for variables. Two variables can be arbitrarily selected.
Example cases are
 Level flight (γ=0) at speed υ. The variables T and α follow from the equations.
 Flight at a given thrust-level, T and a desired climb angle, γ. The variables v and α follow from the

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