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Nursing Care Plan


NAME/ INITIALS OF PATIENT: R.O. AGE:____16__ SEX: __Female STATUS: _Single

ADDRESS: ____unindicated (rural area)

Date and Time Nursing Diagnosis Short Term and Long Term Outcomes
November17, 2020 Acute Pain related to distention and Afterthree hours of nursing interventions, After series of nursing interventions, will be able
8:00am tenderness in abdomen the patient will verbalize adequate pain to return to preoperative activities.

Assessment Parameters Implementation

Nursing Orders/ Approaches Rationale
Subjective: Dx:
 Pain is rated 10/10 Asses level of pain at leasthourly during the initial Controlling postoperative pain not only promotes comfort but also facilitates
 Patient stated, “hurts all postoperative then at least every 4 hours or whenever coughing, turning, deep breathing exercises, early ambulation, and healing.
over my whole vital signs are obtained. Have patient describe pain on a Rating the pain provides a more objective description and helps the
stomach.” scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 is no pain and 10 is worst nurse/physician to choose pain medication appropriate to severity of pain.
Objective: pain)
 Pale and listless Note response of patient to medication, and report to Severe pain not relieved by routine measures may indicate developing
 Bowel sounds are absent physician if pain is not being relieved. complications or need for further intervention.
 Abdomen is distended Ascertain client’s understanding of individual To determine informational needs of client.
 Abdomen is tender to nutritional needs and ways client is meeting those
touch needs.
 NGT is draining in an Monitor Vital Signs, including temperature, at least Bacterial Infection often is present in acute cholecystitis, and may cause an
increased amount of every 4 hours elevated temperature and respiratory rate
dark, greenish black Tx:
fluid. Place patient in a Fowler’s position. Fowler’s position decreases pressure on the inflamed gallbladder.
Promote bedrest. Allowing patient to assume position of comfort.
Initiate non-pharmacologic approaches to pain These techniques complement pain medication.
management such as relaxation, distraction, and
imagery techniques.
Make time to listen to and maintain frequent contact Helpful in alleviating anxiety and refocusing attention, which can relieve
with patient. pain.
Administer analgesics, as ordered. Medication helps in maintaining comfort and enhance mobility.It allows the
client to rest. Regular analgesic administration maintains a therapeutic
blood level for more effective pain relief.
Evaluate effectiveness of pain medicationwithin 30 to Effectiveness may indicate a need for change of dosage or medication.
45 minutes of administration.
Discuss abdominal splinting during coughing, turning, Teaching the patient on how to properly care for the wound would facilitate
or ambulating as needed. a good and faster healing of the wound.
Teach home care of incision.
Discuss activity limitations, as needed.
Discuss with SO(s) ways in which they can assist client Family members/SOs may provide assistance to the client by helping on the
with pain management. client's strenuous chores, supporting timely pain control, and providing
gentle massage to reduce muscle tension (as indicated).
ACTUAL OUTCOME:Goal met. After three hours of DATE& TIME RESOLVED
nursing interventions, the patient verbalized an adequate pain November17, 2020
relief from 10/10 to 6/10. 12:00pm

Le Mone, P. & Burke, K. (2007) Principles of Medical-Surgical Nursing. Volume 1. 4th Edition. Philippines. Pearson Education Inc., Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-
Vera, M. (2019) Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis. Retrieved November 21, 2020 from

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